THE MOMENT ELEANOR opened her eyes, a headache ground into her temples. Her eyes surveyed the place she was in and immediately caught sight of Charles in front of her, hands behind his back and with an X-gene inhibitor collar wrapped around his neck. A groan escaped the woman's lips as she struggled against her bonds, her right eye twitching in anger. She tried once again to use her newfound power, hoping it would work now, but still, nothing was happening. She didn't understand why.

She could hear talking around her and realized it was Charles. He was trying to convince the others that Jean can still be saved.

"... This is not Jean. We can still save her. She's still Jean inside."

"He's right." Eleanor confirmed, straightening her posture. "We can still save Jean. Actually, who you fought earlier wasn't Jean, it was the Phoenix."


"It's complicated, but that force inside of her... well, them actually since Anastasia has it too... is an ancient cosmic entity that can destroy and rebuild anything and I mean, anything with a snap of its fingers. It is the prime universal force of life." She explained. "However, it corrupts its hosts, turning them into a malevolent force of destruction which is what is happening with Jean right now."

"Wait, you said Jean and Ana possess it, but why is it only Jean who's growing out of control?" Valerie questioned beside her.

"I believe the Phoenix force was split into two when they were both struck by it during the space mission." Eleanor answered. "I felt the different sides of the force within them earlier. Ana possessed its life and creation while Jean got its death and destruction."

"So, are you implying that Jean can't be saved anymore, ma'am?" inquired Scott, worried.

"I believe we still can, Scotty. I just have to banish the Phoenix and maybe, we can still restore Jean."

"Banish? What do you mean banish?" This time, it was Erik, who voiced out. Eleanor's eyes fluttered over towards him, being reminded of what Urien told her. She couldn't help think about it again. What if her magic really did orchestrate the deaths of Magda and Nina?

"Expel, get rid of, cast out."

"Like an exorcism?" Valerie clarified.

"Well, if you think about it in that way, kind of yes."

"Why does it have to be you?" Selene asked.

"Because I am the only one who has enough power to do it. Any more questions, class?" Eleanor arched an eyebrow before tugging once again at her bonds.

"Alright, so this woman, this... thing, alien or whatever..." Valerie started. "wants the power that Jean and Ana gained. We need to stop her because once she gets this Phoenix, they'll destroy our world and take it as theirs."

"My brain cells are still trying to register that aliens are real." Jacob whispered.

"Can you all keep quiet?!" shouted one of the soldiers. "Pesky mutants."

Eleanor sighed.

"Can Jean really still be saved?" murmured Hank.

"Hank, I will admit... when Jean lost control and killed Raven," She swallowed. "I was filled with anger and thoughts of revenge, but I soon realized that killing Jean will not change anything. This is not what Raven would've wanted you to do. You know that. We both know that. She'd wants us to save Jean." Valerie emphasized.

Hank's eyes connected with her for a moment as if rethinking his decision and exactly, at that moment, multiple heavy footsteps were heard from the roof of their train. It didn't take long for Eleanor to realize who they were.

"They're here, aren't they?" muttered Storm, looking up.

"All right, you two, come with me. The rest of you, stay here, guard the prisoners!" The army man, who Eleanor recognized as the Sergeant who aimed a gun at her son earlier, commanded.

"Don't be fools!" yelled Nathaniel, pushing himself to stand up. "You need our help! You'll die out there, Victor! Dammit!"

"Lock it down! Now!"

"Goddamn muties come to spring you." commented the army leader, scowling.

"They're not mutants." implored Charles. "Free us, you're going to need our help."

"We're the only chance you have."

"Keep your mouth shut."

"This is so not a cool way to die." Valerie whispered under her breath. Eleanor shut her eyes, searching for the focal point of her raw power. She could feel it, but she just couldn't reach it. There was something blocking her, something was still needed to free it all.

"What's the status on those mutants?" The paramilitary leader asked.

"We're falling back now! They're not..."

"What? They're not what?"

"They're not mutants!" declared one of them in the comms.

"They're here for Jean and Ana!"

As if on cue, the doorway to their left slid open, revealing a very sullen Anastasia, arms crossed. Eleanor tilted her head to the side when she felt that the fragment her daughter had no longer resided in her. Anastasia then arched an eyebrow at the humans who instantly aimed their rifles towards her.

"Don't move, Miss Xavier!"

"We don't have time for this stupidity." growled the young woman, ferocious eyes glaring at the army.

"Where are your guards? What have you done to them?"

"Calm down, sir. They're just asleep. Now, please allow me to go straight to my point." She cleared her throat. "If you don't release them, you and your whole tean are going to die. So, unless, you want to see tomorrow's sunrise, you're going to release them."


"Let me explain this quite easier for you, sir. The incoming enemies are aliens... we are mutants, and you are?" She then smirked, nodding. "That's right. A human who will depend on nothing, but his gun to protect himself. You are no match for them or us, sir. I'm sorry for this, but you're pretty much useless in this. Release them so you and your team will live."

Still, none of them moved until they heard a strike against the door behind them, forming a large dent. The soldiers then immediately placed themselves in a formation, firearms raised. "Get ready to open fire!"

"Your kid was right about us. We could help you!" pleaded Kurt, desperate. "Please!"

"Goddammit, we're all going to die down here if you won't release us!" Eleanor shouted, finally speaking up after being so silent since earlier.

And just at that moment, the entrance was ripped open and in came one of the aliens. "Fire!" They all fired their weapons at the same time, causing Eleanor to flinch lightly. Bullet casings rained down on the floor like trinkets and the shapeshifter they shot at soon dropped dead. That was when another wave of aliens enter in. "There's more!"

Yet, this time, they were subdued and the opponents overpowered them, killing several. Eleanor heard Anastasia curse under her breath as she pulled the soldier who had the keys to their release. "Release them now!" she angrily demanded before crouching down, clutching her chest.

Eleanor scrambled on her feet and held her daughter's arms once she was freed from her bonds, pulling her up. "Anastasia -- "

"I'm fine, mom." She raised a hand. "I'll survive. For now, let's get this idiots out of this planet."

"We only want the girl. Step aside."

"No!" cried Hank, standing in their middle. His hands were curled into fists just as Valerie and Jacob stepped up to his sides as if protecting him.

"What are you doing?"

"What Raven would have."

And all hell broke loose.

"Scott, get me to Jean!" was Charles's first words as soon as the fighting started. Eleanor reacted first and bent Anastasia and herself down when a shapeshifter lunged at them, causing him to crash by the wall behind them. Everything became a blur right after that. Releasing a shockwave that rendered the three aliens in front of them, she stood up and led her daughter to the other train car. She also caught Erik running up to them, stabbing the aliens blocking his path with the metals he magnetized.

"You don't have the Phoenix in you, Ana. What happened?" demanded the mother as she blasted her rival into mere dust.

From inside their barrier, her daughter tore several of their charging opponents in half, seething. "That woman took it from me. I read her mind, mom. She's planning to let herself be used as some battery for their terraforming machine that will transform Earth into their former home world."


"I really doubt he can save us right now, mom."

"Eleanor, Ana!"


All at the same time, Erik and her two sons reached them, immediately forming some kind of circle together. Their backs faced one another and they were all defending themselves from their attackers as one team. Eleanor caught sight of Nathaniel slamming the butt of his gun across the alien's face.

"All I wanted was some sleep!" bellowed her eldest son, tearing one of the unearthly creatures apart. "But, you really had to disturb that, Ana! You really had to provoke that Phoenix... shit or whatever it is inside Jean!"

"I didn't provoke it! I held it back! Had I not, you would all be dead! It was about to go on a rampage again earlier!"

"I still cannot believe you tried to kill Jean, Ana." finally commented Eleanor as she weaved her hands together and formed a long rope, using it to strike the incoming intruders.

"It was the right thing."

Eleanor's ears kind of tingled at the assertive tone of her own daughter. "And you seriously tolerated Ana's behavior, Erik?"

"I -- "

"We were all going to die! I was just saving us all from the Phoenix's rage! Why am I suddenly the villain here?" justified Anastasia, interrupting Erik.

"Don't you understand what you have almost done, Ana? You even brought Alex with you!"

"It was my own choice, mom!"

"My god! You're eleven! Do you even have the slightest idea what you were trying to commit earlier with your sister, Alex? It's murder!"

"Even -- "

"Okay, that's it! You're both grounded! Both of you are grounded!" Eleanor stomped her foot and unleashed a wave of energy against her opponent before grabbing their nape and kneeing their groin. Discarding the body aside, she shot a beam of bright red light to her left.

"But, I'm already an adult!" argued Anastasia, incredulous.

"You're still grounded!"

Her daughter elicited a groan, but maintained her stance and focus on the fight. Opening her palm, wild tendrils of red psionics bursted out of her fingertips, wrapping itself on the necks of those in front of her. With a flick of her wrist, she threw them outside of the train. Suddenly, her back hit someone else's back and her eyes connected with the man she vowed to spend the rest of her life with.



"Behind you." Both of them blurted out before Erik wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him with an unyielding strength. Eleanor grabbed onto his arm and they both deflected the approaching assault together. Their eyes met once again and Eleanor smiled for a bit.

This was her very first time to have Erik fight with her and to say she was ecstatic was an understatement... because well, she knew they both were a force to be reckoned with.

A foot suddenly came up from the torn ceiling of the train car and kicked Erik in the face, causing Eleanor to react by dragging the dangling foot inside their train car. Without missing a beat, Erik pierced the assailant's back with a sharp metal rod just as she snapped his neck.

"Nate, you got incoming!" alerted Anastasia.

"Incoming already came in." Nathaniel grumbled as he stood up from his area and cracked the debris thrown at him into two.

A menacing shifter stood in front of the Lehnsherr family, eyes hungry for violence and hands stained with blood. Erik and Eleanor stepped up to confront him, but their children cut off their walk by coming up on their front.

"You children are nothing, but a mere block in my --"

The man wasn't able to finish his sentence though for Nathaniel ripped open the wall of the train and Alex tossed the man to the hole and in very perfect timing, Anastasia closed it on his neck, relieving the alien of his head.

Eleanor swallowed for a moment, slightly disturbed by the display of brutality. Turning her head to Erik, she noted, "Nice teamwork, kids. Just, uh, be less brutal, next time, yeah?"

"You know, I really think Ana is right. Our family is cursed." Alex murmured just as he acquired a metal chain from a corner.


"Yes, think about it!" Anastasia agreed. "Every ten years, our family gets into some kind of trouble! I'm now calling this the ten-year family curse of the Lehnsherrs."

"But, we're not the only ones affected by it." reasoned Nathaniel as he twisted an attacker into a chokehold. "The Xaviers are too. Actually, everyone is affected by it."

"Can't our family just own something, Nate?"

"May I remind you that legally speaking, we are still Xaviers? So, can you clarify which family you're pertaining to?" Nathaniel casually stated. "And also, the Lehnsherr family -- our parents already owns an island."

"Well, I'm changing my last name immediately after this." Anastasia informed. "And can you just agree with me? Even just once?"

"No, I'm your twin. One of my jobs is to disagree with you when you're wrong so I'm calling it the ten-year curse. Also, it's 1994 already, Ana. Eleven years since 1983..."

Eleanor sighed, feeling tired at the banter. "Erik, I think I want... a divorce." She joked.

This seemed to have shocked the three children around them for they exhibited various reactions at the same time.

"You're joking, right?


"No, don't say that! Don't say that!"

"Divorce will never be an option for us, El." emphasized Erik, staring directly into her eyes. His gaze was sure, piercing. It was the kind of stare that said eternity and Eleanor's lips curled imto a soft smile at that. "Never."

Their little moment was then shattered by the sound of an explosion and a fierce rumble. The Lehnsherrs staggered on their feet, attempting to maintain their balance. Just then, Valerie slid in from the hole on their ceiling, her white fitted suit, slightly smudged with soot. Right after her, a young girl with dark hair and bright hazel eyes that Eleanor noted was exactly the same as Valerie's followed suit. The newcomer was the Xaviers' youngest child, Sophia.



"Val, did you just blow up...?" Eleanor asked the woman who just simply brushed her hair back.

"Yes, I did..." She answered without even a tone of mercy. "And any minute now, Vuk -- that's her name, and the rest will be coming in. Anastasia... Storm and Hank needs some help on the roofs. Can you go assist them?"

"On it."

"You said you can cast out that space bird, right, Eleanor?" Valerie questioned, assertively. "Do it. Go perform that exorcism or whatever its is you have to do. Erik, Nate, and I will hold them all off for as long as we can."

"Okay, b-but we have a problem about that." Eleanor tried to speak up. "I can't... my new power... it's not working. I don't know if I can do it, really."

Again, she really didn't know why it wasn't showing up that she regretted not asking Wanda what to do is she suddenly had a setback. She had a theory about it, but she refused to acknowledge it because she didn't want it to happen.

"Then, find a way to make it work, El. Make sure that woman will never gets near Jean. Charles is already at the place where Jean is. Bring Sophia and Alex with you."

"But, mom, I-I want to stay --"

"No, you cannot, Sophia. You need to listen to me. You go with your aunt Eleanor, okay? You go to your father. I'm follow you shortly."

"Okay, okay. I'll try to do whatever I can. Let's go." Eleanor nodded, grabbing the two kids' hands, but not before glancing once more at her husband, her mind letting her reminisce Wanda's words. She felt slightly afraid to leave him because it might be the last time she'll see him. She seized his hand and held on to it tightly.

No, she wasn't going to lose him... and if ever she did, she'll go straight to the ends of the Earth to bring him back.

"Erik... please stay safe."

Valerie patted her back, reassuring. "Don't worry... I'll get this idiot and your son back to you in one piece." Ever so slowly, a soft golden glow emanated from Valerie's body and her white suit morphed into a golden armor. Valerie's eyes flashed amber as she promised, "You have my word."

"Thank you."

"We'll see you in a minute."

"Eleanor..." Erik called her. "I love you."

The woman paused for a second, her heart fluttering and her stomach rolling in nervous knots for if one would ponder deeply about it, his words seemed to be both an assurance and a goodbye. Eleanor hated it, but even with trembling fingers and quivering lips, she returned his gesture of love. "I love you too. I always will."

And they both turned away, finally facing the dangers ahead of them.

They'll survive.

She knows all of them will.


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