Bad Luck Demon

~3rd POV~
~Forest~ Time ??:??~

As the Sun was setting Tai, & Qrow were walking back home. Qrow took out he's flask and he started drinking, Tai looked at him. "When are you going to stop drinking?" He said as he pointed at the flask.

"Hey I can quit when ever I want!" Qrow respond while taking a sip of he's flask.

Tai then sigh. "If you say so."

They then remained silent until Qrow spoke up. "What about you? Are you still worried?"

Tai nodded. "Yes I can't stop worrying about the future. Will I be able to give my three daughters the love, and support they deserve. You know that kind of stuff and besides... I just hope I don't FUCK up."

Qrow sigh and he scratched the back of he's head. "Look I don't know why your getting so worried about. After all you got Summer, and Raven, so you can lean on them if you need help me included."

Tai then smiled. "Yeah your rights thanks Qrow."

"And besides it's not like YOU could fuck it up." Qrow said jokingly. Which made Tai smile awkwardly.

~Glynda's Class~ Arena~

"Begin!" Ozpin said as he looked at Y/n ready to fight. But as soon as he looked at Tai, & Qrow they looked at each other and they nodded.

Immediately Qrow throw he's weapon on the ground far from him. And along with Tai he simply looked at Y/n with a smile on he's face. He along with Tai wanted to avoid fighting her but one look at Y/n, said otherwise. Tai then prostrate him self.

"Get up?" Y/n ordered him. But he didn't lesson.

"Kid-" Qrow was going to speak but a sword appeared and cut him on he's cheek. With great speed but he only  flinch a little.

"Don't call me a kid? If all your going to do is say your sorry, then I don't want to hear it." She said as she gave him a death glare.

As Qrow looked at her eyes he quickly looked away. She then started walking towards them. Tai then got up from the floor and with a worried expression. As she got closer Qrow backed away from her, but Tai didn't move still hoping to get he's daughter back. She then stopped in front of Tai.

"Y/n I-" Tai was going to say something but he was abruptly punched in the face, he took two steps back and he momentary lost he's balance but he managed to keep his balance before almost falling which irritated Y/n. "That's my girl." He smiled as he wiped his lip. "You have gotten so strong I'm proud of you. Hehe."

He's smile only infuriated Y/n even more. "Are you going to fight?" She said but he shook he's head. "Have it your way." As he looked at her, he immediately was stabbed in both he's thighs. He fell on he's knees in pain but he kept it together.

"It's... Okay Y/n." He responded while struggling with the pain. She tilted her head in confusions. "It's okay as long as your safe I don't mind getting hurt... I... I cost you so much pain. I let you suffer instead of helping you. So it's okay if you want to keep beating me down."

She then summoned two more swords while one of them stabbed he's left arm and disappeared, the other one cut him on he's chest and disappeared. He then fell on he's back to the ground. He then tried to calm he's breathing. "I know how much you're suffering-"

"Shut up. Just SHUT UP!" She said as he looked at her. As he stayed on the floor he noticed that she had tears in her eyes.

"What do you know about suffering! I was always alone in the dark! You never one's cared for me! So don't act as do you know what I'm feeling!" She cried out raising her voice. She then made it rain swords where he was.

As the swords fell on him, he tried he's best to hold the pain. "It's okay... Y/n." The swords then stopped. As he kept on talking Y/n started getting a headache. As the headache went away. She then walked over to him. He simply looked at her with a sad, and happy expression. "I will never again raise my hand at my... Daughter." He said sounding kind of weak.

She then dried her tears and she looked at him. "You don't deserve my forgiveness. And I refuse to forgive you. And besides you and I have nothing to talk about so don't waste your breath you abuser." She then raised her left leg and she stomped on he's face over, and over, and over, and over again with great anger.

As Y/n continued to stomp on his face. Tai started to remember the past.

~Tai POV~
Y/n I'm sorry that I never got the chance to make things right. You have every right to hate us but if you ever give us one chance I promise that things will be different. "Papa!"


I turned around and I noticed that a young Y/n was looking at me with her red eyes, but I still smiled at her.

"What is it Y/n. Is something wrong?" I respond as I got on one knee and I get to her level.

"I promise that one day I will make you proud of me!" She said as she looked at me with a gentle smile. I then smiled as I petted her head.

"I'm already proud of you sweetheart and besides it's not going to be easy but you have to get stronger first. So until then get stronger and make us even prouder."

She smiled. "Of course I promise to protect Big Sis to."

~Present time~
As Y/n removed her foot of my face I cued hardly look at her or speak for that matter. I simply extended my arms at her and I started to tear up. "Y/n... I... ry." I cued hardly speak but I have to try. "I am... Sorry."

She then shook her head. "I have nothing more to say to you." I see so no more words. And just like that she raised her leg one last time and I lost consciousness.

~3rd POV~
Y/n then removed her foot of he's face and she turned to look at Qrow. "Are you going to fight?" He shook hes head. Y/n simply looked at him without deactivating her semblance. She then summoned several weapons to attack him and he was engulfed in weapons until they disappeared.

He then landed close to he's weapons which she picked up and used it as a cane. "Please no more I refuse to fight you. So." He then throw he's weapon away from him. "I won't fight back!"

"So you refuse to fight back? Then tell me why did you abused me? Why go so far to make me suffer?" He remained silent but because of that he was cut several times with weapons that Y/n summoned. He nearly fell to the floor but he managed to keep he's balance. "What did I ever do to make you all HATE me! Answer me!" She raised her voice but he didn't respond back.

She continued to summon weapons upon weapons to attack him, but he still wasn't fighting back. Y/n then got frustrated and she engulfed him in weapons. When the weapons disappeared Qrow fell to the floor with several injuries. But he was still conscious. He looked at her and he started to sound groggy. "Please... Stop... I can't... Take much more."

She noticed that a flask was on his pockets, so she got close to him and she took it. As she inspected the flask she shake it and it was still full. "Tell me Qrow does it hurt?" He looked at her and he nodded. "Good I'm glad. I guess luck is not on your side today." She then opened it and she poured it all over he's open wounds, which caused him tremendous pain. As he looked at her he started to remember what he did to her. And how much pain she was in when he did that to her. But before he's body gave out he started to remember something from the past.

~Flashback~ Rose's Home~
"Uncle Qrow!?" As he turned around he noticed a small Y/n running towards him.

"Need something Cookie Monster mark 2?" He said with a smile.

"Uncle Qrow? When are you going to play with us." She said and he noticed that at the corner of the room Ruby, & Yang we're hiding.

"Hehe. Okay. Okay. When I come back I promise to play with the three of you." Y/n eye's sparkle as soon as he said that.

"Really!?" She said and he nodded. He then turned to the door and he opened it. "See you later kid."

~Present time~
He looked at Y/n and all he could see was her bloodlust. "Y/n... I'm... So-" And just like that he fainted because of the pain.

"Winner Y/n Goodwitch!"

Both Tai, & Qrow were unconscious Ozpin couldn't believe what was going on. How could one student defeat team SRTQ. Glynda looked at her daughter and she started to get more worried. "Y/n." She said as she looked at Y/n.

As the nurse took Tai, & Qrow to the Infirmary. Y/n turned her attention to Yang with great anger in her eyes. "Sis." Yang said to her self but as she looked at Y/n. Y/n simply gave her a death glare.

Y/n then turned to look at Yang, and Ruby. "Let's end this Yang, Ruby."

Yang then looked at Ruby how was getting worried, but she new she had no right to be worried about her. "Well miss Yang come to the Arena?" Ozpin said as several students looked at her.

"I... Y/n! I challenge you to a one on one... You against me alone." Yang said as her arms tremble.

Ruby didn't care that she had to participate she just wanted Y/n back. Ozpin looked at Y/n. "What do you think Y/n do you except?"

Y/n Didn't respond for a little bit until. "Have it your way." Yang then started to make her way to the Arina.

~Yang POV~
Finally I'm going to make things right I promise Sis. As I stood in front of Y/n all I cued feel was this sense of hatred but I had to remained calm. I have to at least make things right. "Before anything I just-"

"SHUT UP YOU TRAITOR!" The way she said it really hurt. But I have no other choice.

She didn't give me time to finish. I see so she wasn't going to let me try to apologize. "Sis?"

"Stop calling me that?" I noticed that she then summoned two daggers and she grabbed them.

I started to remember what the other Y/n told me. And my hands started to tremble but I had to remained calm. "3!" I got into a fighting stance and I raised my guard.

~Y/n POV~
I looked at Yang and I noticed how the crowd went silent. As I gripped the two daggers I got in to a fighting stance. But deep down I just wanted revenge and nothing more. So no matter what happens I will have my revenge. "2!"

~3rd POV~
Ivary, Neo, Zahra, & Layla were getting worried but deep down they had to remained calm no matter what. "1!"

~Ozpin POV~
What is going on I can sense an overwhelming bloodlust from Y/n but why. As the principal I should stop this fight but why do I still continue it. I hesitate to start the fight but I have no other choice. "Begin!"

~Ruby POV~
Please Sis be careful, please I don't want to lose you. So please Oum let Sis be okay.

~3rd POV~
Y/n, & Yang looked at each other. Y/n still had her semblance activated. Yang simply looked at her. As they were about to start they remembered something from their past.

A small Yang looked at Y/n. "Hey Sis? Let's get stronger. That way we can protect Ruby together." Yang said.

The small Y/n nodded and smiled at her. "Yeah I promise that will get stronger together. And one day I will defeat you."

Yang smiled. "Then you better get stronger Sis." They then started laughing as the young Ruby approached them. As the young Y/n, & the young Yang disappeared.

The real Y/n, & Yang started to running towards each other. To them the world felt like it slowed down. Y/n the girl that is seeking revenge for her past. Yang the girl that is trying to get her two Sisters back. As both of them got closer they simultaneously prepared their first attack.

As Lili looked at Y/n she smiled creepily. "Come on Y/n show me What you're made of. Hahaha!" She started laughing and smiling maniacally.

As Y/n, & Yang's attack were close to connecting. Y/n, & Yang remembered what lead to this out come. Y/n then thought to herself. "Yang what would have happened if you had helped me so long ago... Would things have turned out differently... But I guess it's to late for that."

Yang thought to her self. "Sis I know that I left you alone. But this time I promise I will get you back. So please just give me one last chance."

As the two attacks got closer and closer everything faded to black.

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