The Calm Before The Storm Part. I

A/N: I decided to change the way I tell the story and I would like to know. If you would like the story how it was? Or is this way bettor?

It had been only two weeks sins the fight against Yang, and Layla. And in does two weeks Y/n's nightmares would get constantly more worse by the day. Which her team didn't notice as she kept it a secret from them. Yang avoided Y/n at all cost not wanting to bother her, and Ruby. But not only that but even Yang's fried's avoided her. And Tai, Summer, Raven, & Qrow we're forbidden from coming near her at all cost. Glynda, and Ozpin even warn them that if they we're to get close to Y/n they would be arrested in the spot.

~Y/n POV~ Location: ????

As I started to wake up I looked at my surrounding and I noticed that I wasn't in my room. As I looked at the darkness I got up from the bed, and I started to walked out of the room. As I walked out of the room, I noticed that I was in a long hallway. I then noticed as the sky was a dark red, and the moon shine throw the windows in a pure red color. I then responded as I looked at the long hallway.

Y/n: "Where am I?... Hello!"

I called out but I was met with the sound of nothing. I didn't even hear an echo, as I looked at the long hallway. That looked like it outstretched to the darkness. I looked at the direction of the room that I was on but, as I looked I noticed that the door was gone. Sins I didn't have a choice I decided to walk through the empty dark hallway.

As I continued walking I noticed a small light in the darkness, and as I approached it. I noticed that it was a door slightly open. I stopped in front of it and as I open it I walked in. But as I did I got surprised as I noticed that I was in a library. With several book everywhere and a fireplace, I then noticed that over the fireplace was a portrait of four small girls, with two adults standing right behind them. But I noticed that the faces of the two adults where torn off. But my attention was directed at the girl with the blue dress.

Y/n: "....."

As I looked at the portrait and a part of it made me happy. But as I looked at the girl again I started to get a strong headache as I looked at her, and I drooped on my knees. As soon as the pain subsided I got up and I looked at the girl again, as I covered my right eye, with my right arm. The more I looked at her the more I felt like I knew her.

Female Voice: "Hello?"

As I got startled by a female voice I quickly looked at the direction of the voice, and as I looked I noticed that it was the girl with the blue dress. She looked around the library and she walked inside, leaving the door open. She then looked around but as she looked at my direction, I noticed that she couldn't see me. 

Girl: "Mommy?" 

She then called out but was meet with no response. As I looked at her my eyes fallowed her as she walked throw the room. She then stopped in front of the door again, and she turned to my direction.

Female Voice: "Found you! So this is where you were hiding."

As I heard the voice two arms reached for the girl and it lifted her up. The girl smiled as she looked at the person. But as I looked at the person my heart started to race, as I noticed that it was the girl with red hair. But the girl started to laugh, and smiled at her. The girl then responded, with a smiled on her face.

Girl: (smiled) "Hahaha! How did you find me!?"

Girl in Red: (looked at the girl in blue.) "Come on your Mother is looking for you."

She then put her on the floor, and the girl ran passed her. But as the girl in red stopped in front of the door she turned around and she looked at the spot I was standing. And she then smile but her smile was uneasy and as I looked at her. Her smile send chills down my spine.  

Girl in Red: "Oh. How did YOU get hire?... Y/n"

My eyes widen as she looked at me, as I tried to move, I felt that my feet froze in place as I looked at her. She then started to slowly get close to me. But before she got close everything faded to black.

As I was covered in darkness I started to feel like someone was touching me. But as I open my eyes I noticed that I was in my dorm, and I seat on my bed as a cold sweet ran down my back. But I then noticed that Ivary was the one that was shaking me, and she looked like she was worried.

Y/n: "I-Ivary." (I said as I looked at her.)

As I started to relax She seat next to me, but I couldn't look at her, So I avoided eye contact. I looked at the clock and I noticed that it was only 11:28 p.m.

Ivary: "Lessen Y/N?" (I looked at her.) "I think you should go talk to Professor Ozpin tomorrow, and tell him about your nightmares?"

She was right ever sins the fight with Yang the nightmares started to get even worse. I then sigh as I looked at her and I nodded my head.

Y/n: "Okay I'll... I'll go tomorrow morning."

Ivary: (smiled and nodded.) "Okay then If you need me to go with you, you just let me know?"

I nodded at her and she then gave me a hug and she walked back to her bed. But before she cued fall asleep I looked at her and smiled.

Y/n: "Thank you Ivary, and sorry for worrying you." (I said as I looked at her.)

Ivary: (smiled.) "Don't worry I'm your friend first, and team mate second after all. And did you forget I l-o-v-e y-o-u."

As soon as she said that she closed her eyes and went to sleep. I smiled and sigh as I went to sleep. But as I slowly closed my eyes, I started to think to my self. Who was the girl in the blue dress? Who was the family in the portrait? And that girl with the red hair, who is she?... I then told my self.

Y/n: (to my self.) "No point in thinking about that know." (slowly closed eyes, and fell asleep.)

~Time Skip~ Ozpin's Office~ 8:00 a.m.~

The next morning I did as Ivary told me and I went to Ozpin's Office, and I explained to him about my nightmares, and the chest pains, and the girl with the red hair. I was scared but not because I was in the office, but because mother was with him. And one look in her eyes cued tell me that she was not happy with me. She then slammed her left arms, in the table startling me with a folder she was holding.

Glynda: "Why didn't you tell me!"

Y/n: (lowered my head.) "I'm sorry."

All I cued do was say sorry, becomes I really didn't want Mother to get mad at me. But I did bring this upon my self for not telling her in the first place.

Glynda: "Tell me young lady! What would you have done if something would have happen to you!?" (I didn't look at her, as I held my head down looking to the floor.)

Ozpin: "Calm your self Glynda?" (I then looked at Ozpin, as he calm down Mother and he looked at me. And he laid back on his seat.) "Can you tell me when your nightmares started?"

I scratched the back of my head as I looked at him. But nothing came to mind. 

Y/n: "I don't remember  when it started... sorry." (I said as I looked at them.)

Ozpin: "Well don't worry about it then. But if something comes up let us know okay?" (he then took a sip of his mug, and he smiled at me.) "Anyway don't worry about it. Go eat some breakfast? After all tomorrow is the Vytal Festival." 

I sigh as I had forgotten about that.

Glynda: "And I expect you to participate? But Ms.Neo can't participate. So go get some rest, and get ready for tomorrow."

I nodded at him, and I then looked at Mother and she sigh.

Glynda: "Y/n, I'll overlook the fact that you didn't tell me, about your symptoms. But please be more careful you know I get worried about you?" (she then smiled.)

Y/N: (i nodded at her, and smiled.) "I know sorry Mother. If something happens I'll let you know."

I then got up and I started to walk to the elevator.

~Ozpin POV~

As Y/n walked inside the elevator I couldn't believe what she told me about the girl with the red hair, and her nightmares.... The girl with red hair she couldn't mean HER! No... NO that would be impossible.

~Time Skip~ Y/n POV~ Cafeteria~ 8:30 a.m~

As I was eating I noticed that Blake wasn't wearing her bow, which surprised me. But as I looked at her ears, I couldn't help but find them cute. I then looked at Ruby how was seating next to me, talking to Jaune. But I then noticed that Yang wasn't with them at all. I then tapped Ruby's shoulder and she looked at me.

Y/n: "Ruby wares Yang?" (she looked at me and she shook her head.)

Female Voice: "Hey Guys?"

 I looked at the person and I noticed that it was Yang holding a plate of food in her arms. I then looked at her eyes and I noticed that she was crying just by looking at her. I then notice that everyone looked away.

Yang: "Mind if I sit down?" (said in a weak tone.)

Nobody responded to her, ever Ruby how simply looked away from her.

Yang: "I-I see I-"

I then sigh loudly catching the attention of everyone. And I looked at her, as I moved a bit to the side.

Y/n: "Just sit down? I did promise to give you one more chance."

She then looked a bit taken aback of what I said to her. I then started eating as I noticed that Layla was smiling at me. After all I did promise her. Yang then looked at me and she looked like she was about to cry, but she quickly seat next to me, and started eating.

Yang: "Thank you Y/n."

It not like I was ready to forgive her just yet. But I had to start somewhere. Ruby then got close to my ear and she whispered to me.

Ruby: "Big Sis are you sure about this?"

I then looked at her and I flicked her forehead. And I went back to eating.

Y/n: "I gave you a chance didn't I?"

She didn't respond as she simply smiled as she nodded her head. Everyone then looked at Yang and they started talking to her.

After eating some of them started talking. And I just started to fell more sleepy as I looked at them. I then put my arms on the table, I crossed them, and I slowly started to close my eyes. As I did I was starting to let the darkness sink in closer, and closer.

Female Voice: "Oh. How did YOU get hire? Y/n"

As I heard that I quickly open my eyes and I jumped getting the attention of everyone. Yang then looked at me with a worried expression in her face.

Yang: "What's wrong?" (i then calm down and I shook my head.) "It's nothing... Sorry I have to go." (I then got up and I walked away.)

~3rd POV~

As Y/n walked away in a hurry. Ivary got up and she walked after her. Leaving everyone confused.

As Y/n, and Ivary where walking around the school. Y/n had her arms on her pockets, and was trying to forget the voice but it was all she coed think about. As they continued walking Y/n had a bereft look in her face. Ivary then placed her hands on the back of her head, as she looked at the clouds. As several students were seen.

Ivary: "Hey Y/n?" (Y/n looked at her, as thy continued walking.) "You think that will have to fight tomorrow in the festival?"

Y/n: (smiled lightly.) "Haha. Most likely..."

Ivary then looked at Y/n as they continued walking and she smiled. With her arms still on the back of her head.

Ivary: "Sooo~! Did you hear?" (Y/n looked at her.) "Apparently Ruby has already given the paper to Ozpin and as soon as she finishes Beacon. She's going to quit."

Y/n simply shrug her shoulders as she looked to the ground. She then stopped walking as she looked at Ivary. As Ivary walked in front of her stopped and look at her.

Y/n: "Hey Ivary?" (Ivary looked at her.)

Ivary looked at her as she tilted her head to the side, in confusion. Y/n then tool her arms out of her pockets as she looked at her, with a series look in her face.

Y/N: "What would you do if I where to disappear? And you and everyone else never see me again? I feel like i'm only causing you problems. Theirs even times that even I fell that I escaped my old home for nothing-"

She was abruptly cut off as Ivary quickly slapped her across the face, with tear in her eyes. Y/n then looked at her as she touched her cheek.

Ivary: (raised her voice.) "Don't say that!? Don't you ever say that! So what if you had your revenge! To us your our teammate! Our friend! Our family!" (put her left arm on her chest.) "If it wasn't because of you and Ms.Glynda I wouldn't be hire with all of you! I-I... I want you to stay alive no mater what. I don't want to lose you like my Mom, and Dad. So please don't sat that."

Y/n: (low pitch tone.) ".... I'm sorry."

Female Voice: "She's right you know."

Y/n then got surprised and she turned around. As she looked at the voice, she noticed that Zahra, Layla, Neo, Blake, Velvet, and Pyrrha we're looking at her as everyone was at her with a mad expression on their face. And Zahra had tears in her eyes.

Zahra was quick to get close to her, and with her small nature she hugged Y/n with tears in her eyes. Layla looked up at her leader with a series look in her face.

Zahra: (crying.) "How cued you say that!? After everything that we have been through. Y/n you baka!" (hugged her even tighter.)

Layla: (clenched her fist.) "You gave us a home when  we had none. You helped us when we were being bullied by the children's. And you gave us a reason to have something to fight for." (teared up.) "So if you think that if you disappear we wont find you. Then you are a real baka!"

As Y/n rubbed the head of Zahra as she cried, Neo stepped forward.

Neo: (texted in her scroll, and showed it to Y/n.) "You saved me when I thought, that I was going to die. And not only that but you talked to Ozpin to let me stay with you! Even if you didn't have to!" (lowered her scroll and looked at Y/n.) "I-I... don't want... you to lose you to. If not Roman's death would have been for nothing." (said as she struggled to speak.)

Y/n along with everyone looked at her with a surprised look in their eyes. As they saw her speak. Velvet then spoke up, and she held her chest.

Velvet: "If you hadn't help me, and Jaune with Cardin. Then I wouldn't bee in this school still improving day in, and day out. And I know that one thing is certain and that is. I want to be as strong as you." (said as tears started to form in her eyes.)

Pyrrha: "It was you that gave me the courage to tell Jaune how I fell, and look at me know with him and our team. So as your friend we won't let you give up on your self. Not know not never."

Blake: "I don't know what led to you saying that but. When you accepted me, I was more then glad that their was people like you still around. And thanks to you I felt more comfortable being around you. This is why I decided that I wont hide how I really am anymore."

As Y/n looked at everyone Ivary spoke up.

Ivary: (tears in her eyes.) "You see Y/n. Everyone cares for you. Just like you care for them. So you shouldn't say stuff like disappearing. Because no mater what me, Zahra, Layla, Glynda and everyone will be right at your side. Up to the very end. So please don't leave us behind, and shoulder the burden all on your own."

Ivary then dried her tears as she looked at Y/n. Y/n then looked at Zahra how was crying and she gently petted her head, and smiled.

Y/n: "Your right after coming so far. What was I thinking..." (looked at her friend.) "I'm sorry everyone." 

As Y/n started to tear up Ivary, Zahra, Layla, and Neo got close to her and they all hugged her. When all of them relaxed they all looked at Y/n and she smiled.

Y/n: (smile) "Okay come on." (dried her tears.) "Let's go to class?"


As we were walking back to class. I couldn't help but feel relieved, and happy. Knowing that I had friend like them around.

~Time Skip~ Next Day~ 10:52 a.m. ~ Vytal Festival~

As Y/N's team were looking around the festival, as they were accompanied by team RWBY. As Ruby was intrigued by so meany different weapons going from left to right, in a chibi form. Blake looked around until she noticed that one stand was selling fish, and she quickly went to go by some. Zahra was looking around like with great enthusiasm, as Layla was tying to catch her. Weiss, and Y/n were walking and talking as, Ivary, Neo, and Yang walked behind them with a smile on their faces.

Ruby: "Sis look!?"

Ruby then stopped at a weapon stand and she was quickly looking around at great speed. She then started to grab whatever weapon's she could carry, In her arms. Blake then approached her as she was holding a bowl filled with fish. Yang then approached Y/n with her arms on her hips.

Yang: "Sooo I head that your going to fight in the Combat Tournament?"

Y/n: (sigh) "Yep my team are going to be the first to participate. I tried to talk to Ozpin to see if he cued change us for the next match. But he was quick to point out that it was already decided." (sigh again.) "What a pain in the."

Yang then tapped Y/n's back and she looked at her.

Yang: "Come on i'm sure you'll do great. I'll be cheering you on." (looked at Blake.) "Right Blake?"

Both of them looked at Blake as they noticed she was stiffing her self with fish. Blake looked at them as a '?' appeared over her head. Y/n then nodded as she looked at her. They then looked at Ruby as she was playing with different types of weapons.

Yang: (sigh.) "So hows going to be your opponents?"

Voice: "Good morning everyone?"

They then looked at the voice and they noticed that it was team JNPR approaching them, and with Pyrrha waving at them.As everyone waved at team JNPR, Pyrrha got close to Y/n.

Pyrrha: "So are you ready for today's fight Y/n?"

Yang then looked at Pyrrha, and she then turned her attention back at Y/n, as she pointed at Pyrrha, as she put two and two together.

Yang: (shocked.) "Wait the team that you are going to fight is?"

Y/n then nodded as she looked at her. Pyrrha then steeped forward, she then extended her left arm at her.

Pyrrha: (smile.) "I finally get to fight you Y/n. May the best team win."

Y/n: (smile back at her.) "Yeah." (shook her arm.)

Nora, Zahra: (unison, and with enthusiasm.) "Which is so going to be us!" (looked at each other as sparks connected from their eyes.) "WHAT! LIKE HELL!"

As they continued argued they both turned to chibi's. 

Nora: "Like hell that your going to win!"

Zahra: "Well Over My Dead Body! That your going to win!"

Nora: "Bring it on short stack!"

Zahra: "Bring it on thunder thighs!"


As they continued their argument Ren, and Layla looked at them and they sigh. They then looked at each other and lightly smiled as Layla bowed her head.

Ren: (hinting at Nora.) "Sorry for her behavior."

Layla: (shook her head.) "No its okay. On the contrary." (hinted at Zahra) "I'm sorry for her behavior."

They both smiled as they looked at Zahra, and Nora still arguing, of how was going to win.

As Jaune was on a corner looking a bit depressed. Ruby looked at him, and she approached him, and grated him with a smiled.

Ruby: "What's wrong Jaune?"

Jaune: (looked at Ruby, and hunched his back as he looked to the ground.) "It nothing." (tears then started to ran down his face.) "Just thinking that your Sister is going to kill me. In more ways then one."

Ruby: (scratched her cheek.) "Come on you've trained for this?"

She said as she tried to motivate him. But that didn't make Jaune feel bettor, he then got on the ground and he rolled up in to a ball, as she looked at him. As Y/n, and Pyrrha looked at Jaune they along with Ruby tried to motivate him. But as they did the intercom sounded.

Port's Voice: "Attention will the fallowing team please come to the arena at 11:45 a.m. Team (Y/n)ILZ, and Team JNPR. I repeat Team (Y/n)ILZ, and Team JNPR please come to the arena at 11:45 a.m."

As the intercom then went silent as Pyrrha looked at Y/n with a smile on her face.

Y/n: "Look's like it's time to go?"

Pyrrha: (nodded.) "See you at the arena Y/n."

As team JNPR left. Y/n looked at her team and smile as they nodded. Meanwhile as Blake, Ruby, and Y/n's team continued to talk, Weiss was looking at Y/n, but it didn't go unnoticed as Y/n, and Yang noticed her looking.

Y/n: (looked at Weiss.) "Something wrong Weiss?"

Weiss: (face turned red, and took a deep breath.) "It's nothing important... I... Just wanted to say that I've grown a liking to you." (flustered.) "Y-You know a-as a f-f-friend... yes a friend." 

Everyone looked at her as Ruby, and Blake slowly turned to look at her, as Blake still had a fish in her mouth.

Weiss: (turned even more red.) "Don't get me wrong! It's just that, it wouldn't feel right if you lose to someone other then me." (looked away with her face still red.)

Everyone stared at her as Ruby, and Yang smirked at her.

Weiss: (looked at Ruby, and Yang.) (got annoyed at them.) "Stop staring at me! All i'm saying is! That i'll be cheering you on!"

As Yang looked at her, she didn't wast time in bothering her.

Yang: (singing.) "Weiss, and Y/n sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Weiss: (infuriated.) "Yang Xiao Long you are so childish!"

Everyone then started laughing except for Weiss how was still arguing with Yang.

~Beacon Academy~

Meanwhile back at Beacon deep beneath the Academy. In the darkness an elevator opens up as a Girl with green hair, green eyes and the beacon uniform walks out. As she absorbs the sight of the large, sparsely-lit hallway and she takes a moment to get adjusted to the long dark hallway. She then start to walk as in the darkness, with an evil smile on her face.

 A humming of electricity is heard as she comes to her destination at the end of the hallway: A large machine with lit screens hooked up to two rectangular pods, one of which is upright to show through the glass window a young girl dressed in minimal clothing with a burn scar over her left eye and across her face. She then looked at the girl in the machine, and she slowly reached out to touch the machine.

Girl: (playfully.) "Found you at last."

Before she could touch the machine, she quickly jumped a few feet away from the machine.

Voice: "I wouldn't touch that if I were you?"

The voice said as she started to hear the footsteps of someone getting closer. As the person came into view, she slowly smiled and chuckled at the person.

Girl: (clapped her hands together and smiled, with a shadow over her eyes.) "It has been so long." (placed left arm on, on her hips.) "Ozpin."

~Vytal Festival~ 11:25 a.m.~

As Y/n, Ruby, and Yang were alone. Y/n looked up at the sky and she started to get a bad felling. But she was broken of her train of thought, as Ruby got close to her and gave her a bottle of water. She then took it and she smiled at her.

Ruby: "Something wrong Big Sis?"

Y/n: (nodded her head.) "No just thinking."

Yang: (touched Y/n shoulder.) "If there's something bothering you. We do't mind lessening?"

Voices: "Y/N!?"

As Y/n was going to respond she was quickly interrupted.


As I looked at the voices I started to get angry, and my blood began to boil as I noticed that it was team STRQ. Summer then stepped forward and she smiled as she looked at us. I then took a deep breath and I responded to her.

Y/n: "What are you doing hire?"

Summer: (smiled.) "It's so good seeing our three daughters getting along."

As she said that she smiled as if I had forgiven her. And she started acting like she was my mother. But I crossed my arms and I gave her a stern look.

Y/n: "Don't act like my mother. You along with the rest of you are nothing so. I mean it when I say don't come near me."

Summer: (lowered her head.) "Please Y/n. Can't you give us one chance?"

Y/n: "No. I'm warning you come near me and I will call Ozpin, and Mother. So don't call me your daughter, and don't come near me. And why the hell are you even hire!?"

Raven: (stepped forward.) "We came to cheer you on."

Y/n: (looked at all of them.) "Leave I want nothing to do with the likes of you people."

Tai then steeped forward as he looked at us.

Tai: "Y/n please lessen? We wont get in your way, But let us sheer you on... please."

Y/n: "..." (sigh.) "Just don't get in my way, and stay the hell away from me." (turned around.) "And one more thing." (looked at Summer.) "Don't you EVER call me you daughter you are not my mother."

I then walked away leaving them alone.

~3rd POV~

Summer simply looked at Y/n as she left. She felt hurt but she wasn't going to give up. But she was quick to look at Ruby and smile at her, but Ruby wasn't so happy to see her.

Summer: "Um.. Ruby dear. I heard from Ozpin that you plan to give up your dream?"

Ruby then looked at her with a bored yet series expression.

Ruby: "That is right."

She was quick to respond and that made Summer look at her with a shocked expression.

Summer: (shouted.) "WHAT! But why!" 

Ruby: "That is simple." (looked at the whole family, and back to her.) "Because I never want to become someone like YOU. A huntress that who only abused my Big Sister. So I then made up my mind, I don't want to fallow your dreams, or your ideals. So from know on don't call me your daughter? Because you aren't my Mother, or anything you have lost any rights to call your self a Mother."

Ruby then walked away leaving Summer without words. Summer simply looked at her daughter walked away leaving her in tears. She then dropped to her knees, as she started to cry. Tai then walked close to her as he tried to console her.

Raven then looked at Yang and she approached her. But Yang quickly raised her arm stopping her. She then pointed her index finger at her.

Yang: "Leave me alone? I'm warning you don't come near us?"

Raven: "But Yang you have your Sister back. Cant you just give us one more chance please?"

Yang: (sigh.) "That is not up to me. And to tell you the truth." (turned around and looked at the direction of Y/n, and Ruby.) "I also don't want anything to do with the likes of you. So stay away from my Sister's, and away from me Raven."

Yang the ran after Y/n, and Ruby. As she ran away Raven fell on her knees and she started to cry. Raven, and Summer touched their chest clearly heart broken, and in pain.

Summer, Raven: (crying.) (covering their faces.) "I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry Y/n."

~Back In The Arena~

Professor Port, and Professor Oobleck where in a booth announcing the combatants. As the stadium of epic proportions is seen. Crowds are cheering in the stands, visitors from all over the world.

Port: (enthusiasm.) "Haha! Truly today's match should be interesting. Nothing but a good fight to spicing things up. Esent that right Professor?" (touched his mustache.)

Oobleck: (annoyed) "Doctor." (brightens up excitedly again) "And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match will be very interesting."

The Coliseum is shown in its full glory, as shuttle craft transport people to and from the various floors while the entire structure hovers around the airspace of Beacon Academy.

Port: "Now then for today's combatants. They might not look it but they have train day in, and day out! And not only do they have thunder thighs! But they also have the red spartan! Let's give it up for team JNPR!"

As the crowed cheered team JNPR walked to the arena. As Jaune was embarrassed at the amount of people, Pyrrha looked at him and smiled as she waved at the crowed. Ren simply looked at the crowed, and Nora was feeling ecstatic as she waved both her arm in the air.

Oobleck: "And their opponents! They have proven themselves smart, and strong enough to be in Beacon! And not only do they get along with both Faunus, and people alike! But they also have someone looking out for them!"

In the crowd Glynda blush and got annoyed at Oobleck.

Oobleck: "Let's give it up for team (Y/n)ILZ!"

As Y/n walked to the arena with her team. She looked at the crowed and she noticed the among the crowed of people she noticed Glynda waving at them. Y/n smiled as she waved at her, which cost her to smile. She then looked more to the side and she noticed Neo was with team RWBY as they cheered for them.

Ruby: (smiled, and calling out to her.) "Come on Big Sis! You can do it!"

Yang: (shouting.) "Come on show them hows Boss!"

Blake was holding a small flag with Y/n name on it, and a smile on her face, as she waved at her. And Y/n smiled and waved back at her. And next to Blake was Weiss how was cheering for her. Y/n then waved at her and it cost Weiss to blush as she looked at her.

She continued looking around with a smile in her face, until she was met with team STRQ cheering for her. More Summer, and Raven as Tai, and Qrow simply looked at her as they smiled. But she quickly lowered her arm, and she looked away from them. She then put her attention back at team JNPR.

Team JNPR then walked to team (Y/n)ILZ, and as they got in front of them Pyrrha smiled as she extended her left arm.

Port: "What's this! Truly a respectful huntress up to the very end!"

Pyrrha: (looked at Y/n.) "I finally get to take you on Y/n. Please don't hold back?"

Y/n: (nodded.) "Same goes for you. Give me something to remember."

They then shook hand as they smiled. Both teams then steeped back, and Pyrrha took her sword, and shield out. And Y/n took her weapon out in it's scythe form. Ivary looked at Jaune as she took out her weapon.

Ivary: (smirk.) "Don't worry I'll go easy on you Jaune. So don't get nervous."

As Jaune looked at her, he put a brave face, and took out his weapon.

Jaune: (in thought.) "It's time that I put my training to the test! So come on Jaune don't fuck up!" (told himself as his arms started to tremble.)

Zahra looked at Nora as they had their weapons drawn.

Zahra: (exited.) "If I win you make me 10 pancakes!"

Nora: (exited.) "Oh yeah then if I win you make me 20 pancakes!"

Zahra: (annoyed.) "40!"

Nora: (annoyed.) "50!"

As they continued racing the stakes. Ren, and Layla milled at them, and they turned their attention back at each other.

Layla: "Sorry Ren but I wont be using the other power on you. So please give me everything you got." 

She bowed her head as she quickly took out her weapons sinned them around and raised her guard.

Ren: (smiled.) "It's okay. I'm just glad I get to fight you one,on one."

He then took out his weapon and he smiled, as he raised his guard.

Port: "This is extraordinary! Let's see just how far they have come!"

As they all got ready for the fight they all smiled. But just as the fight was about to begin Y/n quickly looked up at the sky, and so did everyone else. They then got surprised as they saw that the clouds darkened, and sky became dark red. But more surprising then that, was that the moon was visible. Y/n looked as she simply stared at the sky.

Y/n: (looking at the sky, confused.) "What is going on?"

As they looked at the sky they cued hear the sound of something beyond the clouds.

Y/n: (looking up.) ".... !?" (quickly looked at every one, and shouted.) "Everyone get down!?"

She called out but it was to late as the clouds split apart, and something at great speed crashed to the arena. Making the ground break, and making almost every student, and people that were on their seat get blown away. As the aria was covered in smoke, they cued hear the growling of some thing, within the smoke. Team JNPR noticed as they were protected by Y/n's semblance, as the sword surrounded them. Back at Y/n as she used her semblance she was breathing a bit heavily but she quickly relaxed her breathing. And the swords disappeared as her eyes came back to normal. But as the smoke started to disappeared every person in the vicinity looked with a shocked, and frightened expression at what was in front of them all. What made the ground shake was something that they have never seen before, something that wasn't even possible to exist.

A Grimm dragon with a large body, several sharp teeth, and several eyes across it face. As the Grimm raised it head upward, it's eyes open and it looked at every person that was in his vicinity and it looked like a lizard. No one made a sound as it looked at every leaving thing. But then all it's eyes then stopped as it slowly looked at one person in particular. One that was looking at it. And that person was... Y/n.

As Y/n looked at the Grimm she was starting to get the chills as it looked at her, not breaking even one of it's many eyes away from her. It then looked at team JNPR with one of it's eyes, and it cued feel the fear from them, and the crowd of people. It then looked at the crowd of people and it started to growl, it then open it's massive mouth and it let out a large cry that shook the arena. As it did the crowed started to panic and run away people, pushing people.

Glynda, along with team STRQ were taken away by the crowed of people, as they tried to get passed them. It then open it's mouth and it gathered an overly amount of aura, and it fired at several people that were together, it passed throw the ground leaving a line, and as the Grimm closed it's mouth. The ground that the people were standing exploded, sending even more people in a panic. It then focused it's attention back at Y/n, as it slowly open it's wings. And it started to fly, as it flapped it wings it started dropping several small Grimm from it's body. It then started to fly away leaving them with the Grimm.

Team RWBY, and Neo then jumped in the arena and they approached Y/n, as team JNPR quickly got close to Y/m. As the Grimm surrounded team (Y/n)ILZ, and team JNPR. Several of them attacked but before they got close they where put down by a bunch of huntsmen, and huntresses that where fighting the Grimm.

Huntsmen: "You kid's go!? We can handle this!"

Huntstress: "GO!GO! Don't just stand there! GO!?"

As everyone nodded team RWBY, JNPR, and (Y/n)IZLN run passed them and they head to the ships. Leaving the huntsman to fight the Grimm. 

Meanwhile the Grimm Dragon roars and flies over the abandoned Mountain Glenn, heading towards Beacon. As it flies, it exudes a black, tar-like substance which drops to the ground in the city of Vale and spawns various Grimm.

Meanwhile as everyone made it to the ships, Y/n noticed as the Grimm Dragon was flying to the academy. As she looked at it everyone put their attention on her, as she looked at hem.

Y/n: "Listen up! Let's get back to Beacon and help?"

Almost everyone looked at her with a worried expression. She then looked at them and she stepped forward.

Y/n: "Look at me? All of you?" (everyone looked at Y/n.) "You all have two choices. Defend your Kingdom and your school... or save yourselves." (everyone exchange looks with each other) "No one will fault you if you leave. I know the feeling all too well, fear, powerless. But it's our job as future huntsmen, and huntresses to protect as many people as possible, and the school we all met."

Yang, and Ruby then stepped forward fallowed by Blake, and Weiss, and then the rest.

Jaune: "We're with you." (everyone nodded.)

Y/n: (nodded and smiled.) "Okay come on let's go to the docking bay!?"

Meanwhile as Civilians continue to run and flee in panic as they reach the docking bays of the colosseum. Y/n noticed that Glynda, was with team CFVY, and team CRDL.

Glynda: (looked at Y/n, and gave a sigh of relief.) "Are all of you okay?"

Everyone nodded as they looked at her. She then started to walk to a ship, as the rest fallowed after her.

Glynda: "I've prepared a ship so what are you going to do?" (looked at her studets as they smiled at her, weapons drawn.) "Okay come on lets go back!?"

They all start to board the ship. And the ship takes off as it goes to Beacon.

~Beacon Vault~

From within the darkness bunches can be heard, until in goes silent and suddenly Ozpin is thrown the ground with his face facing down, and his body with several scars. He then slowly tried to get up but, the girl with green hair, looked at him, as she raised both her arms at him and she made a finger frame. She then lowered her arms and as Ozpin was on all fours trying to catch his breath. She quickly and fiercely kicked him with her left leg in his stomach, sending him at great force to the wall far from her, and causing the wall to crack. As he held his breath he slowly looked at her, and used his cane as leverage, and stud up. As he got up he coughed a bit of blood as he looked at her with anger.

Ozpin: (arms started to tremble.) "W-Who are y-you?"

Girl: (tears in her eyes.) "OH come on! You don't remember me!" (quickly snapped out of it, and smiled.) "I know how about I show you this?"

The girl then smiled maniacally as her hair started to change from green, to Blood red, and her eyes from green to blood red. Ozpin's expression changed as he looked at her and he froze in place. As the uniform she was warring was then torn off, to reveal her red clothes.

Girl: "So Ozpin do you remember me know? If so I am so glad." (she giggled, which then turned to laughter.) "HAHAHAHA!"

Ozpin: (stopped trembling, and he raced his voice.) "Damn you! Damn you!"

Girl: "So you didn't forget about me."

He then got up and he gripped his cane, as he pointed it at her. He looked at her with pure anger in his eyes.

Ozpin: "How cued I forget you! YOU, The Daughter of Chaos! Or should I call you Lili!"

Lili: (put her arms together, and tilted her head.) "I'm so glad you remember me. After all I was the one who killed your daughter. HeheHAHA!" (quickly gets bored and looked at the machine.) "To Bad that I didn't came hire for you. I came hire for two things and that's it." (looked at him again.) "But don't worry you can have my toy's."

She then snapped her finger, and from the darkness that was behind her. Several eyes open and they looked at Ozpin, and as he was focused on the eyes, several Grimm's reached out of the dark and walked passed Lili as she had and evil grin on her face. He looked with a frightened look in his face as he noticed Grimm far to the eyes could see.

Lili: (looked at the Grimm, and back at Ozpin.) "Come on Ozpin play with them? Show me you're screams in this Chaos of ours! HAHAHA!"

As all the Grimm charged at Ozpin. Lili looked at the machine and she walked to it , as she stood in front of the sleeping girl. She lightly smiled at her, as she placed her hand on the machine. From the palm her hand a sharp red blade Pierced throw the machine and stabbed her across the chest, and destroyed the machine keeping her alive.

Lili: (bereft.) "It's okay you can rest know Amber."

As the girl formally known as Amber gasps, and her eyes open, then begin to close again, while the machine begins beeping an alarm. Finally, all breath leaves her. Her eyes drift closed, and her head leans to the side, her whole body going limp. Lili then backs away as the machine starts to shake  it then stpped as a glow then burst out of Amber, shattering the glass in its way, and enters Lili. The murderer glows, begins floating, and gains long trails of flame around her eyes, with orange energy swirling around her. The energy then disappeared and, Lili stood on her own and she looked at Ozpin how was still fighting the Grimm. She then snapped her fingers as the Grimm stopped their attacks, and walked back in to the darkness. She then turns to Ozpin, how was still tired.

Lili: (both her arms to the side.) "Know then Ozpin, let's play some more."

As he looked at her, his arms started to tremble and everything faded to black.

A/N: Should I wright the next one like this? or should I leave it as the previous story's were?

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