New Look & Unexpected Visits (Updated)
~3rd POV: Glynda's Room, 1:30 a.m.~
The scene opens up as Y/N is seen tossing and turning in her sleep. Having reoccurring nightmares of her previous Home with no sign of stopping. But in that moment she woke up in a cold sweet, and holding her chest in pain. As the pain then subsided, and she relaxed. She wondered to herself why? Why did they treat her that way? What did she ever do to deserve what she had to go through? "Why?" She thought to herself as tears started to form in her arms. But not wanting to cry she dried her tears. She then looked at her Mother and noticed that she was still asleep. Which gave her some relief as she didn't want to burden her.
As Glynda kept sleeping. Y/n gently got up from the bed and made her way outside of the room, and over to the kitchen. All the while trying not to make a sound. Not wanting to wake up her Mother.
As she took out a glass of water from inside the fridge. Unbeknownst to her she had no idea that in the same kitchen a shadowy silhouette of a person was standing right behind her in the same room. For some reason the person simply kept on staring at, without even making a sound, or the slightest of move. But when Y/n turned around there was nobody there. She looked across the room as she could have sworn that she was being watched. As she tilted her head to the side a "?" appeared over her head.
But having nothing else to do. She headed back to Glynda's room, and gently closed the door. But as soon as the door closed, the lights turned on. Forcing her to turn around as she then noticed that Glynda was awake. So having her cover blown, she walked over to the bed and set down next to her.
Glynda looked at her as she then spoke. "Is there something wrong ,little one? You know that you can tell me anything." She said with a warm smile on her face.
As Mommy looked at me. I could tell just by looking at her that she was worried about me. I took a moment before responding. So as I gave a sigh as I locked eyes with her. "I keep having nightmares. Nightmares about that place and no matter what I do they won't go away... I'm... I'm scared... I'm so scared Mommy." My arms then began to shake, as tears started to run down my face, and I just wanted to cry. But just then Mommy grab my arms as she then kept looking at me and smiled.
"Don't worry as long as I'm here. I won't let them hurt you ever. I promise you as your Mother." When I heard her words it made me stop crying. As she then embraced me in her arms. But having her with me made all the pain of my old home go away. So as she wrapped me in her arms, all I could do was smile.
"Thank you Mommy." After that we went back to sleep.
~Glynda POV~
As I remained awake. I kept Y/n in my arms as I didn't want to fall asleep, until she had fallen asleep first. After she had fallen asleep I kept looking at her sleeping gently in my arms. But as she slept many things ran through my mind. Like why would they do this to her? What did she ever do to deserve such cruelty? But I knew one thing was certain. I wasn't going to let them have her. Not after what they made her go through. "Don't worry little one. I won't let them take you. I'll protect you up to the very end."
Hearing me say those words, made me feel a bit embarrassing but one thing was certain. I'm glad that I'm her Mother. I'll protect her no mater the cost. "Goodnight little one may you have sweet dreams." I then kissed her forehead and went back to sleep.
~3rd POV: Living Room, 7:30 a.m.~
After both of them had finished eating they both help each other in cleaning the dishes. They then went to the living room and Y/n took a seat right in front of a mirror. Glynda then looked at her from the reflection in the mirror, and gave her a gentle smile. "Since you don't want them to find you. I'm going to change your hair color and give you a haircut. Is that alright with you?"
Y/n nod's back at her with a smile on her face. "It's okay Mommy I understand please continue."
As Glynda nod's back at her, she began cutting Y/n's hair. As she saw her hair fall memories of what Ruby and Yang did to her started flowing back to her head. She then clenched her arms in to fist, as those memories only gave her more reason to become stronger. When Glynda was done Y/n wiped her tears away, and looked at herself in the mirror.
"Now I'm going to try and change your hair color. This will also affect your eyes that way they won't notice you." Y/n nodded. As Glynda then grabbed a little bottle that had white dust in it and she sprinkled a little bit on Y/n hair.
Y/n then closed her eyes as the dust passed by her eyes. "Okay Y/n you can open your eyes." Glynda spoke to her. When Y/n opened her eyes again she noticed that her once black hair was now (H/C), and her once red eyes where now (E/C). As she looked at herself in the mirror still left speechless. Glynda placed her arms on her shoulder and smiled "What do you think?"
At first Y/n was saddened but after a few minutes she look as her Mother and smiled. "It's perfect Mommy!" Y/n then gave her a hug which in return put a smile on Glynda's face.
But at that moment the doorbell rang leaving them confused as to who it could be. And so as both of them headed to the door, Y/n put on a turtleneck sweater. As Glynda then open the door and Y/n's eyes widen as she froze in place with a shocked look on her face. Because the ones on the door was none other then Summer, along with Qrow. Y/n then quickly hid behind Glynda. But kept her gaze at her. Trying to hide her anger from her.
"Summer what are you doing here?" Glynda responded to Summer with a confused look on her face.
"I'm sorry to bother you this early in the morning. But do you think if I could come in?" Glynda nodded and both of them went inside her Home.
Glynda and Summer then went to go sit on the living room. As Qrow was right behind them, as Y/n stood behind Glynda. Summer then noticed her and she waved at her with a smile on her face. But Y/n simply remained by Glynda's side as she tightened her grip. Which didn't go unnoticed by Glynda.
"What are you doing here Summer? Weren't you searching for your daughter?" Glynda said as she just wanted to slap her across the face. But if she tried anything at the moment, Y/n's cover would have been blown.
Just then Summer began to tear up as she spoke to her. "I'm sorry... but I'm beginning to worry. I can't even imagine her being alone out there alone. So I was wondering if I could talk with you for a little bit. I-I mean you don't have to if you don't want to I'll understand."
~Glynda POV~
I noticed that by the bags in her eyes, she had been crying. But that didn't save her from what she did to Y/n, but I guess there's only one way to find out. "Hey Summer I know I asked this already but I've been wondering. Why are you trying to find her? Did you do something to her or did something happen at your Home?"
"NO OF COURSE NOT!! She's my first daughter why would I ever do anything to her." As she spoke I could tell she was lying. For crying out loud I saw the scars on Y/n's body. I don't care what she says Y/n didn't deserve all of that. But I had to calm down. Even if hearing her say that irritated me
"(Your first daughter and you did that to her!)" Is what I wanted to say, but I kept that to myself. As I had to keep Y/n safe at all times. Especially from her and that DRUNKER.
I then looked at Y/n and spoke. "Sweetie why don't you leave the grown-ups to talk a little bit." She smiled at me and left. As she walked away by the corner of my eye, I noticed that Summer was looking at her. So I then turn to look at her and spoke. "Can you please stop staring she's a shy girl."
She then turned to look at me. "Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare... it's just that your daughter reminds me a lot of my own daughter. But when did you become a mother? What's her name?" I guess a part of me was very lucky that I told her to wear a turtleneck sweater today. But she was right, I didn't think of a name just in case this would happen. But now is a better time than ever.
"Her name is Aisha Goodwitch." I said with a smile on my face. But deep down I'm not going to take her real name away from her. After all it was her choice.
"Aisha Goodwitch. What a beautiful name I wish that I could find my daughter. I bet that they would be the best of friends. But I don't even know where she is... But I know that as a family will find her." She sounds quite sure of herself but I'm not going to let her take Y/n. She uses family as an excuse to try and make herself feel better about herself. But all those scars that I saw on Y/n's body, you don't call that family.
~3rd POV~
After some time had passed both Summer and Qrow left the house. As both Y/n and Glynda we're looking at them as they left. Summer then turned around and wave goodbye at Y/n with a smile on her face. But Y/n didn't wave back at her, all she could feel was ANGER. The ANGER she had for them and the thought of one day having her revenge.
And so when they got inside Glynda looked at Y/n. "Tell me how would you like it if I train you? Sure my training is not going to be easy, but it'll help you in defending yourself." As she kept her gaze at Y/n.
Y/n with a serious look on her face nodded back at her, as she also clenched her fist. "I'll do whatever it takes to get stronger and then one day... I'll have my revenge against them."
Glynda then brought her in for a hug and rubbed the back of her head. "I know you will. But you will have to get stronger if you want that to happen. You must first train. Are you ready for that?" Y/n then locked eyes with Glynda preparing herself for whatever kind of training, she would have to go through. As Y/n didn't care all she wanted was her Revenge. So she then nodded back at her with a series look on her face.
~Time Skip: Two Months, 2:34 p.m.~
It had already been two months since Y/n's training started with Glynda. Y/n was already used to using weapons but still didn't know what her semblance was. She tried to figure it out but nothing came to mind day in and day out it would be the same thing. But thanks to the training Y/n was also very good at martial arts, but when it came to her trying to defeat Glynda. It was impossible as Glynda would always manage to beat her without even trying but that didn't stop Y/n from trying. She would also always get up from the floor and try again like the old saying goes if at first you don't succeed try again. After her training was done she took a shower and went to Glynda.
As I walked over to the kitchen I noticed that Mommy was cocking so having some free time I spoke to her. "Mommy if it's okay with you can I go out for a walk?" I said as she looked at me with a smile on her face, as she kept preparing the food.
"Okay sweetie. Just remember anybody that asked for your name tell them that you're Aisha okay?"
"Okay Mommy." I then smiled as I proceeded to leave.
~3rd POV: Time Skip 3:55 p.m.~
As Y/n was walking around the forest not to far from her Mother's house. She was still thinking of ways to defeat Glynda. But she knew that she wasn't strong enough to even defeat her in battle after all she's the one that was training her. But at the moment Y/n had more pressing matter on her mind. Like what kind of semblance would she? If she had one for that mater? She thought and thought, but nothing came to mind.
But as Y/n kept on walking she stopped as she could see the house from the distance. But as the idea of her semblance kept running through her mind, she kept walking. And just as she was about to walk back home, she heard branches slapping and footsteps getting closer. It sounded like somebody was running towards her. But just as she was about to turn around and leave a person came running from out of the bushes and fell in front of her unconscious, all covered in bruises, and scratches.
Y/n then without fear quickly got close to the person and notice that she was a small fox girl, meaning she was a faunus. Lucky for Y/n, she didn't discriminate but that didn't make any sense what was a faunus doing in this forest. "I should get her back to-"
Just then in that very instant four Beowolf showed up as Y/n quickly picked up the girl and decided to run. But she didn't make it far as the Beowolf's surrounded her. The one in front of her then attacked but Y/n quickly dodged it as she then proceeded to put the girl in front of a tree and get in front of her shielding her from the Grimm.
As your body was trembling one thing ran through your mind "(I don't want to die. I don't want to DIE! But I'm not going to let them harm this girl.)" She told herself as she then clenched your fist and shielded the girl from the Grimm's.
As one of the Beowolf attacked her, she closed your eyes. Awaiting the attack. In that very moment her mind became cloudy and at that instant one of the Beowolf was suddenly stabbed across it's chest, with several Blades, Darggers and Spears that seemingly appeared out of thin air. As the weapons dispersed it left a gaping hole on the Grimm's chest instantly killing it. As unbeknownst to Y/n had her eyes covered by her hair. But when she looked at the Beowolf's the other three ran towards her, but.
( I take no credit for the picture.)
Just then Y/n's eyes went from (E/C) to blood Red and out of the three Beowolf that attacked her. Two of them where stabbed with several bladed weapons that instantly killing them, leaving only one left to deal with.
But just as one of them had survived it charged at her. And just as it was about to swing at her with it's claws it was stopped and it was swung to the side of a tree with such force that the tree gave way falling on top of it killing it in the process. Y/n still surprised turn to the side only to see what happened and what she saw brought tears to her eyes. As the one that took care of the Beowolf was none other then Glynda, her own Mother.
As Glynda with a worried look on her face quickly ran towards her and hugged you. "Y/n! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE SAFE!" She said that with tears in her eyes. As she was just overjoyed that she was unharmed. Y/n then looked at her, as she noticed Y/n's eyes and at that moment her eyes went back to normal and she feel unconscious.
Glynda putting everything in to place turns to the Beowolfs that had weapons stabbed in to them as all the weapons then disappeared. Glynda not having mush time to think picked her up and the unconscious faunus girl and went back to the house.
~Time Skip: Glynda's Home, 6:45 p.m.~
Back in Glynda's home as Y/n woke up, her mind still felt a bit hazy, as she woke up in Glynda's bed. But not wanting to just stay still Y/n got up and went to the living room. She looked around as she then headed directly to the kitchen. Once there she noticed that her Mother was cooking something some food. As mush as she wanted to say something, her words didn't come out her as she felt a bit scared.
~Glynda POV~
As I was cooking I felt that somebody was looking at me. And just as I turned around I was met with Y/n looking at me with a sad look on her face. So not wasting time I spoke to her. "What's wrong little one is something bothering you?" She looked like she was about to cry. But I think I knew what was wrong with her. but she then ran towards me crying, I then gave her a hug. As i got on my knees and embraced her.
"Mommy what am I? What was that power? Am I just a monster?" I could tell that she was scared but I knew for a fact that power was.
So I gently smiled at her. "No of course not you. Remember when you told me that you were wondering what your semblance was, but I could tell you now that?" She nodded back at me. "Well I can tell you that with a shadow of a doubt. That was your semblance so you shouldn't be scared of it grab that fear and use it to improve yourself. How do I know when your eyes turned back to normal something happened that the weapons disappeared." I said as she then smiled at me as I dried her tears. I then notice that the other girl was looking at us from around the corner. So not wasting time I gently called her over. "Come here little one?" At first she was hesitant but then she walked over to us I could tell that she had no one to turn to because her clothes were already dirty and ripped.
"Where are your parents?" I said but she gave me no response. Just as I was about to ask her another question. Her stomach started growling she then blushed as that meant that she haven't even eaten at all. So not wasting time I sigh and gave her a piece of bread. She didn't want to take it but I insisted the moment that she grabbed it she immediately ate it. I smile because at least she wasn't going to go hungry. "It's okay just don't eat it to fast."
After a few minutes she started talking to us. "I'm sorry for all the trouble.. I'll be leaving soon that way I don't get in your way." I was confused because of what she said, but then I responded again.
"I'll ask again. Where are your parents little one?" She looked at me and with a sad tone responded.
"They died so I could get away." That answer made me angry knowing that there are people out there who would do this to children.
I then looked at both of them with a big smile on my face. As I then had a great idea but I will have to tell her latter. "Why don't you to go take a shower the food will be ready soon." I said as her tail started swinging from side to side in a playful maner.
~Fox Girl POV~
I didn't know these people they were going so far just to help me. A part of me wanted to cry but why would they help somebody like me. They didn't even know me.
As me and the Fox girl we're in the showers I got close to her. "Would you like me to wash your back?" She nodded but she still didn't look at me. "So what's your name?My name is Y/N Goodwitch it's a pleasure to meet you." I said trying to make small talk with her. But she began to blush.
"M-M-My name is I-Ivary Hisame." I'm glad that at least she told me her name. By then I already had put shampoo on her head.
"Okay Ivary close your eyes?" I then poured water over her head taking away all the shampoo and I started watching her back when I was done she looked more happy. "Okay that should do it." I smile as I said that.
~Ivary POV~
A part of me wanted to cry knowing that they were people who would help somebody like me. When Y/n was done I was so refresh. "Okay it's my turn this time." I said as I wanted to pay her back for her kindness.
"Are you sure you might not like what you're going to see?" Hearing her say that sounded a bit sad but that didn't stop me I nodded. "Okay then don't say I didn't warn you."
When I turned around to face her I was shocked because of all the scars on her body and just by looking at them that they were deep ones at that. "I-I-If I can ask?"
"Is it a about the scars?" I went silent but I nodded. She took a deep breath and explained everything to me if I thought that I had suffered then I was wrong, she had suffered more than me. I then avoid eye contact with her because I felt bad for her but then she put her right arm on my shoulder, and she smiled at me. "Don't worry this is my burden to bear not yours. So don't let it get to you." As she said that I remembered what my parents did.
Somewhere deep in the forest three faunus we're seen running away. As they were holding hands all three of them. The female and male faunus look at each other as then they looked at their child they then let go of the child.
The father then got on his knees and hugged her. "You have to get out of here you can't stay here go will buy you some time to get out will catch up to you I promise."
The mother then spoke. "No matter what happens. You're always going to be our little foxy so keep on running and make a future for yourself one that you'll be proud of." The mother then hug the child.
"Mom! Dad!" The small girl spoke as they quickly responded back.
"Go and whatever you do don't look back." As the small child ran away, their screams were heard. But the girl simply kept on running until she was far away.
~Flashback End~
As I turned around I noticed that Ivary was crying so I dried her tears and I patted her head, which calmed her down a bit. I then gave her a gentle smile. "You're going to be alright. So you don't have to cry anymore okay."
As her tears ran down her face she smiled back at me again. "Okay thank you...Y/n can I ask you something?" I noticed that she began to blush for some reason.
"Sure you can tell me anytime." I responded to her.
"D-D-Do you think you and I-I can become friends." Hearing her say that really shock me for a moment. But simultaneously made me happy. Because ever since I got out of that house I never had a friend but all I could do was smile.
"Of course I don't mind" We both smile and laugh together.
~3rd POV~
When they were done taking and showering they all went to Glynda, which she had already made a big feast as both of the girls we're surprised by the amount of food that she had made. Y/n quickly look better with a big smile on your face. "What's with all the food?"
Glynda Simply Smile. "Well since you brought a friend over. I can't simply not give her food. After all she's your friend isn't she?" She said with a big smile on her face.
Y/n then smiled back at her. "Yeah you're right thank you Mommy I really appreciate everything that you do for me." When Glynda heard she worlds she felt extremely happy. Almost like she could take on the world.
After all of them had finished eating. They all pitched in to clean the dishes. Glynda then looked at Ivary who was looking at Y/n preparing the bed. Ivary then looked at her and felt embarrassed as she looked away from her, but Glynda simply gave her a gentle smile.
~Glynda POV~
As I walked over to Ivary I decided to talk to her for a little bit. As Y/n was preparing our bed. When I got close to her, she looked kinda nervous and kept looking away from me. But I had to break this wall between us. That's when I had a great ideas that would help both her and Y/n. "Tell me Ivary, would you like it if I trained you along with Y/n? That way you have a place to stay and a home to go back to?"
"Train with Y/n? A home to come back to?" She said as I nodded back at her.
"Please think it over."
I noticed that she didn't respond back at me. That is until she began to smile with tears in her eyes. "Is it okay for me to have a place to call home." I nodded again at her. "But are you sure that you don't mind somebody like me? I'm a faunus after all."
I began to laugh a little bit as i then gently petted her head. "Sweety you don't have to worry about that. I'm a teacher in Beacon, I deal with a lot of students both faunus and humans alike. So you don't have to worry about that i don't discriminate like some people do. So is that okay with you?" She then gave me a big smile as she kept crying.
"Yes I would really love that. Thank you Ms.Goodwitch."
"Please call me Glynda." I then gave her a hug and she did the same.
"Mommy it's time to go to bed. Our training starts tomorrow so I want to get up as soon as possible." I could hear Y/n as we both then parted from the hug and made our way to the room.
"Come on let's go to sleep Ivary." As soon as she nodded at me. We all went directly to sleep.
Latter that night as both of them sleep peacefully. I couldn't help but keep smiling as I never had a family in my life. But just having then here was good for me. So as I saw both of them smile in their sleep I told myself. "I might have to consider getting a bigger bed."
~3rd POV~
During late at night Y/n was having another nightmare, the same nightmare of her with her old family. How they tortured her. How they beat her. How they ridiculed and condemned her to a life of pain with no end in sight. But just then the whole nightmare disappeared and Y/n was alone in that very same Darkness. With a look of fear in her eyes looked around trying to find something. That is until she found somebody that had their back turned away from her. Not having any option but to move. She walked up to the person, but that person simply kept their back still turned away from her. Almost like they didn't acknowledge her presence.
Y/n then spoke to the person even if she felt a bit hesitant at fist. "Who are you?"
Just then the person slowly turned around and Y/n's eyes widen as she got a little bit scared. Because the person turned out to be a woman. But she wasn't scared at the fact she was a woman it was because the woman had pale skin almost like she was some kind of ghost. Her hair was white and straight hanging at the bottom. Her eyes were glowing crimson irises, with jet black sclerae that almost looked like that of a demon.
"W-W-Who are you?" Y/n spoke again as this time the woman smiled back at her, as she then slowly got close to her. As mush as Y/n wanted to run her body didn't move. She was too scared of the woman.
When the woman got in front of her, she touched Y/n's cheek and she smiled at her. "Don't worry I won't harm you child... We don't have mush time to talk. So when we meet again I will be glad to tell you my name. I'll be locking forward to the day that we meet again, Y/n."
And just like that as Y/n reached out to the woman. Her vision was engulfed by the very same darkness that both of them stood on.
As Y/n tossed and turned she opened her eyes with a shocked look on her face, but she quickly calmed down realizing that she had just woken up. She then turned her head to the side and notice that both Ivary and Glynda we're still asleep soundly with smiles on their faces. But since she didn't want to wake them she took a deep breath before going back to sleep. But one thing ran through her mind. As her vision was still on the woman.
"Who was she? And why did she looked so... sad?" As her own words ran through her mind. It was only a matter of time before she had fallen asleep. With the moon shining from outside of the window and in to the room.
~Meanwhile in Summer and Tai's Home~
Ever since Y/n had left Summer fell into a deep depression and kept sleeping in Y/n's old room, day in and day. Hoping that she would come back to her. As she only regretted everything that she did to her, and she wished that she could turn back time so she could fix her mistakes.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry my little baby! I'm so so sorry. Please come back and I promise that I'll become the greatest mother. I won't ever leave you." She whispered to herself as she just wanted her to come back, she cried and cried until she had fallen asleep.
Meanwhile in the leaving room, Tai is seen on the sofa. As he had been trying to find Y/n. But no matter what kind of mission he took. No matter what kind of turmoil he faced. It only made him sink even deeper in to a stated of depression. As he wondered how difficult it was trying to find her. He found it difficult as he couldn't even find hide nor hair of her. Every time he grabs a mission he feels like he was falling apart day Inn and day out.
"No matter how many missions I take. I can't even find her. Why?..." He leaned back to look at the sealing , but he then seat back, and gave a sigh before responding again to himself. "I can't just let her go she's my little girl. I'm not giving up yet not yet! I promise that one's we find you, Y/n. I'll become the greatest father." He told himself but deep down what was the point she was gone. She wasn't coming back.
In Ruby and Yang's room. They cried themselves to sleep everyday, as they wished they could turn back time and fix their mistakes. But time waits for no one and they could only regret what they did to her.
As Yang looked at the wall she could help but feel pain. As the images of what she did to her own sister ran through her mind seemingly with no end. "Please come back to us little sis... I-I miss you so much... everyday my chest hurts and every day is painful without you here... So please come back... I'm begging you come back. If you come back I promise that we both will train to become the greatest of huntresses. I promise." She told herself as she just wanted her back. But in the end it was to latte for her to fix her mistakes. But at the end of the day it affected Ruby far more then her.
As Ruby is seen imagining of good old times with her. But at the end of the day it was futile. "Big sis when will you come back?... I feel lonely without you here. I feel like I can't express myself without you here... I feel like a part of my heart is missing without you here. Please come back I don't want to be alone without you here. It's not the same without you here... so please come back. If you do I promise I'll give you all my cookies that i saved up I promise." She told herself as she held her chest in pain, and until she had fallen asleep with tears in her eyes.
Qrow would constantly gets drunk try and forget the pain of everything he put her through. But those painful memories wouldn't even disappear. Because he knew that this was his fault as well and each day along with Tai. They would go on mission to try and find her. But up until this day, all of it was to no avail.
Meanwhile on the rooftop of the house. Qrow was seen looking at the moon, with an almost drunken look on his face. "Damn this world! Damn me forever doing all that to the kid! Kiddo I promise that no matter what happens. If we find you I'll stop drinking and I'll become a proper uncle... I promise." He told himself but would that really change anything? Would that really fix all the pin she had to endure at their hands? Would that really bring her back.
And Raven after her return to her tribe, she send them to try and find her each day. But each day was a failure and she kept punishing herself for her mistake, for everything that she did to her. And just like Summer she fell in to a state of depression as she just wanted to find her. She would constantly warps back to Summers home and fall asleep in Y/n's old room along with Summer. As both of them shared a connection of having their own daughters reject them up until the very end.
So as Raven was seen in Y/n's bed, back to back with Summer she spoke to herself. "I keep telling myself it's for the tribe, but I know that it's a lie... I just want to really find you. To hold you in my arms and hug you even knowing that you're not my daughter. Even knowing that you will only reject me... But even with all of that, I still want to hold you close... So I decided that if you come back I won't go back to the tribe. I'll stay with you and be a proper mother along with Summer so please come back." She told herself that the pain of being a mother. The pain of losing a child. The pain of not having her in her arms. To mush of a greater pain that what she could handle. And so as everyone was seen sleeping. Images of Y/n is seen with all of them. As everything then fade to black.
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