Chapter 22
I missed you too, Meliodas
(12+ years ago)
"Duck!" Meliodas swept a fist over the small orange-haired boy's head, "good" he blocked the punch the boy threw at him as they sparred on the cliffside.
The little boy swept his foot under Meliodas' feet to try to knock him to the ground, but the sin was too quick, catching himself on his hands and locking his feet under the boy's armpits. "Ah!" The boy yelped as the blonde threw him up into the air on his feet, flipping upright to catch him in his arms.
The sin of wrath grinned, "Sate, sate, sate. You're getting pretty good Arthur" he set the boy down and ruffled his hair.
"You think so?" The boy smiled cheekily, flexing an imaginary muscle, "I'm so gonna be as strong as you one day dad!"
Meliodas tossed him a wooden sword which the boy caught clumsily, but managing not to drop it as the elder boy held another pointing at him.
"Swords now?" The boy smirked with pretty baby teeth, as pearly and bright as the foam on the crystal seas.
"Unless you don't think you can handle it, my boy" Meliodas turns the sword to the side in mid-air, a joyful expression on his handsome face.
"I'll never back down from a challenge!" Arthur clutched his wooden sword and rose it to a defensive position, his opposition smiled and nodded.
"Don't let Meliodas use his Full Counter!" "Cut them down directly using your weapons!" "Watch out for the angel! If she uses a weapon get out of the line of fire! She's bloody deadly!"
The Holy Knights were shouting as all four of you bolted towards the castle, with new found energy. But, still recovering after your past Mach 1 flight, you were unable to move more than an arm or two. You clung to Ban's back in a piggy-back as he struck down the Holy Knight's lazily.
"Don't think you can beat us without using your magic. Idiots" He glanced back at you occasionally, noticing strain on your face.
"I wonder what was emitting all that magical power on the other side of the South Gate" Gowther ducked under a fatal sword blow and sent a bolt of pink lightning into the Holy Knight's chest.
You drew yourself up onto your forearms, too weak to reach out to that power... Merlin. It must be. You brought Arthur here of all places? What are you up to? Ban continued to walk and strike down behind the captain who was metres ahead of you, fighting mercilessly. You waved your arm, "...Wind... Walker".
The earth seemed to shake beneath the battlefield as the colossal beast crawled out from the new crack in the earth. It let out a tremendous roar and bolted across the hard dirt, killing many Holy Knights in its line of sight. Teeth and claws dripping with the blood of bad knights.
"We need to get Elizabeth... and my sword! Then we can look for that power" Meliodas looked back to you with that last sentence, determination in his green eyes. You found yourself nodding once in response.
"The Wind Walker will take care of the Holy Knights, we should just try to get past and into the castle" You clutched onto the top of Ban's shoulders, your small body pressed against his back.
Gowther, Meliodas, and Ban all agreed and you maneuvered between the striking Holy Knights towards the castle gate.
"Ok... we've made it into the city thanks to Gowther's weird mind control power on those idiots" Ban was bent double as you all crawled along beside a short rock wall, trying to remain hidden. Most of your strength had returned, and while you left the Wind Walker outside the castle gate, you withdrew your wings and pinched your ring.
"The city is crawling with Knights" Meliodas raised an eyebrow, "its going to be hard to track him down without getting spotted".
"Him?" Gowther leaned around to look at the captain, your ears perked up, "don't you mean her? We are searching for princess Elizabeth, yes?"
"Yes, whoops" He patted Ban on the shoulder, "my bad". The sin of greed was suspicious, as was the sin of lust, but they moved past it as you stood and walked ahead of them.
"Lets try the castle" You pointed up to the large cobblestone building far up in the castle's settlements, to the tallest towers, "Elizabeth probably got locked up in one of those".
As you ran towards the main castle, you felt a vibration, two colliding magical forces. One you instantly recognised.
"Meliodas" you gasped and the blonde grabbed your hand and threw you towards the vibration, he followed you, leaping just as quickly over the roofs.
"Hey Cap'n!" Ban scrambled after the both of you, you landed on a roof and kept running, "I thought we were going to the castle!"
"We don't know that the princess is over there!" Meliodas yelled behind him, right on your heels as you races towards the auras.
"Captain look!"
Meliodas and you were caught off-guard at Gowther's voice and looked back to see him pointing at an immense rock emerging from the ground like a sharp mountain.
"That's Ground Gladius" The sin of wrath said, "Diane's technique"
"What's the game plan Cap'n? Looks like she's already pulling out all the big guns against the Holy Knights"
"I will go. Captain, please make rescuing the princess a priority" Gowther looked back at you both before he began heading in the direction of the rock formation.
"Sir Hendrickson" That voice. "Shall we get around to settling our fight as well?"
You dove over the next roof, another explosion.
"Your authority is your only kingly quality... Arthur Pendragon".
That's when you saw him. Dawned in his golden armour as he swept his large Holy sword like it was weightless towards the legs of his opponent, Sir Hendrickson. Arthur grinned his trademark smirk, "Is your mind wandering during our battle?"
The Holy Knight easily blocked each of the young king's furious attacks, "you're the one who should step it up" the man said darkly, "show me the power that gives you the right to be King".
"Arthur!" You screamed in an attempt to draw his focus to the surprize attack the Holy Knight was about to make against him, but it was too late. In a tremendous blow, the young king's body was thrown off the bridge to the street below, creating a substantial crater in the cobblestone.
As Arthur's head came back up again, he dragged himself to his feet, his sword still in his hand. And finally; he could see you, and you were really there, not just an illusion.
"(Y/n)?" He said breathlessly. You were about to reply when Hendrickson jumped off the bridge to kick Arthur in the jaw, sending him sprawling back again.
"Do you intend to hold out until you die?" Hendrickson held up his sword, and it lit up with black flames. You swallowed, demon flames. Your ring grew hot around your finger, begging to be off and your power free, and you were willing to oblige.
"Hands off him!" You yelled and held out your ring hand, Hendrickson looked back before he released an incredibly large explosion of black flames.
"Hellblaze scream!" He called and you screamed, tackling the Knight to the ground to try to force him to miss, you felt so helpless as he threw you off him and you slammed into an adjacent wall.
Good thing he did throw you, cause the flames came back tenfold to collide into the Holy Knight Captain, throwing him threw several buildings.
As the smoke cleared around Arthur, a blonde boy stood in front of him, "Well you sure have learned a troublesome form of magic".
"That voice" Hendrickson growled, his armour charred as he trudged over to the sin.
"Don't you even think of hurting him" Meliodas glared, "your already a dead man".
"Me... Meliodas?" Arthur was unable to speak, breath, even process what was in front of him. Was this the same Meliodas from the memory you showed him, then that would mean, "wait! I know you!"
Meliodas turned his head back, "sure you do kid!" He gave a two finger salute before facing the tall Holy Knight once more.
You had little control over your body as it ran you to Arthur and you tackled the gold-armoured boy, "Arthur your alive!"
"You have no idea how much I've missed you" He murmured, his voice wracked with pain as he wrapped an arm around your back, the other propped you both upright.
"Long time no see, Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins" Hendrickson said. "And as if my day couldn't get any better, you brought me the fallen angel as well".
Arthur lifted his face from your soft neck reluctantly in order to ease his curiosity, he had to look at this blonde figure, he was surely the boy from the memory.
"Meliodas your my--" Arthur was cut off as you clamped your hand over his mouth, he looked at you, shocked and a little worried.
"Its not safe for us to speak here" You helped him to his feet, he grinned sheepishly.
"Sorry, got a bit carried away I guess" Arthur replied, his purple orbs lifted over you to Meliodas and Hendrickson as they engaged in a deadly flash of combat.
You totally missed it as the same mage that took Elizabeth reappeared and conjured a thundercloud above you. As lightening struck the ground, there was a deafening clash of swords. Meliodas had blocked Gilthunder's strike with one hand over his head holding Cain's short sword.
As he was kicked back, Arthur caught him and they both slammed back into a wall. You gasped and squeezed your wrist, worried you may have to attack with limited strength.
"Thanks Arthur, you saved me!"
"It was nothing" They both grinned sheepishly, it brought a bright smile to your cheeks, "its Meliodas right? I've seen you in my dreams".
"Guess the secrets out huh" Meliodas scratched the back of his neck childishly, "oh well.. you mind lending me a hand?"
Arthur held his sword over his head, "sure!! I'd be glad to!"
Meliodas chuckled and looked to you, instantly picking up on the sadness you tried to conceal behind your pretty (E/c) eyes. "Angel-cake... why don't you watch us fight?"
You giggled, when Arthur was young, they always asked you to watch their fights, prove their strength. "Ok Melio" despite the dangerous situation, you sat down on top of a large piece of cobblestone and crossed your legs.
"Also Meliodas" Arthur turned a little pink in his nose and the tips of his ears, "I have to talk to you about something later".
"No problem" Meliodas spun his weapon between his fingers, "lets just deal with these two first".
"Meliodas" You leant on your fist as all four engaged in battle, the opponent Holy Knights almost forgetting your presence entirely. As Gilthunder and Hendrickson had made almost countless attacks against Meliodas, they had managed to knock his sword from his wrist. Gilthunder had jumped to strike him down with a powerful lightning strike. But the sin of wrath caught the sword between his fingers.
So you drew out your powers. To protect Arthur. You smiled, same old Meliodas.
"You have demon powers" Hendrickson moved to counter with his black flames, but his target changed as the young king's voice pricked up.
"What? Demon powers?"
"There's no need to explain to someone who's about to die" He cast his flames and you threw your arm out to block most of them with Obliteration. But one stream of the flames landed on his shoulder and he tried desperately to pat it out.
"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Arthur panted and you ran to his aid, holding your palm against his shoulder-plate. The fired died down instantly. He half-smiled, "thanks (Y/n)".
Flames cracked from one of your hands and your twin-bladed scythe manifested, facing the Holy Knight. "What did I tell you, about trying to hurt Arthur". You clicked your fingers, and the scythe sped towards him, he barely dodged the ensuing attacks by the magical weapon.
You were now focused on your fight against Hendrickson as Meliodas battled Gilthunder.
The cloaked figure you had seen hovering beside Arthur before, flew down to float beside you, "long time no see".
"You see everything" you laughed, hiding under that cloak huh? So unlike you to cover up. "I'm glad your finally dressing decently around my son". You motioned your arm and the scythe continued against Hendrickson's sword skill.
Arthur turned red, "what... what do you mean by that? I didn't even notice?"
"That's cause you only look at one girl Arthur" the cloaked figure chuckled, the king looked at the ground in embarrassment.
You didn't hear her as you had to dodge a surprize attack from the Holy Knight Captain.
"Hurry" Hendrickson called to his masked mage and Gilthunder, "we must kill Meliodas and capture (Y/n) before any more sins arrive".
You hissed, "good luck".
"100 DIVINE CUTS!" Meliodas called, he looked almost as bad as you did. Clothes nearly shredded and blood dripping down your bodies. Arthur wasn't looking to good either, turns out his fight with Hendrickson did worse than the orange-haired boy was willing to admit.
"So Meliodas, you saved that girl Gilthunder likes when she fell from the roof?" Arthur questioned as the blonde sin helped him walk back down one of the cobblestone pathways towards the castle. You walked casually beside them both.
"Mhm" You smiled, "Margaret. Those two have liked each other since they were little".
"No big deal" Meliodas shrugged, Arthur grinned.
"I missed you a lot too" The orange haired boy lit up as he looked down at the short blonde sin, who grinned back.
"I couldn't wait to see you again! But I'm a little mad your taller than me".
Arthur pulled his hand into a fist, "and stronger too I bet!"
Meliodas' smile turned into an evil smirk, "ooooh we'll have to see!"
"No sparring boys" you wagged a finger at them, "at least not now, lets save Elizabeth first".
Gilthunder and Margaret walked slowly behind the three of you, laughing quietly to themselves.
After reuniting with King and Diane, and to your surprize, Howzer and Guila. They all stood around perplexed as to how you had all gotten so beaten up.
"So uh" King itched his arm, "what happened?"
Arthur burst over and grabbed Meliodas by the shoulders, standing behind him, "It was all thanks to Meliodas! Who acted heroically without any regard for his own well-being!"
All eyes grew wide. They hadn't noticed the orange haired boy before, as you were standing in front of him and pulled most of the eyes as parts of your clothing were crumbling which drew out more skin with each second.
"King Arthur of Camelot?!"
Diane leaned over to look at the young boy, "what brought you to the kingdom at a time like this?"
Arthur cleared his throat and held his fist over his heart, "I knew that the King of Liones was in, so I rushed to come to his aid". He blushed and tried to fix his hair, "also, I couldn't stand to be apart from my mum". He grabbed your wrist and kissed the inside of your palm.
"YOUR MUM?!?!"
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