Chapter 40
Thieves and Fliers
Your voice hung in the air with a distilling monotone as you spun your wrist and conjured one of your holy weapons, Soul Splitter (as shown above), into your hand. The demon mocking Ban turned on his metal heels to face you, a clown-like grin stretched onto his helmet.
"Heads up"
With a flick of your fingers, the floating double-edged scythe turned into a blur as it cut right up the side of the Commandment of Truth. Galand shrieked and was thrown backwards, smashing into a nearby bolder as steam rose off his body. Your weapon returned to your side and reduced the speed of its rotation, you were now directly across from Melascula.
"What.. tired eyes you have, (Y/n)" Melascula taunted from the safe centre of her ominous demonic void, her toes didnt even touch the ground, lace traced up her pale body like some sort of innocence entrapment. Without her demonic snake around her, Melascula could've been an angel.
"Unlike yours Melascula, void of all love" Your wings released from your back in one smooth motion, your feathers entering your peripheral vision either side of you. "What kind of person brings back only the people who hate enough to walk dead?"
"A compantent one" She replied gently, "a killer one..."
A thunderous crack boomed through the earth and the hilltop you were on split it two between your legs. As you turned tail to look behind you, Galand had struck his halberd right through Ban's chest. Cutting him straight from his shoulder to his opposite hip, he was in two...
Melascula made good of the small time you were distracted and her dark force whipped out to strike you in the side of the head, knocking you metres as you rolled and fell.
Faintly, you heard her sickly-sweet, quiet voice, "Galand... there was something I still wanted to ask him".
Refusing to be kidnapped again, you managed to push yourself up by your forearms, your head pulsing painfully. You could barely pick up details because your eyes were watering so much from the force of Melascula's throw.
"AY SHE'S UP!" Galand jumped off one of his feet and landed heavily in front of you, grabbing the back of your hair roughly in his fist and tugging up ferociously.
"OW!" You cried out and your hands instantly went up past your ears to try to remove his hand from your mess of (H/c) hair.
"Well would you look at that~" Your eyes snapped open as you heard Ban's voice from somewhere behind you, "after all your rutting on about your crush on (Y/n), you're really bold enough to mistreat her? And... in front of me?"
Galand screamed as Ban's nun-chucks calved over the back of his armored plating and knocked him over your head. In the strike, he released your hair and your heavy skull hit the ground.
"How are you still alive?"
"I'm Ban the Undead... no one can kill me"
"Hmm... Meliodas has good taste. Are all the Seven Deadly Sins rare specimens like you?"
Melascula smiled as one of her spiked tentacles of energy staked right down through the main covert (main muscle) in your wing. The heartbreaking sound you made in fright as blood began to pool out of your wound deafened the thoughts of the demon in front of you.
"Youuu deemon bitch!~" Ban hissed and a vicious fight ensued.
You shoved your arm against the dirt to push yourself onto your side. Your wing twitched and flapped without your consent, spilling vibrant crimson liquid into the ground and draining the energy from your body.
In the corner of you eye you watched as Galand's hand clamped down over Ban's head and burst it like a watermelon. Knowing he'd probably be fine, you allowed your palm to glow a bring white color as you triggered your healing ability. Reaching down your body, you placed your hand over the open wound in your wing.
"Woah! I've never seen a human come back to life after having his head destroyed!"
"He must be harboring another magic power" Melascula noticed you in the corner of her eye, but her attention was stolen from the fascinating undead man in front of her.
(3000 years ago)
Your small arms reached upwards as a spiky, black-haired boy lifted you up onto his hip.
"Darling! Where are we going?" You asked, your high, melodic voice right next to his ear as your little fingers found themselves tugging at his hair.
The demon boy rounded another corner of the dark and oddly, decimated town, before a smirk broke out onto his face, "just a little further my darling, its a surprise".
You let your arms fall and buried your face into his chest, curling your arms up to your own body as you scowled, "I don't like surprises".
"Oh but its my friend's birthday, and i thought you could give her this flower crown you made, wouldn't you like to make her smile?" Zeldris held up the daisy flower crown in his free hand. You had made in the morning while you were both playing hide and seek in the fairy forest's meadow.
"Your friend's birthday?!" Your ears pricked up and your eyes met the dark red orbs as you both rounded yet another corner, "why didn't you say so first? Of course I want to go!" With greedy hands, you clasped the flower arrangement so he could use his other to turn the knob on the door you'd stopped in front of.
Just as the door was beginning to open, you had a sick feeling in your chest, a heavy, cold feeling. Similar to the one emitting itself from the chasm you'd first found Zeldris in the bottom of.
As light spilled out of the doorway, it was easy to tell that night was approaching. Even though there wasn't much in the way of a sun outside, given the heavy cloud cover, it was still made evident that this seemed like the most appealing place since you'd entered the town.
You blinked several times, your young form still had trouble adjusting to largely juxtaposing levels of light, so your eyes hurt a bit as Zeldris walked inside.
"I'm baaacck~ And look what i brought".
As you glanced out of your hiding place in Zeldris' neck, you were met with the 9 odd-looking faces of what you'd soon know to be the Demon King's; Ten Commandments. They were all gathered around a dining room table covered with party food and presents.
Sitting at the head of the table was a girl with pale purple hair, holding a sharp knife to the three tier cake in front of her.
"What the hell is that?!" The young woman said, spinning the knife 180 degrees to slam the tip through the wooden table next to the cake, "why did you bring that to my party!?".
"That?" You whispered in questioning to Zeldris, your irises shaking with fear at the thought you may have already upset someone.
The second to move was Zeldris as he set you down onto your bare feet, you were barely up to his stomach in height, after all, as a little angel you were only about 10 years old.
"Relax my darling, Melascula's not very good at first impressions, but why dont you cheer her up with your present?" He gently nudged you forward and in your nervousness you fidgeted with the flower crown as you walked slowly towards the table.
Stopping a mere few feet from it, astounded that all of the demons were just stuck frozen in place looking at you with wide-unblinking eyes (except for the blind one). You put on your sweetest smile, and held up the flower crown in a presenting way.
"Hello, my name's (Y/n)! Happy birthday Melascula! I made this for you!"
Galand practically smashed every single window with the volume of his voice as hearts as big as balloons appeared in the frames of his metal face. In a flash he'd appeared in front of you and tossed you into the air before catching you and spinning around and around, hugging you to his chest.
He was cut off suddenly as Zeldris cut his head clean off his shoulders, and threw it through the open window.
"Go cool off" the black-haired boy said darkly.
The headless body of the Commandment of Truth staggered a bit before falling into pieces, leaving Zeldris to catch you in his warm grasp.
"Is that for me?" Melascula's voice was soft, and her finger was quivering as she pointed to the ripped flower crown laying at your feet. Galand had broken it accidently when he picked you up, and now it lay in pieces on the wooden floor.
The sight of it made you want to cry, and since you were young, you couldnt hold back the tears that started to roll down your cheeks.
The Commandments heartbeats begun to quicken with fear at how upset you looked, and yet how pretty your cheeks looked when they turned red under the running of your eye's crystal water.
"I- I- I'm.. so-soo.. sow-sorry.. Mela- Melascu-u-la" You rubbed your nose onto your forearm as you desperately tried to block the view of your face from the world.
"Oh no now don't cry" Estaroosa bent down onto his knees next to you and took your tiny hand in his, "you'll make your skin itchy".
"Itchy?" You sniffed, confused and yet when he blew cold air onto your cheek it did in fact feel itchy and it made you giggle... just a little.
"See~" Estaroosa smiled, his obsidian eyes still so warm and comforting, maybe that's just a result of being the Commandment of Love, "feels better when you're not crying, right?"
You nodded, "mhm".
It wasn't until much later on in the night, where you had introduced yourself formally to every one of the demons, except the birthday girl, that Melascula finally came back downstairs. You had be sat down on a chair with a wooden mug between your hands filled with warm milk.
Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you watch the purple-haired woman heel-toe slowly over to you and take a seat across the table. A slightly-aggressive look on her face, and eyes steel turned away from you, she used one hand to drop a freshly made flower crown onto the table.
"There, its back to normal" She pouted, "so stop your crying".
"Melascula" Estaroosa hummed, pulling off his jacket as the fireplace had just been lit in the corner, "she stopped crying hours ago, why don't you smile at (Y/n) instead?"
"Because she has an ugly face, I don't want to look at it on my birthday" The Commandment folded her slim arms over her chest, one leg kicking over the other in her resentment.
The words stung your heart, and even more Zeldris who had to be held back by Drole from ripping her legs off. But you managed a soft smile and nodded, turning your chair on your toes to face away from her so she didn't have to see you.
"I'd hate to ruin your birthday party" You tugged one of your fingernails, "so I'll stay like this?"
If you had seen the face Melascula made next, you'd probably assume she was scared, or shocked, but her skin turned even paler and her eyes quivered in their glassy traps.
"HUNTER FEST!" Ban yelled as he began to draw the strength from the red-armored commandment looming in front of him.
Having healed your wing, your long appendages beat against the howling air as you tackled Melascula to the ground, pinning her beneath you. She smiled up at you with heartless eyes, "that hurt, my soft little angel".
"I'm glad" you slammed your knee into her stomach and she coughed, her arms thrusting up to try to shove you off, "you're one to talk about hurting me".
"GAH!! Is this the strength of some MERE HUMAN!? What the hell!?" Galand spat what looked to be oil onto the dirt, visible dents and hemorrhages in his sides.
"Come on demon" Ban spun his nun-chucks over his shoulders, his muscles steaming from the impacts of his punches, "let me have some more fun". He threw his fist towards Galand's head and hit it directly, sending the mechanical oaf sprawling down the hill, "how you going angel-cake?"
You threw Melascula into the air like a missile by throwing her by her collar over your shoulder like a javelin. She screamed as she flew so high into the air she broke the speed of sound and a rush of air followed her assent.
You shrugged, "fine I guess, but when she comes back down she's probably going to try to rip out my soul".
"Oh? Why is that?" Ban said, breathless from his current ongoing fight with the Commandment of Truth.
You stared up into the sky, "she swore she would consume my soul one day if I betrayed her" clenching your bruised fists to your side, you exhaled slowly, "and I just kicked her ass, so she may consider that enough..."
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