Chapter 1 - The Fairy Queen

(3000+ years ago) The Fairy Queen

You resist against the guards as they grab your small arms and hoist you up into the air. After refusing to answer any of their questions, they decided they were just going to take you with them, seeing as they could tell you weren't a human. Although all three were completely perplexed as to why such a small young girl had been abandoned in their forest.

"Stop struggling" the tallest of the three said. He was flying in front of you; he had a thin pair of green insect wings on his back and an arm outstretched as an elm lance pointed back towards you.

Your breath quickened. This was the first time a weapon had ever been aimed towards you, such a stance in your mother's kingdom would be punishable by obliteration. After all, who would dare threaten the High Deity's only daughter?

"Ok," you manage to reply, though your voice was as soft as rain patter on a leaf. The guards either side of you heard and can't help but stare at you as they flew towards an enormously large tree.

The tall warrior flying in front of you; dressed in a hand-woven green tunic and brown pants, gives you a reassuring smile. You flush in embarrassment as you realize your fear had decided to present itself in your features.

What is a pretty little girl like this doing in the Fairy Forest? And how was it that she made that crater? Surely it was something else that caused it. Nevertheless, I must inform Queen Erevalia. The guard thought as he withdrew his lance from her and it hovered beside him as they flew. 

His heart twinged however at the thought that he had actually drawn a weapon against such a young, innocent girl.

They landed at the base of the massive tree, whose coral-peach leaves blew gently against the forest breeze. Allowing yourself a better look, you realized the inner part of the tree had grown hollow to support a royal chamber. You couldn't help but gasp at the amount of flowers that had grown either side of the tree entrance. Your bare feet brushed the dirt floor as you and the guards landed outside on the grass.

Many other fairies flew down to inspect the strange newcomer. You hide your face from the many stares as the first guard walked inside.  Made to follow shortly after as the two guards either side of you gently lead you inside.

Inside the tree was a large thrown that looked like it had grown out of the roots in the ground. Surrounding the thrown were hundreds of delicate plants and little fairies running around, however the thrown is empty.

"Oh where has she run off to now?" The front guard muttered, taking off to look around the hollow tree.

The other two guards remain by your side, but let go of your arms, their weapons hovering either side of you which allowed you to move slowly forward to look at the thrown. You were very curious after all, never had you seen this many flowers in all your 1000 years.

Your wings are desperate to come out and lift you into the air of this magical place for a better look, but you decided against it, too scared of feeling the steel against your back as the spears edged forward along with you.

"My queen!" The same tall guard was calling out again as he flew quickly over your head. You giggled and duck, failing to notice the mad blushes of the two other guards upon hearing such a mesmerising sound.

They covered their mouths, horrified at their reaction, a girl so young shouldn't have the lure to revoke those kind of emotions from them, exactly what kind of creature was she?

"I'm here sorry, sorry!" This was a girl's voice this time, and it encouraged you to look up as a pretty, young brunette fairy flutters down to sit herself atop the thrown (see picture above). A few tiny pixies buzz around her, talking in extremely high voices as she waves them away like wasps.

The green-winged boy lands just in front of you in a bow, "Queen Erevalia" he began, looking up at her, "we have discovered the source of the crater".

Erevalia turned her head to the side curiously, primarily to look at you behind the warrior as he stood back up to his full height, "You're the large ball of light?"

"Pardon me?" You reply in a quiet voice, confused. Large ball of light?

The queen made a gesture with her hand like something crashing from the sky, "the large ball of light that fell from the sky and destroyed an area of my forest. You were inside it, yes?" Her butterfly-like wings remained motionless as her hair waved in a strange wind around her thrown, she really did seem quite magical to you. Perhaps this was the fairy queen your mother often spoke of! She's supposed to smell like roses!

Your hands clutch together in shock as other thoughts suddenly enter your mind, I destroyed the forest? How? I would never do something like that.

The queen cleared her throat and you snapped out of your thoughts, realising you had neglected to answer her question, "I- I'm not sure, your majesty" you look at the ground.

Your voice was high with youth, your eyes still streaked with tears and worry about where you were, and where your mother was.

Although your appearance had not changed in a few hundred years, you were still quite young in goddess age, perhaps a human might say you were 7 or 8?

Erevalia nodded, though she looked a little fearful of you, her abilities obviously unable to determine what type of being the little girl in front of her was.

A small group of the tiny fairies that had been fluttering around the queen, took advantage of your timid state and buzzed around you saying things like, "what a strange girl", "she has weird dress", "look at the colour of her eyes, they're so peculiar".

These were all false statements of course, though your young mind thought the jealous pixies were speaking the truth. In fact they were simply trying to lure the young guard's gaze off of you. You tried to push them away, even swatting at them as you covered your face with your other hand as they continued to tease you, and you tried desperately not to let those already-present tears escape.

"Hold on now" the green-tunic fairy stepped between you and the pixies, shielding you from their mean stare, "Is that any way to behave?"

The fairy was, in his own right, very handsome, although you just didn't see it yet. So it was no surprise when several of the pixies collapsed to the ground when he simply addressed them. "Soorryyy Nicolas" they all chimed, hearts in their eyes.

You looked up at Nicolas as he turned around to check on you, he had to crouch down to reach your height, "Now I'm very sorry for the way I acted before, but you must understand I was just trying to keep the other fairies safe" he said kindly, ruffling your (H/c) hair.

You sniff and wipe your nose cutely, your tears drying up in your enchanting (E/c) eyes as he smiles at you. Erevalia was now crouching beside Nicolas, "Can you tell me your name?" she said, not a smile on her face, just pure curiosity.

You nod and smile at the pretty queen of the fairies, and tell her your name.

"Alright then, do you remember how you got here?"

"No sorry" you frown, "but my mum should be coming to get me".

"Alright, well how about you go with Nicholas, he can look after you until your mother comes to get you" she said, the pixies coming back over to her and whispering several things in her pointed ears.

Although she looked so young, there was no doubt that Erevalia was destined to be a queen, though she might loose track of time or become flustered, she was very good at taking care of her kingdom. And at this moment, it was evident there was somewhere else she needed to be, "You'll be alright with that Nicolas?"

"Of course your majesty".

He picked you up gently into his arms, you grabbed onto the messy collar of his tunic to support yourself, "can we go look at the flowers?" You whisper in his ear, cupping your hand.

He chuckles and nods, "Of course, you know, we have a whole flower meadow"

"A meadow!"

End of flashback

You twist the magical ring on your finger, sitting on the ivory balcony of the Camelot Palace. You heard a shuffling inside the bedroom off of the small balcony, your name came in a tired young male's voice from inside. 

You smiled into the dark room, your nightgown falling back down over your knees as you climbed off the balcony railing to walk back into the bedroom. Several clothes lay discarded on the floor as you stepped over them, "Why aren't you getting into bed?" He mumbled.

"Because you're in my bed Arthur" You giggle, a noise he was so content to hear in his sleepy state that he just hummed and hugged one of your pillows.

"Why don't you just get in with me?" He said slyly, a smirk crawling up onto his handsome young features, your vision easily picking up his expression in the dark room.

"Because your a bad-a-groper as Meliodas" you crossed your arms with a scoff, and a witty smile stretched over your delicate features.

Your hair fell over your shoulders, your nightgown was a little tight, and was rather exposing of your breasts which he was eyeing with a dark look, "Maybe" he said.

"Truly" You cock your head to the side, looking at the shirtless king of Camelot who was curled up in your bed.

"Come on angel" he lifted his head up and wiggled his eyebrows at the fallen goddess.

You scoffed once more, "I'll go sleep with Kay then, at least he doesn't snore".

"What!? I don't snore!"

"No. You don't", you hummed.

You stopped at the door to look back at him. Arthur had sat up rather quickly, his face lined with stress at the thought that you actually go sleep with his psychotic older brother.

His muscular arms had his hands grasping hard onto the sheets, making the young king's knuckles turn white. You slid your hand over the doorknob and took one more step out, almost out of view.


You lean back inside, you hair falling down as you leaned your head back inside of the room, "Yes? Arthur?" you asked, your voice sly with interest.

"Hey, it's your last night here before you go to find the rest of the sins" Arthur's trademark front hair fell hopelessly in front of his violet eyes, "Please, just lie beside me for one night".

You could hear the despair in his voice, the sorrow, did it really mean that much to him that you were leaving? You were taken aback, your confidence leaving and being replaced with his same pain. Your goddess abilities mirroring the emotions he felt so you could try to understand. And it nearly made you cry out from the pain in your heart. This is what Arthur felt about me leaving?

You doubled over, clutching the door, "Arthur" you said through feeling the full force of his heartbreak.

"Its ok" he whispered as he helped you back to your bed. He had ran to your side so fast you hadn't heard him until his chin brushed your hair.

Pulling you to lay down facing him, the young king pulled the covers up over you, primarily to cover your chest which was now being pressed together more by your sideways position. He was a gentleman after all.
He reached out and squeezed your hand, trying to get you to open your eyes, but you could barely move without wanting to cry.

Arthur how could you feel all this?

He curled closer to you and rested his forehead against yours, a solemn expression on his face, you bit your knuckle as you watched him sleep over the next few hours. How could I leave him like this?

But I have to...go

Once you were sure he was fast asleep, your hand lifted out of the covers and ran through his soft amber hair. You never imaged the King of Camelot could sleep so soundly, with all that he had seen.

"I don't understand you Arthur Pendragon" you whisper. His warm exhale tickling your nose as you lay eye level with him. "I'm not leaving forever, after all, once Merlin's ready I'll need to come back and get her" you continued, talking to yourself as you tried to wrestle with your decision. "If you really feel all this why did you not tell me?" You said sadly.

Your breath hitched as his fingers wrapped around your hand on his cheek. "Because you can't love me like I love you" his eyes were closed, but he turned his head to kiss your palm.

"Arthur" you cried and dove into his arms, holding onto the young king for dear life. Although it broke him more to see you like this, he was also struggling with the thought that your body was now pressed against him, your chest squished between your barely clothed bodies.

He wrapped his arms around you tighter regardless, his lips pressed to your forehead, and he whispered once more "It's ok".

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