Chapter 14

The Vaizel Fighting Festival

Diane moved a large branch out of the way so she could walk under it, "you know, I've never actually cooked before".

You and the princess walked side by side through the grass behind the giant, "really?" Elizabeth looked thoughtfully up at Diane.

The giantess looked back and smiled, "well no, not properly, I've cooked some meat over a fire before, but never cutting up other ingredients or anything" she gave you a wink, "(Y/n) tends to cook the best food for me!"

You blush a little in embarrassment, "I'm ok I guess, Ban taught me".

The three of you separated a little in the forest clearing to look around, you picked several berries and fruits before you heard the princess shriek, "Eek! What's that?" She was pointing at a large strange mushroom creature with dull eyes and features.

Diane walked over and giggled, "My my" she punched it in the head, causing its body to compress towards the ground, "ingredient found and secured!"

You had just rushed over as the mushroom expelled this large cloud of strange pollen that swept around all three of you. You covered your eyes from the dust as it landed all over your skin.

When you opened your eyes, a bird was standing in front of you, but it was HUGE! Taller than you! The robin tweeted loudly and nipped at your hair as you swatted it away. That's when you noticed something even odder, you were standing atop your clothes, but they looked way too big for you. They were about Diane's size compared to your now small body, as you peered down at yourself you quickly screamed and crouched down. Why have I shrunk? I'm no taller than a mouse!!

You spun, clutching the fabric of your hood to your nude body, concealing yourself from the pesky robins flying around you. Your (E/c) orbs blink in terror as you also spot the princess in a similar state to you. Sitting atop a pile of large clothes, completely nude and red in the face.

"(Y/n)!" you heard Diane's voice and looked up to see a naked Diane leaning above you, both of you have null expressions on your faces.

"That mushroom must have shrunk us" you reply to her unspoken question.

The giant sits on her legs and leans down to picks you up, dragging your hood with you, "um, I can't fit my clothes. I can't fit yours either cause my boobs are too big" She frowns, "I wish I had your figure, I'm too muscular to be pretty".

She lifts you up to her face and you pat her nose with your hand, to you, she was the same size, still a giant in comparison, but now she was of human size and still seeking your comfort.

"I think your figure is perfect!" You smile sweetly, "I've never met a prettier girl!" Diane smiles back, grateful for the compliment. You tap your chin and point to Elizabeth's pile of clothes, "The tavern uniform, you'll fit that easy".

Diane nods, "good idea"

"Up here princess" you reach your hand down off Diane's and grabbed onto the silverette's forearm, dragging her up onto the giant's waiting palm. You wrapped your large hood around her, instead of yourself, as she was certainly not as confident as you being so exposed like this. Diane grabbed your shirt piece and gave it to you to hide your nakedness.

Once Diane was dressed, she pulled up the single black high stocking and slipped into Elizabeth's shoes, "there!" Lifting you both from the grass, Diane noticed Elizabeth was clutching her princess earing tightly, "oh, Elizabeth did you want me to wear it for safe keeping?"

The silverette nods happily, "Oh, yes please!" She hands it to the brunette and Diane clips it onto her left ear lobe, "also, can you grab the necklace my sister gave me? It's on the grass over there".

"Are you sure we should be heading into town like this?" Elizabeth chirped awkwardly, her arms crossed over her nude body to conceal herself more. You were both wedged, skin-to-skin, between Diane's breasts. As you didn't want to be seen and the tavern uniform didn't have any pockets.

"Shh" you hushed her, looking out from under the ribbon as you approach a crowd of town's people. Along the way into town, Diane had swiped a cloak and hat to conceal herself so she wouldn't be recognised.

"Look" Diane said, "there all getting up onto the platform".

A squeaky voice sounded over the deep rumbling noises of men talking, "Now without further ado, let the Fighting Festival for the giant hammer commence!"

"Hang on! That's my sacred treasure!" the former giantess spotted her Warhammer lodged in the side of the mountain beside the festival, "Gideon!"

"We have to get it!" You nodded and the giant agreed.

"Stay down guys, I'm going to win this festival" she poked her lip cutely, "and maybe get some attention from the captain".

You giggle, "you go girl" you have her a thumbs up before she moved the cloak back over to conceal you and the princess, you signalled Elizabeth not to move as Diane climbed up onto the platform.

"Let the qualifying round begin! Simply stay on the platform and knock you opponents off to win!" the announcer called, you remained still with the princess while Diane found to stay in the ring.

After several violent movements as Diane fought against much larger, muscular men, you and Elizabeth held tightly onto each other so you wouldn't fly out. You sensed a strange aura from her, it almost seemed like your mother's, or perhaps your aunt's? Strange.

"7 are left! 7? We need 8 to hold a tornament! Wait, someone hasn't yet fallen out of the ring!"

You wanted to look out to try to spot the boys, you had heard at least Ban's voice while Diane was fighting, where was Meliodas and King?

"It may be cowardly to hover but it's not a weapon so ill allow it!" The announcer shrieked with a high raspy voice, "the tournament will begin in 10 minutes, contestants come this way!"

As Diane was about to walk onto the ring, the announcer stopped her, "sorry miss, the hat is ok, but we need to make sure you aren't concealing any weapons, please remove your cloak".

Diane nodded and unclipped her cloak, as she reached over to the clasp she whispered to you and you snuck yourself and Elizabeth into the cloak as it fell lightly to the stairs of the ring. Good, now Diane can battle without worrying about us! But Meliodas and the others are going to spot her quick in that uniform, let's hope they don't blow her cover!

At the conclusion of Diane's battle, an easy win for the former giantess. She rushed over and picked up the cloak, Elizabeth was refusing to move and stayed wrapped in the fabric whereas you were tipped back to hide in Diane's chest, "you sure Elizabeth? Its kind of hard to hide you in the cloak if I need to fight again", she turned her head to the side and the hat flopped off, revealing her face "I do need to use both my hands".

The silverette turns red again, "sorry Diane".

You heard Ban's voice, " that?"

Then King, "no doubt"

Diane looked up and blushed as she spotted the three other sins looking at her, she skipped over, the cloak in her hands and you hidden under her ribbon, "aww and I hoped to hide it a bit longer".

"Boss am I dreaming?" King wiped his eyes hurriedly with his forearm.

"You caught me!" Diane giggled and partially covered her face with her hair in an attempt to charm Meliodas who stood in front of where she had stopped.

The captain frowned, "who are you?"

Diane didn't hesitate and punched him in the cheek, sending him sliding across the ground, "stupid boss!"

"What did I do?" Meliodas' face twitched as he jumped back to his feet.

"You ok boss?" Ban asked, a little bored.

Diane looked down at the cloak in her hands sadly, King flew over to her. "Wait Diane! Your small now, what happened? Is (Y/n) and the princess with you?"

You leaned your elbow on the side of her breast and rested your head on your hand, "I'm right here".

"No way!" King almost shrieked as you moved the ribbon aside, letting him see you although your sensitive areas were covered by your hand and the tavern's top, "(Y/n)?" he stammered.

Diane huffed and covered you with her hands, "pervert"

"A- ah aha! No, no! I wasn't trying to..." King had a nosebleed and fell backwards.

You let Diane tell them what happened as Meliodas scratched his chin, trying to get a better look at you as Diane lowered her hands slightly as she talked. "In any case, I borrowed Elizabeth's clothes because I couldn't fit my own and walked here, Elizabeth is in the cloak". She lifts the fabric up to reveal Elizabeth's previously hidden face, she blushes wildly as Meliodas catches sight of her, although he only looks for a second.

King regained his stance and folded his arms, "that was probably a king trumpet-type of Chicken Matango. It's very timid, and rarely shows itself, but when it feels threatened it releases spores to shrink its attacker"

"So it looks like the four of us ended up entering the competition" Meliodas concluded as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Oh! I almost forgot the most important thing!" She grabbed Meliodas and clutched him desperately to her body, his face pressing between her boobs, "I can make babies with you now captain!"

The sin of wrath's eyes widened slightly, not because of what Diane had done, but because his face was now only inches from your tiny nude body. You felt a little anxious under his stare and crouched down a little, hiding your face.

When it came up for Meliodas and Ban to fight, Diane let you push the ribbon aside so you could watch them. King was curled up in a bloody-nosed ball after being defeated by a seemingly drunk old man.

Diane set Elizabeth on top of Hawk as the boar finished selling out his beer keg that he had been carrying, the boar snorted in shock, "why is Elizabeth so small?"

You all weren't listening as you began to cheer for the start of the battle, "Go Meliodaf!" Diane squealed.

King retaliated, "Ban if you let him beat you I'm telling Elaine!"

"You got this guys!"

"Let the fight begin!"

Ban cracked his neck, "I wish we had a wider arena"

Meliodas flexed his shoulders, "it was about this big back then too!" His fist collided with the sin of greed's face and he was thrown backwards, slamming his back and head onto the edge of the arena.

"I remember this feeling" Ban grinned as his semi-compressed face healed rapidly back to normal. You giggled in Diane's chest, these too seem to be enjoying themselves.

As Meliodas hung in the air, Ban tried to slam his face into the ground but the captain caught himself in a handstand, wrapped his short legs around Ban's neck, and threw him face first into the stone. The fight continued with powerful attacks and violent moves before only Meliodas was left standing in the arena. And Ban was nowhere to be seen.

"It was a little sneaky what Ban did there, using his special moves to draw Meliodas power out of him and transferring it to himself" King said with a scowl.

"Where did the other go?" "What happened?" "It was all too fast!"

The town's people, even the announcer, all seemed confused as to how the fight had ended so abruptly.

Meliodas, sporting a shirt now torn in the chest, with some bruising and blood on his face, pointed to himself and grinned childishly, "I win!"

"The winner of this round is Meliodaf!" The announcer cheered, and all the watchers joined in.

Oh no, in that fight, Meliodas' demon marking had appeared, maybe only for a second. But Diane, King, and Elizabeth had seen it. You gulped.

"Yo! You guys!" Meliodas walked over towards you, "why all the glum faces? Don't tell me you were betting on Ban to win".

"Oh" Diane blushed, "just making sure you're ok!"

"For the next found, let's get Matrona back up here!"

Diane's stomach flipped, "Oh that's me!" without thinking, she pulled you from her chest with the ribbon and put you into the captain's open hands, "watch out for her with your life!"

Meliodas looked down at you and you blushed, gripping the ribbon's silk to hide you from him, although he was probably the only person you would be comfortable with seeing like this... well him and one other person.

(11+ years ago)

"Ban!?" You screamed as you realised the sin of greed had accidently walked into your room of the castle while you were changing. There you stood, completely naked except for your panties, in the centre of the room.

The blue-haired sin raised an eyebrow at you like nothing happened, "hm? Something wrong angel?" he said the nickname as plainly as he would say your name, so it didn't seem like he had some hidden agenda. His hands were in his pockets of his plaid pants that he wore with a white singlet, out of his armour for the time being.

"Um" you covered your chest with your pale arms, "I'm trying to get changed"

"Trying?" he narrowed his eyes, "looks to me like your failing mistress".

Your flushed face became angry, "well maybe that's because of random sins busting in on me all the time and catching me by surprise!" you said boldly.

"There she is" Ban smirked, you mouth formed an 'o' shape, he laughed.

You turned away from him so you could clip on your bra, then you face him and crossed your forearms, "Why are you here Ban?"

He walked over to you and looked down at you, you had to tip your head up as the taller sin towered above you. His face was unreadable, his musky scent wafting off his skin and into your nose, he smelt really good. Better than King even, in his own way.

"Ban?" You choked under his dark stare as he traced your body with his eyes.

Then he grinned, "I made a cheesecake for you"

You almost fell over, "so that's why you had to bust into my room without knocking?" you crossed your arms, inadvertently pushing your breasts together.

"Well" he blinked and tried not to gawk at you, "I was excited to tell you".

You find yourself laughing lightly, "ok then Banzy" you reach up and pat his hair, "I'll hurry up then".

Meliodas clutched you to his chest and craned his neck down to the side of your small face, his voice barely above a whisper because he was worried a loud noise might damage your sensitive ears at this size, "are you ok (Y/n)?" The uneven breaths from his nose brushed warm air over your bare back and you nod shakily.

He smiles, feeling you nod against his cheek, and pulls away to hold your eye level to him, a little bit of an evil smirk on his face.

"What's with that lo-" you freak as he suddenly lifts the whole ribbon off you, exposing your body to his greedy green eyes. You cry and pull the cloth back down over you quickly, tears coming up to your eyes.

Suddenly Meliodas' hand is swatted forcefully and you're left falling in open air before a larger, thin-fingered hand catches you in the ribbon. You clamber to wrap the fabric around yourself.

"That's quite crass of you cap'n" Ban said, his fingers curling up on his up-faced hand to block the lower half of your body from the blonde, "don't mistreat my mistress".

"Your?" Meliodas questioned, one hand on his hip in accusation. "What do you mean?"

"Don't be getting jealous boss" Ban said lazily. For the first time since he had caught you, the sin of greed glanced down at you, "I think the mushrooms's effects are wearing off miss".

As you looked down at yourself, your eyes grew wide as you realised you had grown a few inches in the past few minutes, "oh..."



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