Chapter 7
Memories of the past
Meliodas shakes his head at the fox sin, but he chuckles, his shoulders shaking in response to the bad joke. You get back on your feet and pull the loose tie from around your neck off, tossing it to the ground.
Diane gently sets down the doctor's daughter, who she identified as "Sennett" and stood up. "I guess we're heading back to town now" The giant poked her lip.
The captain nodded and scratched the back of his neck as they all began to walk back through the destroyed landscape towards the town. You stick your fingers in your mouth and let out a high whistle. The Wind Walker's magnificent face lifts up from behind the prison and runs to you in elegant strides, the ground thundering beneath its weight. Diane squeals in joy and cuddles the creature's long furry neck.
As they walked back, the townspeople began to exit their houses to see what was going on, "People are coming this way from the prison!"
"That's Sennett!"
"And look! The men who were locked up for resisting the Holy Knights!"
You laced your hands together in front of you as you walked back, your throat hadn't started healing yet and when you tried to swallow, you realise there was no saliva left in your mouth. "Um Ban" you said quietly.
The tall sin craned his neck over to you as you walked, "Yes Miss?"
"I um... got my throat burned in a fight against a Holy Knight" you pause and bit your pink lip, "it hasn't healed yet, I don't think I can heal it myself right now".
Before you had even finished, Ban had torn his wrist open with his sharp canine teeth and let his rich red blood drip down in front of you, "there you go" he smiled with narrow eyes.
You gulped and held out your hands to catch the blood in your palms. Once you had gathered a small amount, you lifted your arms and poured the warm liquid down your aching throat.
Within seconds, you could heal his immortal blood beginning to wipe away the burns clean and you sighed contently, finally able to feel your tongue again.
Meliodas heard the whole conversation from walking in front of you both, his hands in his pockets as Hawk went on about something he didn't care to listen to. He smiled, hearing that you were healed, but was still a little on edge at the fact you had to consume Ban's blood in order to be well again.
As you reached Dr Dana's house, Diane gently set down her bag and opened it up, revealing the princess lying atop Diane's spare set of clothes.
Meliodas leaned over to look inside, "Elizabeth, how are you feeling?"
She moaned quietly as she woke up, "Sir Meliodas? Lady Diane?" She blinked again as you lent over, "Lady (Y/n), are you all alright? What about Sir Ban".
You smile at her, "I'm fine, thank you Princess"
"Ban and Sennett are with us now" The captain confirmed.
Ban was standing next to the building pushing the Wild Walker's face backwards as its massive body would likely smash through several houses if it tried to get to you. You found this quite amusing as Hawk was walking next to Ban screaming words to the beast such as, "Get a move on lanky! We don't need you messing up the town with your big feet!" The beast made a sad sound in its throat, being so separated from you, and sat down just outside the town. Hundreds of people gathered around to look at it, children even having to be held down by their parents so they didn't try to climb up on it.
As you sat on the edge of the doctor's roof, surrounded by everyone as Dr Dana and Sennett prepared a barbeque for you all, amazingly he had survived, you hadn't healed him though? You looked up at the stars as Diane leant over beside you and set down Elizabeth, still in her bag.
"Elizabeth, allow me to properly introduce you" Meliodas said, placing a flat hand over his heart like a gentleman, you felt a twinge of jealously to see the red blush appear on the princess' face. "This is the Fox Sin of Greed, Ban" he gestured to the now red-leather clothed man sitting upon one of the wine barrels.
Elizabeth gives the man a gentle smile, "wonderful to meet you, Sir Ban! Forgive me for not getting up".
"You just rest princess"
"Where did you get those closes Ban?" Meliodas gestured to the new red leather top and pants the blue-haired man was now adorning, although it didn't fit properly.
The sin shrugged, "I can just go walking around naked, (Y/n) wont be able to concentrate" he said casually.
Meliodas punched him and Ban flies over the side of the roof, "no games Ban". He looked back at you, but you weren't paying attention.
Instead, as Ban was introducing himself to Hawk after climbing back up, you picked up and apple from the table and flew over to sit on top of the high roof, looking it over in your fingers.
(2000 + years ago)
"Oi (Y/n)!" Your eyes snapped up from looking at the red apple in your hands, meeting Meliodas' large green orbs as he walked towards you, "What's wrong angel?"
You sniff and wipe a tear from under your eye, your small face hidden by your (H/c) locks, "Melio, I hurt the apple" you cry, "its ruined now".
You were sitting down on the grass, your dress furled out around your thin legs on the grass. The high mystical trees of the Fairy Forest stretching up around you. On your elbow was a little bruise from when you had tripped, causing you to drop the apple in the first place.
The blonde boy crouched down in front of you to see what you were looking at, he noticed a small brown bruise on the apple's skin, about the size of a silver coin. Without any emotion on his young face, he took your tiny wrist in his hand and drew your arm holding the apple upwards, to his mouth, and bit down into the apple.
Your eyes were wide and teary as he bit down onto the apple and withdrew, letting go of your wrist and standing up. As you look at the fruit again, you noticed he had eaten only the bruised area, leaving the rest of the apple beautiful and red.
When you looked up at him with a confused expression on your pretty face, he smiled. "See (Y/n)! Its still perfect! Just like you" he winks. Your pale face turns red and you pat your cheeks to cool your hot face, nodding as you draw your knees into your chest.
He gently takes your other wrist and lifts you easily to your feet with his strength. Still holding your arm, he turned it slightly to look at the bruise as he squats down, the same dulled expression returning to his face.
"Please don't bite me!" You panicked, noticing that same look. Your body was shaking a little as you couldn't tell what it was the sin was about to do.
He chuckles, "No? But I'm sure you'd taste great!" He licks his lips, "Your certainly as sweet as fruit!".
You shut your eyes and hide your face in fear, feeling utterly helpless under the warm hand of Meliodas. Was he really going to bite you?
Its a moment before Meliodas becomes silent, his fingers grazing over your hand as he lets go of your wrists."(Y/n)" He says softly, you open one eye to look at him, sensing something in his voice, "can I kiss it better then?"
You clutch the apple to your chest, which makes you look at it again, recalling Meliodas words about you after he had bitten the apple. You find yourself nodding slowly and while still in his squat, he cranes his neck to gently kiss the bruise, his lips holding their for a moment.
When he leans away and looks up at you, it doesn't hurt anymore. Seeing you smile again, he laughs and throws you over his shoulder "I really have to keep a better eye on you my little angel! You keep coming back to me hurt!"
You giggle and wrestle with his hair.
You were brought out of your daydream as Meliodas bit down on the apple you have been holding, "Ah!" you yelped and let go of the fruit. His face was now filled with confusion as he still held the apple in his teeth.
He raised an eyebrow, "What?" talking with the apple in his mouth, "you looked sad".
You shake your head quickly, "Oh, no I'm not sad!" You smile at him but he gives you an sceptical look. Nonetheless he turns at spits the apple like a missile to hit a drunk Ban in the side of the head.
Ban groans from his spot lying on Hawk's back, trying to reach for another bottle of ale, "Now now (Y/n), why haven't I had an arm wrestle from you yet?" The fox sin groans, rolling off the boar and onto the floor. He flexes his arm and you scoff, sliding down off the roof to land in front of him.
"You sure you want to try Ban? Your drunk"
Ban waves in dismissal, "yeah, probably right, tomorrow then". He rolls over onto his back so he's looking up at you and smirks. Your jump realising he was staring at your underwear and kick him off the roof again.
Diane frowns, "Ban certainly getting tossed around tonight"
"Serves him right for being a perv"
"And a drunk" Diane agreed, sticking the large kebab Sennett had made into her mouth.
"Alright" Meliodas had his hands on his hips, "how are we going to divide up the rooms, there's only two beds".
You had just returned from Meliodas' room after changing into a dress Sennett had given you until you could re-stitch your clothes up (see picture above). As you brushed down the thin dress, Elizabeth sat down on one of the bar stools in the main area of the Boar's Hat tavern and gestured for you to sit next to her.
You smiled and accepted, sitting down on the adjacent stool.
"I have a proposal" Meliodas raised a finger, "(Y/n) and Elizabeth will sleep in my bed" he points to the both of you, "and Ban can have the other room to himself".
Ban shook his head and laughed, "Cap'n, even you know your bed isn't big enough for all three of you, (Y/n) can sleep with me".
You rested your head on your fist as the two sins began a furious discussion over whose bed you were going in. Elizabeth seemed far more fazed than you did, looking at you with a bright blush and a wide blue eye.
"What?" You said to her, wondering what she seemed so worried about.
"They seem to be fighting quite passionately for you"
"They're always like this"
"Its because of Angel Sleep" you raised your manicured hand and rolling your fingers, "one of my holy abilities".
Elizabeth blinked, obviously having never heard of such an ability, although it was common among females in the goddess race.
You decided to clarify for her while the boys were still arguing, "Angel Sleep is an ability that allows me to give perfect sleep when resting with someone" you looked off into the distance sadly, "you don't feel pain, sadness, anger. Just blissfulness, rest... relief from reality, its like an escape".
You and Elizabeth both went white, so they're not arguing about my ability after all.
"QUIET!" You yell, both of the boys instantly stop and turn their reds to you. Your hair was falling messily in front of your shoulders, your face red with having to use volume to overpower the two male sins, hands in fists by your sides. Now that you had gained your attention, you stood up straight and crossed your arms over your chest, drawing your nose up, "Meliodas, you already have promised Elizabeth your bed". Meliodas looked shocked, and sad, like he had been wounded, you didn't falter your tone however, "so I will sleep with Ban for now".
Ban didn't have a reaction, his face was the same bored expression as usual. He shrugged and began to walk upstairs, "Alright Miss".
You said goodnight to Elizabeth before turning to Meliodas. His eyes were hidden by his long blonde hair and his head tilted down to the floor. With one finger, you tilted his head up to you and brushed his locks from his eyes. He didn't make eye contact with you, "sweet dreams" you peck the tip of his nose, "Meliodas". Then you wave goodnight and run upstairs.
As you reach the room, you open the door to see Ban snoring on the floor with a pillow, such a gentleman, you giggle. You climb into bed and pull the soft sheets up over your body, as you blink, you find yourself in another bed.
A sleeping face is up against yours, "Arthur" you whisper.
To be continued!! I have to leave some cliff-hangers right? Hehe don't worry I'm working on the next chapter right now!
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