Chapter 3

[Several Years Ago: Planet Azurea, Neo Alpheratz System, Andromeda Galaxy]

Neriah remained lying on the luscious purple grass and watched the starry evening sky. The bright and rosy nebulous arm of Andromeda was watching the planet. For the young Azurean boy, he smiled and took a deep breath in seeing the heavens. He was hoping if he could reach and travel around the galaxy and beyond

Just then, a taller adolescent lady who was two years older than him walked closer to her young sibling. She was crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrows with contempt.

" [Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in your bedroom, young man?] " his older sister sternly asked.

Neriah loudly laughed and replied, " [Reia, I didn't know you're here! What's wrong with me stargazing at the middle of the night?! You seem to be so grumpy like, father! ] "

Reia picked her brother's right ear tightly as Neriah screeched in excruciating pain. The boy quickly parted away from his older sibling. She heavily sighed and saw him wincing.

" [Fine! I'm sorry, but our parents will be mad at me for not telling you to go to sleep!] " she angrily spat and placed her hands on her waist.

" [I'm sorry too. I just really want to see and travel in different worlds aside from ours.] " Neriah humbly spoke.

Reia grew curious at him and asked, " [Why did you have to ponder about that?] "

" [Well, it's just because I want to see if there are people out there. You mean like, us?] "

His older sister became puzzled and let out a sigh. She sat beside her younger brother and gazed at the same view. Thinking about it, she could imagine and thought of other extraterrestrial civilizations outside the galaxy.

" [I really don't know, Neriah. I'm pretty sure you can find more answers very soon. Besides, the universe is a very huge place to discover.] " she said and intently grinned. " [Just make sure, you won't encounter the mad Voturnites in the future.] "

" [The…What?!] "

" [Nothing!] " she chuckled and helped him to stand up. " [Come on, let's go home and get some sleep, sleepy head!] "

[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 31st of January 1939, 4:06 PM]

" [ -]…."  Neriah angrily uttered and slowly opened his eyes as his vision became too blurry. He felt very light-headed and wobbingly sat-up. He already knew he was being drugged and experimented again.

Suddenly, he heard some hissing and growling inside his cell. The Azurean man instantly rubbed his with his fingers and got startled seeing a pack of wolves contained with him. They were slowly walking around in circles and barking at him. Neriah twitched his eyebrows and trembled to see such wild and hostile four legged canine creatures unfamiliar to him. He was hyperventilating and widening his eyes in fear. He could feel his adrenaline rushing around his body as his heart started to beat quickly.

" Was im Kosmos sind das?! (What in the Cosmos are these?!) "  he loudly exclaimed. " Hey, Menschen! Lass mich hier raus! Ich bitte Sie! HELFEN! (Hey, Humans! Let me out of here! I beg you! HELP!) "

No one in the containment cell could hear him. Neriah started to close his eyes as he sensed that the Nazi scientists  and soldiers were observing for the several time. He wanted to break out of this cell for good, however a wolf attempted to attack him.

Neriah was still stepping back. Just behind him, another male wolf was ready to pin him down and bite his leg. Out of hesitation and fear, the Azurean man instantly turned around and grabbed the male wolf's leg, crushing its bones. The wolf howled in excruciating pain and fell down.

The other wolves were about to release their fangs and readied to bite the blue man. Neriah grabbed the two of them and instantly broke their jaws. Just like their fellow, they also howled in pain.

Neriah didn't want to fight with them since he understood that they were also creatures on this planet. The remaining persistent ones were ready to take revenge against their blue skinned opponent. The female wolf jumped over him as her right paw and claw scratched the alien's face. Suddenly, a splatter of dark blue blood flowed and dropped on his face. Neriah was furious and wiping his wound using his right hand.

" [ --] ! "  he heatedly muttered when his hands radiated with bluish-white cosmic light. He blasted his canine attacker and sent her pushing away. She heavily bumped on the wall and fell unconscious.

The two remaining wolves became trembled to confront their opponent. Neriah was panting heavily and thinking of not to continue this madness.

" 939, töte die beiden Wölfe! Das ist ein Befehl! (939, kill the two wolves! That's an order!) "  a male voice echoed from the speakers attached on the wall.

" NEIN! Genug des Tötens! (NO! Enough killing!) " Neriah furiously spat.

" Dann wirst du resistent! Wenn du sie jetzt nicht tötest, wirst du einem Bären gegenüberstehen, der deinem Leben ein Ende setzt! ( You're becoming resistant then! Now, if you don't kill them, you will be facing a bear to end your life!) "

Neriah was becoming too conflicted upon hearing the Nazi officer's orders. He had already injured the four of them. The two remained afraid and never wanted to continue their attack. If he spared the two wolves from his next act, he would face his death sentence from a bear. If he killed them, he was ensuring his survival before thinking of a further escape.

" Es tut mir Leid….(I'm sorry….) "  the German speaking blue alien sadly muttered after heavily sighing.

He radiated his bluish-white cosmic energy from his hands for the second time and blasted the two remaining wolves as they were crisped into death. Neriah ceased his powers as his tears from his eyes fell into his face.

" Jetzt töte die anderen vier! (Now, kill the other four!) "  the male voice ordered once again.

"  Nein, das kann ich nicht! Genug! (No, I can't! Enough!) "  Neriah emotionally yelled and bitterly wept.

" Warum erweisen Sie diesen verdammten Raubtieren Gnade?! So wirst du deinen Gegnern gegenübertreten, um das Dritte Reich zu verherrlichen und den Sieg zu zeigen, Azhar! Jetzt musst du sie zu Ende bringen, sonst wirst du einem Bären gegenüberstehen, wenn du es nicht tust! (Why do you show mercy on these damned predators?! This is how you will face your opponents to glorify the Third Reich and show victory, Azhar! Now, finish them or else you will face a bear if you don't!) "

Neriah summoned again his cosmic energy from his hands. The four injured wolves had faced their ultimate demise when they had become ashes. The Azurean man fell onto his knees and wept silently.

" Gute Arbeit, Azhar! Erwarten Sie von nun an mehr Schulungen! (Good work, Azhar! Expect more training from now on!) "

"  Ausbildung?! Du experimentierst mit mir und lässt mich Kreaturen töten?! Das ist [ - ]! (Training?! You experiment me and let me kill creatures?! This is [--]!) " he furiously ranted.

The speakers on the wall never dared to respond. Just behind the training containment cell, it was Oberst Fetzer who ordered the extraterrestrial subject to kill those pack of wolves and gestured his soldiers to take him away. Following their superior's orders, they grabbed Neriah away like he was being dragged like an animal. They walked into the hallway and brought him back into his original containment cell.

[The Next Day]

Neriah sat down on the floor and thought of taking revenge against Fetzer and his men. He wanted to break free from this dismal cell. Looking around, he saw a mouse hole on the wall which gave an idea of how to blast this wall for good. He radiated his hands once again and attempted to create a huge hole.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door which it interrupted his plans of escape. He heavily sighed and turned around, ceasing his bright cosmic energy from his hands.

" Wer ist es? (Who is it?) " Neriah asked.

" Azhar, du hast einen Besucher, der dich sehen und mit dir sprechen muss. Sie wird Ihre Nachhilfelehrerin und Therapeutin sein. (Azhar, you have a visitor who needs to see and talk to you. She will be your tutor and therapist.) "  a female officer spoke from the outside.

" Lass sie rein…(Let her in…) "  he emotionlessly replied.

The door was opened when a red haired lady officer gestured a woman in her mid thirties to enter. She had a pair of icy blue eyes hiding from her clear spectacles. Her long blonde locks were fixed behind her head like a bread bun. She was wearing a long sleeved maroon dress and a pair of strapped black high-heeled pointed shoes. She held a large black leather bag and gave a warm smile to the attending lady officer and turned to Neriah. The red headed woman nodded and closed the door, letting them be.

" Hallo, Sie müssen Neriah Azhar oder NZDTLD-939 sein. (Hello, you must be Neriah Azhar or NZDTLD-939.) " the blonde woman smiled warmly at him.

" Ja, " the Azurean man nonchalantly spoke and nodded.

" Ich bin Doktor Andrea Ziegler. Ich werde etwa sechs bis neun Monate lang Ihr Therapeut und Sprachlehrer sein. Schön, Sie kennenzulernen, Herr Azhar. (I'm Doctor Andrea Ziegler. I'm going to be your therapist and language tutor for around six to nine months. It's good to meet you, Herr Azhar.) "

Doctor Ziegler offered a handshake to her blue alien patient and student. Neriah curiously tilted his head becoming unfamiliar to the woman's greeting gesture. He secretly started reading her mind and suspiciously stared at her.

Andrea looked concerned at him and grew perplexed. Then, she said, " Es tut mir leid, Herr Azhar. Ich wollte dich nicht so verletzen wie die anderen, die mit dir experimentiert haben. (My apologies, Herr Azhar. I didn't mean to hurt you like the others who experimented you.) "

" Nein, du hast ein gutes Herz, Andrea. Sie sind Wilde. (Nein, you have good heart, Andrea. They are savages.) "  Neriah broke his silence after reading her mind and shook hands with her.

" Danke schön. Stört es Sie, wenn ich Sie mit Ihrem Vornamen ansprechen darf? (Thank you. Mind if I can address you with your given name?) " she asked politely.

" Ja, nenn mich bitte besser Neriah. (Ja, better call me Neriah, please.) "

" Klar, Neriah. (Sure, Neriah.) "

Just then, she noticed there were no tables and chairs nor a bed for the Azurean man to sit or sleep. Andrea heavily sighed and carefully sat down on the floor. Neriah also sat.

" Sie haben keinen Stuhl, keinen Tisch und kein Bett? (You don't have a chair or a table and bed?) " she asked with concern.

" Was sind das? (What are those?) "

"  Ein Bett ist der Ort, an dem man sich hinlegt und schläft. Manchmal, wenn Sie krank werden, ist dies der Ort, an dem Sie sich ausruhen können. (A bed is where you lie down and sleep. Sometimes, when you get sick, this is where you rest.) " the therapist-tutor explained. " Auf einem Stuhl sitzt man. An einem Tisch wird gegessen, gearbeitet und gelernt. Man nennt sie Möbel. (A chair is where you sit. A table is where you eat, work, and study. They are called furniture.) "

Neriah heard her explanation and mentally translated into his own language as he understood. Then, he recalled having those in his lost home planet from his younger years to the Azurean Army days.

" Bett, Tisch und Stuhl. Die hatte ich auf meinem Heimatplaneten. Sie sind in der Tat nützlich, Andrea. (Bed, Table, and Chair. I had those in my home planet. They are indeed useful, Andrea.) "  he confirmed and nodded.

" Sehr gut. (Very well.) "

" Ich habe keine Möbel. Deine Leute behandeln mich wie ein wildes Tier. (I don't have furniture. Your people treat me like a wild animal.) " he sadly sighed and bowed his head.

Andrea heard her patient and student's response as she heavily sighed. She was processing her words before she could speak.

" Es tut mir leid, wenn Sie das durchgemacht haben. Ich weiß, dass Sie sehr verärgert sind über die Art und Weise, wie Sie behandelt wurden. Dieses Mal werde ich Ihnen helfen und Sie unsere Sprache und dann Englisch lernen lassen. Natürlich würde ich auch gerne mehr über dich erfahren, wenn es für dich in Ordnung ist?) I'm sorry if you had gone through with this. I know you are very upset for such treatment you have endured. This time, I'm going to help you and let you learn our language and then English. Of course, I would like to get you know more about you as well, if it's fine with you?) "

" Ja…Danke schön, Andrea. "  Neriah nodded and sincerely smiled.

" Übrigens, für einen fremden Mann wie dich scheint dein Deutsch gut und verständlich zu sein. Wie hast du meine Sprache gelernt? (By the way, for an alien man like you, your German seems to be good and understandable. How did you learn my language?) "  she asked curiously before taking her pen and journal.

" Ich hörte von Soldaten, Wissenschaftlern, Mad Fetzer und dem Führer in der Loge, ahmte sie nach und übersetzte sie manchmal in meinem Kopf in meine seltsame Sprache. Ich möchte mehr über dein Volk und deinen Planeten erfahren, Andrea. (I heard from soldiers, scientist, Mad Fetzer, and the Führer in the box, imitate them, and sometimes translate them into my weird language in my mind. I want to know more about your people and planet, Andrea.) "  he determinedly spoke.

" Wunderbar! Das ist großartig! (Wonderful! That's awesome!) " the blonde therapist-tutor exclaimed and wrote her first observations with her patient-student. " Sie werden viel lernen, wenn Sie hier bleiben. Wie auch immer, du bist nicht von hier, nehme ich an? (You will learn alot when you remain here. Anyway, you're not from here, I presume?) "

" Ja, ich komme vom Planeten Azurea, Neo-Alpheratz-System, Andromeda-Galaxie. (Ja, I'm from Planet Azurea, Neo Alpheratz System, Andromeda Galaxy.) "  he nodded and depressingly bowed his head. " Mein Heimatplanet ist völlig verschwunden. (My home planet is totally gone.) "

"  Es tut mir leid, wenn ich das gefragt habe…(I'm sorry if I have asked that…) "  she paused.

"  Nein, nicht deine Schuld, Andrea. Ich lande auf deinem Planeten und möchte Deutsch lernen. Bitte (Nein, not your fault, Andrea. I land on your planet and want to learn Deutsch. Please.) "

Andrea heard the Azurean exile's determination to learn her native tongue. She paused writing and placed her pen and journal beside her. Then, she placed her both hands on her lap.

" Wenn das der Fall ist, werde ich Ihnen neben dem Erlernen der Grundlagen auch dabei helfen, Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu verbessern. Dann bin ich bereit, es dir beizubringen. (If that's the case, it seems I will help you polish your communication skills aside from learning the basics. I'm willing to teach you then.) " she sincerely smiled.

"  Danke schön, Andrea! " Neriah smiled back and joyfully exclaimed.

" Gern geschehen, Neriah. (You're welcome, Neriah.) "

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