Chapter III
Eleanora awoke to the sound of her alarm ringing on the table beside her. Groaning, she turned it off and rubbed her eyes as she lay in bed for a moment. The dream she had last night about the Devil coming to her, choking Elliot, and taking her soul had greatly shaken her. It was a very bizarre dream to have, but it felt so real.
Sighing, she got out of bed and decided on what she was going to wear. Looking at the clothes she had laid out the previous day, she frowned. In front of her lay a black full sleeved shirt and denim jeans with a hood. Pursing her lips, she decided to wear something else than that over-worn hood. Taking out a pair of blue skinny jeans with a gray full sleeved shirt and a brown aviator leather jacket. She just didn't care anymore of how much of a freak people thought she'd might be.
Wearing her outfit, she laced her boots into place before grabbing her bag and making her way out the apartment, humming to herself while bounding down the stairs.
"Hello, Mrs. Scott." She greeted cheerily.
"My, aren't we in a happy mood?" Mrs. Scott smiled brightly. "You're looking rather well."
"Thank you." She smiled. "I should be heading out now. Have a good day and wish Elliot a good day from me, too."
"Oh, he won't be going to the station today." Mrs. Scott shook her head as she looked down at her letters. "He came down with a horrifying fever."
"Oh." Eleanora shook her head. "Well, I hope he gets well soon. I'll make him something once I get home."
"That'd be lovely." Mrs. Scott smiled in response. "He likes you, did you know that, Eleanora?"
"I like him, too." Eleanora shrugged before waving farewell and making her way out the building and down the sidewalk to get to the bus stop. She stood there in the cold winter air as she wore her gloves and matching beanie on her head as she waited for the bus to arrive.
Settling down on the bench, she adjusted her bag on her shoulder before looking at the time displayed on her phone.
7: 45 a.m. It read as the bus pulled up next to the stop. Getting up she watched the door open as she stepped in, looking for a seat as the entire bus population was looking at her. Generally she would have shied away from this much attention, but now, without realizing she gave them a lopsided smile as she made her way to the seat in the far back, sitting next to a timid looking girl that shied away from her.
"I hope you don't mind me sitting here." Eleanora inquired in a whisper to the girl that shook her head in response. "Good. I'm Eleanora, by the way."
"Jenny." She introduced as she shook her outstretched hand. "Are you new here?"
"Oh, no." Eleanora spoke with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I've been attending Westrover High since I was 15."
"Really?" Jenny inquired curiously. "How come I never saw you before?"
"I generally hid behind a hood." Eleanora shrugged. "But, now I realized that I didn't want to hide my pretty face in the shadows." She joked as Jenny laughed along with her.
"What about you?" Eleanora inquired.
"Me?" Jenny confirmed while biting her lower lip. "What about me?"
"Well...Tell me about yourself." She trailed. "Like what you like, how you spend your free time, what you're studying, what your aim is...stuff like that."
"Okay." Jenny nodded as she realized what she was asking of her. "Only if you tell me about yourself in return."
"Deal." She nodded as she struck out her hand and Jessie shook it firmly.
So, Jenny told Eleanora about herself. Her name was Jennifer Brown, and she lived with her elder sister in one of the apartment buildings in towns. She moved to the town of Forget (for-jay) from Toronto about a year ago once her parents got divorced and sent her to live with her sister. She said that she wanted to become a teacher when she grew up because she loved to teach children and often babysat as a part-time job for income.
In turn, Eleanora informed her that she lived in an apartment with her cat, Sebastian. She told her that she wanted to saves lives and become a surgeon. She came here when she was 15, and it has been two years since. Eleanora lives alone, due to her 'absentee' parents. Never had any siblings growing up and didn't get along with a lot of people, making her and introvert and a rather shy person. However, she wanted to change that and not hide in the shadows anymore. She didn't care if people called her a freak for having such unnatural white hair.
The two got along rather well and talked all the way into the school, where quite a few people turned around to watch them pass due to Eleanora's hair, as quite a few openly gaped at her.
Jenny and her separated due to their lockers being in different wings. So as Eleanora was taking out her books, a guy approached her, one of those typical jocks and leaned against the locker next to hers. She momentarily glanced up to get a look at him as he was flirtatiously smiling at her. He was a decent looking guy, with dirty blonde hair and a troublemaker smile as he had dark brown eyes.
"Are you lost?" She inquired as she consulted her timetable to ensure that she was placing the right books in her bag.
"Hey babe, I lost my phone number." He stated. "Can I have yours?"
She scoffed as a smirk made it's way across her lips. She closed her locker and turned towards him with a smile and could see the elated victory he felt in his eyes.
"Sure." She shrugged. "But you should have come ten years ago. Right about the time this pick up line died." She smiled at him before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away from the jock, leaving him to openly gap at her retreating figure as a few people that overheard the conversation laughed at him.
She heard chuckling from beside her causing her to instantly turn towards the source of the voice as she came face to face with the Devil that came in her dreams last night.
"Nice retort." He chuckled as he halted beside her. Today he wore denim jeans with a white shirt under a black leather jacket.
"You!" She hissed while pointing an accusing finger at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Well, we did have a deal." He stated nonchalantly as he picked at his short trimmed nails. "Your soul for my friendship. Remember?"
"It wasn't a dream?"
"No, sweetheart." He taunted. "None of it was a dream."
"Oh, and by the way, you won't be able to dream any longer." He shrugged as he walked down the hall.
Coming out of her stupor, Eleanora ran after him before grabbing hold of the back of his collar, forcing him to stop.
"No." She gritted out. "What are you doing here? At Westrover High?"
"Oh, that." He realized before snapping his fingers as a backpack appeared over his shoulders. "I'm going to attend this miserable school with you. Bestie. After all, that's what friends do, isn't it?" He smirked before walking away.
Eleanora gritted her teeth as she marched to her homeroom, grumbling about how infuriating that Devil was. However, she had wanted this, so why was she backing out of it now? After he had taken her soul into his custody. Heaving a heavy sigh, she calmed herself down before entering the classroom, going to sit down where she usually sat. At the far back, right next to the window.
As the teacher was taking a roll call, everyone had turned to look at her when she informed them that she was here, surprised to see that the usual hooded Eleanora Clark was actually a rather hot person. The class had started and, Eleanora felt relieved that she didn't have the first period with Satan.
Suddenly the door burst open as he peeked his head in, looking around before breathing a sigh of relief.
"Finally I found the classroom." He exclaimed while stepping in.
"Can I help you? Mr....?" The teacher trailed as Satan handed her something.
"Masters." He supplied as he gave the slip to her. "Apollyon Masters."
"Alright." The teacher nodded. "Well, class. Seems like we have a new student. Apollyon Masters. Why don't you tell us about yourself Mr. Masters."
"Well...I'm from down under." He smirked in Eleanora's direction who rolled her eyes while scoffing.
"Oh. Australia." The teacher enthused. "How is it there?"
"Hot." He informed. "Very hot and humid. Something which isn't good for my hair." He smirked as he ran a hand through said hair.
"Alright." The teacher chuckled along with the rest of the class. "Who'd like to show Mr. Masters around?"
Instantly two-third of the population held up their hands as Eleanora leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched him.
" about Ms.-"
"-Excuse me." Apollyon intervened. "May I chose whom I want me to show me around?"
"Oh, of course. Go on ahead." The teacher informed as she gestured to the class as he was looking at her.
"I'd like Eleanora Jane Clark to show me around." He smiled at the teacher, looking at her before turning to face Eleanora, whom everyone was gaping at as she glared at the Devil. "You'll show me around, right? Nora?"
"It's Eleanora." She smiled through gritted teeth and leaned forward in her seat. "Of course, I'll show you around, Apollo."
"It's Apollyon." He gritted in response with the same smile.
"How about you take the seat next to Ms. Clark?" The teacher suggested before realizing that he was already making his way over there. "Alright. Well...let's continue with the lesson now, shall we?" The teacher continued with her lecture.
Apollyon sat down on the vacant seat on Eleanora's desk as she was glaring at him with a smirk, the same expression adorning his handsome face.
"Down under? Seriously?" She whispered to him once he settled down.
"Well, you humans assume 'down under' to be referring to Australia, whereas I meant Hell." He whispered back as he watched Eleanora jot down the notes on her notebook. "Clever cover up, no?"
She simply shrugged in response as she continued to write before her pen came to a halt on the parchment.
"I need to talk to you during break." She whispered solemnly. "I have some questions to ask you." Apollyon shrugged in response as he leaned back in his seat, his legs crossed at the ankles as he interlaced his fingers behind his head as he stared blankly into space.
Once the class finished, it end up that Apollyon had his timetable to match Eleanora's and when asked if he wanted to become a doctor, he informed her that he had no use for professions and was simply doing this because he was bound by a contract to fulfill his end of the bargain and that friends often ended up having the same classes so that they could spend more time together.
Eleanora shook her head at his antics as she fought back a smile while handing the timetable back to Apollyon who folded it and placed it into his jeans pocket.
"By the way." He started as he walked alongside her, watching everyone with a strange sort of interest as if though he couldn't get enough of it. "You'll have to walk me through this whole friends thing. Make me understand humans. Because the last time I walked the Earth was during 1492 in what you call America due to the death tolls."
"1492?" She confirmed. "That's what...500 years ago?"
"522 years ago." He corrected as he fixed the strap on his shoulder. "So you'll have to guide me through this 21st century crap and how things work. Things were a lot more different back then. Girls weren't allowed to roam about, back then, now they are here, sauntering in small clothes."
Eleanora laughed at his choice of words as he looked at her in slight surprise.
"What is it?" He asked in utter bewilderment. "Did I say something funny?"
"No...It's just..." She trailed as they came to a halt in front of their classroom door. "Who would have thought that the Devil could be so...cute?"
"What? This?" He pointed to himself. "This isn't my true form. This is just a vessel."
"A vessel?" She inquired in confusion. "What's a vessel? You know what? Tell me later." Eleanora spoke to be heard over the warning bell that rung throughout the hall.
Both of them made them made their way inside the classroom, as Apollyon got introduced once more as he went and sat down next to Eleanora, looking around him. She found it rather interesting how amused he was in teenagers, almost as if though he hadn't seen them ever before.
Soon the lunch bell rang as the students pilled out of their classrooms and rushed towards the cafeteria. Eleanora and Apollyon got themselves something to eat as they made their way outside towards the bleachers. She sat down on the bleachers with her knees pulled up to her chest while Apollyon made himself comfortable and leaned back with his legs stretched out in front of him.
"So..." Eleanora trailed as she bit into her sandwich. "What happens to me now?"
"Since I took your soul?" He confirmed as she nodded in confirmation. "Well, a lot of things will happen."
"For starters, your capability to care and for empathy decreases. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't care about people any longer. However, it seems to be a part of who you are, so your tendency to care will still remain. You won't be able to dream any more. Also you can say goodbye to verbal filters."
"Whatever comes to mind, you will simply say it." He stated as he poked his straw into the hole before taking a sip from the juice box. "Shyness will go away and you'll become confident in a manner of speaking. Also, your appetite may increase a bit. Nothing will hinder your sleep pattern though. However, I should warn you that you won't hesitate to hurt someone if it comes down to it." Eleanora pulled her knees closer to herself as she stared out at the green fields.
"Basically, that's it." He shrugged as he crumpled the juice box in his hands. Eleanora nodded as she rested her chin on her knees, looking out at the fields thoughtfully, absorbing in everything that he has just told her. It wasn't a big difference, maybe to her introvert ways, but that wasn't really a bad thing now was it?
"What was my soul like?" She inquired curiously.
"Well, just like any other soul, it was bright." He stated as he enjoyed the wind blowing through his hair. "But..."
"But what?" Eleanora inquired in panic.
"Nothing." He shook his head with his lips pursed in thought as he sat up straight, his elbows rested on his knees.
"What's a vessel?" Eleanora inquired suddenly, recalling their conversation that had transpired outside their classroom door.
"A vessel is a human that an angel possesses in order to manifest on Earth. They require vessels because we are multi-dimensional wavelength of celestial intent. Vessels are the safest and most conventional way for angels to interact with humans on Earth, as their true voices and visages can kill, and in the very least severely harm. Vessels are also necessary for an angel to use the full range of his abilities on Earth. A human must give their consent for an angel to use their body as a vessel."
"You're possessing an actual person?!" Eleanora shrieked in disbelief.
"Oh, no." He shook his head. "He was a person."
"Meaning, this person." He said while pointing to himself. "Was Anthony Brown. A boy of age 14 when he had suffered an accident that left him in a coma."
"He had been in a coma for three years before his mother finally decided to get him off the life support. What they didn't know is that, he had died about a year after the accident, but his body was still functional. As he lay in the morgue I made him my vessel. He was long dead even before I took him. But don't worry. I had his soul's consent before making him my vessel."
"Anthony Brown." Eleanora repeated as she looked at his face intently. "Was he a good boy?"
"He went to heaven if that's what you're asking."
"Okay..." She trailed before holding her knees closer to her chest. "Okay."
"Although...why?" Apollyon questioned Eleanora. "Why would you sell your soul, to become my friend?"
"I-I...I don't know what possessed me when I summoned you here." Eleanora admitted as she looked down at her boots. "But I think it was desperation to have a friend."
"There are so many people here that could have become your friend without you needing to give your soul."
"I have been here for two years...And never once did I talk to anyone of those people. I was tired of them mocking and taunting me because my unnaturally light hair color." She informed as she wrapped her arms around her knees. "All I had was Mrs. Scott and Elliot, and I guess, I just needed someone outside of these two."
"I love them. I really do, but I think I needed outside influence, someone who wouldn't mock me. And well...I overheard some girls talking that it was possible to summon the Devil and I wanted to try it, but I never expected it to work. Not in a million years."
"Does it make any sense?" Eleanora asked Apollyon as she glanced over her shoulder at him.
"Well...I guess that sometimes, it's better to stop trying to make sense of things. Life isn't clear cut, there are always gray areas." He shrugged as he tilted his head back to look up at the blue sky and fluffy white clouds that drifted over them.
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