Chapter 6
[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 2nd of November 1939, 9:27 AM]
Days after the Halloween Mission in Grunewald, Neriah ignored those people outside his containment cell and finished his supply of beer. He had been unsober and thinking of fighting those Nazi soldiers before he would escape.
While he was drinking a bottle of beer, he listened to the radio which the reporter mentioned of more than a thousand of Poles and Jews being abducted and executed around from the previous to the current month at the Valley of Death, in Fordon, Bydgoszcz, northern Poland. The Azurean man believed that the Nazis or the Gestapo were responsible for the murders. Recalling that evening in Grunewald, he reminded of that scenario which the Nazi officials had deceived the interstellar victims aside from him. He ended up grieving for them.
Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door. Neriah didn't care or even use his powers to sense the person from the outside. He picked up another bottle of beer and opened its lid as he started ingesting from his mouth to the throat. The sound from the door becoming persistent in knocking.
" Neriah, ich bin es, Andrea. Bist du da? (Neriah, it's me, Andrea. Are you there?) " a familiar female voice echoed from the door.
Neriah ignored her and continued drinking his alcoholic beverage. From the outside, Andrea was worried of what happened to her patient and boyfriend who remained locked-up.
" Hallo?! "
No response from NZDTLD-939 or Neriah Azhar. The blonde tutor and psychiatrist anxiously sighed and picked up the keys from her bag. She carefully unlocked and opened the door. To her horror, she widened her eyes seeing his room chaotic and untidy. There were several empty bottles of beer scattered around the place as the strong scent of alcohol was present inside. There were old newspapers and reading materials disorganizedly pilled-up as they were about to topple down anytime.
Neriah's disheveled appearance was also her concern as if he was wearing the same outfit from two days ago when he ventured in Grunewald. He had never taken a shower, shaven his face, nor changed his clothes.
" Oh, meine Güte! Was ist los mit dir?! (Oh, goodness! What's wrong with you?!) " Andrea gasped.
Neriah finished his bottle of beer and stood from his seat. Then, he was walking three steps forward and two steps backward. He loudly laughed and then accidentally tripped which his therapist and lover immediately caught his arms preventing him to fall down. Andrea heavily sighed and saw a drunken blue skinned extraterrestrial man not in his normal senses.
" Was ist los mit mir? Nichts! (What's wrong with me? Nothing!) " he flirtingly yelped and instantly placed his lips to his girlfriend.
Andrea blushed hard and got surprised to see her boyfriend's sudden action as she didn't know how to respond. Absolutely, it was her first kiss. Instead of slapping him on his face, she parted her arms from him and heavily sighed.
" Neriah, du bist betrunken! Hat das etwas mit der Mission im Grunewald zu tun?! Bitte sagen Sie mir! (Neriah, you're drunk! Is this something to do with that mission in Grunewald?! Please tell me!) " she replied with concern and raised her tone.
" Es gibt nichts zu besprechen, meine Liebe! Das liegt daran, dass es...niemanden wirklich interessiert, wenn Menschen sterben! (There's nothing to talk about, my love! It's because...nobody really cares if people die!) " he stressedly lamented.
Andrea remained silent when she heard her boyfriend's words. There were so many questions that she wanted to ask him what had transpired in that evening. Neriah remained nonspeaking when his tears instantly dropped from his eyes onto his face. She picked up a tissue from her bag and gently wiped his azure face. Neriah sadly looked at her and sobbed. He was wailing from his grief since two days ago. His girlfriend sighed and placed her arms around him.
The room was already consumed with lingering grief and sadness. Such moments of silence had observed the star-crossed couple. For Andrea, she needed more answers from her lover and decided to do some self-investigation before something could happen.
[SS Main Office, Prinz-Albrecht-Straße, Berlin, 12th of November, 1939: 1:34 PM]
Doctor Andrea Ziegler had arrived from the Heer Wehrmacht truck which she asked the soldiers to take her. The men in black wearing a red armband with a swastika saluted her. The blonde psychiatrist managed to wear smile inhibiting her disgust with them. She entered the building and reached to the receptionist's area.
A male SS Officer in his twenties turned his attention to her and warmly greeted, " Guten Tag, gnädige Frau. Was können wir für Sie tun? (Good afternoon, ma'am. What we can do for you?) "
Andrea composed her thoughts first and decided not to disclose about her Azurean boyfriend's encounter with the little grey men and brutish reptilian murderer. With that, she had a safe answer and simply smiled.
" Entschuldigen Sie, Sir. Wissen Sie, wo sich der Archivraum befindet? (Excuse me, sir. Do you know where the records room is?) " she curiously asked.
" Was ist Ihr Ziel, dorthin zu gehen? (What is your purpose of going there?) " he suspiciously raised his eyebrow and sternly glared at her.
Andrea gave him a convincing and confident smile and answered making excuses, " Außerdem habe ich bereits vor einer Woche mit Reichsführer Himmler gesprochen, als er mir die Erlaubnis erteilte, Ihre Unterlagen einzusehen. (Besides, I have already spoken to Reichsführer Himmler a week ago as he gave me a permission to check on your records.) "
The SS Officer and receptionist nervously gulped when he heard the name, Himmler being mentioned. He wryly chuckled and made a sweatbead, " Ja, gnädige Frau. Möglicherweise müssen Sie rechts abbiegen und den Flur hinuntergehen. Der Aktenraum befindet sich ganz in der hinteren Ecke. (Yes, ma'am. You may need to turn right going down the hallway. The records room is just at the very distant corner.) "
" Vielen Dank, Herr. (Thank you, sir.) "
" Gern geschehen. (You're welcome.) "
Andrea instantly left the receptionist and followed the instructions from him. Going there, it was a high ceiling and well-lighted place which it had an enormous clear window showing the sun and the nearby buildings. She saw the other men in black with red armband roaming around the place and managed to gave them a warm friendly smile. Just then, she reached the records room and realised the door was open which she entered.
The room was full of documents piled up as well as books within the shelves. The others were being placed inside the boxes. The blonde psychiatrist was ready to do a very meticulous scavenger hunt for truths and information. She started to search some files, documents, and books being archived before the Third Reich had started until the present time.
It took several minutes for her to look over and scan every shelf. She grew tired and sat on the chair as she gave up and exasperated sighed. Andrea's exploits seemed to be unsuccessful and unfulfilled like the fig tree that never bore any fruit. She instantly stood up and accidentally stepped a box which she tripped off. The psychiatrist flopped into the floor and moaned in pain which she slowly tried to stand up.
Looking closely at the box, she noticed the word, ' Klassifiziert ' on it and lowly said to herself, " Das muss es sein! Lassen Sie mich jetzt einen Blick darauf werfen, was drin ist. (This must be it! Now, let me have a look what's inside.) "
She carefully opened the box and inspected further. Inside it, there were documents containing the underground secret facility in Stuttgart just around few months ago, the existence of UFOs, and of course; NZDTLD-939 aka Blauer Engel des Todes.
" Meine Güte ... Neriah! Ich zeige ihm diese Akten am besten ganz schnell! (My goodness...Neriah! I'd better show these files to him real quick!) " she muttered to herself and carried the box.
[Moments Later: Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf]
The blue skinned alien intently read the documents about other extraterrestrials being experimented and contained as well as his own profile. He skimmed the details further and turned every pages which he needed to review and decipher.
" Alles, was sie wollen, ist unsere fortschrittliche Technologie, die sich stark von Ihrer Zivilisation unterscheidet, nicht wahr? (So, all they want is our advanced technology far different from your civilization, isn't that right?) " he kept reading and asked his girlfriend.
" Das habe ich über das Erlernen der SS geglaubt. Sie wollen diese fliegenden Untertassen und Raketenschiffe kopieren, um über die Erde hinaus zu reisen. (That's what I believed about learning the SS. They want to copy those flying saucers and rocket ships to travel beyond the Earth.) " she responded while sitting beside her alien boyfriend and theorized. " Die Nazis sind möglicherweise von mysteriösen Kreaturen besessen, die nicht von dieser. Welt sind Das. (The Nazis may have some obsessions of mysterious creatures out of this world. That could be the case.) "
" Es gibt noch mehr als das, Andrea. Ich habe diese Zeta-Retikulaner gesehen, die ebenfalls von den Nazis getäuscht wurden. Dann trafen wir im Wald auf dieses verdammte voturnitische Biest. Ich habe völlig verstanden, was das für eine Halloween-Mission bedeutete. Die Nazis und die SS bilden mich zu ihrer ultimativen Waffe für die Hinrichtung Ihres Volkes aus.(There's more than that, Andrea. I saw those Zeta Reticulans who also got deceived by the Nazis. Then, we encountered that damned Voturnite beast in the forest. I completely understood what that Halloween Mission meant. The Nazis and the SS are training me to become their ultimate weapon to execute your people.) "
" Meine güte! "
" Sie befahlen mir, die Stuttgarter Experimente als Test zu töten, und ließen mich glauben, ich müsse die anderen entlaufenen Menschen jagen. Wenn es mir gelingt, werde ich schon bald den Führer selbst treffen! (They ordered me to kill the Stuttgart experiments as a test and made me think I had to hunt the other run away humans. If I succeeded, then soon enough I'll be meeting the Fuhrer himself!) "
Andrea was in shock upon hearing her boyfriend's revelation. She didn't know how to take this in. Neriah secretly read his girlfriend's mind and gave her a concerned look while holding the files.
" Ich habe verstanden, dass du diese kleinen grauen Männer nie getötet hast. Es war dieses Monster, dein langjähriger Feind. (I understood that you never killed those little grey men. It was that monster, your long time enemy.) " she calmly broke her silence and queried. " Aber wenn der Führer jemals hier zu Besuch kommt, möchten Sie ihn dann sehen? (But if ever the Fuhrer visits here, will you like to see him?) "
" Verdammt, nein! (Damn, no!) " Neriah furiously exclaimed and explained. " Ich kann spüren, dass der Führer so rücksichtslos ist wie diese verdammten Voturniten, die meinen Planeten überfallen und zerstört haben! Ich habe gehört, dass er wirklich dafür verantwortlich ist, das Land Polen zu überfallen und zuzulassen, dass seine Männer Juden und Polen massakrieren! Das ist genau wie das, was mit meinem Heimatplaneten passiert ist. (I can sense the Fuhrer is ruthless as those damned Voturnites who invaded and destroyed my planet! I heard he's truly responsible for invading the country Poland and letting his men massacred the Jews and the Poles! This is just like what happened to my homeplanet.) "
" Es tut mir leid über deinen Verlust. (I'm sorry about your loss.) "
" Nein, es ist deine Schuld, Andrea. Es ist nur...dass...(No, it's your fault, Andrea. It's just...that ...) " the Azurean man sighed heavily and then ranted stressedly. " Ich kein Sklave der Nazis sein und mich in ihr blutiges Chaos einmischen möchte! (I don't want to be a slave for the Nazis and get involved with their bloody mess!) "
" Mir geht es genauso, Neriah. Ich habe es einfach satt, diesen sinnlosen Krieg zu sehen und zu hören. Wenn ich bei meinen Besuchen bei Ihnen die Soldaten und die SS sehe, habe ich das Gefühl, mein Magen bläht sich. Ich lächle weiterhin mit ihnen, aber am liebsten würde ich ihnen ins Gesicht spucken und kotzen. (I feel the same way too, Neriah. It's just I'm sick and tired of seeing and hearing about this senseless war. When I see the soldiers and the SS upon my visits to you, I feel like my stomach is bloating. I keep smiling with them, but I really want to spit and puke to their faces.)" she admitted.
Neriah cooked his left eyebrow and glared at his girlfriend which he found her response very intriguing and humorous. Then, he laughed and remarked," Du bist wirklich eine vernünftige und humorvolle Frau! (You are really a sensible and humorous woman!) "
" Ich mache keine Witze, meine Liebe! Ehrlich gesagt habe ich keine Lust mehr, hier zu arbeiten. Ich weiß, dass du nicht hier bleiben und der Henker sein willst, wie sie es von dir wollen. (I'm not even joking, my love! Honestly, I don't feel like working here anymore. I know you don't want to stay here and be the executioner as they want you to be.) " Andrea heavily sighed.
" Ich habe auch vor zu fliehen. Ich weiß nicht, ob diese Leute in grauen oder schwarzen Anzügen mir erlauben werden, einen weiteren Feldeinsatz wie im Grunewald zu machen.(I'm planning to escape, too. I don't know if those people in grey or black suits will be allowing me to do another field mission just like in Grunewald.) " Neriah replied.
" Ja. Ich komme mit dir, Neriah. Ich werde zuerst mit Fetzer sprechen und Ausreden finden, um Sie freizulassen. Wir werden weiter von Berlin entfernt sein. Ich möchte in die Schweiz, nach Südfrankreich oder Italien ziehen. Dann werden wir nach dem Krieg in das Vereinigte Königreich oder in die Vereinigten Staaten ziehen. Was denken Sie? (Ja. I'm coming with you, Neriah. I'll be talking to Fetzer first and making excuses to release you. We will be farther away from Berlin. I want to move to Switzerland, Southern France, or Italy. Then, we'll be moving to the United Kingdom or the United States after the war. What do you think?) " she asked.
Exploring the nations of the Planet Earth would be a very perfect escape during and after the war as the Azurean man had thought. Definitely, he would like to do that along with his lovely significant other. He sincerely smiled and truly liked the idea of running away from the Nazis and SS.
" Ich möchte wirklich deinen gesamten Planeten bereisen und mit dir das perfekte Zuhause finden, Andrea. Mal sehen, ob wir es gemeinsam schaffen. (I really want to travel your entire planet and find the perfect home with you, Andrea. Let's see if we can do it together.) " he gently cupped his girlfriend's smooth and soft pinkish face.
" Ich weiß, das werden wir, meine Liebe. (I know, we will, my love.) " she smiled back and held his hand which cupped her face.
Valley of Death (Bydgoszcz):
SS Main Office:
Heinrich Himmler:
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