Chapter 9
[Outskirts of Strasbourg, Alsace Region, France, 3rd of January 1940: 8:10 AM]
As Neriah and the others traveled on the road going into the city, some French military police were stationed at the checkpoint which they permitted some vehicles going around the ghost city. Otto seemed to be impatient which it was taking them so long to finish inspecting the other passing by vehicle before them. Then, he had let out a heavy sigh.
On the hand, Neriah was given with a loaf of bread by shared by his friends. He started chewing it, but this time he could sense hostility around the place. Then, he heard his friend talking in an entire different Earth language and cocked his eyebrows to his concern. Some of the passengers could understand what was going on. For the disguised Azurean man, he was absolutely lost in translation as he could only communicate and understand German and English.
The argument between Otto and the French officers grew worse than before. Neriah finished ingesting his share of bread and thought of checking it out. Suddenly, the middle aged bearded rabbi turned his attention to the fake Heer Oberst.
" Reinhart, wo denkst du hin?! (Reinhart, where do you think you're going?!) " the rabbi asked with concern.
" Rabbi Schmul, ich muss herausfinden, was los ist. (Rabbi Schmul, I need to find out what's going on.) " Neriah answered before he could leave the truck.
" Nein, mein Kind! Es ist gefährlich! Die Franzosen werden dich töten, da du zuvor Teil der Nazis warst. Jetzt musst du hier bleiben, da du ein Nazi-Deserteur bist. (No, my child! It's dangerous! The French will kill you since you were part of the Nazis before. Now, I need you stay here since you are Nazi deserter.) " Rabbi Schmul grabbed the alien man's hand.
The disguised Azurean man heavily sighed, " Es tut mir leid, Rabbi. Aber Otto braucht immer noch meine Hilfe! (I'm sorry, Rabbi. But Otto still needs my help!) "
" Nein! "
Neriah quickly left the truck when he saw some French military police personnel pointing their weapons at Otto who raised his both arms. The brunette Heer deserter turned his attention to his friend, implying him to raise his hands on the air. The disguised Azurean man nervously gulped and nodded as he did the same thing.
" Personne ne bouge jusqu’à ce que vous puissiez confirmer que vous êtes de véritables espions nazis! (Nobody moves until the rest of you can confirm that you are truly Nazi spies!) " the checkpoint officer angrily spat and pointed his pistol at the two men.
" Was haben sie gerade gesagt? (What did they just say?) " the fake Heer Oberst asked becoming very confused and lost in translation.
" Niemand bewegt sich, bis der Rest von uns bestätigen kann, dass wir wirklich Nazi-Spione sind. (Nobody moves until the rest of us can confirm that we are truly Nazi spies.) " Otto seriously interpreted the warning in reply.
The French military police remained firm as they were still pointing the pistols at them. From the front passenger's seat, the Protestant minister had awakened from his sleep and started uttered a prayer in German. The rest of the people inside the truck were concerned of what's taking them so long. Neriah could mentally hear the voices and read their minds. Then, he turned his attention to the checkpoint officers and also secretly read their minds. Before he could respond, he understood they had experienced such trauma and suspicion which explained of their hostility.
" Bitte, meine Herren, im Lastwagen sind Männer, Frauen und Kinder. Wir sind alle aus Deutschland verbannt. Wir müssen nur ein neues Zuhause finden. Meine Freunde sind Juden, gebildete Menschen und Priester. Wir sind keine Nazi-Spione, wie wir Ihnen versichern! (Please, gentlemen, there are men, women, and children inside the truck. We are all exiled from Germany. We just need to find a new home. My friends are Jews, educated people, and priests. We are not Nazis spies as we assure you!) " Neriah begged.
" Mon ami a raison, messieurs. Nous avons du monde à bord. Nous avons tous besoin d’un nouveau logement après avoir quitté l’Allemagne. Nous ne sommes pas des espions nazis ! Nous ne sommes que des civils exilés qui ont refusé de rester dans notre pays! (My friend is right, messieurs. We have people on board. We all need a new home after leaving Germany. We are not Nazi spies! We are just exiled civilian people who refused to stay in our homeland!) " Otto interpreted.
" REINHART, NEIN! " Otto growled anxiously seeing his friend as their target.
The French military police officer pulled the trigger as the bullets flew past Neriah. He widened his eyes in shock when he felt them penetrating into his body. Then, he saw blue blood splattered into his left side of the abdomen. Otto, the checkpoint officers, and the other exiles from the truck who peeked were surprised to see a different blood color coming from the Heer Oberst. Neriah instantly fell down on the ground and bled.
" Que diable?! Ce Fritz n’est même pas né humain du tout ! Qu'est-ce qu'il est?! (What on Earth?! That Fritz is not even born human at all! What the heck is he?!) " the checkpoint officer exclaimed.
" Je ne sais pas! Ce doit être un putain d'homme lunaire ou quelque chose comme ça! (I don't know! He must be a freaking moon man or something!) " his fellow trooper terrifyingly spoke seeing the disguised Azurean man panting and bleeding.
Neriah wearily looked at his brunette friend and said, " Otto, bitte ... Steh einfach nicht hier und hilf mir ... Ich könnte hier sterben! Bitte! (Otto, please...Just don't stand here and help me...I might die here! Please!) "
" Sie verdienen später eine Erklärung. (You deserve an explanation, later.) " Otto sternly replied and turned to everyone. " S'il vous plaît, mon ami est en train de mourir, nous avons besoin d'aide! S'il vous plaît, faites quelque chose! (Please my friend is dying, we need help! Please do something!) "
The German lady doctor checked the bleeding alien man and turned to the checkpoint officers, " S'il vous plaît, messieurs, nous avons besoin de votre aide. Nous avons besoin de fournitures médicales provenant de votre caserne. Il ne s’agit pas d’une simple blessure par balle superficielle! C'est sérieux! (Please sirs, we need your assistance. We need some medical supplies from your barracks. This is not just an ordinary superficial bullet wound! It's serious!) "
The checkpoint officers didn't hesitate to carry the wounded extraterrestrial. The lady doctor joined with them. Neriah managed to smile to his friends from the truck including Otto before he could unconsciously shut his eyes. The rest of the exiles were worried of their fake Heer Oberst friend if he could make it.
[Three Hours Later]
After the bullets were being removed, the blue skinned Azurean man's healing radiance helped him recover and regenerate from his fatal bullet wound. He was found sleeping in the medical tent within the barracks. Some children from the truck peered at the entry and felt sorry for the unconscious extraterrestrial when they exchanged glances.
" Er ist keiner von uns, aber warum verhält und redet er so wie wir? (He's not one of us, but how come he acts and talks like us?) " the brunette boy asked.
" Ich weiß nicht. Er muss ein Hexenmeister, eine Fee oder ein Elf aus einem weit entfernten Land sein, wie in manchen Märchen? Er kam hierher und verkleidete sich als Nazi-Soldat, schätze ich? (I don't know. He must be a warlock, a fairy, or an elf from a very away land just like in some fairy tales? He came here and disguised as a Nazi soldier, I guess?) " the curly raven girl replied.
" Oder ist er vielleicht ein Engel vom Himmel? (Or perhaps, he's an angel from Heaven?) " the scarlet haired girl chimed in.
" Glauben Sie, dass Herr Fetzer ein Wesen aus dem Weltraum ist, das sehr weit von uns entfernt ist? (Do you think Herr Fetzer is a creature from outer space very far away from us?) " the blonde boy curiously theorized and shrugged.
The blonde boy's nervously grinned and chuckled as his three friends heatedly glared at him. He heavily sighed and interjected, " Oh, kommt ihr schon, Leute?! Hör auf, mich so anzustarren? Warum hat er dann so lange geschlafen? Warum immer „Kosmos“ sagen? Warum stellt er vor dem Krieg einige Fragen und sagt nichts darüber? Versucht er, uns geheim zu halten? Er ist ein Außerirdischer! (Oh, come on you, guys?! Stop staring at me like that? Then, why has he been sleeping for a long time? Why always say 'kosmos?' Why does he ask some questions before the war and he doesn't say about something? Is he trying to keep us a secret? He's a space alien!) "
Otto overheard the conversation from the four children and then shushed at them, pointing at the sleeping blue skinned alien inside the tent in his bioluminiscence. They looked at him and heavily sighed.
" Kinder, ihr solltet besser schweigen. Herr Fetzer schläft noch. Lassen Sie ihn ruhen und warten Sie, bis er aufwacht. Verstanden? (Kids, you'd better keep quiet. Herr Fetzer is still sleeping. Let him rest and wait for him to wake up. Understood?) " he seriously spoke.
" Ja, Herr Rosenfeld. (Yes, Mr. Rosenfeld.) " they sadly spoke in unison and bowed their heads in shame.
Neriah ceased his radiance when he slowly opened his eyes and overheard the conversation from the outside. Then, he echoed from the tent, " Es ist okay, Otto. Ich bin gerade erwacht und geheilt. Bringen Sie alle mit. Sie alle haben es verdient, es zu erfahren. (It's okay, Otto. I have just awakened and healed. Bring everyone in. They all deserve to know.) "
Otto turned to his fellow exiles including the meddling children and some members of the French Military police and gestured them into the medical tent. They got astonished to see a blue skinned alien man sitting up, taking, and wearing his grey Wehrmacht Heer jacket. Then, he morphed back to his pink skinned form with scarlet locks and a pair of verdant irises in his eyes. Everyone exchanged glances and murmured in disbelief. It was their first time to see a humanoid alien.
" Ich weiß, dass Sie alle überrascht und beunruhigt waren, dass ich blaues Blut blutete. Tatsächlich komme ich nicht von diesem Planeten und dieser Galaxie. Ich lebte auf einem sehr weit entfernten Planeten mit einer sehr fortschrittlichen technologischen Zivilisation. (I know you all got surprised and alarmed I was bleeding blue blood. Infact, I'm not from this planet and galaxy. I used to live in a very distant planet with a very advanced technological civilization.) " Neriah calmly explained.
One of the French military police was translating the revelation from their mother tongue to their fellows. They remained silent to their astonishment before they could ask him some question. A male Protestant pastor initiatedly raised his hand as he had something to say.
" Können Sie aus Ihrer fernen Heimat zurückkehren, da Sie nicht von hier sind? (Since you're not from here, will you be able return from your distant home?) " he asked with a concern.
" Nein. Ich habe mein Volk und meinen Heimatplaneten durch meine furchtbaren Feinde verloren. Sie, die Menschen, mögen sie Echsenmenschen nennen. Meine Leute nennen sie Voturniten, da sie vom Planeten Voturn mit einem anderen Sternensystem stammen. (Nein. I lost my people and home planet from my formidable enemies. You, humans may call them, Lizard men. My people call them Voturnites since they have come from the planet Voturn with a different star system.) "
" Du bist also ein Obdachloser von den Sternen, nehme ich an? (So, you're a homeless man from the stars I take it?) " Rabbi Schmul chimed in. " Was war Ihr vorheriger Job, bevor Ihre Heimatwelt vernichtet wurde? (What was your previous job before your homeworld was annihilated?) "
" Ich war ein Leutnant der azuranischen Armee. Ich hatte gedient und es geschafft, einige meiner Leute zu retten und gegen meine Feinde zu kämpfen, aber es gelang mir nicht, meine Heimat zu retten. Sie haben meinen Planeten zerstört, als ich auf der Reise zu eurem Planeten in einen tiefen Schlaf fiel. Ich bin vor einem Jahr hier auf der Erde gelandet und wurde von den Nazis experimentiert. Sie wollten, dass ich eine völkermörderische Waffe für den Führer werde. (I was a lieutenant from the Azurean Army. I had served and managed to rescue some of my people and fought against my enemies, but I failed in saving my home. They destroyed my planet as I got myself into a deep sleep travelling into your planet. I landed here on Earth a year ago and got experimented by the Nazis. They wanted me to become a genocidal weapon for the Führer.) " he admitted and sadly sighed.
The rest of the people shared glances as some of them were in disbelief. The Alsatian-German Interpreter from the French military police translated the Azurean man's statement as they felt sorry for him. Otto turned to Neriah and took a deep inhale before he could speak-up.
" Quel est votre vrai nom, monsieur? (What is your real name, monsieur?) " the checkpoint officer asked.
" Wie ist Ihr Name, Herr? " the interpreter chimed in.
" Mein Name ist Neriah Azhar oder NZDTLD-939. Die Nazis nannten mich den Blauen Engel des Todes. (My name is Neriah Azhar or NZDTLD-939. The Nazis called me the Blue Angel of Death.) " the disguised Azurean man calmly spoke.
Otto took a heavy exhale and looked at the tent's ceiling. Then, he seriously broke his silence, " Neriah ... Es ist schwer, das zu begreifen, aber diese verdammten Bastarde wollten, dass du jeden tötest, der gegen Hitlers Drittes Reich war, einschließlich der Juden. Hast du so etwas Schreckliches getan? (Neriah...It's hard to take this in, but those damned bastards wanted you to kill everyone against Hitler's Third Reich including the Jews. Have you done such a horrible thing?) "
Neriah emotionally replied and bitterly wept, " Nein, ich weigerte mich, ihr verdammter Sklave zu sein! Ihre Wissenschaftler und Soldaten experimentierten und zwangen mich, einige Tests und Schulungen zu meinen Kräften durchzuführen! Sie haben mich sogar unter Drogen gesetzt und einige Außerirdische und andere Experimente getötet, darunter auch meine Liebe! Ich habe gegen sie gekämpft! Ich wollte einfach nur von ihnen weg sein! Ich habe kein Zuhause und keinen Planeten, zu dem ich gehören könnte! Dieser Ort ist mitten im Krieg, was mich an den Untergang Azureas erinnert! Ich weiß nicht, was ich jetzt tun soll! (No, I refused to be their damned slave! Their scientists and soldiers experimented and forced me to do some tests and training about my powers! They even drugged me and killed some aliens and other experiments, including my love! I fought against them! I just wanted to be away from them! I have no home and planet to belong to! This place is in the midst of war which reminds me of Azurea's downfall! I don't know what to do now!) "
The exiled Germans, Jews, and the French military police heard the Azurean's discourse and remained silent feeling sorry for him. Neriah covered his face as a little girl approached and hugged, comforting him.
" Herr Fetzer ... ich meine Herrn Azhar. Sie haben hier ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Sie haben immer noch eine Chance, unser Volk zu retten. (Herr Fetzer...I mean Herr Azhar. You found a new home here. You still have a chance to save our people.) " she sincerely smiled convincing him.
" Ihr Volk retten?! Du verstehst es nicht, kleines Fräulein! Die Nazis können dich jederzeit jagen und töten, genau wie die Voturniten es mit meinem Volk gemacht haben! Ich werde einfach scheitern und zusehen, wie dieser Planet im Krieg untergeht! (Save your people?! You don't understand, little miss! The Nazis can hunt and kill you anytime just like the Voturnites did to my people! I will just fail and see this planet succumb in war!) " Neriah wailed.
" Du und Otto habt uns vor ihnen gerettet. Das ist eine Heldentat, die du vollbracht hast, junger Mann. (You and Otto have saved us from them. That's one heroic deed you have done, young man.) " the elderly Jewish woman added.
Neriah heard the old woman and the young girl's remarks and gently rubbed his eyes and face with his blanket. He recalled that evening when the dying Zeta Reticulans in Grunewald mentioned to him of saving others and being a hero for the people. He heavily sighed before he could respond.
The Alsatian-German Interpreter finished talking to the military police. The French officers thought responding to the Azurean man.
" Monsieur Azhar, nous sommes désolés pour ce qui s'est passé, à part vous avoir tiré dessus plus tôt. Nous ne savions jamais que vous aviez vécu et coincé dans cette guerre ici sur Terre. Vos amis ont peut-être raison, mais nous ne vous obligerons pas à agir rapidement. Nous vous donnerons du temps pour votre rétablissement et votre exil. Vous pouvez rester avec nous pour le moment si vous le souhaitez. (Monsieur Azhar, we're sorry for what happened aside from shooting you earlier. We never knew you have been through and stuck in this war here on Earth. Your friends may be right, but we won't force you to act quickly. We will give you some time for your recovery and exile. You can stay with us for now if you wish to.) " one of the officers calmly spoke.
" Herr Azhar, es tut uns leid, was passiert ist, abgesehen davon, dass wir Sie vorhin erschossen haben. Wir wussten nie, dass Sie diesen Krieg hier auf der Erde durchgemacht haben und darin feststecken. Ihre Freunde mögen Recht haben, aber wir werden Sie nicht zu schnellem Handeln zwingen. Wir geben Ihnen etwas Zeit für Ihre Genesung und Ihr Exil. Sie können vorerst bei uns bleiben, wenn Sie möchten, " the interpreter added.
" Vielen Dank, meine Herren. " the disguised Azurean man slightly smiled and replied. " Bitte bewahren Sie mein Geheimnis. (Please keep my secret.) "
" Das werden wir. (We will.) " the Protestant pastor sincerely smiled back and nodded.
As the rest of the exiles and military officers left the tent, Otto looked at his friend and commented, " Schau, ich weiß nicht, ob ich das begreifen soll. Du warst zufällig ein vom Himmel gefallener Mensch, der von diesen Bastarden festgehalten wurde. (Look, I don't know to take this in. You happened to be man fallen from the heavens and contained by those bastards.) "
" Wenn Sie diesen Krieg gegen die Polen und Russen als Gelegenheit nutzten, dem Heer zu entkommen, war sogar ich selbst ebenfalls entkommen, bevor wir uns im Haus Vaterland trafen. (If you used that war against the Poles and Russians as an opportunity to escape the Heer, even myself had escaped too before we met at Haus Vaterland.) " Neriah mused.
" Hast du?! Wie?! (You did?! How?!) "
" Der echte Fetzer hat meine Freundin getötet, als ich gegen seine Soldaten kämpfte. Dann hat sich dieser verdammte Feigling umgebracht. Ich habe sein Aussehen und seine Identität genommen, um dieser Hölle zu entkommen. (The real Fetzer killed my girlfriend as I fought against his soldiers. Then, that damned coward killed himself. I took his appearance and identity to escape that hell.) "
Otto nodded and said, " Ich denke, wir haben etwas gemeinsam. Apropos Geheimnisse: Sie haben es verdient, sie zu erfahren. (I guess we do have in common. Speaking of secrets, you do deserve to know.) "
" Was ist los, Otto? (What is it, Otto?) " Neriah asked curiously.
" Ich bin väterlicherseits teilweise jüdisch. (I'm part Jewish from my father side.) "
Neriah raised his eyebrows and grew intrigued. He was very eager to learn about his friend's lineage. Otto composed his words and let out a deep inhale before he could speak.
" Ich verstehe, warum du dein Geheimnis so schlecht gehütet hast. Mein Vater bat mich vor Kriegsbeginn, meine Papiere als rein arische Rasse zu fälschen. Ich habe niemandem erzählt, dass ich teilweise Jude bin. (I understand why you kept your secret so badly. My father asked me to forge my documents as a pure Aryan race before the war began. I never told anybody about myself as a part-Jew.) " the Heer deserter admitted.
" Sie versuchen sich also vor ihnen zu schützen, nicht wahr? (So, you're trying to protect yourself from them, aren't you?) "
" Ja. Zuerst kämpften wir gegen die Russen und die Polen. Doch erst als ich erfuhr, dass die Juden ausgerottet werden würden, beschloss ich, das Heer zu verlassen.(Ja. At first, we were fighting against the Russians and the Poles. But only to find out that the Jews would be exterminated, I decided to leave the Heer.) "
" Wenn du geblieben wärst, hättest du vom Heer getötet werden können. (If you stayed, you could have been killed by the Heer.) " Neriah commented.
" Diese vom Reich einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogenen Menschen würden es herausfinden. Dann hätten sie mich verhaftet und hingerichtet. Ich möchte wirklich nicht diesen gelben Stern tragen oder mich in diesem Fall gar in ein Konzentrationslager bringen. (Those brainwashed people by the Reich would find out. Then, they would have arrested and executed me. I really don't want to wear that yellow star or even bring me into a concentration camp if that happens.) "
Neriah understood and felt sorry for his friend as he recalled those days from his Azurean army involvement. He saw some resistance troops fighting the Lizard men. Some of them were being taken into the enemy mothership to send them the blue skinned captives into slavery outside the Neo Alpheratz system or death. Otto noticed his friend's deep silence and thought of asking him a question.
" Sag es mir, Neriah. Ist das auch auf eurem dem Untergang geweihten Heimatplaneten passiert? (Tell me, Neriah. Was this happened in your doomed homeplanet as well?) " he queried.
" Sehr ähnlich zu deiner Situation, Otto. (Very much similar to your situation, Otto.) " the pink skinned Azurean man replied and sadly sighed. " Aber das Schlimmste war, mein Zuhause in Felsbrocken zu sehen, die in den Weltraum schwebten. Ich möchte nicht, dass das hier passiert. (But the worse part was seeing my home into chunks of rocks floating into space. I don't want that to happen here.) "
" Es tut mir leid, das zu hören, mein Freund. Ich denke, wir haben beides gemeinsam. (I'm sorry to hear, that my friend. I guess we have both in common.) "
Neriah curiously tilted his head and asked, " Und das ist? (And that is?) "
" Wir sind beide der Hölle vor unseren Feinden entkommen und haben uns nach einem Himmel auf Erden gesehnt, den wir als neues Zuhause betrachten werden. (We both escaped hell from our enemies and longed for a Heaven on Earth which we'll consider a new home.) "
" Ja, ich stimme zu, aber ich glaube, dass dieser Krieg ewig dauern wird. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie lange es enden wird. (Yeah, I agree, but I believe this war will take ages. Not sure, how long will it end.) "
" Wir haben bereits den ersten Schritt zum Frieden getan. Es gibt so etwas wie Freundschaft. Hatten Ihre Leute diese Eigenschaft? (We have already established the first step for peace. There's a thing called friendship. Did your people have that trait?) " Otto asked.
" Ja. Azureaner und Menschen sind sich in mancher Hinsicht ähnlich. Meine Artgenossen können wie Sie langjährige Freunde gewinnen. Was wirklich interessant ist, ist, dass Ihre Spezies in der Lage ist, solche Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Kriege zu verlängern. Meine Leute können jemandem vergeben und einige Probleme untereinander regeln. Manchmal vermisse ich meinesgleichen wirklich. (Yeah. Azureans and Humans are similar in some ways. My fellow species can gain long-time friends like you do. What's really interesting that your species are capable to prolong such disagreements and wars. My people can forgive someone and settle some issues among ourselves. Sometimes, I really miss my own kind.) "
Otto raised his eyebrows and got intrigued. Then, he laughed and joked, " Man kann sagen, dass wir zu primitiv, barbarisch und unreif sind. Ich beneide dich wirklich um deine azuranische Rasse, mein Freund! (You can say that we are too primitive, barbaric, and immature. I really envy your Azurean race, my friend!) "
Neriah intently smiled and burst into laughter. He was noisily slapping his bed as he couldn't stop it. " Danke schön, mein Freund! Das ist wirklich das erste Mal, dass ich höre, wie ein Mensch einen Witz macht! Es wird urkomisch! Danke, Otto, dass du mich zum Lachen gebracht hast! (This is really my first time to hear a Human crack a joke! It's getting hilarious! Thank you, Otto for making me laugh!) "
" Ich versuche nur, deine Glühbirne anzuschalten! Du bist ein Jahr nach deiner Flucht so düster gewesen! (I'm just trying to turn your light bulb on! You have been so gloomy for a year after your escape!) " Otto chuckled.
" Wirklich, ich denke, das ist der Beginn unserer Freundschaft, auch wenn sich unsere Wege trennen werden. (Really, I guess this is our beginning of our friendship even we will be parting our ways.) "
The part Jewish Heer deserter sighed and nodded, " Richtig, die französischen Truppen werden uns dabei helfen, nach Südfrankreich zu gehen. Du bleibst in der Zwischenzeit hier, nehme ich an? (Right, the French troops will be helping us going to Southern France. You'll be staying here for the meantime, I take it?) "
" Ja, ich werde eine Selbsterkundung auf den Straßen von Straßburg durchführen, bevor ich hier ein neues Zuhause zum Leben finde. (Ja, I'll be doing a self-investigation on the streets of Strasbourg before finding a new home to live here.) " Neriah answered and thought of a question. " Glauben Sie, dass wir uns hier in Frankreich treffen werden? (Do you think we will be meeting each other here in France?) "
" Vielleicht. Ich selbst muss unbedingt einen anständigen Job finden, ein Haus kaufen, eine Französin heiraten und Dutzende Kinder und bald Enkelkinder haben. Vielleicht machen Sie dasselbe. (Maybe. For me, I really need to get a decent job, buy a house, get married to a Frenchwoman, and have dozen of kids and soon grandkids. Perhaps, you'll do the same thing.) "
" Ja, das werde ich in Zukunft tun, aber nicht in dieser Zeit des Krieges. Ich muss nur wirklich herausfinden, was ich diesem Planeten wirklich antun kann, bevor ich eine Französin als meine neue Liebe und ein neues Zuhause mit meiner eigenen Familie finde. Wer weiß, die größte Macht im Kosmos kann uns in unsere Zukunft führen und uns helfen, unsere Wege sehr bald zu kreuzen. (Yeah, I will in the future, but not in this time of war. I just really need to find out what I can really do to this planet before finding a Frenchwoman as my new love and a new home with my own family. Who knows, the Greatest Power in the Cosmos can lead us into our futures and help us cross our paths very soon.) " Neriah assured and sincerely smiled. " Natürlich werde ich unsere Freundschaft nie vergessen. Bitte versprich mir, niemandem zu erzählen, dass ich ein Außerirdischer auf der Erde bin. (Of course, I will never forget our friendship. Please promise me not to tell anyone about me being an alien on Earth.) "
Otto nodded and smiled back, " Das Gleiche gilt für mich. Erzählen Sie auch niemandem, dass ich teilweise Jude bin, okay? (Same here, I will. Also, don't tell anyone that I'm part-Jewish, okay?) "
" Sicher. (Sure.) "
[The Next Day]
Walking around the streets of Strasbourg in the morning, Neriah had seen an ultimate absence of residents in this city. He noticed that the buildings and houses stood in complete emptiness. The pink skinned Azurean man just saw a flock of white, brown, and grey pigeons walking and flying around the street corners.
He had let out a deep depressing sigh and spoke to himself, " In dieser Stadt gibt es keinerlei menschliche Bewohner und deren Aktivitäten. Ich frage mich, wohin sie gegangen waren. (This city is completely devoid of any human residents and their activities. I wonder where they had gone.) "
Just then, he caught his attention to the souvenir shop when he grew interested and entered. He inspected the entire place when he found out there were a few items: some wooden clocks hanging on the wall, leather shoes on the shelves, and some remaining lovely Alsatian porcelain dolls dressed up beautifully unique long clothes. Neriah also noticed that the clocks were no longer working as they stopped at 3:20.
" Nur ein paar Artikel zum Verkauf und nicht viel zu finden. Ich gehe besser woanders hin. (Just a few items for sale and nothing much to find. I'd better go somewhere else.) " he said to himself.
He left the shop and continued walking further into the streets. He followed another flock of pigeons which flew towards the direction to the Strasbourg Cathedral. The pink skinned alien decided not to fly instead he went on and reached to the next destination.
Neriah saw a tall centuries old structure with a circular glass window on its facade. He carefully opened the door and slowly entered the church. He got surprised to see the interior's high ceiling and very spacious surroundings. The church seemed to be vacant as the stone statues were watching him. He strolled around and started to search further. Like any other establishment in Strasbourg, the church was also silent.
The pink skinned Azurean man found a small wooden box under the altar and pulpit when he carried it. He noticed that it needed a key to open the box and began searching anywhere. It took a couple of minutes, but he couldn't find it. Instead, he used his super strength to open with his bare hands.
Finally, it was opened when he saw two folded papers. Neriah unfolded the first paper which it was written in French. He cocked his eyebrows as if he was lost in translation and dared not to read it. He sighed and kept the first letter in the jacket. Then, he picked up and unfolded the second one which it was written in English. From there, he started to read.
Date: 3rd of September, 1939
To whoever may be reading this,
I am about to leave this Cathedral along with the clergy and the congregation due to some unexpected events happening here in Europe. We are being forced to evacuate as soon as possible since this city is just near the German border. My sincerest apologies for my hesitation. I hope you understand that we are just doing for our safety.
France has recently declared war against Germany after Poland faced such catastrophe from the Nazis on the 1st of September. The French government has made such safety precautions and reminders for the Alsace-Lorraine residents. If I can remember correctly, the Jews have been living in this region for a very long time. Despite the religious tensions, we are very concerned that our enemies may be after them and the other people who are against Hitler's regime of the Third Reich. We might be involved with such madness if only the Great Lord will show us mercy and justice for all of us.
As of now, we will be moving somewhere else farther than Strasbourg. As the officials would say, it's somewhere in southwestern France. We hope this new place will be safer and more peaceful than in here. Yet, we don't know how long and when we will be returning. Only the Heavenly Father knows.
May He bless you and keep you safe despite the chaotic tensions.
Sharing my warmest regards,
Father Daniel Bergeret
[Five Years Ago: Planet Azurea's Eastern Hemisphere]
The blue skinned Azurean Army lieutenant was on his way to the village when he traveled around the forests. Neriah held his weapon and remained vigilant for any hiding Voturnites who would dare to attack and ambush him along the way. He was rushing as fast as he could and avoiding any unwanted encounters.
Just then, he saw a tall silvery metal cylindrical building which he understood it was a residential house. He entered without any hesitation and checked for any survivors hiding within the premises. He intently looked at the interior which the furniture remained on their positions. He looked around in every room to check any hiding Azurean or Voturnite. They were still empty and no enemy presence, but he found a hologram of a father and mother along with their children.
Neriah intently touched the radiant screen as the holographic video playing. He intently watched and listened carefully as the family mentioned of leaving Azurea to the other stellar system for their own safety. They all mentioned that they will be in the Ranea spaceport for their departure and taking an evacuation flight to Graerea system which was five light years away from Azurea.
After watch the video, he heavily sighed and wept, feeling sorry for the exiled family. He hoped that war would be over if the invading Lizard men would surrender or fail.
" Es tut mir leid, dass Ihre Spezies das genauso durchmachen muss wie mein Volk. Wenn ich nur vorher etwas Besseres tun könnte, um Azurea zu verteidigen, dann würde ich es hier auf der Erde gegen die Nazis tun. (I'm sorry your species have to go through this just like my people had. If only I could do something better to defend Azurea before, then I would do it here on Earth against the Nazis.) " he sadly sighed and held Father Bergeret's letters keeping them in his jacket before leaving the Cathedral.
[French Military Police Garrison, Outskirts of Strasbourg, France: 1:25 PM]
Neriah held the two letters and handed them to Officer Yves Schnee who was in his forties and served as the German interpreter. Schnee had a platinum blonde hair, a pair of icy blue irises in his eyes, and a moustache. He intently read the French letter from Father Bergeret as the Azurean man waited for him to finish. It took around fifteen to thirty minutes to read all of this and heavily sighed.
" Aus dieser Situation heraus hatten wir eine Zwangsevakuierung zu den Straßburger Bewohnern durchgeführt, als Pater Bergeret dies schrieb. (From that situation, we had made a force evacuation to the Strasbourg residents when Father Bergeret wrote this.) " the Alsatian-French officer said.
" Ich gehe also davon aus, dass diese Menschen Angst hatten, dass die Nazis in die Stadt einmarschieren würden? (So, I presume those humans were afraid that the Nazis would have invaded the city?) " Neriah asked with concern.
" Ja, es war eine Gesamtbevölkerung von 120.000 Menschen. Wir haben sogar eine Evakuierungskarte für sie erstellt, um Begegnungen mit Feinden zu vermeiden. Die Stadt liegt sehr nah an Deutschland. Die Fritz werden es so einfach wie möglich finden, einzudringen. (Yes, it was a total population of 120,000 people. We even made an evacuation map for them to avoid encounters with the enemies. The city is very close enough to Germany. The Fritz will find it easy to invade as they can.) " Schnee explained.
" Ich verstehe. Das erinnert mich an meine Leute, die geflohen sind, als ich in meiner Heimatwelt war. (I see. This reminds me of my people who escaped when I was in my homeworld.) "
" Es scheint, dass Sie Krieg und Blutvergießen gesehen haben, bevor Sie hierher kamen, Herr Azhar. (It seems you have seen war and bloodshed before you came here, Herr Azhar.) "
" Sehr gerne, Sir. (Very much, sir.) "
Schnee audibly cleared his throat and said, " Wenn ich Sie wäre, sollten Sie diesen Ort verlassen, bevor die Nazis nach Ihnen suchen. Wir haben verstanden, dass Sie einst ihr Experiment waren, das entgangen ist. Es ist für Sie nicht sicher, bei uns in der Garnison zu bleiben, selbst wenn Sie ein rosafarbenes menschliches Erscheinungsbild verwenden. (If I were you, you should leave this place before the Nazis will search for you. We understood that you were once their experiment which escaped. It's not safe for you to remain with us in the garrison even you're using a pink skinned human appearance.) "
" Wo soll ich übernachten? (Where should I stay?) " Neriah curiously asked.
" Meine Beamten fanden ein perfektes Zuhause für Sie, das etwa drei Kilometer von dieser Position entfernt lag. Es ist ein verlassenes Haus und Bauernhof. Wir werden Sie von Zeit zu Zeit besuchen und überprüfen. Seien Sie versichert, dass wir Sie informieren werden, bevor die Nazis versuchen, hier einzumarschieren. Ich werde meine Männer schicken, um Sie in andere Teile Frankreichs zu begleiten. (My officers found a perfect home for you which was around three kilometers away from this position. It's an abandoned house and farm. We will pay you a visit and check from time to time. Rest assured that we will inform you before the Nazis attempt to invade here. I'll send my men to escort you to other parts of France.) "
" Verstanden. Vielen Dank, Herr. (Understood. Thank you, sir.)," Neriah nodded.
" Und übrigens, Herr Azhar. Bitte finden Sie einen französischen Namen für Ihre neue Identität und lernen Sie die Sprache so gut wie möglich, um jeglicher Prüfung und Kritik zu entgehen. Zeigen Sie auch nichts von Ihrer wahren Identität oder Ihren außerirdischen Superkräften. Wenn Sie jemand in Frankreich fragt, teilen Sie ihm bitte mit, dass Sie ein Elsässer sind, der in Straßburg lebt und auf der Suche nach einem Job und einer Wohnung in Paris ist. (And by the way, Herr Azhar. Please find a French name for your new identity and learn the language as much as possible to avoid any scrutiny and criticism. Don't show any of your true identity or your alien superpowers as well. If someone in France will ask you, please tell them you're an Alsatian living in Strasbourg and looking for a job and a home in Paris.) " the Alsatian-French military police officer and German interpreter reminded.
" Ich werde Ihre Anweisungen behalten, Herr Schnee. Danke schön. (I will keep your instructions, Herr Schnee. Thank you.) " Neriah agreed and smiled.
" Ich möchte mich für die Wiederherstellung dieses Briefes bedanken. (I should say thanks for recovering this letter.) "
" Gern geschehen. (You're welcome.) "
[Abandoned House and Farm, Outskirts of Strasbourg, Alsace Region, France, 4th of January 1940: 6:10 PM]
After Neriah ate his early dinner in the kitchen, he went upstairs and searched for men's clothes in the closet. He grabbed a pair of black pants, a long sleeved white shirt, a chocolate brown jacket, some underwear, a pair of black socks, and leather black shoes. He headed himself into the bathroom to take a bath for a while. Just then, he wore his new clothes which he found in the closet. He combed his hair in sideways and made it a bit spiky since he didn't want to remind himself as his deceased enemy.
Then, he picked up the grey Nazi uniform, the hat, and the pair of boots, stepped out of the house, and threw them on the logs which he could set up a bonfire. The Azurean man both radiated his hands in bright cosmic blue to yellow light which he blasted the pyre and formed a strong scorching fire to burn the Nazi uniform into ashes. Neriah had let out a deep exhale and felt relieved of letting out of his pain and suffering from his hardships in Berlin.
" Du wirst vergessen, Fetzer. Ich werde einen Weg finden, diese Menschen zu retten, bis der Krieg vorbei ist. (You will be forgotten, Fetzer. I will find a way to save these people until the war is over.) " he sternly thought and watched the flames.
Strasbourg: Fleeing to Survive:
History of Strasbourg:
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