Chapter 6

The Fight at Baste Prison

"Lady Diane!"

You all looked up as the giant came into view behind some trees, she rubbed her eyes, "hm?" As she spotted you and the captain, her cheeks went bright red with anger. "(Y/n)! Captain! You two are supposed to be resting!"

Your hands quickly come up defensively, a nervous smile on your face as you could recognise a change in her eyes, "Its ok Diane, all healed!"

Meliodas' arms were crossed as he stood some distance from you, "well I am, you're not" he said, sounding a little angry. You looked over to him and there were hints of red on his cheeks, you recognised that look as the same one he had when he found out you had sprained your ankle and hid it from him. But that was 2000 years ago, and you didn't imagine he still cared as deeply for you as he did back then.

You rolled your eyes playfully, but that didn't earn a smile from the usually cheerful Captain.

Diane tilted her head and knelt down to you, "why (Y/n) what's wrong?"

"Just burnt my tongue" you wave your hands in front of your face to dismiss the subject, "It'll heal soon".

"When did you kiss Gilthunder?" The giantess cocked her head innocently, you went bright red and so did Meliodas; but you were embarrassed, he was furious.

"She didn't kiss him!" Meliodas yelled, pointing angrily into the air like a child having a tantrum. You quickly rushed over and patted out the fire that had lit on the top of his hair, soothing him with gentle 'shh's. He calmed down and hugged you, making an effort to place his head above your breasts so as to not make you uncomfortable.

You giggle, this time he smiles just a little.

Suddenly Meliodas, Diane, and the princess and Hawk disappeared, you looked around with confusion. "Hello? Where is everyone?"

You were met with a menacing metallic laugh as a large Holy Knight figure emerged from this air, holding a long staff with a small bell on it, which rang with a painful sound. You fly up into the air in front of this new armoured enemy."I am Ruin of the Weird Fangs, bringer of ruin to the Seven Deadly Sins and the angel herself, (Y/n)!"

"As if" you object and fling your arm out, manifesting a dangerous weapon from the air in front of your ring. "Holy inferno" you mutter. Upon your command a dark red curved lance turns into a massive plume of death-hot fire, spinning in an orb of red flame. With no warning you bend your finger and the fireball flew straight into Ruin's face, knocking him back to the ground.

However he gets back up again, smashing the ground with a mighty fists that draws up stone pillars from deep in the earth. Your wings carry you effortless through the air to avoid them, strange, I thought only Diane had that power.

You fly to his back and kick him in the middle of his lower spine, he starts to fall but spins and kicks you instead, his large boot sending you straight into one of the pillars. "You're pretty fast for such a big Holy Knight" you dust yourself off, noticing the tear in the white shirt Meliodas had put on you, "damn it".

"You pretty slow for such a little thing" Ruin says as he brings down his fists again to grind you into the pillar, you dodge, flying up into the air.

"Somethings not right"

There was that sound again, a painful ringing, a bell? On a hunch, you put your middle and pointer finger's above your eyes and whispered an incantation, engaging your ability magic detection. Looking down, you now saw in the large grotesque body of Ruin, a smaller figure of a girl with two ponytails, a dark purple aura around her. Diane?

As the Ruin/Diane? silhouette brought its arms up to strike you down again, your wings took you straight down like a rocket to plant your hand in the centre of Ruin's metal forehead, "Obliteration!"A painfully bright white light shone from your hand and Ruin's face evaporated in an explosion of strange magic particles, from within, an unconscious Diane fell to the ground. As you looked closer, you saw her face was badly burned. You clutched your face in fear, "Did I do this?"

"Lady (Y/n) look out!"

You ducked as Meliodas spun his broken sword for your throat, you narrowly avoided the blade, a strand of your (H/c) hair falling to the grass at your feet."Melio what's wrong?" As you looked into his eyes, they were filled with tears and the same dull colour as Diane's had been, "Oh no".

"What did you do to (Y/n)?" He growled, drawing his sword back to strike again.

You continued to dodge his attacks, even going as far as having to manifest your twin bladed scythe in order to block his sword. I can't do this for much longer, in this state he is much stronger than me, and has more drive.

"Elizabeth!"You heard the pig scream and your eyes caught sight of Ruin standing over the body of a bruised and battered Princess, he laughed evilly as another Holy Knight approached.

 "Ruin you can't be killing the princess, it'll be bad for our image".

Ruin raised his armoured shoulders in a shrug, his expression hidden under his helmet, "Her pained face gives me a rush! What can I say?"

Suddenly Meliodas stopped his movement, you were both in a lock, your scythe and his sword pushing against each other in a brutal feat of strain. He dropped his sword, his eyes their original green. Your weapons disappeared instantly in sparks, "Melio?"

His eyes were even tearier as he saw it was you he had been fighting so mercilessly, the one person he vowed to himself he would never hurt, "(Y/n)?" You grab his hurt hand between yours and squeeze it, "you're real".

You laugh, "Of course I am stupid".

He smiles and turns to see the princess on the ground, he runs over to her, "Elizabeth?" he lifts her head off the ground.

"Why you little-" Ruin said as he brought his fist down towards Elizabeth, only to be stopped by the Captain himself, who bent the metal of the Knight's armour between his bare fingers.

"You have no idea what you've done" He growled, his eyes darker than before as he flings Ruin effortlessly, his body flying metres and smashing into the bottom side of the high prison.

You hurry to Diane as Meliodas walks towards Ruin, "Diane" you whisper, placing your healing hand on her forehead to cure her burns.

Elizabeth was being cared for by a panicked boar, Hawk running back and forth from yelling at Meliodas to sniffing Elizabeth's face.

"Ban?"You could see him, licking blood off his chin as he walked shirtless down a cobblestone corridor, wow, he hasn't changed.

You giggle to yourself as you appear in front of him, in your projection state, similar to how you had visited Arthur.

He spots you and tilts his head, looking you up and down with greedy eyes, "Miss" he smirks, "you've become even more beautiful, if that was even possible".

You cover your laugh with your cupped hand against your mouth, "silly Ban".

He sticks his hands in his pockets, enjoying watching you try to compose yourself.

He leans back slightly, "you're not really here".

"No" you shake your head, "I'm outside, with Meliodas and Diane".

He smirks again, "so those guards were right about the captain still being alive".

Your twirl your fingers, "yes he is".

"You're in his shirt?"

"My clothes got ruined"

The fox sin of greed nods and moves past you to look at the end of the corridor, a dead end of just stone, "so miss, how many walls do I have to break through to get to you?"

He looks at you with a cunning smile and you blush slightly, although you aren't sure why, "about 50, I think" you shrug, "but you could just wait for us to get there?"

The shirtless sin shakes his head and punches through the wall, "not my style" he glances at you over his shoulder, "I'm supposed to save you remember?"

"(Y/n) incoming!" Diane yelled as she ran towards the prison with you on top of her head.

As you snap back to reality, you could see the prison in front of you, a huge beehive shaped monstrosity. And at its base, Meliodas stood over the dead body of the Holy Knight Ruin.

You quickly noticed what had caught Diane's attention, the large collection of guards appearing on the outcrops of the prison, all aiming bows down towards you. "Right, I got it" you stand on her brunette hair with perfect balance as the giant runs. With your wings returned into your back, you twisted your ring to a yellow gem. "Seventh" you began your command, drawing as much strength as you could, "Beast Configuration: Wind Walker!" (see picture above)

With a thundering crack like the earth was falling apart beneath you, a creature as tall as Baste Prison emerged from a hole in the ground, almost appearing from thin air.

The Wind Walker, and two other beasts, had been gifts from your mother you had discovered in her ring, as you hadn't known animals had existed in your home, she had created them for you.The beast itself was easily three times the height of Diane, maybe taller. Covered in beige-desert feathers and displaying two precarious dark horns and waving yellow ribbons from its neck. The Wild Walker was certainly a magnificent sight.

With a pulse of energy from your fingertips, the beast rose up on its back legs and struck the prison with its horns, dragging them along the battlements and throwing men from the stones.

Meliodas stared with fascination up at the creature, he often said he wished he had put his tavern on top of one of them.

The men were shrieking, "Ah what the hell is that!?"

"That's things not natural!"

"Ah it's got my leg in its teeth! HELP!"

You let the Wind Walker move about outside as Diane punched a hole through one of the walls, indicating that this was the way to go.

"Did you bring Elizabeth?" Meliodas chirped in as he caught up with you, you jumped down from Diane's head to land beside him.

"Yes" Diane smiled, "she wanted to come so she's sleeping in here" the giant turned to point to her back bag with her thumb.

"Thanks Elizabeth" Meliodas whispered.

You nod and put your hand on your chest, she certainly did take a beating for us. As you look behind you, a strange aura begins to encase the prison, "an eternal seal spell?" you mutter under your breath, your eyebrows furrowing.

As you got to a doorway, a young woman with glasses and a frilly dress ran out through a door, far too small for Diane but big enough for all of you, "s- save me! Please!" She ran and hid behind one of the rocks.

"Who are you?" Diane turns her head to inspect this new girl.

"I'm the daughter of Dr Dana! I was kidnapped from my town and brought here! But please you have to protect me! There's a criminal in here who just broke out and killed a holy knight!"

"I bet I can guess which one" you smirk, Meliodas raises an eyebrow.

It's at the moment that Ban, fox sin of greed, rounds the corner and comes face to face with Meliodas. As they both stop in place, their expressions seem to be ones of frustration.

"Uh what's with all the tension?" Hawk exclaims.

Diane yawns, "You might want to get behind me".

You cross your arms.

There's another long pause before the blond boy raises his arms in the air, a massive smile on his young face "Ban!"

The sin of greed has a sheepish grin on his own mouth, "Cap'n!" he yells happily.

They run at each other and begin to administer hundreds of fast high-fives between each other.

"Would you look at that, their best pals!"

You nod at Hawk's comment, "mm-hm".

Ban begins to laugh and smacks Meliodas in the side of his arm, slamming him with enough force to knock him through a dozen of the stone walls, rocks begin to fall in the prison chamber. Hawk shrieks in fear as Ban jumps up and down in the air, "My turn Cap'n!" he says childishly.

In a split second Meliodas had launched himself off the rock with no injuries at all and head-butts Ban in the abs, sending him flying through far more walls.

"What the hell is going on here!?" the pig snorts.

The giant sighs, "just let them be".

As Ban walks back though the hole his body created, the cuts on his body begin to heal instantly into nothing, "Here I was thinking you'd gone soft!"

Meliodas brushed dirt off his shirt as he chuckled, "you seem pretty energetic".

With that the two locked hands and fell down to the ground to arm-wrestle on their stomachs.

Ban sneered and looked up at you, "You'll cheer for me, right miss?" His eyes were dark and mischievous.

You shrugged, "Sure Ban" a small smile on your face.

Ooh Meliodas felt competitive now, and Ban was feeding off it.

The fox sin smirked, "Ready?"

Meliodas grinned, "Go!"

With that the prison began to fall apart even faster around them as the devastating force of these two unnaturally strong beings was almost too much for the stone structure to handle. As the floor collapsed beneath them you all began to free fall through the air, surrounded by shards of rock and rubble.

"The floor the walls!" Hawk clutched onto Diane's leg with his trotters, "its all coming down!"

"These two have always been like this" Diane hummed blissfully.

"Like what?!"

"Honestly, men can be such boys".

You giggled at the giant's comment, you could see both of their arm muscles straining as they finally got to stretch after so many years free of competition. You hadn't seen Ban smile for so long, it was a nice change to see them reunite again.

"As I recall, I've won 361 out of 720 matches against you Cap'n"

"Are you sleep talking Ban?" Meliodas bent his wrist further, "I'm the one with 361 wins!"

"But isn't the captain so cute when he's excited" Diane said dreamily. You hummed in approval as your wing ripped out of your back to smash a boulder above your head, your body curled up in a ball as you fell through the air.

You stretch your arms as you stand up in the desolate land of rubble where the prison once stood, Diane sits on her knees with the doctor's daughter in her hands, "oh, it's already nightfall?" she says.

As you reach up over your head, Meliodas' white shirt lifts up and you feel a breeze against your black underwear.

When you look down you find Ban lying below your standing body, looking right up at you, "what a view miss" he chuckles.

You shriek and jump a metre in the air, Meliodas leaps from out of nowhere and catches you, placing you gently on the ground and shielding you from Ban, "Ban! No games with (Y/n)".

The sin of greed laughs and nods, "Of course, I'm too happy to see you both to mess things up" he lounges on his elbows, "even you Cap'n"

OML I love writing this story more and more with every chapter!! Who's excited for another past flashback?? If so, which male character did you want a flashback of (that we've already met in the story!)

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