Blooming Dragon

~3rd POV~ Rose Home~ time ??:??~
Summer was looking at both Yang, & Y/n playing with Ruby. Yang looked at Y/n with a smile on her face. "Sis when we get older let's become huntress that way we can protect Ruby together?" She smiled as she said that to her.

Y/n smile and nodded. "Yes let's and that way I can protect you to Big Sis."

Yang then petted Y/n head. "Hehe. Yeah let's look out for each other. Let's do this!"

"Don't you mean let's Yang this." She said as she played with Ruby. And Yang started laughing.

~3rd POV~ Beacon~ Glynda's Class~
Both Yang, & Y/n were pushed back as soon as their attack connected. When Y/n got her footing Yang rush forward and attacked her. As she got closer she fired several shotgun blast at Y/n. Y/n managed to avoid 3 of her attacks while 2 more were taken down by Y/n's semblance. When Yang got close she was going to hit her but in that second Y/n summoned a shield and protected her self.

As the shield disappeared Y/n quickly summoned 2 swords and she send it to attack Yang. But she simply dodged it by stepping to the sides. Both of them simply remained silent not wanting to talk. As Yang prepared another one of her shotgun she fired at Y/n. But she blocked it with her daggers which caused an explosion on impact, and smoke to cover her.

Yang then lowered her guard as the smoke cleared but at that moment, Y/n managed to send a sword at her but she blocked it with her gauntlet's. Which only caused her to be sent a few feet away. But Y/n didn't let up she proceeded to summon 6 more swords and she send it to Yang, but as the weapons got close Yang fired at them and they were sent flying, and the swords got stabbed on the floor wish immediately they disappeared.

Ruby, was getting worried for Y/n and so were her friends. As Yang looked at Y/n they both had red eyes. Yang noticed that she didn't have any bullets, as she released the empty bullets she had, she was going to change them but Y/n noticed what she was going to do. So she summoned 2 swords and she destroyed them before she could react.

"This is bad I can't get close to her... unless?" Yang thought to herself. Y/n rushed at her with her daggers and she started attacking her. But she started countering her attacks with her own.

When Y/n was going to attack her with both of her daggers. Yang managed to destroy them. Bu Y/n didn't stop her attack. As she raised both her arms she summoned a sword and she brought it down on Yang. But Yang with her right arm caught the swords and she tightened her grip, and she looked at Y/n with anger in her eyes. "My turn?" At that moment Y/n didn't have time to react, or counter. Yang then pulled Y/n toward her and punched her hard enough to send her flying back, towards a wall with great force. When Y/n hit the wall she coughed out blood, and she fell on the floor. "Y/n!" Glynda, Y/n's team, Ruby, and the rest of her friends called out to her shock.

Lili tightened her grip, at that instant she wanted to kill Yang but she new that it wasn't over.

As Y/n was trying to get up she got on all fours. For some reason time seemed to had slowed down. She looked at Yang and she coughed out blood, and from the forehead, the blood dripped over her left eye. Her body started to get heavier and her mind was slowly losing consciousness. "Am I going... To lose?" She was starting to close her eyes. "Is this... As far as I'll?" She thought to herself.

"So are you going to lose to her? Come on Y/n you're stronger than her."

Y/n snapped out of it and she noticed that right in front of her was Salem on a throne maid out of crystals, with her legs cross, and her right hand on her cheek, with a smile on her face.

~Y/n POV~
As I looked at Salem time for me felt like it had slowed down. But for me that wasn't important. "Are you going to give up? After coming so far." She said as she looked at me. I started to remember what lead to all of this and Salem was right I can't stop... Not now. I got on one knee but my stomach still felt pain, but... It doesn't hurt like the rest of this scars. "I'm not losing... To her EVER." I said with great anger.

~3rd POV~
As Salem got up from her throne, the throne disappeared and she looked over her shoulder at Yang. "Y/n you have so much potential that you haven't used." She then turned her attention back at Y/n. "So come on show me how much anger you have. Prove to me you are stronger then her show her your pain, your suffering." As Salem faded away time went back to normal.

Yang got closer, and closer she then prepared one last punch and she attacked Y/n. "It's over!" She shouted.

The room went silent and every student including Ozpin, and Glynda where surprised because Y/n was holding Yang's arm. Yang then backed away as far from her. Y/n started to slowly get up and she closed her eyes. Unbeknownst to her, a menacing aura was spilling out of her body but none could see it, except for Ozpin. Her nails where turning black, a black diamond-shaped marking appeared on the center of her forehead, but thanks to her hair it covered it, she then slowly open her eyes which no longer where blood red, but a more crimson irises.

~Ozpin POV~
As I looked at Y/n I felt that her aura had changed but, what is this felling I have to stop this fight. But why... Why is my arms trembling.

~3rd POV~
As Yang looked at her she cued tell that something was wrong. She then stepped back as she looked at Y/n. She then thought to herself. "What's going on she feels... Different then a minute ago."

"Are you just going to stand there, or fight?" Y/n said while sounding menacingly. Yang remained silent. "Fine then." As soon as Yang blinked Y/n was already in front of her, she then proceeded to punch Yang in the stomach. But she didn't stop there as Yang tried to catch her breath, Y/n then grabbed her by her neck and she proceeded to slam her to the ground. Yang then noticed that Y/n had summoned a sword and she managed to get away before it attacked her.

Yang was trying to keep her cool by getting away from Y/n. She then got close to the wall trying to keep some distance between Y/n. But it was impossible.

Y/n noticed that Yang's back was against the wall. She then started to slowly approach her. The closer she got the more Yang's heart started to raise. "Please stop? I'm begging you Sis I have learned my lesson so please stop!" Yang called out to her but she wasn't lessening.

"We're not done here until one of us is on the floor, and besides why should I listen to a Trader." Y/n said in a calm voice.

When Y/n got close to her, Yang didn't realized that her back was against the wall. She was then grabbed by her face which Y/n then proceeded to slam her to the wall with the same amount of force that Yang used and making a small crater. And she let go of Yang. As she fell to the ground she tried to crawl away but she was grabbed by her right leg. "Where are you going?" She then proceeded to slam Yang to the ground with the same amount of force she used.

Y/n then let her leg go and she walked to her side. "Come on aren't you strong?... I guess what they say is true your semblance is just a simple temper tantrum." Yang didn't respond or said anything.

Yang started to crawl away but she was to much in pain to move, but Y/n summoned a sword right in front of her, preventing her from escaping.

"Do you know what payback is Yang?" Yang just wanted to get away but Y/n grabbed her legs and she brought her close to her. She then turned her around to face her. Yang then looked at Y/n's face and she noticed that she was more agitated. "Do you have any idea." Y/n then stomped on her stomach over, and over. She then raised her voice. "Do you have any idea the hell I went through!" She then stop stomping on her stomach.

As Yang was about to attack with one of her free arms. Y/n noticed it and she summoned a sword. The sword then got stabbed at her arm and it disappeared.

"Fine then I guess you never knew." Y/n then seat on Yang's stomach. "Then let me show you the same pain I felt." She then cracked her knuckles. "Don't worry I won't use my semblance, but I won't go easy on you." She then started punching Yang in the face over, and over, and over again.

As Yang was being punched in the face she remembered what she told Y/n a long time ago. "Sis when we get older let's become huntress that way we can protect Ruby together?" A 6 year old Yang responded to Y/n. It then changed to Her talking with her parents. "It's because of you that she got away and left us! I promise to Oum! That I will never forgive you!" It then changed to Yang talking with Raven alone. "Yang please." Raven bagged. "SHUT UP I don't want to hear it your not my Mother! My Mother wasn't a Demon like you!" But then it was Yang talking to her self. "Why did I do it she was my Sister so why. Dammit!" She then snapped out of it and she realized that Y/n arms where bleeding and Yang couldn't move.

~Yang POV~
I see so this is my punishment. As I looked at her I tried to muster up the energy to speak. "I... Am... So... Sorry Sis. I should have been there for you but." She kept on punching me but I was starting to lose consciousness. "I'm sorry Y/n. I'm sorry Ruby." I know that you will never forgive me but please.

~3rd POV~
Y/n punched Yang one last time knocking her out. There was a brief moment of silence until. "Winner Y/n Goodwitch!" Ozpin said but Y/n wasn't finished. She got up from Yang and she picked her up by her hair and she summoned a scythe and placed it close to Yang's neck.

~Y/n POV~
"NO STOP! DON'T DO IT!" I can hear people calling out but I don't care, what they want anymore. I just want.

As I held Yang I started to remember what Mom told me. "Please whatever you do don't kill them please." I then looked at my team and I noticed that they shook their heads. And I turned my attention back at Yang. But it's to late for that, it's to late for me.

~3rd POV~
Y/n then attacked Yang and her body fell to the ground. Every student froze at what Y/n just did, but as Y/n grabbed Yang by her hair they all noticed what she actually did.

~Timeskip~ Yang POV~
I woke up in the Infirmary and I noticed that Raven was right beside me. "You okay are you hurt?" She started checking my pulse, and she touched my forehead, but I got annoyed and I slapped her arms away.

"Don't touch me? Where is Y/n what happened?" She remained silent for a brief moment. And she looked at the monitor I noticed that the next fight was going to be between Y/n, & Runy and I couldn't help but get worried. But besides that for some reason my head felt a bit lighter. "Yang?" I didn't want to look at her but not like I had a choice. So I respond to her. "What?"

Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Her question really pisses me off.

"I'm okay I don't need your opinion..." I then sigh. "But what did Y/n do?"

She lowered her head. "About that?" She then pointed at a mirror.

I got up from the bed and I walked over to the mirror. As I looked at my reflection I noticed what she did. I felt so angry that I punched the mirror and it cracked. "Dammit!" I touched my hair and I noticed that my one's long hair was cut. I felt angry, upset, and sad. "Dammit... DAMMIT ALL!" I just started to cry I just wanted to punch Y/n so bad but this is what she meant by... Payback.

Raven was going to consult me. But I didn't want to hear it. "Don't! Touch me! This is all your faults! WHY did you force me to do that to Y/n! If it wasn't because of you all then! I would still have my Sister's! But no I had to listen to you and Dad! I HATE all of you people!"

"Yang I-"

I didn't even want to look at her. "Shut up! You are nothing you hear me! Go back to your tribe! At least that's your real Family!" And with that I bolted out of the room, away from her.

~Raven POV~
As Yang ran away I was left alone I started to cry. I tried to fix everything but what kind of mother can't fix her daughter's relationship. "If I could go back in time I would but I can't. I'm sorry Yang. I'm sorry Ruby. I'm sorry... Y/n."

~3rd POV~
Lili was laughing maniacally to her self. "So this is the power that you have Y/n I'm so excited. Haha! Come on I want to see more of you! Y/n I want to fight you again! Haha! All this fighting is making my body burn up inside! But what is your connection to." She said as she started to blushing.

Meanwhile unbeknownst to Y/n, her nails where still black, the diamond-shaped marking was still on her forehead, but thanks to her hair it covered it, and her eyes we're still crimson irises.

Ruby maid her why to the arina but Y/n noticed that she didn't have her crescent rose with her. "Where is your weapon?" Y/n said sounding irritated.

Ruby smiled and she shook her head. "I'm not going to use it."

Y/n sigh. "... Have it your way?"

"The last match of today Y/n Goodwitch... vs... Ruby Rose! Are the two of you ready?" They both nodded. "3!"

"I just need to finish her and that's it. This will put an end to." Y/n told her self. "2!"

"Sis I promise that I will make things right I promise." Ruby told her self. "1!"

Ivary responded to Layla without taking her eyes away from Y/n. "This is it right her final fight?"

Layla nodded. "Yes but all we can do is support her. And hope to Oum that things will be okay." Ivary, & Neo nodded. Zahra was looking at Y/n with a stern look.

Summer was looking at her two daughters crying, & hopping that they we're going to be fine. Tai, & Qrow we're still unconscious. Yang was in her dorm crying over the fact at what Y/n did to her. Glynda was hoping that everything was going to be okay. Ozpin on the other hand cued feel that Y/n aura was different, but he was still felling her bloodlust. "Begin!"

Y/n started to walk to Ruby getting closer, & closer to her. But Ruby didn't move she just remained still. "Sis I hurt you a long time ago, but not this time I won't hurt you. I will let you do what you want so go right ahead." Ruby said as she approached her.

When Y/n got close to Ruby. She simply smiled at Y/n and she closed her eyes. "If killing me will make you happy then go right ahead Big Sis."

"...." Y/n then grabbed Ruby by her neck with one arm, and she started to apply pressure.

~Y/n POV~
As I was applying pressure to Ruby's neck she wasn't fighting back at all WHY. As I applied more pressure something started to happen. I started seeing a bright light that engulf me, and I closed my eyes. But when I open them I noticed I was in the one place I wasn't planning to go back to. "This is my..." Right in front of me was my old home... The Rose Home.

(I take no credit for the photo.)

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