Hatred And A Bunny
It had been all ready 2 weeks since Me and the rest started at Beacon. Layla made a new friend called Blake and they wood constantly read books. Zahra wood always be her energetic and cheerful self but sometimes she would tell me to accompany her to the City. And Ivary well. Haha. The same as always. But I'm glad we're together. But I can't say all things are good...
~3rd POV In Y/N Team Dorm 8:00 a.m.~
As Layla was getting prepared for school she noticed that Ivary was half asleep she smiled at her because her hair was a mess. "Come on Ivary time for school." She walked over to her and handed her a cup of coffee. "Hire you go Ivary?" Ivary grabbed the cup but she was still asleep. "Thank... You."
Zahra noticed that Y/n wasn't waking up so she got close to her and she quickly removed her bed sheets. "RISE AND SHINE Y/N TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Y/n gently open her eyes and she scratched her eyes, and she smiled at Zahra. She then yawn. "Good.... morning everyone." She looked at Ivary's hair she then covered her face with her left arm and she was trying to hold in the laughter.
Ivary looked at her in confusions. "What's wrong Y/n falling for me already." She then touched her hair and she felt that it was different. She got up from her bed and looked at the mirror. She noticed her hair was a mess. Everyone except for Zahra were trying to hold in the laughter.
Zahra was laughing at her. "Hahaha! Ivary your hair looks so funny!" Ivary got a bit annoyed. "And what about you! Your hair is always a mess!" But Zahra looked at her with a chibi look and with a "?" on her head. "My hair always looks like this." As both of them were arguing as chibi's. Layla approached Y/n how was smiling at both Ivary, & Zahra's argument.
"Hire you go Y/n?" Layla smiled as she handed her the coffee. Y/n took the cup and smiled. "Thank you Layla." She then got up from her bed and took a sip of her coffee. "Okay come on you two. We have to get some breakfast." Ivary, & Zahra responded in unison. "Okay." And both of them kept arguing. Both Y/n and Layla sigh.
~Timeskip 8:25 a.m.~
When they got to the cafeteria as Ivary, & Layla went ahead and took some open sits.
When Y/n, & Zahra finished making their plates they went to where Ivary & Layla were sitting and place their plates on the table. Then Ivary & Layla did the same and they got there breakfast.
Y/n, & Ivary were having a normal breakfast with bacon, toasted bread, and scrambled eggs. The only difference was that Ivary had sunny side up eggs.
Layla was having white rice, with miso soup, and fresh green beans. She clapped her hands and smiled. "Itadakimasu."
And Zahra well she was eating 8 pancakes stacked on top of each one. She started singing. "Pancakes. Pancakes. Got to love Pancakes?"
As Y/n was about to eat a blond boy and 3 more people approached her.
He responded. "Um sorry to bother you but can we sit here?" Y/n looked at the boy. "By all means be my guest." The girl with red hair smiled. "Thank you."
The Orange hair girl looked at Zahra as she placed the same amount of Pancakes on the table. Both of them looked at each other they smiled and they pointed at each other and they respond in unison. "HO MY OUM! HEY LAYLA/NORA! YOU LOVE PANCAKES BECAUSE I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE PANCAKES! NO WAY! YOU TO WE SHOULD BECOME FRIENDS! OR BETTER YET BFF! I KNOW RIGHT! YAY I MADE A NEW FRIEND!" They picked up there Forks up in the air and still responded in unison. "YAY FOR PANCAKE BUDDIES!" And they started eating.
The boy with black hair looked at Layla and he sigh. "I'm sorry she's always like this." She smiled at hem and she sigh to. "Haha. I know what you mean. And it's good to see you again Ren." Ren bow hes head. "Likewise Layla." They both looked at Zahra & Nora but the two girls simply smiled and responded. "What's wrong?" But Ren & Layra raise their voice in unison. "Zahra/Nora Don't talk with you mouthful!?" But the two girls gave them a gentle smile.
Y/n smiled and got back to eating. Ivary looked at the girl with red hair and the boy. "I know we met in the initiation. But I never got your names my name is Ivary Hisame." The red hair girl smiled. "My name is Pyrrha Nikos and it a pleasure to meet you."
Y/n looked at the boy. "And what's your name? My name is... Aisha Goodwitch." He smiled and pointed to himself. "Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it." Y/n tilted in confusions. "Do they? I mean don't get me wrong I don't mind the name but... Do the ladies like it?" He stayed quiet for a little bit and he lowered his head. "I don't know sorry." She sigh with a smile on her face. She then extended her right arm in a hand shake, which he proceeded to shook her hand. "Well nonetheless it's a pleasure to meet you Jaune." They smiled and continue eating.
~Y/n POV~
Well today's not so bad I got to meet new people and everything is going great. "Excuse me." I heard a female voice respond to me I turned to the person and got irritated because it was Ruby, & Yang smiling at me.
"Good morning Aisha would you mind if I sit here?" Ruby responded to me. I just sigh and turned back to my food irritated. "Get lost." I noticed that Yang was getting angry but I ignored her. "Please Aisha I just want us to be friends." I just kept eating. "You and me friends. Haha. No thanks." She then got sad but I wasn't falling for that stupidity. "Please Aisha... I promise not to bother you or your team." Hearing her is pissing me off.
"What's YOUR problem with my Sister! She's just trying to be nice!" I looked at Yang and I got up more pissed off. "What's my problem? That's simply you blond bimbo. I just don't like her, same goes for you too." I smirk at her and put my arms around my back. "But you know what? What are you going to do you don't look strong. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that since your Sister, needs your help for everything." Her eyes turned red and she raised her voice at me. "I had enough!" I noticed that several students were looking at us but it didn't matter.
~3rd POV~
As Ruby placed her food on the table. Yang simply dropped the food on the floor. And she grabbed Aisha by her collar. Pyrrha, Nora, and Ivary got up from their seats. Yang looked at Aisha but she was still giving her a smirk. "I don't care what you say about me! But you won't talk that way about my SISTER!" Yang shouted. "Haha. Then do something about it. I'll even make it easy on you." She closed her eyes but her smirk was still there. Y/n activated her semblance and she summon the tip of a sword in the palm of her hand. Yang threw the first punch but at that moment someone tackled her to the ground, she was pinned to the floor. With her right arm on her back. And Y/n deactivated her semblance.
As Yang, & Aisha looked at the person Yang got surprised because the one that pinned her was Ruby. "Ruby? Let me go!? She started it!" Ruby picked her up and lightly pushed her. "Wow now you need your Sister to protect you." Aisha responded with a smile on her face. Yang was going to approach her but Ruby got in the way. "Ruby please get out off the way! All you were trying to do was be nice but-"
The lunchroom went quiet Team JNPR, Y/n team, and several other students were surprise. Because Ruby slapped Yang across the face. Y/n was still unfazed by what just happened. Yang touch her left cheek she then looked at Ruby. "R-Ruby..? I-"
Ruby looked at her and she raise her voice. "Leave Aisha alone Yang!" Yang tried to respond but. "I don't need YOU to protect me! I never did so stop acting like an older Sister!" She then turned her back to her, but she looked at her one last time and responded. "I only have one older Sisters and that is not YOU." Yang lowered her head. "I'm sorry." Ruby sigh and she walked over to Aisha. "I'm sorry for that Aisha. I promise that she won't bother you I promise so please." She bow her head in shame. Aisha simply took her seat and started eating and with out looking at her she responded. "Just don't bother me. And take your seats but FAR from me." Ruby smiled in excitement. "Thank you Aisha."
Weiss whispered to Blake. "Should we have done something?" Blake simply took her seat close to wear Aisha was eating. "It's not our concern. Hello everyone." All of them responded with a simple. "Good morning."
And here I thought things couldn't get any worse today. After that pointless drama I've just been annoyed by Ruby and she just won't SHUT UP. "So Aisha what's your weapon name? How do you use it? Would you mind training with me? I have a weapon it's name That way it'll be fun." Ho my Oum why won't she just SHUT UP. I cream deep within my mind but then I feel somebody touch my shoulder and it was Blake smiling at me. "Sorry she's always like this." I look at her and I nodded my head understanding what she said.
I then notice that Weiss is looking at me. "You know that it's rude to stare at someone Princess." I respond to her with sarcasm in my voice.
She then gave me a serious look. "Can I ask what seems to be your problem with Rudy, and Yang?" I just signed look way. "Sorry princess but that's none of your business." She then got mad but thanks to Blake she calmed her down. I then looked at Blake with a smile on my face. "Thanks for that." She smiles at me. "No problem."
I turn to look at Ivary talking to Pyrra but I'm not stupid I know that Yang is looking at me. But I just simply tried my best to ignore her.
"Stop it Cardin! That hurts!" I looked past Jaune and I noticed Cardin and hes team bullying a girl with rabbit ears, and he was pulling one of her ears. And I noticed that Layla was looking at Cardin with a serious look.
Pyrrha then look at Cardin and she turned her attention back at Jaune. "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school!"
"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around! You know, practical jokes!" He responded but he was lying.
"He's a bully." Ruby responded to hem. He scoffs and responded back at her. "What no, come on he's just messing around." But Cardin is starting to piss me off.
"Atrocious. I can't stand people like him." Ruby response while still staring daggers at Cardin.
Then Yang simply leaning her head on her hand responded. "It must be hard to be a Faunus." I had enough. Blake looked at her annoyed. But I lightly touched her left arm insinuating to stay calm.
I got up from my seat Ruby, and Yang looked at me. But I stare daggers at them. "And you want to become huntress but if you can't even help Faunus. Then you don't deserve to be in this school. This is the very reason why I despise both of you. You can't even do anything on your own you should feel ashamed of being here." They lowered their heads in shame.
"And you." I looked at Jaune. "If you can't even trust your team when they're telling you the truth. Then why the hell are you even here? I know about the bullying so stop lying to your team." He lowered hes head in shame and he responded. "I'm sorry." But I got more irritated. "I don't need your apologies. All you really got to do is grow a pair."
Everyone remained silent and I looked at Ivary. "I'll be right back?"
~3rd POV~
As Cardin was bullying the Faunus Y/n walked over to hem and she quickly grabbed the back of hes hair and slammed hes face to the table, she then proceeded to grab hes left arm and pulled it to hes back. "What the hell! That hurts!" She then tighten her grip and twisted his arm a bit. "HEY THAT HURTS!" Y/n smiled. "What's wrong I thought you loved inflicting pain on somebody." He got mad and tried to maneuver out of her but to no avail. "Hey guys a little help here." Y/n sigh and looked unamused. "Sorry but they're a bit tied up at the moment." She then raised his head and slammed it again at the table but this time facing hes team.
He then noticed that hes team was already on the floor. With Ivary, Layla and Zahra looking over them. Y/n then forced hem to look at her. "If you or any of your team bully her or anybody from this school." Y/n pulled hem close to her eyes.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
Y/n activated her semblance and Cardin got afraid of her. "You will regret it I promise you that. You got that Cardin?" He nodded in yes she then let go of hem and he instantly ran away. His team quickly got up and followed him.
As Y/n turned her attention to the bunny girl her eyes went back to normal. She smiled at the girl. "Are you ok?" The girl was drying her tears but she smiled at Y/n. "Y-yes I'm okay no worries." Y/n sigh and she gently patted the girl's head. "It's okay your going to be okay now. But you still have to get stronger so you can stand up to people like him." She responded with a gentle voice the girl blushed. Y/n stopped patting her head as she along with her team were going to walk back to her seats. But the girl grabbed Y/n right arm in a hurry. "Wait please can you tell me your name? My name is Velvet Scarlatina but my friend's call me Vel and can we be friends?" Velvet smiled as she told her that. Y/n smiled and got close to her ears and whispered. "My name is Aisha. But my real name is Y/n Goodwitch. But keep my real name a secret okay Vel. Can you do that for me?" Vel smiled at her. "Yes, of course I promise. Thank you Aisha." Y/n smiled. "And before I forget." She pointed at her team. "That is my team. Ivary, Zahra, and Layla." The girls waived hello and Vel bow her head, and smiled at them. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Velvet Scarlatina." The girls introduced each other and they walked back to there seats.
As Y/n took a seat Blake looked at Y/n with some concern. "I don't think that'll be enough to stop Cardin." Y/n simply remain serious. "Don't worry I got this under control?" Blake simply smiled at her. "Well if you say so. Just don't push yourself too hard?" Y/n sigh with a smile on her face. "I know." Both of them started laughing but Jaune couldn't even look at her because he felt a shame.
"I'm sorry Aisha if I wasn't so weak I would have helped you." He avoided eye contact. But she simply smiled at hem. "Come on you still have a ways to go. But I know you'll be able to get stronger as long as you trust your team that is all I can tell you." He looked at her and he felt like he was looking at a Goddess. He then smiled. "You're right. I have to get stronger no I will get stronger I promise you that and when that happens I want to fight you Aisha." She closed her eyes as she smiled. "Well I'll be looking forward to that day. Don't disappoint me okay Jaune Arc." He gave Aisha a motivational smile. "Right!"
~Ruby POV~
I couldn't believe it Aisha just did what I couldn't do. I wanted to help the girl but I couldn't. But what she said still remained in my thoughts. ("And you want to become huntress but if you can't even help Faunus. Then you don't deserve to be in this school. This is the very reason why I despise both of you. You can't even do anything on your own you should feel ashamed of being here.") I avoided eye contact with her and I got a bit depressed and I whispered to myself. "Your right Aisha... I... Don't deserve to be in this school. But I'm not giving up on Y/n not yet, not until I find her." I looked at her and I responded. "I promise that I will try my best to help the faunus. I promise you Aisha." But she simply gave me a look of disgust. "I don't care what YOU do." I know that what she said is harsh but I wasn't going to give up in trying to make her my friend.
~Yang POV~
What the hell is going on today first I almost lost my sister. And thanks to Aisha she made me feel like I was useless. Hell even Ruby turned against me I guess deep down I do deserve this more than anything. But I just wish that Aisha wasn't so harsh on Ruby but what can I do now. As I look at Aisha I quickly turn away I feel like deep down inside I've met her somewhere before but where.
I took out my scroll and I noticed that I had one unread message. As I looked at the message I noticed that it was from Raven and it said. "We need to talk." but I quickly deleted the message without a second thought and put my scroll away.
~3rd POV timeskip Glynda's class~
Jaune was fighting Cardin with he overpowered Jaune easily. Glynda looked at Cardin. "Cardin, that's enough!" He relents and he puts hes weapon down as she comes onto the stage, tapping her tablet. "Now Cardin since you were the Victor in this fight you will choose your next appointment." He smirk as he looked at Y/n and pointed at her. "You!" Glynda simply looked at hem with a face that said really. "I think tha-" But Y/n quickly responded. "Okay I'll take your challenge. Are you going to fight with your team? Or are you too chicken to fight me alone?"
Cardin got annoyed and raised his voice. "I don't need my team to take care of you!" Y/n hair covered her eyes and smiled maniacally. She nodded at Glynda and she did the same. "Okay then Aisha go get prepared? And Cardin remain where you are now until she gets back."
When Y/n made it to the arena students were already talking about them. Team Rwby looked at them but they already knew that Cardin was going to lose. "This won't take long." Weiss responded and the girls nodded in yes. But Ruby was simply staring at Y/n and her weapon.
Team JNPR were thinking that it wasn't going to end good for Cardin. Nora looked at Cardin and she responded to Zahra. "What do you think's going to happen?" But she simply smiled at Nora. "Just look."
Pyrrha looked at Ivary. "Is she going to be okay." Ivary smiled. "Don't worry she won't lose. After all I haven't won against her yet." Pyrrha was speechless but Layla responded. "The same goes for me." Both Ivary, and Layla smiled.
Back at the coliseum Cardin with a stupid grin on his face pointed hes weapon at Y/n. "You're going to regret embarrassing me in the cafeteria!"
But Y/n gave him a menacing smile. "No Cardin I'm so scared. Haha! As if you could scare me." Cardin simply got more agitated.
Glynda looked at them.
"Next battle Cardin Winchester... vs Aisha Goodwitch!" As Cardin got into a fighting stance Y/n simply please her left arm on her neck and crack it.
"3!" Cardin smiled and gripped hes weapon firmly. "2!... 1! Begin!"
As Cardin ran towards Y/n. But she tilted her head to the side and she simply smiled at hem.
(I take no credit for the photo.)
"You better not disappoint me now... C-a-r-d-i-n." As he charge at her. The camera fades to black and one clash was heard.
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