The Guardians and Secrets

~Layla's POV: (Sakura Tree)~

As I looked at the Sakura Maiden. I ponder what Salem told us. Or safe to say what she said about, me. "I'll get straight to the point. What did Salem mean, when she called me a Guardian?" I said as she looked at me, with a calm and gentle expression.

"... Tell me? Are you familiar with the Maidens?"

I nod my head as I was still confused, at what did the Maidens had to do with the my question.

"Good... Then this makes things more simple. The Maidens were the hosts of vast magical power's that existed in Remnant for thousands of years. Each Maiden had a Guardian that stood by their sides, and protected them... Until Lili, and Salem killed them all... That is until now."

As I looked at her. I could wrap my head around what she was saying. But I knew that I was only lying to myself. So as I locked eyes with her, she smiled and nod's. "So dose that mean that?"

"Yes. You Layla Otohime are a Guardian."

"Me a Guardian, for the Maidens?" I told my self as I looked back at her. But one thing ran through my mind. As I didn't know about any Maiden's... Wait! My eyes widen as I turned my gaze back at her.

"Correct." She spoke as she turned to look at the tree. "Your friend. Y/n Goodwitch is actually one of the Maidens. But which maiden is she? Is left to be desired. As I don't know, myself."

"How did you know that?" I said as I wanted answers from her.

"Do faint I could feel this small sense of power from her. But it didn't become clear until the day you fainted, and she used the last of her strength to save you all." She said as I remembered that during the fight with Lili. I along with my sister, and Ivary fell unconscious.

"So you knew?" I said as I responded to her. But even if her back was turned she nodded her head.

"I see... But you saw it to? When we fought Salem."

She nod's and responds. "The body of Salem. Actually belongs to her."

"Is there away to save her? Or something that I can do?" I said trying to find away to save her.

"... What importance is she to you?" She said as she turned to face me. 

"Importance?" I said as her words sounded cold, and uncaring. But I clenched my fist, and spoke back to her. "She along with Glynda were the one's that saved me, and my sister! They were the one's that gave US a home! To us Y/n means the world to us! She's our friend, our teammate, our hope!" I said as I wanted to keep going on. "So i'll say this ones, if there is even a small chance, that we can save her. Then that is a chance that i'm-" I shook my head. "No that WE are willing to take."

"...... I see."

~3rd POV~

As the Sakura Maiden turned to face Layla. Two figures appeared next to her. As they are revealed to be Layla's Mother and Father.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

Before anyone could speak the Father spoke, with a gentle smile across his face. As he turned to look at the (SM). "That's our Girl! Hey can you just stop toying with her. I'm sure that there has got to be away to save her friend, right?" The Sakura Maiden didn't respond back, as she simply turned back to look at the Tree. With a series look in her face. 

(I take no credit for the photo.)

The Mother nod's after his question, with a smile across her face. "That's right we as Guardians have to do our job and protect the Maidens. Besides we have dealt with worse things then this. So i'm sure you can think of something. After all you and her are one in the same." She said in a friendly tone, and tilting her head to the side.

The Sakura Maiden took a moment as all eyes turned to face her. But she then gave a sigh, as she turned to look at Layla's Mother. "I swear you two never changed." She said as she slowly turned to face Layla gain.

As both the mother and father turned in to a chibi, and started clapping in a playful way. As both of them then respond at the same time. "Thank you!"

As Layla looked at her, she gave a smile, as she looked at the Sakura Maiden. "Thank you Sakura Maiden." She said as she felt happy of the help she was getting.

"I'll say this one's but are you, REALLY shore about this?" She said awaiting an answer from her. But with a reassuring smile Layla nod's at her. "... OKay then. Lessen up. There is a way to save her. But for that to happen you will need one thing." She said as both Layla and her locked eyes.

~Ruby's POV: (Unknown Location)~

(I take no credit for the photo.)

As I ran after the girl, with the red hair. I couldn't help but get this feeling of deja vu just but I couldn't put my finger on it. But I could tell that something was familiar about her. But I simply shook my head as it wasn't important at the moment.  "Where did she go? How do I find her?" I said as I kept heading up some stairs.

The more I kept walking the more I kept getting creeped out. But nevertheless I had no other choice but to keep moving.

But just as I made a turned. I noticed that not to far ahead I noticed that girl. So I quickly ran after her. 

~3rd POV~

As Ruby kept going after the girl. The area felt like it didn't have an end. But just as she was about to stop running. She quickly stopped and noticed that the small girl. Was standing over the edge, looking at the vast empty void. But Ruby having no other choice, walked over to her.

"Um are you okay?" She said trying to get an answer out of the girl.

But just then, the small girl slowly turned around, and maid eye contact with her. But as she did Ruby noticed that the girls eyes were blood red. Her eyes then widen as she knew who the girl was. "Wait are you?"

The small girl quickly responded, interrupting Ruby's answer. "If you are wandering who I am. Then you are right on the mark... I am Lili. Or in layman's terms. I am Lili from the ancient and forgotten past."

As Ruby tried her best to stay calm. She could feel that this Lili wasn't the same Lili she fought. "Where am I? What am I doing here? All I can remember was being in my room, and them."

"I can't say. But are you here because she wishes to see you, the Queen?" Lili said as she was discreet in her words.

"Queen?" Ruby said confused as to how could she mean by Queen. But she trying to not wast time shook her head. "More importantly. What is this place?"

"This place? It is a shadow of the old world. This place has no name it is a simple void beyond dreams." She said as she turned to look at the vast darkness. "In the depths of this unseen realm, I see her held prisoner. Waiting for someone to save her."

Ruby still confused couldn't even understand her, and what she was saying. "What did you mean by her? Did you mean Y/n?"

"If you do not save her, her suffering will continue forever." She said as he body disappeared and turned to dust scattering in to nothingness. 

"Wait don't go!..." Ruby said trying to reach out to her, but ultimately failing. But not having mush time she kept heading deeper in to the temple.

But as she kept walking she noticed that far into the distance, another Lili was standing still Almost like she was waiting for her. 

Just when Ruby got in front of Lili she could tell that she wasn't the same as the last one. "You're a different Lili, aren't you?"

Lili nod's her head at her. "Yes. I am a part of her emotions, her grief, her mistakes." The small Lili locked eyes with Ruby and noticed that she had silver eyes. "You are blessed with the silver eyes." She said as her body quickly disappeared.

"My eyes?" Ruby not having mush of a choice, gave a sigh and kept going even deeper in the temple.

That is until she ran in to another Lili. So as she stood in front of her, Lili spoke. "Very soon, her presence here will fade. Bearer of the silver eyes. You must save her along with your friends."

Ruby was quick to speak. "What are you talking about?" She said as Lili disappeared without a single word to her. So having nothing else to do she kept moving forward.

But as me maid her way up some stairs she noticed that Lili was already waiting for her. "Once upon a time, there were four Maidens and four Guardians. There destinies were bound-bound through the fate that belonged to one person. As the Maiden's powers belonged to one person. Another person took it all for himself." Just as Lili got passed her, she turned again to face her. 

"How is this he person you mentioned?" Rub said with more questions then answers.

"You have the power to save her. And perhaps you can. But you must face her and win."

"Are you saying that I can save Y/n? What do you mean?"

As Lili's body started to slowly fade, she responded one last time. "You are blessed with the silver eyes. And not only that but you are friends with the only living Guardian. Maybe you can still save her. But you must talk with those you share a connection by blood, and there Master."

"Silver eyes? Master? Wait what do you mean?" She said trying to reach out to her. But as Lili's body disappeared, her voice echoed trow Ruby's mind. "If you use them. Then maybe you will be able to bring her back."

Juts as Ruby maid her way to the top, she stopped as she maid her way to a big area. As the area was comprised of several pillars, and one floating throne. But as she looked at the area she stopped as the small Lili walked close to her. And just as she turned to face her, she was met with and attack that maid her body shatter like glass. As Ruby looked with a shocked look in her face, she turned to face to location of the attack. But as she did her eyes widened. As a woman smiled in a sadistic way. As it slowly revealed to be the older Lili, seating on the floating throne, with her legs crossed, and her body leaning forward.

"Hello there Little Red. Glad you could make it to the party. Hehe." She said as she never lost her sadistic smile. Ruby didn't respond as she tried to reach for her weapon, but she soon realized that she had no weapon. "Relax! I didn't come to kill you. Not yet anyway."

As Ruby locked eyes with Lili. She took a deep breath and calmed down. "Lili... w-why are you here?"

Lili tilted her head in a playful way, as she smiled back at her. "What are you talking about? This is my world. So I called your soul here to talk."

"T-talk?" Ruby said as Lili was quick to nod her head at her. "Talk about what?" Ruby said as she clenched her fist, and glared back at her.

Lili smiled as she noticed that her arms started to tremble. "Hey come on, i'm not here to hurt you. On the contrary i'm here to help you." She said as she smiled back at her.

But Ruby wasn't believing her. "YOU help us! You tried to kill us!" She shouted back at her. Knowing full well that she had a point.

But just then Lili smirked, as one of her eyes was slight closed, with a shadow across her forehead, and glowing red eyes. "Hehehe, HAHAHAHA! That's true and I still plan to kill you! But Y/n is my pray and I'll be damned if I let HER have her." She said as she then dropped from the throne to ground level. But with the same expression still on her face. "After all i'll kill her with my own two hands. The one who bares the Maidens powers." She said as she started circling around her, with her arms behind her back. "And after her death you all will be next."

Just then Lili vanished and reappeared touching Ruby's chin. Ruby didn't move as a small drop of sweet ran down her face. But Lili simply looked at her, as she could tell that she was actually scared. "Ruby Rose. Bearer of the silver eyes, guided by Ozma. Listen to me. If you don't use the Full Moon to your advantage, along with your silver eyes you will lose her. As you keep trying to find a way to save her. She is still fighting for her freedom. So make haste and take that opportunity or you will never see her again, and she will be lost forever. So tell me? Are you prepared to bear the burden of losing her? The responsibility of being powerless? Or are you still just trying to make her suffer?" She said as she walked back to the throne and looked back at Ruby, with a calm and gentle smile.

"But why, Lili? Why do you want to help us?" Ruby said as she calmed down.

"To save her, and only her." As Ruby looked confused, Lili spoke again. "Long ago because of Ozma, and Salme's petty war. I had lost my Father and Mother. Only when I meet her is when I had a reason to call my own... That is until I had no other choice but to kill her." She said as if only for a moment she had a sad expression across her face. "But as her body vanished, her power went to me. Her soul should have gone to me. But as fate would have it. Her real soul was reincarnated after almost a millennia."

"Reincarnated in to my Sister? Lili how old are you?"

Lili smiled as she looked over her shoulder at the throne. "... Can't say really. That part of my memory is long gone... Tell me? Did your Mother ever told you about her real Mother?"

"What are you talking about! She's my older Sister!"

Lili gave a small sigh, as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "I would suggest that you talk with her. But it's kinda funny that she never told you anything. Talk about parent of the year."

"I'll say it again. Why are you helping us?"

Lili didn't respond for a moment, as she looked at her arms, and short glimpses of when her friend died in her arms, with a smile across her face are shown. "I'll say it again. To save her, and only her... So often have I seen this... Seen her wilt before my very eyes... It's... Hell." She said as Ruby had a short glimpses of the time Lili took Y/n away. "But as long as Salem and Ozma are still alive she will never rest. So I will say it again. You must use the Full Moon, and the silver eyes to your advantage to set her free. You already have all the power you need, after all you have the last remaining Guardian with you."

"How do I know, that you are saying the truth? If you tried to kill us." Ruby said as she felt hesitant to trust her words.

"Hehe, true but that is for you do decide." Lili said as she crossed her arms, and tilted her head.

Just then as Lili smiled back at her, with her eyes covered. Ruby started losing consciousness as her vision is soon consumed by nothing but darkness. Just then Ruby tossed and turned trying to find away to free her self. But suddenly she opened her eyes, and noticed that she was in her dorm. As she looked at her surroundings she gave a sigh of relief as she felt like she had a nightmare. She then turned her attention at her scroll and noticed that it was only, 7:20 p.m.

"....." Just then as she looked at her sealing, one thing that Lili told her ran throw her mind. "Did your Mother ever told you about her real Mother?"

As she took a deep breath she calmed down and got up from her bed. She then slowly got up from her bed, and slowly maid her way to the door. But as she was about to open it everyone who were still awake turned there attention at her.

Weiss being the one to notice first responded to her. "Where are you going?"

Ruby turned her attention at her, as she had a series look on her face. "I need to talk with professor Ozpin, and if so I also want some answers from team STRQ."

Yang looked back at her, with a somewhat sleeping looking face. "Why don't you ask them tomorrow?"

"I can't! It has to be know." She said as everyone stared back at her.

But out of all of them Blake got up from her bed and walked close to her. "Let's go." She said with a smile, as Ruby nod's back at her.

Weiss then gave a sigh as she got up from her bed. "I wasn't sleepy anyways." She said as she walked over to her.

Yang took a moment to get up from her bed. But ultimately got up and walked up to her, with a smile across her face. "Let's go." She said as just as they walked out of the dorm. They were met with team LIZN how all had a series look on there faces.

Ivary then turned her attention at them, and responds to them. "Can't sleep?"

Ruby shook her head as she respond's back at her. "I have to talk to Ozpin. Want come with us?" She said as Layla nod's back at her.

She then responded back to her. "We were heading over there anyways." Just as everyone started making there way to Ozpin's office. 

It quickly cut's to Ozpin's office, as team STRQ are still talking with him, as Oscar, and Glynda are with them. But just then they hear the elevator door open, and team RWBY, along with team LIZN walked in, with the elevator door closing behind them.

Glynda then responded to them, as she held her scroll. "Did something happened?" She said as she felt confused as to why they were all in the office.

Just then Ruby and Layla walked up to Ozpin and responded at the same time. "We have reason to believe that we have found away to save Y/n." They said as everyone including there team looked at them.


Glynda looked at them as she held the scroll tightly in her arms, hoping for good news. Layla being the one closest, responded back to them. "I found something that might help us. But I'll let Ruby talk first." She said as Ruby looked at Summer, Tai, and Ozpin.

"I want you all to start talking. Tell me about my silver eyes? But most of all. Tell me about my Sister's Mother?" She said as Summer and Tai looked at her with a shocked expression across there faces. She then locked eyes with Ozpin. "I want you to tell us the truth about what happen in the past, with Salem? Tell us everything Ozpin, or should I say Ozma?" She said as everyone turned there attention at him.

"M-Ms.Ruby what are-"

"Talk Ozpin!" Just then Glynda spoke as he locked eyes with her. "My daughter is with Salem and i'm tired of playing around with her safety! So talk!" She said in a cold tone. As all eyes were on them.

Summer having no other choice walked up to them. "Okay... No more secrets. It's time that we told you the truth. Are all of you ready?" She said as everyone nodded at her. "Okay then."

~???? POV: (Unknown Location)~

As I started to wake up. I noticed a small girl with Blond hair, and with beautiful Blue eyes. Something about her felt warm. But soon her lips began moving, but no sound came out. What is she saying? I can't hear her.

I tried to move, but something about the girl held my gaze. I watch her face, expressionless, as her lips slowly flutter. What is she trying to say?

The more I looked at her lips. I started to almost make out, what she was saying. It started with a "W"... Then there's a "U"...

I could almost see it now. The letters where starting to fall together, one after the other, faster and faster.

"W-A-K-E U-P"

To wake up? What could this small girl mean by wake up? I kept staring at the girl, trying desperately to make out her next word's.

"D-O-N-'T... L-E-T... W-I-N"

Win? What? What is she talking about? Don't let win, what? As I focused more on her. Her lips moved, faster then normal. I couldn't even follow them. That is until her words became more clearer.

"D-O-N-'T L-E-T H-E-R W-I-N"

Her? Who did she mean by her? But as I wanted to ask her. I started to lose conscious, and was met with my eyes open in a place I didn't recognize. I took a moment to get adjusted to my surroundings. As I then noticed that I was in a small room. 

"Oh! Good you're awake!" I heard someone speak, and as I glazed through the room. I came at a stop as I noticed that right next to the bed, was a small girl that resembled the same girl that appeared in my dream... But as I look at her I noticed that she looked different? With her eyes being light Green, instead of Blue, and a green dress, compared to the Blue one she wore.

(I take no credit for the photo. Ignore the bread in her arms)

"Who are you?" I said as I stared at the small girl, still confused at what was going on.

"It's okay. Your safe here. I've been waiting for the day, that we would finally meet. When all four souls would finally reunite as one." She said in a vague tone.

"What is going on? Who are you? And who... Who am I?" I told my self as I then started to feel a small headache. And memories of a small girl, with several scars across her body pop in to my head.

I then put my attention back at the girl as my headache subsided. But she simply smiled back. Almost like she already knew what was going on. "I'm sorry but we are a bit pressed for time. Do you still not know who you are?" She said.

"Who am I?" I told my self. But as I was about to respond back at her. Memories of several people pop into my head. All of which we're friendly. With a woman that wore glasses. But quickly went away.

"So she hasn't taken complete control. That is good. That puts everything in our favor."

"JUST WHAT IS GOING ON!?" I shouted at her. As all of this was starting to get on my nerves. But she didn't flinch or looked mad. On the contrary she actually looked calmer then any other normal person, for a child.

"I know that you are confused, scared even. But you have to remain calm and lesson. What I am going to tell you. Will be a bit confusing. But I would like for you to trust me." She told me. But nothing was making any sense. But as I looked at her eyes. Something told me deep down that I could trust her. So after thinking about it, I nod my head to her. Which cost her to smile back at me.

"Good then come on. Let's get out of here." She said as she then grabbed my left hand and lifted me out of the bed.

After we got outside. I was shocked as I noticed that we were in a forest I didn't recognize. Covered by a thick fog that even I couldn't see.

But the small girl simply stared walking ahead as she held my hand. But I soon stopped as she turned to look at me.

"What's wrong." She said as she looked up at me.

"You haven't told me, who you are? And where are you taking me?"

"I'm going to take you to the place it all began. That way you will be able to awake your memories."

"Where it all began? Awaken memories?... Okay but the who are you?" I told her as I still didn't knew her name.

But she then cleaned her dress, fixed her messy hair, and smiled at me. "My name is Aria, Maiden of the Summers. I'm glad that I get to finally see you."

~3rd POV~

Just then the small girl extended her left arms to her, in a greeting. As the other girl was kind enough to shake her arms. Both of them then started walking through the thick heavy fog. And just like that everything fades to black. Fallowed with a To Be Continued sigh. 

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