Chapter 19
The Jungle Crawler and the Sin of Lust
"Gowther?" You frowned, your fingers kneading though short auburn strands as you attempted to braid King's hair, "spotted near this town?"
The fairy was sitting cross-legged between your legs on the tavern veranda, perched on top of a hill overlooking a large town. He was fully dressed, unlike you, still only in your nightie but with a comfy pair of cotton shorts under the short night dress.
Meliodas nodded, he was already sporting a full single braid that held his whole blonde fringe out of his sparkling green eyes. His fists on his hips on the grass in front of you as he stood watching the distant townsfolk. "The Holy Knights have ordered a manhunt in the mountains for him" he finished, looking back over his shoulder as you bit your lip in concentration.
"Yo! Elizabeth!" Meliodas wandered over to the silverette as she opened the tavern door, carrying a tray of hot cocoas.
"Oh Meliodas" she blushed a little as the blonde jumped up to her and grabbed one of the wooden mugs, "here, Ban made them for everyone".
Meliodas pinches her cheek, "thanks Elizabeth!" He grabs two of the mugs and sets them down beside you and King, before fetching his own, you thank him as he wanders back to the princess.
Reaching the end of your braid, you tug the final strand and tie it up with a thin band, "There!" You pat him on the head, "all done". He reaches up to feel it, although his fingers move lightly so not to damage the delicate plait.
You heard a sneeze and your hair flicked back as you turned your head, the princess had her face in her hand while Meliodas checked the temperature of her forehead, "ahh Elizabeth, you've got a cold". He takes the tray off her and dumps it onto Hawk's back as the pig trots past.
King flies out of your reach with a relaxed smile his Chastiefol landed under him to cushion the fairy's seating in the air. You dusted your hands off with a swift motion and stood up, "I'm sorry Elizabeth, I can't heal colds, I don't get them so I don't know how to fix it" your face fell, "I think you should just rest for a bit".
She smiles kindly back at you, "that's ok Lady (Y/n)! I'll go lie down for a bit, don't worry about me!" She takes one of your hands in both of hers and gives it a gentle reassuring squeeze, then walks inside.
Meliodas pokes the side of your breast and you 'EEP!' covering your chest with your arms, "what was that for?" You tried to get eye contact from the sin or wrath, but his emerald orbs were trained patiently to your breasts. You were about to slap him when he cocked his head to the side in confusion.
"You're not wearing a bra" he said blankly, your cheeks grew hot and you attempted to cover yourself further, trying to stammer out an explanation.
"Well it's not my fault! When I got out of the bath my bra was gone!"
Meliodas raised an eyebrow. Now that you had heard it out load, it did seem strange that one of your undergarments was the only thing missing when you went to get changed. Then the thought hit you and you growled darkly, "Bannnnn" you hissed.
The sin of greed was at the door instantly, leaning on the doorway with a knowing smirk stretched over his face, canines poking out amongst his white teeth, "yesss?"
With no more than a swipe of your hand, you gestured for him to give it back. Meliodas finally cottoned on and without hesitation kicked the blue-haired sin through the wall and off the side of the tavern.
In the Captain's hand, was a lace white bra that he had snatched back in an invisible motion, he handed it back to you and you swiftly shoved it into your shorts' pocket.
You walked down the hill after you had gotten changed, heading towards the crash site Ban still hadn't returned from. The blue-haired man was lounged against a rock that had broken in two under the impact, though he hadn't sustained a scratch that hadn't already healed.
He didn't look at you as you wandered up to him. Demanding attention, you stepped one leg over his body and sat yourself down on his lower stomach, right above his lap. He groaned at the feeling, though you weren't heavy so it wasn't like you were crushing his stomach.
"Banzy why did you steal my bra?" You set your elbows onto his chest and rested your head in your hands, his neck craned to be centimetres from you. His pointed nose bumped yours in disapproval of the question, your smaller one scrunched up.
"Cause I can" The sin concluded, his long fingers grazed over the side of your thigh, "thought it would be funny for me".
"Was it?" Your long eyelashes waved at his dark-lined eyes and he grimaced.
"Nah guess not"
"Right" You sat up again, your body slid down a few inches so you ended up on his lap. Your knuckles bunched and you pinched his nose between two of them, "so don't do it again".
He smirked, "ok".
"Look there!"
Your attentions were all caught as you had begun to approach the town when a few town's folk began pointing into the forest beside you.
"One of the Holy Knights has come down from the mountain!"
Sure enough, a badly injured armoured man stumbled out and collapsed in front of a few villagers. Meliodas frowned as you all approached, minus Diane, Elizabeth and Hawk who were back at the tavern.
"What happened?" One of the woman supporting the knight's head said.
Blood spurted from the man's mouth, you hid yourself under a cloak behind Meliodas. "The entire knighthood was...wiped out" he coughed again, you covered your mouth at the sight, "The Roars od Fawn are fighting the armoured!"
"Armoured giant?" King tapped his lip, "So its true, my information was correct about Gowther being spotted in the area".
"Good on you Harlequin!" You held a thumbs up to him as he stood behind you, he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah, no problem (Y/n)"
"Ok, well Diane is already back at the Boar's Hat, so she can protect Elizabeth" Meliodas cracked his neck, "lets go find Gowther".
You, Ban and King quickly agree and in a split second the four of you took off into the forest; Ban and Meliodas leapt along the forest floor and between the trees, you and King flew through the canopy.
"The Roars of Dawn hm?" Ban snarled gleefully, "I've heard some nasty rumours about them".
"There he is!" Meliodas whispered as he caught your wrist before you flew between two trees and pulled you back forcefully. You pinned yourself to the tree he held you two and your wings drew back into your body.
Another voice perked up from the clearing you had stopped just short of, "Focus, our job is to dispose of the target, no matter what he is".
4 Holy Knights stood around a pile of fallen soldiers, other knights, against a gigantic suit of armour that moans mechanically through the grate in its helmet.
"Gowther?" You muttered under your breath, he seemed different, what's wrong with him? His armour looks pretty damaged. You're turned the ring on your hand, I might need some extra help... Turning around away from the ensuing fight between the knights and the armoured monster, you held your open hand out towards a large elm tree, "Ninth Configuration... Jungle Crawler" (see picture above)
The tree thundered and cracked like it was being grown and broken at the same time, it stretched and warped as if it were alive before a substantial crack tore up its trunk. From its wooden chasm, a black creature twice as tall as Diane emerged from the dying tree. Drawing with it thousands of leaves that grew along its back and a scaled back and tail. The creature remained crouched under the trees, though it was almost impossible to keep it hidden at its size, it hadn't been spotted yet.
Its long neck stretched to you, the bone plate on its head nearly dully concealing its glowing acidic eyes as its long rough tongue lolled out and licked you up the side of your body.
You gagged and Meliodas nodded to you as he jumped to join the fight. Ban and King followed behind him. "Ok, ok" you began talking to yourself, "I'll let Jungle Crawler go when they need him" you pushed your hands against the creatures humungous scaled face, trying to stop him from pushing forward.
The sins fought roughly to block all the attacks from the Holy Knights. But Meliodas got caught under the leaders grasp and was slammed violently into the ground. King was bound by one of their female's electric force field, and Ban chased on as he headed away from the fight.
"Guess there's no better time than now" You spotted the archer Holy Knight as he knocked a magic arrow to his bow, pointing it at the armoured suit, your eyes glowed green, so did the Jungle Crawler's as you locked eyes on the point of the bow, "Fetch".
The thunder that followed should have been from a storm, yet it was only the clumber of the mighty paws of the creature as it dove to catch the huge arrow that grew as it travelled through the air. You dove out of the trees after it and the Jungle Crawler leapt a large patch of trees to chew the arrow to splinters.
"Wait" your eyes widened, "there's still someone alive". You spotted a young male figure lying at the foot of the armour, he had shaggy dark green hair and glasses as he pulled himself to his feet.
The archer was quickly knocking another arrow, "Look out!" You flew at him with a push off the tree truck. The arrow fired.
The next few seconds moved in a blur as you tried desperately to touch the arrow before it made its contact. He caught it?!?!
"I'll make you pay for breaking the seal on my armour" The tall boy dropped the arrow from his thin hands, you picked yourself off the body of a soldier you had landed on.
"Gowther?" You gasped. The boy's hair began to grow shorter and change in colour to a bright pink. It is him!
"That's me" The boy didn't have any emotion on his face as he reached out a hand to you and helped you up.
"I don't believe it!" Ban yelled as he slammed a Knight's head into a rock, jumping down into the centre of the clearing.
Meliodas and King picked themselves up hastily and appeared quite panicked as well.
"He stopped my Full Charge arrow one handed, and what was that strange massive creature that just CASUALLY took my other arrow!?!" The archer smacked himself in the face to wake himself up, sure he was dreaming.
"Jungle Crawler is here?" Gowther looked to you, holding your hand still. You nodded and waved your other hand, the creature crushed several trees in its walk to stand above you. It dropped its head down to sniff the pink-haired sin. The rumbled a sound in its throat before licking Gowther up the side of his face.
Gowther had no visible reaction other than patting its large bone-covered nose, "Good configuration" his hand lightly thumped its face rhythmically.
"Well well well" Ban stalked towards you two. You dropped your hand from Gowther's as the tall sin of greed moved around him to examine the shorter figure, "So this is what was hiding under all that armour".
"Posture. Gait. Tone. Demeanour. Facial scar" Gowther looked the red-clad male up and down, "you are Ban the Undead".
Ban grinned, "Wow, now that's the Gowther I remember"
"So if I'm right, and if (Y/n) is here" he pointed to Meliodas, "then the boy over there who looks exactly like the Captain-"
"Yep! Its me your Captain, Meliodas!"
One of the Holy Knights standing near the blonde broke down in shock, "WHAT? YOU MEAN THIS SHORTIE IS THE CAPTAIN OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS?"
He yell back in fright at the volume of your voice, "well no... your also the Fallen Battle Angel of Liones right?"
You crossed your arms, "that's a little better".
Ban clapped Gowther on the shoulder, "now there's one you wont guess" he pointed up to the fairy floating in the sky on his green pillow.
Gowther adjusted his glasses on his face, "hm, I don't know who that is"
"Its King!"
"Based on bone structure. Tone of voice. Body odour. That's not King at all"
King frowned and transformed into his large human form, shocking the Holy Knights watching the strange interaction.
Jungle Crawler lay down atop the crushed trees, its leaf mane blowing in the gentle breeze from over the mountain.
Gowther looked up again, "Oh, that's him without a doubt"
"Gowther" You poked his skinny upper arm, "if you are out here, what's inside your armour?"
He pouted, his first change in facial expression, "I'm not really sure".
(10+ years ago)
You flew up to the face of the massive suit of shiny armour, "Gowther!" you knocked on the side of the helmet, "I have tea for you" you held a silver tray in your hand as your wings held up in the air.
The castle corridor was empty apart from the suit of armour and you. There was no reply, so you knocked again.
"I'm here (Y/n)" The voice was behind you so you turned to see Gowther trying to fix the messiness of his doll pink hair. You flapped down and touched the cobblestone ground under your bare feet, holding out the tray of tea and two cups.
"What to try it? I made it myself from some herbs Jungle Crawler grew from his tail!"
He lifted his glasses to lean and smell the mist coming from the spout of the teapot, "sure".
Together you sat down under the shadow of the massive empty armour and happily sipped the delicious tea, you chatting on gingerly about how excited you were for the other sins to return from their mission tomorrow, and Gowther sat listening intently to you.
He grabbed your hand while you were gestured and turned it over, his fingers tracing the ridges in your palm, "your skin is very soft (Y/n)" he said ordinarily, your cheeks were peachy as you held one of his hands between both of yours.
"Probably because I just had a shower, they're soft from the water"
"So showers make your skin soft?"
You nodded, "yes!"
"Can I have one?"
You pulled him to his feet and locked arms with him at the elbow as you strode down the corridor laughing, "of course! You've got to learn about the finer things in life Gowther!"
He smiled a little and let you guide him down another massive stone hallway in the huge castle of Liones.
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