Agony and Anger

ELLO! Not ENTIRELY sure about everything in this chapterrrrr buuuuut hope you guys enjoy it anyway!!

Vote and comment plz!

(Sorry about the sLowness...kinda writing what I feel like writing instead of in a forced order lol)

ALSO WARNIN for blood...I turned "mature" on for all the violence...just to be safe. There will still be NO strong language or...ew stuff lolol



          The being disappeared with a flash of cyan, leaving Steve to weakly reach out for the water, which had landed near his head. He grasped it and shakily sat up, hunched from his cracked ribs, popping the cork with his teeth and guzzling the refreshing, cool water. The bread was tough, but nourishing, and he when he finished, he finally like he could sleep. He lay down, careful to avoid the dark spines, cushioning his head on an arm.

          He sent a last prayer to Notch for strength, hoping he hadn't given anything vital away.

          Sleep overtook him within minutes.



           "Guhhh..." Steve awoke to darkness, head pounding. His head was pressing against something hard, and his ribs ached dreadfully. He startled a little, the memory of what had happened flashing through his mind again. His heart thudded as he tried not to move, eyes weakly roving around the cavern he was in. Most of his view was blocked by the sharp spikes of stone the immortal had surrounded him with. Steve shuddered when he remembered the being's dark, chilling voice, saying he was not to touch the stones, or the spikes would impale him.

          The young soldier rolled slightly so his entire forehead was pressing against the cold, hard ground. He was stiff and sore, every breath hurt, and he was thirsty again. Steve allowed another moan to leave his lips as his mind fought to keep the pictures of his friends dying from welling up.

          "N-Notch...please...h-how long a-am I t-to suffer u-under his hand..." He whispered. A few warm tears trailed down his face at the thought of dying in this awful dark place, so full of fear and pain. It would likely happen soon, as he had nothing left to give the demon, no more information that would deem him worthy of life.

          Nothing left to give, that is, aside from an entertaining death.

          The sudden, angry squeak of a bat made him jump, heartbeat quickening slightly. He sighed, literally everything here, every sound, gave him a small burst of adrenalin. He moved a hand up to his heart, feeling it thud against his ribcage.

          He couldn't even treasure the last moments it would beat.

          A slight rustling and chittering sound from near his face had his head jerking up. Steve hissed as his head throbbed, forcing blue eyes open to stare at what had made the noise. The redstone torches did little to nothing in aiding his sight, but Steve caught movement on the floor near his chest. He frowned, then shuddered and cringed away as it brushed against his arm, feeling prickly.

          Pain suddenly blossomed in the man's arm and he yelped, jerking up and yanking his arm back, clutching it and feeling warm blood squeeze between his fingers. Another pinch of pain in his thigh had him gasping again and scrambling back, "W-what—"

           He felt his back hit a spike.

          Steve froze, terror pouring through his body as the ground rumbled. He leaned forward in a flash to scramble away, pleading, "N-no! No no no, I wasn't—"

          He wasn't fast enough.

          A sharp crack made the ground tremble, and then Steve felt hot pain slam into his upper back, just under his left arm, tearing, burning. His head jerked at the impact, and a scream of agony left his lips as the spike shuddered to a halt, the ground quieting.

          The cold stone had impaled the soldier through his left ribcage, from his back, and it now stuck out his front, dark and glistening. Steve was trapped in a slightly sitting, arched position, his chest pushed up by the stone. The man shivered with every breath, feeling blood begin to pour out of the wound. Fiery pain consumed his chest as he fought for air. It seemed like it had missed his lung, and he breathed his thanks to Notch, then closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as another wave of pain crashed over him. Of course, this would happen...of course. And now the demon was going to blame him for trying to escape and punish him further. A low moan left Steve at the thought of it. It would be painful, he knew, and all because he'd been surprised by a silverfish.

          There was another tiny rumble, causing Steve to bite back a cry and stiffen. A small squeak made him open his eyes. As the tremors subsided, he saw, to his slight pained amusement, that there was a wriggling silverfish impaled on another spike. However, the pleasure was short-lived, and he was forced to monitor his breathing, as his ribs would scrape stone with every inhale and exhale.

          Despite his fear of the immortal, the soldier desperately hoped he would come soon and relieve him of the terrible pain.


          The immortal was pacing in an upper part of the mountain, grumbling about something under his breath, when he sensed the tell-tale rumble.

          He halted, feeling the location it stemmed from, and scowled. The human must have tried something. The being huffed, annoyed at the interruption, but it would be just in time, as he was running out of theories as to who this human was. He needed more answers.

          He gathered energy about himself, and the dark room he'd been pacing in lit up with cyan for a half second before plunging again into darkness as he vanished.


          Steve's mouth was open, and he was panting quietly. It was getting so much harder to breath, his chest felt heavy. He realized he may have gotten blood in his lungs, he couldn't seem to breathe fast enough, get enough air. His head lolled to the side, chest seizing in a harsh cough. The coughing had become more and more common as the seconds ticked, and each convulsion of his chest caused tears to spring to his eyes as unimaginable pain tore through his lungs.

          Steve heard a soft noise, and then the temperature dropped significantly. Fear closed over him, like the waters of a rapids, threatening to drown him in its cold embrace and his heart fluttered wildly in his chest. The soldier hiccupped as his eyes flicked up, hoping to catch sight of the immortal, plead his case before he assumed—

          "Well well well...what a predicament you've gotten yourself into."

          Steve's breath hitched as he tried to gasp in air, force out a plea that it wasn't his fault, anything, even a word. Only a raspy, weak moan left him, and he tasted iron.

          The immortal huffed behind him, then stepped around into view, hands behind his back. There was a little amusement in his face as he watched Steve struggle to breathe, "I told you escape would bring you pain...did I not? You're lucky it didn't pass through your heart...which would have also been annoying to me for I am still baffled as to who you are."

          The mortal's face was pale, and blood flecked his darkened lips. The demon grumbled, then lifted a hand, and the ground shuddered.


          Steve flinched and wailed a little as the dark spike was drawn out of his body with a sickening squelch. It vanished into the ground, along with the rest of the stones surrounding him, leaving the soldier exposed and vulnerable on the ground. A wet substance now soaked his back.


          He couldn't stop shaking, though the wound was crying for him not to, as the immortal took a step forward, glanced down, and stamped. A slight crunch and a cut-off squeal gave away that the silverfish was dead.

          "P-please I...I didn—"

          "Silence, mortal."

          Steve's jaw clamped shut, a shaky moan escaping him as the being stood over him, running his eyes over the wound.

          "Tch. Let me guess...the silverfish startled you, hm?"

          Steve's eyes flashed with fear and a little hope as he stared up at the powerful being. He managed a short nod, then stiffened as the demon bent down, fitting fingers over Steve's throat. Panic seized the soldier, but all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut, trembling as the pressure increased.

          A strangled gasp left him as he was pulled up, and his head gave a warning throb. Pain radiated from the tender wounds, and Steve couldn't help it when his good hand came up, taking a shaking hold of the warmer, stronger arm clamped on his neck. Steve was completely limp, hovering on the edge of darkness, his breathing slowing and heartbeat weakening.

          The being said something, but it was muffled, and then a searing pain drove into the soldier's chest, leaving him breathless. He arched, eyes and mouth shooting open as he gagged. It felt as though skin was being stretched, pulled apart from the hole in his back and chest. The pain went deeper, and this time, a scream actually made it passed his lips, weak as it was. He was shaken a little, a firm command given to him, but he couldn't tell what it was.

          The pain began to lessen slowly, and then faster and faster until Steve's eyes focused again, and he was breathing easily, though sweat lined his brow. He panted, swallowing, eyes flicking to the immortal, whose fingers he still felt around his throat. Thankfully, he was still allowed to breathe.

          The being grunted, then dropped Steve. The man stumbled as he landed, legs unsteady, and he gasped a little, expecting a surge of pain through his chest.

          There was nothing.

          Steve frowned, a shaking right hand going up and prodding gingerly at his shoulder. Again, he felt no harsh retort of pain, and his eyes widened a little as he glanced up at the immortal, who was watching him with a critical eye. Steve's shock must have shown, because there was an annoyed look set in the immortal's face, so the soldier dropped his eyes, again feeling his side in wonder.

          "How many times must you poke at yourself to get it through your thick skull that yes, I healed you." A voice grumbled in irritation.

          Steve startled a little, wincing and looking up again at the demon, "'s power it must have taken..."

          The immortal scoffed, "It was but a little taste of what I am capable of, human. You would do well to remember that. If I wished it, this entire mountain would fall at my command and crush you for my amusement."

          Shuddering, Steve nodded once as his stomach churned at the image, well-reminded of his position. His life was worthless, a simple fleeting pleasure to be used up and snuffed out by this creature.

          "Now...since my musings were cut short by your idiocy..."

          Steve gasped sharply as his legs were kicked out from under him, his back crashing harshly into cold stone, rattling every bone in his body. A boot landed heavily on his chest, as a cyan flash signifying the arrival of that sharp, dreaded pickax. The soldier looked up with fearful eyes from his sprawled position, his small chest heaving, as the immortal stood over him once more.

          " can repay me by answering a few more of my questions." A dark sneer twisted the being's face.

          Steve shuddered as cold diamond scraped his left cheek, seeming to appear out of thin air. He winced, tilting his head away from the sharpness, "A-alright..." His voice was shaky. There was no point in resisting...he had nothing left to give.

          "Good human..." The dark voice crooned mockingly, making Steve shiver harder, " will describe to me, in detail, the place you awoke in at the beginning of your tale. Leave nothing out...I can tell when you are hiding something."

          Steve swallowed, wracking his memory, hoping desperately he didn't forget something. He dimly realized his head had stopped its relentless pounding, making his thoughts clearer, "I...i-it was very..." He shuddered, eyes growing distant as his mind traveled back to that hated place, "...very dark...and it smelled...not...bad necessarily...but it just..." he gave a frustrated sigh, whispering, "It just...reeked of evil...I d-don't even know how to describe it any other way."

          The being scowled as he said this, but Steve paid him no mind, looking beyond him and back into a part of his past he'd tried so hard to forget, " were vines, sickly and withered vines...and black tapestries with dark looked l-like old blood was o-on the walls...and I th-thought I saw bones..." Steve winced a little, "The floor...was cracked and ruined, and sunlight made it in th-through cracks in the ceiling...but it was choked...n' grey. All the...the plants and grass and moss had a sick look...and there was a big, crumbling...altar I my right... set on some stairs. I was...on my face and in a disgusting puddle of...what looked like tar, and it clung to me."

          Steve shivered, "It...too...seemed filled with evil and dark things...and I feared it from th-the moment I saw it...but I could hardly move...couldn't g-get out... After a soldiers arrived...that's all...all I can remember really..." His eyes focused on the demon, a haunted look in them.

          The immortal wasn't looking at him, but instead had straightened, pick hanging loosely at his side and tapping idly at his leg as he stared off into space, his mind filled with remembrance...

          ...a remembrance of darker things...of his first true taste of evil desires.

          The being blinked after a minute or two, during which Steve barely breathed, hoping to Notch the demon wouldn't find fault in the admission. The immortal focused back on Steve's pale face, which was streaked with tears and blood and smudged with dirt. The human was thin, thinner than he was when the immortal had first dragged him here, and he looked sickly and pale.

          The demon snorted and shook his head, causing the mortal to startle a little. He should not be concerned with such things...the human only needed to live for long enough to get his questions answered.

          However, those questions may just keep coming. The human's story had only ignited further curiosity about who this man was. He was no ordinary mortal, the being saw that. And that place he was describing...

          ...the being remembered it as well.

          Perhaps the mortal would have to remain alive a little longer to serve his purposes.

          The immortal smirked darkly. The human would probably feel not relief, but dread that he was to remain alive for still longer in this place of death.


          Steve remained silent, barely daring to breathe as the immortal studied him. He couldn't meet the fierce burning of those soulless eyes and finally winced, looking away. A dark chuckle had him flinching, hands lying on the cold, uneven floor balling shakily into fists as his eyes shut tightly, preparing himself for whatever the demon had planned.

          "Still so cowardly...hmmph, predictable. At least it keeps you submissive."

          Steve bit his tongue before an angry retort could make it past his lips. The weight was suddenly removed from his chest, and he took a shuddering breath, daring to open his eyes a little and look to see what the immortal was doing—

          Again, a hand fit around his neck, strong and powerful.

          Steve tensed, wincing as the immortal hauled him to his feet again. He glanced fearfully from the hand to the immortal's face. The being's mouth was twisted in a sneering grin of sorts. Steve didn't like it, and hoped being quiet would lessen what was in store for him, but his mouth decided to speak what was on his mind without consent, "Y-you c-could just tell me to get up...I c-can stand on m-my own—" His eyes widened and his hand swiftly clamped over his mouth. Good Notch, what had he just done??

          The being seemed amused, as his grin widened and that horrid chuckle began again, sending chills down Steve's spine. However, his eyes narrowed, "So you prefer to be ordered then? Hmmm...I could break your legs and then command you to walk if you insist... That would be amusing." His voice wasn't pleasant at all, and Steve desperately shook his head, his hand still clamped over his own mouth. The demon's voice became a growl as his mood switched again suddenly, "Given your current situation, I don't believe you're really in the position to give advice or make demands..." Tossing away his pick, he held his free hand near Steve's paling face. There was a cyan flash that made the soldier's eyes hurt, and after he blinked and could see, his eyes widened in fear at the metal and leather object the demon held.

          " recognize what this is? hold still."

          Steve's breath hitched as his hand was jerked off his face. His heart was pounding, and he gave a slight, strained noise as the immortal used pressure points in his neck to force his jaw open. Cool metal slipped between his teeth as leather was pressed over the lower side of his face, over his nose, around his head. The immortal buckled it tightly and roughly around the back of the soldier's head. Steve felt sick as the being tilted his face from side to side after finishing the last buckle, looking at him with a twisted sort of pleasure. A muzzle with a bit, meant for insane war criminals. The instrument was rarely used, however. Steve had seen these before in a prison when his division stopped by it as a lesson to unruly soldiers. The instrument was reserved only for those who would bite...and it was deeply humiliating.

          The demon seemed to smirk at the pain in Steve's eyes, and shook him a little by the throat, making Steve gag, " you can remain quiet until I need you again."

          Before Steve could fully register it, a sickening sensation flowed over him. His stomach churned, and two cyan bursts of light made his head hurt. The soldier's eyes were suddenly flooded with bright light and he made a garbled noise, squeezing his eyes shut as his head throbbed. He hardly registered the slight rumbling beneath his feet...

          ...because he felt wind.

          The breeze was cool, soft, and it flung his tangled hair away from his face, brushing softly over him. He took a deep breath of fresh air, it seemed to have been forever since he felt it, and he smelled dirt and rain. It was...blissful. He nearly forgot the hand on his throat until it was removed, and he then noticed the rock-like substance that encased his wrists. Squinting hard and blinking, he managed to get his eyes open slightly, turning to look over his shoulder. His heart sank a little, seeing stones were holding his hands firmly behind his back, keeping him standing.

          His eyes rose from his wrists, and he gasped softly. He was on a mountain, the sky brightening with the light of a new sunrise. Mist swirled gently about the tips of many jagged dark rocks, which reflected the orange and purple of the sunrise. There was so much light and color and sound, the soldier could only stare in awe at it, wondering why he was being taken here.

          "Stay here...I will return shortly." Steve startled a little, turning to look towards the demon, but he was already gone. The young man sighed, tugging slightly at his wrists, then forgot the futile resistance as another cool bit of wind flowed over him, rushing into his face. He breathed in the scent as it blew against his tunic, still slightly damp with sweat and blood, and he shivered. Notch, how he'd missed being out in the open would only make it twice as difficult to go back. He sighed, leaning his head down to rub the leather of the muzzle against his shoulder, hating the feel. If only he could have stopped to think about how that one simple sentence could have been taken...

          He quietly, though he hated the thought, resolved to keep the demon placated for now...if that meant submitting and never speaking back, then that was possible. He wasn't strong, there was no point in resisiting. Besides, he was going to die here anyway, and he might as well make the stay only a little less hellish if he could.


AIGHT (lol this is only half the chapter I planned on posting sO...I just felt like it would take too long to come out otherwise)

TOO TIRED TO PROOFREAD!! Hope you guys like the bit because I waaasn't toooo sure about it...I DO feel like the demon would use the cruelest method available he could find to shut poor Steve up.

Anyhow, plz vote if you liked it! And I love to hear what you guys are thinkin', even if it's just a few words like "hurhur bit go brrr". 

I may reread Snowball a bit and see if I get re-inspired!

Over n' out

~ ScarOfHerobrine

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