Chapter 35
Who are you?
Diane held the side of her head as if she had hit it, though there were no injuries on her, "I'm sorry, but... who are you?" She said to another figure in the room.
"Diane!!" King flew up to her face, when did he get back here? "Don't joke with me ok! Its bad for my heart" he tries to laugh, but his voice is strained with worry as you run up to Diane's leg. "Its me! King".
"King? You mean the King?" Diane pointed at the orange-haired fairy, you were shaking your head in disbelief, what's' wrong with Diane?!
"Yeah! King!"
"Haha your funny! The King's not a little boy like you! He's a great fat fairy with facial hair!"
King's arms fell down to his sides as his wide eyes looked over the giantess, "that's also true but... Diane you seem a bit groggy".
"Diane you remember me right?" You held your hand to your pretty top, long eyelashes looking only up to meet her huge purple orbs.
"Of course! (Y/n) my best friend!" She tried to pick you up but stopped when footsteps entered the room.
"What's going on?" Your head spins at Meliodas' voice as you watch him get helped into the room by Elizabeth, he sees you and gives you a wave, "how was beating the truth out of Galand?"
You blushed and clutched your hands together, "fun! But I had to kiss him, good think he was still weak from his resurrection, he was knocked straight out" you snapped your fingers to simulate a lightbulb flickering off, Meliodas chuckled.
"Your precious lips touch to many unworthy's my angel" he winks at you, slinging his arm off from around Elizabeth to fall heavily into your arms.
"Ah!" You gasped, your arms having to wrap around his back as he buried his greedy nose between your breasts, snuggling into your body, "you're so heavy! Have you not healed yet?" You noticed the bandages under his black singlet as the fabric rolled off one of his muscular shoulders.
"Well you haven't been back to heal me" He said, his voice vibrating against your sternum and making your skin shiver.
"WHO ARE YOU!?" Diane snapped as she pointed accusingly at the Princess, who backed up a little in fright at the volume of the giant's voice.
"Diane.. Diane it's me Elizabeth, your friend" The princess stepped carefully over the wooden floorboards to the giants feet.
You jabbed Meliodas' head with your thumb, "we need to tell Merlin about this".
You blinked a few times to allow your eyes to register, "Merlin? You got your body back?!"
Meliodas had told you about how Merlin had transferred her consciousness into her magical orb before she was turned to stone by Galand, but now you should see the silhouette of her body standing around the floating dark orb.
"No" She smiled and brushed a knuckle over your cheek, you didn't feel it, "its just a mirage, but it's easier to talk to me like this isn't it?"
You told her what happened, you had gone up to her tower in the castle by yourself, leaving the sins and princess to care for Diane while you talking with the Sin of Gluttony.
"Mm, perhaps the impact to her head may have caused temporary amnesia" The dark-haired woman tapped her chin, standing idly beside her lab bench.
I don't think that's the reason, you sighed and looked to the ground.
"SHE'S GONE!?! WHERE!?" King panicked as he flew round and around the castle's chamber where the giantess had formally been sitting in.
The knight guarding the door scratched his metal helmet, "well she asked to leave saying she had someone she needed to see..." He looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry".
"Where could she have gone?" You frowned as Gowther walked up beside you, wearing new clothes and glasses as he reached over to pull a strand of (H/c) hair behind your ear.
"Probably to where she was before she joined the Seven Deadly Sins in Liones" Gowther sat down in a heap, crossing his legs boredly, you glanced at him curiously, "I erased her memories up to that point, I wasn't going to remove her memories of (Y/n) that wouldn't be fair".
"What...." King's eyes showed nothing but pure shock as he hovered down to land in front of the Sin of Lust, "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS GOWTHER!?"
"I used Lost World" Gowther adjusted his glasses as they had been fogged up under the yelling hot air of the fairy king.
"Diane scolded me for meddling with people's memories, she even told me she got back the memories she had with you because they were etched so deep into her memory that no one can take them from her" He cocked his pink-haired head to one side, "so I put it to the test, and as predicted they were pretty easy to erase".
King looked like he was going to explode, or try to kill Gowther or self-destruct so you rushed over to him and hugged him from behind. His shoulders shook, but after a few moments, his hands climbed up his own chest to hold onto yours, "I... I cant blame you though Gowther...But let me ask you one thing".
You opened your eyes and lifted your head from the crotch between King's neck and shoulder, is this because you removed Diane's memories of you when she was little? What are you thinking King?
"What were you feeling... when you erased her memories?"
Gowther looked up from the ground to King, then his still-fixed eyes wandered to meet your (E/c) ones, "I don't understand. You don't need anything to erase a person's memories".
King lifted your arms away from him, though he wanted you to hold onto him forever, and nodded, "I'm not upset, I'm just very disappointed in you".
"Come on!" Meliodas beckoned you all to him, turning towards the open door, "we know where Diane will be going to if she cant remember the Seven Deadly Sins, so lets not waste anymore time and get going?"
"You're right Melio!" You spread your wings and took off behind the Captain out of the door, "she'll be going to the Giant's Village of Mega Dozer!" Gowther leapt up and you caught his hand to carry the sin through the air.
The other sins ran after you, King flew by your side, Elizabeth hoped onto Hawk's back, Meliodas ran under you with the Holy Knight Slader at his back.
"Don't worry Diane! We're coming for you!" King said out loud, your goddess' hearing picking it up only faintly.
(2500+ years ago)
"What's this place Darling?" The demon wolf slurred as he carried you easily up the curling vines and twisting branches of the fairy tree you were residing in while Meliodas was away, "it smells very sweet".
You giggled like the little child you were and patted Zeldris' black, furry neck, "silly doggie, this is where I live with my best friend!"
"Best friend huh?" He snickered, long canine teeth peering out under the curling lips of the dog as he jumped up to a larger branch, you clinging to his back. "I don't like to think that someone gets more of your attention than me".
"Well" your head fell forward sadly, he stopped where he was just before the vine curtain leading inside the hollow canopy of the fairy tree, "he's actually gone away for a while, he's helping people".
"Doesn't sound like a very good best friend" Zeldris continued his paces forward, his claws scratching the bark of the branch underneath you both, "he should be here, taking care of you".
"Melio's always been like that though" you cuddled to the haunches of the black wolf as he passed under the vines into your home, "he likes to protect everyone".
"Melio huh? You wouldn't mean Meliodas would you?" The wolf halted inside so you could slide off his back, he turned around to face you and his nose puffed hot air into your little face.
You giggled and grabbed onto the bottom of his face, "yes! Do you know him?"
(Flashback to when you visited the 10 Commandments earlier that day)
From previous chapter:
You tightened the rope around his neck without even batting an eye and he choked, "Galand, I want to make a deal with you".
Galand looked shocked, as did the rest of the commandments. "G-go on, then..."
"If you tell me why you are all here, what your plans are in Britannia, and if you'll let me stop you..." everyone was on edge waiting for your next words, "I'll kiss you".
"YOU'RE LYING!" Derieri shrieked and pointed at you in hostility, "Why would you want to kiss that mangy iron stick-insect?!"
"Tell me Galand" you looked down at him with dazzling (E/c) orbs, a seductive pout in your precious pink lips, "am I lying?"
Galand tried to clear his metal throat, and the white goddess rope loosened just enough to allow him to do so. One of his fingers crept up to poke the soft skin above your hip bone, "sh-she's not turning to stone", his head fell heavily back against the grass in terror, "you're not lying!"
"(Y/n) I forbid it!" Zeldris snarled as he stormed outside, his hand on the hilt of his sword as if he was going to strike down his fellow Commandment out of pure jealous rage.
"(Y/n) huh?" You glanced back to Zeldris slyly, "not calling me Darling anymore? You must be really pissed" you laughed, pushing down on Galand's neck as you sat on his metal chest to hold him down.
"" Galand was trying to talk but every word and syllable seemed to be failing him as his arms fell limp onto the dirt beside the cliff of your cottage home.
"So Galand, will you take my deal?" You knocked your fist against the side of his head, emanating a metal ringing sound from within that made him clutch over his ear-areas like you had given him a blistering headache.
"!" He sat upright suddenly and you almost accidently choked him to death with your white-hot goddess rope as you slipped down his metal body onto his lap. He slammed his fists into the ground in excitement, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YE-" He was cut off as he was kicked impossibly past off the cliff and you were thrown over a short shoulder.
"Zeldris" you rested your elbows against his back and put your head between your hands as he stalked back to the cottage, "can you put me down now~"
He pushed the wooden door open and ignored Drole and Gloxinia as they waved, you waved back before you lost sight of them as Zeldris marched down the corridor. He threw you onto your old double bed, the sheets soft like silk underneath you, and collapsed heavily onto your lower stomach.
"Something wrong?" You managed to sit up a little with the spikey-black haired commandment hugging your waist, his face hidden in his arm and your hip. You stroked his hair, "I'm not here to mess around with you Zeldris, I need to get back to my friends".
"I hate your friends" He grunted, you pulled a strand of his hair and you felt him bit his lip in pain. He really hasn't been eating any human souls... He's so weak right now...
"Your quite possessive, you know that right?"
"I don't care"
You looked over to the door as Galand leant inside through its open frame, trying to be as quiet as possible. You held up a finger in a 'quiet' motion and he nodded, then you leant down and picked up Zeldris' pale face, turning it to one side just so you could access his cheek, and pressed your mouth against it. "Sleep~" you whispered, and you felt him exhale as your Angel Sleep ability took affect.
Galand sat in front of you, sitting up straight to be eye level with your face as you leaned on the armrest of your old couch, brushing the spikey-black hair of the sleeping commandment lying on its cushions. As your nails traced lightly over his skin, the usually violent young boy looked so peaceful... and so tired. There were visible bags under his closed eyes and his cheekbones were more pronounced due to malnourishment.
"Galand, tell me why you are all here, that includes why you are waiting here in my house"
You looked to the red Commandment of Truth, dead in the eye, he gulped.
"You will also tell me why Zeldris isn't eating. Understood?"
His metal frame shook a little, "Yes, ok..."
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