Chapter 15
You're still a Godfather
"Aw my clothes are a mess" Diane walked back down towards you, the tavern uniform, as well as being torn in several areas from her fight, but was also pulling to strings as she was growing a little bigger.
"Coming up next round! Semi-finals! Meliodaf vs Cain!"
You steadied yourself by holding onto the tip of one of Ban's fingers as you turned around to face Meliodas, "be careful" you smile at him.
He gives you a thumbs up and rolls up one of his sleeves, "leave it to me" he grins and walks up onto the beaten arena.
Diane jumps up and down in the air, "good luck Captain!"
King floated over to Ban and peered down at you as you re-wrapped the ribbon cloth around yourself, "looks like the effects are slowly disappearing, you and Diane are a few centimetres taller now".
Cain, an elderly, drunk-looking man with seemingly intelligent eyes, stands across from the sin of wrath. Meliodas gives a half smile.
"We're counting on you kiddo!" "Don't lose either gramps!" "Do your best you two!"
The townspeople cheered, Ban held his hand up towards his beady red eyes, "feeling alright?" he muttered sluggishly to you.
You looked down under the ribbon and watched your body begin to glow slightly as your healing was speeding up the growth, trying to revert you back to normal, "I don't know".
"You sure look a lot like him. I thought it might be so when I saw your face" the old man said, Meliodas turned his head, confused, "You are Meliodas' son aren't you?"
Your ears pricked up at those words, was he talking about Arthur? Surely not.
"No" Meliodas frowned, he tapped his index finger against his chest, "I'm Meliodas".
"WHAT!?!" Cain looked like he might faint, "DON'T TALK CRAZY! HOW COULD MELIODAS BE A KID LIKE YOU!?!"
"Shhhh!" Meliodas stepped close to the old man's face, noticing the townspeople beginning to lean closer to hear, "Something came up, I've had to hide my true identity. Look grandpa. I don't know who you are but... what it is matter if I'm the Meliodas you're talking about?"
The announcer tapped the metal helmet on his tiny head, jumping off the edge of the arena, "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!"
In a second, Meliodas had to catch the old man's knee before it crashed into his face as Cain attacked. As he landed back, the old man flung off his cloak to reveal a familiar crest.
"Danafall" you and Meliodas both said.
"I knew I recognised him" you whisper, Ban pulls you closer to him in his hand, so you're pressed against his collarbone.
(16+ years ago)
Meliodas sits on a rock clutching a small bundle of blankets, the beautiful Danafall meadow's landscape falling around him. He looks down at the small face of the baby boy he carries on his lap. The sin of wrath is dressed in Danafall knight's clothing, a large noble crest painted onto the shirts fabric.
The baby boy coos and grabs Meliodas' finger in his tiny hand as the sin goes to poke his cheek. "Arthur, you're not going to eat my finger are you?" he chuckles.
The baby gurgled happily and tried to suck on Meliodas finger, but he withdrew it out of his reach with a light laugh. He looked up as he sees you walking towards him, carrying a basket and arm in arm with Cain, still an elderly man but a little bubblier.
"Your too kind Sir Barzad" you smile sweetly at the man as you walk towards Meliodas and the baby on the rock, "you didn't have to make this lovely food for us".
"Oh I'm just happy to see you two young'ins again" Cain chortles and pats your hand thoughtfully, then let's go of you.
"We missed you (Y/n)" Meliodas grinned as you set the basket down. You leant down to kiss the baby on the forehead, Meliodas kissed your cheek.
"Where's my kiss?" He pouted, pulling the giggling baby towards himself. You giggle as well and press your lips chastely against his.
Your heart sparks as you break apart and you both smile like little children. "Well look how big you're growing" Cain chuckles and begins to make odd baby noises at the baby, who's amused by the old man's funny faces.
"Arthur does love his godfather" You beam up at the elderly man as you take a seat on the stone next to Meliodas.
Cain's face flushes red, "Really!? ME!?" He looks so happy and shocked, you feared he might faint.
"Of course" you squeeze his wrinkled hand, "you've been so kind to us, letting us live for free in that house on the cliff side".
Cain jumped up and down cheering, Meliodas handed you Arthur, wrapped in his soft blankets, and wove his arms around your waist, kissing the side of your shoulder. You giggle again.
You clutch your hand to your chest, "Sir Barzad!? Is that you?! Don't you remember me?"
The old man didn't hear you and launched another attack at Meliodas.
King looked over to you frowned, "I don't really keep track of what goes on in the human world... that old man's acting like he knows the captain, and you know him as well apparently".
As your face was kept hidden under the shadow of the sin of greed's neck, you could feel the rumble in his throat as he began to speak. "Don't start prying" Ban said, "its rule three of the Seven Deadly Sins, no meddling in another's sin".
Diane frowned, "was that one of them?"
"If you are so bold as to claim yourself as Meliodas" Cain growled, "then you must know what's coming". Suddenly his hands lit aflame and he held the plumes above his head, tears in his eyes.
"Why did you destroy the kingdom!? And your HOME?!" As he released the dangerous inferno, Meliodas took the hit, cringing in pain as his skin and clothes charred. "Why did you kill your comrades!?" He threw another ball of flame, Meliodas took the hit directly. "Why did you kill your baby?! WHY DID YOU LET (Y/n) DIE!?"
All the sins looked to you, you hid your face in Ban's neck, your tiny body shakily violently at the memories you had pushed so far away.
"I tried to... protect them" Meliodas looks down as the largest plume of flame begins to hurl towards him, "But I couldn't... and that is my sin". "And that is why I must protect them now!" He held up his hand and the flame disappeared on impact in a flash of light, leaving behind no trace of the fire.
"Counter vanish" Cain commented, frowning, "the technique that disperses all magical attacks used against you. You really are the same Meliodas as before".
"And I remember you too" Meliodas relaxed a little, "you're Cain Barzard, or Barzard the Flame" he smiled, "you're Arthur's godfather".
"Your finally remember" Cain's voice was soft. He paused for a moment, registering what the sin had said, "you didn't say were".
"You didn't say I was his godfather, but... he's dead" the old man's voice was broken, Meliodas walked over and patted him on the shoulder.
"No he's not. And neither is (Y/n). They're both safe and sound"
The old man looked up and found himself crying and smiling, an odd mix of intense emotions for the elderly fella, "OH THANK GODNESS!" He hugged the blonde boy tightly, "I was hoping you'd say that!"
Diane pulled her hair over her shoulder, "what just happened?"
King's eyes were on you, he seemed puzzled, "I have no idea"
"(Y/n) is just over there" Meliodas pointed to you and you waved a tiny hand in the palm of the sin of greed, who rolled his eyes.
The announcer walked back up onto the platform, "um... if you two could just start fighting now".
Cain couldn't stop grinning childishly at you, "I lose!" He cheered and trotted over to you, pulling Ban's hand down to be eye level with you.
"It's absolutely wonderful to see you (Y/n)! It's been such an awfully long time" he began to cry, wiping his nose on his sleeve. You gave him a sweet look in reply, still the same emotional man as when we first met. Haha good to see he hasn't changed his kind heart.
"You know my mistress?" Ban finally set, a hint of possessiveness in his voice.
"It's ok Ban" you turned and brushed your tiny fingers down his jaw in comfort, "he's an old friend".
Ban didn't seem convinced, he moved you towards himself, almost out of Cain's reach. The old man didn't seem to mind. The sin of greed shoved his empty hand into his pocket, holding you in the other against the front opening of his jackets colour.
Diane walked over to Meliodas as he knelt down on the edge of the arena, "Captain, how do you and (Y/n) know that man?"
Meliodas chuckled, "oh we go way back"
"Now it's the moment you've all been waiting for! The final match of Vaizel's Fighting Festival!"
"Oh" The captain looked back over his shoulder to the announcer".
Diane puckered, "That's us"
A joyful smile emerged on your face as you saw Hawk trotting back over with Elizabeth, who was wearing the remnants of your shirt in a dress shape, "Wow Hawk, did you make that?"
Ban looked away and held you down to the pig, who quickly fixed the ribbon into a tight black dress.
Your ears twitched, somethings coming. Holy Knights.
Diane and Meliodas' battle was almost at its conclusion when she began to grow and you all froze. You jumped from Ban's hand as you began to grow. Cain hurriedly handed you his cloak to wrap around yourself as the ribbon tore off your body under the dark coat, Ban had to hold you between his two hands as you grew slowly. Diane's clothes seemed to be struggling as well, but her sensitive parts where still held concealed behind the stretched tavern uniform.
Ban cracked his neck as Meliodas turned to the villagers, "leave now. We're taking Vaizel for ourselves" the blonde sin said darkly.
Elizabeth gasped.
"What's that kid saying?" "Is he pulling our leg?" "Meliodaf's acting strange"
Meliodas ripped off his sleeve to reveal his dragon mark, "my true identity is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins" his eyes were a violent green, "the dragon sin of wrath, Meliodas" his eyes were a violent green, "the dragon sin of wrath, Meliodas!"
Diane pointed to her mark on her thigh, as Ban walked up onto the platform carrying you, the townsfolk also spot his mark on his hip. King floats up, his mark on his lower leg, just above his ankle.
"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Meliodas yelled as he jumped up to counter an impossibly large explosive plume of fire and gas, one of several hurtling towards the mountain-side town.
This got the villagers moving, they were panicking, running and dashing off the arena rock and away from the town. Many of the men picked up several children to carry them out of the danger. Cain gave you a sad look, but nodded to you and ran as well to protect a group of people stood frozen in place.
"Crap, they're already here"
Ban put you onto his shoulder, turning his gaze to you for a second, "can you use any of your powers?"
You looked at your ring, which had shrunk down with you "I think so". He nods and takes out his weapon, Meliodas has his sword drawn.
They all watched as three Holy Knights leapt from the sky, falling from two large floating creatures that looked like manta rays.
"We should split up"
(30+ years ago)
"Split up?" the young Ban pouted, "I don't want to split up"
You ruffle his blue hair with two fingers, as your other three clutch the magical dagger in your hand, "well we have to split up so we can cover both sides of the street".
Both of you were crouched on top of a small cobblestone building beside the main street of a large town. You licked your thumb and wiped a bit of jam from the corner of his mouth, sticking it into your own to eat it. Ban turned red in the face, though you didn't mind at all.
"Come on then" your hand gestures him forward as you vault down onto the stone street, "the royal carriage will be here shortly to collect the taxes".
"Are we really going to rob a carriage?" Ban asked as he jumped. You caught him easily, smiling as you set the 11 year old down onto his feet.
"Kind of" you rocked your head from side to side in an indecisive manner, "we're going to take the money they collect, and give it back to the town's people".
Ban grabbed your hand with his smaller one as you walked down the street, creating the illusion of a older sister taking her brother out for a stroll. Your daggers were hidden under a decorative woven cloak you now wore.
"So, we're like the town's secret heroes right? Not thieves" Ban seemed unsure, looking at the ground rather than up at you as he spoke.
You stopped and squatted down in front of him, holding his forearms. "No. We're not thieves, we're not bad ones anyway". You places your palm against his pale cheek, "and that's all that matters. That your a good person and not a bad one".
Ban smiled finally, his little canines gleaming, "I'm really happy I met you miss"
You gave him a wink and ruffled his hair again, "me too Banzy".
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