Chapter 27

Double Trouble

(I spent all morning making this picture!)

You grumbled, your eyebrows scrunching together.

"Whoops..." you heard Arthur's voice and felt two hands help you up, but they were both right hands, "we made mum faint".

When you pulled your eyes open, you 'EEP'ed! "Why are there two of you!?" Your head frantically turned from one side to the other as you eyed both of them.

You patted your cheeks with your hands, trying to snap yourself out of whatever dream you were in.
You realised why the hands had felt the same, they had both helped you up with their right hands, like gentlemen. They both squeezed your hands at the same time, like mirror copies, everything they did was at the exact same time.

"I made a mirror version of Arthur" Merlin smirked, she slipped an arm around the shoulders of one of the Arthur's. They both let go of your hands and turned a little pink while you look quizzically at Merlin.


"Because Arthur wanted to come with you and Meliodas, but he also doesn't want to abandon his Kingdom".

You smiled softly, "Is that true? Arthur?"

The Arthur's scratched their faces with one finger, in perfect sync, "yeah..."

"Aw my little babies!" You leapt at them and the both caught you in a hug, you wrapped an arm around each of their necks, your head between them as you laughed.

Merlin looked around lazily, "where is Meliodas anyway?"

The room of the Liones castle was quiet as you climbed out of the boys' hold to look around, a frown on your features, "yeah where did he go?" The door creaked and Meliodas poked his head inside.

"Sorry for making you wait"

"Elizabeth!" Hawk oinked happily as the princess followed in behind the sin, holding one of his small hands tightly. Her soft yellow dress falling over her curves nicely. You looked down.

You rubbed your nose, I cant believe Meliodas convinced me to sneak in and fully heal her before she woke up. Why not just let her heal herself?



"I think your saying my name wrong" Meliodas crossed his arms and huffed, he turned his nose up at the boys like a disapproving parent.

Both of the young King's rushed over to stand in front of him, beads of sweat on their faces as they looked terribly worried that they had upset the blonde sin, "Sorry, Sorry! But we never asked your permission, so we didn't think we could".

"I never denied you permission before" Meliodas exhaled sharply from his nose.

Both of the boys turned red with happiness and tackled the sin under their heavy golden armour, "DADDY!"

Ban's head exploded. You healed him quickly and ruffled his hair to calm him down, "what, did you think Arthur had no father at all?"

The sin of greed turned a little sickly purple and hugged your chest to his face with a groan, "I guess I was just hopeful he was dead".

"Says the man who wanted to kill him yesterday" you ran your fingers calmly through his blue locks.

He nodded between your breasts, "point taken". You could hear the Arthur's running their mouths with hundreds of questions directed at the Captain, he answered many before he got to his feet and brushed himself off.

"So are you going to tell me why my vision isn't working right Merlin?" Meliodas banged the side of his head like he was trying to knock water out of his ear.

"Mirror copy, one is going back to Camelot, the other is coming with you" The sin of gluttony flicked one of the Arthur's in the shoulder.

"Do I get to pick which?"

Both retaliated with 'Ow!'s and clutched their shoulder's. "They're both exactly the same".

"I see" The Captain tapped his small chin and nodded, "alright then, lets get back to the Boar's Hat so these guys can start cleaning up the castle".

Ban put you onto his shoulders and frowned, "good idea daaad".

Meliodas kicked Ban through six walls, catching you in his arms before you hit the ground, "no games Ban".

The orange-haired boy's had stars in their eyes, greatly admiring the feat of such raw strength and power in its simplest form.

You yawned and stretched your arms up over your head on the bed, blinking in the darkness. Yep, this is officially too many boys.

King was between your legs, his head on your thigh as he curled in a ball on his side, breathing softly against your skin. Ban had his face in you hipbone, his nose poking your skin and giving you goosebumps when he breathed out, his arms wrapped tightly around your butt. Both of the Arthurs had managed to wiggle in spending one night with you before they separated, and were lying either side of you, not touching you, but their faces inches from your cheeks.

If you moved, you'd most likely wake all of them up. Which was going to be a serious problem. Because the body heat was getting a bit much for you. Carefully, you sat up, after all, only the two sins on your lower half where actually holding onto you. All your movement did to the identical boys was knock their heads a little closer together where yours used to be, they even breath at the same time. You smiled and stroked the one on your right's hair, its so soft.

They look so peaceful. You lovingly ran your fingertips over one of the Arthur's foreheads, pushing the loose strands of auburn out of his long-lashed eyes. So pretty.

Now sitting up, your upper body was finally allowed to breath in the bedroom's cool night air, although your legs were practically suffocating. Ever so slowly, you slid your leg out from under King and replaced it with a pillow.

Ban was a little trickier, but with some effort, you managed to convince his drowsy, sleepy body, that King was you. And the blue-haired sin clung lazily to the fairy without a care, not even flinching at the change in body, or the fact that King didn't really have an ass.

Finally free, you walked off the bed and stepped over the floorboards, your weight supernaturally light so you didn't creak any floorboards.

As you walked downstairs, you found yourself pausing at Meliodas' and Elizabeth's door. You looked at it, then sighed and walked on, heading downstairs. You spotted the tiny Hawk sleeping in a bowl of scraps in the corner, and decided to walk outside of the tavern to where Diane was curled up with a large blanket Merlin had conjured up.

"Hey" you poked Diane's large cheek, "can I sleep here with you? Its too hot inside".

The giantess yawned, but didn't open her eyes, she smiled childishly and made a blind grab, catching you in her cold hands. She pressed your head to her cheek and exhaled happily, "your so warrmmm... like a doll!"

You giggled, Diane was a relaxing cool temperature from sleeping outside, and even being between her hands was much nicer that trapped in a bed with four boys. "Night Diane".

She snuggled you, "nighttt".

(13+ years ago)
You pulled your shirt over your head, your back and shoulder's aching from working all day in Danafor. As Meliodas was working as a knight for the town, you didn't need to work, but you enjoyed feeling as though you were actually contributing. Plus you could take Arthur with you so he could catch dragonflies in the crystal clear river nearby.

You rubbed your temples, your sweaty (H/c) hair sticking to your forehead.

Standing in just your lace white panties, you shuffled along the pretty stone floor of your cliffside cottage, heading to the bathroom.

Inside the small room, you stepped over the straw rug and turned on the hot water in your clawfoot bathtub.

Cain's wife had given you some handmade soaps with floral scents, you had the rose one by the bathtub on a little wooden stand.

Your skin felt sticky and as a cold breeze drifted through the bathroom's small window, you shivered.

"Mama" you heard a child's voice and turned around, one arm over your exposed breasts, to see Arthur standing in the bathroom doorway.

The small child ran up to you and you crouched down to pick him up, "what's wrong baby?" You moved a strand of his messy hair out of his watery purple eyes.

Arthur began to wail quietly, his tiny shoulders shaking, "some boys were picking on me in the village".

"What did they say?" You stroked his hair, sitting down on the edge of the bathtub in your underwear. You weren't uncomfortable however, after all, Arthur was your son, and still very-much a child.

"They said I'll never be able to fight" Arthur sniffed, his nose sounded wet and was red from him itching it.

You put him back down on the ground, "why aren't you standing up straight?"

The little boy shrugged, "they jumped on my back so it hurts".

Instantly, you grabbed his waist and spun him around to lift up he back of his shirt, there were bruises breaking out over his soft perfect skin. You pouted, biting your tongue between your white teeth.

Arthur looked to the now almost half-filled tub and reached to put his hand into the hot water.

You turned off the water and helped him out of the shirt, "come on then, what if I make this a bubble bath for you?"

You smiled at him and he nodded hurriedly. He tore his shirt up over him and kicked off his pants so he was just in his boxers. You looked away so he could remove them and climb into the tub. Once in, he giggled and started to splash around in the hot water.

You folded your arms on the edge of the tub, smiling at the little boy playing happily. While he busied himself playing with a wood-carved duck, you cleaned the dried dirt and blood off his back with some of the water and soap.

The hot water felt so good on your pained skin, but Arthur's well-being was worth far more than your right now, so you decided to wait.

"Ok" you stood up, grabbing a towel and placing it beside the clawfoot tub, "call out if you need me".

"Wait mum!" He called, you turned around, raising an eyebrow gently, "you ran this bath for you, it's not fair if I take it! Look! There's plenty of room for both of us! I have another wooden duck too!"

Your smile doubled in size, "what did I do to deserve you?" You laughed lightly and sat down at the other end of the bath, sighing at the incredible feeling of the water. Your body felt soft and numb.

Arthur splashed less and you closed your eyes, resting the back of your head against the porcelain bath. After a while, the little boy crawled up your body and cuddled his small face into your neck. Your hands intertwined around his back as the boy's breathing slowed with sleep.

I can't fall asleep here. I have to look after Arthur.

You yawned.

Then again, Meliodas will be back soon, so we'll be fine.

A little while later.

Meliodas walked into the house, content with the bag of gold coins he had won from a fight against a training Knight. "Boy that kid didn't give up did he" he chuckled to himself.

He looked around, curious that he couldn't find you or Arthur, "(Y/n)? Where are you? Arthur".

He walked in to see you curled up in the bath with the tiny child, both sleeping soundly.

The sin scoffed with a cheeky grin and noticed you were still wearing your panties in the water as he pulled the plug out of the tub.

He shook his wet hand, drawing it away from the bath as the water began to drain out.

This sound woke you up and you let go of Arthur's small back to reach up and rub your eyes.

"Hi angel" Meliodas grinned at you with a bright smile, you grumbled.

Then smiled, "Welcome hommmme".

"Is Arthur ok?" The blonde pointed to the marks on his son's back.

"Some boys have been beating him up in the village"

"I'll kill them then"

"Maybe just keep training with him" you cupped the sin's cheek in your warm hand, "he loves playing sword fights with you".

Meliodas hummed and leaned into your palm, "as you wish".

He soon lifted the boy off of you once the water had drained out, he wrapped a fluffy towel around the auburn-haired boy's sleeping form. You wrapped a towel around your own figure like a short dress and slipped your arms around Meliodas' shoulders as he set Arthur down in the child's small bed.

"Did you miss me that much?" Meliodas smirked, lifting his shirt and pushing one of your hands down so your fingers skimmed over his chest and abs.

You groaned in a sweet voice, his throat growled at the sound lustfully.

"Maybe" you whispered in his ear.


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