Chapter 12

Children need to be told the truth

After a ferocious ordeal between King and Guila, with King as the victor, it was clear Necropolis was beginning to reject your living bodies. Ban lifted you up onto his shirtless back in a piggyback position, your head drooping over his shoulder as you closed your eyes.

Diane regained her feet quickly as you suddenly materialised back into the small town you had originally departed from. "Looks like we're back in the land of the living" the giantess tapped her lip.

Meliodas grinned, "Yes!"

Elizabeth walked up beside Meliodas and poked his shoulder, "Sir Meliodas, I can't figure it out, who's memory brought us there in the first plac- Ah!" The princess yelped as she spotted their former opponent Guila standing a few feet away from them, her hand in her chest.

"I see" Meliodas folded his arms, "she made herself half-dead in order to go to the Capital of the Dead".

The pig snorted as it ran up from beside you and Ban, "that means she's going to wake up soon! We should scoot now!"

Ban turned his neck so his head faced you, his pointed nose bumping your cheek. You had your eyes closed as your hands gripped his skin, you could feel your body beginning to heal your laceration, quickly and steadily now that you were back in the living world. Ban watched your eyebrows press together in concentration as you begged your accelerated healing to work faster, he hummed "let's just kill her while we've got the chance".

King put his hands on his hips as he hovered beside Ban, "that's barbaric, I'll just turn her to stone".

Elizabeth gasped, her silver hair flinging around "oh no, Ellen and her brother aren't here!"

"You mean those kids?" Meliodas rocked his head to the side.

The fox sin of greed 'tsk'ed, "where did they run off to?"

"Ban" you spoke softly, your (E/c) eyes slowly opening, just enough to stare into his red ones, "you don't think Guila got to them do you?"

"I'm glad it all worked out for you, though we're sorry Lady (Y/n) got hurt" you heard the voice of the little brother and Ban turned around so you could see the ghostly silhouettes of the two children.

The little girl, Ellen, took her brother's hand and waved, "We'll be sleeping until more people like you come to visit the capital" she smiled at Ban, "thank you, your cooking was delicious!"

After leaving the village, Hawk's mum carried you for a few miles over some hills before you came to a grassy area the captain declared would be the camping spot for the night.

As King and Ban returned from collecting some fish from the nearby lake, you extended your hand to release a tiny ball of blue flame which started up the kindling Meliodas had collected. Diane wedged the fish onto sticks and you all held them around the fire.

Meliodas sat between you and Elizabeth, Ban was on your other side, Diane sat across the fire from you, and King floated in the air. Hawk was busy talking to his mum.

"Ok Captain!" Diane said lovingly, "dinner's ready!" she pushed the massive roast fish towards his small face, "say aah!"

"Diane, did you say your injuries were all better?" King said worriedly, his hands in tight fists by his sides as he floated in front of her. Diane pouted and turned her head away a little, you giggled, realising she might be caught in her lie.

"Huh, oh yeah I'm fine now" she munched on the fish she had previously been pushing the captain to eat.

Ban hiccupped, he had tried to have a drinking contest with you but alcohol didn't have an effect on you, so now he was too drunk to stand. "You idiot" he slurred, slinging a shirtless arm over your shoulders to support himself as he pointed up at Diane, "You were just pretending to be hurt to get the Cap'n to fawn over you"

You snickered and covered your mouth as Diane turned beetroot red, and so did King, in fact he looked furious, "Diane's not that kind of girl!"

"Calm down both of you" Meliodas moved his hands in a calming motion, "you'll make Elizabeth nervous with all your fighting".

"That reminds me, Captain what does this girl mean to you?" King's head turned towards the blonde boy, in fact so did yours.

"She's a princess of the kingdom" he patted her gently on the shoulder, "the third one... was that right?" Elizabeth nodded quickly as he smiled at her, she blushed. "She needs us to help save the kingdom from the Holy Knights".

After some strange introductions and an appearance of King's human form, you had walked all together to the lake to wash off the dirt from your injured stomach. You hoped you could find another set of clothes since these ones got ruined, "what is it with villains and stripping me of my clothes?" you muttered angrily as you peeled off your outfit, leaving only your plain black bra and underwear.

King had to hide in his large pillow to protect his nose bleed from drying him of all of his blood, Ban was so drunk he collapsed in heaven at the sight of you, Meliodas didn't have a reaction other than a light dusting of red on his cheeks.

"I must say Sir King", Elizabeth said, trying to pull the attention of the boys away from you as you crouched down to pick up the water between your hands and rub your arms clean of dirt. "You're very strong! The Deadly Sins could barely handle Guila and you crushed her all on your own".

King finally lifted his face from his Chastiefol, wiping the red from under his nose as the pillow floated up to block you from his sights, "that reminds me, there's something I want to ask all of you".

Ban was lying on the ground still chugging as Meliodas stepped over him with his hands in his pockets looking up at the sin of sloth. Diane sat nearby, scooping water from the lake to wash her elbows.

"That Holy Knight was a formidable opponent, but you would have easily been able to defeat her if you were as strong as you used to be" King said, his eyes narrowing at his fellow sins.

"W-what do you mean?" Elizabeth put her hands between her, her breasts being pushed together as she stood beside Hawk.

King was ignoring her, "what happened to your sacred treasures?"

Diane, "I lost mine"

Meliodas, "sold it"

Ban, "mine got stolen"

Diane handed you a towel-like fabric she'd gotten out of her backpack and you wrapped it around yourself as you walked out of the water, your (H/l) (H/c) hair stuck to your back from being wet.

King turned white as your towel, "I don't believe it! Those sacred treasures were given to us by the king of Liones when the Seven Deadly Sins were first formed!"

Hawk blew mist from his pig nostrils, "King, don't be getting so bent out of shape over some weapons. It would probably make a difference for me, but these guys would do just as fine with their bare hands".

You tucked the towel tight around your body and walked up to tap Meliodas on the shoulder while King ranted about sacred treasures, "Melio, do you know where I can find some clothes?"

Meliodas folded his arms thoughtfully, leaning back slightly so your chest pressed against his back, "hmm, I think there's still some of your clothes in my room".

You nodded and pecked him on the cheek out of habit before walking off towards the tavern. Only Meliodas had noticed, but the captain turned a worst beetroot colour than Diane and hid his face under his hand until he could calm himself down again.

Right as you finished changing into your new outfit (see above picture), you blinked and were in Camelot's library. You spotted Arthur sitting at his large desk beside a pile of parchments, and he was scribbling down some words on one. You smiled sweetly and approached him, "Hello Arthur!"

"(Y/n)!" He instantly sprang up, his eyes wide with joy as he climbed out from his desk to walk over to you.

You stepped back before he could hug your silhouette, putting a hand on his chest to stop him, "hold on, I'm here for a reason"

"Is something wrong?"

"I have to show you something"

Arthur nodded, a frown on his young handsome face. You put your finger against his forehead, sharing a memory with him.

You were running as fast as you could though a dark castle walkway, your legs carrying you as quickly as they could away from the terrifying mechanical noises. Meliodas ran next as you, just as fast, with a 4 year old Arthur holding onto his back for dear life.

Your ring pulsed with energy and you quickly removed it, your body's true power nearly consuming you as you spun and released a plume of light energy so powerful it blew the sides off the hallways behind you and the castle began to crumble. Fearing your strength in this state, and your eyes glowing bright and damaging your vision, you slipped the ring back onto your finger.

Meliodas grinned, though there was strain in his face from the speed of their running away from the danger, "nice shot (Y/n)".

You forced a smile to reassure him and your son, "thanks Melio"

There was a white flash in your minds as the memory ended and a new one emerged.

This time you were standing in front of a wooden house on the edge of the prosperous kingdom, Camelot. You held a sleeping Arthur in your arms, he was still the same age, 4 or 5, only weeks after escaping the castle. Meliodas had his hand on your lower back to comfort you, both of you were teary.

"He won't remember will he?" Meliodas said softly, his finger stroking the orange child's cheek.

You shook your head, "no, he won't remember us" you cried.

"But he'll be safer"

"Safer than with us... yes"

When you opened your eyes again, Arthur was in tears. His body made a refusing sound as he collapsed to his knees beside his desk. He looked up at you, "I... I though those were dreams" he said softly.

You clutched your hands over your mouth in shock, "you remember?"

Arthur looked at his hands, "I... I never believed it", you crouched down and took his hands, squeezing them.

"It was real"

Just as you leaned to hug Arthur, you reappeared in Meliodas' room, looking at yourself sitting in front of the mirror. You frown and wipe a tear from under your eye before heading down the stairs and out of the tavern door, I hope you forgive me Arthur.

The sun had begun to set and King floated over to you as you exited the tavern, "nice outfit (Y/n)" he said, without a readable expression on his face.

You smile, your cheeks still pink from your tears running over them, "thankyou King!" He gives you a half-smile back and the Chastiefol flies under you and lifts you into the air, your lower half submerged in the soft fabric of the green-patterned pillow. You yelp and King floats up to hover in front of you, his face red from a blush.

"Sir King!" Elizabeth grabs the fairy and you attention as you both look down at the tall girl clutching her chest, "are my father... and my sisters safe?!"

King shrugged, "sorry princess, I didn't see them myself so..." Elizabeth frowned and replied sadly with an 'oh'. Meliodas patted her on the shoulder, sipping his beer.

Ban walked into the room you both had been sleeping in, a little hungover and stumbling in the dark. "ehh?" He groaned as she spotted you in the middle of the bed, King nuzzled up into your chest, you both asleep. "(Y/n) why are you all snuggly with King and not me?" he grumbled, kicking off his shoes.

You yawned and hummed as the sin of greed climbed into the bed behind you, his muscular arm slipped under your body to pull your back against his chest. King came with you as well, as you were clinging onto his smaller body.

The sins rumbled a little in their sleepy state, and you giggled between them they stirred a little. Even though Ban was much warmer than King, the sleeping fairy smelt like beautiful flowers as you buried your nose in his soft hair. And because of you, both were slipping into a calm-dream scape, thanks to Angel Sleep (one of your special abilities).

Ban yawned, his canines glinting in the darkness before he rests his chin atop your head and closes his dark eyes.

(1000+ years ago)

"Seven... eight...night...TEN! Here I come!" You grinned and removed your hands from your eyes, looking around the beautiful fairy trees for an aqua jacket or green clothes. "Where are you Harlequin? Where are you Helbram?" you said tauntingly, your wings lifting you off the ground and up into the air.

You heard a laugh that echoed around the trees and you flew rapidly through the branches as you chased two flying figures, "Just try and catch me (Y/n)!" you heard Helbram say.

You slammed through a canopy of leaves as you chased a silhouette, you assumed it was Helbram due to the wings. "I'm right on your tail Helbram!" you laugh, Harlequin caught your line of sight as he ducked behind a trunk and you sped to tackle him, "Got ya!" you hug his shoulders, "you're it Harlequin!"

The fairy king hugged your forearms and snickered as he hovered in the air. Helbram landed on a branch near you, "guess so" Harlequin chirped.

You ruffle his hair, Harlequin was like a brother to you, you had lived in the tree during the time the previous Fairy Queen had given birth to him and died, so he was like family. Helbram was also like a brother, you had met him as a little fairy boy only a few years old (a couple weeks in fairy time) and had gotten along ever since.

"Come on Harlequin" Helbram bent down ready to take off, "bet you can't catch me!" He flew off, you let go and flew up into the air.

"Can't catch me either!" and your childish game continued.

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