Chapter 47

Ruthless bodies

"Oh fair King Gloxinia, if you want me to try harder, come and stand opposite me..." You curled your lip underneath your top teeth and relaxed back onto your heels.

"Only if you win, little fleeting (Y/n)" The demon fairy murmured under his breath, and you concluded it probably wasn't fair to Gilthunder if you didn't try to win with him. Knowing the knight was quite honorable, he was going to be fighting his best. "TAG-TEAM MATCHES will now begin! Each floating platform will reach the stage one at a time at random! The other pair that also lands there will be their opponents for the round".

"I wonder who's first" Your fingers danced over your thighs as you watched your platform rise up into audience view over the central platform, where two floating rocks had just moved to meet either side of it.

"Elaine!" You suddenly heard Ban's surprised voice and spotted him and Meliodas standing on a platform below, sure enough, it seemed the first fighters would be the Princess of Liones and the Saint of the Fountain of Youth.

"That's not good" You tapped your lip and noticed Meliodas walking to the edge of his platform before he glanced up at you with an almost distressed look. Ahh Melio, you dropped your shoulders slightly, don't pull at my heart strings like that.

"Rule number one of the Fighting Festival: Every manner of weapon, magic power, and dirty trick is permitted! And encouraged!" Gloxinia placed his hands onto the flowed hips of his padded pants. "Rule number two: You must either kill your opposing tag team, render them powerless, or push them out of the ring to win!".

"I'm sorry Gil, I have to leave you for this fight. Though I really don't want to..." You closed your eyes and began to speak. "Princess, don't freak out or you'll make Gloxinia and Drole suspicious" you murmured under your breath.

Elizabeth gasped but quickly covered her mouth as her opponent's platform finally reached the large middle ground they'd both be fighting on, "M-Miss (Y/n)" she hurriedly whispered, "how are you speaking to me right now? Are you mind controlling me?"

You smirked and pulled a small thin rope out of Gilthunder's tunic to secure it around your fingers. "No we don't do that, though I suspect perhaps the Demon Clan can", as you spoke quietly, you began weaving the rope into the shape of an angelic knot. "You've not quite got the hang of your abilities yet, to keep you and Elaine safe in this fight, I'm going to borrow your body, we have similar physique so if you concentrate hard enough you should be able to slip into mine rather that floating in idle space". 

Gil watched you as you put the angelic knot into your pocket and used your finger to draw a symbol in front of you, similar to that of a rising sun in the grass. As your finger moved over the green blades, a glowing light left its mark along the lines you traced.

"I-idle space? This sounds a bit like the astral projection Miss Merlin was talking about. I thought she said only mages could do that" Elizabeth pulled her hands to her chest in fright, her voice so quiet it was like a little bird.

"I admit I'm not as experienced as Merlin, but I've done it before.. on Gowther.. he has a completely different physique and it didn't go that terribly" You stepped into the half-circle of the ground sun rune and your astral self was expelled like it was thrown into the air. Your natural body left motionless like a statuette in the rune, with the last expression you'd made frozen on your face.

(10+ years ago) Flashback as part of the InstaLive competition, see info below

"Gowther!" You heard a yelled and you tripped in the doll's body, falling flat on his/your? face. 


You grumbled, picking up the glasses that had fallen off your nose and sweeping some of the bright pink hair out of your eyes as you looked up at a beautiful village girl. You guessed she had been the one the Sin of Lust had spoken so fondly of the other night. Chloe, wasn't it?

She looked down at you, pulling a loose strand of her curly blonde hair back to tuck it back behind her ear. Her other hand extended down towards yours and you gratefully took it, allowing Gowther's body to stand up.

"Present!" Came a much delayed reply from a female voice and you turned around to see your body prancing around the square like some kind of performer. At least someone's having fun.

"Oh come on" You grumbled, realising you had to push the glasses a little up your face so they didn't sit uncomfortably on your nose. I really underestimated how tedious it is to wear glasses all the time. Then, you quickly turned your attention to the sparkling blue eyes of the girl waiting so patiently behind you. "I.. it's Miss Chloe, yes?" You said hesitantly, still not used to the fact that your voice was coming out as Gowther's very slightly, deeper one.

She covered her mouth almost immediately to block her sweet giggle. "Yes.. How kind of you to remember" Chloe smiled at you with a cheery face so full of life and love, I guess there are some truly happy people living here in Liones.

"What can I do for you?" You asked, looking back briefly to see Gowther, well, you, stretching your wings up into the air and flapping them wildly like a baby bird trying to take off before it was ready. You sighed a little but were hastily distracted by a basket being nudged into your empty hands.

"I made you those soaps that you love. The King orders all his fine soaps through my mother's shop, his advisor who comes to collect them mentioned you liked these ones" Chloe said, her voice smooth and calm. In fact, the whole aura of her made you feel calm. As the wind blew gently through the town below the great castle, it wafted between the roofs and the people and caused areas of the girl's dress to wave in the breeze.

"Ah.." Granted, you'd become rather transfixed on this girl, and honestly, a little flustered, but you shook it off as most likely a result of being in the Goat Sin of Lust's body. "Thank you, Miss Chloe".

"(Y/N)!" You suddenly heard the loud, unmistakable sing-song tone coming from your own voice and you spun to see your body stumbling over dramatically with one awkwardly-bent wing. "I think I broke a wing, sorry, they're a lot more fragile than I originally guessed".

"HUH!? Gowther? Do you know how much of a pain that's going to be!" You snapped, pointing wildly at him with the only hand not clasped to the woven basket. "Quite literally!"

"(Y/n)?" Chloe blinked a few times, her hands withdrawn to herself as your body stopped a few feet from you.

Smiling sheepishly, you felt the perspiration in your tone as you scratched the back of your neck, "Sorry for deceiving you Miss Chloe, I swapped body's with Gowther earlier, we haven't found a way to reverse it just yet".

She shook her hand dismissively with a soft grace of light in her features, "oh, I'm sorry I assumed you were Mr Gowther. Please, don't feel bad, I should've been able to tell the difference".

"But.. there was no way you could tell.." You mumbled to yourself, just how selfless can some mortals be? She's certainly a very rare type of person. So quick to forgive, and so kind and generous? No wonder her and Gowther get along so well.

"Well then" Chloe took the basket back from you as you handed it to her and she handed it to Gowther, who still had your wings flopped uncomfortably out of your back, limp against the cobblestones. "These are for you Gowther, fresh soaps".

You watched your face as it lit up, as 'Gowther' leaned over the basket, "Rose hip and coconut?"

Chloe nodded, "of course!"

Gowther grinned, blowing a kiss off your lips and making you cringe slightly, "You're the best!"

"I'm very nervous.. but I trust you (Y/n)" Elizabeth hadn't turned around to look at you as her eyes were fixed on the jester-like assassins standing across from her and Elaine. As you slipped your transparent hands onto her shoulders she flinched and almost yelped, but managed to keep herself from making any noise.

"Thanks Elizabeth.. now, hold your breath" As the silverette inhaled and her lips closed, you pulled back on her shoulder blades, and what came back was not her physical body, but her astral self.

You both were floating for a few seconds, weightless with hair flowing and skin covered in the twinkle of soft silver stars no mortals would ever see. Elizabeth looked up at you as she put her hands onto your arms, as your body turned to float upside down, you circled like yin and yang. With a final push, you launched her off you with a smile, and she flew backwards into your body, which staggered slightly as she held her head with one hand.

Looking down at the empty body in front of you, you dropped in behind her and stepped into her legs, your hands moving to meet hers and lifting up, with a gradual immersion Elizabeth's body soon reacted as soon as you did. After all, you needed this perfect synchronization in order to fight properly with Elizabeth's limited abilities.

Elizabeth's skin was paler than yours, and she was far more frail. You could tell as you moved your palms down the sides of the body you were inhabiting. Young fat, the kind that could be turned into slim muscle with a bit of regular physical exercise. The perfect body of a 17-year-old princess, and a young goddess at that.

"Ok then" You turned over your hands again and again until you were fully synced up, so there wasn't any sign of your translucent fingers dancing between Elizabeth's. 

"I forgot the final rule" The vines under the platforms began to thicken and thorns emerged up from their forest of weaving snakes. Circling like the walls of a bird cage around Ban and Meliodas, who'd moved much closer to the edge to look down at you and Elaine. Gloxinia cracked a knuckle under his thumb and the vines pointed like spears towards Ban, as he had moved to jump down to you. "Running away from the match is strictly prohibited". 

"Mel-- Sir Meliodas!" You quickly corrected yourself, calling out as Meliodas began to bark angry words at the dead King of the fairies. "You don't have to worry about me, just focus on yourself right now!"

"Well, well" Ban smirked, his fangs gleaming as the corners of his lips peeled up, instantly noticing the difference in how Elizabeth's arms were by her side instead of against her chest, "listen to her". It was as easy as seeing you right there in front of him, after all, he'd spent many hours memorizing every thing about you, even down to the way you held yourself upright.

"Ban! I'll be fine too! Just like Elizabeth said, focus on your own fight!" Elaine called, floating up just a few metres from you as you tugged up the one sleeve of gold armor Elizabeth wore.

Meliodas scoffed and looked back to Ban as an awkward drop of water fell down the side of his head, "listen to her!". 

"E-Elaine? You don't recognize me?" You pressed your closed fist against your chest, projecting an outwardly appearance of the princess so the judges of this ruthless fighting festival wouldn't grow weary.

"Of course I do! I've been keeping an eye on Ban this whole time. That includes those around him, like Meliodas and (Y/n), and you too Elizabeth!" Elaine dropped her head to look at you upside down and grin, her short blonde hair flowing towards the ground.

"Nice to meet you" You shook her hand, perhaps it's best if Elaine doesn't catch on that it's me, she might give me away accidentally. 

"Brother" The masked assassins standing across the field, your opponents, finally raised their heads, and souless-black eyes gleamed at you as they drew their weapons. "Taking on a couple of little girls first round, we wont break a sweat!"

Oh yeah? You're nose wrinkled in mild irritation, watch me break bone.



So, last weeks Instagram Live trivia competition was won by the wonderful @Translucent_Angel !!! The prize for winning this competition was a character mention flashback of their oc/themselves WITH their favourite character (from either Seven Deadly Sins, or Haikyuu).

I'll be holding more of these competitions in the future so keep an eye out on my Wattpad conversation page and the LadyFrosty's Fanbook!

Additionally I'm pleased to announce that based on the votes I've collected, "Go Home" Assassination Classroom x Reader will be my next project!! You can see the cover for it in the previous update!

ALSOOO!! BIG NEWS!! We hit 1K followers on my Wattpad account!! Thank you guys so much you have no idea how much it means to me that you all enjoy what I write and are so patient when I take a while to update! In future I want to plan out chapters so you guys have set dates for updates! Thank you for sticking with me so far, and I hope to continue to hold your support with more and more stories!! xxxxxx

Lots of love,

Lady <33

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