Chapter 30 [edited]
"Seattle is in a state of terror..."
The mention of Seattle caught Carlisle's attention and he turned the volume up, the rest of us slowly facing the tv. The female reporter was positioned in front of Pike Place, her expression grim as she continued.
"Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bella and Edward walk into the living room; they quietly stood just inside the doorway as they listened to the reporter. Edward's expression matched Carlisle and Jasper's; the three of them shared worried glances as Edward read their thoughts, occasionally tilting his head to one side. The reporter continued on the screen.
"Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer... Reporting live, Dawn Chubai. CNN."
"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something." Carlisle sighed as he flipped the tv off and tossed the remote onto the coffee table.
"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous..." Jasper murmured thoughtfully, his voice trailing off.
"Newborns," Edward said, looking to Jasper for confirmation; he gave Edward a sharp nod.
"What, like new vampires?" Bella asked, her eyebrows rising in confusion. This time, it was Edward who nodded in response.
"In their first few months after the change."
"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious, insane with thirst." Jasper added darkly, his eyes haunted by his inner thoughts.
"Something to look forward to," Emmett smirked at Bella, his tone teasing in dark amusement.
"No one has trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Jasper turned to Carlisle, ignoring Emmett's comment.
"Someone's creating an army."
"Oh, now we're definitely going to Seattle," Emmett said enthusiastically, rising from the couch. Rosalie rolled her eyes at him but otherwise said nothing.
"Wait. An army of vampires is in Seattle?" I asked from the chaise, wrapping my arms around my knees as I looked from Carlisle to Jasper.
"And they've been created to fight someone."
"We're the only clan even close to Seattle," Edward spoke more to himself than us as he began to pace back and forth, lost in thought.
"Regardless of who they were created to fight, if we don't put a stop to them, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long." Carlisle replied.
"Maybe they're behind it." Edward looked at him. "In Italy, I read Aro's mind... He wants me and Alice to join him... Our gifts would shore up his power. He knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is still alive. An army could solve that for him."
"I would've seen if he was behind the army," Alice spoke up from her perch on the stairs. "Besides, if Aro really wanted to, he'd come for us himself."
"We can't wait two weeks for graduation; you need to change me now—" Bella exclaimed, panic etched onto her face. Jasper shook his head, cutting her off.
"You'd be a liability as a newborn. Unable to control your instincts. An easy target."
Carlisle put an empathetic hand on Bella's shoulder as she sagged into the couch, defeated.
"There's also your father to consider. And your mother. How terrible would it be for them if you suddenly disappeared?" He pointed out.
"He's right, Bells. We can't risk it," I added. "If all you can think of once turned is drinking blood, then you'll get distracted easily, and Edward might get hurt if he's too busy watching over you."
"Yeah, I guess you have a point..." Bella sighed, flopping back against the couch. "I just wish I could help... all of you are risking your lives by protecting me."
"You don't have to do anything but keep yourself safe, " Edward murmured.
"Right." Bella snorted, shaking her head. "Despite the fact that I'm accident prone and an apparent magnet for danger. The only reason we're in this mess is because of me because James thought coming after me was a game. And you had to protect me then because I'm only human!"
"That's not fair, Bells," I said softly, catching the pained expression on Edward's face before he turned away from her. "It's not Edward's fault James decided to target you."
The rest of the Cullens quietly exited the living room as the tension thickened from Bella's outburst. Edward remained at the window, overlooking the driveway; his body had tensed while Bella spoke, his posture rigid as he gripped the windowpane. A few moments passed before Bella sighed.
"I know it's not," she murmured. "I'm just tired of feeling helpless all the time. Like everyone has to protect me in this fragile bubble."
"Graduation is only a few weeks away." I reminded her, pulling my phone out of my jeans as it chimed. "Jacob's waiting for me at home, he and Leah are dropping off some of the boxes Sue has filled with Giuliana's journals."
"How is Leah doing? I heard congratulations are in order," Edward smiled in my direction.
"She's like any other girl in love," I said teasingly, smirking at him. "I'm pretty sure she and Chloe will be curled up on the couch watching a movie or something by the time I get there."
Edward chuckled as he helped Bella off of the couch; her eyes searched his face as he cupped her cheek in his hand.
"Do you want to leave with Autumn?" He asked her quietly. Bella looked at me and smiled sheepishly back at Edward.
"I'd like to stay a little longer if that's okay with you."
"I'll see you guys later." I gave a small wave over my shoulder, smiling to myself as Bella apologized to Edward while he reassured her it was okay.
By the time I got home, I could feel the day's stress taking a toll on me; my eyes began to burn from being exhausted. Slowly, I clambered out of my car and made my way up the path to the porch. Jacob opened the door as I reached the last step, noticing the exhaustion on my face. Carefully, he scooped me into his arms and carried me inside bridal style, causing me to giggle under my breath. Mom was in the living room with Chloe and Leah, the tv screen glowing as the movie on was paused. They turned to face us as the front door swung shut behind Jacob.
"Are you okay, Leaf?" Mom asked, immediate concern in her voice. I nodded wearily.
"She's just tired, Julie," Jacob said as he smiled at Mom. "I'm going to take her upstairs."
"Thank you, Jake."
He turned toward the staircase, taking the steps two at a time before I stopped him halfway up.
"Chloe?" I called out, pressing my finger against my lips to shush Jacob who began to chuckle; the vibrations of his chest flowing through me.
"Yes, Leaf?" Chloe answered hesitantly.
"Don't let Leah hog all the popcorn."
I giggled again, this time at Leah's playful "Hey!" as I motioned for Jacob to continue.
He shook his head, his grin reaching his eyes as he gently set me down on my bed. Before I could say anything, Jacob went over to my dresser and pulled out one of the tank top and shorts pajama sets. Laying them next to me, he kissed the top of my head and left the room, closing the door behind him.
I knew he was waiting for me to change, so I tried to make it quick; clumsily, I slipped the pajamas on and crawled under the comforter before softly calling for Jacob, knowing he would hear me. A few seconds later, the bed shifted under me, Jacob's weight causing the soft material to cave a little before forming to his body next to me.
"I'm glad you're not a vampire," I said sleepily after a long silence.
"Why's that?" Jacob said quietly, his arms wrapped around my waist as he held me against his chest.
"Because I don't have to make excuses for why I won't be home for Christmas. Or why people won't see me again after graduation. Bella..." I paused, failing to stifle a yawn, "she has to figure out what she's going to tell people. Our friends, her family... I couldn't imagine not having my mom in my life."
"She made that decision, Leaf. If I were in her shoes, and had to make that choice to spend my life with you," Jacob tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my neck softly, "I'd do it."
"Really. Go to sleep, love. We'll talk in the morning."
No longer able to fight sleep, my eyes drooped shut as darkness warmly embraced me in the comfort of Jacob's arms in my bed.
* * * * *
Waves crashed lazily against the beach's shoreline as Bella and I walked along the sand a few days later, our footsteps leaving patterns of our shoes as we were lost in our thoughts. Although hidden by light gray clouds, the sun warmed our skin as a slight breeze pushed around us. After breakfast with Mom, we ended up at Sam and Emily's to spend some time with the boys at Jacob's suggestion to keep our minds off of things for a while. It was a good idea as we had laughed and joked with one another, until the phone had begun to ring and Sam answered, his expression growing more grim with each passing second.
The tribal elders had called for an emergency meeting with the pack; apologizing profusely, Jacob had kissed my cheek and disappeared into the woods after the pack. A few minutes later, the phone had rung again; this time, Sue was calling for Emily's help. With an apologetic smile and a promise to not be long, Emily left. To kill time as we waited, Bella and I decided to go for a walk and wandered aimlessly until we reached the beach.
"Did you invite Jacob to Alice's graduation party?" Bella asked, breaking the tensed silence as she kicked a rock out in front of her.
"We haven't talked about it yet. With everything going on..." My voice trailed off as I paused, shaking my head. "Graduation just doesn't seem like a big deal, you know?"
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Bella sighed. "It definitely seems small, compared to a vampire trying to kill me."
An unsettling silence fell over us again, the threat of Victoria and the danger of the newborn army hanging over our heads like black storm clouds. Passing the fallen tree, Bella and I kept wandering along the shoreline; I hadn't realized how far we had walked until a dark chuckle rang out from the trees a few feet away from us. My body froze as it recognized the noise's owner, my heart immediately going into a fear-induced overdrive.
"Well, well, well... what do we have here?"
Bella's eyebrows knitted together as she looked at me in confusion before her eyes shifted over to the treeline. Her eyes widened slightly as the wheels churned in her mind.
"Is that...?" She mumbled under her breath, just low enough for me to hear. Not trusting my voice, I nodded once.
Leaning against a tree trunk with a cold bemused smile that didn't reach his eyes, stood Reed; his arms were crossed over his chest as one foot was resting on top of a giant tree root sticking out of the ground. He snarled at me when I turned my head toward him.
"Hello, Autumn. Long time no see, did you miss me?"
"Like a bad rash that won't go away." I spat back at him, grateful that Chloe wasn't with me for once.
"Awh, that's so sweet. You think of me often, princess?" The sarcasm dripping off his tongue was a slap to the face; the instant I heard princess, something in my head clicked.
"Only when I think of running you over."
Reed barked out a dark laugh as Bella shot me a look as if to say, what are you doing? I chose to ignore her, instead focusing on Reed's face. There was something different about him, something almost... dangerous. I couldn't place my finger on what it was as I stared at him quizzically.
Turning his body completely towards us, Reed tilted his head as if contemplating his next remark; his once-hazel eyes were more visible as he moved away from the tree. The irises were more of a familiar red, that I had only seen once - in a portrait in Carlisle's study. Bella must have noticed them too because she gasped and jumped half a step backward, tugging my arm so I moved with her; neither of us said anything as we stared at him, the icy numb feeling coming back.
"Oh, yeah. You didn't know about that, did you?" Reed chuckled. "Good luck trying to outrun me now, ladies. Although, that might be entertaining to watch... I bet you wish you had your wolf to protect you now, don't you, Autumn?"
"You touch either of us and you will regret it," I gritted through clenched teeth. Reed shook his head as he stalked toward us, stopping in front of me. I stilled my body as he ran a cold finger down my cheek.
"I'll do what I want." He whispered in my ear. "I always have, just ask Chloe about the fun time we had over break."
Before I had a chance to defend my best friend, Bella swung at Reed, her right hook catching him square in the jaw. A loud crunching sound rang through the air, and a moment later, Bella was clutching her wrist as she yelped in pain. Reed stood there unfazed by the blow, his smug smirk turning into a frown.
"You shouldn't have done that," he scolded at Bella.
Just as he crouched to attack Bella, a loud snarl broke from the trees and we turned to see the wolf pack slinking forward from the shadows. Jacob was in front next to Sam, his eyes full of anger as he looked from Reed to me and back.
"Jake! It's him!" I yelled, rushing towards Bella while Reed was momentarily distracted.
With a howl, Jacob lunged forward as the pack followed, Reed taking off in retreat. I watched the pack chase him back into the woods, my ears straining for any kind of noise. The air went still, tension building beneath the sudden silence that when Emily called down to us from the ledge, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.
"Autumn! Bella! Let's go!"
"To the treaty line," I told Emily as I helped Bella up the path. "Edward will be there, Carlisle needs to look at her hand."
As promised, Edward was waiting for us at the treaty line, his face in agony as he took in the sight of us. Once we were safely over the line, Edward wrapped his arm around Bella and helped her into the passenger seat. Looking at me for answers, Edward grimaced as he read my mind while I stared at him pointedly.
"We have a problem."
Carlisle examined Bella's wrist carefully in the kitchen as Edward and I hovered behind him; Rosalie was the only other Cullen still home when we arrived, silently scanning numerous newspapers at the counter. She glanced up every so often as Carlisle began to wrap Bella's hand.
"It's just a sprain, should heal fairly soon," Carlisle told her, glancing at Edward who visibly relaxed; his shoulders sagged a little as he sighed in relief.
"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett said amusingly as he walked into the kitchen, Esme and Jasper right behind him.
"I punched a vampire in the face," Bella replied sheepishly. The look of confusion on Emmett's face was priceless, causing Bella to laugh. "It was Reed, Autumn's ex-boyfriend."
"Badass... You're gonna be one tough little newborn."
"Tough enough to take you on."
Rosalie slapped the newspaper down on the counter and abruptly walked out, throwing a fierce scowl Bella's way. Carlisle and Edward shared a look before turning to Emmett.
"Don't worry about it." Emmett shrugged, indifferent to Rosalie's reaction.
"Okay... any leads?" Edward turned toward Jasper, who was watching the room carefully. He shook his head at Edward's question.
"No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances."
"She's toying with us. Keeping us distracted." Carlisle spoke.
"From Seattle?" Emmett raised an eyebrow.
"Or the intruder. Or something else." Carlisle nodded, his voice thoughtful.
"Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground." Edward added.
Bella shared a look with me and tilted her head toward the deck; the look on her face indicated she was tired of being ignored and wanted to get out of the kitchen. Silently agreeing, we slipped out of the room, the guys too wrapped up in their discussion to notice.
"We've already covered the entire southern peninsula down to Quinault." Jasper said, slight exasperation clear in his voice.
"We'll search the northwestern trail." Edward reassured him.
Out on the deck, Rosalie was leaning against the railing, looking over the river as the sun was beginning to set. She turned her head slightly over her shoulder as we stepped outside, but otherwise didn't turn around.
"Go blather to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn."
"Okay..." Bella scrunched her nose in confusion. "Rosalie... I don't understand what I did, to make you hate me so much."
"I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you, but... Bella, I envy you." Rosalie finally turned to face Bella, rolling her eyes.
"What? That's ridiculous."
"No, it's not." Rosalie said sternly. "You have a choice. I didn't. None of us did. But you do, and you're choosing wrong. I don't care how miserable your human life is."
"My life is not miserable. It's not perfect, but nobody's life is perfect." Bellas replied, leaning against the railing beside Rosalie. I knew that this was a conversation for Bella and Rosalie, so I headed back toward the house.
"Autumn, stay. You should hear this too." Rosalie motioned for me to join them before turning back to Bella. "Mine was. Absolutely perfect."
"It was a long time ago, maybe you're forgetting the bad." Bella suggested; Rosalie just let out a dark, clipped laugh in response.
"I remember. And it was perfect. Till the end..." Rosalie looked back over the river, her eyes focused on the calm surface of the water before she continued. "I had... almost had... everything, even though it was the Great Depression. I was eighteen, beautiful-everyone in Rochester envied me. There's only one thing I wanted that I didn't have..."
"A baby," I whispered, recalling the way Rosalie had gazed at one of my baby pictures longingly at the bakery a few months ago when she stopped by with Esme.
"I wanted a child badly." Rosalie nodded. "A home of my own, a husband to kiss me when he came home from work. And I thought I was going to have all of that... Royce King was the most eligible bachelor in town. I barely knew him. But I was young. I was in love with the idea of love. On the last night of my life, I left a friend's house late. I wasn't far from home."
As Rosalie continued her story, the scene played out in my mind vividly, just as the Quileute legend of the Third Wife had at the council meeting.
A young, human Rosalie walking down the street, her hands clutching her coat shut as a chill wind lightly blows through town. She slows as she comes to a group of five men, drunk and laughing loudly. Royce's voice calls out.
"Here she is. Hey, Rose. Come over here!"
Rosalie relaxes as she recognizes Royce; slowly she walks over to the men, shooting a smile at her fiance.
"Here, hold this." Royce hands his beer to a friend and motions to Rosalie. "Hey, come over here. We've been waiting for you."
"You're drunk." Rosalie tells him, taking a step back. Royce doesn't pay attention as he grabs her arm and turns to his friends.
"Isn't she lovely, John? I told you she was a looker."
"It's hard to say with all those clothes on." The man named John says, peering at Rosalie hungrily, almost predator-like.
Rosalie grows more uncomfortable by the second and looks to Royce but he just snickers at his friend's response.
"What do you say, Rose? Why don't we take off a few layers?" Royce makes a move towards her coat, Rosalie swatting his hands away from her.
"Stop it... I'll see you tomorrow. Sober."
She starts off, but Royce abruptly yanks her hat off, causing her to cry out in pain as the pins wrench her hair out. Royce grins, the sadist in him unmasked now. The men behind him laugh.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?"
"Stop it. Just stop it. Let go. Stop it." Rosalie tries to pull away from him.
"Come back. Hey, you'll do as I say." Royce growls, grabbing her coat. Rosalie fights him, scratching his face, but he violently rips the coat off her; the brass buttons pop off from the force and scatter onto the street.
"I didn't see who he was until that night. Who they all were... They left me in the street, thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be. Carlisle found me, he smelled all the blood... Thought he was helping me." Rosalie said, the sadness creeping into her tone.
"I'm sorry." Bella told her, her expression mortified as mine was at Rosalie's assault.
"I got my revenge on them. One at a time. I saved Royce for last, so he'd know I was coming." Rosalie said bitterly.
Two large men guard the doorway to a hotel room. They look up as a specter in white appears at the other end of the hall. As it nears, they realize it's Rosalie, in her wedding dress. Royce is terrified as he hears the sound of the two guards' bodies falling heavily to the ground. He backs into a corner - the door splinters open and Rosalie enters the room, Royce screaming as she closes in on him.
"I was a little theatrical back then." Rosalie bit back a small smile. "Things got better after I found Emmett. But we'll always be this. Frozen, never moving forward. That's what I miss the most, the possibilities. Sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett gray-haired by my side, surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter."
Rosalie went silent, letting her story sink in. I wiped a few tears away from my cheeks, trying to hold back a sniffle. Bella turned to Rosalie, her voice empathetic but holding her ground.
"I understand, that's what you want. But there's nothing I'll ever want more... than Edward."
"You're wrong again. After you've been changed, there's one thing you'll want more... One thing you'll kill for... Blood."
Seeing her point had landed as Bella's expression appeared shaken, Rosalie walked back into the house without another word. Bella faced me, the horror on her face matching what I felt before her eyes glanced toward the house. I turned to see Edward watching her carefully, his eyes searching hers for something; sneaking a glance back at Bella, I knew she was thinking the same thing. Edward wanted Bella to hear Rosalie's story before making her decision to become a vampire, to make sure she was aware of everything she was giving up.
What he didn't realize was Rosalie's story had also struck a nerve with me, about a different blonde who endured something similar... and who was also in danger of being the next target of another sadistic man.
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