Cries Of Madness

~3rd POV~
Close to the docks a girl and several other people were being dragged to a different location. "What are you going to do to us!" She was hit in the face. "Be quiet human!?" She fell on the floor and another human helped her to get up. And they were taken inside a building.

Two other Faunus entered an office. And a bull faunus with a masked that covered he's eye's looked at them. "Commander Adam all the human's that you asked for are here." They responded in unison.

Adam nodded. "Good." He then proceeded to walk to the balcony where he looked at the crowd of faunus. "My brother's and sister's today we will prove our might do the humans that wrong us! We will prove to them who is the superior breed!" As the faunus sheared, the human's that were being dragged we're brought to a stage.

On the stage a man with a black bowler hat, and a girl with Pink and Brown hair. Walked up on stage the faunus looked at them. But they all remained silent wondering what was human's doing on stage.

The man with the hat spoke up. "I know what you're thinking what is a filthy human doing on stage. And yes I agree with you. We humans manipulate, betray, and Hell kill. I know that some of you feel the same way? I hate humans two but today." He snapped he's fingers and the girl handed hem a cane. "Thank you Neo." She then walked back.

The man pointed the end of hes cane at the back of a human male's head. He then shoot him and the body fell to the ground the blood spilling everywhere. "You see I hate humans and I can help you all."

Neo looked away from the body. Adam then walked up on stage and he looked at all the faunus. "You see will show them what power is! Now who's with me!" All the faunus started to cheer.

Adam then started killing all the human's one by one, until there was only one human female alive. He looked at her. "Any last words human?" She started to cry. "P-Please d-don't kill me." He smirked and he proceeded to stab her across her Hearts killing her. Her body fell to the ground dead.

He then raised hes blood covered sword and he looked at the faunus. "For freedom! And for faunus!" All of the faunus started cheering. "For faunus! For faunus! For faunu!"

"Haha... ahahaHAHAHAHA!" But from the shadow someone started laughing. Adam turned he's attention to the man. "Do you know something Roman?" But Roman simply shook he's head in no.

"Who are you! Show yourself!" He raised he's voice, but the laughter got louder. "HAHAHAHA!" He cleaned he's sword. "Come out and face me! You coward!" The laughter subsided. And all the faunus started hearing a voice from the darkness. "What's wrong can't take a joke. A-d-a-m."

Adam was trying to find where the voice was coming from but at that moment. The body of the girl that he killed started getting up from the ground. Several of the faunus members were afraid but Adam snapped out of it. "Kill her!" Several of the faunus started to run towards her weapons drawn. And they stabbed her with swords and spears but she simply started to laugh maniacally out of excitement. "Is that all you got!" She pulled out the swords and spears without flinching. All of the faunus got scared of her. "She's a Monster!" As two of them were going to escape she looked at them.

She proceeded to decapitate the two faunus that were going to escape, the body's fell to the ground. The crowd noticed the body's witch send them into a frenzy, trying to escape. But the door was being held by a strong force that prevented them from escaping. She then jumped in to the crowd and she started killing every faunus one by one.

As she was about to kill a female faunus she was stabbed in the back by Adam. He plunged he's sword deeper and she started to scream in pain. "No STOP! THAT HURTS PLEASE!" She coughed out blood and her body became numb. "Good riddance." As he was about to remove he's sword, she quickly turned around taking the sword out of he's grip and she gave hem a big smile. "Just kidding!" He didn't have time to react. And she kicked him in the stomach sending him flying slammed to a wall and he's mask broke. As he catch his breath he looked at the girl with fear in he's eyes. Even though she was stabbed by the back she pulled out the sword from the front off her chest like nothing. She looked at the sword and saw how far her blood went, she then turned her attention back at Adam.

"Wow look Adam? Look how deep you went inside me. Haha. I'm kind of disappointed and I thought you were a man." She mocked him and she throw the sword close to him. "You're a monster!" He yelled out. She started to laugh as her hair turn red. She then removed the clothes that she was wearing and underneath she was wearing red & black clothes.

(Take no credit for the photo.)

"Come on Adam." As she got close to hem. He got up from the floor and he attacked her hopping to cut her head off but at that instant she caught the sword with two of her fingers. "What a disappointment." She then snapped Adam's sword in two and proceeded to grab the part that she broke and she cut Adam's left leg with it.

He started to scream in pain. And she started laughing. "What's wrong? I was only getting warmed up."

He simply looked at her scared out of he's mind. "W-W-what are you! You're no human! You're a Monster!"

She stopped laughing and she started to cry. "What you're calling me a Monster. After I played with you." But she quickly snapped out of it and she smiled. "I have an idea I'm not going to kill you." For a brief moment he showed a sign of relief. "But... heed my call Gomo." She snapped her right fingers.

Out of the shadows a massive black dragon-like beast appeared towering over everyone.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

All the faunus looked at it while some of the other faunus we're praying hopping to be spared. But the girl gave a dark and creepy smile. "Gomo! Kill them all." With one large scream it started killing every faunus. Left and right with its claws and tail, and it also attacked with what looked like ice, fire, and lightning. Adam was shocked and scared at the Chaos that was happening right in front of him.

Gomo looked at Adam and it licked its sharp teeth. It then proceeded to grab him and brought him close to its face. He was trying to escape but Gomo had a firm grip on his small faunus body. It then proceeded to open up it's mouth and it ate him. The remaining faunus we're hearing the bones crack and rip. While the girl started laughing hard and touching her stomach. "Isn't this fun! It is isn't it. Come on let's play some more! Let's play! LET'S PLAY!"

~???? POV~
Hearing Adam die slowly started getting me excited. And not only that but the faunus that are praying thinking that I'll let them live, well they got another thing coming. Haha. As I slowly turned around I noticed that a girl with Pink and Brown hair was scared in a corner. I got excited knowing that I cued still have fun. As I turned to her direction she gets even more scared. "Let's play little ice cream." As I got close I didn't notice but someone shoot my legs. As I turned to the person that I had to kill I noticed that it was Roman.

~Roman POV~
"Get out of here Neo!" I called out to Neo and I noticed that she shook her head. So I quickly approached her and I smiled at her. "Sorry but I need you to live." I handed over my bowler hat to her and I gave her a hug. And I quickly turned to face this psycho in front of me. "Neo GO!"

~???? POV~
He looked at me with a stern expression. "Now I don't tend to make it a habit of showing girl's like you their place." I tilted my head with a smile on my face, and I responded. "O don't worry I can take it. Haha. Now come on let's play!"

~3rd POV~
As Neo was running away as fast as possible. The building caught fire.

~Neo POV~
All I could do was run away, run from that monster. I couldn't think of anything but to run like Roman told me. As soon as I made it far away I noticed that I was in a park, luckily there were no people today. Since I was running for who knows how long I just wanted to relax for a bit so I took a sit in a benches.

As I was trying to relax I looked at the hat that Roman gave me and I cued feel the tears coming out. I was trying to make sense of what happened how did one girl single-handedly manage to take care of the White Fang. I couldn't take it anymore and I started to cry. I press the hat close to my chest and all I could do was cry...

"I found you my little Ice Cream." My body froze because I knew that voice. I slowly turned to the side and she was there right next to me. My heart started racing, and she smiled. "What's wrong N-e-o." But as I tried to attack I felt an intense pain in my stomach and I was sent flying to a light post.

I felt my body giving up. I cued tell that with one hit she broke 3 no 5 of my ribs. This girl was  a psycho, no more then that she was a devil.

"Come on don't give up on me now. I'm just getting started." She giggled but I didn't care anymore I couldn't even move so I simply close my eyes and I waited my fate. "You are another disappointment." I cued feel her getting closer but I didn't care anymore...

Everything went silent and I thought that I was dead but as I opened my eyes. I noticed that the girl was sent crashing to the trees by some kind of... mysterious force. And a person was standing in front of me with their back turned.

"You're going to be okay." The person responded to me. I looked at them and I noticed that it was a girl probably the same age as me. She turned to look at me and I noticed that her eyes were (E/c), and her hair was (H/c). "Are you okay?" She responded but I simply nodded in yes.

I took out my scroll and I started texting but my arms were still trembling. I then showed her the text. "How are you?" She gave me a smile. "My name is..."

~Before present time Y/n POV~

I decided to put my casual clothes today and walk around town trying to forget about yesterday and clear my head. But good thing I told Ivary to stay behind today. And Ozpin... I new that it wasn't Ozpin's fault. And not only that Ruby wanted to hang out with me today but as if that's ever going to happen. I sigh out of irritated at just saying that name. As I was going to board the Bullhead I noticed a girl with Pink and Brown hair running and she looked scared. As I was going to approach her to ask her what was wrong my chest started hurting. When the pain subsided I started to fallow her.

But I then lost her in the park. I then heard something hit a light post and I followed the crash. As I got close I started hearing the voice of a girl. "You are another disappointment."

I started to run and wen I got there I noticed another girl with red hair, and red and black clothes. And the girl that I was fallowing was on a light post on the ground. I noticed that the girl with red hair was going to attack the girl that was on the floor so I did what had to be done.

I summoned 2 swords and I attacked her. And the girl with red hair was slammed to some trees. Luckily the swords weren't sharp. I then got in front of the girl but I kept my guard up. "You're going to be okay." I then turned my attention to the girl. "Are you okay?" All she did was nod her head. She then took out a scroll and started writing, she then showed me what she wrote. "How are you?" I then gave her a smile. "My name is..."

~Present time Neo POV~

"My name is Y/n, and don't worry your going to be okay." All I could do was shed tears of joy. We then noticed that the girl moved the tree logs like if it was a toy. I was starting to get scared but for some reason Y/n was calmed. And she was looking at the girl.

~3rd POV~
As the girl got close to Y/n. She got irritated and sarcastic. "A new fighter joins the stage." She smiled as she looked at Y/n, and Neo.

Neo tried to move but she was to tired and beaten up to move. Y/n responded to Neo while still looking at the other girl. "You just rest up. I'll take care of her." Neo nodded in agreement.

The girl smiled as she got close to Y/n. "You made a new frie-" As she was about to finish what she was going to say. In a split second something past beside her left shoulder cutting her a bit, she got surprised. "...What the?" She looked at Y/n with a stern look. "What did you do?" Y/n noticed that the girl's cut healed up quickly. But that didn't scare her. "Consider that a warning."

The girl covered her face with her right arm and she started chuckling she then started laughing out loud. "Hahaha! You harmed me! YOU! HAHA! Good come on hurt me more!"

The girl started to run towards Y/n but as soon as she was about to attack Y/n, the girl was pushed back and both her legs were slightly cut. She looked at her two cuts and she got more exited knowing that there is someone how can put up a fight.

She noticed that two more projectiles went to her but she dogged them but she was slammed to a tree. "HAHAHA! Come on let's play some more! Let's play!" As she ran towards Y/n she didn't care that she was being cut in the process. Because she was having so much fun. As soon as she got close to Y/n

Y/n grabbed Neo and she dogged the girl's attack. "Hey. Hey. What's your name? So that we can keep playing." She started laughing maniacally but Y/n didn't respond. "Come on show me how far you're willing to go. Let's dance in the Chaos." As she kept on attacking while Y/n dodged her attacks with Neo in her arms.

(Take no credit for the photo.)

Y/n used her semblance and the girl noticed her eyes. "Ooo! What are you going to do?" In less then two seconds the girl was slightly cut with several swords and spears and she fell to the ground, she then gave Y/n a big smile. "Good. Good. That's what I'm talking about! Don't hold back! Haha!"

When Y/n got back she gently placed Neo close to a tree, but the girl close the gap very quickly and with one punch she send Y/n across two tree's. As soon as Y/n got slammed to the third tree she coughed out blood. The girl started rubbing both her arms in excitement. "You're making me so hot come on let's keep fighting. Let's dance together."

Y/n got irritated and she looked at the girl. "You are giving me a headache." Y/n responded. At that moment the girl could feel an overwhelming bloodlust coming from Y/n. As soon as she was about to attack Y/n. Several sword spewed out from the ground and stabbed her stomach, and legs stopping her movement but she simply got more exited. "Yes! Yes! Come on don't hold back! Rip and tear me to pieces! Show me the meaning of Chaos!" She raised he voice at Y/n.

Y/n summoned several swords and she send them all to the girl. Y/n then grabbed one of her swords and with great speed she charge at the girl giving her a scar on her chest and for a brief moment the girl smiled. But because of Y/n attack she was sent crashing to the ground, making a crater. And she was unconscious. Y/n then cut a tree that was close to her and the tree fell on top of the girl.

Y/n then fell on all fours exhausted she got up slowly and walked over to Neo. She picked her up and they boarded the bullhead to Beacon.

~Timeskip inside the ship~
~Y/n POV~
As we were heading to Beacon the girl looked at me. But she couldn't speak, so I simply responded first. "Do you have a name?" She looked at me and she nodded she then started writing something in her scroll and she showed it to me. "My name is Neopolitan, but you can call me Neo." Neo interesting name. " I know that I already told you my name. But you can call me Y/n Goodwitch... I know that it must be tough but can you explain everything that happened?" She avoided eye contact with me for like two minutes but she then nodded.

After she explained everything to me. I didn't know how to feel but one thing is certain. "I promise that nothing bad will happen. When we get to Beacon just let me explain everything to Professor Ozpin." She looked at me and she nodded.

~Timeskip Park~
The tree that was on top of the girl was moved. As the girl's hair covered her eyes. She started laughing. "Hehe... HAHAHAHAHA!"

~Y/n POV~
Back in school I took Neo to the Infirmary. As Neo was being taken care of, Ozpin and my Mother showed up. I explained everything that happened. Luckily I managed to not get to beaten up because I know how much mom worries about me. But Neo on the other hand had 5 broken ribs. And was placed under arrest in the hospital. Ozpin wanted to send her to jail but I stood up for her and I told hem that Neo was my responsibility. At first Ozpin declined it but at the end of the day he allowed her to stay on two conditions. One she would have to attend Beacon as a student. And Two she would have to be a part of my team. Which I accepted. Luckily when I told Neo that she wanted to cry but I told her it was fine and besides... I got other things on my mind right now until I deal with that I can't move on. But I'm still wondering who was that girl. And why did my chest hurt.

~Salem's Castle~
Salem was enjoying the peace and quiet until Lili appeared and she set in her throne. With a big smile on her face. "Hahaha! That was fun! So tell me Salem." Salem looked at her. "How was the girl that I fought?"

Salem smiled lightly. "Her name is Y/n. And you could say that she's very important to me. But tell me what did you think of her?"

Lili tilted her head and she crossed her arms. "She could summon swords and weapons. But something about her felt odd. Like I felt that for a brief moment she had some connection..."

Salem looked at her seriously. "What makes you say that?" Lili started thinking to her self. "Well for a brief moment I felt an overwhelming power coming from her but more than that I swear that I saw a small black diamond shaped marking on her forehead." She then opened her eyes. "Just kidding!" She started laughing but Salem remained quiet.

Salem sigh. "And what did you think of Y/n. Were you disappointed." She responded while still keeping her composure but Lili smiled creepily.

"No on the contrary I... Love her!" She started touching both her arms. "Y/n I want to fight her again. The hate she has it's so beautiful. And her obsession for vengeance." She started to blush. "I would kill for her and I won't let anyone have her. I love, love, love her so much. She's the one that will fight with me until our souls give out and Fade Into nothingness. I can't wait for our reunion." She then looked at the ceiling and her pupils were heart-shaped. "I have never met someone like her before! Hahaha!" Salem simply looked at her in disgust.

"The way she fought the way she cut me and humiliated me. She never once he'll back and that's Stern look on her face. It was like looking at another." She giggled and she looked at Salem. "You." But Salem remained quiet. "But don't worry I won't look too deep into it after all that wouldn't be any fun now would it." She then left the throne room.

Salem looked at the moon. "...Y/n be careful she is not an opponent that you should underestimate." She then closed her eyes and everything went dark.

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