
The story revolves around a middle class girl named "Ifza Zafar" a 23 year old living her simple yet best life away from all sorts of problematic things and people, unaware of being born as the only heir of the richest and the cursed "Malik" family.
Ifza was adopted by Zafar's to keep her safe from the curse of Malik's family nevertheless the curse found its way to Ifza which changed her life completely.
I was standing alone drenching in the rain and not a single person around except the man standing behind me. His presence sent a chill down my spine.

I turned around to have a look on that stranger. I couldn't see his face as it was dark and raining heavily I could barely keep my eyelids open so I flashed the torch on his face and without giving a second thought I just wailed....

"Hello mister!! What are you looking at? Huh!! "

Listening me shout he was puzzled as if he heard a monster screaming.

"I have been observing you past chasing me? " I yelled.

"Are you talking to me?"
His angelic voice with the puzzled eyes demanded.

"How's this possible? " voice whispered.


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