The base was in a frenzy as Bots and humans scrambled to prepare for battle.
"What's up this time?" I asked one of our closest human friends, Lennox.
"Decepticon in China," he replied.
"Oooo, exotic. I hope someone knows Chinese," I said.
"Yeah well hopefully we can get this done quickly and quietly," Lennox commented.
"Roger that," I said before transforming and driving into one of the giant carrier planes.
Ironhide and Jazz drove in the same plane as I was, but I was too busy thinking about a certain bot. He was the leader of our faction. I don't know what it was about Optimus Prime that had my attention. Maybe it was his looks, his skill, or the way he led. Whatever the case, I had to keep reminding myself that he would probably never fall for me. I mean, there were three other girls on our team: Arcee, Chromia, and Elita-1. NEST called them the "Arcee Twins", although that made no sense to me since there's three of them, not two.
We were soon in the air and on our way to China. Ironhide, Jazz, and I were the first to jump out of the plane. I transformed and let the parachutes slowly guide me down. Sideswipe, Skids, Mudflap, and the soldiers soon joined us.
"Over there," Epps, another close friend of ours, said as he pointed towards some big pipes.
"On it," I said as I transformed and so did the others.
We got the Con out of hiding and fought it for a few minutes. The Con managed to shoot me in the shoulder, causing me to fall on my back. However, before I could recover, Optimus landed and chased down the Con.
"Blue! You okay?" Lennox asked me.
"Yeah, just a scratch," I replied.
Okay, maybe is wasn't just a scratch, but I'm used to this sort of thing...for the most part. Sideswipe came over and helped me up.
"Thanks," I said, giving him a small smile.
He smiled back and together went to find the others. We found them outside an abandoned warehouse.
"BlueStreak, you doing alright?" Star asked as she came up to me.
"Yeah...mostly," I replied with a small smile.
I looked around for Optimus and mentally sighed with relief when I saw that he was okay.
"Your shoulder is hurt. Let me take a look. And don't try and tell me you are fine. I am stubborn, not blind," Star said.
"It's...okay," I replied as the pain reached my head, causing me to cringe.
Star helped to move me so I was sitting before she started looking over the wound. She welded the vessels closed. I knew that there was more to come once we got back to base.
"Alright, you are good for now, but I will have to finish it up when we get back to base. Oh and try not to move around too much on the plane, I did a quick weld not a necessarily stable one," she said.
I nodded, then she stood and left. I sighed as I stood up.
Well, no sense in transforming. This is gonna be a long ride.
I looked around and saw that Optimus was talking with Ratchet and Ironhide. I found myself just staring. Eventually, Optimus noticed and we locked optics. He gave me a small smile and I swear my spark skipped a beat. He rolled his optics as he gestured to Ironhide and Ratchet.
'You alright?' he mouthed to me.
Oh my Primus, he actually cares about me?
I gave a small smile back and shrugged, which wasn't a very smart idea. I cringed slightly from the pain as I felt my face start to heat up.
'You sure?' he asked silently again.
I nodded before heading back to a carrier plane. Since I was unable to transform, only Ironhide could fit in with me.
"You like him, don't you?" he asked casually.
"I...don't know what you're talking about," I replied.
"Right. I'll believe that when the Decepticons surrender," Ironhide said.
"I...maybe," I replied, finally giving in with a sigh.
"Don't worry, I won't tell. A word of advice though: don't hide it. Sure, there's Arcee, Chromia, and Elita, but I know he would appreciate you telling him," Ironhide mentioned.
I smiled at him.
*Time skip back to base brought to you by the Fallen's face.*
I got off the plane and saw Optimus go to the main room. I could go with him, or I could listen to Star.
Meh, Star can wait a few minutes, I thought as slowly followed him.
I didn't want to interrupt, so I stood a ways away and listened. Nothing interesting happened until this guy named Galloway came and started complaining. Optimus glanced back at me and smirked.
Scrap, why's he have to be so fragging adorable?
I sighed and smiled at him, remembering what Ironhide had said.
"Hey, Epps. What's going on?" I asked as he approached me.
"Galloway wants to come up with a 'suitable diplomatic solution', but as you know, there's no negotiating with the Decepticons," he replied.
"Ha, yeah I know that all too well. What else is new?" I said.
"If you want to try talking to him, be my guest," Epps offered.
"Maybe I will," I replied as I made my way towards them.
"Who gave her clearance?" Galloway asked as I stood beside Optimus.
It was a wonder how I was not dying right now from standing next to him. I came to the quick conclusion that it was because Galloway was getting under my plating right now.
"Hey! Colonel Lennox here is one of our closest friends. I'm pretty sure he did," I replied.
Lennox gave a small smirk.
"The Autobots have full access to this base," he said.
Galloway huffed in defeat.
"There is no negotiating the Cons! Once they get what they want, they'll find something else they want and threaten you again. That's if you get lucky," I explained.
"The Cube was destroyed. What more do they want? Oh yeah, you," Galloway replied.
"Look, if they really wanted us, don't you think they'd constantly be attacking your cities instead of hiding?" I asked.
"There has to be something more, something that they see, but we don't. The Decepticons wouldn't stay here unless..." I paused as I realized what they could potentially be after.
"Unless what? Well, spit it out!" Galloway said hurriedly.
"Unless they found a source of energon on Earth," I finished.
"Energon? What...what is that?" Galloway asked.
I mentally facepalmed. Apparently, this guy doesn't get out much.
"Energon is our life-source. Our 'fuel' or 'blood' if you will," Optimus spoke up.
"Alright, so what do we do about it?" the general asked over the network communication.
The pain in my shoulder started to return, causing me to cringe a little. The good thing was that the humans didn't seem to notice.
I hope Optimus didn't notice, either.
"It's not my place to be making battle plans. I prefer carrying them out. Anyway, nice chat, Mr. Galloway. Let me know if you'd like to continue this discussion later. I have to go check on the others," I said.
As I started to walk away, I saw Lennox hide a smile, which made me smile, too.
"Maybe you should come to these things more often. What'd you say?" Epps asked as we walked.
"Nothing new, really. I just reinforced a few things. Also, I think I know why they're still here: there's an energon source somewhere," I replied.
"If they get their hands on it, does it mean that they would be more powerful?" he asked.
"In a way, yes. They would be able to create a bigger army," I answered.
"That's not good. We have enough trouble dealing with them as it is," Epps commented.
"You can say that again," I agreed.
"You got a plan to stop them?" he asked.
"In all honesty...nope, but I know Optimus does," I replied.
"Figures he would," Epps said.
"Yeah, let's just hope it's a good one," I joked with a smile, making him laugh.
"Anyways, my shoulder is killing me. I should go see Star," I said.
"Yeah, you should. Talk to you later," Epps said as he waved goodbye.
I waved back as I continued walking to the med bay. When I got there, I saw that Bee was back. He was talking with Star. I knew he had a crush on her, so I just leaned in the doorway and smirked.
"Took you long enough, you do realize you have an injury right? Because if not then I will be very concerned," Star said as she stood up when she noticed me.
"Yeah, I know. I...had to take care of something first," I replied.
"Alright, let's get you fixed up. I wouldn't want to keep you from whatever it is you decided was above your health," Star said, gesturing to the large metal box.
I sighed and sat on the table.
"Just so you know, it was a meeting. This human named Galloway blames us for the Decepticon attacks. Long story short, I basically told him off," I explained with a small chuckle.
She shook her head and did what she had to. She gave me some extra energon afterward.
"There you go, all patched up," she said with a small smile.
"Thanks, Star," I said as I stood up.
I looked at Bee and nodded my head towards Star. He just glared at me. I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him before walking out. The next place I was going to was the training room. I walked in to see Optimus sitting down.
Well, scrap.
Half of me wanted to walk out, but the other half of me was internally flipping out. I decided that walking out would be too suspicious, so I just started training, trying to act like normal, although that was extremely hard to do since we were the only two bots in the room.
"Mind if I join you? I think I have taken enough of a break for now," Optimus said, standing and looking into my optics.
"Oh, uh, sure," I replied, looking right back at him.
He's so sweet, asking if he could join me. Wow, I never knew his optics were so enticing. Frag, where's Galloway when you actually need him for once?
"You can pick the type of training, just go easy. I know you were hurt earlier," he said as he got his weapons out.
Sparring with a Prime? I'm gonna get my aft whooped.
I got out my weapons as well.
"Pffft. That was nothing," I replied.
In all honesty, I've been injured less, but I've also been injured more.
"I bet you're just afraid of getting beat by a girl," I taunted with a smirk, my competitive side taking over.
He put up his face mask.
"If you are so confident that you will beat me then I might as well give it my all," he said.
I smirked and made the first move by throwing a punch with my free hand since I was holding my sword in the other. Optimus easily dodged my attack and threw a punch of his own, which I dodged, too.
Hm, how to beat a Prime...I could just full on tackle him, though that would be kinda embarrassing.
Instead, I threw another punch, but at the same time swept at his feet, trying to knock him down.
"Good job, you found my trouble move. I can never seem to dodge that one," he said.
I looked at him and smiled, staring into his baby blue optics once again.
Man, he's even hotter up close...what the scrap am I thinking!?
I was about to reply when he swept at my feet, causing me to fall on my back.
I didn't see that coming, I thought.
The fall hurt my shoulder a little bit, but I didn't let it show.
"Hehe, I guess I got distracted for a second," I said out loud accidentally.
Ah, scrap. I hope he doesn't pay any attention to that.
"I always do that. Normally I am too focused on dodging that I forget to look at another attack elsewhere, " he said as he got up.
Then, he held out his hand to help me up. I smiled and gratefully accepted it.
He's such a gentlebot! Thank Primus he didn't mention anything about my earlier comment, though.
I felt my face heat up once again. I smiled but avoided his gaze.
"Thanks, that was fun. I...should probably go...check on my brother now," I said.
I really didn't want to let go of his hand, but I wanted to get out of this embarrassing and kind of awkward situation. Yet, at the same time, I wanted to stay.
"Uh, yeah no problem. Make sure to take care of that shoulder of yours. Trust me you don't want to go into battle injured, one it hurts and two, Star would kill you," he said, removing his face mask to reveal a smile.
Ugh, his smile is too adorable.
He let go of my hand. I flashed him a smile before walking out. I walked past the med bay and glanced in. Bee was still talking with Star. I smirked to myself and walked to the main area of the base.
"BlueStreak! There you are!" Epps called.
"Hey man. What's up?" I asked.
"The Cons stole the Shard from bunker B14," he replied.
"Scrap. That's not good. Any other info?" I asked him.
"Only that five of our men were killed," Epps replied.
I didn't personally know any of the humans that have died since we first got here, yet I still feel sad because I know they most likely had families, similar to us.
"Understood. We'll get to the bottom of this," I told him.
He nodded before running outside. I walked around until I heard fighting.
Oh boy. Not the Twins again.
"Skids! Mudflap! Knock it off, you two!" I said as I walked up to them, but they either didn't hear me or they didn't listen.
I sighed as I rolled my optics.
"Hey! Slagbrains! I said knock it off!" I yelled at them as I picked both of them up in each hand.
"If you keep this up, eventually you'll destroy the base. Only Decepticons fight among themselves. You guys are Autobots, for Primus' sake, so act like Autobots!" I scolded them.
"He started it!" Skids said, pointing to his brother.
"I don't care if Megatron put on a tutu and started it. You two need to stop it, or else I'll get Star to stop it," I threatened.
"Not Star!" Mudflap whined.
"Yeah, she's crazy and mean," Skids said.
I smirked. I knew they weren't very fond of her because they didn't know her like I did.
"Then I suggest you both behave like the good little Autobots you are," I told them.
They smiled and nodded. I set them down again before walking outside. I needed to get some fresh air. I just stood and crossed my arms as I looked out at the horizon. I started thinking about my brother. We were the same age, so it annoyed him when I called him my little brother. I only call him that when I want to get his attention, cheer him up, or just be an annoying sister.
Our parents were killed during the war on Cybertron, so we grew super close. Even today, we still have each other's backs. I wouldn't have anybot else as my brother but him. I was torn away from my thoughts when somebot bumped into me.
"Scrap, I am so sorry. Are you alright?" they apologized.
"Yeah, don't worry about it," I replied casually.
I turned to look at them and realized who it was.
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