Chapter 33

Galand the Truth

As the smoke cleared, a tall metal skeleton turned its crimson helmet around to glare at the town, carrying a long spear in one of his armoured hands. With the other, he stroked the chin of his helmet with metal fingers, "I thought I'd arrive within 70 paces at this distance" his voice was only loud enough for you to make out each of his crackly words, and you cringed at the sound, "I've lost my edge over these past 3000 years".

"For goddess' sake..." You face-palmed, a single drop of sweat rolling down your cheek, "I really don't need this right now".

Meliodas stood up from where he had ducked down to shield Elizabeth from the dust cloud created by the armoured-demon's landing, "You, you're Galand, one of the Ten Commandments".

The skinny red armour spun his spear like a dangerous javelin, "Long time, no see, Meliodas. I knew I'd find you here" His metal face rolled up with his shoulders as he laughed, "Kah ha ha! You haven't changed a bit!"

Diane walked out from behind a large boulder, still at human size. She looked more terrified than you had even seen her, "It cant be... how can such a monster exist in this world!?!"

"(Y/n)!" The demon yelled, laughing maniacally as it extended its long arms towards you, as if opening up for a big hug, "come and cuddle me sexy! I missed your sweet, sweet smell GAHH!" He hopped between each of his legs, snapping his metal fingers open and closed.

"Yuck" you gagged and backed away, the holy knight who had been fighting with you, Slader, stepped in front of you to hide your figure from the demon's sight.

"M-Merlin" Hawk snorted, sidestepping over towards the sin of gluttony, "I think my magic eye is broken", he wiggled the magic earing attached to his pink, porky ear.

"Why would you say that?" She said monotonously, lowing her arm from protecting Arthur, who lifted his sword up from the ground.

"Because... it says his Combat Class is 26 000".

26 000, that sounds about right. Well, this is going to be difficult, without my ring I beat him with 68 000. However, I'm not sure I can control my powers enough to not damage the buildings around us. You bit your lip, eyes looking at the dirt as you turned your Stardust ring on your finger.

"(Y/n)!!" Galand called, dragging out your name cheekily with his low, mechanical voice, "I much prefer your little nest compared to this human nest! Gah ha ha!" He thumped his hand against his metal stomach, "your bed is sooooo comfy!"

Hawk and Merlin continued to talk off to the side, the woman crossed her arms, "what is his magic level".

The pig kicked a stone across the ground, "I swear this earing is broken, his magic level is 0!"

You retorted, "You've slept in my bed?!?"

"Noooo" He huffed, his shoulders slumping, "I got kicked out".

"Enough chat, Galand of the Ten Commandments! Why are you here?" Merlin called out. You were breathing quickly, your knuckles squeezed so tight they were going white.

"This place is too crowded" He growled at Merlin, "too many nuisances". With a flick of his arm that held the spear, the entire town on the demon's right side was obliterated. Reducing every building to gravel and chunks of stone.

Arthur's pupils were shaking, "the... the whole town".

You looked back at him, "Arthur, you need to go and look after your people, the knights will have trouble pulling people out from under the rubble".

He looked at you with fear in his eyes, but not for himself, for you. He nodded, "ok, stay safe, I'll come back for you". With no warning, he walked over to you, craning his neck down a little and placed a soft kiss on your lips, before pulling his knights over with him away from Galand.

You stood still in shock, your face a bright red, "guess I'd forgotten what that feels like" you said to yourself, Meliodas was too concerned with the demon to notice any of it.

"Hey Meliodas, now that the ultimate prize is finally noticing me, care to have a brawl for it?" Galand spun his spear again, facing the sin of wrath, "I've always hoped to have a good tussle with you-"

Galand was cut off as his neck was slashed open up the side by Meliodas' sacred treasure. But amazingly, the Captain didn't make it out of reach before Galand's swift movement struck the spear clean through Meliodas' chest. But that Meliodas disappeared, merely one of his doubles. A few more tried to make attacks against Galand which he easily deflected until he gripped the real one by his throat.

"You're the real one, aren't you?" The demon's metal fingers' grip tightened immensely and Meliodas kicked, running out of air faster than he realised.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!" Diane said as Merlin released her human-size and the giant took a hold of her mighty hammer to strike it down upon the demon's body. In a flurry of steps by red metal feet, Galand deflected the attack and send the end of Diane's hammer straight back into her forehead, knocking her heavily in the ground.

You blinked and he was in front of you, "better not close your eyes, I know how much you love heights" the demon grinned and clamped some metal, magic-infused collar onto your neck, then threw you over his shoulder. You tried to scream but your voice was lost as he leapt miles into the air.

You had no choice but to grip onto the demon's metal shoulder as your eyes weren't processing fast enough to see your surroundings, just what magic did this collar possess? I cant even push my wings out of my back! Not to mention using my flames on him!


He threw you up into the sky as he reached the highest point of his leap, "CANT HEAR YOUUU! Don't worry cutie! I'll catch you when you fall down again!" As if his weight suddenly increased to that of a mountain, he pummelled straight down.

But you, being ridiculously light, were left to do nothing but fall. Unable to slow your decent with either your wings or your powers.

Your fingers wrapped around the heavy stone collar and you tried to pull it off, but you felt so weak as you tried to remove it, "come on, come on, get off!"

Meanwhile on the ground, Garland landed in front of Merlin, "I despise creatures like you, ones who rely solely on magic" his metal joints warped with a loud noise, "despicable".

"Wait" Merlin smirked, her lipstick stretching out into a perfect line, "lets make a deal?"

Galand looked upwards, into the sky, "Oh? I guess I have a little time to waste" he grinned at the dark-blue haired sin.

"Galand, one of the Ten Commandments who serve the Demon King, your skills and strength are honestly greater than I'd presumed. In return for telling us what the Ten Commandments are after, I'll promise to cooperate, and give you all the information I have".

Suddenly her body shuddered, and the Commandment's grin turned into one of scary size.

Meliodas clutched his neck, struggling to catch his breath, "Merlin! That wont work... on Galand".

Merlin looked down at her hands as the demon took a large step towards her, bending down to her level, "your lying..." he slurred evilly.

Everyone gasped as the sin of gluttony's body transformed into stone, and she was rendered still. Galand chuckled loudly, "stupid woman!" He slammed the point of his spear into the ground, "I am Galand! 'Truth' of the Ten Commandments! Lie to me and you will be turned to stone!"

You could hear him now, Galand, and see! The ground beneath you as you sped towards it, you could make out the little spots of colour that were the other sins, and the large figure of Diane lying amongst the trashed houses.

Galand continued to laugh, "This commandment was bestowed upon me by the Demon King, and cannot be undone! Now... to smash her into a million pieces!"

"STOP!" Arthur cried out as he rounded the corner of one of the streets, a force of knights running behind him.

But it wasn't this voice that caught the demon off guard, it was the yell from above that got his attention.

"GALAND!" You yelled at the summit of your lungs as you managed to break the magic-trapping collar off of your neck, "TIME'S UP!" You flung out your wings and slammed into the demon, tucking your ring into your body as your body began to glow a bright white colour.

"You've left me no choice as well!" Meliodas called out, tossing his sword up to you which you touched to turn it into a bright, magic-holding weapon. You pushed it back down and he caught it, his demon marks emerging on his face.

"WOAH!" Hawk tunnelled behind Elizabeth for safety, "(Y/n)'s power has jumped up to 68 000, and Meliodas is injured but still packing a whooping 10 3000! Where the hell did that come from!?!?"

"STUPID GROPER!" You backhanded Galand into Meliodas' sword strike, which sent the commandment flipping across the ground.

Something's wrong with Meliodas. You looked over to him, there were hundreds of beads of sweat across his face, and his expression was contorted into one of pain, despite his eyes still in their black, glazed-over state.

Its because my angel energy is overpowering him, he wants to kill me, his demon side cant help it. You could hear him muttering to himself, "get a grip...don't fall... into the darkness".

As Galand came back to attack you both, he caught wind of it too. "You muttering to yourself Meliodas?"

There was a void of black energy that hit Galand, but because you had just gone to kick him, you were trapped in it too. You started screaming and your fingers curled around Galand's arm as he jumped out of the void darkness, tossing you to the ground.

Elizabeth hand her hands either side of her face in terror, "Meliodas is controlling that incredible magic?!"

Galand was doubled-over, his long legs either side of your glowing white body as your bright light flickered, as you moved in and out of consciousness. I hadn't expected him to accidently hit me, good thing it didn't hurt that bad. You pushed yourself up on your elbows.

"Y- You're the one responsible for this dark magic?" Galand turned around to face the Captain, dragging his spear up between your legs in a taunting way, cutting the stone ground apart like it was sand. He threw the spear and it went right through Meliodas' chest, "I cant believe... you've become such a softie!"

"Galand..." You pulled yourself up off the ground, wiping your cheek against your bare shoulder, "don't.. touch him".

"I've lost interest in brawling with you, Meliodas" he pulled the spear out again and you took off to grab it as he drove it towards Meliodas' eye.

"STOP THIS!" You yelled and your divine energy shattered the spear between his hands. He shrieked and fell backwards, your body too bright to look at directly, even through his metal face.

"Farewell" Galand rolled onto his knees, to a running start position, "next time I'll bring some better toys to subdue you". He grinned and leapt, gone in an instant into the sky.

You were about to go after him, when you heard a familiar laugh, your spun on your heels to face a slim figure as they walked towards you, giggling.

"G-G-Gowther?" Your body returned to normal as you slipped your ring back onto your finger, "your back to normal".

"I think so" he patted the back of his head, "something tells me you wish to follow the Commandment". He took off a bracelet, crossing over to you with no self-consciousness about the fact he was naked, and placed the jewellery into your hand. "Wear this".

You didn't look anywhere but his face and the bracelet delicately sitting in your open palm, "what does it do?"

"Its silver" He said blatently, "so you can have a bath with it on".

As you slipped it onto your wrist, it seemed to shrink to fit your wrist tight enough so it couldn't fall off, "ah, its stuck".

"But you don't have to take it off" Gowther turned his pink-haired head.

"Gowther" you swallowed, looking directly into the sins pretty yellow eyes, "what exactly does this bracelet do?"

"Teleport" he held one finger up and you trailed his movement as he pointed down to his ankle, where an identical bracelet was on his foot, "you want to come back and it will transport you straight to this one, so you can follow him and come back whenever you want".

You were a little shocked, you smiled sweetly, "thanks Gowther, what a lovely gift".

"Merlin made it for you to have" He rolled his head to the side, "She was supposed to wear the other one, but since she's gone!" He kicked his foot with the bracelet on it, "I get to keep it!"

You nodded, "Ok then, uh, stay here with everyone then" You spread your wings, but didn't leave without walking over to Elizabeth, who had Meliodas' unconscious head in her lap. "Look after him for a bit, I wont be gone long I promise".

She nodded with tears streaming down her pretty face, "Ok (Y/n), be safe!"



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