Sins Of The Past, Part. I

The scene opens up as the sound of footsteps walking across a grassy field could be heard. A small girl then walks across the forest as it was revealed to be Aria, and right behind her was the girl. Still confused as to why she was fallowing Aria.

~Unknown Girl POV: ????~

As we kept walking throw the dark forest. I started to notice that it was starting to become nighttime. But I didn't care for that. I just wanted to know where we were going. I even tried talking with Aria, on other occasions, but she never responded back to me, that is until.

"Here we are!" She said as we came upon a big open area, with more tree's across it. But what actually caught my eye, was that not to far in to the distance was a cabin.

As we both came up to the cabin. I started to get this sense that I wasn't wanted, or welcome here. But why? As I looked at the cabin. My heart started racing.

"What is this place?" I said as I turned to face the Aria.

"This is where it all began for you..." She said as she remain silent for a moment. "So then-"


Before Aria could finish her sentence. A secondary voice spoke cutting her off. As we both turned around, we noticed another person a Girl.

As the girl looked at us, I noticed that she had long black hair, that looked a bit untidy, red eyes with bags under neath them, almost like she hadn't slept in day's, and had an expressionless look on her face. But what caught me off-guard was the fact that she was levitation several inches of the ground, and was almost the same height as me. But I quickly brushed it off.

~3rd POV~

As the Girl with the red eyes stared at Aria, she looked down at her. But Aria simply stared back at her and playfully smiled. "Why did you bring her here, Aria?"

"You and I both know that she has to be stopped. But unfortunately we won't be able to do anything until she has her memories back." Aria said as she clenched her small hands in to fist, and stared back at her.

"Then why did you call me here?" She said as she leaned down to look at Aria.

"Because you and I both know what has to be done. Please help us." Aria said as she reached out her left arms to the girl. "They have suffered long enough. Please help us end it all."

"Even if that happens to us? Are you ready to gamble everything on one girl? Or yourself for that matter?" She said in a cold tone.

Aria then nod's back at her. "Yes, even if something happens. She has to have her memories back."

As nothing but silence hanged in the air for several seconds. "Fine..." The girl gave a sigh, and turned her attention at the unknown girl. "What about you? Are you sure about this? Are you really ready to have you memories back? Even if it brings you nothing but pain?"

The other girl still confused at her words remained silent for a moment. Until she finally nodded her head at her. "Y-Yes..."

"You don't sound to sure... Fine, just call me... I don't have a name. But at the moment call me Saya. Come on let's go inside. But don't expect to find anything but pain after crossing it." She said as she levitated to the door, Aria then stood next to the door.

As the girl walked over to the door, she reached out her hand to the handle of the door. But quickly stopped, as her arm out of instinct started trembling. But why? She then spoke as she turned to look at Aria. "C-can't you open it?" She said but Aria simply shook her head in, no. Leaving her, and only her to try and open the door.

So after a bit of time the girl took a deep breath, and quickly opened the door. Only to bee met with nothing but darkness. The girl then walked inside the darkness.

As the two girls were left alone Saya turned to face the door, stopped and spoke to Aria. "If you fallow this path it will only bring you to them. Are you really prepared for this? Are you prepared to face them? Even if it only brings you nothing but pain in the end." She said as she looked over her shoulder at Aria. But as she did she was only met with Aria smiling at her. "After all this is done. What path will she choose? What will happen to her? Or to be more precise. What will happen to us?" She said with a somewhat sad look on her face.

"It will work out on it's self. After all were not the only ones here." She said as both of them turned to face the forest, and as they did. They noticed several humanoid silhouette far as the eyes could see, one behind the others, staring back at them. All the silhouette had also different types of eye colors, that emanated a faint spark across each-other, several of them also were different in height.

"Come on let's go inside." Saya said as both of them headed inside the cabin. The silhouettes simply stared back at them, all without moving.

Meanwhile once inside the cabin, the girl is seen walking inside and then stopping. Aria, and Saya then walked after her, with the door closing by it's self.

The darkness in the room then started to become more clearer, revealing a leaving room, with all the furniture gone.

"What is this place?" The girl said still looking at the empty living room in confusion.

Just then Saya responds to her. "This is where your life started, and ended."

The girl still confused turned to face Saya, but as she was about to respond a sharp and intense pain, rang throw her head. With the pain being so intense it forced her to drop to her knees, as she placed both her arms on her head, trying to block the pain. But that did nothing. 


The Girl didn't have time to respond as image's of a woman with a white hood ran through her mind. The image of the woman then materialized in the living room, holding a small baby in her arms, the baby itself had red eyes. The woman then smiled as the baby reached out to her. So as she kept playing with the baby. A blond man holding another baby in his arms walked over to her. They both smiled back at the children.

"So what are you going to name her?" The blond man said as he looked at both the woman and the baby in her arms.

"Well I was thinking of calling her-" The woman said responding to his question. But as the name of the child was said, it could be made out.

"Yeah that sounds pretty good. Hello-" He said as both of them smiled back at the child.

Suddenly both of them disappeared, and the pain the girl was feeling quickly leaves her. After composing herself she got up from the floor.

"What was that?" 

She said still confused at what happened. But she then noticed that the same woman was standing in the kitchen. So having nothing more to do, she walked over to her. But as she did she was met with the same pain. I'll be it this time being a bit less painful.

As the woman is seen cleaning the dishes. The baby is seen on the counter playing with her hands up in the air clearly exited by something. Just then the woman turned to face the baby with a smile across her face. But her smile quickly turned in to a look of shock and fear. As the baby had four small magical spheres with a magic circle in six basic colors hovering over her hand.

A mother out of fear will try anything to make there children have a normal childhood. But one thing was certain, that baby was never normal. No on the contrary, the baby was just more special than anything. As both mother and child disappeared in a buff of smoke.

With the pain subsiding the girl turned to face Aria. "What was that?"

Aria for a moment looked at the place the baby was. As she then turned to look at the girl. "Memories long forgotten."

As the girl looked at her she noticed as the same woman was walking up the stairs, holing the hand of a small girl with long black hair, and red eyes. The girl not wasting time runs after her, with both Aria, and Saya after her.

~Unknown Girl POV~

As I ran after the woman and the small girl. I couldn't help but feel like I had seen all of this before. Almost like all of this wasn't the first time. But I still wanted to know just what was going on. So as I ran after them, my head started hurting as memories of the same woman screaming at the girl ran through my mind. It was then that I stopped in front of a door. As I looked at the door, my heard started racing, and something about my body was telling me not to open the door. But why? What was so important that it forced my body to act like this.

"..." After calming down I took a deep breath, and I opened it. One's inside all I saw was an empty room, with a single worn out bed.

It was then that my eyes widen as I noticed that on top of the bed laid the same girl with numerous scars across her body. As much as I wanted to vomit, I tried my best to hold it in. But as I looked at the girl's body, I could feel as my body started hurting.

just then headache started intensifying forcing me to drop to my knee's, I then held my head. So as I looked at the room something about it felt familiar. But as my mind was mainly focused on the girl. It was then that I realized that the girl was looking at me.

The more I looked at her, the more it felt like I was looking at a mirror. Almost like if she was a reflection of myself. But all that did was question myself as to why?

"Stop..." I said as I wanted the pain to stop.

But it was then that images of the same girl getting abused my other people started to run across my mind.


It was then that the images of the same girl talking with a blond woman with glasses started running across my mind. But as I looked at the woman something about her made me feel like crying. But why was I crying for a woman that I didn't know? Why did seeing this woman cry broke my heart?

"....Why? ... Why am I crying?"

I looked as the same girl was then with three more girls that looked all to familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Why did they looked so familiar to me? It almost felt like we had spend the rest of our live together.

The images then stop and I noticed that I was face to face, with the same girl but much older talking with another girl with pink and brown hair. Both girls smiled and talked as the other girls then joined in and started talking.

"What is-"

It was then that all I saw was static and the pain intensified. As much as I wanted the pain to stop. It  was then that I felt a pair of hands on my back, and as I looked over my shoulders I noticed that it was Aria and Saya.

"Let it continued. I know it's painful. But you have to bear with it." Aria said as she right right. Even if it was painful I had to let it continue.

"Let the memories flow through. If you fight them, it will only bring you more pain. So relax." Saya was also right. All this time I was fighting the memories but I had to calm down.

So having nothing else I closed my eyes and relaxed. It was then that I started hearing the sound of bubbling water. I then slowly started opining my eyes. 

"The hell?"

It was then that I was met with a mysterious woman, she had long white hair, and had no clothes on. I couldn't make out her face as she was facing away from me, but the more I looked at her. The more I felt like I new her.

It was then that I noticed that I was underwater, but I could breath. As the woman looked over her shoulder directly at me. Though I couldn't see her face I did noticed that her eyes had a red iris color to them. But something about her eyes looked, sad.

"Do you really want to have your memories back? The very memories that only brought you pain in the past. Why? Why try to remember something like the past. When I can give you a life with no fighting, war, or even pain."

I didn't respond as I had no answers to her questions.

"Will you please just turn back and fall asleep again. This way you won't have to go through so much hardships. I'll bare with all the pain. All you would have to do is rest."

Her words, the way she spoke felt sad. But why? I didn't know this girl. But she still felt familiar to me. So after taking a deep breath I spoke.

"I want to remember."

"Even if it's painful."


"Even if it will only bring you suffering."

"Yes. I want to remember everything."

After I spoke to her. We both then waited for one of us to respond. But I then heard her sigh.

"Very well then. In you-- lies the hope that guides you, and everyone around you. Even know your friends are still trying to..." She didn't finish what she was going to say. She then shock her head. "I have a favor to ask. Even after learning the truth please don't change."

"What do you mean?"

Even if I couldn't see her face I could tell she was smiling. But why did her smile feel sad?

"Will met again. So go forth and find the truth."

As my vision became cloudy I closed my eyes, and opened them again. But one's I did I noticed that I was back in the same room with Aria and Saya. I then got up from the floor and looked at the two of them. Saya not wasting time quickly turned to the door, and left me alone with Aria. But as I looked at Aria, she also started to walk to the door.

"I'll be waiting outside of the cabin."

As I looked at the room I started to remember why I was here. It was then that more memories kept flooding my mind with no end in sigh. So as the headache continued I dropped to my knee's, and held my head in great pain.




~3rd POV~Beacon: Ozpin's Office~

From inside Ozpin's office a deep silence hung in the room, as everyone stared directly at Ozpin, and Summer waiting to answer. Team LIZN, wanted nothing but answers at what was going on, and just why did the girl Lili hated him so mush.

"Ozpin." Layla said as she stared directly at him with a confused look on her face. "Just who or what are you?"

Ozpin gave a sigh before responding to her question. "I was a former hero who was cursed by the God of Light, several Millennia's ago."

Ivary confused shock her head. "That's impossible!" As she spoke both Neo and Zahra nodded after her.

Ozpin then get's up from his seat and walks passed his desk. He stares at Oscar for a moment before responding to everyone. "No more secrets." He turns to face everyone. "Okay let me tell you a story. The true story of the God's. As most of you know their use to be two God's. One of Light, and the Other of Darkness. But what if I told that there used to be three. Would you believe me?" Everyone stared back at him before speaking again. "Please close your eyes."

As everyone did as they were told. Ozpin tapped the floor with his cane engulfing the room in a bright light. "Okay open them." As he spoke again they were met with a place that they didn't know.

"What is this place?" Ruby said as she stared at a large castle, that was majestic in nature.

Yang then walked over to her, but spoke to Ozpin. "What is going on?"

As everyone turned to face Ozpin. He glanced at the castle and for a moment remained silent before he spoke again. "This is the place it all began. Her hatred towards us human's. The Castle of the God of Chaos."

~Evernight Castle: Salem's Throne Room~

The scene then transitions to the inside of Throne Room. Salem could be seen sitting in her throne, with one of her legs over the other, a hand on her cheek, and her eyes closed. She didn't speak, she didn't even try to move. She just stayed there not making a single move. It was only then that the silence was broken as Lili could bee seen at the far end of the room on her own throne, eating some potato chips. Salem wait's a moment before responding to her.


"Yeeeesssss."Lili spoke back almost in a playful tone to her.

"What do you remember of the pass?"

Just as Lili was about to eat another potato chip, she stops and waits a moment before responding. "... Everything..."

"I see... you want to talk about it?" Salem said as she slowly opened her eyes. Then locked eyes with Lili, as she wanted to talk about the pass.

Lili on the other hand also locked eyes with her, and seemingly lost her appetite. She then gives a big sigh before giving a nod to her. "Sure why not. It's not like it will change anything."

Salem with a gentle smile on her face leans back in her throne, and looks at the moon from the window of the room.

~Flashback: Unknown Old Kingdom~

Just before anything happens Ozpin spoke as he narrated. "Long ago existed a kingdom that was ruled over by the God of Chaos. The brother of the two Gods that ruled over Remnant. He lived a prosperous life with his family as he ruled over his subjects. His people... But it was us. The Gods that set his world ablaze. And tore down his kingdom along with his subjects, his people... his wife, his child." He said in a sad tone filled with regrets coming from him. As he kept explaining the story.

The scene transitions to the inside of a large kingdom filled with scared people, that hid inside it walls. As the sounds of explosions could be heard coming from outside of the Castle walls. As a Man with long white hair, that was tied into a long braid, and light blue eyes, that reflected the clouds, and was well dressed was making his way across the crowd of scared people. 

Several other people clad in armor, and holding weapons ran up to him, looking ready to fight as they then got on one knee showing him respect.

"Our King!"

The Man know revealed to be the King spoke, as his concerns was the safety of his people first.  

"Hurry take the woman and children as far away from here as possible. I'll hold them of as mush as I can." The King spoke as he saw some of his knights tacking away the rest of the people that couldn't fight.

As the King kept evacuating all of his subjects. A woman with long black, and blood-red colored hair, along with blood-red Irise colored eyes is seen walking over to him. 

"Your Majesty?" The knights turned to look at them.

"Dear what are you going to do?" The Queen spoke as she looked at her husband with a worried expression on her face.

The King turns to face her as he tried to smile, noticing that behind her stood a small girl with long red hair, and red eyes running over to her, as a maid ran after her.

The maid in a worried tone then spoke. "Pleas young Mistress we must leave."

The small girl simply ran over to her father which was the king, and wrapped her arms around him. The King with a gentle smile on his face, got on one knee and embraced her in his arms. As the Queen then did the same.

"Please Papa, Mama let me stay! I don't want to go!"

The parent both shared a glance as the King then responded to her. "It's okay Lili everything will be okay. No mater what will protect you. So go with the maid to a safer place."

The Queen then spoke. "Your father is right. You have to live for not only us, but for your people. So please got with the maid, and stay safe Sweetie."

As they handed her over to the maid, Lili started crying as she didn't want to be apart from her parent. "No Papa! Mama! I want to stay!" She reached out to them.

As both King and Queen looked on as their daughter being held by the maid, one could see that they wanted to cry. But being both the King and Queen of the kingdom meant that they had to hold back the tears. The Queen then spoke seemingly trying not to break down in to tears. "Look at me Sweetie as your father and mother we will always love you. But you can't go with us. Live for the sake of your kingdom, and your people."

The King then spoke as he placed his four head close to hers. "Your mother is right. You are the most important person in our lives. It was thanks to you and your mother that made my life worth living... So I will use this life of mine to save you and everyone here. So please live." He then turns his attention to the maid. "Go."

The maid simply nod's at him as she then started to run away, as Lili called out to both of her parents. "PAPA! MAMA!"

The King then turns to face his subjects as they all looked at him. "Attention all of you! You may all leave if you wish, I won't force you all to stay! I won't ask for you to sacrifice your lives for us! So if you all which to leave then know is your chance! No one will fault you for it! So know is the time to make up your minds!"

The Queen then spoke to some of the female knights. "My husband is right. Some of you have family's, love ones. We won't force you to stay and sacrifice your lives for us. So if you which to leave then know is the time." 

Nothing but silence was heard as only the sound of the explosions could be heard. That is until one of the knight's looked back at his King and spoke. "Will stay! Will fight at your side!" 

Another one then did the same this time being female. "We won't run away! This is our home! So with all due respect! Will fight next to you up to the very end!"

"YEAAAAAHH!!" The knights shouted all ready to put their lives on the line for King, Queen, and the Kingdom.

With a look of surprise both the King and Queen look at each other before smiling. All the knights then got on their knees and responded at the same time.


As it transitions to outside of the castle. Several knights are seen coming under fire, as several spells are seen flying towards them. The spells are then quickly negated by a strong pulse. As it then revealed the King and Queen walking over to the edge of the castle.

The Queen then summoned her weapon, and the King looked on as he noticed that in the distance two familiar figures are seen. Revealing both the God of Light, and the God of Darkness. Close to them stood Ozma, and Salem looking on with a concern look as they didn't want to be a part of this, but had no choice.

The God of Darkness then spoke as his voice could be heard by all knight on the battlefield. "Brother, your kingdom must fall for the sake of our world! This world can't have three God's ruling over it. So lay down your weapons and we will give you a merciful death. Will even let some of your people live." The God of Darkness then transforms into a nightmarish, dragon-like form that the mind couldn't comprehend as it then snarls at his former brother.

The God of Light then spoke. "His right. A God cannot live with humans. Your people. Your kingdom. Your child will only bring destruction to the world. So as your brothers we beseech you drop this foolishness of looking after the humans, or will have no choice but to tear down this foolish dream that you have created for all of them." As he spoke he transformed into a bright, beautiful oriental-looking dragon. That floated across the floor.

The King then spoke as the rest of the Knights and his Wife stood next to him. "So you which take everything from us. Then I will make sure to stop you." Jut then a as he lifted his right arm to the very sky, a flash of red lightning quickly hit him, covering his surrounding in a cloud of spoke. But as the smoke cleared his true form was revealed.


Just as the three Dragons took flight the knight on either side of the battle field charged at each other. All putting everything on the nine. All fighting for the sake of a new future.

Ozma then started narrates again. "Truth be told bad in the day the God's never told us the reason why they wanted to bring ruin to his kingdom. But I think that I can come up with an idea. I think that both of them were jealous. Jealous of the brother that made a family for himself. Jealous of a family they couldn't have. Jealous of a life that was far beyond their reach."

Meanwhile inside of the castle Lili is seen breaking free of the maid's grasp. As the maid is swept away by the crowd of panicking people. Lili quickly started running back to her parents.

Lili then narrates in a calm tone. "One could say that I was only a child. A child that looked up to my family that only wanted them to be happy. But it was you all, that took them away from me. YOU all are to blame for the sins of the past."

Meanwhile the young Lili is seen running out of the castle, and in to the battlefield. She saw as the knights that protected the castle all started to fall one after the other. As the sound of explosion heard from across the battlefield. As the sound of people falling silence could be seen. She saw it all, but all she really wanted was.

"MAMA! PAPA!" She called out to her family.

But all was for not as the sound of the three brothers fighting could be heard from just across the cloud. Lili looked up to the clouds and for a brief moment the sky lit up, and divine bolts of lighting started falling down to ever knights, the castle, and including the people that fought at the God's side. Not discriminating between friend and foe alike. Just as one of the lighting bolts was about to hit Lili, she was quickly grabbed by a female's hand revealing that it was the Queen, Lili's mother.


Lili didn't have time to respond, as the Queen quickly shielded her with her own body. So as the divine lightning rain down on to the world. The sounds of knights screaming, explosions across the battlefield, and people getting in the cross fire could be heard. As it cuts back to the Queen she was seen still holding Lili in her arms, as she tried her best to shield her from any incoming attacks with her own body.

"It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."


Lili looked up at her mother. But all she saw was her mothers gentle smile, that showed the slightest bit of worry. As all she could do was smile. She brought her daughter closer, and shielded her. As just then one of the bolts hit the both of them, and a large explosion gave way, and envelop the battlefield in a cloud of smoke.

(I take no credit for the video.)

Salem is then heard coughing from inside the castle as the battlefield fell silent. Her eyes then widen as she kept walking inside the castle, but what she saw next shock her to her core. She saw as everyone in the castle had been taken down by the divine bolts that fell.

"Oh God's." Salem spoke as she covered her mouth.

Lili then spoke to the real Salem as only a smirk was seen on her face. "Tell me? Did you see it? Did you see what your so called God's brought to my kingdom, my people?"

One's she spoke the sounds of flames are heard, as the cloud's started reveling it. As it revealed the residence of the castle, all the woman, the knights, and even the children all dead. Some of them looked as if they protected their loved ones, as others looked like they tried to climb up the wall's to escape. She saw them all.

"Pap-a... Ma-ma-"

Just then her attention was taken as she noticed a child trying to reach for her family. Salem with a worried look on her face, dropped everything and ran to the child. She then held the child in her arms, as tears could be seen running down her face.

"Ma--ma..." The child could only speak in a weak tone, as blood ran down the side of their arm.

"Just hang on your going to be okay!" Salem said as she tried to heal the child. But they were to badly injured by the attack. "It's okay your going to be okay!" She kept telling the child trying to consoling them.

"Ma--m...." Just as the child gave their last words, their head leaned to the side, and fell silent.

"Hey! It's okay your going to be okay! Can you hear me? Please stay with me!" 

Salem looked at the child and for that brief moment she fell silent. She tried constantly healing the child do to the fact that she at least wanted to save the life of the child, that had nothing to do with any of this. So as she held the child in her arms, she brought the child close to her. Her tears then dropped to the child's face, as they had died in her arms. She then brings the child closer to her, as her tears didn't stop.

"WHY!?... WHY GOD'S!?"

Salem screamed to the very sky. No to the very God's. As from a gaping hole on the wall people, and knights were seen also dead. As she kept crying an illusion of the real Lili then appears with her back against the wall, and crossing her arms. She then reappears again this time behind Salem.

"I'll asked you again. Did you see it? Did you see what your so called God's brought to my kingdom, my people?..." The real Salem didn't respond. Lili then spoke again this time with an evil smile on her face. "What's the matter? Answer me, Salem. Answer me, Immortal Witch... That right. They're all dead. Every last soul dead... in service to you and Ozma and to your lonely happy ending.... For your kingdom. For your peace. For your God's!... They were all sacrificed. Both your enemies and allies... The people you swore to protect... The country you and Ozma swore to rule... Men, woman, old and young... even my family... All sacrificed for the so called greater good."

It then cuts back to the outside of the castle as Ozma had just woken up, with several cuts and scratches across his armor, and weapon. One's his mind clears something quickly drops from the sky with enough force that it engulfed the place in a cloud of dust. One's the dust settled it was revealed to be the King in his human form greatly injured from the fight. Ozma looked up at the sky, and sure enough the God's simply looked on from the very sky. They then turned away from their former brother, and in a blinding flash of light quickly vanished returning to wherever place they had to go.

(I take no credit for the video.) 

Ozma still felling weak from the battle walked over to the King. As he approached the King, he looked across the battlefield, with a look of regret as all the knights that fought at his side had all, died. He then dropped to his knees, with a look of defeat over his face.

"No... this can't be real... It just can't."

"Mama... Papa..." 

Just then Ozma's eyes widen as he noticed that there was actually one survivor, revealing that it was Lili, next to her stood the Queen on top of her shielding her, by just looking at the Queen he could tell she was dead. 

As Lili remained on the floor covered in cuts and bruises, Ozma slowly walked over to her. Noticing that she was unconscious he then though hesitant gripped his sword firmly in his arm, and pointed it to her. His arms trembled as he didn't want to kill anyone. Let alone a child that couldn't even fight back.

But just as he pointed his sword at her, an arm firmly grabbed him by his leg. "Please stop she's only a little girl..." Ozma looked on as it revealed that it was the King. The King slowly got up from the floor and walked over to his child. He then placed Lili, with her back against the wall. A bit far from them.

Ozma noticed as the King was to injured to even fight back. But as a warrior he let him do what he had to do. The King then grabbed his wife, and placed her close to his side.

"For what it's worth. Please take my life instead, that's why you're here. I've already lived mine." Ozma hesitantly thinks it over, and then nods back at him.


The King weakly smiled back at him. He then turns to look at Lili and flashbacks of him playing with Lili, being with his wife, the Queen, and ruling over his kingdom flash before his very mind. 

"It's a shame really." The King spoke all the while still staring at Lili.

"What is?"  Ozma questions him before pointing his sword directly at his chest.

"It's a shame that I might have one regret. I regret that i'll never get to watch her grow into a great warrior like her mother. I'll never be able to see her surpass me in battle." Ozma didn't respond back to him as he already felt guilty for trying to kill her. "But hey. At least with this she'll live..." He stares back at Ozma with a stern look. As Ozma then looks back at him and with an understanding look and nod's back.

Ozma then leans the blade back before stabbing him with the sword across his chest. The King then smiles before responding again. "Thank goodness."

Ozma then quickly pulled the sword out of his chest. Before the King could fall he was grabbed by Ozma, he then gently placed him beside the Queen. Ozma then steps back from him.

As the King laid on the floor next to the Queen he spoke one last time to him. "Thank... you, Ozma." 

Ozma doesn't respond back. As the King looked up at the sky, and then turns his attention over to his wife. Struggling he gently touched her cheek, as tears could bee seen on the Queen's eyes.

The King then spoke in a weaken tone. "My Queen, are you crying? We've been together for such a very long time... So for what it's worth. I'll get to die next to you..." For a brief moment a gentle smile could bee seen on the Queen's face. As tears then started to run down the King's eyes. "If possible... if I were able... I would have loved to go to the same place... on the other side... as you... I'm sorry... I never told you but... you, and Lili both made me the happiest man in the world... So I will forever... love you both my Queen, my Daughter........"

Just as snow started to fall. The Kings slowly started to close his eyes submitting to his wounds. The wounds inflicted both by his brothers, and Ozma. One's the king had fallen silent Ozma turned around and started limping away. Before he left he looked over his shoulder directly at Lili contemplating if he should kill her. But remembering that both King and Queen sacrifice their lives for her decided to do nothing. He then with a look of sadness started to walk away, leaving her all alone.




After Ozma, Salem and what ever leftover soldiers that survived had left, the small Lili was seen looking down at the bodies of her Father and Mother. She didn't respond she just kept looking at them with a shocked expression on her face. She looked on as tears started to form on her eyes. As everything that made her life happy was taken away in a single night. 

"Papa... Mama..."

As the snow kept on pouring she dropped to her knee's and started to cry not being able to hold her emotions any longer. Just as she started to cry, she began to punch the hard ground to the point she began to bleed. 

The real Lili then spoke as she stood behind her younger self. "Back then I just wanted to die... I just wanted my home back. I wanted my life back. I wanted them back..." A sigh is then heard before she spoke again. "Want to know something funny, Salem?"

After burying her family the younger Lili is seen walking inside the castle, with eyes devoid of life. She had lost everything... Her kingdom... Her people... Her family... She had lost it all in the span of a single night. So having nothing else she walked over to the armament. One's there she picked one of the weapons, she then having nothing else to live for fatally stabs herself. But something was off. When she took the weapon out of her chest, she noticed that her fatal wound healed far to quickly. So she tried it again. But she was quickly healed. She then tried it one last time this time putting her all in to it as she just wanted to end it all. But was met with the same outcome. When the weapon is dropped to the ground, Lili look's at her arms and they began to tremble.

She looked as she fiercely clenched her fist, and bit her lip, forcing blood to run down the side of her lip. Dropping to her knee's Lili let's out a scream of despair, as her suicide attempt failed. So as anger started to take over, her mind started thinking of Salem... of Ozma... of the God's.

When she got up from the floor illusions of the God's stood in front of her. She clenched her fist and stared at the two of them. "Damn you. Damn your people! DAMN YOU ALL!" She spoke in a low tone that turns to screaming. She then look up at the two God's that looked down on her. "I promise you! I won't spare a single one of you! I'll kill the two of you! I'll kill your people! I'll kill all of you! I'll make sure of it!"

After she had calm down, she looked up at the moon. As the moon was reflected in her eyes. One thing was certain. She wanted nothing more then to kill them. She wanted to kill all of them. The people that took everything from her. The God's that do to their jealousy took her family from her.

So as she kept looking at the moon, from the shadows a massive black dragon-like beast walked over to her. Oddly enough it didn't eve try attacking the girl. It then stopped and bows it's head close to her which in return left the girl speechless.

Just then the real Lili spoke. "Back in the day I just wanted to live peacefully with the rest of the kingdoms. But what you all did change my life and hers. So in a sense I must thank you. It was thanks to you all that I had awaken to my power. The power left behind by my family. The power of the God of Chaos himself." Salem didn't respond back to her.

~Unknown Cabin: Second Floor Room~

Meanwhile Aria, Saya, were seen outside of the cabin. As the girl was seen on her knees, and holding her head in pain, as she was still inside the room. As memories of the past kept flooding back to her. The memories showed the blond woman again, smiling with another girl. At a time that the girl made some flowers for her. A time that the two of them smiled with other. A time that several other people that all stood next to her all smiled with her. To the girl she was confused as to why. Why were they all smiling at her? What was so important for them to smile?

It then revealed Beacon as she sees several other people all talking with her. It then transition to her fighting a person in silver-gray armor. As it then transitions to the inside of Ozpin's office as several people are seen talking with the girl. By the look on their faces one could tell that they were arguing. 

"What are they arguing about what?" She told herself wandered what was going on.

As the memories kept flooding back to her. The girl could feel and intense pain across her body.

It then transitions several times as the very same people are then seen fighting someone... a Girl. The same girl they were arguing with. The girl then took a moment as the memories felt all to familiar. "...!?" The girl spoke as she kept watching the fight, that ended in the girl winning.

It then turns to a different location as the same girl is then seen talking with two Fox girls, and two Human girls. Just looking at the girls made her tear up as something about them felt familiar. It then cuts to the girl fighting another girl with blood red hair, and blood red eyes. The memories then stops along with the headache, as she placed her hands on the floor. She takes a moment to compose herself before responding. "I... I remember..."




~Back to the Flashback: Large Time Skip~ 

As both God's laid on the hard floor, still in their dragon forms. A familiar woman with familiar blood red hair, and blood red eyes walked up to them holding her sword. To both of the God's they looked at the girl and simply stared at her. Still trying to figure out just who the hell was she.

As the God of Light was about to attack. A massive black dragon-like beast, easily over one hundred feet in length from nose to tail, quickly stomped down on his neck, and held him in place. As the girl slowly walked over to the God of Darkness and faced it.

The God of Darkness in a weaken state slowly lifts his face, and look's down at the girl. Still not realizing who or what the girl was.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU..." Sounding hesitant he spoke as for the first time in several millennia's he was actually felling what humans called fear.

The girl stops in front of him and then smiles. "What don't you remember? By just looking at me you should already know. Look at my eyes maybe that will bring back memories. After all my Father and Mother died because of the two of you, and your petty wars."

The God of Darkness tried desperately to move his body. But as he did several puddles of blood appeared underneath him and bound him in place. The blood then took the form of tentacles that wrapped around his mouth and with great force slammed his face to the ground, forcing him to meet the girl face to face.

One's close the girl smirked and looked down at a God of Darkness. "You're... Lili..."

The girl revealing herself to be Lili stabbed her sword to the hard ground, and started clapping, with a calm smile. She then spoke in a mocking tone as the God of Darkness stared daggers at her. 

"That's right. I'm the child of the late God of Chaos. My father. Your Brother. You have no idea just how long I waited for this moment." Lili then placed her hand on the God's mouth. "Trust me. You can't imagine the depths I had to go through for just this moment, fueled by my hatred for the both of you, and your people..."

"P-Please don't do this." The God of Light pleaded trying to control the situation. "Your Father and Mother woud-"

"GOMO!" Just then as she spoke still with her back turned. The monster revealed to be Gomo furiously then stomps on the God of Light silencing him.

The God of Darkness then spoke in a mocking tone. "Is this what you want? Really? Perhaps you have forgotten but i'm a God! NOTHING CAN KILL ME!"

Just then Lili wanting nothing more then to shut him up, reached for one of the fangs of the God of Darkness and forcefully yanked it out of his mouth forcing him to scream, before falling in to silence. Lili then spoke again with anger in her tone. 

"SILENCE! You think you know anything about me?" She snickered. "It was I who languished for years thinking of nothing but the two of you. Nothing but this moment. But you would be right a God can't die... But have you forgotten my father was the God of Chaos. If he's dead then what makes you think the same can't be do to you."

The God of Darkness fell silent as he had no idea what she was talking about. His expression then changed to that of surprise. "No don't tell me..." The earth beneath him started to tremble, as from his mouth he charged a fire blast trying desperately to kill her. Lili on the other hand didn't even tried to move, and took the full brunt of the attack. As the blast engulfed the floor in a cloud of smoke he smirked, the God of Darkness smirked. "Hehe, Cursed Child."

The God of Darkness smiled thinking that he had one. But that realization was soon shattered to pieces as he realized that the girl was fine. With only getting by with miner scrapes and bruises that quickly healed instantly. Lili then looks at her clothes and noticed that they got dirty, she then brushed it off before speaking to him.

"Was that a tickle?" Before he could respond his face was violently slammed to the ground. She then grabbed her sword and walked over to his right eye. The two then locked eyes, as Lili with a series look on her face responds back to the God of Darkness. "Tell me oh God. Do you bleed?" He didn't respond back as he could tell he wasn't in control. "Well don't worry you will."

When she finished talking she with great precision stabbed her sword directly at his eyes, forcing a large amount of black blood to spew over her. As the God of Darkness cried out in pain. Lili simply kept looking at his face, she then pulled the sword out of it's eyes and he fell silent.

As the black blood spewed out ward it covered Lili's body in the God's blood. The God of Darkness momentarily struggled to move his body, still weak by her. As he looked at his body he got surprised as he noticed that his body had turned back to it's humanoid form, he then fell silent still confused as to why he turned back to normal. 

"I'm possible-" 

Before the God of Darkness could say anything. Lili quickly stabbed her arm inside the God of Darkness chest. The God of Darkness tried to fight back, but after having fought her for so long he had lost the strength to do so. 

"Now where is it? AH! There it is!" 

She said with a gentle smile on her face, as she then pulled out a small sphere out of his chest, that had a faint purple glow to it. There was a brief moment of silence between her, and the God of Light. 

The God of Light fell silent as Lili then looked at the sphere, she then started applying pressure to the sphere. "Hey God of Light. Don't fall asleep just yet. Your going to love this." 

As she kept applying more pressure to the sphere. It made the sphere crack until it eventually shattered, creating a massive shockwave that shock the ground around them. Lili then smiled with a sinister grin on her face as a blinding light envelops the world, smiting everything and everyone in its path. As Humanity had been turned to dust, leaving only the God of Light, Lili, and Salem alive due to their somewhat immortality. They noticed as what was left of the God of Darkness was only a statue that crumbled away.

Salem them narrates herself. As the past Lili started to walk to the God of Light, as she held her blade in hand. "I remember that. It was on the day I turned against the God's just because I wanted Ozma back. But the God's saw fit to only punish me, with a curse of immortality to never be with him. But as it turned out it was all a mistake."

When Lili stood in front of the God of Light, as she looked at him, a part of her couldn't stop smiling as atlas she was going to have her revenge against the God's that took everything from her. "So what was that about a God can't die?"

The God of Light after being released, by Gomo he spoke back to Lili. "Even if you kill me... It is to late. Because of you all human life is gone. Is this what you want? To bring down what your Father and Mother worked so hard for!?" He shouted at her not realizing that everything that happened was because of him and his brother.

"Oh, will you shut up. I don't care for this world not in the slightest. You took everything from me. My people. My kingdom. My family! You took EVERYTHING! And if you think that i'm just going to back down! Then you have another thing coming! I'll take everything and leave you with nothing! The sky! The sea! The land! Not even the rain, the wind, the flowers even the very stars! I won't even leave a single pebble for you! I'll take it all!" As the God of Light fell silent he could see it. He could see a terrifying vision of a growing black darkness with two stark white eyes, that would consume everything. But as the darkness vanished, Lili calmed herself and smiled at him. "Well anyway that just how I feel."

The God of Light then spoke in a frightening tone. As Lili pointed her weapon at him. "Wait! Wait! WAIT! Don't do this! After all if your going to be the new God of Darkness then your going to need me. R-Right?" The God of Light spoke as he didn't want to fade away like his brother.

But confused Lili tilted her head to the side, all the while smiling. "What are you talking about? When I said that I was going to kill the two of you I meant it. Gomo." By her command Gomo quickly grabbed the God of Light by the back of his neck, and forced him to look at Lili.

"Know then." Lili then pointed her blade directly at him and smiled, with a sinister look on her face. "Now then oh God of Light. Where should I aim first?" She said playfully moving from one eye to the next. "Eeny, meeny, miney, moe."

"Please I'm begging you! Don't hurt me! No you must stop! NO! NOooooo!" Everything then falls silent as the last thing the God of Light saw was Lili's evil sinister smile reflected in his eyes.




As Ozma is shown awakening in a white space. He takes a look at his surroundings. Team LINZ, RWBY and STRQ all watch him walk around aimlessly, before a voice can be heard. Revealing the God of Light.


Ozma turns around seeing the God of Light in his dragon form, before turning back into his regular form.

"Where am I?"

Ozma spoke as he looked at the God of Light with a confused look on his face.

"We are between realms. I'm afraid a tragedy has befallen your home at the hands of my brothers kin, Lili. As the last former God I have chosen to depart this world, but in our absence, I would like to offer you the chance to return to it."

"I... don't understand."

"Mankind is no more, yet your world remains. And in time, your kind will grow to walk its face once again. However, without our presence, they will be but a fraction of what they once were. So until your task is complete, you will reincarnate, but in a manner that ensures you are never alone."

"And Salem?"

"... She still lives."

Ozma's eyes widen. "I see then please take me to her."

Understanding why Ozma was quick to answer to the God of Light. The God of Light also quickly responds back to him. 

"The woman you hold dear in your memories is gone. Heed this warning... where you seek comfort, you will only find pain. So, will you--"


"... Very well then. Heed my warning, Lili still lives don't let your guard down."

As the world around them vanished the room started turning back to Ozpin's office. 

~Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office~

"After that the God of Light used what little strength he had, and I was brought back."

After explaining part of his past life to both team RWBY, and team LIZN a deep silence loomed across the room. 

As the silenced continued the one that broke it was none other then, Ivary. "And!" Everyone turned to look at her. "I feel like there's more to that story. So am I right to assume that?"

Ozpin nod's at her. "That's right. There is still more that I still have got to tell you. Like the truth of the Maiden's. As most of you know there used to be four Maidens one of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. But back in the day they didn't exist. In actuality there only used to be one Maiden. The Maiden of the Summers, Aria."

They all then looked at each other including team STRQ as they had never heard about it. Qrow then steps forward and spoke.

"What are you talking about Oz? You told us that there only used to be four Maidens?"

Ozpin nod's at his question. "That's true. But that can't be farther from the truth. Back in the day the King of Vale imposed a rule that put everything on the line for both the Maiden, and her people. And it was that same rule that broke the girl named Lili. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

One's it fell silent again the entirety of the teams and even Glynda nodded at him. Glynda then spoke with a curies expression. 

"Tell us."

After she spoke for a moment he fell silent but then gave a silent sigh before speaking again. "Okay." 

~Unknown Cabin: Second Floor Room~

After some time had passed both Aria, and Saya waited for the girl outside of the cabin. One's the girl came out they noticed as she had a black turtleneck sweater, with long black pats, and sandals. She still didn't respond as her white hair moved from side to side. She then looked at her arms as they started trembling with fear. But a fear of what? She wandered as she then turns to look at the cabin one last time. Both Aria and Saya walked over to her and stop inches away from her.

"I... I remember..."

The girl spoke still with her back turned away from them. Aria and Saya both looked at each other before Aria responded to her. "Then please can you tell us. What is your name?" 

The Girl slowly looks over her shoulder, and gaze at the two girl's before responding again. "My name is..."

"Y/n... Y/n Goodwitch."

...To Be Continued.

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