Chapter 7
[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 28th of November 1939, 9:27 AM]
Hauptmann Markus Köenig walked around the hallway when he was being saluted by his subordinates. He hurried himself to the elevator and thought of reporting to Oberst Fetzer which he heard of bad news from the SS Main Office two weeks ago and rumors about Doctor Zeigler.
He looked at his watch and waited for the lift to come through. He grimaced and blinked his eyes waiting for the elevator door to open. Suddenly, it had automatically opened when he entered and instantly pressed the button to his next destination.
Within the span of minutes, the elevator rose from the basement. Köenig was lowly whistling a tune to divert his mind. Finally, he reached the third floor when the door opened. Stepping outside, he saw a group of men in black with red armbands and recognised them giving a salute. One of them was a balding bespectacled and mustached man in his late forties to fifties.
" Guten Morgen, Reichsführer. (Good morning, Reichsführer.) " Köenig greeted.
Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler just sternly glared at him and never responded as he gestured his subordinates to leave the building. Köenig raised his eyebrows and wondered why Himmler didn't care enough to respond back. He sighed and continued walking until he reached to the Oberst's office. Then, he gently knocked on the door.
" Komm herein! (Come in!) " a familiar male voice echoed from the room.
Köenig slowly opened the door, entered, and saluted. Then, he asked, " Mein Oberst, benötigen Sie Berichte über die fehlenden SS-Akten von vor zwei Wochen? (Mein Oberst, do you need any reports about the missing SS files from two weeks ago?) "
" Nein, " Fetzer seriously spoke and placed his empty cup of coffee on his table. " Ich habe bereits mit Himmler gesprochen. Er hat den Verdacht, dass einer unserer niedergelassenen Ärzte in das Gebiet eingedrungen ist und einige wichtige Dokumente gestohlen hat. (I have already spoken with Himmler. He has a suspicion that one of our resident doctors has breached the area and stolen some important documents.) "
" Hat das etwas mit Azhars Halloween-Mission und den Stuttgarter Untertanen zu tun? (Is this something to do with Azhar's Halloween Mission and those Stuttgart subjects?) "
Fetzer furiously dimmed his eyes and answered, " Ist das nicht klar, Köenig? Himmler ist nicht erfreut darüber, dass sein Name bei diesem Einbruch in das Bürogebäude verwendet wird! Ich habe den Verdacht, dass es sich um Doktor Ziegler selbst handeln könnte. (Isn't that obvious, Köenig? Himmler is not pleased that his name is being used with that office building breach! I have a suspicion that could be Doctor Ziegler herself.) "
Hauptmann Köenig cocked his eyebrows and crossed his arms. He recalled of rumors at the bunker about the psychiatrist and tutor having a secret relationship with NZDTLD-0939. With that, he needed more time to process and confirm with the Oberst before he could report. The scarlet haired official noticed his subordinate's long silence.
" Warum bist du so verdammt still, Köenig? (Why are you so damn silent, Köenig?) "
" Ich muss nur sicherstellen, dass meine Vermutungen richtig sind, mein Oberst. Glauben Sie überhaupt, dass Doktor Ziegler sich heimlich in das blauhäutige Subjekt verliebt? Zweitens: Warum sollte sie die geheimen Akten nehmen und Himmlers Namen als Vorwand benutzen? (I just need to make sure if my suspicions are correct, mein Oberst. Do you even think Doctor Ziegler is secretly falling in-love with the blue skinned subject? Secondly, why would she take the classified files and use Himmler's name as an excuse?) " the Hauptmann curiously broke his silence.
Fetzer grew intrigued and remained silent before he could compose his words to respond. From those questions, he started to decipher and speculate. His fingers from his right hand kept drumming his desk. He recalled that day when he and Andrea had a serious discussion about Neriah's possible medication for his mental illnesses aside from his Earth language learning. Somehow, he was truly against the psychiatrist's proposal.
" Köenig, du musst Azhar und Ziegler im Auge behalten. Stellen Sie einfach sicher, dass Sie mir alles melden. (Köenig, I need you to keep an eye on both Azhar and Ziegler. Just make sure you report everything to me.) "
" Was ist dann Ihr nächster Schritt? (Then, what's your next step?) " Köenig asked.
" Ich werde Doktor Ziegler eliminieren und den Blauen Engel des Todes fortsetzen. Azhar sollte seine verdammte Zeit nicht verschwenden, bevor wir ihn einsetzen können, um die Rebellen und unsere Feinde auszurotten. Er muss auch den Führer selbst treffen. (I'll eliminate Doctor Ziegler and continue the Blue Angel of Death. Azhar should not waste his damn time before we can use him to exterminate the rebels and our enemies. He also needs to meet the Führer, himself.) "
" Ja, Herr. Ich werde. (Yes, sir. I will.) "
[A Month Later]
Neriah was writing a poem in his notebook as Andrea waited for him to finish his work. Just then, the couple got interrupted when someone loudly banged on the door. The Azurean patient-tutor turned around and thought of opening it.
" Ich hole es, Neriah. Bitte machen Sie einfach weiter mit Ihrer Arbeit. (I'll get it, Neriah. Just please continue your work.) " she reminded him.
He nodded and continued writing his poem. As the door opened, it was Oberst Reinhard Fetzer who confronted the blonde psychiatrist-tutor. He sternly glared at her and crossed his arms. Neriah could secretly sense such harsh intimidation from the newcomer. Yet, he was ready to fight back against the official if he needed to escalate.
" Mein Oberst, Guten Tag. (Mein Oberst, Good afternoon. ) " Andrea warmly greeted.
" Ich denke, es ist Zeit, Ihre Pflichten zu beenden, Doktor Ziegler. (I think it's time to end your duties, Doktor Ziegler.) " Fetzer sternly responded.
" Ich bitte um Verzeihung, Sir. Was meinst du damit? (I beg you pardon, sir. What do you mean by that?) "
The red haired official audibly cleared his throat before he could respond. Neriah stopped writing his poem as if he could sense danger from the two. He picked up a book and pretended to be focused in reading. He continued listening at the conversation before he could act and defend his girlfriend.
" Nehmen wir an, ich muss Ihnen kündigen, weil Sie so viele Verstöße begangen haben. (Let's say I have to terminate you since you have committed so many breaches.) " Fetzer nonchalantly spoke.
Andrea nervously gulped before she could speak up. She looked at Neriah with concern and turned to Fetzer. His stabbing looks were cornering him as he waited for her answer.
" Ich verstehe nicht?! Aber warum solltest du das überhaupt sagen?! (I don't understand?! But why would you even say that?!) " she asked and raised her voice.
" Nun, ich habe Ihnen mehrere Chancen gegeben und Ihren Bitten, NZDTLD-939 zu einer Sonderbehandlung zu verhelfen, sogar stattgegeben, aber es scheint mir, dass es da noch etwas anderes gibt, ja oder nein? (Well, I have given you several chances and even granted your requests to help out NZDTLD-939 to have a special treatment, but it seems to me that there's something else for that matter, yes or no?) " the scarlet haired mustached Oberst intimidatingly replied and placed his hands on his pockets.
Andrea was sweating nervously and gulping. She didn't answer since she was protecting Neriah and her secret relationship with him. She took some deep breaths and felt like heart was thumping very quickly. She could feel her adrenaline rushing inside her body. With that emotion, she could perceive that he was cornering her.
" Lassen Sie mich nicht warten, Doktor Ziegler. Ich möchte meine verdammte Zeit nicht für dein Schweigen verschwenden. Außerdem habe ich Ihre Verstöße bereits gekannt, einschließlich Ihrer geheimen Beziehung zu Azhar. (Don't keep me waiting, Doctor Ziegler. I don't want to waste my damn time for your silence. Besides, I have already known your breaches including your secret relationship with Azhar.) " he sternly spoke.
" Sag es mir nicht! (Don't tell me!) " she indignantly muttered.
" Ich weiß es bereits, da einer meiner Beamten ein Auge auf Sie beide geworfen hat. Sie haben also die Wahl, diesen Bunker zu verlassen oder für immer gekündigt zu werden! (I have already known since one of my officers has been keeping an eye on you both. So, you choose, leave this bunker or get terminated for good!) "
Neriah secretly side-eyed at Fetzer who was threatening his girlfriend. He was waiting for the right-timing to protect her. On the other hand, Andrea remained speechless and sweating nervously before she could respond.
" Ich weiß es wirklich nicht, mein Oberst! (I really don't know, mein Oberst!) " she emotionally yelled.
" Du bist ein Arzt! Sagen Sie nicht: „Das wissen Sie nicht!" „Entscheide dich, verdammte Frau! (You're a doctor! Don't say, ' You don't know! ' Make up your mind, damned woman!) " he furiously growled and picked up his pistol pointing at her.
Neriah couldn't tolerate such hostility anymore. He already saw his girlfriend being threatened by the monster he had known for the past twelve months. His fists were starting to spark some radiant cosmic light. This time, he stood up from his seat and confronted Fetzer to defend his beloved therapist and tutor.
" Lass sie gehen, du Monster! (Let her go, you monster!) " the Azurean man heatedly growled.
" Du versuchst also, der Held zu sein?! Wir haben Sie zu einem ultimativen Mörder von einem anderen Planeten gemacht! (So, you're trying to be the hero, then?! We have groomed you to become an ultimate murderer from another planet!) "
" Das wird nicht mehr passieren, Fetzer! Ich hatte genug! (That's not gonna happen anymore, Fetzer! I had enough!) " Neriah angrily spat.
" Bußgeld! Dann stirb! (Fine! Then, Die!) "
Fetzer held his pistol and pointed at Neriah as he was pulling the trigger. The bullets flew towards the Azurean man when Andrea instantly pushed her boyfriend away. Suddenly, she got shot on the chest multiple times as the crimson blood splattered on her clothes. Neriah widened his eyes in shock and immediately carried her into his arms. She fell unconscious and bleeding as she finally breathed.
" ANDREA!! " he loudly wailed and wept. " NEIN!! "
" Sie ist nicht länger deine Sorge, Azhar! Du hast noch Tests und Missionen vor dir! (She's no longer your concern, Azhar! You still have tests and missions to do!) " Fetzer sternly spoke and held his pistol down.
" Sie hatte nichts falsch gemacht, du Narr! Sie hat mein Leben und meinen Verstand vor den schrecklichen Dingen gerettet, die Sie von mir verlangt haben! (She had done nothing wrong, you fool! She saved my life and sanity from those horrible things you asked me to do!) " Neriah heatedly spat and bitterly wept.
" Sie hat nichts Wertvolles, Azhar! Jetzt bitte ich Sie, sofort mit mir ins Labor zu kommen! (She has nothing of value, Azhar! Now, I ask you to come with me at the laboratory at once!) "
The blue skinned alien man wiped his teary face and dismantled the wall of his containment cell using his superstrength and cosmic radiant blasts. He immediately rushed away to escape from the madness of Oberst Fetzer.
" Verdammt! (Damn, you!) " the scarlet haired man furiously muttered and saw his subordinates and the scientists. " Schnappen Sie sich diesen blauen Mistkerl und sperren Sie ihn für weitere Tests ins Labor ein! Verstanden?! (Get that blue bastard and lock him up in the laboratory for further tests! Understood?!) "
" Ja wohl! " they saluted.
Neriah quickly rushed away from his containment cell and headed to the hallway finding the remnants of his spacecraft. He checked around the bunker to find where it was. Just then, he peeked at the doorway where it happened to be a storage room. Then, he inspected the place and started searching. Neriah looked at the rough wooden crate and opened it. He gasped in shock which he found that the parts of his spacecraft turned into a pile of junk and scraps. He heavily sighed in dismay.
" Verdammt, das wird langsam lächerlich! (Damn, this is getting ridiculous!) " he lowly said to himself and quickly ran away from the storage room.
" Da ist er! Erschieß ihn! (There, he is! Shoot him!) " the soldier called the blue alien man out.
Being spotted by the Nazi soldiers, Neriah was having some flashbacks of the Voturnite encounters back on his lost homeplanet. He recalled the day when he was all alone in the forest and being surrounded by the monstrous reptilian beasts who tried to kill him. This time, he knew what to do. The soldiers released their bullets coming from their projectile weapons. Neriah immediately averted from the strikes when he hovered away from the ground. The soldiers tried to shoot him as they could, but Neriah managed to dodge by flying. This time, they were losing bullets and becoming fearful to confront him.
Neriah radiated his both hands and gave them a powerful blast to subdue them all. Some of the soldiers were sent flying and burning. The grieving Intergalactic alien soldier became very vengeful and wanted to experience pain and suffering from what they had done. He kept targeting as he could to make them suffer tremendously. The soldiers were harshly burned and injured as they were yelling in pain.
Just behind him, a scientist had syringes and thought of injecting the blue alien with poison to die. Neriah instantly confronted the white coated man, grabbed the syringe, and crushed it with his bare hands.
" Was zum Teufel! (What the hell!) " he gasped in fear.
" Ich zeige euch allen, was die Hölle ist! (I'll show you all what's hell!) " Neriah sternly spoke and radiated his eyes with light to intimidate the scientist who ran away.
Just behind him, it was a very tall and muscular soldier who tightly grabbed him and attempted to choke him to his death. Neriah panted and coughed as he couldn't break free from the brute. Suddenly, he kicked his goliath opponent's gut giving him a powerful blow that would break his ribs. The soldier moaned and yelled in excruciating pain. The Azurean man instantly grabbed his opponent's left hand, backflipped, and threw him down giving him some serious injuries.
The remaining soldiers saw the chaos which Neriah had done. They brought their guns and readied to shoot him down. In a matter of milliseconds, Neriah had flown past them and grabbed their guns as he crushed them individually. They were terrified to deal with him. Then, he gave the first soldier a mighty uppercut punch on his face which the opponent had a nosebleed and bleeding gums.
Secondly, he made a low kick to the his fellow soldier and sent him flying. The Nazi soldier made a loud thud sound on the wall making him tremendously injured his back. The third one, however, was surrendering which he didn't want to fight the alien subject. Neriah grabbed the third soldier, carried him upward and violently threw him down on the floor. He was loudly yelling in pain as he felt like his bones and ligaments were breaking.
" Kommt schon, ihr kranken Bastarde! Kämpfe gegen mich! Ich gebe dir, was du wirklich verdienst, nach allem, was du mir, Andrea und den anderen Experimentatoren angetan hast! (Come on you, sick bastards! Fight me! I'll give you what you really deserve after all you have done to me, Andrea, and the other experimentees!) " the vengeful Azurean man heatedly growled.
Most of the soldiers couldn't respond since they were all seriously injured as some of them were killed with this blue skinned alien's violent outbursts. The other scientists were too afraid to confront him and escaping from him.
Oberst Reinhard Fetzer saw the chaotic environment which Neriah had done. The blue alien man turned around and dimmed his eyes as he thought of torturing him.
" Du hast meinen Geliebten getötet! Ich werde dich daz...(You killed my lover! I shall make you...) "
Fetzer nervously gulped in fear and picked up his pistol loading it. Neriah walked over to him as the Oberst was fearfully stepping away from him.
" Mach weiter, Fetzer! Erschieß mich! (Go ahead, Fetzer! Shoot me to death!) "
The scarlet haired mustached man pointed his pistol on his own head. Neriah widened his eyes in shock to see what the high ranking officer was doing. In a split-second, Oberst Fetzer instantly shot himself and fell down. The bullet on his cranium penetrated making him bleed to death. The Azurean man couldn't believe in what he was seeing. This place turned into a hellhole as he thought. He heavily sighed and thought of healing or reviving the man, but it was too late for him to do that.
Neriah took off the deceased man's clothes instead. Then, he removed his own clothes. He picked up some hair strands and a smear of blood on his left fingers. Then, he started uttering in his own language which it seemed like a prayer for the deceased.
Placing the hair strands into his blood-soiled left hand, Neriah intently looked again at the deceased Oberst and indignantly said, " Du siehst für mich vielleicht sehr unheimlich aus, Fetzer. Ich werde deine Gestalt als meine menschliche Erscheinung verwenden, aber ich werde deine Verbrechen nicht nachahmen. Ich werde deine Persönlichkeit zu einem guten Zweck wiederbeleben, aber ich werde nie vergessen, was du meiner Liebe angetan hast! (You may look very uncanny to me, Fetzer. I will use your form as my human appearance, but I won't emulate your crimes. I will revive your persona into good use, but I'll never forget what you have done to my love!) "
Then, he radiated his left hand with a bluish-white cosmic radiance. The hair strands and the blood smear from the late Oberst Fetzer had vanished into the light. Neriah's body began to illuminate and shone like the brightest star in the night sky. With this sudden transformation, the blue alien man was no longer present in the hallway. He became the exact clone of Reinhart Fetzer. Going into the bathroom, Neriah picked up the grey uniform, a white shirt, a long grey overcoat, and the pair of black leather boots. He instantly wore them and then went to the mirror, seeing the reflection or carbon copy of the mad Wehrmacht Heer colonel. Neriah heavily sighed and walked away from the bathroom.
Seeing the cold corpse of his beloved girlfriend, the pink skinned alien man knelt down and uttered a prayer in his own language. Then, he gently closed her eyes with his right hand, hugged her and passionately kissed her for the last time.
" Ich werde dich nie vergessen, meine Liebe. Ich werde deine liebevolle Erinnerung immer in Ehren halten und dich ehren. Ich werde für Ihre Gerechtigkeit gegen die Nazis kämpfen. (I'll never forget you, my love. I will always cherish your loving memory and honor you. I'm going to fight for your justice against the Nazis.) " he weepingly said. " Ich werde dich vermissen, Andrea. (I'll miss you, Andrea.) "
Neriah picked up his handkerchief from Fetzer's suit pocket and wiped his face. Then, he grabbed a white blanket from his storage room and covered Andrea's body, carrying her into his containment cell and lying her onto his bed. Then, he sadly sighed, paid his last respects to her and kissed his dearly beloved.
He picked up Oberst Fetzer's hat and immediately headed to the elevator pressing the ground floor. At the moment, he wore the hat and felt a sense of freedom which he didn't need to be afraid from being forced and threatened. He had let out a sigh and thought it would have been better if Andrea were still alive and joining him in his escape. He looked at the ceiling as the elevator door opened. Neriah stepped out and headed to the building's lobby going to the door.
Suddenly, there were men in grey and black uniforms saluting at him and thinking he was the real Fetzer. Neriah simply nodded at them and imitated the Oberst's demeanor.
" Mein Oberst, wir haben von den Wissenschaftlern einen Bericht über die Flucht und den Aufstand von NZDTLD-939 erhalten. Sollen wir weitermachen und mit der Suche nach ihm beginnen? (Mein Oberst, we received a report from the scientists about NZDTLD-939's escape and riot. Shall we go ahead and begin our search for him?) " the soldier in grey uniform asked.
Neriah inhibited his nervousness and remained in his cold disposition. Then, he nonchalantly replied, " Machen Sie einfach weiter und suchen Sie nach dem Aufenthaltsort dieses blauen Bastards. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass er sich im Bunker oder irgendwo im Labor versteckt hat. (Just go ahead and search for that blue bastard's whereabouts. I'm pretty sure he has been hiding within the bunker or somewhere in the lab.) "
" Aber was ist mit den anderen Probanden außer ihm? (But what about the other experimentees aside from him?) "
" Möglicherweise schliefen sie, während ihnen Drogen verabreicht wurden. Sie können sie auch überprüfen. Tun Sie einfach, was Sie alle tun müssen. (They might be sleeping as they were being drugged. You can check on them too. Just do what you all have to do.) "
The soldiers seemed to be surprised as they heard the 'Oberst'. They never realised about his cold and nonchalant behavior since they had already known that Fetzer was ruthlessly aggressive and ranting man. They exchanged glances before they could respond. Neriah cocked his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
" Solltet ihr nicht alle untersuchen, was passiert ist?! Stehen Sie einfach nicht da und tun Sie etwas! Verstanden?! (Aren't you all supposed to investigate what happened?! Just don't stand there and do something! Understood?!) " the pink skinned Azurean man heatedly growled imitating Fetzer's ranting tone.
" Ja, Herr! (Yes, sir!) "
The soldiers instantly went into the building as Neriah had left. He hurriedly walked away and avoided being noticed by the crowd. He headed to the streets of Berlin and sighed in relief.
" Hallo, Planet Erde. Endlich bin ich frei...(Hello, Planet Earth. I'm free at last...) " he lowly said to himself while walking and finding his way to spend the rest of the night for his freedom.
Heinrich Himmler:
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