New Problems Arises
~3rd POV time 8:12 p.m.~
As Y/n, Ivary, Layla, and Zahra were walking to there dorms. Ivary and Zahra noticed that they were being followed. Zahra got close to Y/n and tugged on Y/n left arm. "Aisha we're being followed?" Zahra respond. Y/n gave a light smile. "It's fine just play along?" The three girl's nodded.
As they got in front of the dorms Y/n heard the snap of a branch. She then sigh and looked at Ivary. "Sorry Ivary but can you take my luggage to our room?" Ivary smiled and took Y/n bag. "Sure thing come on Girl's?" As Ivary went inside the dorms along with Layla, and Zahra. Y/n notice that someone was walking towards her. "Can I help you..." Y/n turns around she tilted her head and she game a fake smile. "Ms.Summer?"
~Headmaster's Office.~
Ozpin was looking at hes scroll and he started to look at the cameras from the initiation. He puts a video of Ruby, and Weiss fighting Grimm along side Aisha. But he saw how Ruby and Weiss disposed of the beowolf but when he turned the camera to Aisha the two beowolf that attacked her died in less then a few minutes.
"...Ms.Aisha what are you hiding?" He told himself. He then walks over to he's desk and takes out some files with the name Y/n Rose. And another one with the name Aisha Goodwitch, and he goes throw the papers.
~Back at Aisha and Summer.~
~Summer POV.~
I couldn't help but feel that I was looking at my daughter but I new that that wasn't the case. I smiled at her and bow my head. "It's good to see you again Aisha it's been a long time."
She then looked at me. "That is true. But nonetheless why were you following us?" I start to get nervous. "How did you know?"
She then looked at me with those E/c eyes, and deep down I started remembering the past. As much as I wanted to cry I kept my composure. "It's just that when I saw your initiation, I couldn't help but wander." My hands started to shake. "Aisha do you know somebody called Y/n."
She shook her head in no. "Can't say I do sorry." I looked to the floor I then clenched my hands. "But tell me Ms. Summer what did you do to her." I looked at her but I remained quiet. She then started walking towards me. "Did you harm her? Hurt her? Did you abused her? Or did you Neglect her?" She remained calm as she approached me. But... I.
I tried to remain calmed but I couldn't take it anymore hearing her say that about my Daughter so I raised my voice at her. "NO I WOULD NEVER DO THAT SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! I LOVE HER VERY MUCH! MORE THEN MY OWN LIFE!" There was a silence between us. "MOM!?" Wen I turned around I got surprise because Ruby, and Yang alongside two other people showed up. "Ruby, Yang?" They looked at me with a confused stare on there faces.
~Yang POV~
As me and Ruby along with Weiss and Blake were walking to our dorms we heard somebody raise there voice. All of us went to the person raising there voice only to realize that it was our Mother she was raising her voice to a girl that I never seen. But me and Ruby called out to her. "MOM!?"
~Ruby POV~
I looked at my mother in confusions of what was happening. "Mom what are you doing hire go home and leave Aisha alone?" She looked like she was about to cry but deep down I didn't care.
"But Ruby I know that Aisha must know something about Y/n!" She raised her voice at me. But I got angry not because she was raising her voice it was because she used Y/n name like she had forgotten what she and our family did to her. "Mom I told you to leave... Now. Or else I spill your secret to the entire school."
Both Weiss and Blake remained quiet Mom looked at me and I cued tell that she wanted to cry. "O-ok... Ruby, Yang I'm proud of you.." I felt sad but I looked away. "Just go home Mom." As she walked away I saw tears in her eyes. Yang wanted to say something but I looked away from her.
~Y/n POV~
As Summer left leaving me with team RWBY. I then noticed that Yang was walking towards me. She got in front of me and scratch the back of her head. "Um I don't know what happened but sorry if our mother cost you some problems." Yang responded She smiled and extended her right arm in a greeting.
I looked at her arm and as she was smiling at me, on the inside I was ticked off I wanted to use my semblance but I just turned around and walked away.
~Ruby POV~
Aisha was walking away leaving me Yang, Weiss, and Blake. As much as I wanted to fallow her I decided to stay with the others.
Yang walked over to me with a confused look in her face. "What was that about?"
I sigh and I looked at Weiss, and Blake. "Come on let's go? It's getting late." W,and B nodded. And I walked inside leaving Yang alone.
~Yang POV~
Ruby didn't even looked at me, all she did was walk inside leaving me alone as she walked out of my line of sight. All I cued think about was Y/n. "Sis I'm really sorry." As much as I wanted to cry I hold it in and I then went to my dorm.
~Y/n POV~
As I made it to the second floor I stopped halfway to my dorm. I then gripped my arms and what Summer said didn't leave my mind. "NO I WOULD NEVER DO THAT SHE'S MY DAUGHTER! I LOVE HER VERY MUCH! MORE THEN MY OWN LIFE!" I then punch the wall but I didn't raise my voice. "You are no Mother. I will make you regret what you did. And not only you but the whole family... More then your own life..." And I started walking. "We'll see. And if Yang thinks that I'm going to be nice to her we'll she's got another thing coming... Just you wait Yang Xiao Long."
~3rd POV (Y/n) Dorm~
Ivary with a smile on her face was taking out her clothes and placing it on her bed.
Meanwhile the Twins were taking a shower and Layla was using shampoo on Zahra but she was moving side to side and smiling. "Hey Sis?" Zahra respond. "Something on your mind?" Layra respond back.
Zahra fox ears got down. "I've been wondering do you think that will always be together. Don't get me wrong I love being with Ivary, and I love you to Sis. But wen I look at Y/n I can't help but wonder what will happen to us and what will happen when she takes her revenge." Layla sigh and smiled she then took a bucket filled with water and splashed it on Zahra's head. She looked at Zahra and she gave her a hug. Zahra got surprise and she looked at Layla.
"Don't worry everything will be okay. When that time comes that we have to bid farewell well do it with a smile on our face and our head held high." Layla let go of Zahra and she smiled at her. She then rubbed Zahra's head. "So don't worry about it." Zahra gave her the biggest smile she had but Layla started laughing at her hilarious face. "Hey what's so funny?" Layla dried her eyes and she touched her chest. "Nothing. Nothing at all. But Zahra?" She looked at her and she gave her one last hug. "Never change Zahra because I'm sure that Mom would be proud of you." They both smiled and finished taking a shower.
~Layla POV~
When me and my Sister finished taking a shower. Ivary told me that she was going to get something to drink and my energetic Sister went with her. I noticed that Y/n had just arrived but she looked kinda angry. So I approached her but for some reason she was lost in thought. "Are you ok Y/n?" She immediately looked at me and she jumped a bit she then smiled and laugh awkwardly.
"Haha. Yes I'm okay don't worry." She looked like she was hiding something but I just sigh and turn to me bed. But not before I got close to her. "Y/n If you ever want to talk let me know... " I then pinched bot of her cheeks, she looked at me with a confused look in her face and her face turned a bit red. I then placed her head on my chest, and I rub the back of her head. "You don't have to be afraid we're here with you? You don't have to shoulder all the burden on your own."
I then got surprised because she wrapped her arms around my hips and I cued tell that she started to tremble. "It's okay Y/n... I promise that no matter what happens good, or bad your still you and Me, Ivary, and Zahra will never abandon I promise you so don't give up on us." She looked at me with tears in her eyes and she smiled. She then lowered her head and she stopped trembling. "Thank you Layla."
~3rd POV~
As Ivary, and Zahra entered there room and closed the door. Zahra ran to Layla how was reading a book. And Y/n was coming out of the shower wearing short black pants, and normal black t-shirt her scars were exposed but since it was Ivary, and the twins in the room she didn't mind it. As everyone got changed to there pajamas.
Ivary notice that Y/n back was turned so she quickly got behind her and tried to grope her but that backfired because Y/n summon some chains and wrapped Ivary.
Ivary looked at Y/n and noticed the chain's and she fell on her bed. She tried to remove the chain's but to no avail. Y/n looked at her with a smile on her face. "Nice try Ivary." She simply smiled at Y/n. "O you know me to we'll." Y/n walked over to Ivary and kissed her forehead which made Ivary blush she then walked over to the twins how were fast asleep. She kissed both there foreheads and she put a blanket over them. She patted both of them and whispered. "Goodnight Layla, Goodnight Zahra." As she said that they both smiled. As she walked away she heard the Twin's voice. "Goodnight... Y/n." She walked back to her bed.
Y/n laid on her bed and she covered her self with her blanket. She then turned of the lights. In the dark Ivary Whispered. "Y/n can you remove the chain's?" The rattle of chain were heard in the dark. "They'll disappear when you fall asleep. Goodnight... Ivary."... "Y/n? Y/n?"
~Timeskip in the dead of night~
In RWBY's dorm Ruby was looking at the photo she packed in her bag and was staring at Y/n. She then smiled as she put the photo close to her chest and she looked to the ceiling. "You going to be ok Ruby?" Yang how was doing the same in her bed responded witch concern in her voice. "... I'm ok goodnight." Ruby then put the photo underneath her pillow and she turn her whole body to the wall. Yang turn to her with a sad look in her face. "Ruby I'm-" As she was about to finish Ruby caught her off. "Just go to sleep." Yang was about to cry but she turn to the wall. "Goodnight Sis?" Yang response. Ruby then closed her eyes but not before whispering to herself. "Goodnight Y/n."
~Late at Night 2:36 a.m. Y/n Dorm~
As the room was dark Y/n was tossing and turning and her arms began to tremble. She was having a nightmare of the past and her scars started hurting. In her dream she was being tortured over and over again as she screamed in agony.
~Y/n POV~
I can't see anything all I hear is slash's and stabs and not only that but my body won't respond. As I tried to move I heard footsteps coming toward me. "Glad that your back?" As the figure got closer I noticed that it was Ruby she had a smile on her face and not the good kind. "What's wrong big Sister let's do our best." She got close to me and she got close to me face. When she got close enough I head butted her. That made her get a few steps back I then gave her a smirk.
I sarcastically responded. "What's wrong did THAT hurt good." Ruby then looked at me pissed off. But she started laughing. "That hurt Sister... But don't worry." She then took out her weapon in it's gun form and she pointed it at me face. "Your pain will be over soon." She then pulled the trigger.
~3rd POV~
Y/n in an instant woke up and she started breathing heavily and she started sweating. She took a while to relax she looked at her surroundings and she noticed that she was in her dorm. "Just a nightmare? It's just a nightmare." She then went back to sleep.
~Next Morning 8:40 a.m.~
After Y/n team finished eating breakfast they headed to one of there classes as went inside the sight of an axe-blunderbuss weapon pans down to the boards displaying various species of Grimm king taijitsu, death stalker, beowolf, boarbatusk, nevermore, and ursa behind and a elderly teacher named Peter Port.
Wen Y/n made it inside they set close to the windows but sins Y/n was still tired she fell a sleep.
~Y/n POV~
I let my mind fade to black and I fell asleep. But for some reason it felt quiet too quiet? As I woke up I opened me eye's and I noticed that I wasn't inside the class room I was inside a castle as I got up from where I was sitting I looked at my surroundings. "I know this place."
"Been a while hasn't it Y/n." I quickly got scared and I screamed. When I turned around I noticed that it was the woman that appeared in my dreams. "What a nice scream you have but we don't have time to talk you should consider waking now?" I got confused but my vision started to get blurry.
I then open my eye's and I noticed that Layla was shaking me. "Come on class is over." I got up and we left the class room following the students.
As we're walking through the hallway I look at Ivary. "Sorry but I want to be alone for a bit. I'll see you all later." I then walked away.
As I was walking through the hallway I heard someone raised there voice. It was pass the corner of the hallway so I remained hidden, and I took a peek. I noticed that the ones arguing were Weiss and Ruby.
Weiss responded "Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better." She then turns her back to Ruby, I noticed that Ruby tried to reach out to Weiss but dropped her hand wen Weiss told her "Ozpin made a mistake." Weiss then walked away and I did the same.
As I was walking I ran into Mother. "Is everything alright sweetie?" I smile at her. "I'm okay just walking around?" She smiles at me. "Hey Y/n can you help me with some papers?" I nodded and she handed me some paper's and we walked to her office.
As we enter the office we took a seat close to each other and we started reading. I noticed that there was a coffee maker I looked at Mom. "Hey Mom want some coffee?" She smiled and nodded.
~3rd POV~
As Glynda was separating the important paper's, Y/n was making the coffee with a smile on her face. "How is Beacon treating you?" Y/n respond back. "Good except for some minor problems?" Glynda looked at her and with a series tone. "Let me guess team RWBY?" Y/n sigh and remain quiet.
At that moment Glynda's door open and Ozpin walked inside. "Good day Glynda, and to you to Aisha. You got room for two more." Glynda nodded. "Of course." But Y/n was puzzled. "How else did is with you Pr.Ozpin?" Ozpin turn to the door. "Come on in?" As the two people entered the room Y/n looked at the people and it took all she had not to attack. Ozpin put both he's arms on hes cane. "These is Raven Branwen, and you already know Ruby." Glynda was trying to maintain calm but in Y/n mind she was angry. "Aisha can you prepare three more coffee mugs?" Glynda smiled but in reality she was agitated as well. "Of course give me a few minutes Mother."
When Y/n finished making the coffee she brought it to the table and she took a seat beside Glynda.
Glynda looked at Raven how was already drinking her coffee. " So Ms.Branwen what brings you hire to Beacon?" Raven put her coffee down and she looked at Glynda. "Well Ms.Glynda I was wandering if you cued tell me if you have some info on Y/n? I've been trying to find her but to no avail." Glynda remained calm but both Ruby, and Y/n got annoyed but they remain quiet. "Sorry but no I haven't sorry." Raven got sad and lowered her head. "I see." Glynda then looked at Ruby.
"Ruby Rose can I ask you something?" Ruby got nervous and Glynda looked at her. "Yes of course!" Y/n looked at her paper work but unbeknownst to her Raven and Ozpin were looking at her. "Why do you want to become a Huntress?" Ruby looked to the floor. "We'll you see, at first I wanted to become a huntress to help people and save lives and you know make a career out of it, but in reality the real reason I want to become a huntress is because I'm trying to find my older Sister Y/n Rose she went missing and I'm trying to find her." Y/n without making eye contact with her responded. "And what will you do to her when you find her?" Ruby stayed quiet for a little bit then she responded. "I just want to find her and tell her that..." As she was about to tell Y/n something she started crying with both her arms on her knees and looking to the ground. "I miss her and that I want my big sister back." That didn't face Y/n who was trying not to use her semblance. But Raven placed her left arm on Ruby's shoulder. "It's okay will find her." But Ruby got ticked off she then brush off Raven's arm. Raven looked at her, she then walked towards the door as she was about to leave she looked at Raven one last time. "Your the same as Mom and Dad all you do is lie about everything and if you think that I trust you... Well your wrong I don't trust YOU, or Yang and I will never do." She then walked away and closed the door.
There was a deep silence in the room but Y/n looked at her Mother. "All done Mom." She handed over the papers over to Glynda. "I'm going to the dorms see you later." Glynda smiled as Y/n walked away.
Ozpin got up from the chair and he walked to the door he then looked at Glynda. "Well Ms.Glynda I have to go back to the office I have some paperwork to finish. And have a nice day Ms.Raven." He then walked away.
Raven looked at Glynda. "I'm sorry you had to see that I better get going before I cause more trouble." She smiled and walked away.
~Glynda POV~
I was alone in my office and the first thing that came to mind was. "So that was Raven. Yang's Mother." Since I didn't want to be bothered I finished my paperwork and I started walking to the dorms.
As I was walking I looked at the blue sky and I started getting worried. "Things are getting more complicated if it continues who knows what might happen." But I have to see this through to the end. "But Y/n please don't push yourself to hard."
~Yang POV~
As I was walking to the dorms I noticed someone that I didn't want to see in a long time standing before me. "What are you doing hire Raven?" She looked sad as I called her by her name but I didn't care. "Yang we need to talk?" She responded but I sigh and walked past her. "There's nothing you and I have to talk about so just leave me alone." I then walked away leaving her alone.
~Raven POV~
As my daughter walked away from me I fell on my knees and started to cry. I started talking to myself. "Yang please I'm begging you I never meant to harm her. Please come back don't... leave me alone... Y/n I'm sorry."
~Y/n POV~
When I made it to the dorms I noticed that someone was right behind me. I turned around and noticed that it was Blake we locked eyes and she smiled. Blake looked at her surroundings and I smiled. "Good evening Blake?" She smiled back and responded back. "How's your first day of Beacon." I sigh and I responded back. "Well among other things it's been good but some problems here and there? But nothing I can't handle." She gave a small giggle. "Hey can I ask you something?" I nodded in confusions. "You said that you were abused and neglected but if I can ask by who?" I sigh as we walked to my dorm. "You promise not to tell?" She nodded.
As we made it to my dorm we got in but the moment I opened the door I was immediately tackled to the ground. "YOUR BACK!!" When my mind cleared I noticed that it was Zahra. When I got up I went to my bed, as I got comfortable Zahra went over to me and she sat on my lap. I looked at her and I started playing with her fox ears.
Blake along with everyone else started smiling at me. I then looked at Blake how was talking to Layla. She then turned her attention to me. "As you know I told you that I was abused, and neglected by my family right." She nodded. "But tell me what would you do if I told you that two of my family's are with you." She got confused I then looked at everyone and I told her the real reason. "Blake my name is not Aisha. My real name is Y/n Goodwitch. My former name was.." I sigh. "Y/n Rose." She got up from the bed and she got surprised. "Rose are you connected to Ruby Rose." She responded. I looked at her. "Yes she... was my younger sister, and Yang was my older sister... Summer, Tai, Raven, and Qrow were the ones how left these scars on my body." Blake set back down. "Wen I was a child Tai on a daily basis would hold my arms and allow Summer my mother to abuse me. There the ones that gave me the scars on my body." I pointed on my back and chest. "At first it wasn't so bad it was actually tolerable but with time it went from beatings to torture. If you think it wouldn't get worse you be wrong. Then when I saw my aunt, and uncle I was expecting for them to help me but all they did was join them. Raven me aunt she was the one who gave me the scars on my legs." I touched my legs. "And my uncle. Haha... well he just through alcohol on all my open wounds." My eye's started watering. "And finally Ruby and Yang. As Ruby held me down on the floor Yang just beat me up. And funny thing is that I used to have long hair but Ruby, and Yang cut my hair out of what I don't know and I don't care anymore." As I started crying Zahra dried my tears. "It's okay Y/n where with you." I looked at her and I cuddled up to her. "I know thank you." The room was quiet for a bit but I respond. "I'm not going to tell you not to trust them but I would like to avoid a conflict with you after all your my friend." Blake close her eyes and then she opened theme again. "I'm sorry that you went through that ordeal." She started crying. "But don't worry I won't get in your way. You kept my secret safe so as your friend I'll keep your secrets safe." She dried her tears and she looked at me. "And don't worry I won't tell Ruby, or Yang your real name and I won't interfere in your problems." I smiled at her. "Thank you."
~3rd POV~
After some time Blake went to her dorm and Y/n's team went to sleep.
In Ozpin's office he was looking at several papers spread around he's desk. He then turned he's attention to hes scroll and he called someone. As some one picks up the call and a female voice answered. "Hello." Ozpin responded. "Hello Ms-" As the camera turned towards the moon everything went blank.
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