Prologue: (Y/n) Rose (Updated)

~(Y/N) Rose POV~

My name is (Y/N) Rose I have long black hair and red eyes. I'm the first daughter of Summer Rose my Mother and Taiyang Xiao Long my Father. Not only but that I have a loving big sister called Yang. She always plays with me and not only that but she has lovely long hair. We also have a small sister called Ruby, which she is always so cute, and happy. I love them both so much we play, we hang out and everyday is fun. We also have an uncle called Qrow and a woman called Raven my Dad's ex-wife. But she's always nice and I'm happy to have them....

Is what i would say. But after I had turned 5 everything started to change. For some reason Mom and Dad would separate me from my sisters, without even telling me. Why was I being separated from them? Why couldn't I play with them? Even if I wanted to know the reason why. It would only escalated things.

"Mommy what's going on? Why did you bring me to the second floor? Did I do something wrong?" Is what I told my Mother as she dragged me to the second floor of our home. But as I spoke to her the reaction that I got from her, wasn't what I was expecting. As Mom immediately turned around and slap me across my face leaving me speechless. As I touched my left cheek i almost started to cry, but she then immediately grabbed my hair and tossed me in my room. Throwing me to the floor, she then closed the door and locked it from the outside. Felling saddened I started banging on the door trying to get her to answer. "Mommy what's wrong!? Did I do something wrong!?"

"Be quiet and stay there!" Was all I could make out as I could hear her footsteps leaving getting lower and lower. After I tried to calm myself down. I walked over to my bed and laid on it, as I then curled up in a ball. All I wanted to know was why? Why was she acting this way?

She has always been a very kind mother and a very loving person. So why did she act that way? She has never shown that kind of violence towards me or anybody. She's never been a violent person so then why me?

~Time Skip a Month~

A month had pass but things got worse. As I would always be lock up in my room with only a few days to get out and play. Mom would sometimes come inside the room to relieve some stress by just beating me, but it would always be minor punches and kicks. Then before she leaves she would always leave some leftover food on the bad. Which it was never enough. But by then I was beginning to wonder if anybody was going to stop her.

~Time Skip 5 Days~

If you thought that things couldn't get any worse you would be wrong to assume that. As on that very same night Mom and Dad came into my room. Just by looking at Mom, I could tell that something was up, as she was hiding something behind her back. Just looking at her made me scared to get close to her, and so I tried to get back. But Dad got close to me and slap me across the face. He then looked at me with disgust in his eyes. "Why were you even born into this family." Hearing his words hurt to the point that only broke my heart more than anything. He then dropped me to the ground, as I looked at both of them.

Just then mom got close to me as I noticed that behind her back she was holding a riding crop. I looked at them and just as I tried to escape. Dad forcefully grab my hair and turn my back to her. She then ripped of the back of my shirt, and started hitting my back over and over and over again. As if I was some kind of animal that needed training. When she was finished I counted more than 20 or more slaps across my back. Just as I laid on the cold floor. Dad grab some alcohol that he was holding, and poured it on my back. I could tell I was bleeding because the pain that I felt was too excruciating to put in to words, and I was only 6 for crying out loud. Just as I could feel the alcohol get under my wounds. I was about to scream but mom kicked me in my stomach knocking the air right out of me. As I laid on the cold floor, then kept staring at me, before walking away leaving me on the floor. After I had manged to get to my bed the tears wouldn't stop. Before I closed my eyes, I told myself. "How long can I last in this hell."

~Time Skip Two Months~

After two months past things didn't get any easier. If Mom and Dad weren't bad enough. It got so bad that every day would be just new marks in my body, even after doing nothing all day. I that I could remember. I didn't do anything to deserve this hell! By then I wasn't even sleeping in my room anymore. As they decided to put me in the basement which was even colder. And as mush as I wanted to escape it was impossible. As they had my right hand handcuffed to the wall. but by then I started thinking to myself. On how much I HATED this family. All the love I ever had for them was replaced with nothing but HATE. HATE that only made me feel alone. But I didn't care I really HATED them with every fiber of my being. As I tried to relax, I noticed that both my arms, legs and back we're all covered in scars. Scars that felt like is someone was stabbing you with a knife slowly and painfully but you were powerless to fight back. I could also tell that they were deep ones at best.

I then spoke to myself. "Why are they doing this to me? I don't want to be here anymore. Someone, anybody get me out of here. Some one save me." Just then I got scared as I could heard the door opening along with footsteps approaching me. When they turned on the lights I noticed that it was Mom and Dad, but they weren't alone. As I noticed that Uncle Qrow along with Raven were with them.

As everyone stood back, Raven got close to me with a smile on her face. "Are you okay?" I nodded to afraid to even speak back to her, but that was a mistake. As I felt a sharp intense pain in my leg. That's when I noticed that I was stabbed in the leg with what looked like a small knife. As the pain set in, I fell to the side as I held my leg in pain. But I still tried to hold my screams in place not wanting to give then the benefit. "You're nothing but a waste of space in this house. I don't even know why they had you in the first place." She told me, as she then started gently leaving cuts on my leg and my arms. I kept holding my screams until lost it. And just as I was about to scream mom grabbed my mouth to prevent me from screaming. As Raven then continued with her cutting.

When they were done Uncle Qrow got close to me, as with locked eyes. But to me it felt like he was looking down on me. "Tell me kid do those scars hurt?" I nodded back it him, but that was my one mistake. As he then took out a small bottle of alcohol that he was drinking and poured it over my wounds. As the alcohol maid it's way inside the fresh scars, it made my body tremble in pain, and my mind went dark.

When I had woken up, I couldn't tell what time it was, but I just wanted to get out of here. But I then heard the doors opening. My body then started to tremble thinking that it was THEM... But when the lights turned on the only one there were my two sisters. I was so happy that it wasn't them.

"Are you okay?" Yang Responded as I look at them and nodded back. But as I looked at her something about her was making me feel off. She then looked at Ruby and nod's her head at her. As I look confused tilted my head to the side. Ruby then got close to me, as Yang was cracking her knuckles as I already knew what was about to happen. I then quickly tried to get up but Ruby pinned me to the floor while putting her arms in my mouth to prevent me from screaming. Yang then got on top of me and she started punching my stomach over and over again until she finally got tired and satisfied. Ruby then took her arms off my mouth. As I noticed that I had bruises in my stomach mixed with the scars from earlier already.

As I just wanted to rest Yang didn't give me the time to do so, as she grabbed my hair and she pulled my face close to her's. "You know sister I really do love you. You are always so cute especially with that long hair of yours. But I got something special for that. That will make you look even cuter. Ruby hand it over." She said as her words only scared me, as in that instant she looked at Ruby and she took out what looked to be scissors."Don't worry this won't hurt I promise." She then smiled as she said that to me. I couldn't fight back as my body felt to weak. Ruby then handed her the scissors and she did what I admired her for. She

When they finally left I curled up into a ball, as I touch my what used to be my long hair. It was bad enough that Mom, Dad, Qrow, and Raven had to abuse me. But know I had to take it from the very sisters that I loved.

Just running the constant abuse from them, the scars, and the betrayal from my sisters. Throw my mind made in a state of anger, hate, and mush more. SO having nothing to lose something inside me just snapped. I got up and looked at the chain that was tying me down and I started pulling on it trying to get free. "(IT HURTS!)" Was the only thing that ran through my mind. "IT HURTS! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!" I kept telling myself. But I didn't care as I just wanted to get out of here so badly. I didn't care for the pain anymore, I didn't care that the scars hurt like hell, I didn't care that all of this felt like hell. I just wanted to ESCAPE! And so I kept on pulling on the chain, until I got my hand free. Ones I was free I looked at my wrist and noticed blood. It hurt so much because wouldn't stop bleeding, but it didn't compare to the pain that they put me through. The hell I had to endure at their hands. So I took that time to look at the ceiling and take a short breather before heading off..

(These are the scars she has just ignore the one in her eye.)

After I was done looking at the ceiling I got up from the floor and I started making my way upstairs. I tried to be as quiet as possible as it seemed that everybody was asleep already, which that worked in my favor. So after I left them a note, I walked over to the door, grabbed one of the jackets that were in the coat hanger. Once I put it on, I gently open the front door walked outside, and then closed it without making any sound. After that I just ran away I didn't care where I would go. I didn't care how far I ran. I just wanted to run. But one thing was certain, I didn't want to go back there.

~Time Skip~

As I kept on running for what felt like hours or even more. I eventually got tired so I took that moment to rest at a close rock that was near me. As I laid my back to the rook, I curled up with one thing on my mind. With the only thing on my mind and that was how much I HATE THEM! How much I REALLY HATED THEM!

But I just wanted to rest so I close my eyes for 2 seconds. But that's when I start hearing growling, so I slowly look to the forest. As the sounds of Monsters getting could be heard. That's when I noticed two glowing eyes from the dark forest. As two monsters that looked like werewolves we're stepping out of the shadows. They stared at me for a moment as they then started getting close to me. As they got close my body started trembling out of fear, as the only thing that went through my mind was. That I don't want to die but I didn't want to go back there. But as they got close my mind went blank.

~???? POV, 4:45 am~

The time was 4:45 a.m. I was jogging across the forest, until I heard a bunch of Grimm not to far away in the distance. I stopped for a moment and turn to the direction of the Grimm, and looked at the time on my scroll. "I guess I could use that as target practice. Besides checking is not going to hurt me." And so I made my way to the Grimm.

As I got close to where the sound was coming from a part of me felt uneasy almost like something was wrong. But the strangest part was that all the sound went silent when I got there. As I looked at the Grimm I was more than just surprised, I was shocked as I noticed that two Grimm's we're all dead and the only thing there was a little girl. I got close to her and I picked her up from the floor I then looked at her body and a part of me wanted to throw up. As I noticed several scars across her body. "Who would do this to a little girl?" I told myself but I shook my head. "Never mind that I need to get her healed."

~(Y/N) POV~

As I woke up all I could see was darkness. I reached out to only be meet with nothing. But as I then touched my eyes I could feel something on them. I then removed what was on my eyes as I noticed that it was a small cloth with water. That's when I realized that I was in a house I didn't even recognized. As I got up from the bed I noticed that somebody treated my wounds, as I was covered in bandages. But even with the bandages I could still feel the pain of all the scars.

I also noticed that the bed was very comfy, far more comfy then the cold floor back home. But having nothing else to do I got up from the bed, and I made my way out of the room, until I noticed that I had made my way to a living room. As I looked at my surroundings I could heard sounds coming from the kitchen, and something smelled good. So I walked over there as I did I noticed that there was a woman cooking something. But as I stared back at her she spoke.

"Are you hungry little one? Dinner will be ready soon so just wait a little bit longer." She spoke in a friendly tone turning around and smile at me. That's when I noticed she had glasses and her hair was blonde. "It's okay nobody will hurt you while I'm here. SO you can take a seat right over there." I didn't say anything so I just sat down. She then prepared my food and put it in front of me, along with her food as well and some orange juice.

After 30 minutes of silence I decided to break the ice. As I just wanted to know something. "Why did you save me?" I said staring back at the blond woman.

"Is it so wrong to help people? If I can ask the scars on your body, how did you get get them? Who did that to you?" She said to me. But I remain silent as I was too scared to talk. But she then gave a sigh as she stared back at me. She then got up from her chair and walked over to me as she did, she looked at me in the eyes and she gave me a hug. "It's okay you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you to tell me everything. But whenever you feel like talking I'll be glad to listen." As she spoke I began to cry as she rub the back of my head.

After 30 minutes of crying I had finally stopped. She then looked at me and smiled while drying my tears. "Why don't we start over? How about I introduce myself first and then you can tell me your name, is that okay with you?" I nodded back to her.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch? I'm a teacher at Beacon. What is your name little one?"

"My name is (Y/N) Rose" As I spoke to her, she got surprised.

"Rose? Wait are you the daughter of Summer Rose? If so I can call your parents to pick you up, I know your mother very well." As son as she spoke those words my heart started racing and I started crying again. As I felt like I was going back to that HELL. So I then touched her arms and I raise my voice. "Please don't take me back to THEM! I don't want to go back! PLEASE!"

~Glynda POV~

By the way that she sounded it sounded like she was scared. And by the way she acted, and the scars on her body I started putting two and two together. So I guess the scars she has where caused by them. So being the adult here I spoke to her. "Tell me? Is the reason you don't want to go back to do the it because of the scars that you have?" I spoke to her as she nodded to me. "I see...don't worry I'm not going to take you to them I promise. No child deserves this kind of punishment.?" I gave her a hug and thankfully she started calming down."Thank you Ms.Glynda."

~Summer POV~

As I woke up this morning something felt off. But I quickly pushed it on the back of my mind, as I went to the basement. "Y/n are you up?" I said as I wanted to put her to work. But I then got mad as I didn't get a response. So I walked downstairs to the basement. But when I did I was surprised, because I didn't see her. I though that maybe Tai put her to work, to I walked back upstairs, but that's when I noticed it a small paper on the table. I then opened it and read what was on it. As I did my eyes widen.

I then quickly noticed that Tai was in the living room. As he slowly turned around he looked at me. As I was left speechless at my actions. "What's wrong?" After he spoke I handed over the paper. And he read the paper me and Tai began to cry. As Qrow and Raven had just arrived back, before he could even read the paper.

Dear Mom I don't know what happened that made you hate me so much. You used to be such a kind and gentle mother, but now you're nothing but a monster along with your husband as well. Dad you taught me that I needed to respect the people around me. But in the end it was you who broke that promise. If you're reading this that means that I escaped or worse. But I'm better off now not even knowing who you are anymore. I don't even care what you want. You are not my mother and father you will NEVER be them. Along with our uncle and my dad's EX. But most of all I never want to see my two sisters ever again not after what they did. So goodbye Mrs.Rose, Mr.Tai I hope that we never meet again.

~3rd POV~

As Summer fell on her knees. She started crying even heavier, as everything that she did ran through her mind. She then covered her face as she felt sick with her self. "Please come back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I was such a horrible mother! Please come back (y/n)!"

Tai was left in shock as he stared in to nothingness regretting everything that he had to put her through. "What have I."

Raven and Qrow looked at each other without words to speak of. As just reading Y/n's letter made them feel sick of each other. "Y/n." They told themselves as there thoughts were replaced with nothing but Y/n.

As Yang and Ruby then walked in staring back at everyone. They didn't respond as they could tell that something was wrong. As it didn't take long for Ruby to notice something was wrong.

~Glynda's Home~

After Glynda had arrived back home. She along with (Y/n) had just finished taking a shower, and were in Glynda's room. Even after a long day of work nothing made Glynda happy then to come home to (Y/n). Almost like having her with her gave her life more of a purpose. But after the shower Glynda took that moment to put bandages on (Y/n) after disinfecting them. She then spoke to her in a gentle tone.

"There that should do it for a while. When they start to bother you I'll change them. So if something happens let me know, okay." She said with a smile on her face, as (Y/N) smiled back at her. As both of them felt happy that happiness was short lived as the phone in the hallway started ringing ruining the moment. Glynda gave a sigh as she got up walked over to the it she then picked up the phone. (Y/n) followed after her and started eavesdropping. Which didn't go unnoticed by Glynda.

"Hello this is Glyda?...Oh Summer what's wrong?"

~Glynda POV~

As I got a call from Summer, she starts talking and told me that one of her children had gone missing from her home. Which I could already tell that she was lying to me. I then turned around and noticed that (Y/n) was hiding in one of the corners. "So tell me Summer did something happen? Did you do something?"

"Of course not! We're all a big happy family here! I just don't understand why she would run away!" She told me that but after seeing the poor girl's scars I could tell she was lying.

"If I see something I'll let you know don't worry." I said to her but I was also lying to her. After I hung up I walked over to (Y/n) and I noticed she was curled up in a ball, with her back to the wall. I then got close to her, and she looked at me. Just by looking at her I could tell that she was about to cry. But it wasn't her fault.

"Are you going to take me back to them?" I looked at her and I gave her a hug. Wrapping my arms around her and embracing her. "No I won't I won't let you suffer. I wont let them take you away. Just to suffer." I said as I rubbed the back of her head comforting her. But as I looked at her it was know or never. "Hey Y/N, I was wandering."

She looked at me both of us locking eyes and then smiled at her. "Would you like it if I adopted you as my daughter?" Her eyes widen and she looked like she was shocked at what I told her. "Really!?" I nodded back at her, as she then smiled back at me. "I-I would like that a lot. You treated me nicer then at home and your food is amazing to. So I would really like that."

I gave her a warm smile, as hearing her agree made me feel happy. "Very well then from today onward your name will be (Y/N) Goodwitch Is that okay with you?"

"Yes it's better than okay Mommy." She then started crying, but I was happy that she accepted my offer. So not wasting time I wiped the tears in her eyes and I look at her. "Okay then tomorrow I'm going to give you a new look and train you. Is that okay?"

"Yes of course!" She said as she smiled at me. Just having her smile made everything I did worth wild.

But it was starting to get late so I picked her up, and we went to my room. I then put on my bed and I turned off the lights. As I was about to fall asleep she got close as she was already sleeping. But as a mother now. I wrapped my arms around her protecting her from anything that would harm her. "Good night (Y/n)"

"Goodnight Mommy." She muttered in her sleep. But I smiled at the fact that I had a child now. But since tomorrow was going to be a long day, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~3rd POV, Back at Summer Home~

As the whole house was silence Summer fell asleep in Y/N old room, with nothing but regret of everything she did to her. "Y/n please come back." SHe told herself as tears ran down her face.

Down in the living room, Tai was looking at an old photo of him with Y/N as a baby. "What kind of father am I that does this to their kid. I don't even deserve to be called a father butt please come back home (Y/n)?" He began to cry as he held the photo close with both his arms.

In Ruby and Yang's room they were both crying knowing full well that part of this was their fault as well. "... You think that will be able to find her sister?" Ruby said facing the wall and avoiding eye contact with her older sister.

"I... I know will find her just go to sleep okay." She turned around facing the wall as she started crying. She then spoke to herself. "I'm sorry for being a terrible big sister just please come back."

Qrow was on the rooftop looking at the moon. "How the hell could something like this happen. Don't worry Kiddo no matter what happens I'll make it up to you. Even if i have to beg for your forgiveness." He then looked at his right arm and he punched himself in the face making him bleed a little bit.

In Raven's tribe she couldn't get a wink of sleep because all she could think about was all the bad things she did to her. Flashbacks of what she did started making her feel like she was going to throw up. But it was the only thing pushing her forward. "Don't worry when I find you I'll make everything right. I'll make sure to beg for your forgiveness no matter what the cost. After that will be a family again." As she started crying. Everything faded to black...

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