Chapter 36

Former Members of the Goddess Clan

"Captain" Merlin's voice trailed into the main room of the Boar's Hat tavern as you were slumped over the stone fire stove cooking breakfast for everyone. "I have a request" the raven-haired woman folded her arms over her barely covered breasts, leaning onto the bar.

Meliodas was sitting in front of you on the other side of the bar, guzzling down the plate piled high with bacon and eggs that you had made for him. He could barely talk with his mouth so full, "mhrm?"

"I believe Diane is safe, if you're right in assuming she went home to her Giant's village, I suggest we change course". You looked up at the Sin of Gluttony as she spoke, a smirk stretched so far along her face it was almost Cheshire, "get back that strength of yours I left at Istar".

"Istar?" You questioned, sliding more bacon onto the Captain's now empty plate, "that's the Holy Land of the Druids, please tell me Jenna is still there!" You clasped your hands together, "I've missed here so much!"

"I wouldn't be too sure, after all I'd think she'd of killed herself after having to babysit Zaneri the last 100 years or so" Merlin replied.

King flew over the bar and tackled you, but you put your foot back on the ground quickly so you didn't fall. He clung to you in a tight hug with tears in his eyes, "don't tell me we're not going after Diane! She's our friend (Y/n), we have to save her!"

"Don't worry King" You cuddled him back, "maybe the Giant's have special methods to get her memories back, we should just leave them to it!"

After a bit of persuasion, King finally agreed, and Hawk's mum turned to set a course for the lost Holy Land of the Druids.

"Here we are!" Meliodas took your hand and you extended your long white wings to land at the foot of the large green pig, looking ahead to the impossibly large lake, in the middle of which sat an island stone sanctuary.

"So this is the Holy Land of the Druids? Weren't the druids once goddess' who revoked their oaths and came to Earth to avoid participating in the war?" Elizabeth questioned excitedly as she bounded forwards to get a better look. Her hair flew out over her shoulders as the princess turned back to look at you, "does that make you a druid (Y/n)?"

You crossed your arms, "no, I was too young to take the oath before I left my homeland, I am still a goddess". Meliodas chuckled, shoving his hands into his pant pockets as he nudged you forwards with his shoulder.

"Yep. It hasn't changed a bit, and the last time I was here was 10 years ago!" He grins sheepishly and you follow along beside the Sin of Wrath.

"(Y/n)" Elizabeth walked in step beside you, "do you know the Druids personally?"

You brushed down your outfit as it got caught up in the wind, "yes, although I haven't spoken with them in a few years, I visited them with Merlin a while ago".

As you all crossed under the impossibly large stone pillar, separating the beautiful sacred island in the centre of a crystal clear lake, fortified by large rocks on all sides of the lake. The princess gasped at the beauty of the place through the window of the stone pillow, her eyes glazed over with sparkles.

You looked on ahead, surprised to see the pathway through the lake had appeared, the water had parted to allow a straight path to the island.

"Oh" Meliodas talked to Hawk as he walked past you through the archway, "so the entry's already open, you didn't do that did you angel-cake?"

You shook your head, "no that wasn't me, I guess the gatekeeper must be home as well".

"What's a gate keeper?" Hawk stamped on the Captain's foot to get his attention, snorting fearfully as they walked down towards the pathway.

"Well, he's the helper for the druids that's responsible for creating this path" Meliodas gestured ahead, staring blankly at the swine like he thought the pig was stupid, "when the gatekeeper isn't here (Y/n) has to make the path, or if she's too worn out she flies us over".

"Isn't flying more energy consuming?" Hawk asked you, "after all you're having to carry this big lug around" he tired to stomp on Meliodas' foot again, but the sin pulled his boot quickly out of the way with ease.

"Not really" You shrugged and took Meliodas' waiting hand to help you down the rocky step onto the path carved out of the lake, "magic makes me more tired, my wings are strong enough to not need that much energy".

As you walked down the path, three figures became visible on a smaller island halfway through the walkway, a large man and two young girls. The moment you caught eyes with one of them your wings automatically extended and you vaulted towards her at an extraordinary speed.

The sheer force you hit her with when you two collided should've ripped her body clean off her legs, but you both instead fell to the floor laughing. "Oh Jenna!" You giggled wildly as you clung onto the older girl.

Her long golden hair, threaded into a braid over her back, seemed to sparkle in the light as she sat up to hug you tightly, "Your majesty! Oh it's been ages!! What brings you to are humble little sacred island?" She tickled your side and you almost cried with laughter.

The other girl walked over to you and extended her hand to pull you to your feet, it took a bit of effort since the weight of your large white wings had also been holding you down.

"Your majesty" She said quickly, turning her docile turquoise eyes away from you.

"YOUR MAJESTY!?!?" Hawk, Slader and Elizabeth almost exploded in shock as you massaged your forehead where you had accidently head-butted Jenna.

"Please guys it's not a big deal" You turned back to them and Jemma jumped onto your shoulders, her thighs almost crushing you as she pulled your pretty (H/c) hair off your back so she could braid it.

"What's with your hair being out? It looks so pretty in a crown braid!"

You reached up to try to pull her hands away from your hair, "ah! Ah! Jenna too tight! You're ripping my hair out!" She laughed and climbed down off your shoulders. With no warning she reached around your sides and grabbed ahold of your boobs.

"Wow you've gotten bigger?!" She said, sounding a little shock.

"Obviously!!!" You squealed and leapt away from her, Meliodas walked in front of you as a gentle shield to protect you from the protective older-sister figure of Jenna.

"I guess it has been over 5 years" Jenna laughed, she also noticed the other girl, a brunette, hiding behind the large man, "come on Zaneri! Say hi to your adopted sister!"

The girl, Zaneri, looked at you with no hint of emotion and stepped towards you without a sound, "hello sister".

"Hi Zaneri" You felt a little uncomfortable under the girl's stare, wow she hasn't changed one bit, still as startling as ever.

She seemed to ignore your reply as she walked up to the Captain and grabbed his hand between hers, tugging it so his palm pressed flat against her sternum, "Meliodas, I'm so happy to see you again". She smiled for the first time, and it creeped you out tremendously.

Meliodas yanked his hand away immediately and placed his arm around your waist, holding onto your hip, "enough with hellos, the reason we came here today is because of..."

"(Y/n)!!!" You heard a young voice, a male, one you spotted immediately in the distance with his bright orange hair.

"A-Arthur?!" A smile broke out onto your delicate features and you left Meliodas to run towards the young king, he scooped you up in a big hug. Snuggling his face against your neck as he spun you around and around.

"Merlin's spell worked! She gave me this necklace so I could always find you!" Arthur let you pull away from embracing his head so you could look down and see the necklace bouncing on his muscular chest.

Arthur continued to hold you up in the air, his arms around under your thighs as he ran over to everyone else. You were forced to cling to his hair with your fingers so you didn't lose your balance and cause you both to fall.

"Yo! Arthur!" Meliodas waved and Arthur set you down to high-five the shorter blonde, "what brings you here?"

"Just thought I'd come along for the ride, I don't like thinking about missing out on spending time with you guys" The young king grinned itching his dimple as he rested his other hand on the hilt of his sword.

"(Y/n)" King spoke down to you from his Chastiefol and you looked up at him, "I don't understand why we brought Gowther here, he's the one who took Diane's memories". The fairy king frowned, "we should've left him in Camelot".

"Aw King don't be so negative" you ruffled his short hair and he hid his face in his green pillow, "Gowther's our friend!"

"Come along then" Zaneri said, interrupting your conversation, "Meliodas...and you" she pointed to Elizabeth, "You will both come with me for Meliodas' test".

"Your majesty, I'll take you and the rest of your friends to the main rock spire, they're going to be tested too, and you're going to test to get your Beast Configuration back" Jenna nodded.

"Oh" Your ring finger seemed to ache as you lifted your glittering (E/c) orbs to Jenna, "I forgot about that one".

"So you really haven't seen it in over 250 years? I remember when you dropped it off, its healed perfectly now but I would've expected you'd come to get it sooner" Jenna said as you, Gowther, King, Arthur, Slader, Merlin, and Hawk, all followed behind the druid female as she walked you towards the spire.

"No I guess it got knocked from my memory" You smudged some dirt off your arm with your thumb, "I've hit my head quite a bit in the recent years".

"Well, we've kept it here to maintain its strength" Jenna raised her arm and pointed to a large collection of rocks on the small island, "it's in there, the druid training grotto".

King flew up to the two of you with a worried expression, "Jenna? What are you planning to do with us?"

She whirled around angrily, snorting hot air out her nose just like Hawk, "train you of course!" She set her hand on her hip, "as you are right now, none of you besides her highness would last even a minute against the legendary demons, the Ten Commandments".

"There are others here too?" You questioned, jabbing your adopted older sister in the cheek, you could sense the presence of others inside the rock grotto.

"Mhm, you know them actually... they're old friends of yours I reckon" She winked at you and you turned around to see a familiar figure walking out of the grotto clutching a short wooden staff followed by an impossibly large muscular creature's head that leaned down to be beside him... Hendrickson... and Dusk Flier.

The moment one of the creature's huge eyes found you, it moved so swiftly it brought a hurricane of force with it that send you tumbling over backwards, as it pressed its masked snout into your chest while you lay on the ground. (see picture above).

The fiery feathers on its neck stood up in eagerness and it made deep chortling sounds in its throat as it knocked you back to the grass again with its colossal bone mask. You had to massage the splitting headache the beast had just given you, as the rest of its body climbed up over the top of the rock, it was almost larger than the spire itself, and certainly met it in height.

"I-I missed you too, Dusk Flier" You brushed your hand up the intends of its huge bone skill and pushed upwards so you could climb back to your feet. There was a thundering whirls of clouds and wind as the Beast Configuration stretched its dark wings back to flex them, they stretched beyond the reach of the druid's stone walls, high into the sky like a feathery vortex of death. Which appeared only when it beat its wings against the waves of the lake, blowing back litres of water into the air.

"Sate sate sate"

Meliodas grinned as he walked back over to you, followed by Elizabeth, who seemed a bit shaken up, he looked up at the mountainous beast.

"What was your test Meliodas? Did you pass" You asked as he walked over to you, dropped to his knees, and buries his face under your shirt. As uncomfortable as it was to feel his hot breath against you, he seemed upset, so you endured it, patting his head gently.

He didn't make any noise, but he held onto the back of your legs as if clinging on for dear life.

"There there" you hummed softly, "you're ok now".

Meliodas lifted his head up and instead hugged you, "more like you're ok now" he sniffed, "I just had to watch you die 108 times, again and again". You let him bury his face between your cushiony breasts.

"And you'll never have to see that again, ok?" You assured, running your fingers back through his blonde locks, "never".



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