New Friends & Secrets (Updated)

~3rd POV~

It had already been four years since Ivary had joined. And in those four years both: Y/n, and Ivary had been through some intense training, thanks to Glynda. But it was nothing they couldn't handle. As Y/n wasn't turning back, nor was Ivary for that matter. As both of them wanted nothing more then to get stronger, and getting stronger was just want they were accomplishing.

In the percent time Y/n was now 11 years old and Ivary was 12. During those four years Y/n had managed to control her semblance, which allowed her to summon several bladed weapons like: swords, spears, lances and so on. To some extent it left Glynda both surprised and proud at the same time. To Glynda it didn't mater that she was still young, she had accomplished something that not all student could manage, especially at her age. But she wasn't the only one as Ivary had also managed to awakened her semblance: Which would let her go beyond her own body's limitation. But with that Ivary still refused to use it as she didn't want to become strong, she just wanted to have the strength to fight at Y/n's side no mater what.

Also during those four years both Y/n and Ivary had become closer like sisters/friends. Not only that but Ivary also started to looks up to Glynda for raising her up as one of her own. Knowing full well that she was a faunus. But even if she was a faunus, Glynda didn't care as she loved both of them equally.

Meanwhile in secret. While things had been going well for both of them. Recently Y/n had been having weird dreams. Dreams where she meets a woman that she doesn't know. She tried many times talking to Glynda about it. But she took it upon herself to keep it a secret from her. Until she felt it was the right time to tell her.

Just then the scene opens up as Y/n started waking up. As she woke up, she noticed that it was 7:10 a.m. So not wasting time she got up from the bed and headed directly to the kitchen. Once there she noticed that Glynda was gone. But not wasting time she walked over the fridge, and took out some ingredients. She then began making breakfast.

~Y/n's POV: Kitchen~

As I was making breakfast I noticed that on the table there was a box with a letter. I picked it up as I noticed that it was addressed to me, with Mom's name on the corner. So not wasting time I started reading it. "Let's see. Sweetie please call me when you have the time. P.S. What's in the box is yours. Love you with all my Heart Mom."

I couldn't help but smile as I wandered what was in the box. I then placed the letter on the table. I smiled as it make me happy that she left me a letter. So not wasting time I looked at the box and I opened it. One's I looked inside my eyes widen as I noticed that it was a scroll. It left me both speechless, and surprised at the same time. As I've never gotten something like this before.

So not wasting time I immediately look at the contacts of the scroll and noticed that her name was there. I then called Mom and to my surprise she quickly picked up. "Hello this is Professor Glynda. Who might be calling?" She sounded busy.

"Hello Mom you told me to call you. Is everything okay? Also I got the scroll you left." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh sweetie did you like it?"

I quickly responded back to her. "Yes I love it. Thank you Mama."

"I see. Well I'm glad you like it sweetie... Also I'm really sorry, but I'm going to be late today."

I quickly responded. "It's okay Mom don't worry." As I was about to hung up. I remembered something that I had to tell her. "Hey Mom, can I ask you something? I was planning to head downtown to buy a few ingredients. Is it okay if I go?"

"Sure I don't mind I left you some extra Lien just in case you need it. Just be careful and if something happens let me know. I won't hesitate to run over there." I smiled and got excited.

"Okay Mom I'll see you later, take care of yourself."

"Okay love you too sweetie. Both of you take care of each other." As I bid my farewells to her. I quickly hung up and looked at the time as it read, 7:46. So after I was done making breakfast I went back to Mom's room, and noticed that Ivary was still sleeping. I then gave a sigh before I walked over to her, and gently shook her, just enough to try and wake her.

"Come on Ivary. Wakey-wakey, Ivary. It's time to get up. We have to go to town and get some ingredients so come on. Rise and shine." She immediately woke up. But as I looked at her I nearly started laughing, as her hair was such a mess. She looked at me but didn't respond as she still looked like she wanted to sleep, with her eyes still closed. I then petted her head, making her smile as her tail wagged from side-to-side "Come on Ivary, breakfast is almost ready. So come on we have to leave soon."


Ones she got up her body moved from side-to-side, almost like at any moment she could fall asleep AGAIN. So since i didn't want her to fall asleep. I held her hand and started making my way back to the kitchen.

"Come on sleeping beauty."

~Time Skip: 3rd POV: City of Vale, 11:21 a.m.~

As both of them walked through the City. Ivary gave a small yawn, and scratched her left eye, before she spoke. "So what are we doing here today again?" She said in a drowsy tone. As one could tell that she was still half asleep.

"We're here to buy some ingredients for THAT remember?" Y/n said as she spoke back to her, while at the same time, looking at the map from her scroll.

Ivary then remembered what they were doing at the City and got motivated. But as they were walking there were some people looking at Ivary and it was only because of her fox ears. This made her feel uncomfortable but then Y/n grabbed her right arm with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you, okay." Just hearing her comfort her, made Ivary smile and blush at the same time. "Right?"

So as they were making their way through town. They decided to cut through a shortcut luckily there was nobody there but another person half drunk passed by them. As they tried avoiding him, he bumped into Ivary making her lose her balance and fall on the floor. But he kept on walking completely oblivious at what he did.

"Are you okay?" Y/n said as she had a worried look on her face.

But Ivary got up from the floor and smiled "I'm okay. Don't worry." She said to try and not sound worried. Y/n notice that the man was walking kinda tipsy, and just by the way he walk, she could tell that he was drunk.

So after she help Ivary, she walked towards him. "Hey what's your problem asshole!"

The man quickly stopped and looked at Y/n. "What the hell.. did.. did you just tell me!? You BRAT!"

~Y/n's POV~

"I called you an asshole!" As I looked at the man he didn't waste any time grabbing my shirt and lifting me up.

"Oh we got a tough girl here. Huh, I know how to deal with girls like you."

I smile as I strugled to get of his grip. But he didn't scare me. He was nothing like my old bastard father. "Yeah you're one hell of A drunken disasters, what you are."

I could tell that my words worked on him, as it only made him even more pissed off. He then raised his right arm and clenched it into a fist. I noticed that he was going to hit me. So having no choice I decided to use my semblance and summon one of my knives. But as it was almost formed.

The man was quickly punch in the face and fell to the ground forcing him to drop me. The person then went to him, and before he could do anything. The other person kept on punching him until he was on the floor all bloody and bruised. As I looked on, Ivary ran towards me.

"Are you okay!? You're not hurt are you!?" She said. By her tone I could tell she was worried about me. But my attention was on the person that was beating the drunker.

So as I was rubbed the area that I fell on. The person after beating the drunker walked over to us and he extended his right arm to me. By then I hadn't had seen his face yet.

"Are you okay you're not hurt are you?" The person spoke.

"I'm okay thank you-"

I quickly stopped mid-sentence, as my eyes widen. Because I knew who the voice belong to and it wasn't a friendly one. As there voice made my body tremble just by remembering it. When I look at the man he had blond hair with a beard and blue eyes. A part of me regretted thanking him as I couldn't mistake that appearance. Just simply thanking the person made me want to throw up. Because the person that stood right in front of me, was none other than, Tai.

As my body trembled, he held his arm towards me. But I quickly got up bowed my head even if I didn't want to, grabbed Ivary's arm and ran away. As I ran my heart felt like at any moment it was going to break apart.

~Tai's POV~

As I saw the two girls run away. I kept thinking to myself that the girl with the (H/c) short hair, and (E/c) eyes look so familiar. But I shook my head as I just didn't want to think about it. I then look towards the sky, and held my chest. "Don't worry I haven't given up yet. So whatever happens I'll find you.....Y/n."

As I nearly started crying again. I quickly dried my tears and turned my attention to the person that I beat up. I then held him, by his shirt and lifted him to my level.

"Next time that I see you try beat up a kid. I swear that I will come after you." I then dropped him to the floor and started to walk away.

~Ivary's POV~

As we were running I could feel that, Y/n's arms were shaking. When we stopped I look at her. She looked like she wanted to cry, but she was holding it in. So to try and ease her pain I spoke. "What's wrong? Do you know that person Y/n?" When she had calm down, she put her back towards the wall and started crying. I couldn't help but get worried. But she then looked at me.

"Remembers when I said that I was abused by, my old family?... Well he was one of them... My former father Taiyang Xiao Long." I noticed that she clenched her arms, with tears still running down her face. I didn't like seeing her like this, so I quickly got close to her and gave her a hug until she had calm down.

I then spoke as I rubbed the back of her head. "It's okay. I'm here with you. So if you want to cry don't hesitate to do so." I said trying to comfort her. Which she then hug me back.

"I'm... I'm sorry... for the trouble."

I smiled as I held her close. "Hey come on it's okay. What are friends for."

As both of us smiled. She got up and looked at me. She then dried her tears as she spoke. "Come on let's buy the stuff and go home. I don't want to be here anymore then it has to be."

I then nodded back at her and spoke. "Okay."

~Y/n's POV~

As we were making our way through the alleyway. I heard a boy's voice. "Will you look at that these two came in at the wrong place. At the wrong time." When we turn the corner I noticed that it was a boy basically the same age as me, but I noticed that there were two more boys with him. And close to a wall was two girls one with a hood on, and one with dark blue hair.

But one of the girls had a hoodie on, while the other one had long dark blue hair. I then noticed that he gave a gesture to the other two boys. As they grabbed both girls by their arms. He then got close to the girl with the hood, and removed it. Revealing what look to be to fox ears. "Well we caught a freak today this is just fun!" Hearing him say that really pissed me off, but seeing my father piss me off even more. I also noticed that the girls had what look to be bruises. I could only imagine that it was him that did it. And I noticed that Ivary at any moment was going to do something but... I clenched my fists.

~3rd POV~

As the boy got close to the girls he began laughing. But at that moment Y/n quickly got close to him and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground. Meanwhile the other two boys looking shocked. As Y/n quickly pinned the boy to the ground. And she began punching the boy in the face over, and over, and over from left to right. As she kept on her assault memories of how they treated her started coming back. The more she punched the boy, the more memories kept running through her mind. Almost as if it wasn't going to stop. As she kept pushing the boy, no one dared stop her. As in reality Y/n just wanted to relies some stress somehow, and pushing the boy was the only thing she could think of at the time....

When she had finally stopped, she looked at the boy. And noticed that the boy's face was already swollen from all the punches. She then got up and look at the other two boys they look frightened. She then spoke as she noticed that they still held the girl's hand. "Let go of them..." They didn't respond, as they were still too afraid to say anything. "Didn't you hear me? I said let go of them." And again no response from them only fear. "Fine then... when I said let go of them...I mean it!" As she turned her gaze at the boy's, her eyes turned blood red. As she then used her semblance on them.

( again I take no credit for the picture)

Just then in that instant one of the boy's, was stabbed across his right arm, with one of the knives that Y/n had summoned. While the other one was stabbed in the left arm. They then quickly drop to the floor in pain. Along with the other two girls that also fell to the floor. Y/n then approach them, and when she got real close to them. She pick them up by their shirts and moved them close to her face. "Get out of here before I. Kill. You. And if you tell anyone you'll regret it do I make myself clear." both of the boys nodded back at her. Understanding what she said. She then released them, as they then quickly ran away. With their tails between their legs.

Y/n then with a shadow across her eyes, notice that the other boy was trying to crawl away. But she then grabbed his leg and pulled him close to her. As he looked at her eyes, one thing was clear he was scared of this simple girl. Y/n then at the palm of her hand summon the tip of a blade and place it close to his throat. He looked on as tears started to form in his eyes. Just as she looked at the boy, she could tell that he was afraid. But Y/n then got close to his ear. "If I ever see you bullying a faunus ever again. Or even another child again. I will make you regret ever meeting me. Do I make myself clear?" The boy nodded as he began to cry. So when Y/n let him go, he quickly got up and ran away crying. Her eyes then went back to normal. As she calm down with a big sigh.

She then turn to the other two girls, and walked over to them. As Ivary stood next to her. Both of the girls looked at Y/n with a disbelief look on there faces. As they couldn't believe that someone helped them. They looked at her, but one thing was certain they weren't afraid of her. 

"Are you two alright? Can you stand?" As Y/n spoke. They both nodded back at her. As Y/n extended her arms to them, with a smile on her face, as they then took her arms and got up.

~Small Time Skip: Cafe, 2:24 a.m.~

It then cuts to the inside of a cafe. As Y/n after helping the two girls. Invited both of them to join them. While inside Y/n, and Ivary ordered something to drink like tea. As the other two girls ordered something to eat. Which Y/n was happy to pay for both of them. So when the two girls had finished eating they smile at both of them for the meal.

~Y/n's POV~

As I looked at the other two girls. I remain quiet for a while as they finished eating. But after they finished with their food I spoke. "You two should really go back to your parents. It's not safe for you here." When I spoke they remain quiet. Which left me wandering. Why? Until the one with the fox ears partially lifted her hand, and lowered her gaze.

"I'm sorry... but we can't do that. We... we don't have any parents to go back to. So I'm deeply sorry for wasting your time."

The other girl with the dark blue hair, then spoke after her. But unlike the other girl she kept her gaze at me. "She's right we... we have no home. So sorry for wasting your time." 

I was surprised when she told told me that. Which left me to wander something. "So I guess I'm not the only one." I told myself as I started to wander what to do. If I left them then the boy's would come back. So as I looked at them I started thinking. That's when it hit me. As I had an idea that popped into my head. So not wasting time I got up from my chair and looked at Ivary. "I'll be right back." She nodded. As I left I then, I took out my scroll I called Mom.

After we had finish talking, I went back to the others and set back on my seat. As they looked at me, I smiled as I spoke to the two girls. "Would you like to come with us? That way you don't have to sleep on the street? After all you don't have a home. So why don't you come with us?"

They looked puzzled as they looked at me. But the girl with the dark blue hair then spoke, as the fox girl nodded right next to her. "We wouldn't mind. But we don't want to intrude."

One's she spoke I smiled back at her. As I then looked at both of them. "It's okay I already talked to my mother about it. And I told her that I was going to bring some friends. She even said that it's fine." 

As I spoke, both of the girls scratch the back of their heads. As the girl with the dark blue hair awkwardly spoke. "Well if it's okay with her, then I guess it fine." They then bowed their heads right in front of us. Which only made a seen, as everyone in the cafe looked at us. "Thank you for helping us."

I then smiled as I got flustered, as all eyes were on us. "C-C-Come on there's no need for that."

~Ivary's POV~

I then spoke as Y/n looked at me. "Well if Miss Glynda is okay with it. Then I'm okay with it. But first things first. I think that introductions are in order, my name is Ivary. Ivary Hisame." I smiled as I reached out my arm for a greeting. Which they happily shook.

Y/n then spoke after I introduced my self. "My name is Y/n Goodwitch. But please call me Aisha when in public." I looked at Y/n and I was happy that she was back to normal.

~Blue Haired Girl's POV~

These two girls were very kind. Just by looking at them, I could tell that I could trust them. So not wasting time I spoke to them. "My name is Layla Otohime. It's a pleasure to meet you."

~Fox Girl's POV~

I smiled as it had been a long time since I had another friend. But then spoke with a smile still on my face. "My name is Zahra Otohime." I then pointed at Layla. "Though we might not look it. I'm actually Layla's twin sister a pleasure to meet you."

After me and my sister introduced each other. Y/n got up from her seat and look at us. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you both." She said with a warm smile on her face. But by the look in her eyes, I could tell that she was hiding a deep sadness. A sadness that she kept all to well closed to herself. I'm sure that my sister saw it to. But I didn't say anything as I didn't want to bother her about it. I'm sure that whatever was bothering her. It was something that she didn't want to talk about.

"Yes, the felling is mutual." Layla then spoke as she smiled.

So after some more small talk, and filling our bellies we all got up. Y/n then spoke to us, with that warm smile that still hid sadness. "Okay before we go home. I need to buy some ingredients for something special. Would you mind accompany us?" Me and Layla smiled at her as we nodded. "Then let's go!" She said that with a smile on her face. As all of us walked out of the cafe.

~3rd POV: Glynda's Home, Bathroom, 6:25 p.m.~

When Y/n finished buying her ingredients. They all went directly back to Glynda's house. One's there they all took the time to take a shower. But one's inside they saw it. They saw the sadness that Y/n held to herself. The pain she had to bare alone. As they didn't have words to say. As both of the twins stared at the scars, all across her body.

But just then Y/n gave a big sigh. As she looked at both of them with a warm smile on her face. Meanwhile Ivary stood behind her, all the while using shampoo to wash Y/n's hair. Y/n the spoke as her gaze was directed at the floor, with a sad look on her face. "What is it?"

The twins then approach her, as they set right in front of her. But as they stared at her they remain silent. Y/n by just looking at them, she could already tell, what they wanted to ask. So after Ivary finished washing her hair. Y/n explained everything that happened to her. About her old home and the hell she had to go through. About her old family and the sadness she had to bare alone. About the constant pain, she had to endure. She told them everything. This in return made the twins cry. As they then realized the sadness she kept to herself. The pain she held all to herself. But Y/n petted there heads and smiled.

"It's not your fault. So you don't have to feel sorry for me. After all I promised that I would have my revenge against them, and I'm not turning back now." Y/n said with a calm look on her face.

Ivary then spoke as she smiled back at her. "And I'll be right by your side. All the way I promise."

Just then both Layla and Zahra locked eyes and nodded. They then turn to look at Y/n, as both of them spoke in unison. "Please allow us to help you. You've done so much for us. So at least let us help you." 

Y/n could tell that they were series. But she then shook her head. "I'm sorry but I don't want to drag you into my problems. It's bad enough that i dragged Ivary in to it." She said not wanting to drag anyone in to her own problems.

But Zahra quickly responded back to her. "It doesn't matter! You've helped us when we needed it! So we'll do the same! I'll follow your path! I will be by your side no matter what!"

Layla then spoke with a relax look on her face. "My sisters right. You've done so mush for us. The leas we could do is help you. That way you don't have to shoulder the burden all alone."

Ivary then spoke as she clenched her fist. "You save my life not to long ago. And you think that i'll just turn back. You've got another thing coming. SO i'll stick by your side no mater what."

Before Y/n could speak she looked at all of them. She then smiled as it was the only thing she could do.. "Okay fine...if that's what you want. Then I'm not going to stop you. So thank you all three of you thank you." As they all looked at her. They remained silent as they all shared a smile together.

~Time Skip 8:32 p.m.~

As all of them watched TV. The front door could be heard open and closing. As both Y/n and Ivary then went towards the door as it revealed to be Glynda. Y/n then smiled as she got close to her. "Welcome home Mom!" 

Glynda smiled back at them, as she was then hugged by both of them. "I'm hope sweeties." She said as she noticed the other two girls that were hiding from just around the corner. "Oh, are they the friends, you told me about?"

Y/n then spoke back to her as she nod's. "Yes. I'm sorry it's just that they didn't have any other place to go to and-"

Just then Glynda put her index finger on Y/n lips and she smiled, she then pets her head. "It's okay. I know you don't have to tell me." She then without wasting time walked over to the twins.

One's close to them she got on her knees and smiled. As both of the girls avoided eye contact. "Hello you two. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. Would it be fine if I could get your names?"

As both girls looked back at her. As Layla was the first to respond. "U-Um... My name is Layla Otohime."

Zahra then spoke after her. "M-Mine is Zahra Otohime."

They then sopke at the same time. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Glynda smiled as she spoke to them. "The feeling is mutual."

"I have one more question for you. Are you any good at fighting?" She said as both of them looked down. Meaning that they had no experience in a fight. She then rub their heads which made the twins look at her. "It's okay if you're going to stay here. Then i'll train you. That way you can protect yourselves while i'm out. Is that okay with you? " The twins then gave a smile with great enthusiasm as they nodded at her. They then responded in unison at her. 

"Yes of course!"

"Okay good." She then got up as she walked over to the door removed her black boots. "I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be right back." 

Both Y/n and Ivary nodded as Glynda passed beside them. All the while petting both of their heads as she passed with a smile on her face. Both of them then responded with a simple. "Okay." 

Ones Glynda left to go take a shower. Y/n looked at Ivary and responded to her. "Okay let's get everything set up Ivary." 

The twins overhearing what she told her, looked at her still confuced at what she meant by it. Ones close to her, Zahra spoke. "What are you doing?" Y/n then got close to them and wispred in their ears.

Layla was the next girl to speak. "Is there any way that we can help?" As Ivary was seen over at the kitchen. Y/n smiled back at them, as she looked at Ivary and then back at them. "As a matter of fact."

Meanwhile after Glynda got out of the shower. She notice that Zahra and Layla got close. Layla then responds to her, with a gentle smile on her face. "Excuse Me Ms.Glynda can you please follow us and close your eyes?" 

Glynda confused nod's at them and smiled. "Um... Okay."

~Glynda's POV~

As we we're making our way for what seamed to be downstairs. We stopped at a place I could only assume was the kitchen. The strangest part was that the closer we got, I could smell something sweet in the air. "Okay Mom open your eyes." I then heard Y/n respond and I did as she said.

But as I did my eyes widen, as I nearly started crying. Because right in front of me was a birthday cake. I then looked at Y/n with a smile on my face. "W-What's all this about?" 

She then got close to me. "You've done so much for me. You gave me a home. Became my Mama. You've helped me out through everything and you still help me. So no matter what happens you're always going to be my Mama. And i'm glad I got to meet you from the bottom of my heart." Just hearing her say those words. Made me cry as I couldn't hold it back the tears anymore. So I then hugged her and embraced as tight as I could. But it wasn't just her, I also brought in the other girls as well for a hug. As to me they felt like the light in my life. So as I held them in my arms I spoke to them. "You all are my world. Your the reason that I get up every morning. And I LOVE all of you. So don't ever forget that, okay?" I then dried my tears and smiled. "Know then let's cut the cake."

When we had finished eating the cake. I looked at Y/n and Ivary. "I got a surprise for the both of you." I then opened one of the closets and I took out 2 gifts and handed it over to them this brought a smile to their face.

~3rd POV~

Just then Ivary was the first one to open her gift. As she got extremely exited as she opened her gift. Her eyes widen as she then took out, what looked to bee a hammer, that could switch to a launcher. She then spoke as she with great enthusiasm looked at the hammer. "THIS IS SO COOL! THANK YOU MISS GLYNDA! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She smiled at Glynda. As Glynda couldn't help but smile back at her.

Y/n then quickly open her gift, and as she did her eyes widen. As she got surprised because it was also a weapon. A dark colored pistol, with dark rose's. The pistol had three different forms to it like, it's normal pistol form, tonfa form, and scythe form. 

Glynda then spoke to her. "I didn't know what to get you. Because of your semblance and I didn't know what type of weapon you wanted. I know that you might not like it but-" 

Just then Y/n smiled as she shook her head, and smiled at her. "No I love it! I never got a gift at my old home! But the fact remains that you gave me this gift! And I will cherish it! I love you Mama!" She then gave Glynda a big smile and hugged her. 

As Glynda then spoke to her, with a smile on her face. "I'm glad that you liked it, little one." She then looked at the time and noticed that it was starting to get late. "Anyway it's time to go to sleep. Come on everyone let's get all this cleaned up, and go to sleep." Everyone nodded at her as they put everything away and started to prepare for bed.

~Time Skip: Y/n and Ivary's Room, 12:30 a.m.~

As everyone slept peacefully. Y/n was the only one awake looking at the ceiling of her room. Still feeling puzzled at everything that happened today. As she didn't expect to meet her bastard father today of all day's. She then gives a sigh, as she noticed that Ivary with her eyes closed, had yet to fall asleep. So she spoke to her in a low tone to try and not wake the twins. As all of them sleep on the same bed. "Hey Ivary? About what happened today... Can you keep it a secret from Mama. I don't want her to find out that I met my old man. I also don't want her to worry."

Ivary confused, but understanding nod's to her. She then spoke with her eyes still closed. "If that's what you want. Then I won't tell her I promise." She then fell asleep. Y/n gave one last smile as she went to sleep also.

~Meanwhile In Glynda's room~

Glynda was seen talking to someone in her scroll. "I was planning on sending them to Beacon Academy. When they had turned 16 and I was wondering if you would allow it?" 

The person on the other end of the line responded back to her. "Sure I have no problem with it. Just make sure to fill out the necessary paperwork and then. When they turn 16 let me know."

Glynda then smiled. "Thank you Oz." She then after hanging up. Went to sleep with a smile on her face. 

~Time Skip: Y/n and Ivary's Room, 1:30 a.m.~

Later that night as everyone was asleep. Y/n was having a dream that she was in a dark room and there was nothing there. As a blinding light showed up she close their eyes and when she opened them, she noticed that she was in a room, that she didn't know. She also noticed that she was sitting on a bed, that felt comfortable. 

She looked around only to notice, that there was a big door in front of her, and it slowly started opening. When it open completely a woman showed up and it was the same woman that appeared in her dreams. 

"You're awake I'm glad but we really don't have much time to talk." The woman said as she got close to her and she sat down close to her. She then spoke again. "So what are you going to do? Are you going to become a Huntress?" 

Y/n nod's back at her, as she clenched her bed sheets. "I... I want to. No matter what happens. I'll see this through to the very end." She then looked back at the woman. 

As the woman then smiled and spoke. "Well I'll be seeing where your path leads. So make me proud little one. But tell me this? Are you afraid of me?" The woman said as she thought that her appearance scared the girl. 

Y/n before speaking closed her eyes, and then looked at her again. "No. I'm not afraid." 

As the woman looked at her eyes. She could tell that she wasn't afraid. "I see." Just then as the woman smiled at her. Y/n could feel her body falling asleep. "It's okay go to sleep." The woman then touch the girls cheek, as she gently placed her to sleep. "Sleep tight, Y/n." As the woman got up from the bed she looked outside the window and she smiled. She then looked at the moon one last time. As everything went fades to black.

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