The Grimm Queen's Power
~3rd POV~
The scene opens up as everyone is looking in shook and with arm's trembling at the Grimm Queen her self. "You can call me Salem." She said as everyone remained silent. Because just by looking at her they could feel an overwhelming aura coming from her body. And aura that screamed to get away and run.
But as a cold sweat ran down Layla's face, she took out Dazzling Blue and prepared to fight. But as she was about to move, Salem turned her attention at her and smirked underneath her veil. Just by looking at her she felt her body tremble and her body freeze.
Yang tried to calm down but she was also feeling the same as everyone, Fear. But as everyone looked at her their was only silence.
"WHERE'S MY SISTER!?" The silent was soon broken as everyone noticed that, the one who spoke was Ruby.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" Ivary then shouted as soon as, Ruby shouted.
"GIVE HER BACK!!" Layla said as she shouted after Ivary.
"THAT'S RIGHT GIVE HER BACK!?" And lastly Zahra shouted after Layla.
Soon after they shouted the rest fallowed after her and started to shout at Salem. But underneath Salem's veil she was starting to get annoyed. Just then a massive screech sends the two teams to cover their ears. As it slowly started to dissipate leaving them speechless. As she glances over to the Ruby, then travels to the rest of the team and stopping at Layla. She then responded to Lili without turning to face her. "I thought you killed all of the Guardians, Lili?"
Lili then with her body still restrain responded back at her. "I did~" She said in a playful tone.
"Is that so" Salem then pointed at Layla. "Then what is that?" She said as she could slightly feel something was of about Layla. But she then gave a sigh as she put her arm down, and changed the subject. "Well no mater... At the most part I don't have mush time to deal with you all. But I'll free some time to answer some of your question." She said as she then puts both her arms on her back.
Layla not having mush of a choice responded first. "W-what did you do with Y/n?"
Salem remains silent for a moment, but soon responds back at her. "First of all you must be Y/n's team. I must thank you for staying at her side up to the very end. But Y/n... is something I won't tell you. After all I gave her what she wanted... an end to her nightmares."
Layla with her arms shaking soon stopped and responded again. "Your lying. Shes not the type to lose to someone like you! So tell us ware she is!" She shouted.
"THAT'S RIGHT GIVE US BACK OUR SISTER!" Ruby shouted at Salem.
But Salem tilted her head to the side confused at her responds. "Sister? Ah! So your the one's that hurt her... But what are you even talking about Girl... I have no recollection of you having a Sister. But someone like you wouldn't understand. After all you are still helping out that fool. But his time is close at hand." She soon turned her attention back at Layla and gave a small sigh. "But if you really want to know ware she is then, come make me... But I can assure you, it will be the last thing you do."
As all of them glance at Salem, they all had a look of unease just by looking at her. And so Layla with her arms still trembling took out Dazzling Blue, and prepared her self to fight. The rest felt the same unease, but wanting to find Y/n was more important. So they all quickly took out their weapons and prepared to fight. Lili on the other hand struggled to get free, but it was no good. "No fare~ I wanted to fight them, party pooper." She pouted in a childish way.
But Salem paid her no mind. "Who's first?" She said in a mocking tone at them.
As the rest of then prepare to fight Salem uses her magic and summons a spike from the ground close to them. But they all quickly jumped out of the way and avoided the spike. Just then Blake and Ivary charged at her from both sides and attack her. But Salem quickly grabbed both of their weapons barehanded, they then tried a conjoint attack with their legs at her. But she ducked underneath there legs, kicked Ivary away making her hit a wall, she then grabbed Blake by her mouth glanced at her for a moment but ultimately pushed her away from her. As soon as they were on the floor Sigils appear on the ground, spawning shadow hand and immobilize both of them.
She then noticed as Neo, Weiss, and Zahra kept their distance, but quickly Sigils appear on the ground, and held them in place. Not even trying to let them get close as she was losing time.
As her focus was on the other girls Layla tried to use her semblance on her. But as she did she was met with a Sigil that appeared, and held her in place. Zahra then stopped as she noticed several Sigils that appeared close to her. She tried to avoid it at any cost but was soon overwhelmed and held in place. Leaving just Ruby and Yang left.
Ruby without a care in the world charged at her, as she quickly used her semblance to get close to her, and slash at her several times, mainly ripping part of her clothes. But Salem avoided her attack by simply slapping her weapon away and holding her by her neck. Leaving Yang the last member standing.
But she shook her head as Yang pressed on, jabbing at Salem's front and planting her explosives there. She then quickly gets out of range and detonates her bullets. Because of the explosion Salem's upper body bends backwards from the force with her chest ripped open. Her free hand then twists and lifted it in the direction of Yang. As a shadow hand reached out to Yang grabbed her by her face slams her to the ground. And just as her body regenerates Salem clothes remained torn. But she then gave a small sigh. As she then looked at them, as Sigils appeared underneath them and held them in place. Claiming victory in the end. We'll except for the one in her arm, still willing to put up a fight. But she then released her grip from Ruby's neck, and throw her close to her weapon.
"My poor children you actually think you can beat me?" She said in a calm and relaxed tone.
But Ruby not wanting to give up. Picked her self up grabbed Crescent Rose and got ready to fight. "I... I'm not giving up... Not until you tell me. What did you do to my Sister!?"
Salem starting to get annoyed at her stupidity, as she sigh and responded to her. "There it is again that question. What are you even talking about? Girl."
"My Sister! Y/n!?" She said in great anger to her.
Salem remain silent for a moment until she spoke. "If you want answer then come at me, Girl."
Ruby looked at her as she then used Petal burst and got close to her. She then tried to swipe at Salem's face. But she simply leaned back avoiding her constant attacks. But she then countered by slapping Ruby across her face making her almost stumble, but she quickly balanced her self.
She then tried several times to counter attack her with her scythe, but Salem avoided her attack easily. As she then lifted her weapon upward and brought it down at great speed. But as she did Salem quickly grabbed the Dust ammunition magazine, and then pushed her back.
Ruby quickly stabbed her scythe to the ground. As she then turned crescent rose in it's gun form and pointed it at Salem. But she quickly froze as she noticed that Salem was already in front of her gun. Salem noticed that her arms were shacking hesitating to pull the trigger. But she then mustered up the courage to pull the trigger, but was met with a clicking noise. "Looking for something?" Salem said as Ruby slowly looked at her and noticed that she had her ammunition in her arm. As Ruby quickly reached out for her extra ammunition she was met with a Sigil that appeared behind her and held her in place. "It looks to me like you failed to save you're Sister, by the looks of it. If you can still call her that."
Ruby with a confused look in her and struggling to get free responded to her. "W-What are you t-talking about?"
"My poor sad girl. Did you Mother ever told you anything about Y/n? Did she ever told you the truth about her?" Salem said as she gazed in to Ruby's eyes. Unaware that Layla had broken free, and was already preparing and attack.
"Just shut up and give us back what you took from us!!" Salem's gaze shift to Yang, who is still pinned to the ground. As Yang speaks, she ignores the Shadow Hands tightening around her. Salem then moves away from Ruby, as she slowly moved towards Yang. "Everything we've lost, the person we lost, is because of you!" She then glares angrily at Salem.
Salem then stops in front of her and looks down on her. She then scornfully responds to her. "And who is it I've taken from you, girl?"
"Y/n. Our Sister and Friend."
Salem chuckles underneath her veil, bending forward to look at Yang with a bemused expression. "...Her, again." As she then turned around and started to walk to the portal. Suddenly one of the humanoids responded to her in a hurry. "YOUR GRACE!!" She then stopped and turned around and then noticed that a small sphere comprised of different dust was sent to her, and upon impact exploded. Just then the Sigils holding everyone down disappeared. As they all then gathered in the same spot ready to fight again.
But as the smoke cleared they all widen there eyes, with shocked expressions as they noticed that Salem defended her self with different weapons that seemingly appeared out of thin air. But to team LIZN new the weapons. "That is?" Ivary spoke as she looked.
"That's Y/n's semblance." Zahra said.
"Scarlet Summon." Layla said as everything was silent.
"Hehehe..." As the blades disappeared they noticed that Salem was covered in a dark sphere. "You aren't so bad Guardian... But how do you plan to save Y/n?" She said as the sphere started to scatter and started to take on the form of new clothes for her. With a black qipao-like dress with a white fur scarf, black stockings, black knee high socks, multicolored gloves, and silver heels. With a golden/black feather hairpin, and a golden bracer on her arms, and a long asymmetrical skirt that resembles wilted butterfly wings. It, along with the hairpins, both shimmer and shift like flames. The veil then disappeared revealing her face. As her eyes slowly open to reveal that they were Red Irises. Compared to her usual Red Irises with Black Scleras. "When the one you are trying to save."
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"Is the same person you are facing?" She said as everyone remain in shock at what they were looking at, and what was going on. As nothing but silent hang in the very air, as no one new what to say to her. They all just wanted to save Y/n and bring her back. "What will you do? Will you fight? Will you look away and avoid me? Or will you just try to save her? I'm waiting for an answer." She said as she was met with nothing but silence from them. "Such a shame I expected for all of you to fight. But it look's like will have to leave it for another time."
As Lili looked at Salem she was starting to get more exited by the minute, as she wanted nothing more then to fight Salem. So as Salem walked beside her, she smiled maniacally. "Hehehe, What fun. What fun. Hehehe." She told her self. As her restrains were then released and she turned to the portal.
As the two humanoids stayed on their knees. Salem with her arms behind her back, walked inside the portal, as the two humanoids walked inside after her. Lili for a moment stopped in front of the Seer Grimm, and without looking at it. Quickly grabbed with one arm, and in an instant killed it by applying pressure and crushing it's core. Lili then gave a sigh of relief. "Much better. That is for ruining my fun." She then turned to the portal and before walking in she turned to look at her, friend? "Will be waiting for you. So don't disappoint me." As she walked inside she started maniacally laughing as the portal closed.
After the portal closed everyone remain silent until Zahra spoke, with a look of shock at what she saw. "That face? Even if it was different. It was her's?" She said as turned to face her team. But no one responded to her, or even answered her. As they still felt shocked at what they just saw.
Ruby then dropped to her knees as she didn't know what to do. As the rest of her team felt the same as her powerless.
~Time Skip: Bullhead (4:58 p.m.)~
After the Bullhead had arrived they were all heading to Beacon. But the silent still hanged in the air. Leaving them with doubts and confusion at what to do. As they all had no idea what had to be done. And so after arriving at Beacon they all headed to Ozpin's office still puzzled on what had to be done.
But unlike the rest Layla was mostly puzzled at what Salem told Lili, back in the burned down Town. "I thought you killed all of the Guardians, Lili?" She then snapped out of it, as she crossed her arms and starts to think to herself. "Guardian? What did she mean by that?" She told her self as she then looked at the ground, with a sad look on her face.
~Ozpin's Office~
On the way up the elevator there was simply silence as no one had even tried to talk. Blake wanted to try and break the ice but no one had yet spoken. That is until Zahra gave a big sigh that got the attention of everyone. As she then fallowed by raising her voice. "Okay enough is enough! We were trying to find her right! So why are we moping! We now know that Y/n is still alive! I don't care what Salem said I still believe in Y/n! So let's think of something to save her. I refuse to give up to her! And beside for all we know, that could have been an illusion." As she said what she had to say. Everyone looked at each other and nodded.
Ruby then clenched her fist and looked at her, and gave her a determined look. "You're right! Let think of a way find the real Y/n. I refuse to believe that, THAT was Y/n. So let's do this!" Everyone then smiled with new hope in there hearts.
As soon as they heard the elevator door ring. The door's opened up but soon where meet with several people shouting. And as they walked inside they noticed Ironwood with a bandaged up left arm. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!!" They noticed that Glynda, Qrow and Raven shouted at him with anger in there tone.
He then shouted back at them. "We have no other choice! If Salem is there, then I will send my soldiers to destroy the Castle! For the good of everyone. Salem must be stopped at all cost."
Glynda walked up to him. "Good of everyone my DAUGHTER is there! Do you plan to kill her two!?" She shouted at him.
Raven and Summer stepped forward. As Summer responded to him. "What if Y/n is there what then! What will happen to her!?"
"... Sorry but we have to stop Salem. Even if it means that she has to be sacrificed for the greater good."
As soon as everyone heard what he said Qrow, and Raven pointed there weapons at him. As Raven then shouted at him. "We're not going to let you harm her! You asshole! If she is still alive! Then that means that we have to save her!" She shouted as all of them looked at him with anger in there eyes. Almost as if they were ready to fight.
As things started to escalate Ozpin spoke up. "That is enough everyone." He said as everyone looked at him.
"Professor..." Layla said as he placed his attention on them.
"Ah Good you all have arrived. We have reason to believe that we found the location of Salem's Castle." He said but none of the girls responded to him. As the room became darker a hologram of Remnant appeared. As he then got up from his seat. "I have looked over the papers of the four kingdoms and I have reason to believe that Y/n is here." He said as he pointed at a spot on the map. "In the Land of Darkness. I have already prepared a Bullhead to go. But it will take some time to get it ready."
Yang then spoke up. "Then what seems to be the problem? We have all the man power here. So why don't we go and confront Salem already?" She said as she remembered what happen back in the town. But quickly brushed it off.
Ozpin looks at her and as he was about to respond, he was cut of by Ironwood. "That wont be necessary. As you were telling them about the location. I told Winter to deploy 3 of the Atlesian air-fleet to the vicinity, along with several other chips. And put an end to Salem."
Winter then walked inside the room and got close to Ironwood. "General Ironwood the ships have been sent. They are awaiting you're orders." She said.
Glynda raised her voice to him. "HAVE YOU GONE MAD!! CALL THEM OFF!" She shouted at him.
Suddenly, red tentacles spring forth beside the window, as everyone yelps and moves away, revealing a Seer Grimm. But Ironwood then, draws and aims his white revolver at the Seer. As everyone else in the room steps backward with widened eyes. The Seer rises up high in front of the desk, and Salem's voice comes from it, in a relaxed tone. "The brave huntsmen and huntresses of Beacon academy. It is good to see you all again."
The Seer's tentacles tense and curl up, and it trembles, emitting a high-pitched screech as its head cracks. Ozpin looked at it, with a series look on his face. As Ironwood watches in fear, with his gun still aimed at the Seer. The Seer withdraws its tentacles against itself, turns over, and drops to the floor, the red smoke inside of its head fading away. Stopping in front of Team RWBY, as black smoke pours from the crack, swirling into the air and forming an apparition of Salem. Her voice echoes out from the apparition as it speaks. Revealing her face to everyone that is in the room. Which leaves Glynda and everyone else speechless.
"Ironwood you actually think that your toys will work on me? You think that if you kill me then you will win? Hehe, That is commendable but stupid."
Ozpin then spoke up. "Are you planing to use Lili? To bring you victory!" He said as she turned to look at him.
She noticed that something was of about Ozpin, but she didn't pry. "With the curse holding us down broken, you are starting to lose. Day in, and Day out you are staring to get weaker and weaker."
"ANSWER MY QUESTION!?" He shouted with everyone still shocked at what they were looking at.
"Hehe, my former Husband, Lili's goal was never victory. It was merely to set the stage."
"For what?" Ironwood said as he looked at her. But Salem's apparition drifts over to Ironwood.
"For me. Time isn't on your side, James. It's always been on mine." Ironwood watches her with wide, terrified eyes. "The people of Atlas, and Beacon have suffered enough. Surrender everything to me, and they needn't suffer any further."
Ironwood lowers his gun. "That's... not going to happen. We have found your castle, and you will be stopped."
The Salem apparition leans down to look him in the eyes. "Simply accept the futility of your situation..." She then shows him a soft and gentle-looking smile. As she spoke in a soft tone. "And this can all be over. But if you will not give up then. Then I will have no choice but to show you the futility of this war." She then snapped her finger and a mirror appeared, reflecting her location. All the while Glynda looked in shock, as Summer looked at her as well.
~Evernight Castle: Landing Platform~
Lili smiled as she noticed all the good toy's she could have fun with. "Oh! Look at what Ironwood brought us to play."
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"Seems like it... But." Salem said as she started to walk to the edge on the Platform. With the taping of her heels echoing, as she walked to the front.
Throw the portal in Ozpin's office. Ironwood quickly picked up his scroll, and with a sweet running down his face game his command. "Attention all ships! FIRE! FIRE AT ONES!"
Inside the ships the commander looked at everyone and gave the order. "ALL SHIPS FIRE!" At that moment as all 3 ships started to fired several rockets are fired at the castle.
Lili then spoke to Salem, as she placed both her arms behind her head, and with a smile across her face. "They really want to kill you."
"Hmph. Selfish Human, did you think that abandoning your companions would ensure your own safety." Salem said to Ironwood as he then froze in place. She then started to spreed both her arms, awaiting the blast. But in that instant several Flying Grimm the likes of which have never been seen charged at the missiles taking the blast, and sacrificing themselves in the process.
But back at the ships they kept firing at Salem trying to get rid of her at all cost. "Humans, your existence was a mistake from the start." As she spoke her voice echoed throw the heads of everyone on the chips, and in Ozpin's office. As several more Grimm charge at the chips, several others protected Salem at all cost. Like servants protecting there master. "War, cheating, jealously, greed." Team RWBY and team LIZN look at Salem still shocked at what was going on. "You once made me lose everything. And so your existence is a sin that must be wiped out." As she spoke, Ozpin looked at her with a series look on his face. "But now I'll devour everything. Because I am the Goddess of this new world. So I will sound the horns of Armageddon!"
Back to the chip the commander spoke again. "I guess we have no choice. Attention all personnel! Fire everything you've got at her!" In a last dished effort they all fired at Salem with every last missile they had.
In that instant the Grimm all disappeared leaving Salem alone. As the soldiers then smiled thinking that they had won the fight. But as the missiles sparkled within her eyes, she smiled, and in that moment she snapped her finger, as several portals open up absorbing the missiles and disappearing. Which then the same portals open up above the very same chips. As several of the crow noticed the portal some started to panic, while others started to pray for there lives. As the chips started to fall from the sky and explode upon impact.
As everyone in Beacon were left speechless Salem looked at Ozpin throw the mirror. "Ozma." As Ozpin looked at her, he tensed up, as everyone turned there attention at her. "If you continue this futile struggle, you will know death before I have a chance to make you pay for what you did to Aria." She then looked at team STRQ. "You're existence will be snuffed out when I am done with all of you. And when that is done, Y/n will be able to rest soundly. Just like Aria."
"Aria." Ozpin said as he lowered his tone with a sad look on his face.
"But don't worry. Send your Huntsmen and Huntresses, and when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul's, know that you will send them to the same pitiful demise. This is the beginning of the end, Ozma... And I can't wait to watch you burn." She said as the mirror in the room quickly shatters, and the lights in the room comes back to normal. Leaving everyone without a single word to say.
After sometime had passed Ironwood knowing that his plan had failed left for Atlas with nothing to win in the end. As everyone else was left speechless at what they saw. Ozpin knowing that team RWBY, and LIZN felt tired they gave him sometime to think of what to do, and devised a plan. As he was left alone he started coughing and as he looked at his palm he noticed blood. Oscar then appeared and looked at him. "Are you okay?" He said as Ozpin looked at him smiled and nod's at him, not wanting to worry him. "I'm okay, nothing to worry about. Know then let's get started."
Meanwhile team STRQ wanted to talk to team RWBY, and LIZN. But they then decided to leave them bee as they felt to tired from the fight with Salem to even talk. As team RWBY and team LIZN then went to back to there Dorm.
~LIZN Dorm~
In team LIZN Dorm, Ivary got on her bed and she started to think to her self that it was all a dream. But the truth is it was all real. Zahra was looking at some photos of her with Y/n when she was with them, as she only wanted nothing more then to save her. Neo couldn't think of anything as she only wanted to save her. But what Salem said was true. "But how do you plan to save Y/n? When the one you are trying to save. Is the same person you want to save?" She then covered her face with her pillow as she quickly fell asleep. Layla on the other hand still was thinking of what Salem said about the Guardian. So she wanting to figure something out laid on her bed and closed her eyes. As her surroundings turned to a void of light, and as she opened her eyes. She noticed that right in front of her was non other then the Sakura Maiden, with a Sakura Tree behind her.
(I take no credit for the photo, and imagine that behind her is a Sakura tree.)
The Sakura Maiden then spoke. "If you're here, then I take it you have questions for me?" She said as she smiled right back at her.
Layla nod's at her with a series look on his face. "Yes, what did Salem meant when she said something about a Guardian?" As the Sakura Maiden was about to speak, it changes to team RWBY's Dorm.
As Weiss, Blake and Yang went to sleep the moment they got to there bed's. Ruby did the same and as she dozed of to sleep. She felt something was off, because her bed felt stiff.
~Ruby's POV~
As I slowly opened my eyes, my eyes widen as I looked in shocked at what was right in front of me. "W-What is this place?" I told my self, as I tried to make sense at what I was looking at.
As I then looked at the edge of what looked like a temple. I noticed nothing but the empty void. "Okay one thing is certain. This isn't my room." As I was about to start walking. I noticed that at the corner of my eyes, a small girl with red hair was walking up the stairs. "Hey, wait!?" I called out, but she didn't hear me. So I did what I had to do and ran after her.
~3rd POV: ????~
From within the empty darkness, the sound of bubbling water and rattling chains are heard. As the body of a female with long dark-hair is scene. With both her arms outstretched to the sides and held tightly by the chains. Her face looked like it was in a deep slumber. "Wake up!" The voice of a girl called out to her. But the girl didn't move. "You have to wake up! You can't just stay sleeping forever! So wake up!" The voice shouted countless times, until the dark-haired girl slowly open her eyes, still revealed to be compliantly devoid of life. She then looked above her as she noticed that beyond the water was a small girl calling out to her. Just then the chains that held the dark-haired girl in place broke. As the small girl reached out to her to try and pull her out, with her small hands. "You have to wake up! Wake up! DON'T LET HER WIN!" Just then the dark-haired girl's arms twitch. As she reached out to the small girl's hand and grabbed it. The small girl then mustered up the last remains of her energy and pulled her out of the water. But as she got out of the water she was all lifeless, with her body falling unconscious. But the small girl now revealed to be a small girl with a blue dress, picked her up and left with her. "Please you have to wake up." As she struggled to carry her in the vast emptiness of the void, everything fades to black.
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