Chapter 11
[Besançon, France, 24th of June, 1940: 7:25 AM]
The Lumiere family had spent in hiding and travelling away from the German soldiers which they had gone into forests and abandoned houses. Gabriel was very vigilant to look after the children and their grandparents. They had been sticking together during this trip to Limoges. There were times that they grew tired of walking as they made further stop-overs from Alsace to Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. There were times that they joined with some weary travellers along the way. They had heard of the news from the exiles as the family grew worried about what would possibly happen in France. While journeying with them, the pink skinned Azurean man learned about the family and grew interested in listening. Then, he also shared his experiences back in his lost home planet and his stay on Earth. With such conversations, they got to know each other as Gabriel has been a part of the Lumière family.
Finally, they had arrived at the six hills of this city where the long curvy river Doubs was found. There were trees surrounding the place. They could see some centuries old buildings. Alderic and Charlotte seemed to grow worried as they saw men in grey suits roaming around the place. Jules and Colette remained with their three adult family members as they were afraid to confront another German soldier on their way.
This time, they entered the city and looked for an inn where they could live for a while. Gabriel moved his head around and frowned when he saw the same despicable people he had met in Berlin. He was still keeping an eye on his new family and the surroundings.
Just then, they were confronted by a high-ranking official in a grey suit. Gabriel recognised the blonde man who stood in front of him and secretly read his mind that he knew something about him back in Berlin. This time, he had to pretend to be very oblivious and couldn’t understand any German word he had known. His family grew worried of what the pink skinned Azurean man would do.
“ Guten Morgen, Sir. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? (Good morning, sir. Do you speak German?) “ the officer smiled and asked politely.
“ Je suis désolé, qu'as-tu dit? (I’m sorry. What did you say?) “ the Azurean man raised his eyebrows and tilted his head as if he was pretending to be lost in translation.
“ Mes excuses. Vous parlez tous en français. Comment pouvez-vous tous nous aider? (My apologies. You all speak in French. How can you help you all?) “
Gabriel could sense his adoptive parents, nephew, and niece’s sudden internal conflict to meet a German officer. He knew that he and his family would be harmed by the Nazis. He remained silent before he could speak up. The blonde German officer waited for the bearded man’s response. The Azurean man managed to slightly smile, inhibiting his disgust and hatred for the official.
“ Nous cherchons juste une auberge à proximité avant que ma famille et moi puissions quitter la ville demain. Sais-tu où nous pourrions loger? (It's just that we are looking for a nearby inn before my family and I can leave the city by tomorrow. Do you know where we could stay?) “ Gabriel politely asked.
“ Ah, vous êtes des voyageurs! Je vois! (Ah, you're travelers! I see!) “
“ Ouais, est-ce que tu connais l'endroit par hasard? (Yeah, do you happen to know the place?) “ the pink skinned man queried.
The blonde man loudly laughed as Gabriel and his family exchanged glances and found him very ludicrous. The bearded humanoid alien just intently stared at him and waited for the officer to answer his question.
“ Oh, je suis désolé. Nous n'autorisons plus les touristes à séjourner dans la ville, à moins que vous ne soyez un allié. (Oh, I'm sorry. We;re no longer allowing tourists to stay in the city, unless you are allied to us.) “
“ Verdammt, was in aller Welt?! Diese Bastarde haben den Waffenstillstand unterzeichnet! Es ist keine gute Idee, hier zu bleiben. Es muss doch einen Weg geben, diese verdammten Nazis auszutricksen! (Dammit, What on Earth?! Those bastards signed the Armistice! This is not a good idea to stay here. There's gotta be a way to outsmart these damned Nazis!) “ the pink skinned Azurean man angrily thought and frowned as he turned to his anxious family.
“ Est-ce que ça va, monsieur? (Are you okay?) “
Gabriel changed his demeanor and gave the officer a slight grin, “ Non, rien, monsieur. Ce sont juste mes parents, mon neveu, ma nièce et moi qui avons besoin d'un endroit temporaire où loger avant de partir dans le sud de la France.(No, nothing sir. It's just my parents, nephew, niece, and I need a temporary place to stay before we go to Southern France.) “
“ Oui, “ Aldèric nodded and broke his silence, trying to convince the officer. “ Mon fils nous aide à organiser un voyage. Peut-être savez-vous où nous pourrions loger jusqu'à notre départ demain. (My son is helping us out on a trip. Perhaps, you know where we could stay until we leave tomorrow.) “
“ Je suis désolé. Nous sommes arrivés ici il y a environ trois semaines. Nous ne sommes même pas sûrs qu'il y ait une auberge disponible à ce stade. Pourquoi ne pas y jeter un œil par vous-mêmes. Vous aurez de la chance si vous parvenez à en trouver une. (I'm sorry. We were just new here around three weeks ago. We are not even sure if there will be an available inn opening at this stage. Why don't you look at that for yourselves. You'll be lucky if you can find one.) “ the Nazi officer nonchalantly answered.
Gabriel looked at his adoptive father and felt sorry for him. Then, he sternly glared at the blonde German to his disgust and secretly read the man's mind which he already knew that the Nazi were still looking for him aside from occupying this country. The blonde officer turned his attention to the pink skinned humanoid alien's face and eyes which he grew puzzled about and found an uncanny resemblance to the late Oberst Reinhart Fetzer's appearance.
“ Dites-moi, monsieur. Nous sommes-nous déjà rencontrés? (Tell me, sir. Have we met before?) “ he curiously asked.
“ Je ne crois pas, monsieur. Je reviens tout juste d'Alsace et j'ai retrouvé ma famille là-bas. De plus, nous sommes ici pour rester temporairement jusqu'à notre prochaine destination. Et c'est tout. (I don’t think so, sir. I have just come from Alsace and reunited with my family there. Besides, we're here to stay here temporarily until we get to our next destination. And that's that.) “ Gabriel answered as if he made an excuse and didn’t care to elaborate further.
“ Vraiment? (Really?) “
“ Ouais. (Yeah.) “ he nodded nonchalantly and simply smiled. “ Au fait, merci pour votre temps, monsieur. Nous ferions mieux de partir et de chercher un autre endroit où loger. (By the way, thanks for your time, monsieur. We'd better get going and searching for another place to stay.) “
Gabriel gestured to his family members and headed to the other way in which they left the German soldiers. Jules, his sister, and grandparents sighed in relief when they went farther away and headed to the alley where they remained for the meantime.
“ C'était pas loin, tonton Gabie. On aurait pu se faire attraper par les Fritz! (That was close, Uncle Gabie. We might have gotten caught by the Fritz!) “ Jules sighed in relief and smiled.
“ C'est la seule façon de déjouer ces monstres. Nous ferons comme si nous ne nous soucions pas de ce qui se passe. J'aurais pu faire ça contre les Voturnites sur ma planète natale perdue. (This is the only way we can outsmart these monsters. We'll pretend like we don't even care and are unaware of what's happening. I could have done this against the Voturnites back in my lost home planet.) “ the Azurean man answered.
“ Et s'ils découvraient des choses sur vous et sur le reste d'entre nous? (What if they find out about you and the rest of us?) “ Charlotte asked with concern.
“ Je ne fais toujours confiance à personne, je ne suis même pas sûr que tes semblables puissent être un allié des nazis ou un confident de confiance. Je n'ai pas utilisé mes pouvoirs de combat et de défense depuis des jours. Je dois m'assurer que je peux agir comme un Français ordinaire, pas comme un ancien nazi issu d'une expérience spatiale. (Still trust no one, we're not even sure that your fellow humans could be an ally of the Nazis or your trusted confidant. I haven’t used my powers for combat and defense in days. I have to make sure that I can act like an ordinary Frenchman, not a former Nazi experiment from outer space.) “
“ Bien. J'espère que nous pourrons rester très vigilants ces prochains jours. Sachant qu'Hitler a visité Paris cette semaine et signé l'Armistice.(Good. I hope we can remain very vigilant these coming days. Knowing Hitler had visited Paris this week and signed the Armistice.) “ Aldèric seriously reminded.
“ Merde! “ Gabriel sternly muttered and heavily signed, facepalming to his dismay.” Cela devient tout à fait insupportable de savoir que ces maudits hommes-lézards nazis ont pris votre pays comme proie! Je me sens toujours très désolé pour votre pays et votre planète! (This is becoming utterly unbearable knowing those damned lizard men from the Nazis have taken your country as their prey! I still have been feeling very sorry for your country and your planet!) “
Colette looked at her adopted uncle and curiously tilted her head. Then, she asked, “ C'est vrai, tonton Gabie? Les nazis sont les méchants hommes-lézards venus de l'espace et ont détruit votre ancienne maison? Et puis, ils ont atterri en Allemagne? (Is this true, Uncle Gabie? The Nazis are the evil lizard men from outer space who destroyed your old home? Then, they landed in Germany?) “
Gabriel exasperatedly sighed and cringed, “ Non, Colette! Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire! Je les ai juste comparés aux envahisseurs Voturnites! (No, Colette! That's not what I meant! I've just compared them to the invading Voturnites!) “
“ Silence tout le monde! Ces hommes en gris pouvaient nous entendre! (Quiet everyone! Those men in grey could hear us!) “ Aldèric lowly spoke and shushed the rest of the family. Then, he turned to the Azurean man and said, “ Gabriel, j'ai besoin de ton aide pour trouver un endroit où passer la nuit et quelque chose à manger ou à boire. Nous ne pouvons pas rester ici plus longtemps, car ils pourraient encore être à nos trousses, toi et le reste d'entre nous. Ne parle pas en allemand et n'utilise pas tes super pouvoirs. (Gabriel, I need your help to find a place to stay overnight and get something to eat or drink. We can’t stay here any longer, since they might be still after you and the rest of us. Don't speak in German or use your superpowers.) “
“ Oui, papa. Je le ferai. Voyons ce que je peux faire pour trouver un logement temporaire et me procurer de la nourriture. (Yes, Papa. I will. Let's see what I can do to find a temporary home and get some food.) “ the pink skinned Azurean man nodded at his adopted father.
[Moments Later]
Walking around the streets and looking for an inn and some food, Gabriel couldn’t bear to eye some men dressed in grey suits who marched and roamed around. He never dared to speak to anyone in German when he searched for an inn and food for his family. Everywhere he went, the place was fully occupied by soldiers as the locals were very bothered to confront anyone from the Nazis.
Just then, he ended up at a cafe where the patrons were mostly French.The establishment remained business as usual despite the country’s on-going tensions. The pink skinned humanoid alien sighed in relief that there were no traces of those bastards and fools he had encountered before. Suddenly, he was approached by a middle-aged blonde woman wearing a green dress and an apron. She looked concerned at the newcomer who kept staring at the place.
“ Bonjour monsieur? Tout va bien? Comment puis-je vous aider? (Hello, sir? Are you okay? How can I help you?) “ she called his attention.
Gabriel snapped back into his senses and heard the woman’s question. He curiously looked at her and secretly read her mind. She cocked her eyebrows, glared at him, and crossed her arms.
“ Tu vas juste me regarder comme ça? (Are you just gonna stare at me like that?) “ she sternly asked.
“ Je suis désolée, madame. Je reviens d'Alsace avec ma famille. Nous cherchons une auberge où nous pourrions passer la nuit avant de quitter la ville pour le sud de la France. Pouvez-vous m'aider? (I'm sorry, ma'am. I have just come from Alsace with my family. We are looking for an inn where we could stay for tonight before leaving the city to Southern France. Do you mind if you could help me?) “ the Azurean man politely responded.
“ Alors, tu cherches un endroit où loger?! Tu ne sais pas que cet endroit est infesté par ces maudits Fritz?! Si j'étais toi, tu ferais mieux de partir d'ici. (So, you're looking for a place to stay?! Aren't you aware that this place is plagued by those damned Fritz?! If I were you, you'd better get out of here.) “ the lady owner roughly spat and suspiciously eyed him.
“ J'ai cherché partout pendant des minutes et personne ne m'a aidé. Ils ont refusé de laisser entrer les voyageurs. S'il vous plaît, madame, ma famille et moi avions besoin d'un endroit où loger avant de partir. (I have been looking everywhere for minutes and no one helped me. They refused to let any travellers here. Please ma'am, my family and I need a place to stay before we leave.) “
“ Nous ne gérons pas d'association caritative ici! Ai-je mentionné que je devais quitter cet endroit?! (We don't run a charity here! Did I mention leaving this place?!) “ she angrily spat and picked up a broom which she was ready to swat at the alien man.
“ Madame... s'il vous plaît, je n'ai aucune intention de vous blesser…(Ma'am...please I don't have any intention to hurt you…) “ Gabriel reasoned.
“ Je ne sais pas vraiment qui vous êtes, monsieur! Ne me dites pas que vous êtes un espion nazi ou un foutu collaborateur! (I don't really know who you are, sir! Don't tell me that you are a Nazi spy or a damn collaborator!) “
The local patrons turned their attention to the increasing tensions between the bearded man and the woman. They murmured and eyed at the conversation. Suddenly, Alderic, Charlotte, Jules, and Colette followed and arrived while they stood behind their adoptive family member. Gabriel paused and turned his attention to them. The woman crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrows as she mercilessly looked at Gabriel's new family on Earth.
“ Je m'excuse si mon fils vous a dérangé. Je lui ai demandé où loger, mais il semble que vous ayez laissé vos clients voir ce charabia inutile. Nous ferions mieux de partir. (My apologies that my son has bothered you. I asked him for a place to stay, but it seems like you have let your customers see this unnecessary rigmarole. We'd better leave.) “ Alderic calmly spoke as Gabriel heavily sighed.
“ Mais c'est là que je veux en venir ! C'est un café, pas une institution pour les sans-abri! (But my point stands here! This is a cafe not an institution for the homeless!)” the lady waitress angrily responded and indignantly pointed her broom at the family.
“ Éloïse, ça suffit! (Eloise, that's enough!) “ a man’s voice seriously echoed.
Gabriel and his family turned their attention to the middle aged balding man who heavily sighed and felt ashamed of everyone for his wife’s sudden rage.
“ Mes excuses à ma femme, elle est comme ça depuis que les Allemands sont arrivés dans cette ville. (My apologies to my wife, she has been like this ever since the Germans arrived in this town.) “ he humbly said to the family.
“ C'est bon. Je sais d'où elle vient, monsieur. Ont-ils essayé de vous faire du mal à tous? (It's okay. I know what she's coming from, monsieur. Did they try to harm you all?) “ Gabriel asked with concern and sincerely read their minds . “ Sont-ils responsables de la capture ou de la mort de votre fils dans cette guerre? (Are they responsible for the capture or death of your son in that war?) “
The husband and wife exchanged glances and seemed to be troubled with the pink skinned humanoid alien’s question. Alderic was anxious for his adoptive son since he didn’t want to cause another trouble. Charlotte turned to her spouse and gave her a convincing look which he didn’t need to intervene. The other spouses were contemplating to answer.
“ Écoutez, je suis désolé si je vous dérange tous. Je sais que vous êtes durs et que vous vouliez vous venger de ces ennemis. (Look, I'm sorry if I bother you all. I know you're harsh and wanted to get even with those enemies.) “
“ Comment en avez-vous eu connaissance? (How did you know of this?) “ Eloise asked with suspicion.
Gabriel looked at his adopted parents and said, “ Les Fritz avaient mon frère comme prisonnier de guerre. Maintenant, j'aide mes parents, mon neveu et ma nièce.(The Fritz had my brother as a prisoner of war. Now, I'm helping my parents, nephew, and niece.) “
The couple exchanged glances and saw the other elderly ones as they nodded. Eloise’s husband nodded and calmly said, “ Je suppose que nous devons tous parler. Vous pouvez rester comme vous le souhaitez. Nous craignons que les Fritz visitent cet endroit. (I guess we all need to talk. You can stay as you want to. We are worried that the Fritz will be visiting this place.) “
Alderic and Charlotte sighed in relief when the two children instantly hugged their uncle thanking him for finding a temporary shelter. The humanoid alien gently rubbed their heads.
[Several Hours Later]
As Jules and Colette ate their supper and went to sleep in the rooms, Alderic, Charlotte, and Gabriel kept discussing with Eloise and Adrien Corbin who owned the cafe and grocery. The pink skinned Azurean man learned of the disastrous outcome of the Battle of France and the Nazi Germans’ ruthless tactics and invasion of Northern France for more than a month.
“ Donc, ils ont marché dans un autre pays avant de devenir fous furieux, j'ai compris? (So they marched to another country before going berserk, I took it?) “ the pink skinned alien curiously asked.
“ Tu peux même dire ça, Gabriel. Vos parents étaient toujours inquiets pour votre frère qui s'est également enrôlé dans l'armée avant que les Allemands nazis ne causent tant de ravages en Belgique et dans certaines régions de notre pays. (You can even say that, Gabriel. Your parents were still worried for your brother who also enlisted in the Army before the Nazi Germans caused so much havoc around Belgium and some parts of our country.) “ Adrien answered and finished wiping the counter.
“ Il nous faudra beaucoup de temps pour parvenir à la paix et attendre que ces salauds s’en aillent. Nous pourrions nous attendre à ce que nos fils soient morts ou emprisonnés. (It will take a very long time for us to attain peace and wait for those bastards to go away. We might expect that our sons will be both dead or imprisoned.) “ Eloise sadly spoke.
Gabriel recalled what his captors had done to him when he was in Berlin. He had heard some of the soldiers of an all out invasion around Europe which he would have been involved as their killing machine. Charlotte noticed her adopted son’s deep silence and gently rubbed his back.
“ Y a-t-il quelque chose, mon fils? (Is there something, son?) “ she asked with concern.
“ Rien, maman. C'est juste que cette guerre est trop difficile à gérer pour nous. (Nothing, mama. It's just that this war is too much for us to handle.) “ Gabriel calmly broke his silence and heavily sighed.
“ En effet, cela a été le cas. Les Fritz ont causé tellement de dégâts et de morts de notre côté. (Indeed, it has been. The Fritz have caused so much damage and deaths on our end.) “ Adrien remarked and finished his chore, grabbing a bottle of red wine and five glasses and serving them.
“ Je peux vous sentir tous, mes amis. J'ai participé à la bataille de Verdun il y a de nombreuses années. Nous avons gagné, mais maintenant nous avons perdu.(I can feel you all, my friends. I used to be in the Battle of Verdun many years ago. We won, but now we lost.) “ Alderic sadly answered.
“ Nous nous sommes rendus aux Allemands grâce à ce maudit armistice. Avec ça, vous allez avoir des ennuis et vous ne pourrez pas aller à Limoges.(We have surrendered to the Germans thanks to the damned Armistice. With that, you guys will be in trouble because you won't be able to go to Limoges.) “ Eloise sternly warned and picked up her glass of wine.
Gabriel and his adoptive parents shared glances as they couldn’t believe in what they heard. The Corbins looked at the Lumieres with concern.
“ Ce n'est pas bien! Comment allons-nous trouver un autre endroit sans ces salauds?! (This ain't right! How are we going to find another place without those bastards?!) “ Gabriel exclaimed in disbelief, controlling himself not to release his cosmic energy from his hands.
“ Gabriel, on comprend d'où tu viens, mais on n'a pas le choix puisqu'ils commencent à diriger ce pays. (Gabriel, we understand what you're coming from, but we have no choice since they are starting to run this country.) “ Alderic calmly spoke and sighed. Then, he took a sip of wine while holding his glass.
“ Pour le bien de la planète Terre, ce pays est comme un être anormal confiné et soumis à certaines expérimentations. (For Planet Earth's sake, this country is like a contained anomalous being and subjected to some experimentation.) “ the Azurean angrily mumbled and picked his share of red wine, instantly drinking it and emptying his glass.
“ Gabriel, de quoi tu parles?! (Gabriel, what on Earth are you talking about?!) “ his adoptive mother asked as she found her adoptive son’s words very ridiculous to hear.
“ Rien, maman. Je déteste vraiment les nazis.(Nothing, mother. I really hate the Nazis.)”
“ Votre fils a effectivement raison, Charlotte. (Your son is indeed right, Charlotte.) “ Eloise nodded in agreement and took a sip from the wine. Then, she turned to the Azurean and asked, “ Il semble que tu aies été curieux et intelligent, Gabriel. Je suis désolé si je suis devenu trop dur plus tôt. (It seems like you have been a curious and an intelligent one, Gabriel. I'm sorry if I became too harsh earlier.) “
“ Vous êtes pardonné, Madame Corbin. (You're forgiven, Madame Corbin.) “
“ La faute à Philippe Pétain et Adolf Hitler! Ce sont des leaders bons à rien! Préparez-vous aux malheurs à venir! (Blame Philippe Pétain and Adolf Hitler! They are good for nothing leaders! Brace yourselves for the misfortunes ahead!) “ Adrien finished drinking his wine.
“ Au fait, nous devons vraiment vous prévenir à propos du Fritz. Ils recherchaient un homme dangereux venu des étoiles. Je ne sais vraiment pas ce que cela signifie. Ils veulent que la créature soit vivante avant de l'exécuter. Il y a une récompense en espèces. (By the way, we really need to warn you about the Fritz. They have been looking for a dangerous man from the stars. I really don't know what it means. They want the creature alive before they execute him. There's a cash reward.) “ Eloise reminded and showed the wanted poster paper to the Lumieres.
Alderic, Charlotte, and Gabriel intently looked at the poster. It was a monochromatic image of the humanoid alien man with silvery white hair. Gabriel seemed to be alarmed and noticed his old name, Neriah Azhar or NZDTLD-939 which was written on the paper. There was a cash reward of 20,000.00 Francs which it would be given by the government along with the Nazis. His adoptive parents anxiously looked at their son with concern and felt worried for his safety. The Corbins grew perturbed and waited for their long silence.
“ Est-ce que vous allez bien les gars? (Are you guys alright?) “ Adrien asked with concern.
“ Écoutez, c'est juste qu'on a trouvé ça dérangeant. Comme les Allemands recherchent également quelqu’un qui s’est échappé de leur territoire. Il doit y avoir une raison pour laquelle ils ont dû tuer un homme innocent qui n'était pas de ce monde.(Look, it's just that we found this disturbing. Like the Germans are also looking for someone who escaped from their turf. There's gotta be a reason why they have to kill an innocent man not from this world.) “ the elderly woman answered seriously, making sure Gabriel’s true identity would not be disclosed to anyone.
“ Nous trouvons vraiment cela absurde. Je veux dire, qu'est-ce qu'ils veulent vraiment avec cet homme? (We really find this absurd. I mean what on Earth do they really want with this man?) “ her spouse sternly chimed in.
“ Écoutez, nous ne participerons pas à la recherche de cet extraterrestre venu de l'espace. Nous allons juste nous assurer que vous êtes tous en sécurité avant de planifier les endroits où vous pourrez vivre.(Look, we won't be involved in finding this alien man from outer space. We're just gonna make sure you are all safe before we plan those places where you can live.) “ Eloise assuringly replied and emptied her glass of wine.
Suddenly, the conversation was halted when a group of Nazi German soldiers parked in front of the cafe. Gabriel was very alarmed and looked at his parents, the cafe owners, and the sleeping children. He seemed to be contemplating using his super powers as he wanted to protect them at all cost. Suddenly, they all heard the grey suited men speaking in strong accents. The Azurean man understood what they meant and thought of becoming their interpreter. He took breaths to pacify himself and deeply composed his thoughts before he could speak up.
The soldiers entered the establishment and glared at the five people. Alderic and Charlotte gave their adopted son an implying look and reminding him not to speak German. The Azurean man nodded and sighed as he had no choice, but to communicate with them in French. Hauptmann Markus Koenig gestured to his men and heatedly eyed at the people.
“ Tu n'es pas censé fermer plus tôt ce soir? (Aren't you supposed to close earlier tonight?) “ Koenig asked indignantly.
“ Monsieur, je suis vraiment désolé. Nous ne sommes même pas au courant des couvre-feux. Le café ferme vers 22 heures. (Sir, I'm really sorry. We're not even aware about curfews. The cafe closes around 10 pm.) “ Adrien answered humbly.
“ Pourtant, il est déjà 22h30, monsieur. Je suppose que nous allons vous forcer à fermer cet établissement. (Yet, it's already 10:30 pm, sir. I guess we will force you to shut down this establishment.) “
The blonde German picked his pistol and pointed at the owners as the Corbins were threatened and hugging each other. Alderic and Charlotte were both terrified with the situation as Gabriel implying looked at them before he could confront them.
“ Monsieur, s'il vous plaît. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être hostile avec eux. Nous nous excusons pour cette affaire. S'il vous plaît, posez votre arme. (Monsieur, please. You don't need to be hostile with them. We apologise for this matter. Please put the gun down.) “ the Azurean man calmly spoke.
“ On s'est rencontré plus tôt, Alsacien? (Did we meet earlier, man from Alsace?) “ Koenig sternly asked before he could point his gun at him.
“ Je pense que oui, monsieur. Mais je vous demande vraiment de ne pas tirer sur ces gens. (I think so, sir. But I'm really asking you not to shoot these people.) “
“ Essayez-vous de me défier?! (Are you trying to defy me?!) “
“ Non, monsieur. Je demande de poser l'arme. (No, sir. I'm asking to put the gun down.) “ Gabriel firmly spoke and intently eyed the officer.
Koenig pointed his gun at the pink skinned alien man and signalled his subordinates to prepare themselves in executing the group of people. Then, he shot a glare at the Azurean and asked, “ Warum kommst du dir eigentlich so bekannt vor?! (Why do you really look so familiar?!) “
“ Gabriel! Ne le faites pas! (Gabriel! Don't!) “ his adopted parents cried in unison.
“ Je jure que je ne sais vraiment pas qui tu es et je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles! (I swear I really don't know who you are and don't know what you're talking about!) “ Gabriel angrily spat.
The blonde Hauptmann was about to pull the trigger when the pink skinned Azurean man instantly grabbed the weapon from his adversary, giving him a powerful jab on the cheeks and breaking his jaw. Koenig instantly fell down on the ground as three of his teeth fell down from his mouth. He was yelling in a loud excruciating pain. His subordinates turned their attention to the Azurean man who readied himself to fight. They were ready to shoot him down.
Recalling the day when the French military police shot him and controlling himself not to use his superpowers, Gabriel thought of doing hand-to-hand combat which he learned back in his Azurean Army days. He instantly grabbed the gun of the first soldier and gave his opponent a mighty blow on his gut. Like Koenig, he also fell down on the floor. The other remaining soldiers decided to shoot the four people. Gabriel effortlessly carried the injured soldier and instantly threw him to his subordinates which they all fell and failed to shoot the elderly couple and the restaurant owners. Then, he brushed his both hands as if he was removing dirt from.
“ Là, ça devrait faire l'affaire. (There, that should do the trick.) “ the pink skinned alien man nonchalantly spoke.
“ Wir sind hier noch nicht fertig…Azhar! (We're not done here…Azhar!) “ Koenig growled as if he had trouble speaking. Then, he picked up another gun. “ Ich weiß, dass du es wirklich warst! Deine grünen Augen und dein Gesicht passten zu Oberst Fetzer! Wenn du es wagst, dich zu wehren, drücke ich die Waffe ab, während die Kugel deinen verdammten Kopf durchbohrt! (I know it was really you! Your green eyes and face matched Oberst Fetzer! If you dare to fight back, I will trigger the gun as the bullet will pierce your damn head!) “
The Corbins were surprised to hear about what the German Army captain had said. Alderic and Charlotte exchanged glances and anxiously looked at their son. They didn’t want to disclose the pink skinned man’s true identity as an alien and looked at the other couple since they were worried that their son would be shot. The other spouses knew what to do and nodded back at them. Then, they headed to the kitchen.
Koenig was about to pull the trigger on the Azurean man. He tried to click and check the bullets as he found it was empty. He couldn’t shoot the former Nazi experimentee as he angrily mumbled.
“ Scheiße! Das ist nicht das, was ich erwarte! (Shit! This is not what I am expecting!) “ he heatedly spoke.
Gabriel helplessly watched him and exasperatedly responded in French, facepalming and becoming disappointed, “ Je t'ai dit de poser ton arme plus tôt. Bon sang, tu ne m'as jamais écouté! Qu'est-ce que tu es, un idiot?! (I told you to put the gun down earlier. Goodness, you never listened to me! What are you, an idiot?!) “
“ Wagen Sie es nicht, eine verdammte Lichtshow zu machen und die Fahrzeuge explodieren zu lassen! Meine anderen Untergebenen haben mich über Ihre früheren Taten in Straßburg informiert! (Don't you dare to do a damn light show and explode the vehicles! My other subordinates reported to me of your previous acts back in Strasbourg!) “ Koenig sternly spoke.
“ Combien de fois je t'ai dit que je ne savais pas de quoi tu parlais?! (How many times have I told you I don't know what you're talking about?!) “
“ Stell dich nicht dumm, Azhar! Ich bin noch nicht einmal fertig mit dir, bevor du nach Auschwitz gebracht wirst! (Don't play dumb, Azhar! I'm not even finished with you before you are being brought to Auschwitz!) “
Koenig readied himself to fight back as Gabriel clenched and ignited his both hands with bluish white light to stun him. He was too triggered as he wanted to fight back. Alderic and Charlotte were worried that their adopted son was getting too serious.
“ Neriah Azhar oder NZDTLD-939 existiert auf diesem Planeten nicht mehr! Der Name ist Gabriel David Lumiere. Ich bin übrigens nur ein Bauer aus dem Elsass und lebe mit meiner Familie! Und jetzt geh mir aus den Augen, bevor ich dir weh tue! (Neriah Azhar or NZDTLD-939 is no longer existent on this planet! The name's Gabriel David Lumiere. By the way, I'm just a farmer from Alsace and living with my family! Now, get out of my sight before I hurt you!) “ he heatedly spat in German.
“ Verdammt! (Damn you!) ”
Gabriel and Koenig were about to do a stand-off when the Corbins instantly rushed to the scene. Eloise held a hot frying pan and hit the Hauptmann as he loudly yelled in pain. Then, Adrien picked up his shotgun before he could pull the trigger. The other injured soldiers were about to shoot the five people when Gabriel threatened them by showing his radiant cosmic energy. The rest of them left the cafe as Koenig slowly stood up and managed to escape with them.
The pink skinned Azurean man heavily sighed and humbly bowed his head, “ Je suis désolé pour tout le monde d'avoir causé tant de problèmes ici. Je pense que je devrais…(I'm sorry everyone I brought so much trouble here. I think I should…) “
“ Non, vous nous avez évité de nous faire tirer dessus par ces foutus costumes gris! Tu es un homme tellement fort et courageux! (No, you saved us from being shot by those damned grey suits! You're such a strong and brave man!) “ Adrien happily complimented.
“ Vous méritez vraiment de vivre au café jusqu'à demain! Vous pouvez prendre la nourriture avant de partir! (You truly deserve living in the cafe until tomorrow! You can have the food before you leave!) “ Eloise cheerfully added.
“ Maman, Papa, qu'en penses-tu? (Mama, Papa, what do you think?) “ Gabriel asked.
“ Eh bien, nous pouvons rester ici, mais ces Fritz vous poursuivent toujours. Nous sommes toujours préoccupés par votre sécurité ainsi que celle des petits-enfants.
(Well, we can stay here, but those Fritz are still hunting you. We are still concerned with your safety as well as the grandchildren.) “ Alderic said to his adopted son.
“ Je vous demande pardon. Votre fils a été pourchassé par eux? Était-il un ancien militaire? (I beg your pardon. Your son has been hunted by them? Was he a former soldier?) “ Eloise asked with concern.
“ Pouvez-vous garder un secret pour vous deux? (Can you two keep a secret?) “ Charlotte mused.
“ Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is it?) “ Adrien queried curiously.
Gabriel looked at his adoptive parents and gave them a simple nod, implying to them to disclose his true identity. Aldèric and Charlotte nodded back and huddled with the other couple. The conversation became very serious and shocking as the Corbins were in disbelief at the verbal revelation. At first, they found it a laughing matter. The pink skinned Azurean man returned to his seat and waited for them to finish. He decided to transform back into his true form as a blue skinned humanoid alien with pointed ears and silvery white hair. With the snap of his fingers, he reverted back to his Azurean form. Around thirty minutes later, the other couple finished their conversation and gasped in shock to see a blue skinned man dressed in normal Frenchman casual clothes.
“ Que diable?! Est-ce vraiment votre fils adoptif?! (What the Hell?! Is this really your adopted son?! ) “
Gabriel simply smiled and casually replied at them, greeting them with the Azurean peace sign; his three fingers sticking close while his pinky and thumb were a bit farther away from them, “ Salutations, je suis venu en paix sur cette autre planète déchirée par la guerre ! Ne vous inquiétez pas, M. et Mme Corbin. Je ne te ferai pas de mal ! Je veux seulement combattre les nazis qui m'ont retenu pendant un an après mon atterrissage accidentel en Allemagne.(Greetings, I have come in peace to this other wartorn planet! Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Corbin. I won't hurt you! I only want to fight back the Nazis who contained me for a year after I accidentally landed in Germany.)”
“ Vous n'êtes vraiment pas d'ici, mais vous savez vraiment parler français et allemand. (You're really not from here, but you could really speak in French and German.) “ Eloise remarked and smiled. “ La façon dont vous agissez et parlez est plus humaine que celle d’un extraterrestre ou d’une expérience nazie! (The way you act and speak is more human than being a space alien or a Nazi experiment!) “
Gabriel snapped his fingers and reverted back to his pink skinned form. He nodded and sincerely smiled back, “ Merci, Mme Corbin. Je suis ici sur Terre depuis plus d'un an et j'ai beaucoup appris de vos langues, de votre culture et de votre histoire. Votre espèce est très intéressante car je peux voir votre humour, votre gentillesse, votre patience, votre résilience et votre force malgré la guerre. Je veux juste vivre en paix parmi vous, protéger les gens et empêcher le même sort que celui qui s'est produit dans ma maison perdue. (Thank you, Mrs. Corbin. I have been here on Earth for more than a year and learning a lot from your languages, culture, and history. Your species are very interesting as I can see your humor, kindness, patience, resilience, and strength despite the war. I just only want to live peacefully among you, protect the people, and prevent the same fate that happened from my lost home.) “
“ Alors, vous avez perdu votre maison? (So, you lost your home?) “ Adrien added.
Aldèric and Charlotte stood beside their adopted son as Gabriel was pleased. Then, he replied, “ La Terre est ma nouvelle maison désormais. J'ai trouvé une nouvelle famille grâce aux Lumières car je me considérais comme un humain comme toi. (Earth is my new home now. I found a new family through the Lumières as I considered myself as a human like you.) “
“ Nous pouvons voir d'où tu viens, Gabriel. Nous veillons à ne mentionner à personne que vous êtes un extraterrestre vivant avec nous. Pour l'instant, nous allons vous aider à trouver une ville sûre puisque vous ne pouvez pas voyager dans la zone libre. (We can see what you're coming from, Gabriel. We're making sure that we won't mention to anyone that you're an alien living with us. For now, we will help you find a safe town or city since you can't travel to the Free zone.) “
“ Que veux-tu dire? (What do you mean?) “
Eloise turned to her spouse as Adrien nodded. He picked up the map and a pencil when he had spread out on the table. The elderly Lumière spouses looked carefully and studied it. The balding restaurant owner drew some dashes of lines separating the German Occupied zone and the Free Zone.
“ C'est la conséquence du deuxième armistice de Compiègne. Les Allemands seront responsables des entrées et sorties des personnes, y compris du blé et de la nourriture. Mais quand vous allez à Limoges, j'ai bien peur que vous ayez tous besoin de quelques papiers ou d'une carte avant de traverser la Zone Franche. Ce sera très dur pour vous d'y aller. (This is the result of the Second Armistice at Compiègne. The Germans will be in-charge with the in and out of people including wheat and food. But when you go to Limoges, I'm afraid you all need some paperwork or a card before crossing the Free Zone. It will be very tough for you to go there.) “ the balding man explained.
“ Et maintenant? (So what now?) “ Charlotte queried.
Adien kept marking some points which he could suggest. Then, he said to the Lumières, “ Je vous donne maintenant les endroits possibles où vous pourrez vivre pendant un certain temps. Assurez-vous que le reste d’entre vous évite tout contact avec les Allemands ou même avec les collaborateurs. Faites simplement l'idiot comme Gabriel l'a fait. (I'm giving you now the possible places where you can live for a while. Make sure that the rest of you avoid any contacts with the Germans or even the collaborators. Just play dumb as Gabriel has been doing.) ”
Battle of France:
Philippe Pétain:
Adolf Hitler:
Armistice of 22 June 1940:
French Demarcation Line:
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