Chapter 2
[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 30th of January 1939, 10:32 AM]
" Heute kann ich diesen Herren nur versichern, dass wir dank der brutalen Erziehung, mit der uns die Demokratien fünfzehn Jahre lang begünstigt haben, gegenüber allen Angriffen der Gefühle völlig abgehärtet sind. Nachdem am Ende des Krieges mehr als achthunderttausend Kinder der Nation an Hunger und Unterernährung gestorben waren, mussten wir miterleben, wie fast eine Million Milchkühe von uns vertrieben wurden, gemäß den grausamen Paragraphen eines Diktats, das die humane Demokratie erlassen hatte Die Apostel der Welt haben uns einen Friedensvertrag aufgezwungen. Wir haben miterlebt, wie über eine Million deutsche Kriegsgefangene nach Kriegsende ein ganzes Jahr lang ohne jeglichen Grund in Gewahrsam gehalten wurden. Wir haben miterlebt, wie über eineinhalb Millionen Deutsche in den an unseren Grenzen gelegenen Gebieten ihres gesamten Besitzes beraubt und praktisch nur noch mit dem, was sie auf dem Rücken trugen, ausgepeitscht wurden. Wir mussten es ertragen, dass Millionen unserer Landsleute uns ohne ihre Zustimmung entrissen wurden und ihnen nicht die geringste Existenzmöglichkeit gewährt wurde. Ich könnte diese Beispiele durch Dutzende der grausamsten Art ergänzen. Aus diesem Grund bitten wir darum, von sentimentalem Gerede verschont zu bleiben. (Today, I can only assure these gentlemen that, thanks to the brutal education with which the democracies favored us for fifteen years, we are completely hardened to all attacks of sentiment. After more than eight hundred thousand children of the nation had died of hunger and undernourishment at the close of the War, we witnessed almost one million head of milking cows being driven away from us in accordance with the cruel paragraphs of a dictate which the humane democratic apostles of the world forced upon us as a peace treaty. We witnessed over one million German prisoners of war being retained in confinement for no reason at all for a whole year after the War was ended. We witnessed over one and a half million Germans being torn away from all that they possessed in the territories lying on our frontiers, and being whipped out with practically only what they wore on their backs. We had to endure having millions of our fellow countrymen torn from us without their consent, and without their being afforded the slightest possibility of existence. I could supplement these examples with dozens of the most cruel kind. For this reason we ask to be spared all sentimental talk.) "
The Azurean subject in dark pajamas sat peacefully and continued listening from Adolf Hitler's speech from the radio outside his containment cell and grew curious, although he didn't fully understand it. He thought of copying the words into his mind by repeating them.
For the past several days, he experienced being harshly experimented by soldiers and scientists. The starman had no choice, but to comply with them which he ended up wounded and bruised. Diverting his fear, he decided to read his minds and imitate their speech in German aside from listening into their conversation and picking up some words. This was the only way which he could assimilate into this planet.
" W-w-wir….(W-w-we…) " he struggled to pronounce the word and managed to imitate the strong Terran accent from the dictator. Speaking in consonants was a very tremendous challenge for him. " W-wir! Wiiir! Wir! Wir! Wir! "
" Die deutsche Nation wünscht nicht, dass ihre Interessen von einer fremden Nation bestimmt und kontrolliert werden. Frankreich an die Franzosen, England an die Engländer, Amerika an die Amerikaner und Deutschland an die Deutschen. Wir sind entschlossen, die Ansiedlung eines fremden Volkes in unserem Land zu verhindern, das in der Lage wäre, alle Führungspositionen im Land an sich zu reißen, und es zu verdrängen.(The German nation does not wish its interests to be determined and controlled by any foreign nation. France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to the Germans. We are resolved to prevent the settlement in our country of a strange people which was capable of snatching for itself all the leading positions in the land, and to oust it.) "
" D-D-Deutsche…Deutsche. F-Frank-krei-ch….Frank-kreich…Frankreich. F-Franzo-ssen…F-Franzosen…Franzosen. A-Amerikka…Amerika. Die Amerikaner! D-Deutschland! Deutschland! " the blue alien continued practising it and chanted those German phrases. " Wir Deutsche, Frankreich, Franzosen, Amerika. Die Amerikaner! Deutschland! "
" Denn es ist unser Wille, unsere eigene Nation für diese Führungspositionen auszubilden. Wir haben Hunderttausende sehr intelligenter Kinder von Bauern und der Arbeiterklasse. Wir werden dafür sorgen, dass sie gebildet werden – tatsächlich haben wir bereits damit begonnen, und wir wünschen uns, dass sie eines Tages und nicht die Vertreter einer fremden Rasse zusammen mit unseren gebildeten Klassen die führenden Positionen im Staat bekleiden. Vor allem ist die deutsche Kultur, wie schon der Name zeigt, deutsch und nicht jüdisch, und daher wird ihre Verwaltung und Pflege den Angehörigen unserer eigenen Nation anvertraut. Wenn der Rest der Welt mit heuchlerischer Miene gegen diese barbarische Vertreibung eines so unersetzlichen und kulturell wertvollen Elements aus Deutschland aufschreit, können wir uns nur über die Schlussfolgerungen wundern, die sie aus dieser Situation ziehen. (For it is our will to educate our own nation for these leading positions. We have hundreds of thousands of very intelligent children of peasants and of the working classes. We shall have them educated - in fact we have already begun and we wish that one day they, and not the representatives of an alien race, may hold the leading positions in the State together with our educated classes. Above all, German culture, as its name alone shows, is German and not Jewish, and therefore its management and care will be entrusted to members of our own nation. If the rest of the world cries out with a hypocritical mien against this barbaric expulsion from Germany of such an irreplaceable and culturally eminently valuable element, we can only be astonished at the conclusions they draw from this situation.) "
" Wille! Wille! Wille! (Will! Will! Will) " the alien happily exclaimed and chanted. " Wir Deutsche, Frankreich, Franzosen, Amerika. Die Amerikaner! Deutschland! Wille!"
Just from the outside, the German soldiers overheard the extraterrestrial chanted those words coming from the Führer. They exchanged glances and cocked their eyebrows.
" Warum hat dieser blaue [ - ] die Rede des Führers nachgeahmt? (Why did that blue [-] imitate the Führer's speech?) " the private in grey suit curiously asked.
" Es ist seine Art, Deutsch zu lernen. Wer weiß, er wird einer von uns sein! (It's his way to learn German. Who knows, he will be one of us!) " his fellow grinned and snickered hearing the alien speaking and repeating the phrases.
As the speech was finished, the blue space alien subject tried to comprehend and translate the strange Terran words in his language. At first, it was too difficult for him. He was furiously frowning and scratching his forehead.
" Ich glaube nicht, dass er jemals so fließend sprechen würde wie wir. (I don't think he would ever speak fluently just like us.) " the soldier sardonically spoke and watched the subject getting confused. " Dieser blaue [ — ] ist wie ein hirnloses Kleinkind! Wir werden ihm beibringen, in unserer Sprache zu dissen! (That blue [—] is like a mindless toddler! We shall teach him how to diss in our language!) "
" Gute Idee, mein Freund! (Good idea, my friend!) " his fellow laughed.
The Azurean man overheard the conversation of the two soldiers and tried to read their minds. He widened his eyes in shock and knew what they meant. He sat silently and started to compose his thoughts before responding to them.
" Ich [live in a] Land [called] Deutschland? (I live in a nation called Deutschland?) " he awkwardly asked them in both German and his strange mother tongue.
The two Nazi soldiers shared glances, snickered, and loudly laughed which they found him too ridiculous. They heard the combination of cetacean sound and human German speech. The Azurean cocked his eyebrows and tilted his head in annoyance. He heavily sighed and gloomily bowed his head.
" Versuchen Sie, wie wir zu sprechen, ja oder nein? (Are you trying to speak like us, yes or no? ) " the soldier tauntingly asked.
The Azurean man tried to discern their emotions and words. He knew they were mocking him. He frowned and glared at them. They ignored him and continued to laugh. In the alien's mind, he was translating their statements into his language.
" Ja, Ich versuche Deutsch zu sprechen! (I try speak Deutsch!) " he sternly spoke and continued with his unearthly tongue and angry broken German. " Ich [really didn't know why] Ich [got here] auf diesen Planeten gekommen bin! Ihr Menschen ekelt [me]! (I really didn't know why I got here on this planet! You humans disgust me!) "
The grey suited men heard the two combined languages from the infuriated extraterrestrial. They were loudly laughing like wild hyenas in the African safari. The blue skinned one thought of retaliating the idiots, however he noticed the blonde one had ceased his laughter. His brunette partner ceased yelped and slapped his tummy as he didn't care to insult their subject.
" Du, blauer Mann, wie heißt du? (You, blue man, what's your name?) " the blonde officer sternly asked.
The Azurean man tried to interpret the Nazi Wehrmacht officer's question and read his mind, trying to understand and composing his thoughts The soldier curiously raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. He couldn't tolerate such waiting for a couple of minutes and staring at the extraterrestrial.
" [ - ]! Kannst du nicht einmal verstehen, was ich sage?! Sie wiederholen nur die Worte des Führers von vorhin und lernen unsere Sprache! Ich frage dich nach deinem Namen, [-]! ( [ - ]! Can't you even understand what I am saying?! You're just repeating the Führer's words earlier and learning our language! I am asking your name, [- ]!) "
" mein Namen, ja? (My name, yes?) " the Azurean man calmly asked and sternly shot a glare to the soldier. " Ich….Neriah Azhar….Planet Azurea…Andromeda-Galaxie….(I…Neriah Azhar…Planet Azurea…Andromeda Galaxy.) " Then, he pointed at the ceiling using his left index finger and angrily continued his rant in his own language. " [Your people kept on doing so many experiments on me?! Are you all even happy to hurt me even lost my home?! You're nothing like the [—]Voturnites!] "
" Ich weiß, dass du nicht von diesem Planeten bist, aber ich verstehe nicht, was du sagst! (I know you're not from this planet, but I don't understand what you're saying!) " the blonde officer harshly spat
" Warum hast du mich verletzt?! Was willst du?! (Why you hurt me?! What you want?!) " Neriah heatedly queried. " Ich lerne…spreche Deutsch! (I learn…speak German!) "
The two soldiers remained silent as they frowned and stared at him. They couldn't disclose their true intentions for keeping him in the underground. Neriah sternly glared at them and angrily clenched his fists.
" Keine Antworten…Ich akzeptiere nicht! (No answers…I not accept!) " Neriah indignantly spoke and combined with his unearthly mother tongue, flashing his eyes with bluish white light and intimidating them. " Du [and everyone including] die Führer [will rot] in der [H]! You and eveyone including the Führer will rot in [h]!) "
[Moments Later: Oberst Fetzer's Office]
" Mein Oberst, unser außerirdisches Subjekt NZDTLD-0939 hat sich als Neriah Azhar vom Planeten Azurea in der Andromeda-Galaxie identifiziert. (Mein Oberst, our extraterrestrial subject NZDTLD-0939 has identified himself as Neriah Azhar from Planet Azurea in Andromeda Galaxy.) " the blonde subordinate informed and stood in front of the redheaded moustached high ranking officer.
" Nach siebenundzwanzig Tagen des Experimentierens hat sich dieser [ -] endlich zurechtgefunden. (Finally, that [-] has come to identify himself after twenty-seven days of experimentation.) " Fetzer evilly grinned and asked. " Gibt es nun irgendwelche Entwicklungen von ihm? (Now, any developments from him?) "
" Er hört sich im Radio die Reichstagsrede des Führers an und ahmt diese Worte nach. Meine Theorie ist, dass er gelernt hat, mit uns auf Deutsch zu kommunizieren. Für mich scheint er unwürdig und unintelligent genug zu sein. (He's listening to the Fuhrer's Reichstag speech in the radio and imitating those words from him. My theory is he has been learning to communicate with us in German. For me, he seems to be unworthy and unintelligent enough.) "
Fetzer listened intentively and smirked. He truly imagined how Neriah Azhar or NZDTLD-0939 could speak in a new different language. The Oberst clasped his fingers and started to laugh loudly. Then, he was pounding and banging his wooden desk.
" Dieser [ -] aus dem Weltraum versucht, unsere Sprache zu sprechen! Darauf habe ich gewartet, nachdem ich ihn siebenundzwanzig Tage lang gefoltert und unter Drogen gesetzt habe! Das ist wunderbar, Kapitän Köenig! (That [-]from outer space is trying to speak our language! I have been waiting for this after twenty seven days of torturing and drugging him! That's wonderful, Captain Köenig!) "
" Warum hast du das gesagt? (Why did you say so?) " Köenig asked.
" Wir hatten ihn in seinen ersten Wochen dieser Schwefelgaskammer ausgesetzt! Dennoch gelang es ihm zu überleben! (We had exposed him into that sulfuric gas chamber in his first weeks! Yet, he managed to survive!) " Fetzer replied and raised his left hand in interjection.
" Sie stellen ihn also auf die Probe, um seine jenseitigen Fähigkeiten freizusetzen? (So, you're testing him to unleash his otherworldly abilities?) "
" Ja, wir lassen diesen 0939 leiden und werden zum Übermenschen! (We are letting that 0939 suffer and become an übermensch!) "
Köenig remained silent and listened further when he instantly sat down. Fetzer was reviewing the documents from the scientists and intently reading them. Then, he came up an idea before speaking up. Köenig was still silently waiting for his superior officer's response. The red headed colonel instantly smirked.
" Nicht nur ein Übermensch, sondern ein Blauer Engel des Todes und der Zerstörung. (Not just an ubermensch, but a Blue Angel of Death and Destruction.) " he interjected.
" Ich verstehe, dass 939 die Macht hat, aus den Himmeln zu kommen. Unsere Wissenschaftler tun ihr Bestes für weitere Experimente. ( I understand that 939 is an empowered being from the skies. Our scientists are doing their best for further experimentations.) " Köenig responded and asked. " Glauben Sie, dass wir ihm helfen können, zuerst in unserer Sprache zu kommunizieren und seine Herkunft zu finden? (Do you think we can help him to communicate in our language first and find his origins?) "
" Ja, ich habe die Psychiaterin Dr. Andrea Ziegler eingeladen, morgen 939 zu beobachten, bevor sie ihn zu seiner ersten Therapie und zum Sprachenlernen treffen wird. Von dort aus können wir weitere Erkenntnisse über den Blue [ -] gewinnen, um ihn zu einer ultimativen Maschine zu machen.(Yes, I have invited the psychiatrist, Dr. Andrea Ziegler to observe 939 tomorrow, before she will meet him for his first therapy and language learning. From there, we can get more findings about the Blue [-] before we can make him as an ultimate machine.) " Fetzer replied and clasped his hands, leaning on his smooth wooden desk piled with folders and paperworks. " Behalten Sie einfach Azhar oder 939 im Auge, bevor er die Flucht wagt. Verstanden? (Just keep an eye on Azhar or 939, before he would dare to his escape. Understood?) "
" Ja, verstanden, mein Oberst. (Yes, understood, mein Oberst.) "
Neriah was eating a slice of wheat bread and a glass of water as his breakfast which one of the soldiers had given him. In his peaceful morning, he recalled his childhood days from his lost home planet and enjoyed his time with his nine older siblings and his parents in eating breakfast. He sadly thought and silently while chewing his bread. He missed his own family and world before the Voturnites arrived and invaded.
This time, he was all alone living on a barbaric and primitive planet. For the past several days, all he could see was stern and tough humans and hear their angry sounding language. He realised that his new journey to this world was being contained and harshly experimented by them. He wondered if he could find a way to escape from his four cornered cell and discover this planet on his own.
Suddenly, there was loud knock on the door which Neriah was halfway finished from his breakfast. Then, he instantly wiped his face with his left forearm, drank his glass of water, slowly stood up, and opened the door.
" Du suchst…(You look for…) " Neriah paused, thought of the word, and curiously continued. " …Mich? (Me?) "
" Ja, es ist Zeit, einen wichtigen Termin für Sie zu vereinbaren. (Yeah, it's time to get you an important appointment.) " the blonde soldier Köenig emotionlessly responded.
" Wichtiger Termin? (Important appointment?) " the blue skinned prisoner curiously repeated the word and started to utter in his unearthly language.
" Hör einfach auf, Azhar! Wagen Sie es nicht einmal, mit dieser nervigen Sprache zu antworten! (Just stop, Azhar! Don't you even dare to respond with that annoying language!) " Köenig yelled angrily.
Neriah read the soldier's mind and mentally translated the statement into his mother tongue. Then, he thought of responding him in German and picked up the word for his apologies which he heard from the scientists several days ago. He shamefully bowed his head and heavily sighed.
" E-E-Entschuldigung….(S-S-Sorry…) " the Azurean man shakingly spoke and nodded.
" Eines Tages werden Sie einen Arzt und einen Deutschlehrer aufsuchen, um sich auf Ihren Aufenthalt in diesem Land, ich meine auf dem Planeten, vorzubereiten. Sie werden auch lernen, mit unseren Feinden Englisch zu sprechen. Verstanden? (You will be seeing a doctor and a German language teacher one of these days to equip you in your stay in this country, I mean planet. You will be also learning to speak English to our enemies. Understood?) "
" Verstanden. (Understood.) "
Neriah followed his blonde and grey suited guardian and headed to the hallway. He moved his head and intently looked at the other people who were dressed in a striped pajamas being watched by the same men in grey suits. Then, the Azurean experimentee noticed another man dressed in a formal jet black uniform with a scarlet armband showing a white circle with a swastika walking around the premise. Neriah secretly read the man in black's mind and widened his eyes in horror which he wanted to keep it to himself. Köenig furiously shot a glare to the blue alien and called his attention.
" Sind Sie neugierig mit diesem SS-Offizier, Azhar?! (Are you prying with that SS officer, Azhar?!) "
" N-Nein…nichts…(N-No…nothing…) " Neriah nonchalantly responded.
Köenig stepped forcefully on the Azurean man's left foot and punched on the gut. Neriah frowned and moaned in excruciating pain, heatedly glaring at his ruthless companion and guardian. The blonde Heer officer mercilessly stared and crossed his arms.
" Kümmere dich um deine Angelegenheiten und lass uns gehen, [- ]! (Mind your business and let's go, [-]!) " he growled and tightly grabbed Neriah's left arm, dragging him away.
Reaching the laboratory and examination area, Fetzer, the high ranking SS officer, and the other scientists. Along with them, a blonde bespectacled woman in her thirties observed. Neriah was found lying on an examination table as he was tightly strapped with some harnesses.
He was sweating in fear when he realised it was another experimentation day. A middle aged bald Nazi doctor and scientist dressed in white was holding a 30 ml syringe containing a radioactive hydrogen liquid.
Neriah turned his attention to the expert and read his mind which he saw the doctor and scientists's intentions. He was trying to break free and fearfully yelling in Azurean and a few phrases in German.
" Nein! Nein! Nein! " he loudly exclaimed and kept his arms and legs moving away and attempting to escape. " [Don't you dare again to do this to me! Let me go!] Lass mich…gehen! Stoppen! (Let me…go! Stop!) "
The Nazi doctor and scientist ignored the Azurean man's angry rants, tapped the syringe, and removed the cap. He quickly struck the needle to the subject's left deltoid. Neriah wanted to fight back, but the radioactive liquid penetrated and rushed into the bloodstream. In a couple of minutes, Neriah's eyes dimmed and slowly closed. He fell into a deep sleep and grew unaware of what would happen next.
Note: Monsieur Gabriel David Lumiere aka 939 or Neriah Azhar is speaking in broken German. The dialogue in brackets is an English translation of a non-human language which sounds like a dolphin or whale call. So for world building purposes, Azurean language had no distinct speech or specific words like any Earth language. You may notice that in the first and second chapter of the series.
Excerpts from Hitler's Reichstag Speech:
Translated in Google Translate German
Adolf Hitler:
Schutzstaffel (SS):
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