The Looming Clouds

From the darkness a female voice responded, as she sounded like she was crying. "I thought you promised me, that you wouldn't Die. You promised me." And It quickly falls to silence.

~Time Skip 2 years~ 3rd POV~

Ever since the attack on Beacon, and the disappearance of (Y/n) Goodwitch. Things haven't been the same. With a resent increase in Grimm attack's, and with several towns being attacked. Things are not looking so good for Remnant. 

In the Tower of Beacon, Ozpin was looking at a spot on a map that was in a wall. He stayed silent as he just looked at the map. "...." The room was filled with silence, until it was broken as he looked at the elevator. When the door's open a short in stature boy with Black hair, and hazel colored eyes, walked in the room. He then stooped in front of Ozpin's desk with a unsure look in his eyes. "Ah You must be  Oscar Pine?" Ozpin said but the boy remained silent as they looked at each other..

~Mistral~ 8:30 p.m.~

Meanwhile outside a tavern, suddenly a man was thrown out the window. As several other costumers ran out of the tavern in a hurry. Inside the tavern several people were on the floor as Raven, and Qrow had their weapons drawn. Raven then walks up to a woman who was the leader as she was ready to have her meal. Raven the points her blade at her, but the woman was not faced by her. "Are you Lil' Miss Malachite? If so I heard that you know everything?" Raven said.

The woman looked at Raven's sword and back to her, and she spoke. "Put that toy away before you hurt your self?" Raven got annoyed, but she slowly put her sword down. "Know what would the famous Raven Branwen need from us?"

Raven then spoke. "I need answers?" When she spoke Tai, and Summer walked inside and noticed the crowed, but they then walked over to Raven, as Qrow also got close to her.

Lil' Miss looked at her as she finished her food, and took out her cigarette holder. She then looked at Summer and back at her. "How important is this person to you?"

Everyone looked at Raven as she put her sword away and she bowed her head, surprising everyone. "Please." She then looked back at her.

Lil' Miss as she looked at Summer she cued tell otherwise. "What makes this person so special. Because one look at her." Looked at Summer. "Is telling me otherwise."

Raven lowered her head. "... To tell you the truth it was our fault." Lil' Miss raised an eyebrow. "When she was a small child we abused her, beat her, and even... scarred her. She didn't deserve that pain and I understand that." Raven started to tear up.

Lil' Miss turned her attention at Summer then stepped forward and spoke. "It's true. But all of it was MY fault a part of me wanted to stop. But something about her made me think like she wasn't my daughter. So I lashed out at her and made her into more of a slave then a child, I pushed her away. I harmed and broke her, but more then that I brought my friend's into it. But what's worse I tried to give up on her." Summer lowered her face as she felt more shame then anything.

Lil' Miss looked at her with disgust in her eyes. ".... Fine but you." Looked at Summer. "Can stay outside." Summer lowered her head and she walked out of the tavern, with Tai. She then looked back at Raven. As Raven then explained who they were looking for.  "I'm sorry to say darling. But none of my children have heard anything about any Y/n, or this Lili girl you speak of. But you have noticed right? The resent increase in Grimm?" Raven nodded as Qrow looked at them. "Well resources say that Grimm have been spotted far to the south. But what's odd is that their not alone."

Raven, and Qrow  looked at each other and back to Lil' Miss. Raven then turned around. "Thank you for the information."

Lil' Miss smirked. "It doesn't take genius to know that something odd is happening." She said as she taps her cigarette holder into an ashtray.

Raven then spoke. "I-I see thank you for your info."

As Raven, and Qrow were about to walk away, Lil' Miss red responded to her. "Before you go." They both looked at her as she smiled. "If you find her. Just try and not fuck it up this time. After all, children are the hope of the new world."

"No child deserves that kind of punishment for something, that you as adult's could have avoided. So I'll say it again don't fuck it up. After all children are small frail things."

Rave, and Qrow smiled and nodded at her, they then walked away.

Deep in the woods at a camp filled with people. A man, and woman looked at each other as a young woman with tan-colored skin, short brown hair and icy blue eyes. Walked passed them with a surprised look in her face, and noticed looming clouds from the distance, as red lightning flickers in the sky. She then turned to the man, and woman with a stern look, and speaks. "Tell everyone to stay on guard!?" Both of them nodded as they quickly walked back in to the camp. She then turned back to look at the sky as it started to get closer.

Back in to the tavern as Raven, and Qrow walked out Tai responded to them. "Did they tell you something?"

Qrow walked passed him annoyed. "Nothing important."

Tai lowered his head, as Summer looked at Raven and she responded to her. "Are you sure that we can find her?"

Raven stopped in front of her, and sigh. "I don't know Summer. I just don't know. But unlike you I refuse to give up on her." Raven said as she walked passed her.

Tai was quick to comfort her as she was about to cry. He then placed both his arms on her shoulders. "Don't worry will find her, and then will get all the lost time... Will make up for all the lost time." He said but Summer simply nodded at him.

~Flash Back~3 Day's Ago~ Beacon Academy~

"WHAT!?" Was all that was heard as team LIZN, RWBY, and Glynda looked at Summer, and Tai with an annoyed looked in their face.

Summer then spoke up as she looked at everyone. "We have to  consider that possibility." She then looked at Ruby, and Yang. "If we cant find her. Then will have to move on."

Ruby was quick to respond as she looked at her. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND! I'm not giving up on her!" She shouted, as everyone looked at Summer.

Ivary clenched her fists. "You son of a-" She then walked close to Summer, but was stopped by Layla, who held her back. "First you cost her pain and now you want! To simply abandon her! DAMN YOU! I new I was right to not trust you!"

When Ivary calm down she walked passed her, as she did she glared at Summer. Zahra, and Neo walked passed her also glaring at her. Zahra then stop at her side. "You made her go throw hell. And after the damage was done you wanted to have her back. Know you want to back down like a coward. Some one like you is not Worthy of being a huntress, let alone a Mother. So if your going to give up then get out of our way. But never come close to Y/n." She then walked away, after her team. Summer looked away with a sad expression.

Ruby lowered her head and she bit her lip, she then looked to the floor in irritation. "Sis was right about you." Ruby walked passed her and stopped right behind her back. "People like you only care for yourself."

"Ruby I-" Summer said as she turned around and extended her left arm toward her. But Ruby was quick to slap her arm away.

As Ruby turned to look at her, they all noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "SHUT UP!" She then looked at her with anger in her eyes. "As of this moment forward don't you even talk to me, or even look at me. You aren't my mother. You're nothing to me! So stay out of my way and out of my life!" She then steeped back.

Yang crossed her arms and she looked at Tai, with a stern look. "Are you feeling the same way?" Tai didn't respond he simply avoided eye contact. Yang then sigh. "I see." Yang then walked over to Ruby and they looked away. "As of today we disown you and the Xiao Long, and Rose name. So don't ever call us, or even talk to us. Come on Ruby let's go and find our Sister?" Ruby nodded to her as they walked away.

As they got to the elevator Ruby looked at Summer who was heart broken, with tears in her eyes. Ruby then spoke up. "When we find her you can stay the hell away from her." As soon as they walked inside the elevator the door closed.

The room was speechless as they all looked at Tai, and Summer. Ozpin looked at the two of them with a disappointing look in his face. Glynda clenched her fists and walked up to Summer, and Tai and she didn't slap them, no she punched them, as she started to cry. "Ruby, and Yang are trying their best to try and find Y/n! But what are you doing!?" They didn't respond. "That's right nothing! You two don't deserve to call your selves Huntsmen and Huntresses! You two only bring shame to this Academy! So when we find Y/n stay away from her!?" They both remained silent. 

Later as Ruby, and Yang were close to their dorm, they were still feeling agitated at what Summer said. "Girls wait!?" Two voice responded in unison. They both looked to the voice and they noticed that it was Raven, and Qrow.

Yang looked at them and she responded first. "What are you going to get in our way. Or are you going to give up on her."

Raven stepped forward and she shook her head. "No we want to help. I don't plan on abandoning her. I want to find her at all cost."

Qrow responded after her. "That's right please I'm not leaving her alone. So let us help you save her?"

Both of them looked in disbelief as they looked at each other. Ruby then nodded as she looked at them. "Okay." All of them then nodded as they smiled.

~Present Time~

Summer sigh as she looked at Raven, and Qrow walking away from her. Tai then touched her back and he smiled at her. She then nodded and she walked over to her team.

Meanwhile back in the camp, as it started to catch fire. The sky was red as lightning flickers. Several of the people were being attacked by Grimm. Two of them tried to escape but as they looked back two Beowolf jumped at them and they took a bite deep in to their necks killing them. As the camp burned a woman with long white hair that reached to her waist, and black veil that covers part of her face, walked to the center of the camp. Several of the people looked at her as they put up their weapons ready to fight. The woman simply sigh as a small void open up to her left. She then placed her left arm inside the void and she took out a red like great-sword.

The woman then took two steps forward as she looked at the crowed. As she did the Grimm stopped their attack and surrounded the camp leaving them no place to escape. Every one looked as they notice that the Grimm stopped attacking. The woman with short brown hair and icy blue eyes walked to the front and looked at the woman in front of her. "Tell me why are you doing this?"

Far to the distance on top of a tree Lili was looking at what was happening, with an evil smile all over her face. "Come on Salem."

The woman now known as Salem the spoke in a calm tone. "Are you Vernal?"

the woman then nodded her head as she looked at Salem, with a surprise look in her face. "W-Why are doing this!?" Everyone looked at Salem as they felt an evil aura coming from her body.

Salem didn't speak as two humanoids rapped in a black coat that covered their face. As one of them bowed on one knee, the other got close to Salem and it whispered. Salem then turned her attention back at Vernal. "I see, Kill them leave no survivors?" Both figures then got up and disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, and headed out of the camp at great speed.

Vernal stepped forward, with her weapon drawn and she pointed it at her. "I said why are you doing this?"

Salem then spoke. "Simple I plan to get rid of this world. That include all of you. And did you think that I would be so foolish to not know of the people that escape." Every looked at her with a shocked look in their face. "Or did you actually believe that they could have escaped." When she said that the two humanoids appeared, and they bowed their head. "Well?" 

At that moment as the two humanoids got up they got in front of Salem and they throw something to the ground. Every one then looked with a shocked expression as they noticed that it was several decapitated heads. One of them being the leader of the white fang, Sienna Khan. Vernal then spoke up, in a frighten tone. "B-But H-How?"

"She actually believed that she could escape. I already new she was with you. And I also new that she was escaping."

At that moment a man ran towards her at great speed. "Your nothing but a MONSTER!" He then jumped and gripped his weapon with both hands. But his body was pushed back, beyond Vernal and the rest of the group. When the body landed and hit the ground, they noticed that the mans head was gone. Vernal looked back at Salem, and she noticed that in her right arm was the head of the man. "Now then." Salem spoke as she throw the head of the man close to Vernal, it then rolled close to her, with a scared expression. Vernal looked at the head and she was about to vomit. But she held it back, and she looked at Salem. "Did he actually believe that he could hurt me." Salem spoke. "What are you going to do?" She said as she awaited a responses from Vernal, but at that moment the rest of the survivors charged at Salem.

"NO STOP!?" Vernal called to her group and tried to stop them but it was to late.

Salem gripped her sword and with one swipe from her sword horizontally. Every person that charged at her was decapitated, or cut in half, with their blood splattered across the ground. As all the body parts landed on the ground. Vernal simply looked in horror as everyone was killed like nothing. She then dropped to her knees, and looked to the ground with empty eyes. "Why?" 

Salem under neath her veil smirked. "No real reason, I just wanted to test something for my self." she said as she walked to Vernal. "Think of it as a form of experiment."

Vernal gripped her weapon, and looked at her. "Experiment. Experiment! What the hell are you!" She said with fear in her tone.. 

Salem then responded to her. "I wont dirty my blade, with you. So you can leave." Salem then turned around, and slowly walked away, with her sword still in hand. But Vernal got up and she charged at her. But as soon as she got close, a spike erupted from the ground, pierced her heart, and lifting her from the ground. Salem then sigh and she walked away. "Foolish girl. You could have lived, but it's to late." Salem said as Vernal took one last look at Salem. Vernal reached out to her but her vision became blurry, she slowly closed her eyes, and her arms became numb. She then put her sword away.

Salem then looked at the Grimm. "Have you feast?" When she gave that command the Grimm didn't waste any time in eating everything that was left. As a portal then open up, and she walked inside it, and the two humanoid's walked with her. Lili smiled as the portal closed. "HeheHAHAHA!" She simply started to laugh.

From the darkness a female voice responded, as she sounded like she was crying. "I thought you promised me, that you wouldn't Die. You promised me." And It quickly falls to silence.

~Kingdom~ Mistral~ Deep Woods~ 10:30 p.m.~

In a different location team RWBY, and team LIZN were on the ground with a pod of food, over a campfire. Talking and taking a break, before heading out the next morning. When Blake finished her food she made some Coffee, and handed it over to everyone. Layla, and Zahra took a sip but Ivary looked at Ruby who was spacing out. "What's on your mind?" She said as she looked at her.

Ruby quickly snapped out of it and shook her head and smiled at her. "Nothing! Hehe." She took a sip of her coffee as everyone looked at her.

Ivary on the other hand sigh and looked at her, and responded. "Ruby I might not know you completely. But I know when someone isn't felling good so. Don't just hold it in on your own. We're friends aren't we? So trust us." Ivary smiled as she took a sip.

 Layla then took a sip and smiled. "She's right?" She along with Zahra then smiled at her.

Ruby then looked at her, and then at everyone. And her smiled change to a frown, and she looked at her coffee. "It's just..." She closed her eyes as she started to tear up.

Neo by just looking at Ruby new what was wrong, and she then responded. "You're worried about Y/n?" Everyone looked at Neo who looked back at Ruby. "You're worried about her. But you're not the only one. After all were all of Y/n's friends and we will find her? But like Ivary said you cant just hold it all in. If you need to talk then tell us." Neo then smiled at her. "As long as you have friend's like your team, and not only them but. Team JNPR, CFVY and even some students from Beacon. We're all hire to help. That's what Y/n told me, or something like that." 

Ivary smiled as she looked at her coffee. "She would say something like that. Hehe."

Ruby then smiled as she started to cry. "You're right i'm just worried about her. I'm worried that something must have happened to her. I'm worried that we wont be able to find her. And I'm scared, i'm so scared." She cried.

Zahra put her coffee down and she walked over to Ruby and she gave her a hug, and petted her head. She the spoke. "Its okay I know that Y/n is okay. After all we all share one thing in common." She then pointed to her heart. "I know that as Y/n's friend she is still alive. So trust us and trust in your self." She then wiped her tears away, and she seat back to her spot.

Ruby looked at everyone as they all smiled. "You're right what was I thinking. Sis is alive and I wont give up on her." She then put a bigger smiled. "Thank you everyone." She then drank her coffee in one go, witch was a bad idea. "HOT!HOT!HOT!"

Everyone looked at her, and Weiss sigh. "You dolt of cores its going to be hot." They all then shared a laugh.

When they all finished drinking their coffee, Ruby looked at the fire with a series face. "You know." Everyone looked at her "I wont ever forgive Lili for taking Sis. But I want to know why? Why her? What did she need from Sis?"

Ivary looked at the fire and smiled, and closed her eyes. "You have a point. I'm still trying to figure out if she's even human. After all she called her self the Daughter of Chaos." Everyone looked at each other, and wondered about Lili.

Layla then spoke. "What is she trying to accomplish by taking Y/n." Their was a silence as everyone was thinking about Lili. Layla then sigh. "Well no point in thinking of that now. I'm sure that will get our chance to ask her eventually." Everyone nodded as they looked at her with a stern look.

As the silent hanged in the air, it was quickly broken as the scroll of Ruby rang. She quickly piked it up and noticed that it was from Professor Ozpin. She then responded. "Hello Professor Ozpin do you need something?"

She put the call on video so everyone could talk to him. "Hello team RWBY, you to team LIZN. How goes the search?"

Neo spoke. "Not so good we haven't found a single clue. But that wont stop us."

He nodded as he looked at everyone. "I see well I have good news. I'm currently running an  investigation, and if things go well. I might be able to find Y/n." Hearing him say that made everyone smile, realizing that they still had a chance to find their friend. "But  I just need a bit more time. So in the mean time can I ask you for something?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded as they looked at him. But Yang was the one to responded. "Sure what do you need?"

He nodded his head. "Close to your location their is a small town. I would like for you to investigate it, because recently I haven't heard anything from the town. And don't worry I'll be sending a Bullhead to that location at 12:00 p.m."

Everyone nodded at him, and Ruby responded. "Okay no problem." He then smiled as Ruby hung up the call. And looked at everyone. "Okay everyone let's go to sleep? It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Everyone then responded in unison with a simple. "Right!"

~Salem's Castle~ Throne Room~ 11:45 p.m.~

The two doors slammed opens as Lili walked in and seat on her throne and looked ta Salem. Meanwhile as a shadow covered Salem's eyes, she removed her veil and looked at Lili. She then crossed her legs, and placed her left arm on her cheek. She then spoke in a calm tone. "Can I help you Lili?" She said as a humanoid walked close to Salem and place some tea close to her. All the while a second humanoid got close to Lili and gave her the same tea.

Lili simply smiled and shook her head. "No just admiring your beauty is all." She quickly drank the tea in one go. "Thank you for the tea, but I have thing to do. So I'll be seeing you."

"You just got hire?" Salem said as she took a small sip from her tea.

Lili got up and walked to the door, she then stopped and looked over her shoulder at Salem. "I know but I have something to do that need's my utmost attention. So bye~bye~" She then gave to peace signs with her fingers, and walked away.

Salem looked as two more humanoid walked out of the shadows covered in some sort of black substance. They then got on their knees and bowed to her, and responded to her in unison. "Should we fallow her our Queen?"

".... No. Let her be." She then took a sip of her tea, as the moon was shine with a pure red color, throw the window. 

"Yes our Queen." The two humanoid's walked in to the shadows and disappeared. 

Salem then leans back to her throne with her legs still crossed, and both her arms together. "What are you planing Lili?" She told her self.

Meanwhile deep in the Castle Lili yawns, and walked over to a balcony and stopped to admire the moon with her smile. As the view is seen tilting up to a half red moon shinning outside. It then cuts to a close up of Lili slowly opening her eyes, and it then shows her leaning her back on the handrails as she looked up at the half red moon. With a gentle smile all over her face. "I hope it happens soon. Hurry up and wake up, Y/n." Everything then quickly cuts to black.

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