Sins Of The Past, Part. III
~3rd POV: Unknown Forest~
We open up as we see (Y/n) walking alongside Aria and Saya across a vast forest. The forest felt strange, almost like it felt endless. No matter how much they walked, it felt like they were getting nowhere. However not wanting to give up they still walked. It was strange though, as they walked Aria had a faint smile on her face, almost like she new where they were going. As for Saya, she still had that same series expression on her face that never changed.
(Y/n) on the other hand would question Aria of the location they were heading to, but she would always be cryptic about her words. Sure despite (Y/n) having part of her memories back, she still couldn't remember half of it. For the most part all she could remember was the names of both her mothers. Well to be more precise her three mothers like: Summer Rose, Glynda Goodwitch and... Another woman that looked after her from the shadows.
As for everyone else she couldn't even remember the rest of the people around her. At times she would see faces that all smiled at her. Smiles that to her felt warm, happy. But she couldn't understand why.
"Why are they happy? Why do they smile at me?" She crossed her arms and told herself wanting to know of the people that she couldn't remember. "Do I know them...?"
Just as the trio kept walking across the endless forest (Y/n) stops. As the Aria and Saya turn to look at her. (Y/n) dropped to her knee's and held her head in pain.
"W-What is this! My... My head... It-It hurts!" (Y/n) shouted wanting the pain to stop, but it didn't. As that went on the world around them started changing.
"Hey, what's wrong?!" Aria said getting close to her, and placing a hand behind (Y/n)'s back she tried to calm her down. She saw as a dark aura spewed out from her body. And aura that was mostly similar to Her's. "(Y/n)!?"
"I HURTS! MY HEAD HURTS! AAAAAHHH!!" (Y/n) shouted as the aura kept getting worse. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!" Tears then started to run down (Y/n)'s eyes as the pain kept getting worse.
Meanwhile Saya simply kept on staring at the two of them, before then looking passed the two of them noticing several shadowy silhouettes, with glowing white eyes staring at the three of them from the warping shadows. The world then stopped warping and (Y/n)'s aura calms down.
After taking a moment for (Y/n) to catch her breath, they noticed a vast open field, with several large tree trunks spread across it. The tree's had no leaves on them, and look burn, but still held in place.
After the pain subsided (Y/n) turned her attention at the tree's. She then walked over to one of the tree's, staring at it she couldn't understand it, but it gave her a strong sense of sadness, pain and anger. A sadness that made her feel alone. A pain that made her body shake. An anger that she couldn't explain. The more she stared at it, the more she felt like vomiting. After calming down she composed herself and covered her mouth. All the while Aria simply kept on trying to calm her down by rubbing her back.
"Relax. Take it slow and steady." Aria said in a calming tone, she then turns to look at the tree's with her, and with a series look on her face.
"W-What is this place?" (Y/n) said questioning her and trying to make sense of this place. "Just what the hell is this place?"
"Somethings are best left unsaid." Saya said floating pass the two of them. Still with that uncaring look in her eyes. "Let's keep moving."
"What do you mean?" (Y/n) respond back wanting answers for these emotions she was feeling. "If you know something then please tell me? Don't I have a right to know?!"
Saya looks at her and gives an annoyed sigh. "What good will it do you?" She then turns to look back to the tree's. "What good will it do to know the truth? When knowing nothing is better." She then floats close to one of the tree's, gently placed her hand on it, and slowly passed her hand across it.
"You already know this place." Saya then looks at Aria with her hand still on the tree. "Right, Aria? Or did you forget?"
"... I can never forget..." Aria hesitates for a moment before then speaking. "This place is a grave sight."
(Y/n) turns her attention to Aria. "What are you talking about?"
This time Aria didn't respond back. "Let me show you." (Y/n) turns her attention back at Saya. The two locked eyes for a moment, as Saya then snaps her finger. As the sound echoed across the tree's, (Y/n)'s eyes widen as all tree's combusted in to flames one after the other. Saya then looks passed them, which made the other two turn around.
We then see a large Man, with a crown on his head. The Man kept looking at the flames that raged on. The flames that turn the clouds gray. Aria then walked up next to the Man, and kept her gaze at the flames.
"Along time ago during the Great War, people fought among each other, for control over the kingdoms. It was during that war, that the first King of Vale came in to power. The King was known for being the creator of the Huntsmen Academies, institutions that would train Huntsmen and Huntresses to battle the Grimm, and whose allegiance would not be tied to any individual Kingdom. But that was only a farce to hide his true motive."
Aria nods back at her. "Yes. In the war the King fought against other kingdoms to try and save the people around him. At the time he didn't know anything about the Maiden's. But as fate would have it the 5th Maiden was eventually found. By then the King had a friend, a woman. She was beautiful, magnificent. She to fought along side him, protecting the people and ensuring a great future for the both of them. She would latter be wed to him. But that proven to be her down fall."
"Why? What happen?"
"...." Aria takes a deep breath before then continuing with the Kings story. "Long after the 5th Maiden was found. It had turn out that the 5th Maiden was actually his wife. During an attack she used her powers to save him, from a group of knight's that almost killed him. She succeeded in taking down the knight's that dared to hurt her beloved. Where she thought that she had saved her loved one, she did not realize her one mistake. The mistake that change their relationship."
Saya then spoke after her continuing what she was saying. "To the woman, she saw it as nothing more then a faithless act at protecting her, Husband. Her lover. Her betrothed. Protecting the one she loved the most. But the King, he didn't see it that way. Having felt betrayed by her for keeping the Maiden's powers a secret for several years, and do to the war in his madness, he locked her away, in a dungeon and put her under the most painful of tortures. She cried, she pleaded, she screamed, but no one dared save her. No one dared to even do anything. Let alone speak of it. Let they to be met with the King's wrath. During her final day's, she was dragged across the streets with both her hands bound. The people could only watch as they dragged her over to a large tree, and tied her down."
We see as the fake King then walks over to his know weaken Wife, and with a series look on his face spoke, with words fulled with hate. "Any last words you Witch?"
The woman in her weaken state could only manege to utter some small words to her lover. "I... Love you... till... till death do us part."
Aria and Saya then spoke in unison with one another as they narrated what happened next. "The King then without so much as a single hint of hesitation. He set the tree a blase, with only her screams echoing across the forest."
Aria then falls silent and turns to look at (Y/n), who had a sad look on her face. (Y/n) glance's across the rest of the tree's, before then turning her attention back at Aria. "So all these tree's are?"
"... Yes." Aria nod's again. "After the mad King had found out that she was a Maiden. He lost himself in his own madness, and started hunting down the rest of the Maiden's, and put them under the same torture as his late Wife. He didn't care if they were young, or old. To him they were all the same, tolls that stood in his way. After his madness ended, people stopped hunting the Maiden's down. Till this day people that survived called it, the Walpurgis Night."
"Why?" (Y/n) frowns and placed a hand of her chest. "Why couldn't they just talk it over?"
Saya sighs. "You try to change the mind of a King that was fighting against a kingdom for nearly centuries."
(Y/n) waits a moment before speaking up. "How did the King die?"
As (Y/n) spoke the world around them, started to change to a large city, with several people walking around it. (Y/n)'s attention turns to look at a woman that was walking alone.
"Hey, isn't that?"
She said as a familiar red haired girl walks passed her, not even paying attention at her.
~Beacon Academe: Headmaster's Office~
"The Walpurgis Night?" Layla said as she looked at Ozpin with disbelief.
"It was a night the all people feared. The King sacrificed everyone, young and old... It-It didn't matter. He feared anyone that could rival, Lili."
"But if what you told us is true. Then the King was you, right?" Ivary said clenching her fist in anger. Ozpin simply nods at her. "So much knowledge and yet you couldn't find a different way of handling everything." Just then she raised her voice with no care for the others around her. "YOU CALL YOURSELF A HERO! BUT IN REALITY YOUR NOTHING BUT A MURDERER! A MURDERER THAT DESERVES EVERYTHING THAT'S COMING TO HIM! YOU KILLER!"
"Please let's just calm down." Tai said in the hopes of trying to cal her down.
Just then as she glared at Tai, she quickly felt a hand grab her arm. Still in anger she quickly turns to notice that it was Neo, with a worried look in her face.
"Please, Ivary let's just calm down. I'm sure that (Y/n) wouldn't like to see you like this."
Ivary not wanting to let her emotions get the better of her, calms down and lowered her head. "I-I'm sorry... It just I... I miss her."
Zahra walked over to her and held her hand. "Your not the only one. But remember we're in this together."
Surprised that the most playful person of her team, sounded calmer then normal. Ivary calms down and nods her head. "Y-Yeah... your right. Sorry everyone."
Glynda seeing then calm each other down, couldn't help but be happy and smile. Smile at the fact that (Y/n) had friends like them. Girl's that she raised. "Okay. Ozpin continue. I want to know everything."
"Okay." They all stared at him, as he prepared to speak again.
~Salem's Castle: Throne Room~
We briefly cut to Salem's Throne Room, as we seen Lili listening to Salem, with her eyes closed and seating on her throne. She let herself get lost in thought, as a close up of her lips revealed a faint smirk.
"What is it?" Salem spoke taking a sip of her tea.
"Just remembering my former comrades." She lets out a deep sad sigh. "The people that I swore to protect."
~Unknown City~
We then cut to a vast dark void and in that void we started hearing Lili's voice echoing across it as she narrates.
"It took several betrayals to make me realize: This world, and it's people, they're all just an elaborate tapestry of lies. My real anger. The anger that I have had for centuries will never be quelled."
Images of a young Lili covered in several cuts and bruises, is seen roaming the barren wasteland of her fallen kingdom. As she walked illusions of the gods are seen looking down at her, with her kingdom seen being burn down.
As the flares raged on, a look of anger is seen across her face, unbeknownst to her several shadows stood behind her, all looking at the same raging flames that turned everything to ash. After the fire calm down, Lili looks at what was left, and then clenched her fist.
She looks across the battlefield which left only a mountain of corpses stacked over each other. Keeping her gaze on the piles of corpses, she had a shocked look on her face. Just then the blood from the people slowly started moving over to her until she looked at the blood that circled her. She then waits for a moment before then slowly reaching out to touch it. And as she did everything fades to black.
"I'll kill them. I'll kill them all."
The young Lili spoke as the real Lili then narrates.
"The first to betray me were the god's. My fathers brothers... my family. Valuing their own lives above all, they saw no worth in my Father's kingdom. A kingdom that saw a new hope for the future, and simply destroyed it."
We then transition to the Domain of light as we see both Gods at the mercy of Lili, along with her familiar, Gomo. Who held a firm grip on the God of Light. Meanwhile the God of Darkness had its face prostrated on the floor, as Lili looks down at him, before ultimately killing him, and the world around him vanishes.
We then see that after the world was consumed by the darkness. Lili is seen healing her wounds as, Gomo simply looks down at her. Confused she looks at her arms before then turning her attention towards a vast ruined landscape that she caused. Slightly confused she summons her blade, and without a care in the world, she stabs her chest in the hopes of ending her life. But that wish wasn't granted, because as soon as she pulled the weapon out her wound closed up.
"Why...?" Lili told herself. Tears then start to run down her face, as she kept on turning the weapon at herself. "WHY!? WHY!? WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DIE!! WHY! WHY! WHY!!"
With tears still dripping down she glances at her chest with trembling hands, before her normal tears, turn in to tears of blood. She then drops to her knee's and in a fit of rage the power that emanated from her body, was unleashed in a devastation blood red beam that shoots up into the sky and out of the atmosphere. In the process, part of the moon was shattered. Moon fragments rain down like meteors back onto the planet's surface. Lili while still on her knees, lets out a scream of despair that is muted out by the crashing meteors.
"My memories of them, of that time still linger across my memories. To me they are both happy and sad memories. Having to live with them was more then I could have ask. But, before I knew it, they to we're taken away. The fact that I still remember them at all is living proof of just how powerless I was. Of how important they were to me."
We then transition to a large city bustling with people of all ages. In the middle of the city stood the Adventures Guild. Inside we see that as the doors are open, a familiar girl with long red hair walks inside, revealing to be Lili. She looks around the inside of the Guild before walking over to the Receptionist. We then hear the real Lili let out a sigh, before continuing with what she was saying.
"The fact that I kept falling in love with them. Was like having a nightmare that never ended, a dream that was not even close at hand. I remember them all their Happiness, their Passion, their Smile, their Rage... Their Love. I remember them all. Twas only after meeting the final Maiden, that her fate set me on a different path. A path of blood, hate and pain."
After Lili gets close the Receptionist, she takes out some paperwork and hands it over. The two then have a short conversation. The Receptionist points at a pair of Adventures that stood way from the rest of the people.
From the shadows we see darkness, and as the darkness parted ways, it relieved both the real (Y/n) and the real Lili in the same world. But something about this Lili felt off. As the two didn't even made eye contact with one another. Lili all the while staring at her past self didn't even look at (Y/n), let alone acknowledge the fact that she was there.
(Y/n) on the other hand kept staring at her, but as she did her chest started hurting. And more memories kept flooding inside her mind, to the point that it felt like her mind was going to be split apart. She closed her eyes and open them again, which only changed the location to a large city. The real Lili then narrates again to the point that even (Y/n) could hear her.
"The second to betray me was humans. My new family... my friends."
We then see as the fake Lili introduced herself to a bunch of other people with a smile.
"Hello my name is, L--Luna. Yes, Luna nice to meet you."
Lili said in disguise wanting only to save the one person that mattered the most to her. Meanwhile another girl with a red coat, and slightly dark-red eyes walks to her. The girl smiled back at Luna before introducing herself.
"The names, Iris. Nice to meet you."
After introducing herself, she pointed to her partner, a man that was with his arms crossed and with his back against a wall. The man had gray hair, and bandages on his arms almost as if he had seen his fare share of battles, but the strangest part was the fact that one of his eyes was, silver.
"Mister grumpy over here is, Sayuki."
Sayuki steadily approached the two girl, and gave a sigh.
"Really Iris. When are you going to stop calling me that?"
He said in an almost defeated tone. Iris on the other hand quickly respond back to his question with a smile. "When you start smiling."
"Okay." Sayuki gives a silent sigh and responds to her. "I'll start smiling when you get a boyfriend for once in your life."
"HEY!" Irirs said as she glared back at him, and puffed her cheeks. "YOUR SO MEAN!"
Sayuki slightly smiles to himself. "You started it."
As the two kept on arguing Luna couldn't help but start laughing at the two.
"Sorry i'm late everyone!"
Just then another female voice is heard quickly approaching the group.
Suddenly when the girl got close Luna's eyes widen, noticed that the girl had blond hair, and green eyes similar to her former lover. Even though she had grown used the constant death of the Maidens. Something about this girl made her remember about Aria. And open up old wounds, that felt like sharp knives.
"Aria? NO! This can't be!"
Luna told herself as she froze at the sight of the girl, thinking to herself that she did not want to lose another Maiden. The sheer thought of losing her would only make her break even more. But as her mind wandered the girl, quickly grabbed Luna's arms, and clasped them together. She then smiled at her, Luna by just looking at her, she could tell she was unique then the rest of the Maiden's she had encountered in her journeys. And despite it all she couldn't understand as to why.
"Hello my name is Stella. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can become good friends."
"Y-yeah." Luna said noticing that the girl was pure.
Luna then blushed as she looks at the pure girl. Well to call her pure was an understatement as she looks at her dress.
"What the hell is she warring?" She told herself but quickly shock her head, and gave her best smile, even if it was fake. "Y-Yeah, the feeling is mutual."
"YAY! Okay team time to GOOOooo!"
The real Lili then narrates again, all the while noticing the group talking and having fun.
"Those were more happy time. Times that I myself cherished above all else. I remember that with the years that fallowed I told myself that I would make things different. I would try to save her. And so I was going to tell her the truth. That is until that night."
Everything then changes to a camp fire as Iris and Sayuki could be seen arguing over something far from everyone.
Meanwhile Luna could be seen in front of a camp fire, and staring at the flames with a blank stare on her face, almost as if she was thinking of something. We then hear the sound of footsteps getting close. Luna still staring at the flames then feel a light tap on her, she then noticed that it was Stella with a smile on her face.
"Mind if I join you?" Said Stella pointing at a spot next to her.
"Um s-sure..." Luna blushes and nods her head.
After seating down Luna clearly with a visible nervous look on her face, grabbed a stick and started moving the wood inside the fire. Meanwhile Stella simply stared back at what Luna was doing with curiosity. Only after a moment of silence did Luna spoke, but as she did she noticed a sad look on Stella's face.
"What's wrong?"
Stella lets out a deep sigh. "...I'm going to die, right?"
Luna shocked with Stella's words didn't respond for a moment. "W-what are you-"
"Its okay." Stella then smiles as the two locked eyes. "Its okay, Lili."
The two locked eyes for a moment in silence as nothing, not even the sound of the others arguing could be heard. A teardrop then falls on to the ground as it was revealed to belong to, Lili who had started to cry, with tears she had though had dried up.
"That's her... isn't it?" Lili said in a somewhat trembling tone.
Stella on the other hand smiled back at her. "It's been a very long time, Lili."
Lili still speechless at what she was seeing could only tear up. "Aria?"
Stella now revealed to be Aria smiled back to her. "Yeah. It's good to see you alive and well." She gently touched Lili's cheek, with her arms, and brought her face close. She then touched her four head with hers. "You've gone throw so much because of me. I'm so sorry. If only I hadn't left you alone."
"Is it r-really you?" Lili still left speechless closed her eyes, and held on to Aria's arm. "I-I have so much that I want to say. So much that I want to talk to you about... But I..."
As the two leaned back, Lili looks at her arms and the only thing she saw was blood. The blood of the people she had to trampled on. The blood of the people, she had to face across her long life. The blood of everyone she had ever killed.
"I-I..." He voice trembled with fear and concern for the one person that meant the world to her. "I fear that I can't even hold you with these hands all covered in blood. I can't even bring myself to speak your name, less I be denied your very heart."
"Lili." Aria spoke wiped away Lili's tears. "So long I'm with you. I don't mind the pain that the world pushes on to me. But I fear that I must ask you to do something for me?"
"What is it? Name it and I will do everything in my power to make it a reality. I'll even force the stars to prostrate themselves for you."
Aria blushed feeling slightly embarrassed at her words. "Come on you don't have to do that." She then got slightly sadden as she looked away. "Please Lili. Won't you stop this endless bloodshed?"
"I..." Lili looks at the flame while still holding on to Aria's arms, before then looking at her again. "I don't know if I can... I'm to far gone."
"Your wrong." As the two turn to look at the flames, Lili could only think of her. "Then if its not to much trouble. Won't you try to leave them alone?"
Lili fell silent as only the sounds of the flames could be heard. She then closed her eyes and hoped that this moment would last. Aria then placed a hand on Lili's cheek, trying to make her look at her, but Lili still with tear in her eyes could only look away.
Lili holding on to Stella's arms could only try and speak. "I... I don't know..." She said still not being able to look at her. Sure she disliked humans/faunus, but if it was for Aria then she didn't mind sparing them.
As she started to cry. Aria simply seat on the floor and laid Lili's head on her lap. She then started to sing some form of lullaby that started to calm Lili down, all the while brushing her hair.
"Please won't you do this for me?" Aria spoke again this time looking directly at her. "Please."
Lili with a blush on her face, and still looking at the flame doesn't respond. Its only after staking a deep breath and calming down that she finally spoke in a calm tone. "There's no future in being a Maiden. If they find out, the King will simply try to kill you." She clenches her fist and in a sad tone she spoke again. "So why? Why protect them? Even after everything they put the Maidens throw. Even after everything He put you throw. Why protect them?"
"Because every life is precious." Aria smiled back at her. "I know that some of the Maiden's would agree with me.... So what do you say? If you promise me that you won't hurt them. Then I promise you, this time you won't be alone. I'll stay at your side forever more."
"... Fine. But in exchange don't throw your own life away..." Lili looks away not being able to look at the monster she had become. "If I-I'm not with you. I feel that I'm going to break. So please don't leave me." A monster that to some extent still had something worth protecting. To Aria, Lili was the person she wanted to save most of all.
After having a moment of silence, Lili finally broke it by speaking what she was thinking about. "Hey...? W-Why don't we run away from here... together... I... I can't be without you... I don't want to be without you... I'll forget the past as long as I can have you here... with me."
Just then the real Aria spoke and placed her right arm close to her chest. The past Aria and the real Aria then spoke almost in perfect sink with each other. "For get the past? That's impossible. My heard aches every time I see your eyes filled with sorrow. You know what they tell me."
The two girls then gaze up at the moon light, and stars. She then continued with what she was saying, all the while brushing Lili's hair. "Why am I all alone in a place like this? Why do I have to be the one to suffers this endless pain? Why can't I even be with her? But you don't have to think about that anymore. I'm here now, you don't have to be alone. Sure I can't always take over this body. But should you deride to stay with me, then we can try to have a normal life." The stars are then visible as Aria's eyes widen with a look of happiness. "Will you look at that! Soooo pretty."
Lili while still holding on to the person that meant the world to her. Simply smiled and gazed at the stars with her. "You always did like to look up at the stars." She then spoke in her mind. "However nothing can compare to your beautiful smile."
Lili then slowly closed her eyes, and again to herself, wanting only to be with her. "Aria... You won't have to fight anymore... I'll protect you..."
As the two stayed silent. Lili could only smile and enjoy the moment she shared with her.
"Hey, Aria?" Lili said gazing up at the moon light.
"What is it?"
"When I first meet you, I had nothing. It was you that healed this broken heart of mine." The two locked eyes. "I've experience both happiness, and fear when I'm not with you. A happiness that I only get to see every time I see your smile. And a fear that I experience when I'm not with you. I... I don't ever want to let you go."
"Lili." Aria then lowered her four-head close to Lili's head and smiles. "I was always happy. Happy when I was close to you."
"Aria." As Lili felt like she was bout to tear up, she quickly dried her eyes, and gazed up at the stars. "Can I ask for one last favor?" Aria nods back at her with a big smile. "Will you sing for me again? One more time?"
As Aria started singing the two teammates stopped arguing and approaching them. They then smiled after hearing Stella/Aria's soothing song.
After some time we see the rest of the group all singing, eating and having fun as time pass on. We then see images of all of them fighting together, helping people together and eating together. All the while a genuine smile could be seen on the past Lili face.
We then hear the real Lili narrate her words.
"Those were much more happy times. Times that I had few and far as the centuries passed." She is head sighing before continuing what she was saying. "To some we were called Heroes. Foolish Heroes that could barely handle the wait of the world. Some even saw me as a Demon. An all consuming Demon that would do anything to take it all back. They weren't wrong... But in reality the people consumed by fear, they all saw us as abominations, that had to be put down."
With the years that passed we see Lili walking back to her home, with a basket of apples in hand. She stops noticing that a large cloud of smoke was starting to reach up to the sky. Her eyes then widen as she then drops the basket and starts to run to the location. Its only after getting close to the location that she noticed that it was her and Aria's home on fire.
"No. NO!"
She quickly tried to run inside, but ones close and explosion occurred on from the inside, and pushes her back to the floor.
When she finally got up she quickly noticed that a trail of blood could be seen on the floor. A trail that she in her desperation didn't pay it no mind at first. Fallowing the trail blood she took the corner and as she did her eyes widen.
As it revealed Sayuki seating with his back against a wall. Several scars could be seen present across his body, along with several stab wounds, and blood also dripping down to the floor. Next to his his sword laid on the floor covered in blood, and in front of his laid a group of Knights that served the King all dead. But most shocking of all laying on Sayuki's lap, Iris could be seen motionless, and with blood also dripping down to the floor.
Lili in desperation quickly got close to him, and got to her knees. She then spoke in a worried tone.
"Iris! Sayuki! Can you to hear me!?" She said hopping to at least save them. "Come on y-you."
Just then Sayuki slowly open one of his eyes, and in a weaken state looks at her. He smiles trying to block the fact that he was in a hole lot of pain. "H-Hey, Luna... w-w-what took you so long... hehe."
"Your going to be okay! So just-"
Sayuki slowly shock his head and tried to smile. "Luna... you have to go and... and save her. They came out of nowhere and attacking us... Stella used her Maiden powers to try and make the people evacuate. B-but they saw right through us..."
"But I."
Out of anger he reached out and garbed her by her shirt. "YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER! F-FORGET ABOUT US AND GO!"
"Listen to me-" He coughs out blood, before then composing himself. "She's the one you want to save, right?" The two locked eyes, as she was left speechless. He then lightly smiles back at her. "You... you two are like family to us... No... You two ARE family to us. So please go. Save the person that means the most to you, and hold her close." He then pushes her back. "Now go!"
Lili then bites the side of her lip, and slowly started taking several steps from him. She stops and responds with her back turn. "Lili."
"?" Sayuki simply stared back at her.
"That's my true name, Lili."
He stares back at her, before then letting out a sigh. "I see." He lets out another sigh and smiles regardless of the pain he was in. "You can be called Luna or Lili for all I care. It doesn't matter, the fact still remains that you two are family to us... Now go. Your just wasting more time."
"Thank you, Sayuki."
Just then Lili started to quickly pick up the past and started to run.
Meanwhile back with Sayuki, he stares back as Lili started to vanish from his line of sight. He lets out a deep sad sigh, and stares back at Iris. "Hey, Iris... I-I never told you this... but deep down I always admired that smiled you had." He palced a hand on her cheek, as it revealed that Iris had a happy smile on her face. "You are a shining star that lit my way as I roamed the darkened earth... So long as I could see you smile that was all I ever needed..." His vision blurred, and his breathing weaken. "Don't worry... this time... will be together... up to the v e r y... e n d....."
Just then his arms slides to the side, and his head leans forward.
"Whats the point of wanting to change the world, when all it shows you is just how pitiful your own strength is."
As the real Lili narrates we cut to a large city as the passed Lili started making her way across the it. Several Knights could be seen trying to stop, but summoning her sword she quickly made short work of them. She hacked and slashed away at them, not even stopping to catch her breath.
"The Maiden's gave their all for the people, and how were they repaid? With merciless shackles and flames. Forever enslaved to the one thing people called, fate."
Deeper in to city Aria could be seen with her arms tied, and being escorted by a bunch of Knights. As for the rest of the people they could only murmur among each other. Aria is then placed on a podium, and one of the Knights gets close to her and placed a nose over her neck. Unlike most Maiden's that would usually get burn alive. This time it was different as we could see that on another podium, the King all old and with a walking cane could be seen looking at what was about to happen.
"The world is at chaos. Its neither fair, nor sensible. It only breeds scum that will take everything for themselves. It is rife with ugliness, without a trace of beauty."
As Lili narrates again, getting closer to the spot Lili could be seen all covered in several bruises and cuts that slowly started to heal.
As she continued to slash away at the rest of the Knights, she hadn't noticed that several other Knights holding spears, quickly dashed towards her and stabbed her across the back. They then pushed her to the floor as several other Knight's pilled up on her trying to held her in place.
"GET OF ME!! YOU DAM HUMAN SCUM!!" Just then the sound of a mechanism is heard. Lili looked over at Aria with a sad expression. "NO!! PLEASE STOOOOP!!"
As the two gazed at each other one last time. Aria smiled one last time whispered the next words.
"I love you."
"It was then that I came to realization something. If the world won't change. Then let this world be set in flames--by the villain of Chaos."
The King looks passed at what he had ordered, and commanded the rest of his Knights to kill the last remaining person that held a close connection to the Maiden. But as he was about to move he heard several scream of agony. He then turns to look at the Knights that held on to Lili, only to realized that they were all killed.
He ordered the rest of his Knight's to try and kill her. But with one swing from her sword she quickly slashed away at them, turning the floor blood red from all the bloodshed.
The King still in shock started to make his way inside his Castle, while letting the rest of his Knights deal with her.
We then see that as the Knight's slowly got close to her. Lili with a cold lifeless eyes, completely devoid of live simply got frustrated.
The Knight's and the people all noticed the large monster and quickly froze on place, to scared to deal with this abomination.
Lili on the other hand simply walked over to Aria and cuts the rope. She then gently placed her body on the floor, and held her in her arms. All the while her eyes could be seen covered by her hair. Tears of blood run down her face, as everything she ever wanted was taken from her. First her family. Then her kingdom. Her lover. Her people. Her life. EVERYTHING.
Lili all the while holding on Aria spoke. "I... I couldn't protect you... Again..." She held on to Aria's body. Aria's body then slowly started to vanish in front of her eyes. Ones her body vanished Lili dropped her arms in defeat. "...he... hehe...hehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! FINE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT KING! THE SO BE IT!!"
Lili then stood up and with tears of blood still running down her face she turn to face the Knight's that stood in her way. She held a firm grip on her sword, and as she prepared herself she evilly smiled back at them. Racing her hand up to the sky, a red glyph appeared over her hand. The glyph then expanded far and wide over shadowing the city, and sealing away everyone with her. Making a large barrier that prevented anyone from escaping.
She then spoke again with that evil smile on her face. "Fine... If I can't be happy. Then so be it. Gomo!" Just then the monster looks back at her and she points to everyone that stood in her way. "KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL! DON'T LEAVE A SINGLE ONE OF THEM ALIVE!"
Gomo lets out a monstrous cry, before then starting to kill everyone in sigh. The monster didn't care if it was ordinary people, humans, or even faunus. It just had one order to fallow, and that was to kill everyone. And everything that stood in its masters way.
As Goro kept biting, stomping or flat out devouring other people. Several other Knight's quickly ran towards Lili, but before they could do anything, she quickly disposed of them with one quick slash from her sword. Others even slashed away at her, but thanks to her ability to heal she quickly healed and killed them. After disposing the Knight's she was fighting against, she turn to the Castle that the King resided.
Making her way towards the Castle, the blood that was on the floor started being absorbed inside Lili's body. Meanwhile Goro went on a killing spree all without a care of what it was killing.
We then cut inside the Castle as the King could be seen in the throne room, with trebling hands, and thinking of away to stop this chaos, but nothing would come up.
Just then large door to the throne room, is then blasted open pushing away several of the Knight's that guarded the King. When the smoke cleared Lili could be seen slowly walking close to him. It's only after that she stood in front of him, that he new what true fear was.
"Hello King." Lili with a smile on her face greeted to now scared King. "Lovely day to die, isn't it?"
"What do you want?"
"Come on that should be simple, right?"
"Tch... KILL HER!"
Just then as several of the Knights started to compose themselves, they all with weapons draw slashed away at Lili. However when her blood spilled out from her body, all her blood turn in to several spikes that killed the rest of the Knight's.
"Is that all?"
She said waiting for the King to answer.
"I-I give up... In exchange I only ask that you spare my family."
"Family?" Confused she noticed that at the corner of her eye, she could see a woman, and two children all scared for their lives. She stares at them for a moment before then slowly turning to look at the King. "You don't have the right to make demands."
Just then while still facing the King, she lifted her arm to face the Kings family. A glyph then appeared in front of it and using the rest of the blood around her, she quickly made a sphere that was fired at the family and exploded. When the smoke cleared nothing remained of the King's family. He then dropped to his knee's in defeat after losing his wife and children.
"Call it payback." Lili said in a cold tone.
"Who am I? What can't you remember your own handy work!" Lili with an irritated look in her eyes, she glared back at him. "First you took my Family, then you killed your own daughter to try and get the power of the Maiden's that didn't belong to you. Then you killed my friends, the only people that I still had in this miserable world. And now you took her again the girl that meant the world to me. The girl that had your daughters soul inside her!"
The Kings eyes then widen as he noticed who he was talking to. "You! YOU CAN'T BE ALIVE!"
"Did you forget. It was you that spared me. But unlike you, I'll make sure to not make that mistake." As the sound of Goro destroying the city could be heard. Lili smiled back at the King, before then holding on to the Kings neck. "First I'm going to let Gomo have its fun across this city. Then I'm going to torture you slowly and painfully until you finally beg for death."
"Please--stop this."
"You started this. I'm only finishing it. At this point I don't care anymore, how you are even alive. But when you are reincarnated, I will find you again, and kill you. I'll kill you again, and again until not even your soul remain. So I hope your ready King because this time you will know what it means to fear a person that is stronger then what you could ever be."
While still holding on to the King's neck she turned around, and started dragging him across the floor. While he tried to free himself, Lili made sure to hold a firm grip on him. It was then revealed where she was taking him. Out side.
"Take a good look." She said lifting his body up and forcing him to look at the city. The city thanks to Gomo was already in flames, and with several innocent people on the floor. While some of them we're still alive, Gomo walked over to them and overshadowed them. "Just like you took everything. I will take what you made."
She then threw him close to the his people, face first to the ground. Just as he was about to move, a sword was stabbed across his abdomen and got stuck on the ground. He coughed out blood, as Lili then stood next to him. She looks at Gomo and nods at it. Gomo then returns her nod, with its own nod.
"I want you to see, what happens next. I want you to see, what happens when you push a person to the breaking point."
Just then the sound of the people screaming is heard as they all quickly fall silent. The King then turns to look and as he does his eyes widen, as Gomo then started to kill what little remained of the people.
The King closed his eyes, and tried to block the screams of his people. The people's blood scattered across the floor, and over to them. But he simply kept on trying to block out the screams. Gomo then started to devour them, taking several of them in its mouth and then closing its large monstrous jaw. The blood of the people then landed over Lili and the still scared King.
"Please. Just stop..."
He said looking up at Lili with tears in his eyes as he just wanted all of this to stop. But Lili didn't respond and simply stared back at what Gomo was doing.
Gomo is then reflected in the King's eyes as it picked up several more people with its mouth, and then closed it. The blood then lands on the King's back, as a head then roles close to him. Looking at the head it had a look of fear and shock across it.
As he looked at the monster in front of him, Gomo picked up several more bodies. For a moment it stopped and noticed that the King simply stared in shock at it. The king couldn't explain it, but one look Gomo and it felt as if it smiled back at him.
All the while that was going on, Lili turns her gaze to the sky, and as she does rain started to poured. Lili closed her eyes and let the rain hit her face, she then spoke in a calm tone to herself.
"This isn't enough..." This time as normal tears started to run down her face. Memories of Aria flooded her mind. "... Aria..."
Everything then fades to black as Lili reaches out to grab the King.
~Beacon Academe: Headmaster's Office~
We then cut back to the out side of the Headmaster's Office as several small birds could be seen on the wind. Suddenly a large crash is heard and the small birds fly away. We then see that inside the Headmaster's Office, Ozpin could be seen with his back against a cracked window, and blood running down the side of his face.
Everyone then with surprised faces noticed that the one that punched him in the face wasn't Ivary. No it Layla the one that for the most part always had a calm expression, and would never get angry.
"She... She was your daughter! Why!?"
"It-It was-"
"If your going to say something like: It was for the greater good. Then you have forgotten one thing! Only female could be Maiden's. What makes you think that you could ever use it!?" She walks over to him, and held lifts him up to face her. "You had all the time in the world to change your ways! Your call yourself a headmaster, but your not even qualify to be called that! You don't even deserve to be called a Hero! Yeah, past Hero my ass!"
Glynda then walked over to her, and placed a hand on Layla's shoulder. She then shock her head, not wanting to deal with him. Layla on the other hand simply wanted to punch him again, but after calming down she dropped him to the floor. Ozpin the slowly got back up on his feet, but as he did he was meet with a punch to the face that came from a very irritated Glynda.
"I thought that I could trust you. But I want to ask you. If at any moment you had noticed that (Y/n) was the Maiden of the Summer's. What would you have done?"
Glynda nods her head. "Thought so. So you would have used her like is she was some king of doll." She then turns around and walks passed team RWBY, and team STRQ. She stops and respond to him again. "I will bring her back. Even if you don't like the idea." She turns to face team STRQ. "I'll ask again. What lead to you all to treat her the way you did."
Team STRQ all look at each other before then looking back at her. Raven then spoke. "truht be told. We don't even know why. But I could be wrong on this, but I feel like if we see Salem, then she should have some answers for us."
Glynda slightly confused responds again. "What do you mean? What makes you think that she knows anything about this?"
"Call it a hunch. I can't prove it. But I feel like she knows something."
Just then team STRQ all prostrated themselves in front of her. "Please let us help!"
Glynda looks at them before then looking at team RWBY and team LIZN. Layla looks back at her and nods. Glynda then lets out a deep sigh, before then looking back at Ozpin, that had just gotten up from the floor.
"So what are you all going to do?" Ozpin spoke with a concern look.
Layla on the other hand walks over to Ruby. "Ruby what is it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh right! I almost forgot! Well you see."
Ruby then starts explaining of the dream she had about Lili, the full moon, and her silver eyes. Layla crosses her arms, and looks at her. "So the key to saving her lies on both a full moon, and your silver eyes? Hmmm."
Neo then spoke up. "You sure that we should trust her? After all she did try to kill us."
Ivary then spoke after her. "Truth be told. I sure as hell don't trust her, but if it saves her I don't know."
Zahra then spoke after her. "For the moment why don't we leave it as a last minute plan. And lets just think of something else."
"I'll ask again." Ozpin said getting the attention of everyone, all the while fixing his glasses. Meanwhile Oscar still trying to comprehend what they were talking about, simply stayed silent. "What are you all going to do?"
Everything then fades to blank.
~Unknown Forest~
We then cut back to the unknown forest. After Lili's story, (Y/n) couldn't believe what she was witnessing. She then sees as Lili after dealing with the rest of the city, she started digging up graves for both Sayuki and Iris. After placing the tombstone she gave then one last smile. It was only after turning around that she noticed that Salem was standing behind her.
"Will come back." Salem said. "Trust me. But if you help me, then we can break the curse that we have been given."
Lili lets out a sigh. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm asking you. If you would be willing to help me get rid of him, permanently."
"And what makes you think, that I would help you?"
"Simple. You want her back, right?"
Salem said in a somewhat sinister tone, a tone that Lili didn't like. "What did you do?"
"If you help me. Then I can guaranty you, that you will be able to see her again."
".... Will I really be able to see her gain?" Lili asked wanting to know if it was true. Salem on the other hand nods back at her. "....Fine. So what do you want?"
After both Salem and Lili vanished in a vast empty void the real Lili could be seen with her back turn. Standing behind her stood (Y/n) looking directly at her. We the hear the real Lili narrate.
"Humans. Faunus... they can't be trusted. And the gods only filled me with pure hatred. So I said so be it! I reject the world and laugh in its face."
Lili then takes a deep breath, all the while facing away from (Y/n). (Y/n) while still focused on Lili, she hadn't noticed that the world around them was nothing but a dark void.
"This time my heart will never again be defiled by this worlds filth! I will cast away every last trace of human emotion that I have. Then I will be empty, a shell with nothing more to lose. And ready to become a being of Chaos, brimming with pure Malice."
Just then as the world around them is set in flames. (Y/n) closed her eyes, before then opening them again, and noticed that she was standing even closer to Lili. Lili then speaks as she kept her back turned.
"There is no need to fear. This world's pain will be brief..." She then looks over her shoulder directly at (Y/n), with blood red tears running down her eyes. "This era... will be coming to an end."
The two are then consumed by said flames, and (Y/n) wakes up in the same unknown forest still puzzled by what what everything she saw. (Y/n) then looks at her arms, and noticed that they were trembling. Aria then walks close to her, and looks at her.
"Now you know of what the Maiden's had to endure." Aria said in a somewhat unhappy tone. "However do you still think you can press on?"
"... Yes."
Saya then spoke. "Even if it brings you pain?"
Both Saya and Aria share a glaze, they then look at (Y/n) and nods at her.
"Come on. Lets go already."
As Saya started to leave the two of hem (Y/n) tried her best to fallow after her. Unbeknownst to them they hadn't noticed that something from the shadows was looking over them.
~Evernight Castle: Throne Room~
A deep silence hanged in the air as both Salem with her eyes closed, and Lili with a smile on her face are seen seating on their respected thrones. Lili noticing that Salem had yet to speak, took a deep breath before speaking.
"Sooooooo! What's the plan?" Lili said questioning her.
Salem opens her eyes and then responds to her question. "Simple we wait and see. They have to eventuality make a move."
Lili then spoke almost in a mocking tone. "You sound so sure of yourself."
"Hehe, Ozma should know by now, that I'm always two steps ahead of him."
Salem remained on her throne, and placed her left hand on her knee, lifted her right hand at arms length. She then lightly smiled as an illusion of a girl with white hair, and a small girl is seen in her hands.
"I found you. So if they want to stop me... Then let's see what fate has in store."
One's Salem got up from her throne she walks pass Lili, and over to the large door. The large doors then seemingly opened by them selves. Lili confused peaks from the side of her throne at the direction of Salem.
"Where are you going?" She said questioning Salem.
Salem stops before looking over her shoulder. The both of them then locked eyes before then Salem smirks at Lili.
"Where am I going? That's a stupid question. I'm going to prepare everything for our honored guest's." One's Salem finished saying her part. She looks back in front of her and walks out of the room.
After Salem had left Lili stares at the moon that was visible from the room. ".... Well this should be interesting."
Just as a close up of Lili smirking is seen. She could only smile with enthusiasm awaiting for something interesting to happen. Everything then fades to black, and Lili's voice is head one last time.
"Now then what will you do? What path will you chose? I'm dying to see it."
{A/N: Okay everyone here was the long awaited chapter that you all waited for. Sorry that it took a while but I was to busy with other stuff on my plate. Sure I still feel like I could have put more in it, but this will have to do. So hope it was worth the wait. Anyway enjoy.}
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