Nightly Confessions

"Go out with me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. '[Name] loves me more than you and Adrien I suppose.' Was that true? I head back downstairs and continue to eat my food. She says she love Chat, but her and Felix have always gotten along.

"I wish Chat would visit me tonight I really need to tell him something." [Name] sounded sad. What did she need to tell me? "Hey buddy stop zoning out and eat your food." Plagg demanded me. "Sorry Plagg." I whispered.

"I can not believe I lost to you Golden Turd!" She scared me because her entire personality did a 180. "Maybe I'm just better than you." She scoffed. "No I was distracted by the food." I just laugh and eat my food. "I know you wer-"

She stopped when Felix was heading down the stairs. She knows I what? "[Name] why haven't you eaten anything?" I seen a faint of red hit her cheeks. "Adrien was distracting me." She sounded very nervous, and I knew why.

"You definitely have split personalities." Of course she attacks me and defend herself. "Hurry up and eat so you guys can go to sleep, it's already late enough." We both listen to him since he was right. After Felix goes to sleep I will visit [Name] as Chat.

"Thanks for the meal Felix." [Name] beamed as she cleaned the kitchen up. "Thanks brother." He waves to us and tells us goodnight. "He's like a father." [Name] said unexpectedly. "For your first task as my slave you have to stay by me all day tomorrow. Which means you have to come to school."

She laughed and I was surprised I thought she would've protest. "Jokes on you Agreste I was coming to school tomorrow anyway." "Night [Name]." I say as I go upstairs into my room. She frowned but quickly smiled.

"Night chump." I close my door and lay on my floor. "Plagg why did she look sad?" The black cat flew in front of my face. "This is just me guessing but maybe she doesn't want to be alone, especially after all that happened."

My green eyes widened. "I didn't think about that. Maybe I shou-" Plagg sighed. "Don't do it kid. I think she needs to be alone so she can understand what happened." Usually I don't listen to Plagg but this time I will.

"Right Golden Turd won't bother her until tomorrow." "Good now lets go to sle- wait why did you say Golden Turd?" I stood up. "Plagg claws out." He groans as he gets sucked into the ring.

"She wished to see me tonight, so that what's going to happen." I climb out of my window and tap on hers. "Midnight?" "You want to sit on a rooftop with me?" I extended my hand to her and without any hesitation she grabbed it.

"The sky is beautiful. I do admire the stars a lot." Her smile was sincere. "How come you're visiting me?" I smiled. "I wanted to see how you were doing because of earlier." "I'm good." She was distracted by the night. Maybe I shouldn't talk about that.

"Hey Midnight can I tell you something?" I cross my legs and face her. "Anything." [Name] fiddled with her fingers, kind of how Marinette does when she talks to me. "I love you." Her [eye color] eyes shined in the night.

Even though I already knew this information, I couldn't help but be speechless. "I- um I" She laughed. "What cat got ya tongue?" What do I tell her? She loves Chatnoir not Adrien Agreste. She even said were nothing alike and we can't be the same person. But I love her so much.

So what do I do? My heartbeat was getting out of control. "I'm sorry [Name] I can't return your feelings, I already have my heart taken by someone else." The hope in her eyes died, the light burned out. I broke her heart again.

"Yeah that's okay Chat, don't worry about it." She gets up and stretch her body. "It's getting late Noir you should probably take me home." I didn't want to leave her in that state of mind. "Okay [Name]." But there was nothing I could tell her to cheer her up.

I drop her back off into her room, the way here was too quite. "[Name] I'm sorry I hu-" "Don't apologize Chatnoir, plus I had my heartbroken many times before." She nearly whispered the next part. "This is nothing new."

I wanted to hug her but that wouldn't have looked good, she might've thought I was playing with her feelings. "Bye Chat, you have zero points now." She didn't give me time to say bye as she closed the windows and curtains. "Bye [Name]. I'm sorry I did that."

I hop through my window and feed Plagg as I detransformed. "I told you to leave her alone." Plagg sounded angry. A knock was heard followed by a soft voice. "Adrien are you up?" My heart began to beat fast.

"Yeah I am." There was a pause. "Can I come in? Or are you doing things boys do when the door is closed?" I swing the door open and I was about to protest until I saw her eyes. She was crying.

"What's wrong?" I felt horrible, I knew what was wrong. "Adrien what's wrong with me?" I don't know what to say. "Why doesn't he like me?" She began to cry. "Who? Chatnoir?" My palms were sweaty. "[Name] please don't cry over him."

She didn't stop. "If he can't see what kind of person you are then that's his lost." "You're only saying that because you're in love with me." She chuckled but I knew it was forced. "No I'm saying this because I'm your best friend, so I know what kind of things makes you great."

That look she was giving me was one of my favorite looks. She was so calm, you don't really see this side of [Name]. "Thank you Sunshine." She gave me an almost killing hug and kissed my cheek. I instantly turn red.

"Y-You're welcome [N-Name]." "Well I should head back and go to sleep or else I won't wake up tomorrow." She waved me night and I barely managed to say it back.

"I fell for her all over again Plagg." I whispered out to him.

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