Beacon Academy (Updated)

~{3rd POV}~

We open up as we see, Y/n and the rest of her friends walk off the Bullhead. Y/n notice Ruby approaching her quickly manages to escape from her along with her friends.

~{Y/n's POV}~

As I manage to lose Ruby in the crowd of students, that walked out of the ship. I felt someone grab my hand, I then looked at them, and noticed that it was Ivary. Thanks to her we then manage to walk pass by the students, all while not being noticed by Ruby. 

"Dammit! Why won't she leave me alone?" I respond to myself in an irritated tone, still feeling frustrated that she was here.

Layla got close to me. "Come on we have to get to the Auditorium." Layla said as she got close to me.

So not having much to do, we all started heading to the Auditorium. But as we got close to the place, I noticed Ruby again apologizing to some girl with wight hair. 

"What are you doing?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?!" The white haired girl said. But me not wanting to deal with her drama I simply ignored them and kept on walking. As I turned my back on them, I heard an explosion which then got my attention. And as I looked at them I only to find Ruby, and the girl with smoke surrounding them. I had to admit I couldn't help myself, and I started laughing on the inside.

"Serves you right." I told myself.

As I turned to leave I noticed that my friend were looking at me. So not wanting to keep them waiting we quickly started making our way to the Auditorium. Zahra quickly ran inside excited, Layla quickly followed after her. And Ivary was keeping an eye out for both Ruby and Yang. But speaking of devil, I noticed that the two of them were talking about something. But not wanting to get dragged in to their problems, I simply ignored them, and kept to myself. That is until I noticed that Ozpin had shown up on the stage.

~{Ozpin's POV}~

When I got on top of the Auditorium I looked at all the students. I sigh as most of them didn't look prepared for this school, so before I could speak I took a deep breath. "I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But as I look amongst you, all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step. That will be all."

~{Y/n's POV}~

As professor Ozpin walked off the stage, I noticed that he handed over the microphone to my mother. "Student's you will be staying in the ballroom and when your initiation is over you will be giving teams. So please grab enough rest and prepare for the initiation tomorrow."

She then looked across the room, it was only then that we locked eyes. She smiled and then walked away. I smiled back, and walked away with everyone else. I noticed that Ruby was approaching me but thanks to the crowd of people and Zahra passing through, I along with Ivary and the twins manage to get away. 

"That was close? Come on let's go to the ballroom?" I said letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Right." All of them responded in unison.

~{Ruby's POV}~

I tried to get close to the girl, with (H/c) and (E/c) eyes, but she ran away before I could say anything. I couldn't put my finger in it, but something about her felt familiar.

"Ruby come on!" It was then that Yang responded to me. Which took me out of my train of thought. 

"Coming." I said as we both started walking our way to the ballroom. The more I thought about the girl, the more I started feeling like, I've seen her before. But the more I thought about it, the more my wrist started hurting, and the only thing that ran throw my mind at that time was. "Big Sis, Y/n."

~{3rd POV}{Time Skip: 8:34 p.m.}~

As we cut to the ballroom, we see most of the students getting ready for tomorrow. As Y/n was lost in her own thought, she paid no mind to her surroundings as Ivary then slowly approached her. Ivary was wearing what looked like short pants and a sleeveless black shirt. Y/non the other hand was wearing a turtleneck shirt with long  sleeves, and long pants that hid away all the scars. It was only when Ivary reached inside Y/n shirt, that made her jump. She then started groping her, which most students simply tried to ignore.

"Ivary what the hell?" Y/n said in a low pitched tone.

"Hmmm, Soooo soft." Ivary responded back, almost sounding like a pervert.

So as the two continued, not to far from them, we could see Layla walking around with a blue kimono sleepwear and short pants, she also held a book in her arms. Zahra on the other hand was wearing a big shirt with a design of a bunny saying duck season on the back and long pants. Unlike most students she kept on running around with no sense of stopping. One could say that she had TO MUCH energy. 

Back to Ivary, after finally calming down, she looks at Y/n who was keeping an eye out for Ruby.

"You okay, Y-" She quickly shook her head, before continuing what she was going to say. "I mean Aisha?"

Y/n looks back at her, and nods. "I'm okay. Just trying to make sure that you know who. Doesn't bother me."

"Well I you want I can help you relax." Ivary said with a smile on her face, she then tries to grope Y/n again, but was quickly stopped by her, who simply pinched Ivary's arm's. Y/n then playfully smiles back at her. 

"I don't think so?" Said Y/n with a black look on her face, mixed with a faint smile. "But nice try."

Ivary hung her head in defeat, and pouted. "Aaaa you never let me have any fun." 

Ivary then smiles, as Y/n then started petting Ivary's head, which then made her tail started waging. Ivary then blushed, and simply kept quiet. Y/n stopped and got inside her sleeping bag.

"I'm going to sleep, goodnight Ivary. Tell the twins I told them goodnight." 

Ivary nods back at her friend. "Yeah, Goodnight Aisha."

~{Layla's POV}~

As I was walking around trying to find a good place to read, I noticed a girl wearing all black and a bow. I let out a silent sigh before responding to myself. 

"Might as well make some friends." So having no other options I approached her and I started a small conversation. "Excuse me. Would you mind if I sit here?" 

"Sure go right ahead." She said looking at me.

I then took out my book and started reading. She then noticed that she was looking at me.

"If you don't mind me asking. What are you reading? What's it about?"

I looked at her and I smiled. "Oh you love books?" 

She nodded. "Yes."

Just hearing the fact that she liked books, I couldn't hold my excitement any longer. "It's about a boy who tries to save his love ones, but ultimately fails to do so. So having nothing more he now has to go on a journey to fix his mistakes, and save everyone. And you?"

"It's about a person with two souls each fighting for control over its body."

"Hey, I've heard about that one. But I haven't had the time to read it."

"Is that so. Then if you want, when your done with that book, I could lend you mine."

"Sure I don't mind."

After finishing talking, and exchanging contact info, I got up but not before responding again. "Can I ask your name? Mines, Layla Otohime." 

She smiled. "Blake Belladonna, I hope we can talk about books some other time." 

"The feeling is mutual." As I was about to leave I looked at her. "Oh, and don't worry your secret is safe with me." I then pointed at her bow. For some reason she got a bit worried.

"How did you?" 

I smile. "I have a faunus sister so don't worry I won't tell anyone." I noticed she calm down and smiled. I then left, and waved goodbye to her. "See ya around Blake."

As I was walking away a blond girl and a girl with black and red hear past me.

~{Ruby's POV}~

As Yang pulled me over to the girl that was reading a book. I saw as a girl wearing a kimono passed by us. I wanted to stop her, because I saw her talking to the girl with (H/c) hair, but I didn't want to seem rude, so I let her be. 

"Who was that girl? I saw her with that (H/c) girl." I told myself. But I then looked at Yang. Good thing I was wearing two wristband if not Yang world freak out. But that wouldn't have mattered. "Yang, stop pulling!"

~{3rd POV}{10:28 p.m.}~

After everyone had fallen asleep Layla and Ivary could also be seen sleeping. Zahra on the other had was still awake, not wanting to wake up her sister, she slowly got up and managed not to wake her. She then walked over to Y/n, who was already asleep, and slowly started to gently wake her up. 

"(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n) please wake up."

~{Y/n's POV}~

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name, and shaking me. But when I opened them, I noticed that it was Zahra. I then respond to her, all the while still feeling sleepy. "Zahra why are you awake? Go to sleep."

I said looking at her, but as I looked at her, I noticed that her face was red. But I tried my best not to pry to much in to it. 

"I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you?"

I looked at Layla, who was fast asleep. I sigh and I opened my sleeping bag. "Come on. But don't move to much." 

Zahra then nods, and got inside my sleeping bag. "Thank you."

Ones she was comfortable, I petted her head and in less than a few minutes she fell asleep. I then looked at her, and I couldn't help but smile at that adorable sleeping face of hers. I then patted her head which cost her to smile.

"Goodnight Zahra."

~{3rd POV}{2:37 a.m.}~

2:37 a.m. Y/n woke up inside a dark room, with nothing but darkness around her. "Mother!" 

She screamed but nothing was heard. "Ivary!" She shouted again, but got the same silence.

Just then as she called out to her friends, her chest started hurting. But it didn't face her. "Zahra! Layla!"

Her chest pain then intensified, forcing her to drop to her knees. She then started breathing heavenly, as voices from that very same darkness started to speak.


Y/n covered her ears trying her best not to lessen to them. 


As the voices kept shouting at her, the scars around her body began to hurt. 


"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up!"

Just then she shouted back at the voice, and everything fell silent. She then slowly opened her eye's and noticed that she was in the ballroom. As a cold sweep ran down the side of her face, she slowly got up from her sleeping bag, and managed to not wake up Zahra. She then started walking outside, but unbeknownst to her she was being followed.

Ones outside the scars around her body started hurting her, to the point that it made her drop to her knees. She then cross her arm's in pain, while on the floor the person started looking at her. Felling that someone was looking at her Y/n looks over her shoulder.

In the person's perspective they looked on as Y/n was seen on the floor. But as soon as they blink, they notice as Y/n had disappeared. When the person came out of hiding, they looked around but Y/n had disappeared. That is until a sword was placed close to the person's neck.

"Why are you following me?" Y/n said, as the person simply raised there arm's up in the air. 

"Wait! I-I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

~{Y/n's POV}~

After the pain had subsided I seat on a bench, and the person did the same. I noticed that the person was a girl with a black bow on her head.

"So mind introducing yourself?" I responded to the girl. 

"Oh sorry, my name is Blake Belladonna sorry for the trouble." 

I stared at her for a moment, but then smiled, and calm down. 

"It's okay.  So why did you follow me?" She looked a bit worried as I spoke to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. It's just you look like you were in so mush pain."

Truth be told I didn't want to answer her question. Because she didn't have anything to do with this. So I then look at her, and then I turn to look at the moon.

She then looks away. "It's okay. I'm not going to force you to tell me." 

A moment of silence stood between the two of us. I did notice that bow over her head, so. "Okay, but can you tell me one thing? Are you a faunus?" She looked at me, with a concern look on her face. She didn't told me anything, but nevertheless I smiled and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Forget what I said." 

She smiled back. "I'm sorry." 

I then let out a silent sigh, before looking at her again. "Tell me? Do you have a family? A family that loves you?" I said questioning her. She nod at my question with a smile. "I see. I'm glad... unlike me, you have a family that loves you... I to had a family that I adored... But then." 

She then looks at me, with a confused look on her face. "You had? What do you mean?"

~{3rd POV}~

Blake still confused at her question respond again to her. "What did you mean by that?"

Just then Y/n rolled up her left sleeve. Blake eyes then widen as she saw Y/n's scars. Deep down it made her sick, knowing that there's people that would do that to a Girl. She then looks away. Blake not wanting to be left in the dark responded to her again. 

"I'm sorry... But can you tell me, what happened?" 

Y/n smiled as she locked at her cars. "Okay. But on one condition." Blake nodded. "Can you become friends with Layla and Zahra. You look like you were having fun with Layla reading. So I figured that the three of you could be friend." 

Blake smiled and nodded. "Okay, I promise. But when did you notice?"

"I have a keen sense for these things."

Y/n then proceeded to explain everything to her. Everything about her family, about the scars, and about how she ran away and met her new family and friends. After explaining everything to her, Blake started going inside, but then stops and turns to face Y/n again. 

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I don't plan on telling a single soul."

Y/n smiled back at her. "Thank you, Blake." 

Blake then proceeded to go inside. Leaving Y/n to her own thoughts.

After a while Y/n went inside. While making her way to her sleeping bag, she noticed that Zahra was scratching her right eye. Zahra looks at her who was awake. 

"Hey did you just wake up?"

Zahra nod's back. "I couldn't sleep." She said still half-asleep. Y/n then let's out a sigh, and smiles. She then got inside the sleeping bag and got comfortable. Almost instantly Zahra quickly fell asleep and so did Y/n.

Unbeknownst to them Layla was somewhat awake, but she simply smiled and went back to sleep, with a present warm smile.

In Ruby's sleeping bag. She was looking at the ceiling, with a series look on her face. She then proceeded to take off one of the wrist band and looks at scars. 

"Big Sis, Y/n." Ruby told herself. She then put her wristband back on, and closed her eyes, before ultimately falling sleep.

~{Time Skip: Ballroom, 7:30 a.m.}~

We then cut to Layla being one of the first students to wake up, as the rest of the students then started waking up. After stretching she got up, and woke up Y/n, Ivary, and Zahra, who were still asleep. Y/n woke up and gently started to wake up, as Zahra kept on sleeping.


Ivary responds while still half-asleep, and yawning. Y/n smiled and nods. After getting prepared they all went to the cafeteria to get something to eat before the initiation. It was going to be a long day, and they had to prepare something good before leaving. Wen they picked up there food, they were trying to pick a spot to eat. It was then that Y/n noticed, Blake waving at her from the distance. They all then went and took a seat close to Blake.

Ruby on the other hand, picked up her food, and noticed that, the Girl with H/c was eating a few feet away from her. 

"Now's my chance." She told herself. 

"Ruby over here!" Ruby noticing that Yang was waving at her. Let's out a sigh before proceeding to sit next to Yang.

Yang looked at her. "What's wrong sis?"

Ruby fake smiles and shock her head. "It's nothing." Ruby then points at the girl, with (H/c), which Yang then notices her. "You know her?" Ruby questioning her Sister. But Yang then shock her head. 

"No. But I feel like I've seen her before somehow." Yang then places her right arm on, Ruby's shoulder and smiles. "Well then why don't you go introduce yourself, when the initiation is over?"

Ruby smiles  to herself. "Yeah you're right. I'll do that."

When Y/n and the rest of her friends had finished eating, they all started heading to the initiation spot. Noticed that there were more people then usual like parents, family's and so on. Blake looks at the crowd, and notices two familiar people. The two people then look at Blake and waved at her. Blake sigh, Y/n looks at her with a confused look on her face.

"You know them Blake?" 

Blake smiles at Y/n. "Yes they're my parents. I'm sorry but I'll see you later." Blake then proceeded to leave but not before responding one last time to Y/n. "Take care."

Y/n and everyone else then started making their way to the initiation spot. Ones there she stops in shock because right in front of her were none other then her old family, Summer and Tai. Luckily Raven and Qrow weren't there. The others saw this and proceeded to simply pass on through, all the while trying to calm her down.

"Everything's going to be okay." Ivary said while trying to calm her down.

Zahra then held Y/n's arm, and smiled. "We're here for you. So don't let them get to you."

Layla then who was standing behind Y/n, placed her hand on her back. "Your going to be okay."

Y/n looks at the rest of her friends, before calming herself. "Y-Yeah."

When they got to the spot they noticed that Ozpin was there, looking over the edge of the cliff, and with a cup of coco on his hand. Ozpin then takes a sip of his hot coco, before turning his attention at the Girl's. 

"Good morning, Girl's. Your early though... Well no matter for now take your spots, and wait for the other's." The girl's smiled and nods, Layla on the other hand approached Ozpin. 

"If it's okay with you. Would you allow me to be with my sister?" 

"Certainly." Ozpin said as he nod's at her.

~{Ruby's POV}~

As we we're making our way out of the cafeteria, me and Yang spotted both Mom and Dad were here. I was both happy, but annoyed at the fact that they were here. But why? Before I could question them, Mom quickly looks at me, and Yang, and proceeds to hug the both of us. When we parted Dad fallowed by hugging us.

"There's me little Angel's." Mom responded but her words only made me sick.

"What are you doing here Mom?" I respond in a concerning tone. 

"We just came to see your initiation, and to cheer you on." Mom said smiling. 

But I simply sigh. "Okay then, but if you start to feel bad, don't hesitate to go to the nurse's office."

She then smiled at me and nods. "I'm glad that your so worried about me."

I rolled my eyes, and what she said. "Please... I just don't want you to start picking fights here."

"O-Oh... I-I'm sorry."

~{Yang's POV}~

I turned my attention at Dad. So wanting to question him I respond. "What are you doing here, Dad?" 

He smiled. "We'll I'm here to cheer you on, and to take care of your, Mother." 

I looked at Mom but I then gave her a hug. After that me and Ruby started walking to the initiation spot. The strangest part was the fact that Ruby was quiet. So I figured that since we we're alone, why not question her. 

"Hey, Sis about-"

~{Ruby's POV}~

"Don't bring it up." I said as I stopped walking, I then locked eyes with Yang. I then got close to her face. "You think that I have forgiven you for what happened? Well news flash I haven't. If back then I hadn't help you, then maybe, just maybe I would still have my Big sister. But no at the moment your all I got, so fun. I still HATE myself for helping you, and I still hate them for what they did to our sister." Yang hang her head in shame. Just by looking at her, I could already feel the tears starting to form on my eye's. "But I don't intent to forgive you. Not until I find my Big sis. So just because you're acting like a big sister it doesn't mean that I respect you as one. So don't bring this up again." I then walked away. "Big sis I promise, I will find you."

~{Yang's POV}~

I saw as Ruby walked away, by the look in her eyes I could tell how much she really hated me. And not only me, but every one of our family. But I was just like her. I HATE our family. I look to the blue sky and the only thing that comes to mind is her. "Y/n."

~{Y/n's POV}~

I was looking at the view from the mountain, and taking in the fresh air. I had to admit it was nice. So taking in the fresh air, I closed my eye's, and relaxed. But just as I had relaxed I felt that someone was in front of me. When I open my eye's, I noticed that it was Ruby. When the hell did she get in front of me? I was guessing that she didn't get the hint of me not wanting to talk to her. So as the two of us locked eyes, she extends her right arm in a greeting. 

"Um hello! I know we just meet, but I'm Ruby Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can be good friends." She said trying to be friendly with me. 

But i simply crossed my arm's. "Can you leave me alone. I'm trying to enjoy the fresh air." I said in the most calming tone I could muster. But she didn't get the FUCKING hint.

"I-I-I'm... sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you." 

She then walked to one of the launching pads. And the blond boy started talking to her.

~{Ruby's POV}~

"Hey, Ruby." I looked at Jaune. 

"Hey, Jaune." He looked concern. "You okay? If you don't want to talk about it, then it's okay. But if you change your mind then, I don't mind lending an ear. After all Mom said I was always a great listener." 

I smiled knowing that he mean well. But. "Thanks Jaune but it's nothing." H then simply nods.

~{Ozpin's POV}~

After every student arrive I look at them, but the one that caught my attention was Ruby and Aisha. I don't know why. But I felt this wall between the two. But I paid it no mind, and brushed it off. I then nod at Glynda, and she nod's back.

"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Glynda step forward. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today."

"Um Sir how are we going to get down from here? Are you going to drop us of?" Jaune said as he raised his arm.

I on the other hand simply turned my attention to the other students. "No. You will be using your own landing strategy. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die."

~{3rd POV}~

Glynda looked at Y/n, Ivary, Layla, and Zahra and smiled at them. "Be careful. And please come back safe." The girl's smiled at Glynda. 

"Right!" The girl's said in unison, and with bright happy smiles.

As the rest of the students were being launched one by one, Ruby turns her attention to, Y/n who was cracking her knuckles. Y/n on the other hand noticed, that Ruby was looking at her, but simply ignored her. Y/n was then launched, then it was Ivary, and the twins. Ruby then turned her attention to Yang who put on a pair of sunglasses she then winks at Ruby, she is then launched. Ruby was then launched after her. And last but not least Jaune being the last one is then launched.

Ozpin and Glynda look on as they saw the students all go. Glynda gripped her scroll, and in a worried tone responds to herself. "Please come back safe." And just like that everything fades to Black.

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