Chapter 35 [edited]

The lazy chirping of nearby birds slowly brought me to drowsy consciousness, taking me a minute to remember where I was. Jacob was still asleep next to me, soft snores rumbling from his throat as his arm was wrapped around me. Last night instantly replayed in my mind and a wave of pure happiness washed over me. Careful not to disturb my sleeping fiance, I shifted slightly so I could tilt my head up comfortably and study him.

His hair had grown a bit longer since his buzz cut; it was still relatively short, but a comb was required to smooth it down. His face was peaceful, almost as if he wasn't about to fight an army of newborns in a few hours. My eyes were drawn to his mouth, his lips slightly parted as his jaw was slacked, free of clenched tension.

The urge to kiss him overcame me, and I wasn't sure if it was only that or if last night had awakened something in me. While I debated with myself internally, I heard a zipper break the eerie silence of the campsite, followed by Bella's voice a few seconds later.

"Hi, Seth."


"Where's Jacob? Did he already...?"

"Not yet," Edward's voice answered her. "It's a bit early... I'm sure he and Autumn are still asleep."

You know I'm not, I mentally rolled my eyes at Edward, hearing him chuckle under his breath as he passed our tent.

"Oh... should we wake them up?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure they'll come around soon."

Thanks for the privacy though.

"In the meantime, we can make breakfast, and Seth can do a quick sweep around the area until he has to stay out of sight," Edward added.

"I could get used to this," Jacob murmured, pulling me away from eavesdropping any further as he brushed a hand across my cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning to you, too." I leaned forward and kissed him. "I would've wakened you differently, but..."

"We have company."


"As much as I'd love to see how... quiet... you can be," Jacob sat up slowly as he stretched his body out, "I don't think Edward wants to hear Round 2."

"I don't think I want him to, either." I giggled, flopping back onto the bed as soon as Jacob vacated.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Jacob winked suggestively as he changed in khaki shorts.

"Wonderful." I grinned shyly, my face hot from blushing. "You?"

"Incredible." He paused for a second, studying me with concentration. "Something about you seems... different."

"Like a good different?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Like, magic different. I don't know how else to explain it," he said sheepishly. "Maybe it's just my imagination."


Before one of us could speak again, my stomach growled loudly in protest for food. Jacob laughed loudly before reaching for me.

"Breakfast should be ready by now."

I grabbed his outstretched hand and let him pull me to my feet. Wrapping the blanket around my body, I wandered over to my open suitcase and rummaged through for my clothes. Getting dressed quickly in jeans and a wine red tank top, I threw my hair into a messy bun before lacing up my black boots and following Jacob out of the tent. Edward and Bella both looked up from the small fire as we walked over to them.

"I see the wind has died down," Edward remarked, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Did it keep you guys up last night?"

"Hardly noticed," Jacob replied, ignoring the innuendo behind Edward's words.

"Is Seth around?" I asked, changing the subject as I noticed Bella's confused glance shot at Edward.

"He's almost back from his sweep," Edward nodded to a small cliff left of us. "He should be coming from that direction."

"I'm going to go wait for him."

I turned away from them and took a step toward the cliff when I heard Bella gasp. Looking over at her, I realized that she was staring at me, her eyes wide in shock. Edward and Jacob had similar expressions on their faces; Edward looked more thoughtful than confused.


"You have a marking," Edward spoke first. "It matches the one on Jacob's arm."

"Except yours is longer," Bella pointed to my right arm.

I glanced at my shoulder and sure enough, the pack's crest was there, its black outlines contrasting against my pale skin. Stemming from the crest was a more intricate design, reminding me almost of a henna tattoo. Even without knowing the patterns, I recognized Giuliana's symbols.

"I think that's my family heritage," I breathed, taking in the newly formed marking. "That same pattern is in one of Giuliana's journals."

"I never thought... of course, I should've known..." Jacob mumbled more to himself, his eyes roaming over my arm. "When the tribe told us about Giuliana, they showed us her marking. Because she was a witch who had been imprinted by a Quileute wolf, the magic in her blood branded her. I recognize most of the pattern, but... your marking differs in some parts."

He pointed out the moon and stars weaved throughout the design.

"Those are only yours. And these three swirls that sort of make a triangle? Yours as well. Remember that Giuliana could control the elements? Hers was Earth. Looks like your element is Air."

"Whoa," was the only thing I could manage to say.

"What does that mean for Autumn?" Bella asked curiously. "You know, in terms of her powers."

"It could mean her powers are getting stronger. Like she unlocked another part of her magic." Jacob rubbed the back of his neck. "We won't know for sure until it happens. But she should go talk to my dad and Emily as soon as possible."

Seth whimpered from the cliff, startling everyone except for Edward. Jacob met Seth's gaze and he lowered his head in response, passing off as a nod. A look of indecision flashed across Jacob, torn between staying with me and joining the pack. Eventually, he sighed and wrapped me in a hug.

"I gotta go. I'll be back, though."

"Be careful," I murmured into his chest. "And hurry back to me."

"I always do," he kissed my forehead before kissing me softly. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

With one last gaze, Jacob abruptly turned and took off into the woods, the air filling with a howl a few moments later. Seth stared at the empty space Jacob left before turning to face us.

"How was Chloe?" I directed to Seth.

"He says she's okay. Mostly worried about you." Edward translated for the young wolf. "So is your mom, but they have their hands full for the day with Charlie and wedding planning."

"Thank you." I smiled at Seth before plopping down on a log near the fire.

"So, the marking," Bella questioned as she scooted closer to me, "do you know about anything that would've made it appear?"

I gulped, thinking about last night; Jacob's words about my element being Air were still ringing in my ears. Was the wind's violent state last night because of me? I glanced at Edward cautiously, trying not to blush as I answered her question.

"Nothing comes to mind," I said slowly, watching Edward's reaction. His eyes met mine curiously before a silent, surprised "Oh!" formed on his lips.

Did you hear anything last night? Us?

He shook his head no, an amused look spreading across his face at my embarrassment.

Maybe you were blocked? By Jacob? Or maybe my magic?

The thought of me using unspoken magic was more than enough to make me stop in my tracks, and I briefly wondered if Giuliana experienced something similar. Edward tilted his head to the side, intrigued by my theory. Before he could comment, Seth leaped to his feet, growling as his fur bristled.

"It's starting," Edward said quickly as his eyes shifted, his mind linking with Seth's to see through the pack's eyes.

Bella and I both tensed at his words, the atmosphere slowly morphing into one of worry and despair. Nervously chewing on my bottom lip, I watched Edward's face as he translated for us from Seth's mind.

"The wolves just arrived," he murmured almost absentmindedly, "the newborns are in shock but still fighting."

A few moments passed before he spoke again.

"The pack is coordinating their attacks... strategy is deadly... Rosalie is calm, good... Alice, watching... Jasper's controlling the field, I see... strength versus strategy and speed..."

His next words nearly made my heart explode with relief.

"Jacob just got there... He's good. Took out a newborn... nice."

Bella reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze as Edward continued to mutter what was happening on the battlefield. His voice rose as his eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"Jasper, back off - you can't be everywhere at once... Watch out!"

"What's happening?" Bella asked, her body rigid as she imagined the worst-case scenarios of Edward's answer.

He shook his head, his expression growing even more grim by the second. With a deep breath, he spoke one word.


The gasp of horror rippling from Bella's throat added fuel to the low-burning fire in the pit of my stomach and I shot to my feet. The air stirred as I felt my magic awaken from the rage shimmering through my veins, the wind howling as it whipped my hair around me. I met Edward's awed gaze as a cloud of purple embraced me and poof!

The smoke began to clear and I was staring down at the Cullens and wolves taking down the newborns; a brief wave of shock ran through my mind but I shoved it away as I looked across the field and met the hardened glare of my ex-boyfriend. His lips curled into a snarl as he recognized me standing on the boulder above the battle, my arms slightly outstretched from my sides.

In that instant, I knew he figured out what I was; the snarling escaping from him grew louder, more murderously. My eyes narrowed when he spoke under his breath to the newborns closest to him, the words somehow reaching my ears despite the distance.

"The witch is mine."

I tilted my chin upward, never once looking away from him; a slow grin spread across my face, almost dangerously.

"Come and get me."

With a roar, Reed charged forward, dodging the fight between us. Without thinking, I threw my hands out in front of me, silently calling to the elements for help. The ground began to rumble before vines shot out, wrapping around his legs. Within seconds, Reed broke free, not slowing down as he raced toward me.

Concentrating, I imagined a ring of fire separating us and laughed to myself in delight as the bright orange flames erupted, causing the newborns to hiss and scatter away from Reed.

With quick thinking, he hurdled over the fiery danger and I mentally kicked myself for not remembering he had been on the track team before back in Michigan. As water failed to hold him back, I tested Jacob's theory about Air being my element; almost instantaneously, the wind roared to life, sweeping through the field and knocking Reed along with several other newborns off their feet.

My patience growing thinner, I focused the air on keeping Reed on the ground as I jumped off the boulder, landing on my feet. Jacob circled behind me, his low growls vibrating through my body. Still facing Reed, I waved Jacob off and he lunged for an incoming newborn who had her sights on me.

"You should've stayed away from me," I said menacingly as I stalked toward Reed, releasing the wind holding him down. "You should've stayed away from my best friend."

"That whore got what she deserved." He spat back, his red eyes blazing with hatred as he staggered to his feet. "She should've kept her mouth shut like a good little girl."

"You piece of shit!"

I lunged forward, swinging my right fist and connecting with his jawline. The impact shocked him enough to send him back to the ground; fuming, I grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him back towards me, only to have him punch me back. His fist connected with my cheek, causing my eyes to water. Thankful that I had some experience in martial arts, I ducked his next swing and roundhouse kicked him in the chest. He flew back a couple of feet from me, his back throwing up grass and dirt before he swiftly rolled onto his feet.

He stopped to glare at me and I realized the pack had rallied behind me, their growls the reason Reed halted in his tracks. A deadly smirk tugged at his lips as he contemplated his next move; without warning, he disappeared from sight, only to appear again right beside me. His arm wrapped around my neck as he twirled me around to face the pack and the Cullens, who were standing behind them. Jacob began to take a step forward, and Reed tightened his grip, causing me to cough.

"Not another step," he called out, "or else she dies."

As the pack anxiously fell back, my eyes scanned the area, noticing one wolf in particular was missing. I met Jacob's eyes and he bowed his head, confirming the idea forming in my head. To the left of us, Edward and Bella appeared, their expressions matching the rest of the group as they took in the sight.

"Reed, you don't have to do this," Edward tried to reason with him, his hands out in peace.

"You have no idea how stupid you sound," Reed laughed darkly. "You have no idea how much Little Miss Perfect here has ruined my life!"

"I do know," Edward reassured him, still calm. "She broke up with you and moved across the country. She started dating someone else. She caused the mother of your child to keep the baby away from you. She ruined your chance at leaving your small town and becoming a professional athlete."

The grip around my neck loosened slightly as Edward's words began to sink into Reed. He grimaced in response.

"She ruined everything!"

Before anyone could reply to his outburst, a howl rang through the air behind us and Reed spun around, releasing me as he lunged out of the way right before Leah sank her teeth into him.

"Leah, don't!" Edward shouted as she attacked Reed by herself.

Reed had managed to maneuver around Leah, promptly grabbing her by the fur as he threw her into the air. Jacob was the closest and rushed over to Leah, tackling Reed; they rolled away from her into the clearing, Jacob tearing a piece of Reed's arm off. Reed swiftly wrapped his arms around Jacob's body and squeezed, the sound of breaking bones shattering the tense air. Pain shot through my chest as Jacob howled in agony.

"Jacob!" I screamed, dropping to my knees.

Tears blurred my vision, but I forced myself to concentrate on Reed, whose smug smile angered me even more. I threw my hand out toward him, slamming him into the boulder as Sam and the others descended onto him, ripping him apart. Edward and Carlisle rushed over to Jacob as Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper began throwing the dismembered newborns into a pile, engulfing the bodies into flames.

Jacob transformed back into his human self as Edward reached him first, the sight of my fiancé writhing in pain forced me to my feet and I ran over to them. Carlisle was busy checking out the damage as Edward steadied Jacob, gripping his hand.

"Hold on, Carlisle is going to take care of you." He murmured.

"The right half of his body is shattered," Carlisle said in a low voice; Jacob squeezed Edward's hand as he groaned in pain.

"Autumn," Jacob whimpered, his eyes closing as he struggled to breathe.

"Shh, I'm right here," I said, smoothing his hair back from his damp forehead. "I'm right here, you're going to be okay."

Sam rushed over to us in human form, the others right behind him. They cringed collectively as they stopped behind Carlisle.

"Jacob, you idiot. I had it!" Leah scolded.

"Leah." Sam's clipped voice cut her off.

"I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting," Carlisle said, glancing towards Sam, who nodded.

"The wolves need to leave," Edward added. "The Volturi will be here any minute, they won't honor our pact with them."

"We'll take him back to Billy's," Sam replied, gesturing towards the others.

"I'll get there as soon as I can." Carlisle moved out of the way so the pack could surround Jacob.

On Sam's command, they lifted Jacob off the ground as gently as they could; despite the caution, Jacob still cried out in pain, my heart shattering with him.

"Hold on, Jake. We got you." Sam murmured soothingly before meeting my gaze. He moved his head in a "come on" motion and silently waving to the Cullens, I followed the pack into the woods, Leah wrapping her arm around my shoulders for comfort.

"I am so sorry," Leah whispered as we hiked a trail leading back to the Blacks' house. "I was just trying to help save you and Chloe from... from that monster."

"I know," I whispered back, squeezing her slightly in a one-armed hug. "And I appreciate it. This isn't your fault, Leah... Reed had it out for Jacob months ago."

"Autumn," Sam called out ahead of us. "We're almost there... Go tell Billy we're coming."

"Okay." I slipped my arm away from Leah and took off ahead of the pack, my heart constricting in my chest as I realized that Billy had no idea what happened to Jacob.

As I stumbled out of the woods, trying not to trip over hidden tree roots, I spotted Billy in the living room window. In a flash, he was rolling his wheelchair out of the front door, his eyes full of worry as I stopped in front of him, panting slightly as I tried to catch my breath.

"Jacob... he's injured," I breathed as I pointed to the woods behind me. "The boys are bringing him, and Carlisle will be here as soon as he can. Billy... it's not good."

Tears started flowing from my eyes and I couldn't stop the sobs from racking through my body. Billy motioned for me to come closer, his arms providing fatherly support as he watched the woods for any sign of the pack. Seconds later, I felt his body stiffen and knew the pack had appeared; the small gasp escaping from Billy was confirmation that he saw his only son in pain. I held the door open for them as Billy instructed them to take Jacob to his room.

Sam joined Billy and me in the kitchen after demanding Paul and Embry to watch over Jacob, and together we told Billy everything that happened. He listened carefully, his expression displaying interest and horror as I recalled teleporting from the campsite to the battlefield and how I used the elements to take down Reed. Sam explained how Leah lunged at Reed from behind in order to save me, and Jacob jumped in to help her when Reed crushed his bones. Silence settled over the house as we waited for Carlisle to show up, jumping slightly when the phone in my back pocket began to ring.

"Edward..." I managed to say before he cut me off.

"The Volturi is gone. We're on our way."

"Tell Carlisle to hurry."

With a click, he was gone. I sighed and turned back to Sam and Billy.

"He's coming."

What felt like an eternity later, Carlisle and Edward pulled into the driveway, both men looking almost haunted as their expressions grew grim. I rushed outside to meet them, relief swelling in my chest.

"He's in his room. Sam's waiting for you inside."

"This may take a while," Carlisle warned. "I suggest you and the rest of the pack stay out of the house. Jacob is going to be in a lot of pain."

"Got it."

With a nod to the pack who had gathered behind me, Carlisle headed inside to speak with Billy. Edward lingered beside me, nervousness radiating from him as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll be back in a while," he said to me, his eyes locked on the house. "Emmett, Jasper, and I are going to finish cleaning up the field..."

"I don't want Bella here," I said abruptly, before blushing in embarrassment. "I mean, I don't want her here until later, after Carlisle is done fixing Jacob. I'm worried about him enough as it is, I don't need to take it out on her."

"She'll understand." He reassured me as he nodded in agreement. "I'm sure Carlisle will let us know when he's up for visitors."

"Thank you."

Billy came out onto the porch just then, his face weary as if he had aged a few years since Carlisle's arrival. Embry and Jared stood near him, the other pack members scattering from the porch onto the front yard. As Edward slowly pulled out of the driveway, Emily's car took his place; she rushed over to me as soon as she was out of the vehicle, hugging me tightly.

"He's going to be okay." She mumbled in my ear. "You're both going to be okay. I'm here, Leaf."

Sunlight faded into the black night and Carlisle was still attending to Jacob with Sam's help. Hours of agonizing pain and Jacob yelling as bones were rebroken and readjusted had passed, each cry sending cringes throughout the pack. Emily held me as I rocked back and forth, fighting each painful wave that coursed through my body just as Jacob was feeling it with every bone.

After the first wave shot through me unexpectedly, Billy and Emily had shared a look of understanding. Because I had been marked, Jacob and I were connected through magic, in more ways than one; the imprinting had only been the beginning. It was unclear to both of them how deep the connection ran, but reassured me that they were there to help whenever I needed it.

By the tenth break, we discovered that I could communicate with Jacob as easily as it was for Edward to read minds. Emily urged me to focus on soothing Jacob, instructing me to close my eyes to help steady my own breathing. The worse the pain got for Jacob, the more I was able to feel his hurting, my own cries matching his despite the space between us.

Headlights beamed across the yard and I stared numbly as Bella's truck skidded to a halt. Clambering out of the driver's side alone, Bella's eyes scanned the pack before they locked on mine. As she reached the porch, another cry sounded from inside the house; she flinched with the rest of us.

"It's been going on for a while," Quil spoke, looking directly at Bella.

"Doc's rebreaking his bones." Embry clarified, noting the look of confusion on her face.

Off to the side of the porch, Leah was still pacing as she muttered to herself.

"Why did he have to butt in? I had it..."

"Oh, give it a rest Leah!" Paul growled at her, clearly annoyed.

The front door swung open, silencing any further discussion as Carlisle and Sam exited the house. Carlisle stopped in front of Billy, a small smile on his face.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright."

Billy let out a sigh of relief, tears threatening to spill onto his cheeks. Sam squeezed his shoulder comfortingly as Emily slung an arm around me, her head resting against mine in support.

"I gave him some morphine," Carlisle added, "but his body temperature will burn it off soon. I'll be back to set up a drip."

"Thank you," Billy said, tilting his head in gratitude. I sprang to my feet and threw my arms around Carlisle when he stepped away from the pack.

"Thank you so much, Carlisle," I said into his shoulder. He rubbed my back as he returned the hug.

"He's asking for you."

Taking a deep breath, I released Carlisle and turned toward the house. The pack shuffled out of the way as I headed inside, mentally preparing myself for the sight waiting for me. Stepping into Jacob's room quietly, I stopped in my tracks when I saw him lying in bed. The right side of his body was covered in bandages and braces. My heart broke at the sight of him injured.

"Hey, Jake," I called out softly, leaning against the doorway. He turned his head towards me, a faint smile on his lips.

"Hey, gorgeous. I was worried about you."

"Really?" I scoffed, shaking my head. "You were the one crushed by my ex-boyfriend!"

"Yeah," he said sheepishly, "but you kicked his ass first. I'm so proud of you for that, by the way."

"I'm glad he's gone..." my voice trailed off as tears slid down my cheeks. Jacob reached his hand towards me, his gaze sympathetic.

"Hey, now... it's okay, Leaf." He murmured reassuringly as I knelt beside his bed, my head resting against the mattress. "You're safe now, and so is Chloe. You have nothing to worry about."

"I know." I sniffled as Jacob wiped a couple of stray tears from my face. "It's like my brain knows he's gone, but my body is still on edge that he's going to come for me at any moment."

"It's going to take some time, but I'm here for you. The pack is here for you. We'll take care of you, Autumn. I can promise you that."

"Thanks." I shot him a weak smile. "Oh, and we have a lot to talk about when you're feeling better. Like where Quil has been the last couple of weeks... don't think I didn't notice that he was there fighting newborns after pulling a disappearing act."

"Deal. But you have to promise not to freak out or anything."

"I promise I won't freak out." I slipped my pinky finger around his, grinning as we squeezed at the same time.

Just then, Jacob yawned and blinked a couple of times as I giggled. I kissed his cheek before standing on my feet.

"Get some rest, Jake. It's been a long day for all of us. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," he replied sleepily. "I love you, Autumn."

"I love you, too."

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