Chapter 25
The Fight against Hendrickson
"Please! Jericho stop it already! I don't want to kill you" Diane clutched her Warhammer, facing its heavy end away from the red creature harbouring Jericho's limp body.
You steadied yourself and Ban let go, only metres from the giant, he hissed "then step aside".
"What?" Diane turned around, "(Y/n), Ban, shouldn't you be helping the Captain?"
"He can manage" The fox sin unhitched his nun-chucks from around his shoulders and stepped towards the creature.
"Bannn..." Jericho's body came alive like it was possessed, her chest shaking, "please... kill me... I don't want to be a monster".
Your eyes began to glow, a sickly white and you floated up to the creature's face. Your body illuminated with sacred symbols, running down your arms and legs. You set your fingers together in an open palm, hand against the creature's eyeless head, "then don't be".
Your Obliteration power sent the red monster sprawling in pieces, chunks falling to the ground as the Holy Knight's nude body, and a small alien creature, fell with the fleshy rubble.
Ban caught Jericho in his arms and crushed the creature between his long fingers, "guess your not a Holy Knight anymore Jericho, don't hate me for it". He flicked his wrist to try to pry the goop from the demon spawn off his fingers. His gaze however, was focused on the strange symbols running up your pale limbs.
"Nice job (Y/n)!" Diane clutched a fist against her chest in delight, the giantess rested her sacred treasure over her shoulder while you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Aha its only cause you inspired me Diane!" You ran your fingers over the symbols, "I didn't realise I'd get these runes though... they're a little much if you ask me" you laugh.
"I think you look stunning" Ban shrugged and gently placed Jericho's unconscious body into Diane's waiting hand, you blushed.
She held the Holy Knight's body up to you and you moved your palm above her, a white glow came from her body and her wounds were slowly healed. You removed your long shirt, leaving yourself in only a bra and shorts, and slipped it over Jericho.
"There" you smiled and Diane put her into her giant backpack so the Holy Knight could rest safely.
"There's one crawling up the wall!"
You turned towards a man's voice, probably just a citizen, as another monster crawled up the rockface towards all of you. As you moved to intercept it, a violent explosion blew it to smithereens.
The dark-haired Holy Knight was walking by, accompanied by Gowther and a small boy. Your bare feet brushed the stone floor as you met it, and walked over to Gowther. He looked you up and down blankly, you didn't feel uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Were you feeling two hot?" He pointed to your black bra, you gushed and covered your chest.
"I had to sacrifice my shirt to Jericho, she needs it more than me".
"I like this logic"
You giggled and the sin of lust blinked at you. Diane leaned over to the Holy Knight female standing in front of her, "your alright now Guila?"
"Yes" Guila replied fondly, "no problem here".
The giantess stood up proudly, "then lets all hurry up and help out the Captain and Elizabeth!"
"Ban and I will take care of the remaining New Generations before we join you" King concluded, crossing his arms.
"Are you coming with us?" Ban turned to look at you. Your lip pouted and you poked it with one finger.
"Hmm..." Diane gave you a pleading look and you chuckled lightly, "nah I'm going to stick with my girl Diane" She held out a massive hand and you two fist-bumped.
You flew to the newly ruined side of the castle to see the Captain and Hendrickson standing across from one another, Hendrickson's arm lay still between them.
Behind Meliodas, running away, was Hawk, carrying a very sickly looking Elizabeth on his back.
You could hear Hendrickson's throaty voice even through the wind as you tunnelled towards them, "you lack vision, Meliodas".
The sin of wrath smirked as he spotted you approaching from the Holy Knight's blind spot, "right back at you".
Your hand pulled to a fist and glowed bright with tremendous energy as you drew it back to punch the Holy Knight, the symbols re-emerged on your body, "DIVINE AURA!" You yelled as you made contact with the back of Hendrickson's head.
Just as you did so, Hendrickson's disembodied hand had tried to fire a black-fireball at Elizabeth and Hawk, only to be blocked by Diane's hammer.
Meliodas caught your other hand and pulled you from the air to his chest, you clutched your broken fingers, each knuckle bleeding, "sorry we're late".
With some effort Hendrickson managed to steady himself, although his vision was indeed substantially worse and he could feel his powers weakening by the second, just who the hell was this girl? One hit and I'm practically half-out?
Meliodas held you against his chest, one of his arms slipped under yours to support your broken hand, "your timing was great actually angel!" He grinned.
Hendrickson was about to retaliate when the Chastiefol bear hit him between his neck and shoulder with such force the ground broken beneath you all.
Right as you were about to fall with Meliodas off the loose rubble, Ban caught the Captain's ankle in one hand, and you fell comfortably onto the pillow Chastiefol.
"Ow (Y/n), what did you do to your hand?" King buzzed around you like a hummingbird, a worried look on his sweet face.
You shook your head, the symbols disappeared slowly as you clutched your bleeding hand in your undamaged one, "I guess I should've worn gloves huh?"
The fairy king chuckled a bit, and sat in his Chastiefol next to you, taking your broken hand delicately between his. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of your hand, the preceded to wrap it in a cloth he pulled out from inside his jacket pocket.
"So your alive Cap'n"
"Come on Ban, lets put a stop to this moron"
"He broke (Y/n)'s hand?"
"That he did"
"Well well" Hendrickson wiped his bleeding lip, "So the legendary Seven Deadly Sins have assembled here just for me. I'm so touched". He swapped his sword between his hands, the black crack of demonic magic spreading down his shoulder to his chest. "I see your still nothing more than a bunch of cold-blooded criminals. So greedy as to abandon the people of this kingdom to be trampled by the New Generations".
You looked up from your newly bandaged hand, both you and King hadn't really cared to listen to the Holy Knight ramble until now.
"Hendrickson" Meliodas cocked his innocent head to the side, "you're not exactly at an advantage here. You might want to just take a deep breath".
"What?" The Holy Knight Captain paused for a moment, finally realising that he too couldn't sense the raw power of the New Generations anymore.
"That aura your feeling Hendrickson" you spoke up, drawing all the eyes of the watchers and sins, and Hendrickson of course, "its actually the Kingdom's Holy Knights"
"Yep!" Meliodas smirked, "but this time they aren't here for the Seven Deadly Sins". He pointed his short sword at the man in front of him, "they're here to keep you from getting away".
"THERE'S NO BEATING ME!" Hendrickson laughed manically, "I'M INVISABLE".
"That's what you think" you scrunched your broken hand into a fist, then relaxed it, then repeated the action to increase your healing with pain stimulation.
"You're going down" Meliodas said as he became a blur, slicing Hendrickson's newly-attached-arm back off again.
The Holy Knight hollered and tried to punch the Captain, but missed, instead receiving three large lacerations across his chest, "Its futile!"
He tried to strike again, but Meliodas backflipped, spinning gracefully in the air to land attached to you as you hovered in the air. He hug his arms around your back with the side of his face cushioned by your breasts, pretty exposed in your bra. He furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought you were supposed to hit us Hendrickson, you aren't doing a very good job at this".
King pointed downwards with two fingers, "no he's not" and sent his thousand daggers flying at the man. They all struck half-deep into his body
"Ah.. Melio" You closed your eyes, your wings beating evenly, "could you stop licking the side of my boob? Its making me a little uncomfortable". The sin lifted his head to look up at you, he seemed unamused, with only his tongue sticking out. He shrugged and you dropped him so he could land beside Ban.
One of King's daggers pushed further and further into the Holy Knight's demon eye, "would you die for the forth time already? Otherwise, you'll piss him off".
Hendrickson threw his arms out and screamed, but not in pain, and the daggers launched backwards out of him, "THERE IS NO DEFEATING ME!"
"I don't care if your invincible!" Diane spun her sacred treasure wildly behind her back, two massive rock fists emerged from the ground either side of the Holy Knight, "I wont be satisfied until I crush you!"
The battle continued, King attacked, Diane attacked, Meliodas attacked. Continuously wearing down the knight as you, Gowther and Ban stood back. You were unsure if you were needed right now, plus, your hand ached like a thousand needles had been jabbed into it.
"Let me give you some advice newbie" Your ears twitched, Meliodas dove at the Holy Knight again, "demonic powers can repair injuries, but... even if your immortal, the damage remains".
His strike caused an explosion without smoke, like a flash grenade, and Hendrickson screamed.
The Captain's eyes were low hanging, "how many times have you revived so far?"
"That's a pretty tense situation those guys are in" Ban cracked his neck, Gowther stood comfortably beside him. You landed on Gowther's side, all facing the ensuing fight.
"While your strikingly calm Ban" The pink-haired sin questioned.
"Its nothing compared to you though" he replied, walking around him to inspect your bandage, "still broken? Or did it heal already?"
You flexed your fingers, your face twinged with pain, "ah.. still broken I guess". Ban hummed and held his large hand underneath yours, palm up. Carefully, he managed to connect your palms so softly it was like the warmth from him was there already. Then he laced your fingers with his so your hand could absorb his warmth. "Thankyou".
He shrugged, "I don't mind if it helps"
"It looks like we came late to the party" Gowther frowned, "According to Guila, Hendrickson spent many years studying the corpse of a demon, perhaps that's where he got his powers from".
"A demon corpse?" You gasped, Ban let go of your hand, thinking he'd hurt you.
You blinked and Ban was gone, there was a loud crash and you looked over to see his legs the only thing visible poking out of one of the castle walls. "Hendrickson" Gowther pushed you down to dodge another blow of the Holy Knight's sword.
(A week from now)
"Arthur, why are you crying?" The boy's hot, wet face nuzzled into your chest as his shoulders rose and fell shakily. Your fingers caressed his head through his sweaty rust-coloured hair.
Ban was fast asleep behind you, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist.
You were beginning to rethink 'sharing the bed' with three guys. Maybe I should just sleep in the attic with Gowther, at least he's quiet.
You were referring to Ban's light snore, who's exhale tickled the back of your neck with each breath.
"My hearts been aching for weeks" Arthur managed to say, his fingers digging into your upper back. Ban's arms moved a little too. Four different hands on you, this is getting a bit much.
Thank goodness King decided to sleep outside to watch over Diane.
"Why?" You whispered into his forehead.
You gripped strands of his hair and pulled roughly so his face had to arch up out of your breasts to look at you.
"I'm-" he choked, closing his stunning purple eyes, you could fit an entire galaxy in those eyes. "I'm ashamed to say". He gripped onto you tighter out of reflex, you winced, "so I won't".
"Uh-" you covered your mouth to prevent your yelp as you felt a few fingers slip under the waist band of your sleep shorts. But they weren't Arthur's fingers, they were too long, "...Ban".
The sin groaned at the sound of his name, dripping with drowsiness as his palm slipped over soft skin, searching for warmth.
"You're sweating?" Ban's husky voice was against your ear before he craned his neck a little and you felt a wet tongue drag down your shoulder blade. How can he be doing this and still be asleep?!
"Ban don't do that!" You scrunched your eyes closed and clung to Arthur's hair.
"Mrhm!" The orange-haired boy was struggling to breath under your grasp as you shook your nose in his hair, pressing his lips into your sternum.
"Ban... please...gah" you curved your body away from the sin, your legs wrapping around Arthur's waist.
The hands abruptly stopped on your hip bones.
"Ban let go" Arthur was talking this time, and he seemed cross. As you peeled one (E/c) eye open, you realised that the young king had sat up slightly and had his hands clutching the sin of greed's wrists, pulling them off you.
As you were broken out of the blue-haired sin's grasp, Arthur began to move again.
He set his knee between your legs once you'd turned onto your back and climbed over your body to lie on his stomach between you and Ban.
He rested his chin on the pillow and folded his arms underneath it, stretching his tired shoulder muscles.
You put your second index knuckle between your teeth and bit down gently, "Thankyou" was all you managed to say.
Arthur looked pretty exhausted, one of his purple irises looked briefly at you. I guess that's 'your welcome'.
Since he obviously wasn't going to reply, you began to start rationalising out loud in your sleep-deprived delirium.
"Ban's just a bit clingy sometimes when it's cold, he's always been like that".
"Yeah but he doesn't have to get handsy" Arthur grunted into the plushie cotton of the pillow.
Your ear twitched again.
You smiled and lifted your knees up to your waist, your toes dragged up the edge of Arthur's shirt as you moved them, he bit his tongue.
You yawned, covering your mouth with the back of your hand, "he doesn't mean anything bad by it".
"Why do you share a bed with him and not Meliodas?"
A frown graced your pink lips, illuminated by the soft moonlight streaming in one of the bedroom's windows. "Elizabeth is in Meliodas' bed".
Arthur suddenly seemed distraught, with eyes that bored into yours with an uncomfortable aura, "are you not... not happy anymore?"
"I guess not"
"I see..."
"But, there's no point dwelling on it. To be honest, I'm just happy we all came out of that alive".
You hugged your arms, you felt cold after Ban had kidnapped the blanket, it hadn't been as bad when he was cuddling you since the sin naturally radiated so much heat, but now you were in your own space.
And it was cold.
You shivered and Arthur lifted his arm up, welcoming you into his embrace as he rocked onto his side facing you. You smiled weakly and pushed yourself across the mattress to accept his hug.
"Sweet dreams... mum" You blushed and snuggled into his chest, his breath quickened and he chewed his tongue again, "what?" He asked.
"It feels good to here you call me that again" You yawned once more, but didn't cover your mouth so your teeth grazed his chest accidentally, "what was that thing you wanted to tell me?"
"It's not important"
"You don't have to tell me now"
"Thanks" you felt him kiss your hair, "night mum".
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