Chapter 10
[Underground Nazi Facility, Wilmersdorf, Berlin: 10th of January 1940, 10:27 AM]
The blonde officer, Hauptmann Markus Koenig, was picking up a centuries old blue book from the Late Oberst Fetzer's office. He picked up from the bookshelves and started inspecting the pages and the pictures. He focusedly read the story when he saw a blue humanoid alien who landed on a very distant town and was captured by some mad villagers. Koenig grew intrigued and reminded him of NZDTLD-939 which he continued reading.
In the middle part of the story, the terrified blue alien escaped from the villagers and headed to a very far away kingdom where he saw a giant dragon attacking the town residents. The main character decided to save the people and fought against the powerful winged beast, ending up slaying it.
Koenig turned to the other page when he intently read the next part. He looked at the Blue Alien confronting his captors and defending his new friends from them. The king had heard the news of the heroic starman and invited him to the castle. The blue alien was very pleased and honored to serve the king and his army as he was knighted.
The blonde Hauptmann quickly closed the book and speculated that the story's extraterrestrial hero and Neriah Azhar could be very similar. He wondered if the tale could be true. Suddenly, a loud knock on the door was heard when Koenig opened it. The male newcomer in his late thirties was revealed to be a taller man than Fetzer. His stern face matched his icy cold blue irises in his eyes. He removed his hat and revealed his greyish-white hair. Koenig greeted him with a salute as the newly high ranking officer nonchalantly smiled.
" Guten Morgen, Sir. Sie müssen der neue Oberst sein. (Good morning, sir. You must be the new Oberst.) " the Hauptmann formally greeted.
" Du schuldest mir was, Koenig.Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, dass wir über die Bezahlung für all die Fehler sprechen, die Fetzer gemacht hat. (You owe me, Koenig. I think it's time we discussed payment from all the failures which Fetzer made.) " the new high ranking officer seriously replied and shot a glare.
Koenig dubiously raised his eyebrows as if he was too clueless of the situation before he could speak up. Then, he asked with concern, " Was meinen Sie, Oberst Von Krieger? (What do you mean, Colonel Von Krieger?) "
Oberst Metus Ernst Von Krieger widened his smile and snickered. Then, he loudly laughed and slapped his stomach. Koenig was still staring and waiting for him to cease his laughter. Von Krieger grew tired of yelping and nonchalantly said, " Du verstehst keinen Spaß, oder?! (You can't take a joke, can you?!) "
" Willst du meinen ehemaligen Vorgesetzten beleidigen? (Are you dissing my former superior?) " Koenig seriously asked becoming annoyed.
" Fetzer? Bitte. Der Kerl könnte seine Armee nicht an die Front gegen die Polen und die Russen führen. Und ich werde nicht mit ihm zusammenarbeiten, was bedeutet, dass dieser nutzlose Bunker als deine letzte Legion in Stücke gerissen wird. Nein, ich dachte eher daran, dass ... ich seine Spielsachen und Haustiere hier übernehme. (Fetzer? Please. The guy couldn't lead his army to the frontlines against the Poles and the Russians. And I won't work with him, meaning this useless bunker as your last legion to bits. No, I was thinking more of ... me taking over his toys and pets here.) " Von Krieger casually responded.
" Das heißt also, Sie werden alle Experimente hier, einschließlich der Stuttgarter Themen, in die tatsächliche Front bringen? (So, that means you will bring all the experiments here including the Stuttgart subjects into the actual frontlines?) "
" Genau richtig, Hauptmann Koenig. (Spot on, Hauptmann Koenig.) " the new Oberst smiled and leaned comfortably on the leather office chair. " Der Führer hat mir die Genehmigung erteilt, sie als Teil des Heeres der Wehrmacht einzusetzen. Sie werden bald unsere Feinde angreifen, darunter die Juden, die Polen und die Russen. (The Fuhrer has given me an approval to use them as part of the Wehrmacht Heer. They will soon strike our enemies including the Jews, the Poles, and the Russians.) "
" Was ist mit dem Projekt Der blaue Todesengel? Das Thema ist noch nicht geklärt, da wir seinen Aufenthaltsort noch immer untersuchen. (What about the Blue Angel of Death Project? The subject has been at large as we still investigate his whereabouts.) "
" Dieser mächtige blaue Bastard von den Sternen war also entkommen. Dennoch hörte ich von Fetzers Tod nach NZDTLD-939s aufrührerischer Flucht. Ich vermutete, dass er Fetzer ermordet und sogar sein Aussehen ausgenutzt hatte, da Ihre Untergebenen ihn mit einem anderen nutzlosen Heeresdeserteurer im Haus Vaterland gesehen hatten. Vielleicht möchten Sie dem blauen Bastard das Leben nehmen, indem Sie ihn zusammen mit seinen erbärmlichen Freunden nach Auschwitz bringen. (So that powerful blue bastard from the stars had escaped. Yet, I heard of Fetzer's demise after NZDTLD-939's riotus escape. I suspected he had murdered Fetzer and even used his appearance as your subordinates had seen him with another useless Heer deserter in Haus Vaterland. You might wanna take down the Blue Bastard's life by bringing him to Auschwitz along with his pitiful friends.) " Von Krieger ordered.
" Sie meinen die Kaserne für Kriegsgefangene in Polen, mein Oberst? (You mean that army barracks in Poland for the Prisoner of War, mein Oberst?) "
" Ja, finden Sie Wege, diesen sinnlosen Außerirdischen einzufangen und lassen Sie ihn dort sterben. (Yes, find ways to capture that futile space alien and let him die there.) "
Koenig crossed his arms and grew dubious of the new Oberst's response. Then, he said, " Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob er so schnell sterben könnte. Unsere Wissenschaftler haben Tests mit ihm durchgeführt. Ich glaube, er könnte die Erfüllung des Mythos vom Blauen Engel der Sterne sein. (I'm not sure if he could die that quickly. Our scientists made tests about the subject. I believe that he could be the fulfillment of that myth about the Blue Angel from the Stars.) "
" Was zur Hölle meinst du?! (What the hell do you mean?!) "
Koenig handed him the files of NZDTLD-939 and the Tale of the Blue Angel from the Stars. Von Krieger started reading the files of the missing Nazi experiment and intently checked the scientists' findings including the Late Doctor Andrea Zeigler's psychoanalysis. Then, he also read the 14th Century myth about the heroic blue alien. The blonde Hauptmann waited for his new superior's response.
It took several minutes for him to finish some skim reading. Then, he intently looked at his subordinate and frowned. Koenig seemed to be nervous at the Oberst's daunting looks.
" Glaubst du, ich werde an diese verdammte Folklore glauben, Koenig? (Do you think I will believe in this damned folklore, Koenig?) " he sternly asked and stressed.
" Aber, mein Oberst, es könnte sein, dass Azhar der heldenhafte Blaue Engel ist, für den sich Fetzer interessierte. Deshalb hatte er diesen Außerirdischen als Waffe des Führers ausgewählt. Unsere Wissenschaftler hatten seine Stärken und Schwächen herausgefunden. Wir haben ihn zum Blauen Engel des Todes ausgebildet. (But mein Oberst, it could be a possibility that Azhar is the heroic Blue Angel which Fetzer grew interested in. That's why he had chosen that extraterrestrial to be the Fuhrer's weapon. Our scientists had found his strengths and weaknesses. We trained him to be the Blue Angel of Death.) " Koenig reasoned trying to convince him.
" Nein! " Von Krieger furiously growled and loudly banged on the table. The blonde Hauptmann nervously gulped to see his new high ranking officer's disposition.
" Was sollen wir dann mit ihm machen? Wir wissen, dass er die volle Verantwortung für den Tod von Fetzer und den anderen trägt. (Then, what should we do about him? Knowing he's fully responsible for the deaths of Fetzer and the others.) "
" Verräter wie er und die Heeresdeserteure verdienen den Tod! Deshalb müssen wir ihn gefangen nehmen und nach Auschwitz bringen, damit er zusammen mit seinen neuen Freunden sterben kann. Wir brauchen diesen verdammten blauen Alien nicht wirklich! Lasst ihn sehen, was er wirklich verdient! (Traitors like him and the Heer deserters deserve death! That's why we need to capture and bring him to Auschwitz, so he could die along with his new friends. We don't really need that damned blue alien! Let him see what he truly deserves!) "
Koenig seemed to be unnerved and realized that the new Oberst was worse than the Late Fetzer. He took out a deep sigh before he could respond. Von Krieger dimmed his eyes and waited for the subordinate's response.
" Ja, mein Oberst, wir werden die Suche nach Azhar und seine Hinrichtung in ganz Europa fortsetzen, dies jedoch mit unseren Kampagnen gegen die Polen und unsere potenziellen Feinde in Einklang bringen. (Yes, mein Oberst, we will proceed with the search and execution of Azhar around Europe, but we will align this with our campaigns against the Poles and our potential enemies.) "
" Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie ihn lebend finden, bevor wir ihn in Auschwitz hinrichten. (Make sure you find him alive before we execute him in Auschwitz.) " Von Krieger sternly spoke.
" Ja wohl. "
[Abandoned House and Farm, Outskirts of Strasbourg, Alsace Region, France, 18th of June 1940: 7:50 PM]
For the past six months, the pink skinned and bearded Azurean man had found his peace and tranquility as he started living as a farmer. He spent most of his days planting and harvesting crops and vegetables, picking up fruits from the trees, and taking care of farm animals which the French military police officers taught and trained him upon their visits. He also learned cooking from them which he grew interested in preparing meals on his own.
At first, Neriah had difficulties farming on Earth since Azurea had advanced technology and used machines for producing and harvesting food. He realized that the humans were using manual labor and tools and mentioned it was too primitive. He had no choice, but to adapt to Earth technology. Then, he had a hard time catching ducks, chickens, and pigs. Using his super speed, super strength, and flight, he was able to capture them.
Aside from farming and raising domesticated animals, he learned to communicate in French as his third Earth language. Just like his previous language learning, he was able to pick-up some words and phrases from his new friends who visited him. Then, he mentally translated them into his own language. Also, he read books in French and learned about the culture and history. He realized that Planet Azurea and France, Planet Earth had similarities and differences in politics, education, literature, and other ways of living. He hoped to see that this planet could be just like his old homeworld.
He realised that French was more nasal, melodic, and smooth sounding than German which he found too hard and strong to speak. Neriah decided to continue communicating in the new language, so he could practice more.
One of his friends from the French Military Police had given him a radio so he could listen to the French broadcasts like music and news. Then, he received newspapers from them as he could read articles of what was happening within France. From listening to the radio and reading broadsheets, he understood that the French Armed forces grew weaker than in the previous days as the Nazi German tanks kept advancing and attacking within the Maginot Line. He anxiously thought that they would be coming for him very soon.
This time, he was finished milking the cows and picking the eggs from the chickens. He entered the house and headed into the kitchen where he placed the canister of milk on the floor and the basket of eggs on the table. He turned on the radio before he could prepare for his supper. He attentively tuned in to General Charles de Gaulle's speech and sat down on his chair.
" Mais le dernier mot est-il dit? L'espérance doit-elle disparaître? La défaite est-elle définitive? Non! (But has the last word been said? Must hope disappear? Is defeat final? No!)
Croyez-moi, moi qui vous parle en connaissance de cause et vous dis que rien n'est perdu pour la France. Les mêmes moyens qui nous ont vaincus peuvent faire venir un jour la victoire. Car la France n'est pas seule ! Elle n'est pas seule ! Elle n'est pas seule! Elle a un vaste Empire derrière elle. Elle peut faire bloc avec l'Empire britannique qui tient la mer et continue la lutte. Elle peut, comme l'Angleterre, utiliser sans limites l'immense industrie des Etats-Unis. (Believe me, I speak to you with full knowledge of the facts and tell you that nothing is lost for France. The same means that overcame us can bring us to a day of victory. For France is not alone! She is not alone! She is not alone! She has a vast Empire behind her. She can align with the British Empire that holds the sea and continues the fight. She can, like England, use without limit the immense industry of United States.)
Cette guerre n'est pas limitée au territoire de notre malheureux pays. Cette guerre n'est pas tranchée par la bataille de France. Cette guerre est une guerre mondiale. Toutes les fautes, tous les retards, toutes les souffrances n'empêchent pas qu'il y a, dans l'univers, tous les moyens pour écraser un jour nos ennemis. Foudroyés aujourd'hui par la force mécanique, nous pourrons vaincre dans l'avenir par une force mécanique supérieure. Le destin du monde est là. (This war is not limited to the unfortunate territory of our country. This war is not finished by the battle of France. This war is a world wide war. All the faults, all the delays, all the suffering, do not prevent there to be, in the world, all the necessary means to one day crush our enemies. Vanquished today by mechanical force, we will be able to overcome it in the future by a superior mechanical force. The destiny of the world is here.) "
" Cela devient plus compliqué que jamais.(This is getting more complicated than ever) " Neriah anxiously said to himself. " Je ne veux pas quitter cette ferme.(I don't want to leave this farm.) "
After finishing de Gaulle's speech on the radio, he heard a loud knock from the door and opened it. It turned out to be a ginger haired military officer in his twenties. He was standing on the doorstep. Neriah didn't use his powers to read the visitor's mind. Instead, he would ask questions to him.
" Bonsoir, Alain. Qu'est-ce qui vous a amené à venir ici? (Bonsoir, Alain. What brought you to come here?) " he asked with concern.
" Bonsoir, Monsieur Azhar. Monsieur Schnee vous a demandé de quitter cette maison au plus vite. (Bonsoir, Monsieur Azhar. Monsieur Schnee asked you to leave this house as soon as possible.) " Alain answered and heavily sighed.
" Attends, ne me dis pas...(Wait, don't tell me...) "
" Ouais, tu ne veux pas te faire attraper par eux, n'est-ce pas? (Yeah, you don't want to be caught by them, do you?) "
Neriah recalled those days back in Berlin and didn't want to fall in the hands of the Nazi Germans. Then, he deeply thought of what to do and nodded, " Où dois-je aller? (Where should I go?) "
Alain picked up his map and revealed the regions. Neriah intently checked it and noticed and thought of where he could go.
" Il sera plus sûr pour toi de rester loin des Allemands dès que tu le pourras. Laisse-moi vérifier à quel endroit. (It will be safe for you to stay away from the Germans as soon as you can. Let me check which place.) " he answered and picked up a pencil to examine the map and drew a circle for the destination.
" Mais je n'ai pas encore de passeport, je n'arrive pas à décider quel nom français je vais avoir. (But I don't have a passport yet, I can't decide what French name I will have.)" the pink skinned Azurean man anxiously spoke.
" Nous allons vous donner un pseudonyme pour le moment. Votre nom sera Jean Dupont. (We'll give you an alias for now. Your name will be Jean Dupont.) " Alain answered and handed him the passport with his picture on it.
Neriah studied the passport and nodded, " Bien, ça va aider. Merci Alain. (Right, this will help. Thanks, Alain.) "
" Si j'étais toi, tu ferais mieux de rester à Limoges. S'il te plaît, ne te laisse pas imposer un couvre-feu. (You'd better stay in Limoges if I were you. Please don't let yourself under a curfew.) "
" J'ai compris. (Got it.) "
Neriah woke up early in the morning and had his breakfast. His backpack and suitcase were well-prepared and packed. He felt sorry for the animals and had let them free. He was about to grab his jacket and hat when he heard some commotion from a distance.
He could sense that the Germans had arrived, but this time they were patrolling around the streets. Then, he could sense a few people being terrorised by the same invaders.
Upon hearing and sensing this, there were images of the war torn of his old home planet flashing into his mind. The sounds of despair and doom from his fellow Azureans had resonated done by the marauding Voturnites until his series of experimentations by the Nazi scientists. This time, he wanted to fight back and defend the people in France on his new home planet as General de Gaulle had proclaimed.
Neriah immediately rushed outside of his temporary home and saw the soldiers oppressing the elderly couple and their grandchildren. They were being beaten up and dragged by the men in grey suits with Stahlheims.
" Das reicht! (That's enough!) " he loudly growled and called their attention.
The grey suited soldiers turned their attention to him. One of them was a high ranking officer who walked over the pink skinned humanoid extraterrestrial. He egotistically confronted the scarlet haired and bearded man and puffed his cigarette.
" Sie sind also einer der Heeresdeserteure, nicht wahr? (So, you're one of the Heer Deserters, aren't you?) " he sneered.
" Ich weiß nicht, wovon du redest! Du solltest aufhören, dieser Familie wehzutun, bevor dir und deinen Männern etwas passiert! (I don't know what you're talking about! You should stop hurting this family before something happens to you and your men!) " Neriah angrily spat and stood in defense.
The family overheard the conversation between the two men as they were lost in translation. They could hear the exchange of tensions in German.
" Du willst also eingebildet sein, mein Freund?! Und wenn dir die Kugel in den Kopf trifft, ja? (So, you're trying to be cocky, mein Freund?! How about if you meet the bullet on your head, ja?) " the Nazi officer picked up his pistol and pointed it at the alien man.
" Wenn Sie mich und diese Familie töten, werden Sie Ihre Existenz auf diesem Planeten zutiefst bereuen, Mensch! (If you kill me and this family, you will truly regret your existence on this planet, Human!) "
" Was glaubst du, wer du bist?! (Who do you think you are?!) "
Neriah sternly glared at the officer and radiated his both fists with bright cosmic energy. Then, he levitated a few feet above the ground and sternly answered in French, " Je suis juste un agriculteur inquiet qui veut la paix pour sa nouvelle maison! (I'm just a concerned farmer who wants peace for his new home!) "
The German soldiers had their weapons which released the bullets in a matter of seconds. Neriah quickly evaded by flying above as they couldn't shoot him. The Azurean man retaliated by releasing his radiant cosmic blasts and targeting the vehicles, making them explode into fire, smoke, and fallen debris. They also realised that their bullets were losing in this fight.
" Erschieß ihn weiter! (Keep shooting him!) " the commander yelled at his subordinates.
" Sir, wir verlieren Kugeln! (Sir, we're losing bullets!) " the other soldier replied.
" Verdammt! "
The other German soldiers were terrified to see the pink skinned Azurean man descending to the ground and clenched his fists. The others were running away from their positions.
" Ihr verdammten Feiglinge! Lauft nicht einfach weg! (You damned cowards! Don't just run away!) " the commander shrieked.
" Wer möchte mein Frühstück essen, Menschen?! Möchtest du etwas davon probieren?! (Who wants to eat my breakfast, humans?! Would you like to taste some of it?!) " Neriah sternly asked and turned to the leader. " Es scheint, als hätten Ihre Männer keinen Hunger, Herr Kommandant! Sie wollen das Hauptgericht nicht essen. Und Sie?! (It seems like your men aren't hungry, Herr Kommandant! They don't want to eat the main full course. How about you, then?!) "
" NEIN! NEIN! WAGE ES NICHT, MIR ZU NÄHERN! (NO! NO! DON'T YOU DARE TO GET NEAR ME!) " the commander spoke and shakingly pointed his gun at the vengeful extraterrestrial.
Neriah instantly grabbed the pistol with his bare hands and crushed it into pieces. The Nazi officer was panicking and thinking of running away from his opponent. Then, the pink skinned Azurean man instantly grabbed the grey suited man's collar. The high ranking official was sweating in fear and gulping.
" Hören Sie, Sie haben heute Glück, dass Sie noch leben und niemand gestorben ist! An Ihrer Stelle sollten Sie es bereuen, dieser verdammten Armee beigetreten zu sein und sich ein neues Leben zulegen! (Listen, you are lucky today that you're still alive and no one died! If I were you, you would regret joining that damned army and get a new life!) " he sternly replied and gave him an intimidating glare. " Und jetzt verschwinde von hier, bevor ich dir weh tue! (Now, get out of here before I hurt you!) "
" J-ja...wohl..."
Neriah had let the man down and watched him running away. He had let out a deep sigh and thought of taking all his belongings. The elderly couple and their grandchildren wanted to approach their saviour.
" Monsieur, nous savons que vous n'êtes pas un humain ordinaire comme nous, mais nous tenons à vous remercier de nous avoir sauvés des Fritz.(Monsieur, we know that you're not an ordinary human like us, but we would like to thank you for saving us from the Fritz.) " the elderly woman calmly spoke.
" Êtes-vous un ange du ciel, Monsieur? (Are you an angel from the heavens, Monsieur?) " the little girl chimed in curiously.
Neriah sighed heavily and turned to the family. Then, he calmly responded, " Je ne suis pas ce à quoi tu penses. Je viens d'une planète perdue très lointaine, que vous, les humains, ne pouvez pas atteindre. Ta planète est désormais ma nouvelle maison, mais la guerre en a fait un monde désastreux. (I'm not what you're thinking of. I came from a very far away lost planet where you humans can't reach. Your planet is now my new home, but the war has made it a disastrous world.) "
The family exchanged glances before they could respond. They were in disbelief as they had no idea of what he was talking about. Neriah looked at them with concern and secretly read their minds.
" Écoute, je sais que c'est trop dur à accepter. Je ressentirais la même chose si je rencontrais une personne d'une autre planète. Mais je peux faire face et faire ce que vous, les humains, faites habituellement. (Look, I know this is too hard to take in. I will feel the same way if I encounter a person from a different planet. Still, I can cope up and do what you humans usually do.) " he continued and convinced them. " Je suis arrivé ici il y a environ six mois et j'ai travaillé comme agriculteur. Vous n'avez pas à avoir peur de moi. (I just came here around six months ago and worked as a farmer. You don't need to be afraid of me.) "
" Monsieur, vous avez la force de l'ange Gabriel et le courage du roi David. Je suppose qu'il vous faut un nom.(Monsieur, you have Gabriel the angel's strength and King David's courage. I guess you need a name.) " the elderly man commented.
Neriah curiously looked at the man and tilted his head. He understood and nodded, " J'aime ces noms, monsieur. (I like those names, monsieur.) "
" Mais il te faut un nom de famille, pourquoi ne pas faire partie de notre famille? Ton nom sera Gabriel David Lumière. (But you need a last name, why not be a part of our family? Your name will be Gabriel David Lumiere.) "
" Êtes-vous sûr, mais mon vrai nom est Neriah Azhar ou Jean Dupont? (Are you sure, but my real name is Neriah Azhar or Jean Dupont?) " Neriah asked with concern.
" Ce serait mieux si nous vous appelions Gabriel David Lumière ou Oncle Gabie! (It will be better if we name you, Gabriel David Lumiere or Uncle Gabie!) " the little boy happily suggested.
" Mais nous venons juste de nous rencontrer et...(But we've just met and...) " the pink skinned alien hesitantly spoke and paused as he saw the minds and memories of the family. He sadly sighed and felt sorry for them.
" Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, tonton Gabie? (What's wrong, Uncle Gabie?) " the little girl asked with concern.
Neriah, now called Gabriel, knelt down to the children and asked sincerely, " Avez-vous perdu vos parents à la guerre? (Did you lose your parents in the war?) "
The two children sadly nodded and bowed their heads upon hearing their new uncle's question. Their grandparents decided to answer that question on their behalf.
" Gabriel, leur père, mon fils, est devenu prisonnier de guerre des Allemands nazis après avoir servi dans l'armée française lors de la bataille de France, il y a un mois. (Gabriel, their father, my son, became a prisoner of war to the Nazi Germans after serving the French Army in the Battle of France, a month ago). " the grandfather seriously explained." Ma belle-fille ou leur mère a été enlevée par les Allemands parce qu'elle est juive et emmenée à Auschwitz. Nous avons décidé de garder les enfants, mais les Fritz ont continué à nous poursuivre jusqu'à ce que nous arrivions ici. Nous avons perdu notre maison à Saint-Louis et sommes arrivés à Strasbourg avant de pouvoir prendre un taxi pour le sud de la France. (My daughter-in-law or their mother was taken by the Germans because she's a Jew and taken to Auschwitz. Now, we have decided to keep the children, but the Fritz kept chasing us until we reached here. We lost our home in Saint Louis and reached Strasbourg before we could take a ride to Southern France.) "
" Alors, tu es bloqué, n'est-ce pas? (So, you're stranded, correct?) " Gabriel queried.
" Oui, j'ai peur que les nazis nous poursuivent à nouveau à cause de ces enfants, mais nous n'avons pas de maison où vivre ici. (Oui, I'm afraid the Nazis will chase after us again for these children, but we don't have a home to live around here.) " the grandmother responded.
" Je vois. Je suis désolé de l'apprendre. Je vais quitter cette maison, car les nazis me poursuivront également. J'étais leur expérience à Berlin. Nous avons des expériences différentes, mais nous espérons trouver un meilleur foyer et un environnement paisible malgré la guerre. (I see. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be leaving this house, because the Nazis will chase after me as well. I used to be their experiment back in Berlin. We may have different experiences, but we hope to find a better home and a peaceful environment despite the war.) " the pink skinned Azurean man replied.
" Où iras-tu, oncle Gabie? (Where will you go, Uncle Gabie?) " the little girl curiously asked.
" A Limoges, la zone libre. Veux-tu venir avec moi? ( In Limoges, the unoccupied zone. Will you like to come with me?) "
The Lumière family shared glances upon hearing the question from their adopted member. It took minutes for them to decide. Gabriel waited for them to finish and crossed his arms.
" Nous avons décidé de partir avec toi, Gabriel. Tu promets de nous protéger? (We have decided to go with you, Gabriel. You promise that you protect us?) " the grandmother broke her silence.
" Oui, mais je n'ai pas demandé vos noms? (Yes, but I haven't asked your names?) " Gabriel replied.
" Mon fils, je m'appelle Aldéric Lumière. Voici ma femme, Charlotte et mes petits-enfants, Jules et Colette. (Son, my name's Aldéric Lumiere. This is my wife, Charlotte and my grandchildren, Jules and Colette.) " the elderly man answered and introduced his family.
" C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous.(It's nice to meet you all.) " the humanoid alien sincerely smiled and offered them a handshake.
Suddenly, Gabriel was surprised as the Lumiere family instantly hugged him. From this moment, he reminisced about those days when he was younger. His parents hugged him before tucking him to bed to sleep at night. Then, there were times that he enjoyed playing and joking around with his older siblings. This time, he felt the same sense of belongingness from this group of humans, so he warmly smiled and placed his arms around them. He silently wept for joy and felt even more human than being a contained Nazi experiment. Being a dedicated and relentless soldier in his lost home, the pink skinned humanoid extraterrestrial had developed his childlike innocence and love which he was experiencing.
" Tu peux nous appeler papa et maman. Puisque tu nous as sauvés des Fritz, nous t'accueillons dans notre famille, Gabriel. (You can call us papa and mama. Since you have saved us from the Fritz, we welcome you in our family, Gabriel.) " Charlotte sincerely smiled and spoke.
" Merci beaucoup, maman." Gabriel tearfully replied and smiled back.
[Within the Deep Forests, Away from Strasbourg: 9:20 PM]
Spending the evening in the forests, the Lumiere family had brought some eggs, bread, potatoes, and carrots as they ate their supper. Gabriel was sitting on a rock and humming a tune which he learned when was a child. He was looking at the countless stars lying in the cosmic void. The siblings Jules and Colette heard an unearthly and lonely tune from their adopted uncle. They approached and sat beside him.
" Tu es toujours debout, oncle Gabie? (You're still up, Uncle Gabie?) " Jules asked.
" Oui, tu n'es pas censé dormir? (Oui, aren't you supposed to sleep?) " the Azurean man smiled and curiously replied.
" Nous venons d'entendre parler de ton étrange chanson solitaire. De quoi parle-t-elle? (We just heard about a strange lonely song of yours. What's it about?) " Colette chimed in.
" C'est une berceuse que j'ai apprise quand j'étais enfant comme toi. Je l'entendais de ma mère avant de m'endormir le soir. (It's a lullaby which I learned when I was a child like you. I heard this from my mother before I got to sleep at night.) "
" Quand nous étions plus jeunes, maman nous chantait des berceuses. (Mama used to sing us some lullabies when we were younger.) " Colette recalled as she sighed.
" Elle te manquait, n'est-ce pas? (You missed her, didn't you?) " Gabriel looked at the young siblings.
" Oui, elle nous a beaucoup manqué. Toi aussi, tu as perdu ta famille? (Yes, we missed her a lot. You lost your family too?) " the raven haired girl asked curiously looking at her uncle.
" Ouais, ils sont partis après que ces hommes-lézards ont tué ma planète natale. (Yeah, they're gone after those lizard men killed my homeplanet.) "
" Nous sommes désolés de l'apprendre, tonton Gabie. Il semblerait que nous ayons la même chose à cause de la guerre. (We're sorry to hear that, Uncle Gabie. It looks like we've got the same thing because of war.) " Jules said and thought of a question. " Oncle Gabie, peux-tu nous dire où se trouvait ton ancienne maison? (Uncle Gabie, can you tell us where your old home was?) "
Gabriel pointed at the stars within the Andromeda constellation and sadly sighed. Jules and his younger sister eyed at the bright twinkling lights in the void sky. Colette tightly hugged the new uncle and father-figure along with her brother.
Gabriel slightly smiled, gently patted their heads, and genuinely said, " Je sais que vous, les enfants, vous pourrez faire de ce monde un endroit meilleur une fois la guerre terminée. Écoutez-moi et vos grands-parents, espérons que nous pourrons survivre. (I know you kids can make this world a better place once the war is over. Just listen to me and your grandparents, let's hope that we can survive.) "
The two nodded and smiled back at him. The stars watched the trees and the campers before they could sleep.
Battle of France:
Appeal of 18 June in French:
Appeal of 18 June in English:
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