Ashes of the Suffering Queen
~{3rd POV: Land Of Darkness: Bullhead, 8:57 pm}~
The scene opens up as a Bullhead is seen flying throw the Land of Darkness. Far in to the distance stood Evernight Castle, the castle that Salem was in. As the ship kept edging closer and closer, inside the ship team LIZN, team RWBY, team STRQ, Glynda, and Ozpin could be seen looking down at the land of the Grimm's. Ozpin found it strange noticing that all the Grimm's simply stared back at the ship, and didn't even bother attacking. Truth be told, it gave him a sense of unease, that he couldn't explain. Almost like they were being expected.
Having had enough Ozpin closed his eyes remembering what Layla and her team talked about.
~{Flash Back: Beacon: Headmasters Office}~
"Are you really going to face her?" His tone felt unease as he gazed back at Layla, her team, and Glynda. "Your the last Guardian of the Maiden... If you fail then." He said standing close to the window.
Layla who was standing in front of him smiles back. "Truth be told. I'm scared of facing her. I'm scared of not living up to the title of Guardian. I'm scared of losing the person that mean everything to us. However even with that, you forget that I still won't give up. We will bring her back we just need the right timing."
"You should under stand by now, Ozpin." Glynda spoke up in a somewhat friendly tone. "None of us want to lose her. So you should be fighting with us. Instead of running away from her. Despite (Y/n) being born in to a different family, you should still see it. You know that deep down, she is still your daughter's decedent. Your daughter (Aria) did everything for her people. Even go as far as to keep sacrificing herself for the world. A world that she loved."
Ivary looks at him and lets out a sigh. "You should know that as her "father", you have to take responsibility and set everything right. When you showed us Aria's life. I could tell that she never regretted the role she was given." She then placed a hand on her chest. "And even after everything that you did. I want to believe that she still wanted to save both you, and Salem."
"When I saw the life she had." This time Zahra spoke up. "One could tell she had a happy one. But you as her father must take the first steep, and make amends for your actions."
"And even if you don't." Neo spoke up after her. "We will still go and save her."
"So what will it be, Oz?" Glynda then walks in front of him and extends her arm at him. "Will you fight with us? Or will you simply hide from her for the rest of your miserable life?"
A cold sweat ran down the side of his face, as he looks at her arm. "Are you all insane!?" He said shouting at them. "The Maiden of the Summer's power sleeps withing Salem! Along with her power to control the Grimm's!" He kept raising his voice at them. "Are you all willing to go against a person with absolute power, and mortality?!" His arms trembled with fear. "When the King died, I told myself that I would try and make the world a better place! But still are you all planing to walk to your death's!"
The group looks at each other, before then looking back at him.
"Maybe." Glynda warmly smiled, as the rest of the girls smiled with her. "But we all talked about it. And we rather try and save her. Then just stand idly by and do nothing... So I'll say it again. What will you do? You can stay here in fear for the rest of your life. Or you can stand up and help us?"
"It's impossible!" He said thinking back of all the lives he ruined when he reincarnated in their souls. "I tried... and countless times I failed!"
"You're full of SHIT!" Ivary out of anger walks up to him, and held him by his shirt lifting him up. "You never tried! You never saved anyone! All you ever did was sacrifice others for your own sake! You never even tried to understand anyone, let alone your own daughter! To afraid to even make things right! You're just a coward!!"
Tears then drop to the floor as it was revealed to had come from Ivary. "If you really wanted to save her, then you would have found a way! But you didn't even try to make the effort! ...But even after everything she..." As she starting to calm down she gently placed him down. "She still cared for both you, and Salem. Despite the fact that all she ever wanted was to live a normal life with both her and Lili. But it was your mistakes that separated them."
"Y-you can still make things right. You just have to try."
"And what if we fail."
After releasing her grip on him, she dried her tears and stared back at him with a series look on her face. "I would rather fail 1,000 times, then simply give up." She then takes a deep breath. "So what's it going to be you poor excuse of a man?"
~{Flash Back End}~
We then transition back to inside of the Bullhead as Ozpin could be seen walking inside a room and closing it. He then leans his back against the door, and covers his eyes with his right arm. Tears are then seen running down his face, as illusion's of both Salem, Aria and his other daughters could be seen in front of him, with their backs turned.
"Aria... my daughter's ....I'm sorry ...I'm so sorry."
He slides down to the floor, and tries to calm down. But his tears, memories and emotions wouldn't let him.
Meanwhile we then cuts to Glynda looking back at the direction Ozpin headed to, but she didn't fallow after him. As her focus/priority was just like the rest of team LIZN, and RWBY, to save (Y/n) no matter the cost. Looking out the window, she reaches inside her pocket and pulled out a photo that revealed a younger (Y/n), with the rest of her friends all smiling. Tears run down the side of her face, remembering the times that she was truly happy.
Turning her attention outside of the window, she could only think of what she would do after facing Salem. Thinking stuff like. What would she do with the way she looked know? With Salem looking the way she did it only made her feel unease.
"(Y/n)..." She told herself in a low tone. Trying to hide her sadness from everyone. "Just hold on. We will save you."
It cuts to team LIZN. As Glynda's expression didn't go unnoticed by Ivary who then placed a hand on her shoulder, along with a gentle smile on her face. "Will save her." She said trying to make her unease go away. Which it did, if only for that moment.
"Y-Yeah. Thank you Ivary." She said with a hopeful smile, calming her down.
Despite Glynda's smile, they could tell she was still worried. But there was nothing they could do. As they were getting closer to the Castle of the most dangerous woman known to the world.
Meanwhile, as both Ivary and Neo started talking with Glynda. Layla could be seen thinking of something with a series look on her face. Which got the attention of her twin sister.
"What's wrong Sis? Thinking of something?" Layla nods her head. "Let me guess. Its about Lili, right?"
"What do you have in mind?"
She looks at her sister, and then looks back at Ivary, Neo and Glynda that were talking with each other. "Truth be told...I... I want to try and save her."
As the two stare at Glynda's smiling face. Zahra with a concern look on her face responds to her again. "Why?"
"She's only like this because of things that happen in the past. Losing her family, her people, her friends. And even the person she loved the most." Leaning her back against the Bullheads walls, she held one of her arms. "She just wanted to be with her forever. That's all she ever wanted. To protect the one person that meant the world to her."
Zahra feeling the unease that her sister felt, she leaned her back against the wall and leans her head to Layla's shoulder. "Then lets try and see what we can do. Will be with you every steep of the way."
As the two girls smiled at one another, she leans her head with her Sister's. "Thank you."
As the two girl's kept on trying to come up with plans. They noticed as Glynda, Layla and Neo all walked over to them. They then have a short conversation about Layla's plan to try and change Lili's mind. Truth be told Neo didn't like it, but it was something they would have to deal with in the long run.
Meanwhile Ivary nods back at them. "Okay. I also have something that I would like to talk to her about."
The rest of them nod and then turn to look at Neo, who didn't know what to say. But nevertheless she nods back at her team. She then takes a deep sigh before then responding with an unsure.
It then cuts to team STRQ as they could be seen thinking of something. Sure while they were thinking of a way to save (Y/n), they were also trying to come up with a plan to deal with Lili. Even after witnessing her past they could tell she was a woman that had to be dealt with. Hell to them she was a far more dangerous threat, then Salem herself.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Tai said as his team nod's back at him, with a look of unease.
"Come on." As team STRQ kept silent. It was only then that Raven spoke up getting the attention of her team. "Let's not forget why we're here for. If this plan fails then everything will be over." They all nodded back to her, but deep down she was also scared just like the rest of them.
Qrow looks over at team RWBY before then responding to Summer. "You still think his will work." He crossed his arms and locked eyes with her. "She's still only but a child."
Summer's arm trembled as she also felt unease, but nevertheless she smiled. "I know what you mean. But with the two of us everything should go as planed. I just hope that she's ready."
"Still... can we really trust what Lili told Ruby?"
"I... I don't know..."
Tai steeped up as the group feel silent. "Will have to just wait and see."
Summer and Qrow let out a worried sigh, while Tai and Raven couldn't help but get worried by all of this.
It then cuts to team RWBY. As Ruby is seen looking at the Castle from the window. The more the ship got closer, the more she felt unease by the Castle. She placed a hand on her chest as her heart kept racing. In the hopes of calming down, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, but even that wasn't enough. As she kept on over thinking everything a hand was placed on her shoulder, which snapped her out of her train of thought. Turning to look at the person, she noticed that it was Blake.
"Stay calm. We can't have you our leader lose yourself on us now." She said trying to calm her worries, and lightening the mood. However one look at her face, and one could tell she to was worried.
Weiss then spoke up in a calm tone, while also looking outside the window. "Just relax... Remember your not facing all of this alone. You have us, and so does she."
Ruby looks back at her, and nod's her head, before then responding. "Y-Yeah..."
Yang then puts her back to the ship's walls, and crossed her arms. "I won't lie, it's impressive."
She said as Ruby responded back to her, and tilting her head to the side. "What is?"
"Who would have thought that our Sister was a Maiden like the fairy tales." She said keeping her gaze to the ships floor's. "If I didn't know any better. One would think that this is some kind of fairy tail. Here we are going of to fight some large villain that has lived for sentries."
The group stayed silent as they pondered what do to with their predicaments.
"..." Before Ruby could speak, she shook her head, and slapped her cheeks. "Come on Ruby Rose, your a Huntress! So start acting like one." She told herself as her team smiled back at her. Sure they also felt unease at the fact that they would have to fight Salem, but regardless they still had to calm down. "Okay team! Here's the plan: First, we beat Salem. And them we save (Y/n)."
The rest of her team smiles back at her as they all prepared for everything.
Just then the sound of the ships intercom sounded. "Attention we're about to reach the Castle. I repeat we're about to reach the Castle."
As the intercom went silent. Everyone looks at each other, before having a new found resolve to see this through to the bitter end.
~{Unknown Forest}~
We then transition to (Y/n) as she could be seen walking across the forest. For a moment she stops and looks around noticing that nothing had changed. She was still in a large forest, with no end in sight. She turns to look at Saya and Aria, but they had no words for her.
"We've been walking for several day's now." (Y/n) said sounding slightly irritated. "And we haven't even made any progress."
"Know that you mention it." Saya looks around the forest and noticed that. "Something feels off."
As they looked across the forest, they hadn't noticed that a strange black tar-like substance had appeared under neath their feet. Just as they were about to move, the tar quickly expelled several dark arms, and held them in place.
"What is this!"
(Y/n) said trying to break free. The hands then started to slowly pull then inside the tar. While (Y/n) tried to free herself for the arms, but they held a firm grip on her and simply pushed her inside. In (Y/n)'s point of view, we see as several arms kept blocking her vision, until she was met with nothing but darkness.
~{(Y/n)'s POV}~
As I open my eyes I thought that I would be meat with nothing but darkness. But I was wrong, when I open my eyes, I noticed that I was in a strange ruined city, that I didn't recognized. I also noticed that the arms were all gone.
"Aria! Saya!"
I said quickly getting up from the floor, and calling out to the girls. But looking around I noticed that I was alone. I looked at my surroundings, but all I saw was large ruin buildings and nothing more.
"What is this-"
Just then the ground around me started to furiously tremble.
"An earthquake?"
I told myself trying to balance myself. Its only after it had stop that I looked up at one of the building, and as I did my eyes widen.
"You have got to be kidding me. What is that?"
As I tired to make sense at what I was looking at, my head started hurting. It was then that I heard Aria's voice, who had appeared next to me.
"That is one of the things we came to try and deal with." She said making no sense at all.
"What the hell am I looking at?" I said wanting answers from her.
We then gazed back at what I was looking at. Before then Saya appeared in front of us.
"That is..." Saya said as she also stared back at what we were looking at.
~{3rd POV: In front of Evernight Castle}~
We then transition back to Evernight Castle. As everyone could be seen walking out of the ship. They looked at the Castle, and as they did. They could feel Salem's presence just by simply standing right in front of the Castle door's.
As they were about to move they noticed smaller bird like Grimm's looking down at them from on top of the Castle. And far in to the distance armies of Grimm could be seen looking at all of them, almost as if they were ready to attack, but they didn't. Just then the large door to the Castle started to slowly open up, and from inside came out two figures wearing what seem to look like black coat's. One could tell that just by looking at them, that one was a female, while the other was male. But to everyone's surprise they were simply revealed as Salem's servants. As the servants got close to the group, they all got on guard prepared to face them.
"Welcome to the Queen's Castle." The female figure spoke in a respectable tone. Almost like she new that they would be arriving. "Please fallow us. The Queen has been expecting you all." The two figures then moved to the sides, bowed their heads and gestured at them to walk inside.
Team STRQ felt like if it was all a trap. But to team LIZN, team RWBY, and Glynda it was a trap that would take them to Salem. So having no other option, they walked inside passing the two figures on the way. Oddly enough both figures didn't attack, and simply let them pass. After walking inside, the large door's started closing behind them, with a large slam echoing across the vast empty halls, as the two figures walked passed the group. For a moment the group look at each other, thinking to themselves if this was a good idea.
"No point in turning back now." Ivary said while looking back at her team. "Lets move."
As the group kept walking across the long dark hallway. No one said, or spoke a word they simply fallowed after the two figures.
After a short amount of walking the two figures stopped in front of a large door. They then started talking with each other in a low tone that no one could hear, before then noddding their heads. The large door then slowly opened up, releasing an evil aura from the room, it was then revealed to be another long dark hallway similar to the rest of the Castle. The two figures then moved to each side of the door, and gestured at them to walk inside.
"The Queen is up ahead. She is waiting for you." The two figures spoke at the same time, while trying not to look at the group. "Make sure not keep her waiting."
They all stood in silence as they didn't come to the Castle to fight them. Ivary not wanting to waste her time with them, walked inside as everyone then fallowed after her. Meanwhile as the two figures turned to look at them, a faint smile could be seen on their faces, as the door closed behind group.
On the way inside through the long dark hall, they all stop as a familiar red-hair girl, was seen standing between them, and the throne room. She had her back leaning against a wall, along with her arms crossed. A moment of silence stood between the group, before Ivary stepped forward and spoke to her in a series tone.
"Is Salem just passed here?"
"Yep~" Lili said in a playful but mocking tone. "Tell me. What took you so long? I was starting to think that you just ran away."
"We... We had a lot to talk about. But in this moment that doesn't matter. Please don't get in our way."
Lili smirks at Ivary. "Getting in your way? As you can see. I'm not standing in your way." She leans off the wall, and stares at Ozpin. "I take it you told them everything?" Ozpin simply nod's his head at her question, which she then sighs to herself. "Tch! So annoying. No wonder that I felt like someone was peering in to my heart." She lets out another sigh. "Even if you save her. What then? What can you hope to accomplish? Can't you see that the end is near?"
Ivary in a calm tone responds again. "Sorry... Even if you say that. Will still save her, no matter the cost." She then points her finger at her. "We will then stop both Salem, and YOU."
"You will stop me? Hehehe, you're only wasting your time. Have you forgotten? That much like Salem, I can't die-"
"Will you just shut up!" Just then Neo cuts her off, which in return got her attention. While speaking with her, she frowns. "Look we know... Your life wasn't easy. You lost your mother, father and even the person that you loved the most. You even had to do acts that only made your life worse. But tell us. What do you stand in all of this?"
Zahra then spoke after Neo. "Can't you see!? What your doing is only hurting her? Your actions are only hurting Aria even more... Why not help us in saving them?"
Lili's tone then change to one of anger, and glared at the people that stood in front of her. "... Do you have any idea of what it feel's like to lose her?" She clenched her fist. "Do you have any idea of what it feel's like to be without Her!? I had to take matter in to my own hands because of people like Ozma! People that only betrayed me! People that would only hurt HER!" As she shouted, tears of blood could be seen running down the side of her eyes. Her expression then shifted to Ozma, all the while still having the tears in her eyes. "My life has no meaning without her! My life without her is NOTHING! All because of you!"
With a sad experience Ozpin looks away from her, while at the same time responding. "I... I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry..."
"Huh, YOU apologizing. The stupid bastard apologized, well that's a first. Okay." She extends her right arm to him. "Then give me back my FAMILY!" He didn't respond. "Give me back my FRIENDS, THE ONES YOU TOOK!" Again he didn't respond. "GIVE ME BACK EVERYTHING YOU EVER TOOK FROM ME!"
Lili smiles to herself and lowers her arm. "You can't, can you? Then shut up! You have no right to say something like "your sorry", you murderer."
Stepping forward in a calm tone Layla spoke. "Then why not help us? You have the power to stop all of this. We can still help you. After all, didn't you love her? Didn't you love Aria?"
A moment of silence stood between all of them. Lili contemplated the idea of joining them, but she then remembered the people that actually fought at her side. The people she called friends. The people that died at the hands of the past King. The people that betrayed her across the centuries. And everything that she had to scarifies in order to try and rescue the person she loved.
"... It's... It's to late for that sentimental crap. I will use everything in my disposal to bring Aria back. Without your help. I don't need the help of humans or faunus. Let alone the help of a Guardian. So just wait and see... I'll create a true utopia. A utopia that will be only for Her! A world that will only smile for Her! A world that we will rule!"
Layla then spoke. "Is this what she wants?" Lili fell silent and stared back at her. Layla simply locked eyes with her, with a stern look, before then raising her voice. "Why can't you see! That what your doing is only hurting her in the end!" Layla shouted back. "You were once a Guardian like me. So why? WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOUR ONLY HURTING NOT ONLY HER, BUT YOURSELF!"
Lili's face expressed a lightly shucked at her words. "What would you know."
"I get it." Layla frowned. "You had to walk that path alone. For so long you've walked alone. But can't you see that you still have a choice. You can still turn all of this around. Please... as a former Guardian you have to understand what she wanted most. You understood her more then anyone."
"Shut up..."
"What your doing isn't going to make her happy, or bring her back!" Layla looking at her with tears in her eyes kept raising her voice. "Wake up already!"
"I SAID TO SHUT UP!" Lili getting fed up got irritated at her.
Glynda then stepped forward. "Didn't you love her?"
Lili lightly smiles to herself and looks at her arms, which then revealed them to be covered in blood. But even with all of that, she still lightly smiled at herself. "I've kill so many people in my lifetime. I've come this far, and I'm not going to simply turn back." She clenched her arms. "I won't turn back!"
"Why? We can give you a chance to make things right." Glynda said trying to change Lili's mind.
Lili kept smiling at her. "Why? I've lived for such a long time, I can't even remember the last time a person told me those same words..." She takes a deep sigh. "I can hear them you know..."
Just then from behind her, several dark skeletal arms could be seen reaching out to her. The skeletons then started changing to the faces of Humans, Faubus, Knights, Maids and so on. Much to the surprise of everyone, they could also see them. Lili then changed her tone to a calmer one.
"These are the people that belonged to my kingdom. They just want to be free... But so long as I still breathe. They won't be able to sleep. They won't be able to rest... Hehehe, someone like you doesn't know everything that I had to endure. The voices I have to hear! The dreams they all had! All of it was stripped away from them before they could have anything!" Just then she warmly smiled, as bloody tears kept running down her eyes. "So what would the likes of you understand."
Ivary steps forward and locked eyes with her. "I want to know. Don't you have any feelings left inside of you? Of the times you spend with her-"
"Feelings, you say? How dare you..." Lili said cutting her off. She then chuckles before responding again with an insane, but sad look on her face that almost looked tired. "Hehehe... My feelings... My feelings for her have never changed, they have always been the same! They're for Her! The time I had with her meant everything! But thanks to all humanity its all gone! You filthy humans, and faunus... what would you all hope to understand!!" She looks at Ozpin. "Ozma! You and Salem both watch me! I'll bring her back, and restore everything!" She then turns to look at Ivary and her group. "As for the rest of you... I will extinguish you all, and bring her back! Aria is MINE! She doesn't belong to you all, she's mine. You are nothing. She belongs only to ME!" She chuckles as the rest of them simply looked at her.
Ivary closed her eyes, and shock her head. "Our words won't cut it... we can't even get through to her." She bites the side of her lip, and in anger clenched her fists. "Damn it all."
As the arms of Lili's people slowly vanished. Lili then lift her right arm, and using her nails she tighten her grip to the point of drawing blood. She then used said blood to create her sword. Layla let out a sad sigh not wanting to fight her. Lili then pointed the tip of her sword at them, and spoke with a sinister grin of her face. But still with her bloody tears running down her face.
"I was fine with just letting you pass. But I've changed my mind. I will finish you all, right here, right know. Not even a shred of your souls will remain. I will take her back, and all who stand in my way... Will be killed! COME! I'll take you all on! This time I won't be holding back!"
As Lili prepared herself to kill the people standing in front of her. Despite having a smile filled with nothing but malice, one look at her eyes showed a deed sadness.
While the group prepared each other to face her, before they could start fighting, the sound of an object landing behind Lili garnered her attention. Turning around Lili looks at the object, and when she did her eyes widen as it was revealed to be a small metal cube. Just then before Lili could even process what was about to happen the cube opened up, which revealed a black fleshy substance that expanded. While everyone saw this a barrier was created in front of everyone separating them from Lili, preventing her from escaping.
Although if it was only but an instant Lili started cutting away at the substance, but it was all fruitless because as soon as part of it was cut away, that same spot would quickly regenerate.
"Salem...!" Furiously Lili shouted as the cube quickly wrapped around her body, she cursed at Salem's name all the while trying to break free. "S-SALEM YOU BITCH! I SWEAR THAT WHEN I GET OUT--I'LL... KILL YOU!"
She struggled to try and break free from the cube. But it only proved fruitless as the cube kept on closing.
"JUST YOU WAIT TILL I GET OUT OF HERE! YOU DAMN WITC-" The small cube then closed landing on the floor, and making a noise that echoed across the silent dark hallways.
Just then the two figures that waited in the door, had manifested close to the cube, and the male figure picked it up. He then placed it away inside his coat, before then bowing to everyone, and quickly vanishing into the shadows.
The female figure then spoke. "Sorry about that. We should have kept an eye on her. Anyway never mind her, she won't bother you anymore. Well that is if she decides to break free." Her body then vanishes inside the shadows, with her last words echoing across the halls. "Go. The Queen is waiting for you up ahead."
They all stood in silence for a moment, as both Ivary and Layla expressions expressed visible annoyance as their mission to try and change Lili's mind had ended in failure. With the group having nothing else standing in their way, they turn to face the direction that Salem was. They then started walking in the direction that the female told them.
After a short walk across the hall. They came upon a large door, that slowly creaked open. One's completely open they noticed that the room was pitch black, with only the sound of something in the distance being heard.
"Hey do you guys hear that?" Said Zahra as her fox ears stood up.
Ivary's ears also stood up and spoke up. "Your right I heard something. Sounds like music?"
The music then became clearer, which everyone swore that it sounded like a waltz, with flutes, trumpets, harps, violin, and so on.
"Please enter."
Salem's voice echoed across the darkness welcoming them. Having nothing else they all prepared each other for the worse and walked inside. The door then closed behind them, plunging them all in to absolute darkness.
"Welcome to my humble home everyone. I've been expecting you all."
Salem's voice then spoke again from the vast dark room. As everyone say for team LIZN, RWBY, and Glynda started to worry. Salem noticing that Ozpin, and team STRQ emanated a worried aura about them, the sound of her letting out a sigh is then head.
"Please calm yourselves. I which you no harm, yet."
Even after telling them to stay calm, most of them still felt worried trapped inside a pitch black room. It then took but a moment for Salem to had noticed their expressions and so she spoke again.
"Oh, that's right you can't see me. Here let me help with that."
Just then as the sound of her snapping her finger is heard, the room then lit up, with several lanterns lighting up one after the other. In the middle of the room stood a large table with a wide assortments of delicious food for everyone to see. And at the end of the table, there she was, Salem all dressed in a gorgeous looking dress almost as if she was preparing herself for a party. As the moon glimmered behind her, from across the window she smiled at her wanted guest's.
"Welcome to my Castle my most humbled and expected of guest's. Please make yourselves at home." Just before any of them could speak. She lifted her right arm to stop them from talking. "Please have a seat. Join me for diner." She lightly gestured her hand at the table demanding for them to have a seat.
Just as they looked at her, they remained silent as if waiting for her to attack, but she never did.
Salem then disappointingly sighs to herself and remains seated in her throne. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. I just want to get to know the people that hurt my Daughter... But if you won't join me. Then I guess you would rather take your chances with, them?"
As soon as she snapped her fingers the clear window that revealed the moon, showed a horde of Grimm as far as the eyes could see, all staring directly at them. The horde of Grimm's gazed back at the group, with looks of hungers noticed by their drooling mouths. Some of them even scratched the glass trying to intimidate them, which to some extend did slightly work.
"I'll say it again." Salem then spoke again in a much more series tone, and stared daggers at all of them, this time "ordering" them to have a seat. "Please join me for diner. Its the least I can do for my honored guest's."
All of them felling like they didn't have any other choice. All took their respective seat and stared at the food that laid before them. None spoke a word as they looked at the food, thinking that she must have poisoned it. Salem then broke the silence, by speaking to Glynda, all the while lightly smiling to herself. And as she spoke she started cutting a peace of meat with knife and held the peace with the fork.
"I want to thank you." Salem said as she then took a bite of her food. They all looked at her still thinking that the food was poison, but one look at her said otherwise.
Glynda mustering up the courage took a bite of the food and... She was fine. "It's not poisoned?"
"Of course not my Dear." Salem spoke back with her eyes directed at her. "Why would I poison you? Your one of my honored guest."
Glynda on the other hand kept looking at her, as she couldn't help but feel like something was different about her. Usually Salem would have tried her best to kill them, then and there. But she didn't. She was calm, which in a sense upset almost everyone that looked at her.
Glynda then started to think of Salem's previous words. "What did you mean by thanking me?"
"Like I said." Everyone stared at Salem as she then spoke. "I which to thank you for taking care of my daughter."
To Glynda even if she was her enemy, she couldn't help to take Salem's compliment to heart. "Well she is my daughter to. But it took some time to cure some of her old problems, and nightmares."
"I see." Salem then stared back at (Y/n)'s friends. "As for you. I'm glad she made such good friends like you."
The group nervously look's at each other before responding to her. "T-Thank you."
Turning her attention towards Layla, and Zahra she could help but smile. "As for the two of you. Your resemblance is somewhat striking to your mother, and father. You know I tried to offer them mercy in the hopes of them joining me. But in the end, they only told me that they had everything they ever wanted and passed on. So for that I am sorry. But such is war."
Zahra ever the energetic type spoke after her, and stared at the food. "Why are you being to kind to us? Aren't we your enemies? Well more Ozma then us. Why do all this?"
Layla then spoke. "What do you hope to gain by trying to kill Ozpin? If you don't mind us asking."
Salem spoke back after taking a bite of her food. "My dear's, truth be told." She stops eating and looks at them with a sad look on her face. "I can't stand being alive anymore. Watching her death over and over again only brings painful memories. As a mother I... I can't stand it anymore."
Layla then spoke after her. "Why would you offer our father and mother to aid you. Weren't you all enemies?"
Salem lightly smiled back at the two and nods her head. "Yes. But both of them were strong. If memory servers correctly it took us four days to finish our fight, but by the looks of things. I take it she passed on her power to the two of you." She clapped her arms. "Congratulations children."
The twins stared at each other, as they are left speechless at the fact that, Salem was being so kind. Meanwhile, Zahra was more confused, she wasn't like her sister, but she quickly brushed it off. Ivary on the other hand simply puts her plate down and stared daggers at Salem. Salem on the other hand closed her eyes and lightly smiled.
"You know your family looked at me in the same manner."
Just then Ivary furiously got up and slammed her hands to the table. "WHAT!?"
"Yeah. I met both of your parents a long time ago." Salem then opens her eyes, and looked out the window. "They also put up a good fight against me. I originally just wanted to prevent them from escaping. But I didn't know that they had used each other as decoys so that you could escape. But i'm sorry that I could stop Lili from killing them."
"So the one that killed them was her?"
She locked eyes with Layla. Layla's eyes widen as she notice tears running down Salem's eyes, which she then quickly dried in order for none of them to notice.
"Tell me. Are you all mad at me?" Said Salem to the girls, while ignoring the rest of the group.
Layla waited for a moment before simply shacking her head in no. Confused Salem responds to her. "Why? Wouldn't someone like you, be angry at her parents murderer?"
Ivary after seating back down calmed herself, she then smiled to herself with a sad look on her face. "Truth is, I can't hate you. If it wasn't for that day. I would have never met (Y/n). I would never have met Glynda. I would have never met my friends... I would never have turn in to the person I am today." She then looks at Salem and the two locked eyes. "So even if your my enemy. I still want to thank you."
Layla then spoke after her. "Sure it makes me sad that we don't have our parents anymore. But by the end of the day, I still have Zahra, Ivary, Neo, Mother Glynda, and last but not least (Y/n). It was thanks to (Y/n), that she helped us on the day we had to deal with some faunus haters."
Zahra then spoke while nodding. "I feel the same as my sister. It was thanks to the fact that we meet (Y/n), that we turned in to the people we are today. So even if your our enemy, we just want to say."
All three of them then turned to look at her, with smiles on their faces. "Thank you. For giving birth to Aria, and giving her a new life in this world as (Y/n)."
Salem stood in silence until she finally smiled. "I see. But trust me you wouldn't be thanking me me if you new the truth." She then turned her attention to Neo and the two stared at each other. "And what of you? Don't you hate me?"
Neo unlike the rest them, simply shock her head. "Sorry. The one I hate is Lili. She's the one that killed my only family. So I will never forgive her. As for you, I have no real problems with you."
"I see." Salem then let out a silent sigh, before getting series and turning her attention towards Ruby and Yang. "And what of you? Do you still which to harm her?" Both girls quickly shock their head. "Well as long as you don't turn out like your parents, then i'm sure you'll be okay. I'm more impressed that one of you has shown to have passed my little curse."
Confused the two girls kept their gazed directly at her. They then spoke at the same time, in a confused tone. "What do you mean?"
Team STRQ then also looks at her, also confused at her words. As she then spoke to them. "Well to put it in simple terms. After losing Aria, I placed a protective curse on her, that should she ever be harmed. The person that treated her with anger, would have to go through an ordeal. I'm sure you all have noticed it at some point? Illusions that take on the form of (Y/n)." She the got slightly series and leans back on her throne. "However with the years that fallowed. It felt like the curse had changed."
"What do you mean by changed?" Summer spoke. "Changed in what way?"
Salem stares back at her for a moment, before then turning her attention back at the glistening moon from her window.
~{Unknown City}~
[I take no credit for the video. I just felt like it fit the part.]
We then cut back to (Y/n) as she could be seen staring up at a building, with a shocked look on her face. Just then the ground shock, as something started to come out from the top of the buildings.
"What the hell am I looking at?" (Y/n) said still in shock at what she was looking at with her own eyes.
"That is..." Saya said gazing up at the thing in front of them, with a calm expression on her face.
Just then as the earth started to violently tremble, most of the buildings gave way, revealing it's self to (Y/n).
A large monster with several arms, and a body that couldn't be understood then revealed itself. The girls stared back at it, as it then turns to look at (Y/n) and her group.
"Aria. You know what that 'thing' is, right?" Saya said as she stared up at the monster.
"Yes." Looking up at the monster, Aria nods at Saya's question. "That is the culmination of all the Maidens that have ever existed in this world. All their hatred, pain, regret, sadness, desperation, everything mixed in to one body. All of it accumulated across the many millenniums."
"Is this thing even real?" Said (Y/n) while trying her best to stay calm.
"A R--I A" Just then as the Monster spoke in the tone of several female voices that echoed across the vast landscape, and a gazed that was fixated on Aria. By simply hearing the way it spoke, one could tell that by its tone, it had a pure hatred and malice that manifested as a dark aura around it. "A R I A! ARIAAAAAAAA!"
"What should we do?"
(Y/n) spoke as she slowly tried to back away, but as soon as she took the first steep, the Monster noticed it, and using some form of power made the buildings behind (Y/n) collapsed between each other preventing them from escaping.
"No." Said (Y/n). "What should be do? Do we have to fight it?"
Getting close to (Y/n), Aria shock her head. "No. Not at this moment. We heave to try and get passed it."
"Passed it? Passed it, in what way?" She looking at Aria and then at the Monster again. "That thing won't even let us go."
"So annoying."
Both girl's look back at Saya, and noticed that she had turn to face them.
"I'll handle this. You two have go." She said, extending her left arm to them.
Unbeknownst to them, they didn't have time to notice that behind them a large black puddle had appeared. The puddle started to bubble before then several arms grabbed both Aria and (Y/n) and started dragging them inside it.
"Saya, what are you doing!"
(Y/n) shouted, as she tried to get free, but the arms held her in place preventing her from even moving. In (Y/n)'s perspective, she noticed as the large Monster charged at Saya, but just before the Monster could do anything her vision was completely engulfed by the dark puddle.
Saya sighs before then gazing back at the monster. "What a pain."
As the Monster slowly reached for her, Saya could only smile to herself.
"So your malice itself. Then by all means let see how much malice you have."
The Monster for a moment stops and gazed back at Saya. It then in the tone of several female voices spoke in unison with each other. "YOU! WHAT ARE YOU! YOUR NOT ARIA!?"
"Me... I'm nothing. Nothing at all."
"BRING HER BACK! BRING HER BACK!!" The Monster's head cracked and twitch before then letting out a hateful scream as it prepared to face Saya. "ARIA!!! ARIA!!! ARIAAAAAAAA!!"
We then see the same dark puddle appearing in a different location, and from it both girl's spewed out of it. They both coughed and looked around, in the hopes that Saya had made it. But looking around they noticed that she wasn't with them. As the puddle vanished inside the ground, (Y/n) quickly turns to look at Aria.
"Aria! We have to go back! Take us back!" Aria shock her head and locked away. Getting close to her, she got to her knee's, and held Aria by her shoulders. "What! WHY!? WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HER!"
Aria looks up at her. "She made her choice to let us go ahead. We can't simply turn back."
"..." (Y/n) bit the side of her lip, before then letting go of Aria and walking passed her. "I'm going back."
"And how do you plan to do that!?" Aria shouted, which then made (Y/n) stop in her tracks, but still faced away from her. Aria then spoke again. "Do you even know where she is? ...Even if you wanted to help. You won't be able to do anything."
Deep down (Y/n) didn't want to admit it, but what Aria said was right. Even if she had managed to go back, what could she do? Its not like she could do much against something that she had no clue how to beat. Aria walks passed her, and meet her gaze.
"I know that your worried. I'm worried to, but we can't turn back. Besides they can't get rid of her."
"What do you mean?"
"Saya is... she's special." Still confused (Y/n) stared back at her. "She to is a Maiden that holds her own hatred. But one could say that she is also not like them. The reason she is here, is for something else."
"...You said that, that Monster was the culmination of all the Maidens before me. Are they like souls, or something?"
Aria nods. "Yes and no. When a Maiden die's, the Maiden's power is passed to the next descendant. But throughout the years, something started to change. Every time the power was passed on to the next Maiden, their hatred, anger, or sadness would be passed on to them." She then placed a hand on her chest. "But something felt off. As the years went by I felt that something else was wrong. Something that shouldn't be here."
"Like what?"
She chock her head. "I don't know. But I know that 'she' should have answers. So please, let's not waste this opportunity. Let's not waste Saya's distraction."
For a moment (Y/n) didn't spoke, but even if she was worried about Saya. What Aria said was true. They had come to far to simply go back. So having nothing else (Y/n) looks down at Aria and nods.
"Okay. So where should we go?"
Looking passed (Y/n), Aria pointed passed her. Confused she turns around, and in the distance she noticed a large Castle that wasn't to far from them.
"The one that we seek is waiting for us." Said Aria. "We should hurry."
(Y/n) nods back at her. As Aria walked passed her, (Y/n) looks back in the hopes that Saya would have shown up, but she didn't. And so with a resentful look in her eyes she started walking in the direction of the Castle.
When she walked close to Aria she got on one knee, which then made Aria look at her slightly confused.
"Get on my back. I'll just start running. The Castle doesn't look that far away. So with you on my back we should be able to quickly make it. So come on hop on."
"I don't want to hear it. Know come on."
Aria slightly embarrassed does as she was told and got on (Y/n) back.
"Okay. You ready?" Aria nods back at her, which then made (Y/n) nod back. "Okay hold on."
Just then she started running to the Castle as it could be seen in the distance. A large overwhelming dark aura could be seem emanating from it, and with that everything fades to black.
~{Salem's Throne Room}~
Cutting back to Salem and the rest of the group. She glances across the rest of team STRQ and Ruby and noticed several illusions of (Y/n) could be seen covered in blood, standing next to each of them. Oddly enough no one else could see the illusion this time. Not even the people that could at first see them.
"What do you mean by changed?" Summer spoke. "Changed in what way?"
Just then furiously Tai, Raven and Qrow got up, and glared at Salem also wanting answers. But Salem then spoke with a gentle smile on her face. "The illusion were only meant to be used if the person ever abused, or harmed one of Aria's reincarnations. The curse would then activate which would make them experience real dread, and fear forcing them to experience illusions that were real in their own minds. And ones the person had died. The curse would then return to me, and hand me their powers. I'm sure that all of you have experience it at some point in time."
The rest of team STRQ, along with Ruby and Yang didn't respond remembering the illusions of (Y/n).
"But like I said before it has change. I can't explain it, normally a curse shouldn't be able to change by itself. But this one has." She then looks at the rest of them. "So tell me, have you all seen them?"
A moment of silence stood as Salem took a bite of her food. Summer then spoke as the illusion of a small (Y/n) stood next to her. Summer shocked by the out come sees the illusion walking over to Salem, before them gazing back at her. It was then that Salem saw it, the illusion of the small (Y/n). And so with tears in her eyes, she gently caresses the small child's cheek.
"So do you see them?" Salem spoke while looking at the child.
Despite the fact that no one other then team STRQ, Ruby and Yang could see them. Summer spoke back to her. "I have."
"Same..." Rave spoke this time.
"Y-Yeah..." Tai spoke, while Qrow simply nods his head.
Salem then got up from her throne and turns her gaze at Ruby and Yang who had sad looks on their faces. But out of the two of them, Ruby was the one who rolled up her sleeves, which revealed several scars on her wrist, but kept them hidden under the table in the hopes that no one would see them.
"Tell me child. Does it hurt?" Just then Salem spoke to Ruby, but she didn't respond back. Salem then walked over to her and held her wrist. Ruby hesitant at first, simply nod's back at her. "I see. Let me tell you something about the curse. So lang as you keep on feeling sorry for yourself it will stay with you, up until the very end. Your negative emotions is what feeds the curse. As for a cure, sadly there is none." Just then to everyone's repriced Salem using her magic healed Ruby's wounds. Confused Ruby stares back at her. "Don't look at me with does silver eyes. This way you won't have a reason to say you didn't do your best."
She then turns her attention towards Yang. "And what of you? You don't seem all that surprised by it. Can you tell me why?"
Yang took a deep sigh, before responding to her. "I had to deal with it back in school. From time to time I still see it. But it only stares at me. Back then it would sometimes attack me, but right know it doesn't even do that. I chose to change for both (Y/n) and Ruby. Sure she might still hate me, but so long as she is with us... Then I will not be that things monster."
"I see. So it hasn't left you, but you chose to take responsibility for the past?" Yang nods back at her. Salem couldn't help but lightly smile to herself as she seat back down on her throne. "I see." Looking at the moon she lets out a deep sigh. "Looks like were running out of time. So any other questions?"
Ozpin wanting to know why she looks the way she did responds back in a hateful tone. "Why do you look like that?"
"Oh come on, Ozma. This should be simple for someone like you." Much to Salem's disgust she responds to him. "Come on. Think Ozma, think."
Looking at him, she noticed a look of anger that she new all to well.
"Aren't you supposed to be the best of the best? Well what are you waiting for? Come kill me." Salem said in a sarcastic tone that only infuriated Ozma. Much to Salem's delight his anger only made her smile. "Hmhm, will you look at that are my words getting to you. Your getting all worked up over nothing."
Getting feed up with her words her got up from his seat and gripped his cane. All the while Salem crossed one leg over the other, and leans back on her throne.
"Look at you hardly any words in, and you look like you want me dead. I'm sure that you have realized it by know. Your getting weak. Can you tell me why that is?" Confused Ozma didn't respond to her question. "No response. *sigh* Here let me explain. With the years that fallowed I started to come up with a plan on how to kill. But even if I did your soul would only be reincarnated in the body of someone else. So I then had a great idea. Your only in this predicament because of me. So if I could just get rid of my immortality, then you wouldn't be able to reincarnated."
"So by taking over (Y/n)'s body, you got rid of the immortality. Is that right?" Ozma spoke not wanting to admit that what he said was true. He could already feel that his body was getting weaker by the hour.
"Sad to say, your wrong on one thing."
"And that would be?"
"I didn't take over (Y/n)'s body. I merge with it. She and I are one in the same... I'll be it with some exceptions. One's your body has vanishes, I will cease to exist, which she will then be able to take over this body."
Summer then spoke. "And what about (Y/n)? What will happen to her?"
"Can't say really. (Y/n) and Aria are one in the same. They both are the Maiden of the Summer's. Anyway by the end of the day, Ozma. You have lost this war." Salem then get's up from the throne, and stares at the rest of them. "If we are finished talking. I would like to thank you all for giving me some of your time."
After had their fill they all got up from their seats and prepared to engage Salem. But before anyone could do anything Salem poke.
"Now then why don't we take this somewhere else." Salem then lifted up her left arm up in the air, and it emanated a blinding light that engulfed everyone in the room.
Everyone blinded by the bright light covered their eyes, and stayed on guard. They all prepared themselves for the fight ahead. Inside that blinding light they saw a figure approaching them. But as the figure made it in to view, their eyes widen as it was revealed to be Lili. Oddly enough she didn't attack them, and simply walked passed them. Even in that blinding light, they could notice a smiled on her face. She placed both her arms behind her back, acting cute to the rest of the people that we're about to face of against the Queen of the Summer's.
"I know you won't believe me when I say this... But I'm really hoping you all win. So don't despoilment me. HAHAHAHA!"
The light then consumes her along with the rest of the people.
Meanwhile, back inside the Evernight Castle the two figures could be see placing the small box that Lili was stuck inside on the floor. They then stood back and crossed their arms. After a moment had passed the box started to shake, and turn. It then stops before then starting to show cracks across the edges. The two figures then saw as the box broke apart and from it Lili appeared.
Cracking her neck she crossed her arms and turns to look at the two figures. "Did it start?"
The two figures simply nodded their heads at the same time. Lili on the other hand could only smile to herself not being able to hold her excitement.
"Good. Know then lets see that she can really do." Looking out the window, and to the glowing moon, Lili could only smile. "I'm hopping you all win. Hehehe."
~Unknown Location~
Just as the light subsided all of them waited until their eyes got adjusted. One's adjusted, their eyes widen as they noticed a big spacious area as far as the eyes could see, mountains could bee seen in the distance, along with tree roots across the ground. Smaller large destroyed temples floated over the mountains, held in place by unknown gravity that didn't affect the rest of them, while other temple's where being held by the roots of tree's that sprung from the ground. Right between all of it a large silver tree that emanated a bright light could be seen, the tree was split down the middle by a far larger sword with several chains binding both tree and sword together could be seen.
All their eyes meet in one spot, as they saw a dark sphere composed by dark aura several feet in front of them. Salem's voice is then heard as it came from inside the sphere. As she spoke they all prepared to face her.
"Team LIZN, team RWBY come prove to me you are strong enough to bring her back. Come Glynda come and save your daughter. Finally after several millennia's of war. After several millennia's of never ending battles. Today is the day I get my revenge on you, Ozma. Today is the day I make this world my own."
Meanwhile inside the sphere, we see Salem, standing in a vast empty void. Her hair covered her eyes, as a young Aria and (Y/n) stood with their back's facing away from her. She then deeply sigh's before responding to the two of them.
"Aria, (Y/n)... Why did you have to suffer like this... Why did I have to break my promises to you...? Why couldn't I protect you all...?"
A tear then runs down the side of her face, with her lips express sadness. She then grips the necklace that she gave (Y/n) and held it close to her chest. For a brief moment images of her past kingdom, engulfed in fire and the loss of her daughters run across her mind, making her grip the necklace slightly tighter.
"I'm... I'm sorry for not being able to protect the both of you... This worlds a joke... everything is just ashes... nothing but ashes." Her tear then falls to the void as the two girls then vanished behind her. "If only I could have died when the world ended too ...No, in fact... I wish I'd never been born at all. At least this way, it would have saved you all this pain and anguish."
Just then the sphere dispersed to both sides as Salem then revealed herself. "But don't worry anymore. I will set everything right my, children."
"Come all of you! Let us reenact the worlds end!" Salem said with great delight in her tone, unable to hold her desire for fighting them.
A nervous sweet ran down team LIZN, and team RWBY as they could feel it. Her overwhelming power. A power that to the human/faunus eyes had no weakness. Salem smiled as team STRQ, Glynda, and Ozma all felt it. They could feel a great surge of power coming from her. The power of both Salem's magic, and the Maiden of the Summers mixed in to one body.
Salem then lifted her right hand up in the air summoning her demonic sword. She then tightened the grip, and started emanating a faint red glow. The red aura then resonated with the illusion of the younger (Y/n)'s that team STRQ, Ruby and Yang could see. They then vanished, and turned in to some form of cloud that quickly merged with Salem's sword transforming it's shape and form. The weapon then started showing sighs of crack, and shattered to bits as another different sword took it's place.
Salem then swiped the sword to the side, which made a small gust of wind, that lightly pushed everyone back, while leaving several black feathers across the vast field.
"I am Salem! The Maiden of the Summer's, and the Grimm Queen! Come let me judge your worth, and see if you are worthy of my new world! Children, prove to me that you are worthy of the life gifted to you!"
As the wind settled down, Layla looks at the rest of her team. They all then look back at her and nod. She then smiled as everyone then took out their weapons, and prepared for battle. They then look up in to the sky as the moon was slowly starting to turn red.
Layla then prepared herself. "Okay everyone let's put an end to this. This time will bring (Y/n) back! Everyone give it everything you got!" She then took out Dazzling Blue and prepared for battle.
Ivary then spoke. "Just hang on a little bit more (Y/n)! This time will save you!" She then took out New Hope and prepared for battle.
Zahra then spoke. "Let's bring this witch down! And bring (Y/n) back!" She then took out Vein Edge and prepared for battle.
Neo then spoke. "(Y/n), you saved my life one. So this time i'm going to do the same! Will save you!" She then took out Hush and prepared for battle.
Glynda closed her eyes remembering (Y/n) smiling back at her. "(Y/n)... As your Mother. This time we will save you. Will bring you back with us... So please just hold on a little bit longer. Are you all ready!"
Team LIZN nods back at her question. "YES!!!!"
Glynda nods back at them. "Okay. Everyone prepare yourselves!"
Meanwhile as team RWBY already had their weapons drawn. Ruby stepped forward. "Okay team! Today will beat Salem and bring back (Y/n)!" She spun Crescent Rose before then preparing herself to face Salem. "No mater the cost! Is everyone ready!"
Just then everyone spoke at the same time, while preparing to fight the person in front of them. "YEAH!"
Team STRQ then prepared to fight, but still felt a small amount of unease. The rest of the team all look at each other and nodded, while taking out their weapons.
Glynda looks at Salem before fixing her glasses and walking passed team LIZN. The two then share a glance before Glynda responded. "Thank you. Thank you for always looking after her. Let's go everyone! Let's end this!" As they all prepares for battle against the Grimm Queen. Glynda spoke one last time to herself. "(Y/n), just hold on a little bit longer."
Ozma looks in shock still trying to understand as to why they weren't afraid. Salem had it all a Grimm army at her beckon call. The power of the Maiden of the Summers. Her Magic. She truly had it all. So why? Why weren't they just running away? To him they must have know that they could all die. So why risk their lives. Just then he started having flashback's of everything he had done in the past. The loss of his former daughter, and the fall of his ancestors.
For a moment his world turned dark and in front of him stood the rest of his daughters. They all turned away from him, and their body's slowly vanished in to particles of light. Snapping back to reality he noticed as everyone was already prepared.
"...." He then looks at his cane before looking back at everyone else. He closes his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, before then opening his eyes again. Walking close to team STRQ, he prepared himself for battle. "Aria... You don't have to blame yourself for this... As your father... I will take responsibility for all the sin's I have committed against you."
Salem noticing that everyone was prepared smiles. "Yes! That's it come and face me! Let us put this endless war to an end!"
For a brief moment Layla looks at her team, as they to were prepared to face Salem and give her everything they had. Layla then grips her weapons in hand.
"Everyone! LET'S GO!"
It is then that everything fades to black.
(A/N: Okay another long chanter done and over with. Next chapter will be as soon as I can. I'm still trying to finish up the next chapters of other stories. So sorry for the hold up. I hope that this chapter was worth the wait to you all.)
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