Hello everyone!
Just forget yesterday's thing, ok!
I just lost two things so i got mad for a while, umm just let it be the way it is!!
Acha suno
Ish baar toh sun hi lo🤪
I was laughing in morning after reading my own chapter and then your comments! Ohh god it was really a crazy thing done by me! I was like what the hell i have wrote! 🤣🤣
Dont think i am mad! Because i am not, OK!!!
And one more thing! I am not going to stop writing so you all should not stop reading!!! Is that clear?
Ok so now
Lets start
Sid went near the dinning table while laughing
Vibha: What she told that you are laughing?
Abhi: yes!
Sid sat on his chair and told them whole convo
Vaishu: awwii! She is soooooooooooo cute!!
Abhi: yaar, i want to meet her!!
Vibha: I will call my friend after the lunch and will ask her about avi!!
Sid: that's great!!
Vaishu: yeah!
Suddenly something striked in sid's brain
Sid: Mommmm! She got one big order also which they have to deliever by 5 in evening!!
Abhi: wow! Congratulations to both of them!!
Vaishu: yes on very first day both are going to rock!!
Sid: yeah they will for sure!!
After this all had their breakfast and abhinavi left for their sets!!
Vibha and sid were at home!
In hall
Sid: mom! Lets call your friend and clear all the things!!
Vibha: sure! But i have to search her number in diary!!
Sid: i will help you!!
Sid brought the diary in which all mobile numbers are written
After 10 minutes they found Garima's number!
Sid: Finally we found it!!
He said this and rested his head back
Vibha: yes! So now lets call her!
Sid: yeah!
Vibha dialed the number in her phone and was going to call her when sid shouted
Sid: Waitttttt!
Vibha got shock and phone fell from her hand in her lap
Vibha: what the hell! Stop shouting!!
She shouted back
Sid (low voice): sorry!
Vibha: ok so now say!!
Sid: what you will say to her after calling her?
He asked vibha with a nervous smile
Vibha: Are you gone mad? Duffer!
She said this with an irritated face and called Garima
Sid just sat their quietly
Sid: mom!
Vibha: yes?
Sid: did she received your call?
Sid asked getting impatient
Vibha: no but ring is going so let us wait!
Sid: ohk
After 4 to 5rings Garima Picked up the call
Vibha: Hello! Garima?
As soon as sid heard this he actioned vibha to put the phone on speaker! Vibha nodded and put it on speaker!
Garima: yes mam! Garima this side!
Sid smiled brightly after this
Vibha smiled and said
Vibha: Garima! Its me Vibha your college friend!!
Garima: Omg! Vibha! After so long! How are you? And how everything is going on?
Garima got excited after listening vibha
Vibha: I am fine and everything is going so well! And what about you?
Sid is sitting their patiently and waiting for his mom to come on point
Vibha and Garima talked a lot on call and here sid is still sitting with angry face but still trying to keep himself calm
Vibha saw sid and remembered the point! She smiled nervously at sid
Sid made a crying face
Vibha nodded her head in no, telling him not to cry
Sid nodded in yes
Vibha nodded in no
Sid in yes
And finally sid cried
(A/N:- I am laughing now🤣🤣🤣)
Vibha sighed and passed him glass of water
Sid took it and drank it
Suddenly Garima shouted from the phone
This made vibha and sid realize that Garima is still on line
Vibha: ohh sorry sorry! My phone just fall from my hand so i didnt heard you!
Garima: oh its ok!
Vibha: Btw Garima what you do?
Sid sat straight and he is carefully listening what will Garima say
Garima: I............
Words count:- 730
That's it for today!
How was the chapter?
Sid cried🤣🤣 and vibha sighed🤣🤣
Ok so What will Garima say?
And i am planning to give next update on Sunday directly!!🤣🤣
So what say! I should give on sunday or .....?
We will meet soon, bye!!
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