Chapter 11

Dangers in Necropolis!

The purple-armoured female with long black hair stood idly in front of you, surrounded by the crystals of Necropolis, she looked as pale as a ghost.

"Died?" You whispered, shocked.

Meliodas reached his arm out and gently pulled you behind him, his arm on your stomach. The warm feeling of his hand caused your mind to flashback again.

(16+ years ago)

The light fabric of Meliodas' shirt was almost struggling to stay together over the large bump on your stomach.

You lay your hand on top of Meliodas' which was resting on your stomach.

"You can't sleep?" He asked, holding his lips against your bump for as long as he could. Your fingers ran softly up his neck and into his blonde hair.

You shook your head, you could feel the worry radiating off the sin of wrath.

You had been sick all throughout your pregnancy. For some reason, even after your body had changed you to a 'maternal' state so as to not damage your young body, you hadn't been well.Meliodas feared it was because of his demon blood, that he was killing you or the babies. You had tried to assure him that all three of you would be fine, but he dreaded that perhaps the babies were the ones hurting you.

"What if one of them is a demon (Y/n)?" He cried into your chest as you lay on the bed you shared, you hugged him weakly, "what if it can sense you're angelic blood and is trying to cause you harm?"

"Because they both came from you Melio... and you'd never hurt me"

Meliodas lifted up his face, centimetres from yours. Both of you had large dark circles under your eyes. Even with your 'Angel Sleep' ability, he had refused to let it take effect. If you couldn't sleep, he wouldn't either.

He joined your hot foreheads together and closed his sore eyes, one hand still on your swollen stomach.The sin smirked after a few minutes like this, "your body's going to change back when you have them isn't it?"

He was referring to your angel ability that had changed your body into a more mature state (possibly 18 or 19), in order to support the pregnancy. You pout, "What, you prefer these boobs and ass? They're bigger"

Meliodas shakes his head, "no, I want your ones back"

You giggle and he chuckles quietly, a bird tweets happily on the windowsill, drawn to the noises.

"Did she say she died to come here?" Hawk squawked in fear, his ears standing straight up on his round head.

"In the name of justice, my life is worth no more than a pig's" The Holy Knight said casually.

"What's that supposed to mean?!?"

Elizabeth had her hands on Meliodas' opposite shoulder, clinging to his shirt, "Sir Meliodas, there's something strange about this woman".

The Holy Knight raised her sword in a flash and an explosion erupted towards them, Elizabeth, Meliodas, Hawk and you were knocked backwards. Diane caught you, in turn catching Meliodas and Elizabeth as well.You quickly climbed back to your feet and the giant put you all down,

Meliodas waved his hand dismissively at Hawk, "Hawk, get Elizabeth out of here".He sounds serious.

You couldn't read the sin's emotions but you knew this outlandish woman wasn't going to be as easy as the other Holy Knight's they had come across. Diane noticed this too and her hands scrunched up into fists.

As the next explosion came at you, Meliodas grabbed your wrists and flung you powerfully into the air, you through your hand out in front of you, "Holy Inferno" you say darkly.You ignore Meliodas as he's thrown a substantial distance off the crystal, colliding hundreds of metres away with another as you summon a giant plume of flame in front of you. It was larger than Diane's head as you cast it down with volatile speed at the Holy Knight.

She slices threw it with her sword, causing it to implode, and both her and Diane are flung in opposite directions.

Just as Diane was about to fall back onto a massive sharp crystal, Meliodas leapt under her to hold her up from the spike by her lower back. "Captain?!" The giantess sputtered, trying to look under to see the tiny blonde figure.

He groaned, "So heavy".

"How mean! That's not a delicate way to say it at all!"

While they were talking, the black-haired female had begun to advance on you again. You landed back on the crystal, choosing not to reveal your wings just yet, "Well" she began, "that was a powerful configuration. But you're not a sin are you?"

"No" You said bluntly, "I'm not".

"Ah, I can tell that sickly sweet voice anywhere, like honey. You're an angel aren't you?"

"So I've been told" you shrug.

She smirks, "witty too, must come naturally from fallen filth like you". The Holy Knight tilted her head, "What do you have to do with these sins?"

"Don't talk to (Y/n) like that you Knight scum!" Diane's fist hurtled through the crystal the Holy Knight had a second ago been standing on, the armoured huntress had jumped into the air above to avoid the attack.

"Serpent Sin of Envy Diane, now you I know" The Holy Knight landed back on what was left of the crystal, "Your superhuman strength is the strongest of the Seven Deadly Sins, and your magical power that embodies it is... Creation". Diane's brace lifted to beside her head as she reared to strike again, the black-haired female continued to advance. "It's exclusive to the giant clan who has a deep connection to the earth. You can twist iron like taffy, and erect the earth into towers. I've been looking forward to witnessing it with my own eyes?"

"Hmph" Diane scowled, "and what do you think?"

"Honestly, I'm disappointed".

Diane smirked with malevolent eyes, "In that case" she cracked her knuckles, "how about this".

You had to clutch onto her top as she crouched and touched her knuckles to the crystal ground, "SAND WHIRL!" In a violent rushing noise like a grainy waterfall, the Holy Knight was being sucked down into a swirling quick sand pit. "I can turn minerals into sand to, don't forget that".

"I see. How enlightening" she said before her black-hair disappeared under the sand.

After a forceful and sudden fight back from the Holy Knight, Diane was knocked to the ground. As you hurdled up to a high crystal, Meliodas appeared behind the huntress' head.

He went to punch her, but she blocked his strong arm with the hilt of her sword, "Just as I expected from the legendary leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas". You could see both of her hands shaking as she pushes back against his forearm with her sword, "your power is very real". She sliced his hand away, but he wasn't damaged at all "But it's odd" she continued, "why do you not use your sword?" She dove at him, "think you take me down barehanded?"

Meliodas smirked and shrugged, "Alright then, I'll show you" he drew the sword to block her explosion.

The Holy Knight was thrown back more than a hundred metres, but she stood, standing at the edge of the black charcoal trail her explosion had left when it exploded onto herself. "I see, so this is your magical power. Full Counter". You slid down with miraculous balance down the crystal to stand beside Meliodas, Diane slouched above you both, "You reflect any aggressive magic aimed at you, and with greater power. Fascinating". She rose her sword and assumed a battle stance, "however, you aren't nearly as interesting as your angelic friend here, why have you not yet drawn out your wings pretty bird".

"I will when you seem a worthwhile opponent".

She smirked, her eyes like abysses as she smirked at them, "then let me try a little harder".

(20+ years ago)

"Try harder, girl!"

The small blue-haired boy slid back on the dirt, his shoes scrapping against the ground. In one hand he clutched a blunt wooden dagger to his side, with his other hand, he braced a forearm in front of his face. There were bruises and scratches along his arms from falling to the ground, he also sported a bruised nose.

You giggle and lower your wooden dagger, "Now now Banzy, that's no way to address a lady". Without a second between you, you had knocked his feet out from under him with a low roundhouse kick. He fell to the ground, landed on his back, "you're supposed to say Miss".

The young boy smirked and you took his small hand to help him up, "how about a bet? If I beat you, I get to call you whatever I want!"

"What about if you can get your dagger back?" You say cheekily and wave his wooden weapon in front of him, he frantically looked down at his now empty hand and gripped the air with a fist.

"How did you do that?"

"I'll show you if you can catch me!" You back flipped, flinging your light body up into the air. You catch yourself upside down with one open hand gripping the ledge of the small stone building behind you.

You stayed there, in your one-handed handstand with your legs dangling above you and arching forward so your toes pointed to your head.

Your hair flew out of your face as you raised your head to wink at him, "come on Banzy".

He smirked and ran at the wall, jumping and grabbing the stones in the side as you re-stood yourself up and began to run over the roof of the house with him chasing you.

"Miss" A deep voice emerged from behind the Holy Knight as she stood above you with her sword drawn to strike, "Is this woman bothering you?"

You were clutching your stomach that had been brutally sliced by her fencing sword. Meliodas was buried under Diane as he tried to force the unconscious giant upright so he could climb out. You quickly realise the Holy Knight, or Guila as she had called herself, was no longer able to move her sword.

Ban. You smile weakly as the sin of greed appears behind Guila, his arm extended out towards the sword as the Holy Knight struggles to hold onto it.

"Fox Sin of Green Ban, kindly take your hand off my rapier!" Guila said angrily, her feet beginning to slide back towards him with the invisible force pulling on the sword.

"That's no way to ask for something while you're standing over my mistress like that" The fox sin grinned devilishly, a darkness around him, "besides, my hand's not touching anything".

"I see" Guila took the rapier's handle in both hands, "so this is your power, Snatch. Not a very common power I must say".

She sent an explosion at him and Ban had to stop Snatch to dodge, regrettably. Ban leapt over her and landed in front of you, crouching down and lifting your shirt without pause to look at the large laceration across your stomach, "can I kill her miss?" He asked you, his eyes not leaving the cut.

Meliodas didn't let you respond as he jumped to strike Guila, having freed himself from under the giantess as she regained her large footing.

As Ban crouched beside you, Diane and Meliodas engaged in a brutal battle against the over powered huntress. Resulting in the giant clutching the captain into her chest to shield him with her hurt body.

"Ban" you grabbed his shirt, "help me stand".

He turned back to you and shook his head, "No, you're not fighting. Your healing won't work in this land of the dead".

As the sin turned back to face Guila, his chest was suddenly ripped open by the Chastiefol as it drove through his chest cavity to collide with the Holy Knight. His already ripped shirt finally gave up as it fell in pieces to the floor, leaving his well-toned top half completely visible.

You looked up as King floated into view."Hey, Ban" King's tone was flat as he landed on the end of the Chastiefol coming out of Ban's back, "what's wrong with (Y/n)"

Blood was pooling out of the sin of greed's mouth as he rolled his head back to look at the fairy king, "This Holy Knight hit her".

A frown appeared on the young boy's face, taking one step up the spirit spear, "unacceptable".

"I was expecting your betrayal, Grizzly Sin of Sloth, King" Guila butted in as she dusted herself off from the damage of that attack.

"You must know that from the get go, I had no intention of siding with you Holy Knights" King said, holding his hands neatly at his back, "it just happened that your goal of defeating the Seven Deadly Sins coincided with my goal of bringing down Ban"

"Is this true King?" you spat blood out onto the crystal ground as you looked up desperately at the fairy.

He gave you a soft look, "It was" he turned back to Julie, "but now the circumstances have changed. So you mind telling your boss Gilthunder for me?"

Meliodas and your heads snapped up. What? Gilthunder is this Guila girl's boss? Guila spun her sword, summoning hundreds of tiny explosive fireballs, "That little boy? My boss?" her features seemed to take on a more demonic tone, a darker look in her eyes, "please save it for when you're talking in your sleep, its grating on my ears".

Ban gagged as the spirit spear was launched from his chest and spun to block all the explosions hurtling at them.

Meliodas came up beside you and carried you over to lie you beside Diane's face, since you were both appeared quite injured.

"Splendid" The Holy Knight said painfully, "So that's the renounced weapon of legend, the spirit spear Chastiefol".

Ban wiped his mouth as Guila continued to talk to the fairy hovering behind him, "I've heard its stronger than steel and possesses mysterious qualities from the Holy tree. Your magic power that summons forth all those qualities is... disaster".

You crawled into a sitting positon and lay against Diane's cheek, "are you alright Diane?"

She opened her eyes slowly and smiled weakly, you're a pretty good actor Diane, but will the captain believe your little charade? You smirk and wink at her, she winks back.

"Things are definitely getting interesting now. If it's alright, I'd like to go five-on-one with all of you".

"No" King replied, "one on one. You guys can sit back and watch"

Meliodas and Ban looked at each other and shrugged.

Meliodas sat with his legs crossed in front of Diane, cheering King on "We're counting on you King!"

Ban helped you to sit in his large lap so you didn't have to keep yourself upright, he turned over your hands to see them dripping with bright red blood. "If you lose King, I'm killing you" he said in an uninterested way as he used the base of your shirt to wipe the blood off your hands.

Behind you, you heard Diane beginning to grumble in fake-pain, "Captain...ooooh... I don't think I'm going to make it..."

Meliodas glanced over to you and the blue-haired sin, but looked back as Guila pitched up again, "Seriously, you want to take me on alone? Your other sins could barely keep up with me".

"Let's just get this over with" King landed onto the ground, a few metres in front of your group.

Julia frowned, "Very well" she raised her sword, "ready when you are".


What other character flashbacks do you guys want to see?

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