Chapter XXV
On the richly carved mantel stood an exquisite plate-glass clock, the chimes of which were just striking eleven, and, keeping it company to right and left, were two dainty figures of a shepherd and shepherdess in Dresden china. The remaining mantel space was filled with photo frames of old family moments, a porcelain box, heart-shaped, the top covered with china forget-me-nots, a silver drinking-cup, a small oval portrait on ivory of a beautiful young woman, framed in richly chased gold, the inner rim set round with pearls. A blue pitcher of Cloisonne and a tray of filigree silver heaped with dainty cotillion favors stood on one end; on the other, a crystal vase filled with white tulips.
The fireplace mimics the warmth of the day. Two figures sit cozy by the flame, their features illuminated by the flickering light, the only two people in the room. Though the air isn't smokey they can smell the pine as it burns, just a faint fragrance to reassure their senses that there will be comfort in the long and bitter winter.
The fireplace was their tiny sun for the evening, casting long shadows over the rug. The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood. It's so good to feel their warmth at last, even if is from only one direction. They watch in hypnotized joy, holding their hands out to get just a little more of the gentle heat.
One of the figures wrapped his arm around the other, pulling her towards himself as he rested his cheek on the top of her head. They heard shuffling behind them, causing both of them to look up as an elderly woman approached them with a trey held in hand. One of the figures stood before taking the trey from her hold.
"Mrs. Scott, please sit down." He laughed. "We can handle it."
"Uh, hush, Apollyon." Mrs. Scott chuckled. "I am very much capable of such a feat."
Settling down on the sofa, Apollyon placed the trey down on the coffee table in front of him as he handed a mug to Mrs. Scott, and one to Eleanora who was seated in front of the warm fire, before taking one himself as he retook his position beside her. Snuggling up with her, they both sat in front of the flames as Mrs. Scott sat smiling at their backs.
"Your prom is tonight?" Mrs. Scott inquired to the two teens that sat on her floor.
"Yes." Eleanora smiled back at her.
"You're dress is beautiful, Eleanora."
"Thank you."
"And you'll look rather dashing in your suit, Apollyon!" Mrs. Scott exclaimed. "I can't wait to see both of you in your attires!"
Apollyon and Eleanora laughed at her enthusiasm and listened intently as she was recounting Elliot's prom when he was 17. They had a good laugh over it as Mrs. Scott had a bright smile on her face. She baked them cookies before they decided that it was time that they head off to get dressed for prom. However, before they could leave, Mrs. Scott insisted that Apollyon gets dressed here, so that she could help him with the tie and suit. Just for old time's sake.
Shrugging, Apollyon agreed as they both made their way up the stairs and to their apartment, grabbing everything that he needed, he kissed Eleanora on the cheek before bounding down the stairs again. Laying out his belongings, Mrs. Scott ushered him into the shower, telling him to be quick.
Taking a quick shower he stepped out in a towel wrapped around his waist as Mrs. Scott placed the suit pants and button up shirt into his hands. Once he wore them, the elderly lady directed him on how to properly tuck the shirt into his pants. She handed him the belt next as she started to work on his tie. Once the tie was properly fixed, she assisted him with the vest and then the suit jacket. Brushing off his shoes he stood in front of her with a wide smile.
Apollyon wore a dark three piece glen check suit with a blue weave tie. A white button up shirt with brown leather dress shoes.
Smiling broadly, Mrs. Scott combed his hair to the side, settling them down before she helped him with the coat. He had a gray long over coat with a matching fedora.
Satisfied with his get up, Mrs. Scott stopped fussing over his hair as he glanced down at his watch, commenting that they still had about 10 minutes before Eleanora came down. Their landlady took that as a sign to take his pictures, cooing and gushing over how handsome he looked in his attire. A '1944 detective' is what she had called him, and Apollyon had to admit, he did match the description.
Once Apollyon laughed and informed her that Eleanora would be arriving soon, she stopped taking his pictures as they both stepped out into the foyer, standing at the foot of the stairs. Both of them conversed lightly before redirecting their attention to the entrance upon the sound of the door opening. Elliot stepped into the threshold, his Police cap on his head as his black coat was covered in snow.
"Hello, darling." Mrs. Scott greeted her son with a kiss a she greeted her with a hug in return. "How was work."
"Same old, same old." He shrugged before looked at Apollyon with narrowed eyes, scrutinizing his get up. "Oh, it's prom." He realized after a moment.
"Doesn't he look dashing?" Mrs. Scott smiled excitedly, like a little child.
"He does." Elliot nodded in confirmation. "You helped him, mother?"
"Why, yes. I did."
"Job well done, then."
Mrs. Scott grinned back at her son as she ruffled his hair in affection as he chuckled. Elliot glanced around him for a second before his gaze froze in one direction, his eyes widening and his mouth falling open.
"Oh, wow." He breathed out in awe as the other two followed his gaze, looking at the top of the stairs.
Eleanora stood with a shy smile in front of her everyone, her white hair parted to the side and the bottom of her tresses curled up so that her hair reached till her shoulders, a porcelain white hair clip standing out against her hair.
Her makeup was meticulously done and made her blue eyes sparkle and look bigger. Eleanora's skin was glowing regally as her eyeliner was thin and long, giving it a classical look as she finished it off with dazzling red lipstick.
Her dress was exquisite, like her. It was an off shoulder white dress that reached just above her knees from the front and flowed to the floor from the back. The neckline and the hem of the dress were covered in beautiful black rose embroidery with black stilettos fitted on her feet. The entire apparel giving off a vintage and classic look.
Making her way down the stairs, everyone stared at her open mouthed as they couldn't believe how ravishing she looked. Standing in front of the three people, Eleanora offered a shy smile, while sheepishly avoiding Apollyon's thunderstruck gaze.
"You look gorgeous." Mrs. Scott was the first person to come out of her stupor. "Absolutely gorgeous."
"Thank you." Eleanora flushed as she smiled at the elder lady.
"Come here, sweetheart." She held Eleanora's arm directing her to stand somewhere. "Let me take your pictures."
Eleanora laughed at her land lady as she allowed her to do as she pleased. Smiling and showing off her dress to the camera. Mrs. Scott took some pictures before she finally insisted that Apollyon stand beside her and they get pictures taken together. Apollyon took off his coat as Eleanora complimented that he looked handsome as he flushed.
Mrs. Scott took a number of pictures of them together before she suddenly stopped, a look of realization on her face as she looked at Apollyon expectantly.
"Apollyon, did you get the corsage?" Mrs. Scott inquired pointily as Apollyon smiled, taking out a plastic box from his coat pocket as he showed it to Mrs. Scott with a smug grin. The box contained a white lily corsage inside.
"I didn't forget." He informed as their land lady breathed a breath of relief.
Opening the box, he turned towards Eleanora, as he held the corsage in his hand just as his date offered her right hand to him. Sliding the corsage onto her wrist, he fixed it before placing a kiss on the back of her hand as she smiled at him. Taking the single lily flower from inside, Eleanora pinned it onto Apollyon's suit lapel as she placed a kiss on his cheek, which resulted in him grinning like the cashier cat.
Once Mrs. Scott was satisfied with the number of pictures she had taken, she allowed them to leave. Apollyon helped Eleanora wear her coat as he himself adorned his own before he offered his arm to her. Looping her arm through his, both of them made their way out into the chilly December air. Apollyon led her to a white Audi A4 as he opened the passenger door for her. Helping her settle in, Apollyon went to the driver's seat. Pressing the start button the car purred to life as he grinned at Eleanora.
"Jack let you borrow a car from the garage?" She laughed at his enthusiasm while mentioning his boss.
"Yup." He smiled, popping the 'p', before driving off to the venue.
Throughout the drive, Apollyon held Eleanora's hand, placing a kiss on the back of it every now and then. Arriving at the venue, they noticed quiet a few students making their way to the entrance, standing beneath the arch and getting pictures taken. Stepping out of the car, Eleanora noticed Jennifer and Jason smiling at the camera from beneath the canopy before Jennifer noticed them approaching, waving at them.
Eleanora and Apollyon made their way over to them as Jennifer dragged Jason with her to greet them half way.
"Hi guys!" She smiled brightly, looking at the two. "You guys look so cute together!"
"Thanks." Eleanora smiled at them. "You two look adorable, and I love how matching you guys are." Eleanora stated while mentioning Jennifer's sea green dress and Jason's tie.
"Yeah, we planned it!" Jennifer enthused. "Come on, why don't you guys get a picture taken?"
"Sure, why not?" Apollyon grinned as Eleanora looped her arm through his and he tipping his fedora in Jennifer's direction. Taking off their coats and the fedora, he laid them down on the railing as they both stood beneath the canopy. Apollyon's arm wrapped around Eleanora's waist as she rested her hand on his chest, both of them smiling at the camera as the few people that loitered about stared at the two in awe.
Once the photographer took a few pictures of theirs, he asked for their names and respective address as they told him that they lived together. Noting it down, he informed them that their pictures would be mailed to them.
Grabbing their belongings, they made their way inside the exquisitely decorated venue as people danced to the thumping music. Apollyon led Eleanora to a vacant table, draping their coats over their seats as they both decided to sit down for right now and watch everyone dance while talking.
Halfway through their discussion, Apollyon got up to get punch as Eleanora sat smiling and admiring everyone's attires. Suddenly Apollyon's chair scraped as she turned towards the direction, thinking that he was back. However, she was surprised to find the school's jock sitting in front of her.
"Hey there, beautiful." He greeted with a flirtatious smile. "What's such a gorgeous lady, such as yourself, doing here without a date?"
"Oh, no...I actually-" She started but was cut off.
"She's here with me." Apollyon's voice growled from behind her. Instantly the guy stood up, entirely tense as he looked at Apollyon. "Now, if you'd get out of my seat, I'd appreciate it."
Instantly the guy ran out of the chair and to the other end of the room, as far away from Apollyon as possible. Sitting down, he handed Eleanora the glass of punch with a smile, causing her to look at him with a raised eyebrow at the change in demeanor. Taking a sip of the punch, Eleanora spit it back into her cup as she saw Apollyon scrunch up his nose in disgust.
"Why does it taste so weird?" He asked, while making weird faces.
"It's spiked." Eleanora realized with a laugh. "Someone put another drink in this."
"It's disgusting." He scrunched his nose while putting glass away from him.
They both sat silently for a moment, before Apollyon stood and offered his hand to Eleanora. Looking at his palm, she smiled at him as she placed her hand into his waiting one. Helping her to her feet, Apollyon led her to the dance floor, where couples were dancing together. Apollyon placed a hand on her waist as she rested her on his shoulder, with their free hand interlaced together.
Both of them swayed to the music as they didn't break eye contact. Apollyon smiled at her as he placed a kiss on her forehead, pulling her closer to him. He looked at her again, admiring how beautiful she looked.
"I realized something." He stated softly.
"You aren't completely comfortable with me kissing you." He stated with a soft smile. Eleanora opened her mouth to interject, but he continued to speak. "I talked to Mrs. Scott about it, and she told me that you must be feeling uncomfortable about it because we aren't officially dating."
"Is that how you feel?" He asked her softly as he ducked to meet her eyes since she looked down. "I won't be angry."
Eleanora swallowed visibly as she looked up to meet his gaze. Words wouldn't form so she simply nodded to his question. Apollyon smiled down at her as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Okay." He nodded with a smile. "I'll ask you out properly one day, then."
"Apollyon..." She trailed with a pained smile as he gave a small one in return.
"No, it's okay." He shook his head with a smile as his eye became glassy. "I am not going anywhere. I'm not leaving. I'll be here till the very end. No matter what."
Eleanora blinked away the tears as she smiled up at him. "And even after all we've been through, I still get butterflies when you smile." Apollyon chuckled as he twirled her in his arms, causing her to laugh.
"I'm here. I love you." He smiled at her adoringly as he pulled her back to him. "I don't care if you need to stay up crying all night long. I'll stay with you. There's nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death, I will still protect you. I am stronger than depression and I am braver than loneliness. And nothing will ever exhaust me."
A tear slipped down his eyes as Eleanora wiped it away with her thumb. Stopping their dance, Eleanora leaned forward and firmly pressed her lips to his.
"Be my boyfriend, Apollyon Masters?"
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