3. Linked

•House of the Rising Sun•

Aphrena and Hayley stood with each other listening to the witches. Well, she was more than Aphrena but they did both look at the witches sourly.

All the sudden a voice breaks Aphrena out of her zoning out and the witches out of their argument. "She can't." All their heads snapped up to the direction of Elijah.

"Not entirely certain I can either, but now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question, what prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating?" He asked walking closer to Sophie.

She went over to the wall and grabbed some weird looking object and poked herself in the hand.

"Ow." Aphrena and Hayley exclaimed looking down at their hands to see blood on it.

The two girls looked at each other than to Sophie. "What the hell?" Hayley said.

"The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed, it didn't just confirm the- her pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley and Aphrena. So anything that happens to me happens to them, which means their life is in your hands," Sophie said smugly about it.

"Why me? Why the hell do I get linked for?" Aphrena asked confused and Sophie turns to look at her.

"Because you are special." She answered vaguely before turning to Elijah. "Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what t- it already means to you. If I have to hurt them or worse to ensure that I have your attention, I will," she said causing Elijah to take a step forward threateningly.

"You would dare threaten an Original?" He asked amused.

"I have nothing to lose. You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind," she says finishing the conversation.

The witches disperse and Aphrena is left alone with Hayley.

"God! You can never get a break can you?" She laughed and the vampire grabbed a napkin from her pocket and wiped the blood off both their hands.

"I guess we can't. Thanks," she said. Aphrena slid down the wall and Hayley went after and laid her head on the older girls shoulder.

"I trust Elijah. We will get out of this soon." Aphrena kissed the top of her head.

"I hope so." She replies.

"Are you ready to be a mom?" Aphrena asked after a moment of silence.

"I don't know, I was abandoned and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf. I don't know if I can handle it well," she said looking ashamed. Aphrena grabbed her hands.

"Hey, that makes two of us and now you got me and I won't leave you. You're gonna be an awesome mom. I believe in you." the doppelgänger told her with a small smile.

"I have no doubt I can do this if you're with me," she said smiling back.

"Well, I have my work cut out for me don't I?" Aphrena asked thinking about Elijah and laughing slightly.


As Elijah was walking listening for Niklaus, he couldn't help but think about Aphrena.

They seriously linked her.

What did she have to do with this?

Elijah just wanted her back. He thought maybe sometime when he was ready he could finally give her her memories back and they could be together again. Elijah just had to grow a pair first.

That was definitely easier said than done.

Elijah never stopped loving her but what if she wouldn't love him again. What if she hated him for what happened.

With that thought, Elijah heard Niklaus and vamped into an alleyway where Niklaus was walking and drinking. "Have I not made clear my desire to be left alone?" He asked without turning around to face his older brother.

"Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade. Your words have ceased to have an impact." Elijah told him calmly. Niklaus through his bottle down and turned toward him.

"Why must you keep harping on about the girl and the baby?" He asked angrily referring to his child and best friend. "That child will never be born. In fact, their probably dead already," he said with a smirk making Elijah angry.

Nik certainly knew where to hit his brother, Elijah would never allow harm to come to Aphrena, he still loved her and the baby would never be harmed because it was family, and family meant everything to him.

Elijah rushed to Niklaus and slammed him against a truck.

"You will not walk away from them." Nik tried switching position but it didn't work. Elijah was angrier.

"Let me go," he said while Elijah held his jaw up.

"I will not!" Elijah refused while throwing the hybrid into a crate while Klaus screamed in anger.

Elijah picked him up in a chock hold. "Don't make me say it again." Niklaus gritted out.

"I will not let you go. I will never let go." Klaus got the upper hand and threw his brother across the space, straight into a gate. Elijah quickly took a bar out holding it tightly. "Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self." Elijah vamp sped to him hitting him in the gut with the bar. Hard. "If I have to beat you as father used to beat you to remind you of your own humanity," Elijah said hitting him in the face with the bar this time. "To care about anything," Elijah said going to hit him again but Niklaus grabs it and gets Elijah instead than hitting him knocking him back with a loud grunt. Even if it heals it still hurts. Elijah slowly sits up and Niklaus drops the bar walking towards him.

"You're beyond pathetic, Elijah."

Elijah wiped his mouth before speaking. "Who's more pathetic... The one who sees hope to make his family whole... Or to the coward who can only see the world through his own fear?" Elijah asked slowly looking up to Klaus not getting off the ground.

"I haven't cared about anything for centuries. Why on earth do you?" he asks.

"That's a lie Niklaus and you know it. You cared for Aphrena as you will the child. Have you forgotten you protected Aphrena, she was your best friend. And I still care because I failed you. Because when the first time our father laid a hand on you, I should've struck him dead. And I made a promise to you--always, forever, family above all." The silence was all Klaus' response was for a while just staring at each other.

"Ha ha ha!" He laughs and lends Elijah a hand which he takes and uses get up. "You are a sentimental fool," he says in his older brothers ear.

"Perhaps. I've lasted this long in spite of it, haven't I?" Elijah asked before walking away.


Aphrena stood by Hayley as usual as they watch the memorial for Jane-Anne. Sophie was a wreck the whole time. Aphrena just stared at the body in a daze as Hayley watched with no emotion on her face.


The next morning Elijah told Sophie, Klaus was going to agree.

Aphrena went with Hayley and Elijah to the house they were going to be staying at.

Aphrena had nowhere to go because she'd just sleep in a random apartment. She had clothes in a backpack and went to the compound to wash and check up. She kept away from Marcel's people. And of course, Aphrena didn't forget to tell Marcel that she was gone for a while and not to expect her anytime soon.

Aphrena helped Hayley clear off sheets in the house when dust went up their nose's causing her to cough and the vampire to sneeze her tiny sneeze people call, 'cute' but how could a sneeze be cute?

Elijah walked in and that scent hit her nose. It's so familiar and it comes around every time he is near. "You two okay?" He asked.

"Just dust." Hayley answers.

"This place is ancient," Aphrena says as she looks around.

"Yes, it should serve out purposes. It's a sanctuary from our business in the quarter," he says walking closer to the girls. Aphrena smelt his strong scent even better now. It smelt delicious. It was...odd.

"Right now, you two are the most important people in this family you need a good home." Aphrena wasn't thinking too much into what he said so she wasn't confused just happy to hear him say that.

"So I'm curious. In all this time has anyone asked you how you feel?" He asked directing the question to Hayley.

"About having a miracle baby with a psychotic one-night stand?" She asked.

"About being a mother," he said and she looked at the vampire doppelgänger.

"Yes, in fact, someone has." They both smiled at Aphrena and Elijah pulled the rest of the cover they were just pulling at, off. Hayley said the same thing to him that she did to Aphrena about being a mother.

"I will always protect you. And you Aphrena. You have my word on that," he says to them causing Aphrena to blush and Hayley to smirk at her.

Aphrena could never hide her feelings from Hayley which annoyed the vampire girl immensely. What Aphrena wanted to know is why she was feeling this way. Her thoughts got interrupted when Klaus speaks.

"And noble Elijah always keeps his word," Klaus states bitterly and Elijah turns to his brother.

"Is it done?" He asks.

"As a matter of fact, yes. Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His friend Thierry yet lives, and I remain a welcome guest in the french quarter. My only concern now is this coven of impudent witches," Klaus said.

"I believe them to be honorable. they did release the girls to me. Although, they haven't been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why." They are talking about Davina. That poor girl stuck in between these terrible witches and the vampires, she can never get a break and she is only a teenager.


Aphrena went to her bathroom and called Marcel turning on the tap. She was still very beyond furious at Marcel, I mean he did he run them out, but this was Davina that she needed to protect.

"Hello, Aphrena to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Be careful with Davina. I overheard the Original brothers are snooping around for Davina."

"Thanks for the heads up. Oh and come to the abbiator tonight if you can make it. I have a party I would like you to attend."

"I might be there," Aphrena said before hanging up.

All the sudden she felt really dizzy than a sharp pain in her heart. She clutched it and whimpered until it just stopped. It was like something pierced her skin it was cold and it hurt.

The reason: downstairs Klaus daggered Elijah.

Aphrena brushed it off seeing as nothing else was happening to her. She wondered what in the world that was and if it affected Hayley.


Aphrena decided not to go and instead hung out with Hayley, relieving some of her stress. They heard a car so they walked out of Hayley's room and Aphrena could hear a female British voice. Hayley grabbed a poker stick and the vampire just continued to walk down. Soon the brunette vamp saw a blonde walk in.

"Hello?" Aphrena asked as the blonde looked up at her surprised.

"Aphrena?" She asked me. How does she know her name?

"How do-" Aphrena was gonna ask when she pulled the girl into a hug.

"They told me you had no memory. You are back. You are finally back," she said happily but left the girl confused.

"Who are you?" Hayley asked coming down and the blonde released Aphrena.

"Ahh. You must be the maid. My bags are in the car. Get them, will you?" She asked.

"She is definitely not a maid," Aphrena informed the blonde Original.

"Hello. And yeah not the maid." Hayley replied.

"Right. You're that werewolf girl my brother Klaus knocked up. I was expecting some kind of supernatural miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley isn't it?" She asked not quite liking the girl yet.

"You have your brothers manners." Hayley snapped at the blonde.

"And his temper, too, so watch it. Where's Elijah, Aphrena I would have expected him to be by your side." Aphrena furrowed her brows in confusion.

"No, I haven't seen him. He's long gone." Aphrena told her. She looked at her weirdly then realization kicked in, of what? Aphrena didn't know but a look of hurt flashed through the blonde's eyes.

"What do you mean long gone?" She asked the girls confused about why he would leave Aphrena and the pregnant werewolf alone with Klaus.

"Well, one minute he was here making epic promises about protecting us," Hayley said grabbing my hand for comfort. "He was all poetic about how we are all family, and then Klaus told us he bailed. Guess that's what I get for trusting a vampire well, besides Aphrena I can always trust her," Hayley said.

"Elijah is not just any vampire and he doesn't break promises, which means Niklaus has done something dastardly and Klaus-like. Klaus, get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!" She yelled as she walked into another room.

"Enough with all the shouting. little sister. I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing," Klaus said. Marcel will certainly not be happy with her, Aphrena remembered some of his stories, they were once in love.

"They were very rude. Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the quarter. So sorry. Were they friends of yours?" She asked sarcastically. "Oh, that's right. You don't have any friends," Rebekah said making Aphrena laugh softly. This seemed so familiar.

Hayley and Aphrena moved over to the stairs and sit as they listened to the siblings.

"I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course, you do. He fancies himself. The king of the Quarter now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It will be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you."

"I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welsh on deals. What did you do to him?" She asked curiously.

"Perhaps he's on holiday or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around. You remember this house as well as I." Long autumn nap? Of course, he was daggered. Aphrena stopped listening and took Hayley upstairs so they could change into their pajamas.

When she was done she knocked on Hayley's door.

"Come in," Hayley said. Aphrena walked in to see Hayley in her pajamas as well she was laying in bed and turned to face Aphrena.

"I just wanted to say goodnight and stay safe," Aphrena said with a smile on her beautiful face.

"I know you like him, Aphrena." The vampire raised her eyebrow.

"Who?" She asked feigning Innocence.

"Elijah. I have known you for a while, I can tell. I also know you fall fast and even when you liked boys you never went for them. I think you should go for him," she said happily. Aphrena groaned with a look of defeat on her face.

"I hate it that I do and I hate the fact that you can tell, It's not fair." She pouted like a child to which Hayley laughed.

Aphrena always loved her laugh she hadn't been doing much lately. They used to always compliment each other on things they did and that's how they became close. They loved everything about each other even their flaws.

"I guess we have to just get him back. Goodnight." Aphrena walked over to Hayley and kissed her head.

"Goodnight Aphrena." With that, Aphrena walked out of her room and into her own to sleep.


Aphrena woke up to Rebekah poking her face. "Rise and shine sleepy head. We got ourselves an Elijah to find." she groaned and pulled her sheets over her head only for Rebekah to pull them back down.

"Oh come on you used to love- I need your help finding him. I'm sure he would appreciate it if you helped to find him." Aphrena nodded as she sits up. Rebekah left the room as Aphrena got dressed.

When Aphrena finally came out they went down the huge staircase and Rebekah broke the silence.

"The governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favorite." She took a flashlight out of the entrance and turned it on in the darkness which happens to have more stairs.

She stopped and Aphrena looked to see coffins in the room with dust on top. "You think Klaus killed him," Aphrena stated.

"We can't be killed, silly girl. But that doesn't stop Klaus from finding ways to torture us," she said while she walked in deeper me following.

"I know. I meant with the daggers. Not permanent death."

"Oh yeah, his set of mystical silver daggers. One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box until he decides to pull the dagger out." She looked back at the younger vampire before continuing. "That must be what he's done to Elijah." She flashes her flashlight onto a specific coffin and says, "This one's mine." Aphrena starts to hear a voice like earlier it's a faint 'I'm okay' but she tried to push it back because it was creeping her out.

"He keeps your coffin on standby," Aphrena said shocked. Aphrena hoped he would treat Hayley right, she saw the way they look at each other and one-night stand or not they have a deep attraction to each other and they would be so cute and perfect together.

"He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him." She turns back to the coffins.

"Elijah's Isn't here. He must have stashed him elsewhere." Aphrena suddenly gets dizzy for some reason.

"I feel sick," she says.

"Welcome to the family love, you guys should have run the second you realized Elijah was gone."

(btw most dialogue is from the show so when it addresses something said to Hayley because she is pregnant or whatever. I do think about what I write before I write it so I take some stuff out or I switch what is being said to another person. I do know what I'm doing and I don't know if you have a guess at what is happening, but once you do this stuff with the (s) are on purpose.) you have questions ask please I would love to explain.

"The witches put some sort of hex on me and Hayley. So as long as she is carrying the baby we can't leave New Orleans. If we do they'll kill us. And trust me, I have no idea why I was thrown into this."

"Knowing Klaus, he is planning a box for your wolf friend the second she gives birth to whatever is cooking in that tum of hers." Aphrena's eyes widen slightly, he wouldn't hurt Hayley, would he?

"I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks. Trust me. You best try to find a way to break that hex and run with her," she says before leaving her.


Aphrena calls Marcel wanting to see Davina. She hasn't seen the little runt in awhile and she missed her.


"Hey, Mars. I wanted to ask permission to visit Davina I miss her terribly."

"Yeah just don't let anyone know. With these Originals here I need to protect her more carefully."

"I understand."

"There is someone there with her just giving you a heads up. I'm going to a bar I'll talk to you later Rena."

"Right, bye and thank you."

Before it ended Aphrena heard Klaus' voice.

"Well, this is a far cry from last night's party." Then she hung up.

Aphrena grabbed what she needed and yelled for her best friend.

"Hayley! I'm going out for a while don't get hurt or killed. And if you're in a bad situation just tell them you got one hell of a feisty friend on their ass!" She shouted to Hayley and laughed slightly at her own threat.

"Okay stay safe. What happens to you happens to me," she says and Aphrena started to walk out the house heading for the church.


Aphrena got through the church going to the attic where Davina stays. Poor little girl.

She knocked quietly.

"Come in." Aphrena heard the soft voice call out.

"Hey D, I just wanted to visit," she says as she walked in and immediately gasp at what's in front of her. A big coffin in the room.

"Kitten, what is that?" Aphrena asks.

"It's not a what, more like a who. and he is Elijah." She answers and Aphrena look at her wide-eyed.

"That's where he has disappeared to," the vampire muttered. Aphrena heard that faint voice pulling her towards his coffin but she tried to stay focused on Davina.

"What?" she asked.

"He was helping me and my friend with something and his family is looking for him," Aphrena told Davina worried for her safety. "Be careful, Kitty."

"Marcel said his family would. I didn't know he was helping you. I'm sorry." Aphrena shook her head and sat near Davina on the bed. She looked around at all the drawings she has done then back to her.

"Don't worry just don't let him get hurt." The doppelgänger smiled at her. A question popped up in her head although It's silly.

"Can you make me two crescent moon necklaces?"

"I love making our jewelry, of course," she said with a smile. "May I ask who for?"

"A girl who is like my sister and thanks." Davina grabbed some material and cupped them in her hands to make the first necklace. Then she did the same to another set of materials before handing them both to Aphrena.

"Here." Aphrena took them with a smile. She put hers on and put the other in her pocket. She walked over to Elijah's coffin and touched it having the need to open it.

"Can I just see him?" Aphrena asked her.

She nods and says, "Just don't take the dagger out." Aphrena slowly opens the lid to see his grey body.

"Wow," is all she said as she saw the dagger and it shocked her. It was the same place she felt the pain from before, hm. She placed her hand on his face and smiled slightly.

"I'll be back soon Aphrena." Aphrena smiled knowing It's his voice but how is he saying this? What is happening?

"How are you talking to me?" She asked suddenly frightened.

"You will know soon enough, for now, don't worry about me and I can hear you, by the way, thanks for looking out for me." She blushed when he said he heard her.

"You have a lot to explain. But thanks for what you have done so far for us it means a lot." Although she couldn't see it he was very happy to hear this and all he wanted was his beautiful mate, to kiss her, and to hold her.

Aphrena was quickly pulled back to Davina in the attic with a bad feeling in her stomach causing her to frown.

"I have to go D, but I'll see you soon." Aphrena kissed her forehead.

"What was happening you like totally spaced out." She told the doppelgänger.

"I don't know but I really gotta go." With that, Aphrena walked out following her bad feeling.


Aphrena walked around curious as to what this feeling was. It has gotten darker when she spotted Hayley putting something in her drink.

"Come on, Hayley. One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history," she said to herself. She lifted it up then back down but Aphrena sped over to her, grabbing the cup out of her hands.

"Hayley! No!" She yelled at her knowing It's Wolfsbane, she felt the tingles on her skin.

Hayley looked down ashamed and soon they heard rustling. Their heads snapped to the side to see what it was but they saw nothing. Hayley got up and they turned around to face another vampire. Aphrena pushed Hayley behind her protectively.

"Dumb move, coming into the quarter. You're coming with me, wolves." He told the two girls. Unfortunately, Marcel didn't tell them about Aphrena because she didn't want people knowing. Now that was backfiring.

"No, we aren't." Aphrena splashed the poison in his face grabbing Hayley's hand to turn around and run.

"Aghh." He screams in pain. But then they are stopped by two more vampires. Rebekah then comes speeding over snapping the two guys necks and taking out the heart of one.

"Now that is no way to treat ladies. I do hate bad manners," she says as she throws the heart down.


As the last body was thrown into the pile of bodies Klaus turned around with a furious look in his eyes.

"This is why I told you two to never leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the quarter," he said angrily.

"First of all no one has ever noticed I was a wolf until now which I don't know why and I have usually made it undetected," Aphrena says.

"I had a plan and your little nighttime strolls put it all in peril." A man starts to groan and Rebekah starts walking towards him. "Leave him!" Klaus shouts angrily. "You've done enough, Don't you think? leaving a trail of bodies like a roadmap to my door?"

"If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolves heads, everyone here would be screwed," Rebekah said defending herself. "And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan. And no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child so that he could save you from your selfish, rotten self. You obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah because what have you done to honor it?" She asks.

"I have done everything." Klaus snaps. "Let me spell it out for you, shall I?" He says while putting his arms out.

"From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From day one, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain, which as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect, so I created a day zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost six vampires thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits, so I made the new one mine before he'd had even a drop of vervain. But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so... And this one, I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah so that he can explain to Marcel why he just lost three more vampires tonight," he says as he drags a man through his yard pass Rebekah and she follows stopping near Aphrena and Hayley.

They all walk in behind him taking in his words. "Does anyone have any more questions?" He asks as he drops the body. They are all silent so he continues. "No? good. Because I have a question, Hayley." She looks up from her hands and Aphrena moves closer to her out of instinct.

"What were you and Aphrena doing in the bloody french quarter in the first place?" Aphrena's eyes widen as she doesn't answer. The vampire already knew what she had tried to do and felt bad for the two. "Answer me!" He yells.

"Leave her be," Rebekah says but Hayley stalks towards him.

"You want to know what I was doing?" Aphrena looked up at her with wide eyes.

"Not really, I don't," Aphrena said not wanting her to tell him. He's known for his temper for a reason. Hayley does something he doesn't like. He's gonna show her his hybrid temper.

"I was buying poison so I could put your little baby out of its misery," she said and Aphrena internally smacked her head not wishing to have heard her say it out loud.

Klaus sped towards her and pinned her to the wall by her throat, causing her to choke and Aphrena and Rebekah both got protective.

"Klaus!" Aphrena screamed angrily. Hayley starts gagging more losing air fast.

"NIK!" Rebekah yells. She sped to him, making him release his grip from Hayley and Rebekah slammed him into the wall. Aphrena went to Hayley's side to help her.

"Keep your hands off her. She is pregnant, for god's sake!" She yelled her British accent strong as she jerked him back releasing her grip on him. Hayley held her throat coughing as Aphrena told her to breathe in and out slowly.

"All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it..." The two parents eyed each other curiously causing Aphrena to raise an eyebrow at her.

"It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. that's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you, all we've ever wanted," Rebekah says taking on a calmer tone. The two parents looked at each other and Aphrena could see the regret in Niklaus' eyes at what he did to her and Hayley saw it as well and looked happier. Klaus sat down where he stood Rebekah following. Aphrena and Hayley stared at the two siblings curiously.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel." Klaus looked at Rebekah then looked away as she turned to face him.

"What?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Marcel was nervous. It was bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so I gave him a peace offering." Aphrena scoffed as he tried to justify himself. Aphrena knew Elijah wouldn't be there for long and she knew he was in safe hands with Davina.

"You bartered our brother," she said.

"I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I'm executing that plan the only way I know how," he said looking at them.

"If you don't like it, there's the door." He had tears in his eyes but pulled them back. "See if I care," he said before getting up leaving a tearful Rebekah and she leans back exhausted.


Rebekah went outside to cool off while Aphrena stayed with Hayley. "Looks like we got ourselves into a sticky situation between these siblings." She sighed. "Please, I beg of you do not hurt that child again. I don't think it would be best for any of us. I can see the way Klaus looks at you and I know you. Your a great girl, Klaus needs someone like you and this baby will help him, I know it. And a family would be great with the parents together. So, when everything is settled down between the siblings spend some time with him. It would be very beneficial." Aphrena smiled at her.

"You are right. I'm sorry about the poison I just wanted it over with. I can see where Klaus is with this whole thing later on if that's what you want." Aphrena hugged her.

"Yes, it is what I want because it would be good for you two." She nodded.

"Now I need to get something then we will go out and talk to Rebekah." Aphrena goes upstairs in her room and grabs the daggers with cloth around them.

Aphrena walked back downstairs and took Hayley's hand. Together they headed over to where Rebekah was sitting on the porch. They sat down Aphrena in the middle.

"I know you don't know me very well, but thanks. I appreciate what you did in there," Hayley says breaking the silence.

"Us girls have got to look out for each other," she says looking at both of us.

"What is it with you two? You say you hate him, but the way you deal with him, it's so clear. Even when you hate him, you still love him." Aphrena says.

"I guess when you spend a thousand years with someone. Deciding to quit them is like losing a part of yourself, but sometimes the hate is just so powerful. Emil wasn't the only boyfriend of mine that Klaus killed. He did it, again and again, every time I found someone to care about. He just kept doing it until finally, I stopped falling in love. He said he was protecting me from my mistakes, that no one, not even my MATE was good enough for his little sister... Until one day someone was and he was my mate. His own someone that he raised and still didn't allow me to be happy with." Aphrena looked at her curiously.

"Mate? What is that?" Aphrena asked Rebekah as she looked at her with sad eyes.

"It was a gift given to the Originals, soulmates to make the Originals happy and forgiving," she said.

"If you knew Marcel has Elijah, why don't you get him back yourself?" Hayley asked.

"Because if I cross my brother, then there's still a coffin downstairs with my name on it." Aphrena looked down and grabbed the daggers revealing them to Rebekah.

"Oh, my god." She breathed out.

"I found them under your coffin, so if a couple of antique steak knives were the only thing stopping you from getting Elijah back, then here you go," Aphrena said handing over the daggers. The blonde vampire looked down at them then takes hold of them. She looked back up at Aphrena with a smile which she returned.


Rebekah went off to deal with Marcel and Aphrena took Hayley back inside.

Aphrena took her all the way to her room. "Go to sleep we will be having more exhausting days headed our way." The vampire laid her in bed and Hayley looked up to her.

"I can't say how happy I am to have you. You have stuck by me through everything and you always know what to say." Aphrena nods and smiles at her.

"I don't need to be thanked. I want to protect you-you're my best friend." Aphrena kissed her forehead and tucked her in.

"Goodnight," she said.

"Goodnight." With that, Aphrena walked into her room and collapsed down on her bed with a huff. But She had to get up and change.

She stripped and ran into bed with no clothes on. Yes, this will be how she sleeps tonight, comfy at last.

(her dream is in the next chapter I had written it before this and boy do I have to say it might be a little early for you guys to know but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to explain things.) I personally love the next chapter. when I mean explain I mean it explains something important and kind of gives away my big surprise that I am so in love with it all fits perfectly with this mate thing so please do read.

When Aphrena awoke she listened in on Klaus and Hayley talking.

"I didn't use it." She informs the hybrid.

"You're awake."

"I could barely sleep all night. This house is like a freaking swamp sauna." Aphrena chuckled at this because yes, it is very hot here at night.

"What stopped you? You could have been free of all this, of me."

"Aphrena. But not only her when I was fighting off those vampires, I realized I wasn't just protecting myself. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birth parents gave me up and my adoptive parents kicked me out. All I know is push came to shove and I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it. And Aphrena she would do anything to help me and this child I couldn't abandon either of them." Aphrena smiled at the thought that she is keeping this baby because not only she wanted her to, but her motherly instincts are to not leave it.

"I'm beginning to think we are a lot alike, you and I." Aphrena decided to stop listening so she could get dressed and ready for the day.

Once she was done she listened in once more and heard something she didn't think she would, he kissed her. and that had her smiling ear to ear.

Aphrena heard a door slam and listened in.

"I got to see the secret weapon of his that you've been going on about."

"Well, don't stand on ceremony. What is it?"

"It's not a what. It's a who, a girl, Davina. She can't be more than 16 and I have never felt power like that."

"A witch."

"She's not just any witch. She's something I've never seen before, something beyond powerful, and now because of you, she has Elijah. Who knows what she could do with him." She wouldn't hurt him she promised. She - unlike a lot of people she meets - likes Aphrena.

"Where is she?" Thank God Davina erases peoples memory.

"That clever bitch. I don't know," Rebekah said frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asks his sister.

"She wiped my memory of the location. Marcel possesses a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original, and you handed our brother to him! How many times will Elijah forgive you?! How long until his hope for your redemption finally dies?!"

Aphrena stopped listening to them since her ears started to hurt from the shouting.

longest chapter I have ever made 6347 words

tell me what you want to see or more importantly what you don't want to see. if it's between Hayley and Elijah please do tell if its an add on for Hayley and Niklaus I'm all ears. I'm going from the show and I add in things that fit with my story and I can't write it on my own so I use the episodes but if you want something it makes it easier to write it if you say it because I'm, not all too creative.
please enjoy <3

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